Why continuous β2-agonist administration is better

20 PHARMACOLOGY Why continuous P2-agonist administration i<; better In children with acute asthma, continuous administration of nebulised terbutaline produces similar plasma concentrations and cardiovascular responses to those of intermittent administration, say US-based investigators. They compared the effects of equal tolal doses of terbutaline administered over 8 hOUTS eitner continuously at a rale of 2 mg/h. or as 20-minute nebulisations (4mg) every 2 hOUfS , to 16 children who were hospitalised with acute asthma. The results of this randornised, double-blind study support the hypothesis that the superior therapeutic effect acbieved with continuous administration of [J2-agonists is due to more optimal, local pulmonary effects. rather than higher peak plasma drug concentrations. However, the exact underlying mechanism remains to be determined, comment the investigators. They add that no clinically relevant adverse cardiovascular effects were observed in trus study. Moler fW, Johnsoa CE.. Vall UaDtn C. Palmamo lM. N_ sz. et aI. Cootin_s versus imcnnitIeDt r>ebul4od pIas.ma Ie""ls and etr..::ts. American Joumal otRc$piralgry and Critical Can:: Medicine: lSI: 602-«16, I, Mar 19\15 __ 015&-270:w5/0981-OOO2(){$(l1 .000Adl, ... 1 Llrnltod lH5. All rIghts.--

Transcript of Why continuous β2-agonist administration is better

Page 1: Why continuous β2-agonist administration is better


Why continuous P2-agonist administration i<; better

In children with acute asthma, continuous administration of nebulised terbutaline produces similar plasma concentrations and cardiovascular responses to those of intermittent administration, say US-based investigators.

They compared the effects of equal tolal doses of terbutaline administered over 8 hOUTS eitner continuously at a rale of 2 mg/h. or as 20-minute nebulisations (4mg) every 2 hOUfS, to 16 children who were hospitalised with acute asthma.

The results of this randornised, double-blind study support the hypothesis that the superior therapeutic effect acbieved with continuous administration of [J2-agonists is due to more optimal, local pulmonary effects. rather than higher peak plasma drug concentrations. However, the exact underlying mechanism remains to be determined, comment the investigators. They add that no clinically relevant adverse cardiovascular effects were observed in trus study. Moler fW, Johnsoa CE.. Vall UaDtn C. Palmamo lM. N_ sz. et aI. Cootin_s versus imcnnitIeDt r>ebul4od ~taliIIe: pIas.ma Ie""ls and etr..::ts. American Joumal otRc$piralgry and Critical Can:: Medicine: lSI: 602-«16, ~ I, Mar 19\15 __

015&-270:w5/0981-OOO2(){$(l1 .000Adl, ~o ... 1 Llrnltod lH5. All rIghts.--