Ulrich Pinkall David Chubelaschwili

Elastic strips Ulrich Pinkall David Chubelaschwili DFG Research Center MATHEON Mathematics for key technologies May 1, 2010

Transcript of Ulrich Pinkall David Chubelaschwili

Elastic strips

Ulrich PinkallDavid Chubelaschwili

DFG Research Center MATHEON

Mathematics for key technologies

May 1, 2010

Elastic Moebius strips

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Developpable strips

. Let γ : [0, L]→ R3 be an arclength parametrized curve with Frenetframe T ,N ,B . Assume that there is a smooth functionλ : [0, L]→ R such that the curvature and torsion of γ satisfy

τ = λκ.

. Then f : [0, L]× [−ε, ε]→ R3 defined by

f (s, t) = γ(s) + t(B(s) + λT (s))

parametrizes a developpable strip of width 2ε.

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Developpable strips

. α the angle between the curveand the normal to the rulings

λ = tanα

. Photographs 1961 byW. Wunderlich

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Bending energy

. The bending energy

E =


can be expressed as

E =

∫ L


κ2(1 + λ2)2log(1 + ελ′)− log(1− ελ′)


. Wunderlich 1961

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Elastic Moebius bands

. Starostin and van der Heijden computed in2007 the Euler-Lagrange equations

. Variational complex Computer algebra

. Numerical study of energy-minimizingMoebius bands

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Infinitesimally thin bands

. In the limit ε→ 0 the curvature κ jumps from+1 to -1 at the inflection point.

. Torsion τ is continuous with value 1.

. Angle between curve and rulings jumps from45◦ to −45◦.

. Energy minimizing Moebius bands are onlyC 1.

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Infinitesimally thin bands

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Infinitesimally thin bands

. In the limit ε→ 0 the curvature κ jumps from+1 to -1 at the inflection point.

. Torsion τ is continuous with value 1.

. Angle between curve and rulings jumps from45◦ to −45◦.

. Energy minimizing Moebius bands are onlyC 1.

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Sadowski functional

. In the limit ε→ 0 the energy becomes

E =

∫ L


κ2(1 + λ2)2ds.

. Introduced by Sadowski in 1930 as

E =

∫ L


(κ2 + τ 2)2


. E has to be minimized among strips with fixed length Langrange multiplier µ in Euler-Lagrange equations.

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Euler-Lagrange equations

Computed in 2005 by Hagan, subsequently corrected by Romingerand Chubelaschwili

0 = (κ′(1 + λ2)2 + 2κ(1 + λ2)λλ′)′

2(κ2(1 + λ2)2 − µ)

+ λκ(κ2(1 + λ2)2λ + (κ′

κ(1 + λ2)2λ))′ + (1 + λ2)2λ)′′)

0 = (κ2(1 + λ2)2λ + (κ′

κ(1 + λ2)2λ)′ + ((1 + λ2)2λ)′′)′

+ κλ(κ′(1 + λ2)2 + 2κ(1 + λ2)λλ′)

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Simple examples

Planar elastic curves and helices yield elastic strips with λ = const.

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General examples

Other periodic examples can befound by numerical search(Rominger 2007).

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Conservation laws

Theorem (Chubelaschwili 2009): A strip is elastic ⇔

the force vector

b =1

2(κ2(1 + λ2)2 + µ) T

+ (κ′(1 + λ2)2 + 2κ(1 + λ2)λλ′) N

− (κ2(1 + λ2)2λ + (κ′

κ(1 + λ2)2λ)′ + ((1 + λ2)2λ)′′) B

is constant.

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Conservation laws

Theorem (Chubelaschwili 2009): For an elastic strip

the torque vector

a = 2κλ (1 + λ2) T


κ(2κλ (1 + λ2))′N

+ κ (1 + λ2) (1− λ2) B

− b× γ

is constant.

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Force-free elastic strips

. The force b and the torque a have to be applied to the end pointof the strip to keep it in equilibrium.

. They come from the boundary terms of the first variation formulaused to derive the Euler-Lagrange equations.

Definition: An elastic strip is called force-free if the force vector bvanishes.

. For force-free elastic strips the bending energy is critical even if theend point of γ is allowed to move, only the frame at the end pointis held fixed.

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Force-free elastic strips

. No condition on end point of γ variational problem for the tangent image T

. For a force-free elastic strip the Lagrange multiplier µ is positive normalize to 1 by scaling.

. We are looking for critical points of

E = 1/2

∫ L


(κ2(1 + λ2)2 + 1)ds.

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Tangent image of a strip

. For a force-free elastic strip κ does not vanish tangent image T is a regular curve in S2 of curvature λ:

T′ = +κN

N′ = −κT + κλB

T′ = −κλN

. ds = κ ds γ can be reconstructed from an arclengthparametrization of T as

γ(s) =

∫ s



κT ds.

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Variational problem for tangent image

Theorem: Let T: [0, L]→ S2 be an arclength parametrized curvewith curvature λ. Then among all strips γ : [0, L]→ R3 with tangentimage T the one given by

γ(s) =

∫ s


(1 + λ2) T ds

has minimal Sadowski functional E and

E =

∫ L


(1 + λ2) ds.

γ has curvatureκ = 1/(1 + λ)2.

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Elastic curves on S2

Corollary: The tangent images offorce-free elastic strips are elastic curvesin S2, in fact critical points of∫ L


(1 + λ2) ds.

Conversely, for any such spherical curve Tthe space curve

γ =

∫(1 + λ2) T ds

defines a force-free elastic strip.

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Closed force-free strips

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Willmore Hopf tori

. All possible adapted frames (lifted to S3)define the frame cylinder

F : [0, L]× S1 → S3

of a space curve γ.

. F is the preimage of the tangent image Tunder the Hopf map S3 → S2.

Corollary: The frame cylinder of a force-freeelastic strip is Willmore in S3.

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Momentum strips


. any arclength-parametrized spherical elastic curve B : [0, L]→ S2

without inflection points

. its unit normal T = B × B ′

. its curvature λ.


γ : [0, L]→ R3

γ =

∫(1 +



defines an elastic strip.

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Momentum strips

Momentum strips are never closed.

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Elastic strips by cut and paste

At any point γ(s) of a force-free elastic stripthe following are equivalent:

. The rulings make an angle of 45◦ with γ.

. The curvature of the tangent imagesatisfies λ(s) = 1.

. A glueing construction is possible wherethe curvature κ is discontinuous butnevertheless we still have an elastic strip inthe sense of balanced force b and torque a.

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Open questions

. Closed solutions by cut and paste?

. Stable ones?

. Moebius band?

. Other integrable classes of elastic strips?

. Maybe all elastic strips come from an integrable system?

. . .

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