Download - File Management · Created Date: 12/14/2015 5:30:51 PM

Page 1: File Management · Created Date: 12/14/2015 5:30:51 PM



’ 一


lP丨 casc Ic11(l"9is n】 11I,11al C(1rcl1111〉 bCI`)rc using

2N:l"on11|`tandard ρo`crcabIc and po、 cr cord xsi"、 groundiIlg i、

卜uggcstcd `oa`to cn`ulc、 k1blc po、 cl suρ p丨 )

3`o pccking into thc lcns`hi丨 c prolcc1or is、 orking4`1)cIoth blankc1ot an、 othcf ma1crittl tha1could、 tock、 cn"lt1"ollholc``hould be p1!ccd around thc ρr⒐icc1or、 hⅡ c"is xx orking

5No、 a1cr△ )roor f1!nction f° r"li、 ρloiccttlr no suCh1!ρ pal:lIus as、 a、 c

orcup shouId bc pu111round1hc ρI(、 icct1"

6Projcctor should bc s1ockcd and uscd at dry11nd clct1l1cond"i〈 、Il7Plcasc tun1oIΓ d,c projcctor and Cut o"dlc po、 ci`uPply ir"is,lotuscd丨 k)l lol1g1inlc

8Plcasc usc f11Ct`)ry()rigiI1al lo11m aI、 d othcrsh()ckpro()rn1atctial、 、hilct rt1l1sp° lt"1g

9I1{tlund p!ojcctor dC1t· ctcd dol1ot a11cn1pt11)rcρ a"it by)ouIsc"′Plcasc c。 n1act、 i111冫 oul distIib"tol()rr11Ct。 ly tlircc11〉


Uscr Manualshould bc read carcf1111y ifyou arc

using1hc projcctor I「 any d"′ fc。 rcnce bct、 ccnuser111anual and actuaI projector Plcasc subjcct

to thc ttctual pr()jcctor

SMP ser1es-̈UC18user guidDucto continuousi】 mprovcmcnt,actual productlη ay diffcr frOIη

thc manualN·Ial1ualis for rcfcrcncc onlY

Page 2: File Management · Created Date: 12/14/2015 5:30:51 PM



勇nput descr丨 pti◇ n∶

1HDM1input2AV input3headph◇ ne input4UsBinput5battery$witch6 12V-15A powerin77$V-2A powerin8,1只 rec仓 :ve群

9TF(M|ni sD〉 sIot

16 Battery ho|der

Butt◇ n Funct丨 onsNO sing|ec{ick Longtime c"ck10 Menu PoWθ r

11 Enter N◇ ne12 Left Vo丨 ume-13 R扌 g ht VolLlme÷14 Up15 Down

input se|ection


Page 3: File Management · Created Date: 12/14/2015 5:30:51 PM


口 ■ 回

■ 曰 ■

口 ■ 囤口 田 回

口 凵

曰 ■ 曰u撺 I$∴ 弘●

I Mutc2、亻cnu3LcR4Picturc modc5~Play/pausc6PrcvIOus7FR8Up9Po、vcF101nput11Entcr121cft


'olunac117Ncxt18vo1uIla c-


Do notl,lix usc o【 d and ncw battcrics。

Ifrcmote is分 ot uscd亿 r1ollg1imc,|battcrics shouId be rcmovod 丨

Rcn1otc should targct atthe lR rcceive

orthe rcflcction sidc


Page 4: File Management · Created Date: 12/14/2015 5:30:51 PM

Po、vcr supply choosc

l Bat1c!yI)o、 vcI supply ((")ti()nal func“ ol1)

sw"ch on ba(tcry supp{y(as pic l)`pl()icc101cn1Cl int()`tandby s(a(us

Put‘ h¢ p¢呐o¢ t◇ r with lcns vor1icatto Ⅱ1hc watl or scrccn,turl,on tllc projectoF

a Il(l111cn(l(li11st I`)C11sa(li11s(il1∶ ;|l1111("C|(Λ s sho、vcd iⅡ 6)unt"thc picIu!c is


sclcct rclcvant icon and

C llt C!iI11o刂 lc s111)lll c I、 11

Mo、 ic n)l、 i(|c。 ∫il〈·`

I’ ic∫ k"pic111Ic h|C`

l、亻usic|k)II】 1I(lio I"c

rXI k)!1xt{ilc`Λl1dp!c``oK“ )di、 ρl∶ l、

2DCp◇ wcr supply

Conncct DC tcrmina1as pic2shows`and tI】 c othcl sid¢

conncct1o``(′ ouⅡ ct,projcctor c众 tcl i烫lto standby sta攵 Vs

3,5V“ 2A powc!supPlyC◇nncct powcI bank oI ccl丨 phollc ρosx cl ad(lp11)lo11tlct w"hp!()ccI()!∶l`pi(``llo`、 c‘ l



lil(l丨l’ (

VidcoN◇】ic¢ ∶

l Au】o powc,su护 p【 ys¢ lc¢ ion tcchnology Ⅱscd氵 wh¢ n¢ onncct with12V sVa” d ba(1cJ、 p1)、、1‘ 9`111)p|、 d|

· 1hc sanlc tr玢 lc`h熄 hcr pow。 s心pply modc wi1|bc” scd i

l MlI丨 I illlc11I"mput(mcⅡ n`UsIlllnd H“ MlNI sI))inpl")lⅡ、1"Ith1 1.`"‘

" I丨 ("""I`l))1 "dl"Ⅱ )|1|1\"l(丨

")、 "Ⅱ "l l ^ho、′cd

I"I)Id m(h111)、 、 ,!Ⅱ"ll、

η 1h,}l、 丨·11111I|ll)111 "t"111o1∫ 、"ol sI)

JCP〈"203 MPLC4) ^Vl(XVlD,D|V×

,"264)/Mκ V(Xˇ lOH264 DlVX) 'FLV(F廴 V彳 )'MOV("含 c,4)/ll p衽 〈

"PE0| ^ˇC

/聃 pG‘ MPE$1)/V0⒔ (姻 p∈ r。 2)'舯 ρ0(蚋 户G-ps)/R1· VB(Rˇ‘0∫

2 tIa|廴 c扌 yc3nb¢ Chorg¢ d by5V&12Vρ ◇wcr u狻 dcr standbˇ st¤ t愆 s O” lv12V is“ vuil

3switch o侪 ba攵 tory p° Wcr suppIy1o avold battery power sxlastc

c、'hc,、I、()vi Ci(9Il

4I{’ projcctor did not work uⅠ ldcr battcry powct supply modc`chargc rlsrt2A∨ orH DMl1nput

Pres$|nput se|ec刂 on button orIN PUT◇ n remote攵 o

5 Pow◇ r by bnttcr◇ r5Vp◇wcr,bright氵】css WilI bc automatica"y dccrcasc chan9e to re|eVan变 input

As ρic0n the r;9htshowed

∶弼蚺ul,t。l t lll l,l【 ,¨而m iii盂



h卟s哪α吣 1olllⅡ c⑻ ω$顿油 Ⅱ&耐 u∞ cctol Ⅱ龉


Page 5: File Management · Created Date: 12/14/2015 5:30:51 PM

3PI:l、 i11c!l"

AV c0nneting method

0 ∈彐

HDM1ConneCting method

瞿∷罂 1骊饣山卜

llc1dphoIlc conecti("l

(jan conllk△ t35n】 n,hcadphonc OI similar device。

q ζⅡ∶I♀

Rcmark∶【)oIby k】 11dio is 1】 ot ··upp0rt bccnusc oFpatc:l11ss11Cs




`(){o!1cIlll)C∶lIll!1`i1`pC1!:lliⅡ {`【

l!l`l丨 ()tt|tc


\、 hilc ρl灬 、idco′ by1`l,t)l sI)pIcs、 ok butkon,1hcn、 c can gct

a subnlcnu By using thi`n、 cnu youca⒔ dchic\c most1)】:thc p丨 ay

, `cll1⒈ 、idco il)· `^/hi、 c-a11dio|n

Red- a1备 dio in


R!⒒T∶∶‖c冖 M。 m血 M}n△ mm usc</>and ˇ∷▲to ch° oSc

Λ、ai klb{c ndius1ing modes∶ |




Ⅲ∶J托⒎rcslt’ lc

烈人ny colllp“ 1cr of(Jc、 i¢ ¢s wi1h HDMloulpu1

l|)it1111`′ I1丨 l、 l


Ill,aα C un1】 TFT LCD (oIor 167M

Bri幺 htncss 4θ OLun1¢ n Con】 ras1 5θ ()∶ 1

Na天 ivc r¢ solulion 320*18θ sup” ort tcsolu"on I920★ 108θ

LED Lamo⒒ 「k· 20θθθ l、 ours

Powel wastc 15w(max Powcr", 丨2V-丨 5`

LΦ1s coat(jd1cns 〈)13crk1tion〗 、、odc 、1拄 nua【

Proiccfion distant o5-25m P:oicction sizC 13-60inchcs

Sizc(mm) 1175★ 836*43 Nc1wei重 ht θ25k

Aspc¢ 1ratio 16∶ 9/4∶ 3 spcakcI 82\V

I11n、1t tcrl11inal ΛV`UsB`TF,HDM1,5V-2A powcrin

ou1l,u1tcr1ui〖 、1‘ l II¢ 扒d

Svs1cln MuI1imcdia