4. Spirochaetta - Leptospira

Post on 07-Oct-2015

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Transcript of 4. Spirochaetta - Leptospira

  • Oleh :

    Dr. dr. Efrida Warganegara, M.Kes., Sp.MKLeptospirosis

  • IntroductionLeptospira are thightly spirochaetes 5-15 m long. They show active rotational movement and have two flagella-like axial filaments. There is best seen by dark-filed microscopy because they are not very well stained by dyesL. interrogans causes disease Leptospirosis, a slender aerobic Gram negative spirochaetes with hooked ends. There are more than 250 antigenic types of this species.This species infects mammals such as rats, causing chronic kidney infection with excretion of large number of bateria in urine.

  • IntroductionThe spirochaetes are soon killed on drying, heating, detergen, desinfectans, but they remain viable for several weeks in stagnant alkaline water or wet soilHuman are infected by Ingestion of or exposure to contaminated water or food. The bacteria aided by their motility, enter breaks in skin or mucosae, so that indection can be acquired by swimming, working, playing in contaminated water

  • Leptospirosis is mainly a disease of animals, but it can be passed to human. The causative bacterium enters the body through a mucous membrane or wound and is then carried to the urinary system by the blood stream

    Leptospirosis infections are often asymptomatic, when sign and symptom do occur, they begin after an incubation period average 10 days (range 2 to 30 days)

    LEPTOSPIROSIS Sign and symptoms

  • In mild cases, most common, symptom are flulike, and include the sudden development of headache, spiking fever, chills, muscle pain, bloodshot eyes in the first (septicemia) phase, then 1-3 days of improvement : heart, brain, liver, and kidney damage in the second (immune) phaseLEPTOSPIROSIS Sign and symptoms

  • The bacteria penetrate mucous membranes or breaks in the skin, multiply in the bloodstream, and are carried to all parts of the body.

    Septicemia phase : severe pain with penetration of body tissues, but little or no tissue damage. Immune phase : damage to cells that line small blood vessel and clotting of blood. Causes severe damage to the liver, kidney, heart, brain, and others organLEPTOSPIROSIS - Pathogenesis

  • Leptospirosis is a zoonosis and man is an un-natural or end host and does not transmit the infection further.Worldwide distribution. Wide range of animal hosts chronically excrete the bacteria in their urine, causing contamination of natural waters and soils. Organisms remain infectious under warm, moist, neutral or alkaline conditions for long periodes of timeLEPTOSPIROSIS - Epidemiology

  • Treatment : various antibacterial medications useful in treatment of leptospirosis, but only if given early in the disease

    Prevention : avoiding contact with animal urine. Vaccine prevent disease in domestic animals, may not urinary carriage. Tetracycline antibiotics preventive in epidemics

    LEPTOSPIROSIS Treatment and Prevention