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j± REACTOR COM-BINE. Ten compa­nies are pooling re­sources to establish a new firm, Indus­trial Reactor Labo­ratories, Inc. IRC, in turn, will build and operate a nu­clear research re­actor near Prince­ton, N. J. Concrete dome, resembling a giant beehive, will house reactor por­tion of the facility

^ A N A R Τ Ι S T'S TOOL. Epoxy resins -have invaded the field of art—used for; the first time in a: mural of the new! basic research labs of National Carbon^ Parma, Ohio. Artist* B u e l l M u l l e n painted the resins on stainless steel, a ma­terial she has worked with for 15 years



• MUTUAL A ID PACT. Plants along the Houston Ship Channel believe in sharing safety. Their mutual aid pact, the Channel Industries Disaster Aid Group, copes with all area disasters. Here vic­tims of Civil Defense "bombing" practice (Boy Scouts) re­ceive care. H. R. Cunningham, Ethyl Corp., was instru­mental in forming the disaster group

• A MODEL DUSTER. This model of a crop duster took several exhibit prizes at California's State Fair in Sacramento.

s-Under the dust cloud are displayed many kinds of ag chemicals used in California farming

- ^ HIGH SCORE IN AMERICANA. Giovanna Ferrara, a n Italian chemistry student, has another forte—American history. Last Tuesday her American infrerests led her through ther $16„€00 test on TV's "$64,000 Question." Here she learns some screening techniques for antibiotics from John E . McKeen, president of Chas. Pfizer. Pfizer is cosponsoring Giovarona's visit here