μάζα όγκος

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of μάζα όγκος

ΣΙΣΛΟ ΔΡΑΣΗΡΙΟΣΗΣΑ: παίηω με τθ ηυγαριά. ΕΝΝΟΙΑ: μάηα είναι θ ποςότθτα τθσ φλθσ που ζχει ζνα ςώμα, ο χώροσ που πιάνει το ςώμα αυτό. ΔΕΞΙΟΣΗΣΕ: ςυνεργαςία, επικοινωνία, αλλθλεπίδραςθ με ςυνομθλίκουσ. ΣΟΧΟΙ: να κατανοιςουν τθν διαφορά μεταξφ όγκου και μάηασ. να πειραματιςτοφν με αντικείμενα ίδιου όγκου και διαφορετικισ μάηασ. ΕΜΠΕΙΡΙΕ: τα υλικά ςώματα ζχουν διαφορετικά χαρακτθριςτικά, όπωσ μάηα, όγκο, ςχιμα, μζγεκοσ ΣΑΕΙ: κετικι ςτάςθ απζναντι ςτθν επιςτιμθ, ερευνθτικι ςτάςθ

TITLE OF ACTIVITY: playing with the scales. MEANING: mass is the amount of matter that has a body, the space gets this body. SKILLS: cooperation, communication, interaction with peers. OBJECTIVES: To understand the difference between volume and mass. to experiment with the same volume and different mass. EXPERIENCES: material bodies have different characteristics such as mass, volume, shape, size ATTITUDES: positive attitude towards science, research station

TÍTULO DE ATIVIDADE: brincar com as escalas. SIGNIFICADO: massa é a quantidade de matéria que tem um corpo, o espaço recebe esse corpo. HABILIDADES: cooperação, comunicação, interação com os pares. OBJETIVOS: compreender a diferença entre volume e massa. a experiência com o mesmo volume e massa diferente. EXPERIÊNCIAS: corpos materiais têm características diferentes, tais como massa, volume, forma, tamanho ATITUDES: atitude positiva em relação à ciência, estação de pesquisa

δραςτθριότθτα Βάλαμε ςε ςειρά τρόφιμα ςφμφωνα με τον όγκο τουσ, και κατόπιν τα ηυγίςαμε, προςπακώντασ παράλλθλα να εντοπίςουμε τθν αναγραφόμενθ ςτθν ςυςκευαςία μάηα τουσ.

activity We put in a series of foods according to their volume, and then weighed, while trying to identify the published in packaging mass.

atividade Nós colocamos em uma série de alimentos de acordo com seu volume, e depois pesados, ao tentar identificar o publicado em embalagens de massa.