Only... Wheelco


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*11ιΜ. N E W B U L L E T I N — fully describes and i l l u s t r a t e s Wheelco Universal Controllers and other Wheelco Instruments. Write, TODAY, for your copy of Bulletin Z6100.

UNIVERSAL Temperature Controllers can give you:

1. "Electronic Principle" Control, plus 2 . Extreme accuracy of temperature measure­

ment, plus 3ο Interchangeability of all component parts,

plus 4 . Interchangeability of scale ranges, pJus 5 . Ready accessibility of all parts for individual

checking, plus 6. Setting devices which may be mounted and

locked within the instrument case a s a pre­caution against sabotage.

Wheelco UNIVERSAL Controllers include Capaci-trols, Potentio-trols, Limit rols a n d R e s i s t a n c e Therm-otrols. Wheelco UNIVERSAL Controllers have unlimited applications for indicating, measuring and con­trolling temperatures. For complete information on these instruments write for free bulletin.

851 W. HARRISON STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS OsUcfUtatal· ajj ^Clec&vwUc PbistcipJa" ^emp&uUune. Ganin&U

Only Whéûlciù

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