Multimedia, Quality of Service: Cosa è?cmp/CorsoReti/slides06/Cap7-multimedia.pdf · network audio...

7: Multimedia Networking 7-1 Multimedia, Quality of Service: Cosa è ? Multimedia applications: network audio e video (“continuous media”) network mette a disposizione applicazioni con il livello di performance necessario QoS

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7: Multimedia Networking 7-1

Multimedia, Quality of Service: Cosa è?

Multimedia applications:network audio e video(“continuous media”)

network mette adisposizione applicazionicon il livello diperformance necessario


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7: Multimedia Networking 7-2

Chapter 7: Goals

Principiρ Classificare le applicazioni multimedialiρ Identificare i servizi di rete necessari alle appsρ Realizzare “the best of best effort service”ρ Meccanismi per erogare il QoSProtocolli e Architettureρ Specifici protocols per best-effortρ Architecture per QoS

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Aplicazioni Multimediali


ρ Sensibili al delayµ end-to-end delayµ delay jitter

ρ Resistenti alla perdita dipacchetti: perditecontenute non vengonoapprezzate

ρ Antitetiche rispetto aidati, che tollerano iritardi ma non le perdite.

Classi di applicazioni MM:1) Streaming stored audio

and video2) Streaming live audio and

video3) Real-time interactive

audio and video

Jitter il ritardo variabiledei pacchetti tra di loro

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Streaming Stored Multimedia

Streaming:ρ media stored at sourceρ transmitted to clientρ streaming: il client comincia a riprodurre

prima della fine trasmissioneρ Il ritardo viene riassorbito: in tempo per

la riproduzione

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Streaming Stored Multimedia:Cosa è?

1. videorecorded

2. videosent 3. video received,

played out at client





streaming: in questo momento il client riproduce la prima parte del video, mentre il server trasmette l'ultima

networkdelay time

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Streaming Stored Multimedia Interattivo

ρ VCR-like functionality: il client può:pause, rewind, FF, ecc.µ 10 sec di ritardo inizale OKµ 1-2 sec per l'effetto del commando

è OKµ Protocollo spesso usato: RTSP

ρ timing constraint for still-to-betransmitted data: in time for playout

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Streaming Live Multimedia

Examples:ρ Internet radio talk showρ Live sporting eventStreamingρ playback bufferρ playback può attendere decine di second dopo la

trasmissioneρ Esistono tuttavia vincol sul “timing”Interactivityρ fast forward è impossibileρ Rewind e pause sono possibili!

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Interactive, Real-Time Multimedia

ρ end-end delay requirements:µ audio: < 150 msec good, < 400 msec OK

• includes application-level (packetization) and networkdelays

• Ritardi più elevati disturbano e rendono impossibileL'interattività.

ρ session initializationµ Come il chiamante segnale il suo IP address, port

number, algorithmo di compressione?

ρ applications: Voip, videoconferenza, distributedinteractive worlds

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Multimedia oggi in Internet

TCP/UDP/IP: “best-effort service”ρ Nessuna garanzia su ritardi e perdite!

Oggi le applicazioni multimediali Internet usano tecniche a livello applicativo per

attenuare al meglio gli effetti di ritardi e perdite

Ma dicemmo che le apps multimediali richiedonoQoS e performance garanite per funzionare!

?? ?? ??

? ??



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Come evolverà internet per supportare almeglio le apps multimediali?

Integrated services philosophy:ρ Modifiche fondamentali in

internet affincè le appsabbano banda end-to-endgarantita

ρ Si richiede nuovo ecomplesso sw in hosts &routers

Laissez-faireρ no major changesρ + banda quando richiestoρ content distribution,

application-layer multicastµ application layer

Differentiated servicesphilosophy:

ρ Poche modificheall'infrastruttura Internet,quindi erogazione di servizidi 1st and 2nd classe

Qual'è la tua opinione?

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Alcune nozioni sulla compressione audioρ Il segnale analogico è

campionato a rate costante:µ telephone: 8,000

samples/secµ CD music: 44,100

samples/secρ Ogni campione è “discreto”

i.e., arrotondatoµ e.g., 28=256 possible

quantized valuesρ Ogni valore quantizzato è

codificato in bitsµ 8 bits for 256 values

ρ Esempio: 8,000samples/sec, 256quantized values -->64,000 bps

ρ Il Receiver lo riconvertein segnale analogico:µ Perdita di qualità

Example ratesρ CD: 1.411 Mbpsρ MP3: 96, 128, 160 kbpsρ Internet telephony: 5.3 -

13 kbps

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Alcuni concetti sulla compressione video

ρ Il video è una sequenzadi immagini riprodotte arate costanteµ e.g. 24 images/sec

ρ L'immagine digitale è unarray di pixels

ρ Ogni pixel èrappresentata da bits

ρ Ridondanzaµ spazialeµ temporale

Esempi:ρ MPEG 1 (CD-ROM) 1.5

Mbpsρ MPEG2 (DVD) 3-6 Mbpsρ MPEG4 (often used in

Internet, < 1 Mbps)Research:ρ Layered (scalable) video

µ adapt layers to availablebandwidth

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Streaming Stored Multimedia

Tecniche a livello diApplicazione streamingper realizzare ilmeglio delof best effort service:µ client side bufferingµ use of UDP versus TCPµ multiple encodings of


ρ Rimozione del jitterρ decompressioneρ Correzione degli erroriρ graphical user interface

w/ controls forinteractivity

Media Player

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Internet multimedia: un semplice approccio

audio, video not streamed:ρ no, “pipelining,” long delays until playout!

ρ audio or video stored in fileρ files trasferiti come HTTP object

µ Ricevuti dal clientµ Quindi inoltrati al player

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Internet multimedia: streaming

ρ browser GETs metafileρ browser lancia il player, passandogli il metafileρ player contacts serverρ server streams audio/video to player

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Streaming from a streaming server

ρ Questa architettura consente il non utilizzo di HTTP traserver e media player

ρ Può inoltre utilizzare UDP invece di TCP.

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constant bit rate videotransmission








client videoreception

constant bit rate video playout at client

client playoutdelay





Streaming Multimedia: Client Buffering

ρ Client-side buffering, vengono compensati i ritardidella rete e il jitter aggingendo un adeguatoritardo che funge da buffer

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Streaming Multimedia: Client Buffering

ρ Client-side buffering, playout delay assorbe ilritardo di rete e il jitter


variable fillrate, x(t)

constant drainrate, d

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Streaming Multimedia: UDP or TCP?

UDPρ Il server spedisce ad una rate appropriata per il client

(oblivious to network congestion !)µ spesso: send rate = encoding rate = constant rateµ quindi, fill rate = constant rate - packet loss

ρ un playout delay contenuto (2-5 seconds) per compensareritardo e jitter

ρ error recover: time permitting

TCPρ Spedizione alla massima rate possibile con TCPρ La rate fluttua a causa del “TCP congestion control”ρ Necessita un ampio playout delay: annulla il TCP delivery rateρ HTTP/TCP attraversa più facilmente i firewalls

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Streaming Multimedia: client rate(s)

Q: come gestire le diverse velocità di ricezionedei client?µ 28.8 Kbps dialupµ 100Mbps Ethernet

A: il server memorizza e trasmette diversecopie del video a diverse rate.

1.5 Mbps encoding

28.8 Kbps encoding

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User Control of Streaming Media: RTSP

HTTPρ Non evidenzia contenuti

multimedialiρ Nessun comando per fast

forward, etc.RTSP: RFC 2326ρ Client-server application

layer protocol.ρ L'utente controlla la

riproduzione: rewind, fastforward, pause, resume,repositioning, etc…

Cosa non fa:

ρ Non definiscel'incapsulamento in streamingdell' audio/video sulla rete

ρ Non pone limiti al livello ditrasporto; può esseretrasportato sia con UDP orTCP

ρ Non specifica come il mediaplayer bufferizza audio/video

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RTSP: controllo “out of band”FTP usa un “out-of-band”

control channel:ρ Il file è trasferito con

connessione TCPρ Le informazioni di controllo

(directory changes, filedeletion, file renaming,etc.) sono trasferite su unaconnessione TCP separata

ρ The “out-of-band” e “in-band” channels usanoport numbers differenti.

RTSP anche i messages sonospediti out-of-band:

ρ RTSP control messagesusano differenti portnumbers dal media stream:out-of-band.µ Port 554

ρ Il media stream èconsiderato “in-band”.

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RTSP Example

Scenario:ρ I metafile comunicano via web browserρ Il browser lancia il playerρ Il player sets up una RTSP control connection, la data

connection invece verso lo streaming server

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Metafile Example<title>Twister</title><session> <group language=en lipsync> <switch> <track type=audio e="PCMU/8000/1" src = "rtsp://"> <track type=audio e="DVI4/16000/2" pt="90 DVI4/8000/1" src="rtsp://"> </switch> <track type="video/jpeg" src="rtsp://"> </group></session>

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RTSP Operation

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RTSP Exchange Example C: SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 Transport: rtp/udp; compression; port=3056; mode=PLAY

S: RTSP/1.0 200 1 OK Session 4231

C: PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 Session: 4231 Range: npt=0-

C: PAUSE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 Session: 4231 Range: npt=37

C: TEARDOWN rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 Session: 4231

S: 200 3 OK

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Chapter 7 outline

ρ 7.1 Multimedia NetworkingApplications

ρ 7.2 Streaming stored audioand video

ρ 7.3 Real-time Multimedia:Internet Phone case study

ρ 7.4 Protocols for Real-TimeInteractive Applicationsµ RTP,RTCP,SIP

ρ 7.5 Distributing Multimedia:content distributionnetworks

ρ 7.6 Beyond Best Effortρ 7.7 Scheduling and

Policing Mechanismsρ 7.8 Integrated

Services andDifferentiatedServices

ρ 7.9 RSVP

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Real-time interactive applications

ρ PC-2-PC phoneµ instant messaging

services sono necessari

ρ PC-2-phoneµ Dialpadµ Net2phone

ρ videoconferenza conWebcams

Going to now look ata PC-2-PC Internetphone example indetail

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Interactive Multimedia: Internet Phone

Introduzione di Internet Phone con un esempio

ρ speaker’s audio: alterna dialogo e silenziµ 64 kbps durante il dialogo

ρ pkts generated only during talk spurtsµ 20 msec chunks at 8 Kbytes/sec: 160 bytes data

ρ application-layer header aggiunti ad ogni chunk.

ρ Chunk+header encapsulated into UDP segment.

ρ application spedisce segmenti UDP ogni 20 msecduring i dialoghi.

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Internet Phone: Packet Loss and Delay

ρ network loss: datagrammi IP persi a causa dellanetwork congestion (router buffer overflow)

ρ delay loss: IP datagrammi IP arrivano troppo tardiper la riproduzioneµ delays: processing, queueing in network; end-system

(sender, receiver) delaysµ typical maximum tolerable delay: 400 ms

ρ loss tolerance: dipende dai CODEC, perditetollerabili tra 1% and 10% can be tolerated.

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constant bit ratetransmission









constant bit rate playout at client

client playoutdelay




Delay Jitter

ρ Consideriamo che l' end-to-end delays tra duepacchetti consecutivi può essere di circa 20 msec

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Internet Phone: Fixed Playout Delay

ρ Il ricevente tenta di riprodurre ogni “chunk”esattamente q msecs dopo la sua generazione.µ chunk hanno time stamp t: riproduzione a t+q .µ chunk arriveano dopo t+q: troppo tardi per la

riproduzione, sono persiρ Tradeoff for q:

µ large q: meno pacchetti persiµ small q: interazione migliore

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Fixed Playout Delay







p p'

playout schedulep' - r

playout schedulep - r

• Sender generates packets every 20 msec during talk spurt.• First packet received at time r• First playout schedule: begins at p• Second playout schedule: begins at p’

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Adaptive Playout Delay, I

ti = timestamp of the ith packetri = the time packet i is received by receiverpi = the time packet i is played at receiverri − ti = network delay for ith packetdi = estimate of average network delay after receiving ith packet

Dynamic estimate of average delay at receiver:)()1( 1 iiii trudud −+−= −

where u is a fixed constant (e.g., u = .01).

ρ Goal: minimizzare il playout delay,ρ Approach: adaptive playout delay adjustment:

µ Stimare i ritardi di rete, impostare i ritardi all'inizio di ogni dialogo.µ I silenzi vengono compressi o allungatiµ Chunks riprodotti ancora ogni 20 msec durante i dialoghi

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Adaptive playout delay II

Also useful to estimate the average deviation of the delay, vi :

||)1( 1 iiiii dtruvuv −−+−= −

The estimates di and vi are calculated for every received packet,although they are only used at the beginning of a talk spurt.

For first packet in talk spurt, playout time is:

where K is a positive constant.

Remaining packets in talkspurt are played out periodically

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Adaptive Playout, III

Q: How does receiver determine whether packet isfirst in a talkspurt?

ρ If no loss, receiver looks at successive timestamps.µ difference of successive stamps > 20 msec -->talk spurt

begins.ρ With loss possible, receiver must look at both time

stamps and sequence numbers.µ difference of successive stamps > 20 msec and sequence

numbers without gaps --> talk spurt begins.

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Recovery from packet loss (1)

forward error correction(FEC): simple scheme

ρ Per ogni gruppo di n chunksse ne crea uno ridondanterisultato di una exclusiveOR-ing tra gli n chuncks

ρ Si spediscono così n+1chunks, incrementado labanda di un fattore 1/n.

ρ Si può ricostruireinteramente un chuncksperso dagli n+1 chunks

ρ Playout delay deve esserestabilito al tempo diricezione degli n+1 packets

ρ Tradeoff:µ increase n, meno

restrizione di bandaµ increase n, aumento

del palyout delayµ increase n, maggiori

probabilità di perdite

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Recovery from packet loss (2)

2nd FEC scheme• “piggyback lower quality stream” • send lower resolutionaudio stream as theredundant information• for example, nominal stream PCM at 64 kbpsand redundant streamGSM at 13 kbps.

• Whenever there is non-consecutive loss, thereceiver can conceal the loss. • Can also append (n-1)st and (n-2)nd low-bit ratechunk

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Recovery from packet loss (3)

Interleavingρ chunks are broken

up into smaller unitsρ for example, 4 5 msec units

per chunkρ Packet contains small units

from different chunks

ρ if packet is lost, still havemost of every chunk

ρ has no redundancy overheadρ but adds to playout delay

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Summary: Internet Multimedia:

ρ usa UDP per evitare il controllo di congestione diTCP (delays)

ρ client-side adaptive playout delay: per compensarei ritardi

ρ server side matches stream bandwidth to availableclient-to-server path bandwidtµ chose among pre-encoded stream ratesµ dynamic server encoding rate

ρ error recovery (on top of UDP)µ FEC, interleavingµ retransmissions, time permittingµ conceal errors: repeat nearby data

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Chapter 7 outline

ρ 7.1 Multimedia NetworkingApplications

ρ 7.2 Streaming stored audioand video

ρ 7.3 Real-time Multimedia:Internet Phone study

ρ 7.4 Protocols for Real-TimeInteractive Applicationsµ RTP,RTCP,SIP

ρ 7.5 Distributing Multimedia:content distributionnetworks

ρ 7.6 Beyond Best Effortρ 7.7 Scheduling and

Policing Mechanismsρ 7.8 Integrated

Services andDifferentiatedServices

ρ 7.9 RSVP

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Real-Time Protocol (RTP)

ρ RTP una struttura apacchetti pervideoconferenze

ρ RFC 1889.ρ RTP packet offre:

µ payload typeidentification

µ packet sequencenumbering

µ timestamping

ρ RTP è un livelloapplicativo a livelloclient

ρ RTP usa UDPρ Interoperabilità: due

applicazioni RTPpossono lavorareinsieme

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RTP runs on top of UDP

Le librerie RTP estendono UDP: • port numbers, IP addresses• payload type identification• packet sequence numbering• time-stamping

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RTP Example

ρ Consider sending 64 kbpsPCM-encoded voice overRTP.

ρ Application collects theencoded data in chunks,e.g., every 20 msec = 160bytes in a chunk.

ρ The audio chunk alongwith the RTP headerform the RTP packet,which is encapsulatedinto a UDP segment.

ρ RTP header indicatestype of audio encoding ineach packetµ sender can change

encoding during aconference.

ρ RTP header also containssequence numbers andtimestamps.

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RTP and QoS

ρ RTP does not provide any mechanism to ensuretimely delivery of data or provide other quality ofservice guarantees.

ρ RTP encapsulation is only seen at the end systems:it is not seen by intermediate routers.µ Routers providing best-effort service do not make any

special effort to ensure that RTP packets arrive at thedestination in a timely matter.

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RTP Header

Payload Type (7 bits): Indicates type of encoding currently being used. If sender changes encoding in middle of conference, sender informs the receiver through this payload type field.

•Payload type 0: PCM mu-law, 64 kbps•Payload type 3, GSM, 13 kbps•Payload type 7, LPC, 2.4 kbps•Payload type 26, Motion JPEG•Payload type 31. H.261•Payload type 33, MPEG2 video

Sequence Number (16 bits): Increments by one for each RTP packet sent, and may be used to detect packet loss and to restore packet sequence.

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ρ Session Initiation Protocolρ Comes from IETFSIP long-term visionρ Telefonate e videoconferenze su Internetρ Gli utenti sono identificati da uid. (STUN), solo in

parte dal n. telρ Si raggiunge il chiamante a prescindere dal media

che uilizza o dalla sua connessione.

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SIP Services

ρ Setting up a callµ Provides mechanisms for

caller to let callee knowshe wants to establish acall

µ Provides mechanisms sothat caller and callee canagree on media type andencoding.

µ Provides mechanisms toend call.

ρ Determine current IPaddress of callee.µ Maps mnemonic

identifier to current IPaddress

ρ Call managementµ Add new media streams

during callµ Change encoding during

callµ Invite othersµ Transfer and hold calls

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Setting up a call to a known IP address• Alice’s SIP invite messageindicates her port number & IPaddress. Indicates encodingthat Alice prefers to receive(PCM ulaw)

• Bob’s 200 OK messageindicates his port number, IPaddress & preferred encoding(GSM)

• SIP messages can be sentover TCP or UDP; here sentover RTP/UDP.

•Default SIP port number is5060.time time

Bob'sterminal rings



port 5060

port 38060

µΛαω αυδιο

ΓΣΜπορτ 48753

ΙΝςΙΤΕ βοβ≅χ=ΙΝ ΙΠ4µ=αυδιο 38060 ΡΤΠ/ΑςΠ 0

πορτ 5060

200 ΟΚχ=ΙΝ ΙΠ4µ=αυδιο 48753 ΡΤΠ/ΑςΠ 3

ΑΧΚπορτ 5060

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Setting up a call (more)ρ Codec negotiation:

µ Suppose Bob doesn’t havePCM ulaw encoder.

µ Bob will instead reply with606 Not Acceptable Replyand list encoders he canuse.

µ Alice can then send a newINVITE message,advertising an appropriateencoder.

ρ Rejecting the callµ Bob can reject with

replies “busy,” “gone,”“payment required,”“forbidden”.

ρ Media can be sent over RTPor some other protocol.

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Example of SIP message

INVITE sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0Via: SIP/2.0/UDP sip:[email protected]: sip:[email protected]: [email protected]: application/sdpContent-Length: 885

c=IN IP4 38060 RTP/AVP 0

Notes:ρ HTTP message syntaxρ sdp = session description protocolρ Call-ID is unique for every call.

• Here we don’t know Bob’s IP address. Intermediate SIPservers will be necessary.

• Alice sends and receives SIP messages using the SIP default port number 506.

• Alice specifies in Via:header that SIP client sends and receives SIP messages over UDP

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Name translation and user locataion

ρ Caller wants to callcallee, but only hascallee’s name or e-mailaddress.

ρ Need to get IPaddress of callee’scurrent host:µ user moves aroundµ DHCP protocolµ user has different IP

devices (PC, PDA, cardevice)

ρ Result can be based on:µ time of day (work, home)µ caller (don’t want boss to

call you at home)µ status of callee (calls sent

to voicemail when callee isalready talking tosomeone)

Service provided by SIPservers:

ρ SIP registrar serverρ SIP proxy server

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SIP Registrar

REGISTER SIP/2.0Via: SIP/2.0/UDP sip:[email protected]: sip:[email protected]: 3600

ρ When Bob starts SIP client, client sends SIPREGISTER message to Bob’s registrar server

(similar function needed by Instant Messaging)

Register Message:

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SIP Proxy

ρ Alice sends invite message to her proxy serverµ contains address sip:[email protected]

ρ Proxy responsible for routing SIP messages tocalleeµ possibly through multiple proxies.

ρ Callee sends response back through the same setof proxies.

ρ Proxy returns SIP response message to Aliceµ contains Bob’s IP address

ρ Note: proxy is analogous to local DNS server

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ExampleCaller [email protected] with places a call to [email protected]

(1) Jim sends INVITEmessage to umass SIPproxy. (2) Proxy forwardsrequest to upenn registrar server. (3) upenn server returnsredirect response,indicating that it should try [email protected]

(4) umass proxy sends INVITE to eurecom registrar. (5) eurecom registrarforwards INVITE to, which is running keith’s SIP client. (6-8)SIP response sent back (9) media sent directly between clients.Note: also a SIP ack message, which is not shown.

SIP client217.123.56.89

SIP client197.87.54.21