The Service Lifecycle

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Transcript of The Service Lifecycle

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    The Service Lifecycle

  • The Service Lifecycle Download Document V3 Foundation Course

    2009 IT Training Zone LTD ITIL is a registered trademark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries

    Print this document out and display it in your study area. Watch out for the purpose and objectives for each core volume as you complete the course!

    Service Lifecycle (based on SS Fig 1.2 The ITIL Core) Crown copyright 2008 Reproduced under license from OGC

    The Service Lifecycle

  • The Service Lifecycle Download Document V3 Foundation Course

    2009 IT Training Zone LTD ITIL is a registered trademark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries

    Service Strategy sets high level policies and objectives and defines what sorts of services are offered, and who the customers for those services are. Processes include Service Portfolio Management, Financial Management, Demand Management, Business Relationship Management and Strategy Generation. Service Design builds the services, including aspects such as hardware, software, documentation, training, and implementation. Processes include Service Catalogue Management, Supplier Management, Service Level Management, Availability Management, Capacity Management, Design Coordination and IT Service Continuity Management. Service Transition deals with the move of services from development to the live environment. Processes include Evaluation, Service Validation and Testing, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Change Management and Release and Deployment Management. Service Operation looks after the day to day management of services once they are live. Processes include Incident Management, Problem Management, Request Fulfilment, Event Management and Access Management. Continual Service Improvement deals with learning and improvement through all the elements of the life cycle. Continual Service Improvement has links to all the elements of the lifecycle.

    Continual Service Improvement

    Service Operation

    Service Design

    Service Transition

    Service Strategy