Just a matter of Psychology

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx vs. @SN: just a matter of psychology! Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu V 2.1 – May 17 th , 2011 Une simple question de psy!


Psychological issues of Social Networks

Transcript of Just a matter of Psychology

Page 1: Just a matter of Psychology

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works at http://weltram.eu. For further

inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx

vs. @SN: just a matter of psychology!

Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu

V 2.1 – May 17th, 2011

Une simple question de psy!

Page 2: Just a matter of Psychology

May 4th, 2011 QHSE Series, Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu2

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works

at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx


1. New usages2. A matter of one’s own

image3. Multiple Real Life4. One’s own privacy5. One’s own public life6. One’s own Social

Network7. Finally a matter of Ψ8. More

1. Nouveaux usages2. Une affaire d’image perso3. La réalité à multiple

facette4. Une affaire de stricte vie

privée5. … Une affaire de vie

publique6. … L’affaire de son propre

réseau social7. Finalement une affaire de

Psy!8. +

Page 3: Just a matter of Psychology

May 4th, 2011 QHSE Series, Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu3

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works

at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx

New usages

With Web 2.0, users may: Interact with

published information Formalize documents

(texts, pixes) Intervene on inputs

made by others, with comments & contributions

Avec le Web2.0 les usagers sont devenus acteurs avec la possibilité d’intervenir sur les informations, voire les documents…

Page 4: Just a matter of Psychology

May 4th, 2011 QHSE Series, Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu4

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works

at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx

A matter of one's own image

@SN stands between the mere reality of Physical Social Networks () & Total Virtuality, which is collective utopia.

Users of @SN can forge their image as they wish it to be, with infinite variations like their imagination.

L'utilisateur devenu acteur, est en position de forger sa propre image sur les réseaux sociaux.

Ces derniers sont à mi-distance entre la « oure virtualité », utopie collective et les réseaux sociaux physiques ancrés dans le monde réel

Page 5: Just a matter of Psychology

May 4th, 2011 QHSE Series, Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu5

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works

at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx

Multiple Real Life

Democracies allow any citizen to manage multiple acts, actions, interests, believings, etc.

Multi-facets individuals are in good adequacy with generic electronic Social Networks (@SN) that propose unlimited kind of groups to create.

Le citoyen moderne est un individu multi-facette (à la fois salarié, actionnaire, gestionnaire...)

Page 6: Just a matter of Psychology

May 4th, 2011 QHSE Series, Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu6

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works

at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx

One's own privacy

Which part of one's life is strictly private? It depends on some parameters: time, situation, circumstances.

Les volets privés de la vie de chacun peut varier

Page 7: Just a matter of Psychology

May 4th, 2011 QHSE Series, Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu7

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works

at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx

One's own public life

Those who have a part of their activity publicly exposed

May be, are legally compelled to publicise some information (politicians, some public jobs...)

Or may be, they just need to be known…

Ceux qui exercent une activité publique (politiciens, certains professionnels) peuvent être contraints de publier certaines informations les concernant

Page 8: Just a matter of Psychology

May 4th, 2011 QHSE Series, Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu8

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works

at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx

One's own Social Network!

Generic @SN is exactly the social space between strict privacy and wide open public life, where anyone should be able to regulate information related to her/him and choose the circles of people who could have or have not access to each data.

Les RS@ génériques est un espace à mi-chemin entre la stricte vie privée et l'ouverture totale.

Page 9: Just a matter of Psychology

May 4th, 2011 QHSE Series, Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu9

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works

at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx

Finally a matter of Ψ

Generic @SN adapt to anyone's psychologic profile. It could easily replace an SN for alumni or for interest-group & it could allow any user to create a purely fictional domain, where, even her/his name is unreal

Ces réseaux s'adaptent au profil psy de chacun, permettant de créer un domaine purement fictif ou de créer des groupes d’intérêts.

Page 10: Just a matter of Psychology

May 4th, 2011 QHSE Series, Jean Louis LEQUEUX http://weltram.eu10

eSociety by Jean Louis Lequeux is available under the terms of Creative Commons License - No Commercial Use - No Modification 3.0 Unported. Based on a works

at http://weltram.eu. For further inquiries: http://weltram.eu/contactus.aspx

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