Ασφαλιστική Αγορά, Απρίλιος 2014

 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014, %$ËËÏ 440, ÌÇÍÉÁÉÁ ÏÉÊÏÍÏÌÉÊÇ Á"%ÁËÉ"#ÉÊÇ ÅÉÈÅ&!Ç"Ç , ΛΗ' ΧΡΟÍΟÓ, 6 åõñþ, www.aagora.gr English Supplement  σχέση διαφάνειας και τιμολόγησης στην ασφάλιση νοσοκομειακής περίθαλψης       Σ     ε       ι    σ    µ    ο   ύ  


Ασφαλιστική Αγορά, Μηνιαίο ασφαλιστικό περιοδικό, τεύχος Απριλίου 2014

Transcript of Ασφαλιστική Αγορά, Απρίλιος 2014

  • 12014, 440, ,',6,www.aagora.gr

    English Supplement

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    ASFALISTIKI AGORAonthly Economic & Insurance Review Editor A. ROUCHOTA 126 DIONISSOU Str., 151 24Maroussi, Athens Greece Annual Subscription: aa180

    .: 2106196879 2106196942Fax: 2106196943,email: [email protected]

    Art Director . . MarketingTY


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  • 38 ( 2014)


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    , -, . - - , - - . , .ndreas Kleiner - . . --, .. , - - ERGO, -, , -, , , . , - , - , -. - 22001133 EERRGGOO

    , - -, - - .

    ., . - . CEO ERGO, . -- , - , - 2013 - - -

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    ( ) ,, --,, ,, -- ,, ,, ,, --,, ,, ..

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    kelesidis:Layout 1 27/03/2014 13:14 Page 2

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    ,, 3 ., 16 , 30.000 , . . (. 2). ,, 2 . 14 , 33.000 , - . (. 3). ,, 1 . - 9 , 35.000 - . (. 1).

    1 . ,, 55 , . (. 6).

    20.000 - 25.000

    , 12 ., 20.000 -, . -. ,, 11 ., 20.250 -, . -. , 10 . -, 20.500 , . - (. 8). , 9 ., 21.000 -, . - (. 9). ,, 8 . ,21.500 , . (.4). ,, 7 ., 22.000 -, . - (. 7). ,, 6 ., 23.000 -, . - (. 5). ,, 5 . -, 24.000 , . -.


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    ,, 4 (401.000), - . -. ,, 3

    (420.000), - . (. 15).


    , 2

    (511.000), - . . (. 17). ,, 1 ,(512.000), - . -.

    1 Unit Manager

    ,,98.000 , . (. 14).

    11 AAssssiissttaanntt AAggeennccyyMMaannaaggeerr

    ,,135.000 , . (. 12).

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  • 52 ( 2014)


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    - , - , . --,, /, .. .. .. --, /, .... .. ,, / , . .. --. - , , - - . / -, . .. , / - , .., / Agency, .. .. ,, . , ,

    : ,Metropolitan, , ,ye laser clinic .. - . - - . . -- , - - , . , - . - :


    . . -, /.

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  • 56 ( 2014)


    A - 120 , - . - MDRT 2013-2014, . .. ,, , -, MDRT , facebook twitter , - MDRT, . , - MDRT 1927, -, , 38.000 , - - 450 76. , - , MDRT, 10 . - MDRT, . .. --,, , 78 , - 16 .T, - Mentoring-Aspirant

    - , MDRT, . ,, : - , - , . .. , - MDRT 2013-2014, . .. , - MDRT 2013-2014, -, MDRT 2008-2011, .. --..

    , 15 MDRT, . , , - , , , , -, , , , , , - . . MDRT , -

    Mentoring-Aspirant . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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    Aspirants, , , - , Mentoring-Aspirant


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    mdrt:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:03 Page 2

  • ( 2013) 47( 2014) 57

    , MDRT. -- , .. .., / Marketing Interamerican, .. --, Head of Face-to-Face Distribution, Career Agency, Direct Sales Force Independent Agency MetLife Alico, Platinum , .. , - Agency System & International Life, Gold. .. .., Country ChairmanMDRT Greece 2008-2011 COT, .. , 20 MDRT,

    COT, - -.

    . .. , 3 MDRT ,, , - - . -

    , - (Internet, -, ). , - - - , - . ,

    , - - .

    MMeennttoorriinngg--AAssppiirraanntt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . , AreaChair Attiki 2013-2014, - -


    . - aspirant -.


    mdrt:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:03 Page 3

  • ()

    58 ( 2014)

    Interamerican. , .. . , unit manager,. , unit manager 2013-2014 MDRT Area Chair, . / Marketing, . ,

    Financial Planner 2013-2014 MDRT Company Chair, . / Agency ,. . / Marketing, . , / Agency.

    . .. . , . ,. . .

    -- BBrraanndd,, . . .. ,, 2 MDRT, : . -- . - - , - -. . .. , Training Manager, : , -, . , , - . , , - , -, - . .. ,, - ...., .4172 -- ,, , .

    . .. , - & - , , - -- . , - . , , - -. - ; , . -

    . : . . -, -. - . .. , 8 MDRT -, -- , - , , -. , , legacy, - . -,

    mdrt:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:04 Page 4

  • . .. , , - - - (e-Learning), - 20 : , - - , , , -, - . , -- LLiiffeeCCooaacchheerr,, , , ., -

    - - . , - , - -. ,, - . .. , 14 - MDRT -, . .. , 2 MDRT, .. , 8 - MDRT, . .. ,10 MDRT. M Solvency II . -, -

    service, , - . --, . .. , - - MDRT, -, , - , -, , - , , , , , . - MDRT , , - .

    Metlife Alico .

    , .. . ,

    . , . , . . .

    , . . , MDRT . & . , . International Life, . . , . / , / Agency System & .

    , International Life .

    ( 2014) 59


    mdrt:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:04 Page 5

  • 60 ( 2014)


    , - - . , , , - & , 2007 , -, , , , , - . ,

    , - 80.000 - . . & . -, , , , St. tienne - Mtropole Museum of Modern Art , : Federico Fellini, --, : -, , . 1910-1940, National Museum of Art of


    & .

    . } / - - } -

    , - . Peter Economides,


    PPaauull CCzzaannnnee,, --

    , .1890-1894,


    32,4 x 40,6 .(12 3/4 x 16

    in.). -

    John T.Spaulding,


    : -

    , Museumof Fine Arts


    theoxaraki:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:05 Page 2

  • ( 2014) 61

    Romania National Museum forBulgarian Visual Arts, -: 1947-2003, Jiang Guofang, : - , : , : - - , Museum of Fine Arts Boston. -- -. 1 - , -- , : : . .. - , --.. , , Accademia . - , Charlotte Rothschild, StephenKovacevich, Ronald Brautigam, MelvynTan, Alexei Volodin, , .. , - ,, , -, , , , ,

    , -, -. - - & . . - , , - . , -

    , !, , - , , - . AArrtt SShhoopp, , , -, , , -

    . , , . , -, , - - - . 1 . & . -, CCaaff MMeerrlliinn, - , - . Caf Merlin , - -. , , - . - , , - , ,

    .E , , -, , , - . . & . , - 9 & 1, -. . 5

    ,, --, 1935, ,

    81 x 75 . . & . .

    Art Shop


    , ,1910 1911,

    , - , 43,2 x 41,8 ., . , - .

    : .

    theoxaraki:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:05 Page 3

  • (NE A )

    62 ( 2014)

    | INTERAMERICAN | 2266,,66 .. 22001133 IInntteerraammeerriiccaann, 2277,,88%% 2012 (20,8 .), - . , 339933,,99 .. --, - (8,1% 9,3%). - -, 330000%%.. , . -, - 1111,,77 ..,, 1155,,11 .. - , - ACHMEA. - , , - 221155,,77 .., 117788,,22 .. (88,7 89,5 . -). - , 1100,,22%%,, 9,9% 2012. Interamerican combined ratio (93,4%) -, - , underwriting. , - , - - , - , -, . Interamerican

    Solvency II, - , . , - 2014-2016, , , -- . - , ( -), -- - Interamerican. E. E , . Interamerican . , - , -: - - , 1,2 . . Interamerican , - , . -, , - , .

    , - Interamerican , -, - - , , , , . , - . , Interamerican . , - - , -. Interamerican - - ACHMEA - , -. . , - ACHMEA, , -, . ACHMEA 2013 -- 334444 .., 202%. - 2200,,22 .. , - . , - 1199,,11 .. ACHMEA 99,,77 .. - + (Standard &Poors). INTERAMERICAN

    -. , .. . , . / ,. , / , C. Mousinho, . / ,

    . , . & Merketing, . , / & Interamerican.

    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:07 Page 2

  • (A 2014) 63

    | CNP ASSURANCES | -- 2013 CNPAssurances, - - .

    , 2012, - CNP Assurances -: 88,,33%%: 11..003300 951 .

    44,,66%%:: 2277,,6677 26,46 . 3322,,22%%,, 66,,5577 4,97 .

    | | -- 22001133 ,: 22%%,, 9911 .. -- 1188%%,, 44,,77 .. 2200%%,, 55,,22 .. 1144%%,, 44,,55 .. .. 00,,8811 ,, 1133%% 22001122.. , . HHeennrrii ddee CCaassttrriieess, : , - -- AAXXAA.. 22001133,,

    ,, -- .. , - - 0,81 , 13%. 3 , -- -- ,, . , . , -

    . - AXA - - , --

    .. - - - , - -- , -- ,, ,, -- ..


    . Henri de Castries

    ( , )

    22001122 22001133

    (. ) 90,126 9911,,224499 +1% +2% (%) 31.2% 3344..66%% +3.3 +3.2

    22001122 22001133

    (%) 97.7% 9966..66%% -1.1 -1.1 4,155 44,,772288 +14% +18% 4,452 55,,116622 +16% +20% 4,057 44,,448822 +10% +14% ( ) 4.7 55..22 +10% +12% (ROE)(%) 13.0% 1144..88%% +1.8 (%) 26% 2244%% -2 (%) Solvency I 233% 222211%% -12 (%) Solvency II 199% 220066%% +7 () 0.72 00..8811 +13%

    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:08 Page 3

  • 64 ( 2014)

    (NE A )

    -- EEuurroolliiffee EERRBB , , - - , . - - , - . , -- &&


    //-- .. . -- --, , - ., -- , .. ,, , - . -- : -

    & & , - - & , - , - & - , - & -., QQuuaalliittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt, .. --,, - , - .

    - -, . , ,, 16-19 2014. - , , . - . , . ansko, , , , - .

    3300 , - . , - , .. -- ,, ,, ,, ,, unit . unit .. .. , - ,

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    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:08 Page 6

  • ( 2014) 65

    | | . ,, -- --,, 37 - -. - 1977 1999 , ,


    . 2011 , - , - . , ,. , - , . --, -, , -

    , - , - . . , , - - . . - - . - Eurolife ERB, - , Marsh .

    | | -- GGllaassss,, , , - - -, . , - , - & , & -, , - -., , - , - Glass, , , , 24 , -, . Glass , - ., . - , (), -, - , & . , ,


    FFiinnaanncciiaall PPllaannnneerrss ((FFPPAA)) , - . , , - .. - - - . , , - PPrriimmee. HFPA - - - Financial Planner - - . 2010 110000 , - -

    - , - . 3300 -- , , KKPPMMGG, FFiinnaanncciiaallPPllaannnneerrss EEFFIICCEERRTT(European Financial CertificationOrganisation). , -- 22 , - . HFPA - , - . - , - - www.hfpa.gr : ..67265, 151 02 , 2118006623, [email protected].


    ( - 2014) HFPA. , .. - (-), ( ), - (), (), , -.

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  • (NE A )

    66 ( 2014)

    | INTERASCO | .

    | |




    | INTERASCO .... | .

    | |



    | | .

    | |

    - . -- , 4 5 Interamerican 2013. 2013 . - , -, 2.632.503, 44% 2012. , - 3.616.244 (+1%), 605.815 (+23%), (51 -). . 2013 Interamerican. 110 FinancialAdvisor 2014, -, , ,, Interamerican, .

    , . , - First inClass Award GamaInternational, Nashville Tennessee ..., 16 Manager . - ( 1 2008 San Francisco).

    FFiinnaanncciiaall AAddvviissoorrss :: 1 Junior 2013. :: 5 Junior --. -- :: 4 Junior --. :: 2 Junior --. --:: 1 Junior 2013 -, 1 Junior 2013 , 1 Junior 2013 - , 2 Junior . --:: 3 Junior 2013 .MMAARRIINNHHOO DDOOSS SSAANNTTOOSS PPOOLLIIAANNAA:: 2

    Junior 2013 . ::4 Junior 2013 . :: 1 Junior 2013 . -- :: 1 Junior 2013 Capital,1 Junior 2013 --. --

    1) .. -, 2) .. - , 3) .. ThomasBrinckman , 4) . -, 5) .. - , 6) . , 7) .. - ., 8) .. -.






    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:10 Page 8

  • 7 & , 3 , 105 51 ( ): 210-3312955, : 6944-396150, www.athlos.info



    ( 2014) 67

    :: 5 Junior , 5 . -- :: 4 Junior - . :: 3

    Junior . :: 3 . :: 4 , 5 . :: 1 Junior , 4 . :: 3 . :: 5 , 6 , 7 - . --:: 4 , 6 , 6 - . :: 8 . :: 3 ,3 , 4 , 5 -. :: 3

    , 4 . --

    :: 1 ,2 , 2 , 2 -. :: 1 , 1

    , 3 . -- :: 1 -, 1 . --:: 5 --. :: 4 --. --:: 2 , 2 , 3 Capital, 3

    --. PPEERRIICCNNAATTAASSAA:: 1 , 3 . -- :: 1 , 2

    Capital, 2 --,9 . :: 1

    --, 1 Capital,2 , 10 -.

    UUnniitt MMaannaaggeerrss (3/07): 167 -, 257.247 & , 174.000 - , 21 Agents. -- (1/12): 336 -, 287.238 & , 136.393 - , 19 Agents.

    UUnniittss (1/14) 6Agents. (1/14) 7 Agents.


    5) 6) 7) 8)

    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:10 Page 9

  • 68 ( 2014)

    | MEGA BROKERS S.A. | T -- MEGA BROKERS SA , 8 2014. - , - , .. , , - . - MEGA Brokers S.A. 2013 - , 3333,,66 .. -- ,, 2277,,33%% ,, - - . MEGA BRKERS S.A., - - , , , - -, . - .. , .., ,

    & - MEGA BROKERS S.A., . -- , - . 2014 - , - - . - 30 & 31 - -, - ., -

    @ IInntteerraammeerriiccaann -- Interamerican. , -- ,, ().

    . MEGA Brokers: , / , ,

    /, . , /, . , .

    , - tailor made, bonus, - . -, , .

    22001133:: .. --,, .. ,, .. --,, ....,, .. && .. -- 22001133:: .. && ,, .. --,, .. .. 22001133::.. .. ,,.. ,, .. && .. 22001133::.. ,, .. ,,.. -- .. .. 22001133:: .. ,, .. ,, .... 22001133:: .. .. ,, .. ,, .. .. 22001133:: .. ,, AAXXIIAA GGRROOUUPP,, .... 22001133:: .. --..

    (NE A )

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  • ( 2014) 69

    | ARAG | - , ARAG Hellas , 19 -, - . -, -, -, , - , - -


    - ARAG , , ARAG, - . / ARAG, . --,, - , - - --

    , - - , ( .. ), , ARAG., - -, , - , - , .

    ARAG Hellas.




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    & .


    e-mail [email protected] .

    : [email protected].

    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:11 Page 11

  • 70 ( 2014)

    (NE A )

    --, Glass , - , - . Glass - , - , - , - 8800 - - Glass.


    , ,24 Online . -

    -. , , - , - , - , ,, / , Glass. -Glass, - , , -

    , . ,, / .

    | vrs EXPERTEAM | 44 vvrrssAAddjjuusstteerrss*, - - -..., , 5 7 2014. - vrsexperteam**, 6600 , - 5 - - , -

    , . - - . - - , -, LLoyds - , - --

    -- -- --,, --.. vrs AdjustersLLC, . MMiikkee AArrbboouurr, - - - . , -- ,, 22001166..

    4 vrs Adjusters. * O vvrrss AAddjjuusstteerrss


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    147 , -




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    ( -

    ). ** vvrrss eexxppeerrtteeaamm -

    , ,

    . --

    , -

    , -


    | - Glass |

    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:12 Page 12

  • ( 2014) 71

    | AIG | PrivateClient Group AIG -- , - - , . , - - - Private ClientGroup, AIG . Private Client Group - - , -, - - , .

    | ARAG | pprroojjeecctt,, GGeennddeerrDDiivveerrssiittyy, ARAG, . - , GGeennddeerr DDiivveerrssiittyy -- .. project : GGeennddeerr DDiivveerrssiittyy ARAG . . - - . GenderDiversity . , , , - . . , - . AARRAAGG .. , -, - .

    . project, , - . , Managing Part-Time (Fuehren in Teilzeit) -. . ARAG - - -, , .. - . , project - -, - .. . , - -. , project - . - -. - 40%. , , , . , . Wendler .

    | INTERAMERICAN | -- Interamerican, - -, -- . 1.371 , 1.266 2012 ( 8%), - , 240. , Interamerican - - . - . , -, , . 34 , 12 -- 2 .

    -, Interamerican, Medisystem, , - - Mediclinic, - - Medifirst. 2013 89,5. , 3,9 ..

    1122 """" Interamerican, - (16-23 ) - : , - , - , (, ), -

    , . Interamerican - , - - , , , - -. , , -- ---- . Interamerican 10 - , , - - . - / - , 2004 , , - 300 . INTERAMERICAN

    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:12 Page 13

  • 11 - , - , - , 22 . 400 , - , - , - 11 . - -

    , - . , - - o , -

    ., , 11 - - -, -, , .. . , - - .

    (NE A )

    72 ( 2014)

    , .. , , -, , ,

    , / , , --, & -


    - -- -- ((......)) .. --,, - - - . , 3 : - - . - videos . online - www.kantososta.gr, - , . 22001133 , -- 44..000000 30 . -- 22001144 55..000000 --..


    -- ,, 2 - , - ( - ), ((......)) .. 7 - , ,

    , -

    , 11..880000 - -- . - : - . , , - ... . - ... -- . -- ... ,, . -- 200.000 - . - . -- ,, 22001122 9988 //-- . - - 15-29 , 33 ..

    | |

    @ EEuurroottaaxxGGllaassssss HHeellllaass ERE G2G -- . - state-of-the-art vector graphic technology (-

    2 ), , -


    . ERE G2G , -


    | INTERNATIONAL LIFE | International Life, . , Financial Planning, Marketing BusinessDevelopment. : FFiinnaanncciiaall PPllaannnniinngg && RReeppoorrttiinngg MMaannaaggeerr , -. , , Inchcape(TOYOTA HELLAS - Inchcape Insurance, British Providence,Eurolease, Inchcape Credit), Senior GroupDistribution Controlling Manager Group Treasury &Financial Consolidation Manager. , Stoy Hayward Credin Denmark Hellas SeniorAuditor Financial Analyst, .T BBuussiinneessss DDeevveellooppmmeenntt DDiirreeccttoorr . -- , Commercial Management, , . -, , , , : Warner Lambert, Barilla, Carlsberg Group,MetLife Alico. MetLife Alico, , - / - & Direct Marketing -, / , - Bancassurance MetLife . MMaarrkkeettiinngg && AAffffiinniittiieess MMaannaaggeerr . -- , 19 , , : XIOSBANK, Alpha Trust, Generali Hellas, Marketing, . International Association of PrivacyProfessionals (IAPP). .. Alpha Trust...., Alpha Trust Asset Manager Fund - (). / International Life, . , : International Life , . International Life - .

    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 13:55 Page 14

  • ( 2014) 73


    | | -, 21 , - BBllee, . , - , , , -, - , . (.). . - , , - , , - , - - . -

    , - , .

    AAllll SSttaarrGGaammee , , . -

    8 9 -. - BBaasskkeett LLeeaagguuee , , , AAllllSSttaarr GGaammee , -

    . , - -, , , .

    | PRIME INSURANCE | Makedonia Palace, Prime Insurance, 26 2014, - , - , , - 2013, - -. - , Prime Insurance - - , , , 200%, .

    Prime . PRIME - - . - . , - - , - -, Marketing, , ,

    , - - . - : Prime Med .. -., , - , , - - .

    , .. , , , , , , ,


    nea-7:Layout 1 27/03/2014 13:55 Page 15

  • 74 ( 2014)



    EEuurroolliiffee EERRBB

    Eurolife ERB , - , -

    , . ,

    Eurolife ERB

    , Premium .

    - , -, - , 11..550000 .. PPrreemmiiuumm -- 110000%% , -- ( , - 30% ) --, - , -- ., , 5500%% -- , - , EurolifeERB. , , .

    Kids Care & Kids Care Plus

    MMeettLLiiffee AAlliiccoo

    , MetLife


    . - , -

    , .

    - - -, - D.A.S.Hellas. .., -

    . - -- -- , , , D.A.S. Hellas.

    , - , D.A.S. Hellas - . - - D.A.S. Hellas.

    DD..AA..SS.. HHeellllaass

    KidsCare Kids Care Plus - - , .. -- , -- ,, .., - - Advanced Benefit Club (ABC) MetLife Alico. , : 3 - . 1 - check up . 1 . - ,

    - , - - ABC MetLife Alico. 1 - - -, . / 24 , 365 ., KidsCare Kids Care Plus - -- , 550000 .. ABCHealth Care, Mediplan, Medicare Dental Care, Kids Care Kids Care Plus - -, - .

    proionta:Layout 1 27/03/2014 12:14 Page 2

  • 5 &


    -, -

    , - ,


    , .

    -- , - , , -. : - -- -. -- - - , -

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    (A 2014) 75

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  • TT he GFIA welcomes the AustralianG-20 Presidencys focus on long-term growth and its ambitious targets,said FFrraannkk SSwweeddlloovvee, chair of the GFIA.Sustainable long-term growth requiresnot only the financial security thatinsurers offer through efficient risk-transfer mechanisms but also theindustrys long-term investments.WWiitthhoouutt iinnssuurreerrss ccoovveerr ffoorr rriisskkss,, mmaannyyaassppeeccttss ooff ttooddaayyss ssoocciieettyy aanndd eeccoonnoommyyccoouulldd nnoott ffuunnccttiioonn. For example, of theUS$ 186 bn of damage caused by majordisasters in 2012, US$ 77 bn, or 41%,was covered by insurers1. The insurancesector is also one of the worlds largestinstitutional investors, with US$ 26.8 trnof assets under management in 20122

    and US$4.6 trn of new premiums toinvest annually3. It is a significant holderof government and corporate bonds.

    It is vital that the ability of insurers tooffer risk-transfer and retirementproducts and to invest long-term ismaintained and encouraged. The linkmust always be made betweeninternational regulatory initiatives andthe G-20s long-term growth objectives,said Swedlove, who is also president ofthe Canadian Life & Health InsuranceAssociation.Time must always be allowed for acost/benefit analysis in advance of anynew regulation. Unintendedconsequences must be carefullyconsidered, he insisted, referring to thecurrent work on global capital standardsby the Financial Stability Board (FSB) andInternational Association of InsuranceSupervisors (IAIS) and also to the OECDswork on taxation.As the FSB and IAIS design new global

    capital standards under the pressureof a highly ambitious timetable it isimportant that insurers exposure tomarket volatility is not overestimated.Such artificial volatility could reduceinsurers willingness and ability to investlong-term in areas such as infrastructure.It could also have a significant impact onthe availability and price of insuranceproducts. The insurance industry looks to theAustralian G-20 Presidency to ensurethere is appropriate political scrutinybefore any new global standard isagreed, said Swedlove.

    1. Swiss Re sigma study No.2/2013, Naturaland man-made catastrophes in 2012.2. TheCityUK Fund Management 2013. 3. Swiss Re sigma study No.3/2013, Worldinsurance in 2012.

    Table 2

    90 ( 2014)


    GGFFIIAA ddeelleeggaattiioonn ttoo GG--2200 SSttrreesssseess iinnssuurreerrss ssoocciiaall aanndd eeccoonnoommiicc rroollee

    In a series of meetings this week with the Australian G-20 Presidency, the Global Federation ofInsurance Associations (GFIA) has called on the G-20 to ensure that all international regulatory

    reform initiatives allow the insurance sector to continue to support the ambitious economicgrowth targets agreed last month by G-20 finance ministers.

    IInsurance Europes president, SSeerrggiiooBBaallbbiinnoott, has warned that the detailsof the EUs new Solvency II regulatoryregime must be drafted correctly to en-sure that the legislation works as in-tended and does not have negativeconsequences for the insurance industryand its customers.On 11 March 2014 the European Parlia-ment approved the Omnibus II Directive,which updates the Solvency II Directiveof 2009. This formal adoption by the Par-liament of the political agreement thatwas reached last November is anotherimportant step towards the introductionof Solvency II. However, the DDeelleeggaatteeddAAccttss, that are currently being drafted toput the detail on to the Solvency II Direc-tive, ddeevviiaattee ffrroomm tthhee iinntteennttiioonnss ooff tthheelleeggiissllaattoorrss iinn sseevveerraall rreessppeeccttss,, ssuucchh aasslloonngg--tteerrmm gguuaarraanntteeeess aanndd tthhiirrdd--ccoouunnttrryy

    eeqquuiivvaalleennccee..If not corrected, the Delegated Actswould seriously lliimmiitt iinnssuurreerrss aabbiilliittyy ttoopprroovviiddee tthhee lloonngg--tteerrmm iinnvveessttmmeenntt andstability Europes economies need. Theywould have a mmaajjoorr iimmppaacctt on the avail-ability and price of insurance products,and would harm the ability of Europeaninsurers to compete internationally,said Balbinot. In important areas, the wordings andcalibrations would not work as intended.The insurance industry believes thatworkable solutions exist, without delay-ing the timetable for finalising SolvencyII. In the interests of Europeseconomies, we must get Solvency IIright.Among the many issues of concern in thecurrent version of the Delegated Acts, In-surance Europe has highlighted eight

    priority areas: The method for setting the ccrreeddiitt rriisskkaaddjjuussttmmeenntt, which is a significant com-ponent of the discount rates used forvaluing all liabilities, is flawed. Changesare needed to ensure it is not calibratedtoo high and is not too volatile. Thevvoollaattiilliittyy aaddjjuussttmmeenntt is applied to portfo-lios that do not meet the matching ad-justment criteria, to provide someshelter from the short-term marketvolatility that is not relevant for insurers.The methodology for setting this lacksdetail and requires further improvementto ensure the calibration does not devi-ate from the decisions made in OmnibusII. The mmaattcchhiinngg aaddjjuussttmmeenntt, which isapplied for portfolios with very strict cri-teria, was designed to recognise the eco-nomic benefits of having highly matchedlong-term assets and liabilities. A num-

    DDrraafftt SSoollvveennccyy IIII DDeelleeggaatteedd AAccttssddiilluuttee aaiimmss ooff EEUU lleeggiissllaattoorrss

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  • 5( 2014) 91

    ber of improvementsand clarifications are re-quired to ensure that itworks as intended. Adjustments need to bemade to eexxttrraappoollaattiioonnmethods and calibra-tions, as well as to howthese interact with theinterest rate stress test,because the currentdraft adds significantunnecessary costs, par-ticularly for long-termproducts. The riskcharges for lloonngg--tteerrmm iinnvveessttmmeennttss, suchas infrastructure projects, investment insmall and medium-sized enterprises andsecuritisations, are unnecessarily high.These faults can be corrected without

    jeopardising policyholderprotection. The DelegatedActs must be improved forthose asset classes most im-portant for growth and em-ployment in Europe. TheActs negate the provisionson granting provisionalequivalence to third-countryregimes that are important toEuropes internationally ac-tive groups. The text for de-termining the capital chargesfor ccuurrrreennccyy rriisskk is flawed. Itpenalises entities for meeting

    local solvency capital requirements andincentives for poor currency manage-ment. Unnecessary and costly restric-tions on the classification of and limits tooowwnn ffuunnddss need to be removed.

    Insurance Europes Pres-ident, Sergio Baldinot.

    SS&&PPaaffffiirrmmss tthheeGGeenneerraalliirraattiinngg aatt

    AA--SStandard & Poors, the ratingagency, has on 25/3/2014 af-firmed Generalis rating at A-, follow-ing the resolution of a CreditWatch asa result of its global criteria change in-troduced last year. The outlook is Neg-ative. S&P implemented a globalcriteria change that had the effect ofan automatic downgrade if a financialentity was unable to pass an onerousstress test, based on an aggregate ofsevere historical financial crisis inMexico, Thailand, Russia and Greece.Generali has passed S&Ps extremestress test clearly demonstrating itsability to maintain a positive solvencyin a highly distressed scenario. The GGeenneerraallii GGrroouupp CCEEOO, MMaarriioo GGrreeccoo,said: This is a substantial achieve-ment for Generali and the clearestpossible signal of the inherentstrength of the Group. Our ability topass such a dramatic stress scenariois a testament to the significant bal-ance sheet buffers and financial flexi-bility the Group has today. Moreover,we have always considered extremelyunlikely the scenario of a potential de-fault of Italy. S&Ps affirmation is animportant and independent acknowl-edgement of the global diversificationof the Group where approximately70% of our business and assets areoutside the domestic market. But it isalso a positive signal of Italys attrac-tiveness as an investment destina-tion. In conclusion, it is a validation ofthe excellent progress Generali ismaking in its strategy of rebuildingsolvency, reducing leverage, and im-proving profitability. As a result of this affirmation Generalimaintains insurance financial strengthratings in the A-range from S&P andother rating agencies including A.M.Best.

    vrs Adjusters, LLC

    GGlloobbaall CCoonnffeerreennccee22001144,, DDuubbaaii

    The 4th vrs Adjusters global conference with the themeGlobal Loss Adjusting The Road Ahead... was held inDubai from 5th to 7th March 2014. The conference was a

    great success and the international delegates showedenormous team spirit.

    MMore than 60 delegates representingall 5 continents from Argentina toNew Zealand and from Sweden to SouthAfrica enjoyed the 3 days of theconference, which covered a variety ofsubjects. Among other themes themembers of the organization had thechance to discuss future challenges inclaims handling and catastrophic eventsclaims management.It worth noting that a panel ofdistinguished speakers representing theentire insurance industry, such asinsurers and re-insurers, the LloydsMarket and brokers, offered importantinput regarding best practice in claimsmanagement and the expectations of theend customer, the Insured.The President of vrs Adjusters, LLC, Mr.MMiikkee AArrbboouurr, underlined that theevolution in technology can be the key tofacing the challenges of tomorrowsclaims and ultimately provide the Insured

    with top quality services.The conference closed with a desert safariwhere all delegates had great fun justbefore the sunset when the 4x4 jeepscrossed the Dubai desert dunes and drovethem to a nearby oasis, where they tastedlocal food and danced until late in theevening. It was announced that the next globalconference will be held in New York in2016.vrs Adjusters is a leading global lossadjusters organization, servicing 147countries from more than 450 offices withmore than 3.500 claims professionals. vrsAdjusters are specialists in corporate andcommercial insurance claims.vrs experteam represents Greece,Albania, Montenegro and Fyrom in theorganization and Mr SSttaavvrrooss DDiimmooppoouullooss,,the companys General Manager,attended the conference on behalf of thisarea.

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  • *INSURANCE.BG is an online portal following both the Bulgarian and theworld financial markets. It is updated every day and contains news,analyses, comments, interviews and forecasts by established expertsfrom the branch. It is made to serve experts in the field of insurance

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