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    Scoala Doctorala de Matematica


    Conducator stiintific:

    Prof. Dr. Petru JEBELEAN


    Calin - Constantin SERBAN




    Doctoral School of Mathematics

    Doctoral Thesis

    Existence and Multiplicity Results

    for Discrete p()-Laplacian and forSingular -Laplacian

    Scientific Advisor:

    Prof. Dr. Petru JEBELEAN

    Ph.D. Student:

    Calin - Constantin SERBAN

    Timisoara, 2013


    Scoala Doctorala de Matematica

    Teza de Doctorat

    Rezultate de Existenta si Multiplicitate

    pentru p()-Laplacian Discret si-Laplacian Singular

    Conducator stiintific:

    Prof. Dr. Petru JEBELEAN


    Calin - Constantin SERBAN

    Timisoara, 2013

  • This work was supported by the strategic grant


    Project ID 78421 (2010), co-financed by the

    European Social Fund Investing in People,

    within the Sectoral Operational Programme

    Human Resources Development 2007-2013.

  • Contents

    Introduction 1

    1 Preliminaries 12

    2 Existence and multiplicity of solutions for discrete

    p()-Laplacian 212.1 Existence results for problems with a general

    potential boundary condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    2.2 Existence of solutions for periodic and

    Neumann problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    2.3 Multiplicity of solutions for periodic and

    Neumann problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

    3 Existence and multiplicity results for singular

    -Laplacian 84

    3.1 Numerical extremal solutions for a problem

    with mixed boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

    3.2 Nontrivial solutions for a class of

    one-parameter mixed problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

    3.3 Existence of solutions for Neumann problems

    with singular nonlinearities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

    Bibliography 118


  • Introduction

    This thesis is concerned with existence and multiplicity of solutions for

    boundary value problems involving the discrete p()-Laplacian operator andthe singular -Laplacian operator. Our approach mainly relies on the direct

    method in calculus of variations, Saddle Point Theorem, Mountain Pass The-

    orem, some abstract three critical points results, monotone iterative tech-

    niques, the method of lower and upper solutions, as well on Leray-Schauder

    degree type arguments.

    The work is divided in three chapters. The first one consists of four

    paragraphs, while the second and the third are each structured in three


    Some preliminary notions and results which are needed throughout the

    thesis are introduced in Chapter 1. In the first paragraph of the chapter some

    basic properties of lower semi-continuous, coercive and convex functions are

    recalled. Then, in the following two paragraphs, we make a short overview

    on some results related to the classical and Szulkins critical point theory. In

    the final paragraph we provide two abstract three critical points theorems.

    In Chapter 2 we use the critical point theory to establish the existence

    and multiplicity of solutions for discrete p()-Laplacian equations subjectedto periodic, Neumann and general potential type boundary conditions. As

    usually, the idea is to transfer the problem of the existence of solutions into

    a problem of finding critical points for the corresponding Euler-Lagrange

    functional. So, for given s (1,), hs will be the homeomorphism definedby hs(x) = |x|s2x, for all x R. If a, b N with a < b, then Z[a, b]will denote the discrete interval {a, a + 1, . . . , b}. Also, given T a positiveinteger and a function p : Z[0, T ] (1,), p() will stand for the discretep()-Laplacian operator; recall, that is

    p(k1)x(k 1) : = (hp(k1)(x(k 1)))= hp(k)(x(k)) hp(k1)(x(k 1)),

    where x(k) = x(k + 1) x(k) is the forward difference operator.


  • Introduction 2

    Various problems in applied mathematics lead to consideration of dif-

    ference equations (see e.g., R.P. Agarwal [1], W.G. Kelly and A.C. Peterson

    [89] and the references therein). Recently, much attention has been paid

    to their study. Certainly this is largely due to the dynamic development

    of computer technology. For this reason, the research concerning boundary

    value problems involving the discrete p()-Laplacian operator has gained anincreasing popularity in very recent time. According to most of the papers

    in this field, it seems that the study was initiated in 2009 by M. Mihailescu

    et al. in [110], where some eigenvalue problems for discrete p()-Laplacianwere investigated. After that, various existence and multiplicity results for

    related discrete anisotropic boundary value problems were obtained. Most

    of them concern with homogeneous Dirichlet problems. In this direction

    we refer the reader to [66]-[69], [90], [100]. But, the study of discrete p()-Laplacian equations subjected to other boundary conditions seems lagging

    behind. To the best of our knowledge, only A. Guiro et al. [72] and B. Kone

    and S. Ouaro [91] proved existence of solutions for some discrete anisotropic

    Neumann and mixed boundary value problems. Hence, the present chapter

    aims to partly fill the gap in this area.

    Concerning continuous anisotropic problems, it is worth to point out

    that these were intensively studied in the last decade by many authors. We

    refer the reader e.g. to [51], [53], [56]-[62], [64], [65], [74], [85], [86], [95], [107]-

    [109], [127]-[130] for existence and multiplicity results of the p(x)-Laplacian

    operator, using the theory of variable exponent Lebesque and Sobolev spaces

    see X.L. Fan and D. Zhao [63], O. Kovacik and J. Rakosnk [92] and the

    recent monograph of L. Diening et al. [52].

    In Section 2.1 we deal with difference equations of type

    p(k1)x(k 1) = f(k, x(k)), () k Z[1, T ], (1)

    subjected to the general potential boundary condition

    (hp(0)(x(0)),hp(T )(x(T ))) j(x(0), x(T + 1)), (2)

    where f : Z[1, T ]R R is a continuous function, j : RR (,+]is convex, proper, lower semi-continuous and j denotes the subdifferential

    of j. First, we emphasize that the potential boundary condition (2) recovers

    the classical ones and hence a unified approach of all the classical boundary

    conditions is provided (see Remark 2.1.15 for details).

    Szulkins critical point theory [121] is employed when dealing with prob-

    lem (1), (2). So, the associated Euler-Lagrange functional is defined on the

  • Introduction 3

    finite dimensional space

    XPO := {x : Z[0, T + 1] R}

    (here, the index PO comes from potential) by

    I(x) = (x)Tk=1

    F (k, x(k)), () x XPO,

    where : XPO (,+] is given by

    (x) =T+1k=1


    p(k 1)|x(k 1)|p(k1) + j(x(0), x(T + 1)), () x XPO

    and F : Z[1, T ] R R is the primitive of f with respect to the secondvariable, i.e.,

    F (k, t) =


    f(k, )d, () k Z[1, T ], t R. (3)

    First of all, we show in Proposition 2.1.4 that if x XPO is a critical pointof the functional I in the sense of Szulkin, then x is a solution of problem(1), (2).

    There are two main results in this section, namely Theorem 2.1.5 and

    Theorem 2.1.12. In the first one we use a minimization argument in order

    to prove the existence of at least one solution. Then, we obtain in Theorem

    2.1.12 the existence of at least one nontrivial solution for problemp(k1)x(k 1) + r(k)hp(k)(x(k)) = f(k, x(k)), () k Z[1, T ],

    (hp(0)(x(0)),hp(T )(x(T ))) j(x(0), x(T + 1)),

    where r : Z[1, T ] [0,) is a given function. The main tool used here willbe the Mountain Pass Theorem. The results from this section are obtained

    in [16]. Also, it is worth to point out that Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 4.4 in

    [122] obtained for p = constant, are immediate consequences of the above

    mentioned Theorem 2.1.5, respectively Theorem 2.1.12.

    In Section 2.2 we are concerned with the existence of solutions for the

    periodic problemp(k1)x(k 1) = f(k, x(k)), () k Z[1, T ],

    x(0) x(T + 1) = 0 = x(0)x(T )(4)

  • Introduction 4

    and for the Neumann problemp(k1)x(k 1) = f(k, x(k)), () k Z[1, T ],

    x(0) = 0 = x(T ),


    where as above f : Z[1, T ]R R is a continuous function whose primitiveF is defined in (3). To establish the existence results for problems (4) and

    (5) we shall use the classical critical point theory of Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz

    [5]. The solutions which we obtain appear either as minimizers or as saddle

    points of the corresponding energy functional

    EX(x) =T+1k=1


    p(k 1)|x(k 1)|p(k1)


    F (k, x(k)), () x X,


    X = XP := {x : Z[0, T + 1] R | x(0) = x(T + 1)} ,

    when we refer to the periodic problem (4), respectively

    X = XN := {x : Z[0, T + 1] R} (= XPO) ,

    in the case of the Neumann problem (5).

    In Proposition 2.2.2 (resp. Proposition 2.2.4) we show that a function

    x XP (resp. x XN) is a solution of problem (4) (resp. (5)) if and onlyif it is a critical point of EXP (resp. EXN ).

    First, we deal with the case when no convexity assumptions are made

    on the nonlinearity f . So, if f is bounded and one of the following Ahmad-

    Lazer-Paul [4] type conditions:


    F (k, t) , as |t| (6)


    F (k, t) +, as |t| (7)

    holds true,