Modelling the distribution of day-ahead electricity

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Modelling the distribution of day-ahead electricity

returns: a comparison

Sandro Sapio∗

February 1, 2010


This paper contributes to characterizing the probability density of the price returnsin some European day-ahead electricity markets (NordPool, APX, Powernext) by fittingsome flexible and general families of distributions, such as the α-stable, Normal InverseGaussian (NIG), Exponential Power (EP), and Asymmetric Exponential Power (AEP),and comparing their goodness of fit. The α-stable and the NIG systematically outperformthe EP and AEP models, but the tail behaviours and the skewness are sensitive to thedefinition of returns and to the deseasonalization methods. In particular, the logarithmictransform and volatility rescaling tend to dampen the extreme returns.

JEL Classifications: C16, L94.Keywords: Electricity prices, α-stable, Normal Inverse Gaussian, Exponential Power,

Asymmetric Exponential Power, goodness-of-fit.

1 Introduction

The “problem of price variation”, as Mandelbrot (1963) dubbed it, has been among the mostdebated issues in financial economics for the last many decades. Providing a correct descriptionof the empirical distribution of returns is essential for the theory and practice of trading andinvestments. Indeed, portfolio selection theory based upon variance-based measures of riskonly works under the assumption that returns have finite central moments. Furthermore,Value-at-Risk calculations, the pricing formulas for contingent claims, the accuracy of priceforecasting and the appropriateness of the econometric methods all depend on the distributionof returns.

The relevance of these issues is by no means confined to stock market analysis. In marketsfor non-storable commodities, such as electricity, trading mechanisms must continuously en-sure market-clearing, because imbalances between demand and supply would cause blackouts.The prices quoted in wholesale power exchanges undergo sudden and short-lived excursions,caused by strategic behaviours and accidental plant failures, while production and consump-tion smoothing are not feasible. A well-known empirical fact is that the heavy tails observedin electricity returns distributions cannot be accounted for by the Gaussian law. Forecastingand risk management are therefore even more crucial than in stock markets, and a “solution”to the problem of price variation in the context of power exchanges is even more needed.

∗Dipartimento di Studi Economici, Universita di Napoli Parthenope, and Laboratorio di Economia e Man-agement, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa (Italy). E-mail:


It is the aim of this paper to understand the distributional nature of the day-ahead elec-tricity price returns. More specifically, we ask whether electricity returns display heavy tailsand skewness, and whether the central moments diverge; we also investigate on the time scal-ing of risk and on possible intra-daily differences in distributional shapes. Answers to theseresearch questions are sought by comparing the goodness-of-fit performances of the α-stable,the Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG), the Exponential Power (EP), and the Asymmetric Expo-nential Power (AEP) distribution laws. The data are drawn from some major European powerexchanges, such as the Scandinavian NordPool, the Dutch APX, and the French Powernext.We focus on 1-day returns computed on prices of individual hours, which allow to have a graspof the intra-day risk patterns.

The main findings of the paper are the following. First, and expectedly, electricity returnsdisplay heavy tails. This fact is robust across markets and hourly auctions, and holds forvarious definitions of returns (log-returns, percentage returns, price changes) and regardlessof the deseasonalization methodology. The tails are fatter in the APX market and in day-time auctions, and tend to be dampened by the logarithmic transform. Second, the NIGand the α-stable laws systematically outperform the EP and AEP distributions according togoodness-of-fit criteria, although no clear ranking can be established between the two “win-ners”. Because only the α-stable and the NIG distributions are closed under convolution,fat tails are expected to characterize also returns computed over longer horizons. The esti-mated characteristic exponent of the α-stable distribution is always between 1 and 2, meaningthat the expected value of the electricity returns converges, but the second moment does not.However, this is true only to the extent that the α-stable outperforms the NIG. Third, theskewness is an essential feature of the returns distributions. Some interesting cross-marketvariance emerges when Cholesky/scaling log-returns are considered (negative skewness in thePowernext, positive in the APX). Yet, using other definitions of returns and deseasonalizationmethods yields mixed results.

A number of previous works are closely related to the present paper. The α-stable modelwas shown to outperform the Hyperbolic and NIG distributions by Rachev, Truck and Weron(2004, cited in Weron 2009) on EEX daily price differences, and by Weron (2005) on EEX andNordPool data. In Mugele, Rachev and Truck (2005), NordPool and EEX daily price differ-ences was best described by stable laws, too, while the performance of the stable distributionon PolPX data was less successful. Further evidence of power-law tails was found by Bellini(2002), Bystrom (2005) and Chan and Gray (2006), who fitted generalized extreme value dis-tributions by means of peaks-over-threshold and block maxima methods, and by Deng andJiang (2005) who followed a quantile function approach to model the distribution of CalPXand PJM returns. The Generalized Hyperbolic distribution, which includes the NIG as aspecial case, was estimated on NordPool data by Eberlein and Stahl (2003). Recent work byWeron (2009) reports estimates of the α-stable, Hyperbolic and NIG models on data from sev-eral markets (EEX, Omel, PJM, NEPOOL) and using various measures of price returns. Theresults vary across countries and are affected by how the returns are defined (see also the bookby Weron 2006). The probability density function of daily log-returns was modelled as a sym-metric EP distribution by Bottazzi, Sapio and Secchi (2005) and Bottazzi and Sapio (2007),whose estimates hinted at Laplacian or even heavier tails. Robinson and Baniak (2002) alsofitted a Laplace distribution, whereas Bosco, Parisio and Pelagatti (2007) used EP-distributedshocks in a PARMA-GARCH model. Deng, Jiang and Xia (2002) fitted a Cauchy-Laplacemixture to PJM and CalPX price differences. The present study covers three markets, an-alyzes relatively large samples, and considers three definitions of price returns (log-returns,percentage returns, price differences). In this respect, the paper seeks to overcome the main


limitations of the previous works, as highlighted for instance by Weron (2009, p. 460).The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the datasets and the deseasonal-

ization methods, and provides summary statistics. The distributional models fitted in thepaper are described in Section 3, whereas Section 4 illustrates the baseline estimation resultsconcerning log-returns. In Section 5 the robustness of the results is assessed with respect toother definitions of returns and deseasonalization methods. Section 6 concludes.

2 Data and preliminary analysis

For the purposes of this study, data on day-ahead electricity prices have been collected concern-ing three major European power exchanges: NordPool (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden),2191 days from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2002; APX (the Netherlands), 1457 days from6 January 2001 to 31 December 2004; and Powernext (France), 1826 days from 1 February2002 to 31 January 2007.1 In these markets, each day 24 auctions are run simultaneously inorder to determine prices and quantities for each hour of the following day. The day-aheadprices are determined by uniform price auctions, so that all power is sold and purchased atthe market-clearing price. The time series of day-ahead prices are depicted in Fig. 1 for the4 p.m. auctions, when demand is typically near to its daily peak, and in Fig. 2 for a nightdelivery session (4 a.m.), when average prices and demand are relatively low.

[Fig. 1 and 2 here]

In finance, the price returns are usually defined as logarithmic price differences or log-returns xht = log pht − log ph,t−1, where pht is the price at day t for the hour-h auction.2 Table1 provides summary statistics of the log-returns for selected hours, along with the outcomesof Shapiro-Wilk normality tests and autocorrelation coefficients. This table shows that, whiledrifts in power prices are rather weak, the standard deviations are highest at the beginningof the working day (8 a.m.) and decay afterwards. The skewness is positive and strongerduring the day, and the excess kurtosis is always positive and large, albeit without any clearintra-day pattern. Hence the probability to observe large positive or negative fluctuations isgreater than in a Gaussian process. The Shapiro-Wilk normality tests strongly reject the nullof a Gaussian distribution (SW = 1) for all markets and all hourly auctions: the test statisticsare always significantly below 1 (p-values, not reported here, are all below 0.0001).

[Table 1 here]

The serial correlations over a daily horizon are always negative, more so in the night-timeauctions; the autocorrelations at lag 7 days are strong, up to 0.5-0.6 in some day-time auctions.The weekly pattern of economic activities is an obvious determinant of these patterns. Furthertime dependencies appear at lower frequencies, due to the seasonal patterns of economicactivity and weather conditions. In addition to linear dependencies, the width of the powerprice fluctuations may vary across hours, because bidding strategies may change under differentrelative scarcity (Karakatsani and Bunn 2004, Simonsen 2005, Bottazzi, Sapio and Secchi2005). All of this justifies the use of filters in order to remove the linear and higher-order

1Data sources, respectively: NordPool FTP Server;; in the paper (Section 5) we shall discuss some drawbacks with using log-returns and assess the

robustness of the results with respect to other definitions of returns.


autocorrelations, in such a way that what remains is presumably the outcome of randomshocks to market fundamentals.

The data are filtered in two steps. First, we remove all the linear autocorrelations bymeans of the semi-parametric Cholesky factor algorithm introduced by Diebold, Ohanian,and Berkovitz (1997). The algorithm works as follows:

1. Estimate the covariance matrix Σ of the vector xht, as the Toeplitz matrix built uponthe autocovariance vector γ;3

2. Calculate C as the Cholesky factor of Σ, i.e. C: CC ′ = Σ;

3. Extract the linearly uncorrelated, standardized residuals xht as follows:

xht = C−1xht (1)

Let us call x the Cholesky-filtered log-returns. Second, we model the standard deviation ofthe filtered returns as a power function of the lagged price level (which is a proxy for marketscarcity) or, in logs,

log V [xht|ph,t−1] = χ + χ′dht + ρ log ph,t−1 + ρ′(log ph,t−1)dht + ǫht (2)

and rescale the filtered returns in order to obtain homoskedastic samples:4

x∗ht =


eχ+χ′dht+ρ log ph,t−1+ρ′(log ph,t−1)dht(3)

Finally, the hourly averages are subtracted. These returns will be referred to as Cholesky-filtered and rescaled log-returns. In the above equations, V [.] is the variance operator; χ, χ′,ρ and ρ′ are constant coefficients (their estimated values and indicated with a hat), xht is theCholesky-filtered series of log-returns for the hour-h auction at day t; ph,t−1 is the price for thehour-h auction at day t−1; ǫht is an i.i.d. error term. The dummy variable dht allows both theslope and the intercept of the scaling regression to vary as the price reaches particularly highlevels. This accounts for the possibility that the price dynamics be characterized by switchingregimes (see Weron 2009 and De Jong 2006 and references therein). In order to estimatethe power-law scaling coefficients, the data of each time series are grouped into equipopulatebins. Next, the sample standard deviations of the log-returns in each bin are computed, andthe logarithm of the sample standard deviations is OLS-regressed on a constant and on thelogarithm of the mean price level within the corresponding bins.5

The estimates of the variance-price scaling relationship for NordPool and Powernext sug-gest that the standard deviations of the filtered returns are negatively correlated with the

3A Toeplitz matrix is a matrix which has constant values along all negative-sloping diagonals.4A scaling relationship between log-return variance and volume levels has also been considered, but it is

seldom significant.5Estimation of the scaling coefficients has been performed for each number of bins between 8 and 40. One

finds that R2 values are decreasing in the number of bins, and that the point estimates of ρ tend to slightlydecrease in absolute value. A decision was made to focus on scaling based on 40 bins (NordPool), 28 bins(APX), and 34 bins (Powernext), corresponding to between 52 and 55 observations per bin. Indeed, MonteCarlo simulations performed by the author show that the profile of scaling exponent estimates, with respectto the number of bins, is characterized by a flat region around the mentioned values. A larger number of binsimplies more degrees of freedom in the regression, but the volatility estimates within each bin are more noisy,because they are based on a smaller number of observations, resulting in lower R2 values. As to the use of themean prices, choosing the median prices does not affect the results significantly.


lagged price levels; but the dummy coefficients are large and positive, implying that thevariance-price relationship is increasing at high price levels. The APX scaling exponents,instead, are quite variable across hours. Even after filtering and rescaling, the log-returnsstill display skewness and excess kurtosis; Ljung-Box tests performed using 28 lags (4 weeks)cannot reject the null of zero serial correlation, while normality tests still reject the null of aGaussian distribution.6

This filtering procedure departs from what Weron (2009) calls the “industry standard”,wherein the electricity price is envisaged as the sum or the product of a (deterministic)trend/cycle/seasonal component and a stochastic component. Goal of the deseasonalizationtechniques used by De Jong (2006) and Weron (2009) is to isolate the stochastic component,which is then used to compute the price returns. De Jong (2006) regresses the log-prices ondaily dummies, an annual sinusoidal, and an exponentially-weighted moving average, whileWeron (2009) applies a wavelet smoothing technique to deal with the annual cycle, plus amoving-average filter to remove the average weekly pattern. A problem with these approachesis that they may not yield the desirable i.i.d. samples. The approach followed in this paper isa way to solve this problem: the outcome of the Cholesky filter is a serially uncorrelated timeseries by construction, while the variance-price power-law scaling takes care of the remainingheteroskedasticity.

3 Distributions of electricity returns

In characterizing the probability density of the electricity price returns, it is desirable to selectclasses of probability distributions which are general and flexible enough as to yield differentimplications on the decay of the tails, on skewness, on the convergence of the central momentsand on the time scaling of risk. In this work one focuses on the α-stable, Normal InverseGaussian, Exponential Power and Asymmetric Exponential Power distribution families. Thesehave been frequently analyzed in the relevant literature, as mentioned in the Introduction.

A first class of probability distributions is relevant if one views the electricity returns asresulting from the sum of n i.i.d. shocks uj, not restricted to have finite moments, with j =1, ..., n. The Generalized Central Limit Theorem states that the distribution of 1√


∑nj=1 ujt

converges to an α-stable distribution as n → ∞ (see Samorodnitsky and Taqqu 1994, Borak,Hardle and Weron 2005). A random variable is α-stable if and only if its characteristic functionreads

φ(v) = e−σα|v|α{1+iβ(sign v) tan πv2

[(σ|v|)1−α−1]}+iµv (4)

if α 6= 1; or

φ(v) = e−σ|v|{1+iβ(sign v) 2π

log(σ|v|)}+iµv (5)

if α = 1. An α-stable distribution is defined by four parameters: a characteristic exponentor stability index α ∈ (0, 2], a skewness parameter β ∈ [−1, 1], a scale parameter σ > 0, anda location parameter µ ∈ ℜ. The stable distribution corresponds to a Normal when α = 2,whereas α < 2 implies that the variance is infinite and the tails asymptotically decay as power-laws. When α = 1, the Cauchy distribution results, but if α < 1 even the first central momentdiverges.

6The summary statistics for the Cholesky-filtered and rescaled variables and detailed information on thevariance-price scaling estimates are available upon request.


A second model assumes that the electricity returns are variance-mean mixtures of Gaus-sian random variables. If the mixing distribution is a generalized inverse Gaussian law withλ = −1/2, the Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG) law obtains. The probability density functionreads (Barndorff-Nielsen 1997)

fNIG(x; α, β, σ, µ) =ασ



σ2 + (x − µ)2)√σ2 + (x − µ)2


The parameters are α (steepness), β (skewness), σ > 0 (scale), and µ ∈ ℜ (location). Theconstant K1 is the modified Bessel function of the third kind with index 1, also known asthe MacDonald function. The NIG exhibits semi-heavy tails, i.e. heavier than Gaussian, butlighter than power-law. The Cauchy distribution is the special case fNIG(x; 0, 0, 1, 0). Thetails of the NIG distribution taper off according to the following asymptotic formula:

fNIG(x) ≈ |x|−3/2e(∓α+β)x (7)

for x → ±∞. Notice that both the α-stable and the NIG distribution are closed toconvolution. This feature is especially useful in the time scaling of risk, e.g. in derivinglong-term risk from daily risk (Weron 2004).

A third class of distributions obtains if one assumes x ∼ i.i.d. N(0, hψ), where h ∼ i.i.d.Exponential. As shown by Fu et al. (2005), if ψ ≥ 0 this model yields an Exponential Powerdistribution with shape parameter b > 0 (inversely related to ψ), scale parameter a, andposition parameter µ:

fEP (x; a, b, µ) =1

2ab1/bΓ(1 + 1b)e−


a|b (8)

In Eq. 8, Γ(.) is the gamma function.7 The EP distribution reduces to a Laplace if b = 1and to a Normal if b = 2. As b gets smaller, the density becomes heavier-tailed and moresharply peaked.8

The EP family only includes symmetric probability distributions. However, it may bedesirable to allow for some more flexibility in modelling the skewness, in order to yield a morepunctual comparison with the α-stable and NIG laws. The EP family has been generalized inthis direction by Bottazzi and Secchi (2007), who have introduced the Asymmetric ExponentialPower (AEP) family:

fAEP (x; al, ar, bl, br, µ) =1

alA0(bl) + arA0(br)e−


al|blθ(µ−x)+ 1


ar|br θ(x−µ)



where θ(y) (for a generic variable y) is the Heaviside theta function and

Ak(y) = yk+1


(k + 1



The AEP density is characterized by two positive shape parameters (bl, br), two positivescale parameters (al, ar), and one position parameter (µ). The magnitudes of the shape

7This distribution was first used in economics by Bottazzi and Secchi (2003), and is also known as Subbotindistribution (Subbotin 1923).

8West (1987) represented the Exponential Power distribution as a scale mixture of Normals with α-stablemixing distribution whose stability index is equal to b/2, but his result is limited to b ≥ 1. See also Andrewsand Mellows (1974) and Choy and Walker (2003).


parameters tune the behavior of the upper and of the lower tail, respectively. The AEPreduces to the EP distribution when al = ar and bl = br. Unlike the α-stable and NIGdistributions, the EP and AEP distributions are not closed under convolution. Hence, thedistribution of returns computed over longer time horizons tends to converge to the Gaussianlaw.

The parameters of the stable distribution are estimated here by means of the characteristicfunction regression method (Koutrouvelis 1980, Kogon and Williams 1998). This method wasshown by Weron (2004) and Scalas and Kim (2007) to be more accurate than alternativemethods. We use Maximum Likelihood to estimate the parameters of the NIG, EP, and AEPdistributions. The MFE Toolbox (Weron 2006) is exploited for the estimation of stable andNIG laws, whereas the EP and AEP distributions have been fitted by making use of theSubbotools package available at∼giulio/software/subbotools/ (see alsoBottazzi 2004, Bottazzi and Secchi 2007).

The goodness of fit of the estimated distribution models is assessed by means of theKolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises statistics (D’Agostino and Stephens 1986). TheKolmogorov-Smirnov D statistic is defined as the maximum absolute deviation between thetheoretical and empirical CDFs:

D = max


N− zi



where zi is the i-th ordinate of a theoretical cumulative distribution function under testing,and N the sample size. The Cramer-von Mises W 2 test statistics is based on the quadraticdeviations between theoretical and empirical CDFs:

W 2 =1




[zi −

2i − 1




The asymptotic 5% limiting value of D is 1.36/√

N , that is 0.0291 (NordPool), 0.0356(APX), 0.0318 (Powernext). These are the Monte Carlo asymptotic values, under the as-sumption that sample sizes are large enough as to rule out the need for distribution-specificsmall sample corrections. The 5% limiting value for W 2 is 0.443 - an exact result valid for anysample size greater or equal than 5 (Stephens 1974).

4 Fitting the empirical probability densities

The estimation results for the α-stable, NIG, EP and AEP distributions are reported in Ta-bles 2, 3 and 4 for selected hourly auctions in the NordPool, APX, and Powernext respectively,along with goodness-of-fit statistics.

[Tables 2, 3, 4 here]

The estimated stability index α for the stable distribution is always below the Normalvalue (i.e. 2). NordPool and Powernext point estimates of α lie within the range 1.70-1.85;APX estimates are slighly lower, more so in the 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. auctions: therefore, thetails of APX log-returns decay more slowly. The skewness parameter β in the APX is positivein all hours, whereas β < 0 in all NordPool and Powernext hourly auctions. These patternsare confirmed - at least qualitatively - by the estimated NIG parameters: the log-returns inall markets display heavy tails; the steepness parameter is lower in the APX market; the


distribution of Powernext log-returns is characterized by a negative skew in all hours. Thistime the parameter β in the NordPool assumes negative values only in some hours (4 a.m.,midnight), and is below zero in some APX auctions (4 a.m., 8 a.m.).

As to the EP distribution, the point estimates of the shape parameter are systematicallybelow the Normal value - a sign of heavy tails. The shape coefficients are often around theLaplace value (namely 1), with some deviations (most frequently above 1 in the Powernextand below 1 in the APX auctions). The AEP results show that the left tails are heavier inthe NordPool and APX night auctions, and lighter during the day (bl < br by night, theopposite in the other hours). Consistent with the α-stable and NIG estimates of the skewnessparameter, the Powernext left tails are longer in all auctions. Note that the point estimatesof ar and al are very similar to each other in all markets; as an implication, the skewness inlog-returns is mainly due to tail asymmetries, not so much to asymmetries in scale.

The reported goodness-of-fit criteria bring evidence in support of the α-stable and NIGmodels, which outperform the EP and AEP distributions. Both the α-stable and NIG lawsprovide excellent fits, but neither clearly prevails on the other, as both have some success ina certain number of hourly auctions. In fact, in some hours the NIG fits better according toone goodness-of-fit criterion, while the α-stable fits better according to the other criterion.Notice furtherly that the (symmetric) EP distribution virtually always provides the worst fit- presumably because of its inability to capture the skewness. Finally, although the AEP isoutperformed by the stable and NIG laws, the goodness-of-fit statistics for the AEP distribu-tion are often below the 5% critical values. The fitting performances of the α-stable, NIG, EPand AEP distributions in a selected hourly auction (4 p.m.) can be appreciated in Figure 3.

[Fig. 3 here]

5 Robustness

Unlike stock prices and exchange rates, the electricity prices process cannot be approximatedby a geometric random walk. Indeed, there is no widespread support in favour of eithermultiplicative or additive representations of electricity price processes; at the same time, it isquite clear that the price dynamics is driven by multiple seasonal factors and is possibly subjectto regime shifts. As major implications, there is no unambiguous way to define price returns,neither can one determine beforehand what method is most appropriate to deseasonalize thedata. Getting the tails and skewness “right” - a major issue in risk management - does notseem easy, as the estimated distributional parameters may change depending on the definitionof returns and on the filtering methodology. These issues are addressed in this section, wherebythe robustness of results is assessed along two lines: (i) change the definition of returns whilekeeping the same deseasonalization method as before (Cholesky filter plus volatility-pricerescaling); (ii) keep working on log-returns while changing the deseasonalization method.

There are convincing reasons to expect that the shape of the returns distribution may besensitive to the very definition of returns. Log-returns are usually considered as approximationsof the percentage returns, defined as pt−pt−1

pt−1. The difference between a log-return xt and a

percentage return is in the order of 12x2

t + 16x3

t + ... (Eberlein and Keller 1995). While thisis negligible in financial markets, the approximation may be quite poor in power exchanges,due to the extremely large magnitudes of electricity price fluctuations. A second problem isthat the logarithmic transformation dampens the extreme returns and makes the distribution


of returns more symmetric, thereby affecting the estimated shape and skewness parameters.Empirically, this effect has been verified by Weron (2009), who finds that the distributionof price changes pt − pt−1 displays heavier tails than the distribution of log-returns. For theabove reasons, the robustness of the foregoing results needs to be checked by using alternativedefinitions of price returns.

Table 5 reports the estimation results when the α-stable, NIG, EP and AEP models arefitted on the empirical probability densities of percentage returns (upper layers) and pricechanges (bottom layers), Cholesky-filtered and rescaled as in Section 2.9 A first result is thatin most hours, the distributions of price changes and percentage returns have heavier tails thanthe distributions of logarithmic returns: indeed, the point estimates of the shape parametersare lower. There are some exceptions concerning APX and Powernext: in those markets, thepercentage returns are less fat-tailed than the log-returns from 4 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the tailsof the price changes decay faster during the night. Second, the patterns of skewness observedfor log-returns are not robust when one consider percentage returns and price changes. Forinstance, the NordPool and Powernext price changes distributions are closer to symmetric, butthere is a negative skew in the APX (APX log-returns on the contrary displayed a positiveskew). Less clear are the results for percentage returns, with alternating signs, althoughthe magnitudes of the skewness parameters tend to be mild. Different distributions givecontrasting results: the Powernext AEP left shape parameter bl is now often slightly largerthan the right shape parameter br, hinting at a positive skew; but α-stable skewness parametersfor the same market are often negative. These findings are only partly in line with theevidence in Weron (2009), and show that analyzing returns of individual hours can shed lighton interesting intra-day patterns. Third and last, the comparative performance of the α-stable law improves for the percentage returns and for the NordPool price changes (i.e. itis the best-fitting distribution in a greater number of hourly auctions), while the NIG keepsprevailing as a description of APX and Powernext price changes. The AEP law is now thebest-fitting distribution in two instances (APX 4 a.m. percentage returns, Powernext 4 a.m.price changes).

[Table 5 here]

The results presented in Section 4 may also be sensitive to the filtering methodology. Onthe one hand, if power-law volatility-price scaling is an effective way of controlling for het-eroskedasticity, the time series of log-returns filtered using only the Cholesky algorithm shouldbe the superposition of underlying homoskedastic (and possibly non-heavy tailed) series. Itshould therefore display longer tails. One can therefore assess the impact of heteroskedasticityon the distributional shapes by fitting the empirical density functions of the log-returns afterapplying only the Cholesky filter (i.e. x), without taking care of volatility-price scaling. Onthe other hand, the Cholesky filter is built upon the sample autocovariance function; hence itmay suffer from the same limitations as Fourier-based filters if the time series is non-stationary.The outcome of applying a filter that is less suited to deal with non-stationarities would prob-ably be a mixture of random variables, leading to spurious estimates of the asymmetry andtail parameters. Wavelet filters should be immune to these problems. Following Weron (2006,2009), hereby one approximates the long-term seasonal component of the time series of elec-tricity prices by means of an S8 approximation, based on a Daubechies-20 wavelet filter; thenthe long-term seasonal component is subtracted from the time series and the weekly pattern isremoved by using a moving-average filter. The minimum of the resulting time series is aligned

9Information on the scale and location parameters, which is less essential, is omitted in order to save space.


with the minimum of the original price series, and then the log-returns are computed, readyfor the α-stable, NIG, EP, and AEP fit.

The estimates in Table 6 refer to Cholesky-filtered and wavelet-filtered log-returns (topand bottom layers, respectively). These estimates show that, as compared to the distributionsof Cholesky-filtered and rescaled log-returns, the tails are at least as fat. One noteworthyexception is represented by the NIG distribution, whose shape parameter estimates are un-usually high. The skewness estimates in the case of Cholesky-filtered log-returns are basicallyconfirmed for APX (positive) and Powernext (negative), although magnitudes are milder;NordPool log-returns are now approximately symmetric. As to wavelet-filtered log-returns,the skewness is now positive in the NordPool (it was often negative for Cholesky-filtered andrescaled log-returns), mildly negative in APX (it was positive), and the negative sign in thePowernext is confirmed in most hours, but magnitudes are smaller. Finally, the α-stable lawnow displays an improved fitting performance and comes to dominate the other distributionsin a greater number of hours. The AEP provides the best fit twice (4 a.m. and 8 p.m.) in thePowernext market.

[Table 6 here]

6 Conclusion

This paper contributes to characterizing the probability density of the price returns in someEuropean day-ahead electricity markets (NordPool, APX, Powernext) by fitting some flexibleand general families of distributions, such as the α-stable, Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG),Exponential Power (EP), and Asymmetric Exponential Power (AEP), and comparing theirgoodness of fit. One finds that the probability to observe extremely large (positive or nega-tive) returns is larger than in Gaussian phenomena, confirming a very robust finding in theliterature. The goodness-of-fit tests suggest that the α-stable and the NIG systematically out-perform the EP and AEP models, although no clear ranking can be established between thetwo “winners”. The evidence of heavy tails is robust to changing the definition of returns (fromlog-returns to percentage returns and price changes) and the deseasonalization methodology.Yet, the point estimates differ somehow across cases; in particular, the logarithmic transformand volatility rescaling tend to dampen the extreme returns. Both the skewness and the tailbehaviour vary across markets, and one observes also some interesting intra-daily patterns,which could not be detected by previous works, which focused on average daily returns.

The evidence of heavy tails is in accordance with the intuition behind the regime-switchingand jump-diffusion models. If the returns can be represented as scale-location mixtures - asthe good performance of the NIG distribution seems to suggest - the market is characterized bylow amounts of volatility most of the time, but instances of extreme volatility are not negligiblyrare. This is very much consistent with the idea that power exchanges undergo transitionsbetween quiet and turbulent price regimes. The better fitting performance of the α-stableand NIG laws, as compared to the EP and AEP models, suggests that there is a time scalingbetween daily and longer-term market risk: both the α-stable and the NIG distributionsare closed under convolution, therefore their shapes are preserved under time aggregation.Moreover, to the extent that the α-stable distribution outperforms the NIG, the results signalthe non-convergence of the second moment. This is bad news vis-a-vis the use of price volatilityas a measure of price risk in power exchanges. At the same time, the results suggests that theskewness and the kurtosis are at least as important for risk management as volatility, in line


with the theoretical results obtained by Bessembinder and Lemmon (2002) about the pricingof power forwards. Still, in interpreting the results one has to acknowledge the relativelysmall numerosity of the data in the tails of electricity returns distributions, as compared tothe wealth of high-frequency financial data. This poses some estimation and goodness-of-fitproblems, as pointed out by Weron, Bierbrauer and Truck (2004). Such problems are going topersist unless we wait long enough as to have many years of data available. Thus, estimationon data from power exchanges established more recently is not expected to yield better results- at least not in the near future.

The results obtained in this paper can be seen as the starting point for further work. Onecould extend the policy-oriented analysis performed by Robinson and Baniak (2002) on theimpact of Contracts for Differences (CfDs) and test the effects of further policy measures, suchas the introduction of the EU ETS scheme for carbon emissions and the liberalization of retailtrading.


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0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 20000









NordPool 4 PM prices

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 14000









APX 4 PM prices

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 18000







Powernext 4 PM prices

Figure 1: Plots of NordPool, APX and Powernext day-ahead prices for the 4 p.m. auctions.Legend: NOK = Norwegian Krone; Eur = Euro; KWh = KiloWatt per hour.


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 20000








NordPool 4 AM prices

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 14000








APX 4 AM prices

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 18000









Powernext 4 AM prices

Figure 2: Plots of NordPool, APX and Powernext day-ahead prices, for the 4 a.m. auctions.Legend: NOK = Norwegian Krone; Eur = Euro; KWh = KiloWatt per hour.


Table 1: Summary statistics of log-returns in the NordPool, APX, and Powernext markets,along with Shapiro-Wilk statistics and autocorrelation coefficients.

Auctions mean skewness kurtosis SW acf(1) acf(7)


4 am -0.0000 0.1380 0.4668 28.2410 0.7167 -0.2715 0.03718 am -0.0000 0.2107 1.0293 19.9273 0.7829 -0.1508 0.527812 (noon) -0.0000 0.1384 1.0630 20.5106 0.8204 -0.1233 0.48124 pm -0.0000 0.1193 1.2205 14.4644 0.8291 -0.0384 0.50358 pm 0.0000 0.0936 0.8641 43.0378 0.7597 -0.1489 0.182312 (midnight) 0.0000 0.0623 -0.3141 13.1957 0.8584 -0.0684 0.1075APX

4 am -0.0009 1.2534 0.2439 23.7528 0.5273 -0.4427 0.02048 am -0.0002 1.6831 0.3925 15.1495 0.6517 -0.3893 0.366512 (noon) 0.0003 0.6921 0.8037 6.5865 0.9355 -0.2268 0.52974 pm -0.0004 0.6345 0.8864 9.8323 0.8842 -0.1865 0.48368 pm -0.0003 0.3410 -0.1048 9.8369 0.8879 -0.3801 0.147212 (midnight) -0.0002 0.4831 0.6416 169.4452 0.4380 -0.4664 0.0193Powernext

4 am -0.0000 0.5119 0.1385 83.7746 0.6818 -0.3742 0.35868 am -0.0000 0.6526 0.7423 6.8751 0.9071 -0.2713 0.639312 (noon) -0.0000 0.4424 1.0837 11.1308 0.8926 -0.2023 0.45394 pm 0.0000 0.4484 1.0351 9.3050 0.9049 -0.2118 0.52028 pm -0.0000 0.2924 0.6311 6.7971 0.9283 -0.1523 0.380812 (midnight) 0.0000 0.2103 0.4558 13.4018 0.8779 -0.2977 0.1724


Table 2: Parameter estimates and goodness-of-fit statistics for α-stable, NIG, EP, and AEPdistributions fitted to the filtered and rescaled log-returns: NordPool.

NordPool Parameters Test values

Auctions Distrib. tail skewness scale location D W 2

4 AM α-stable 1.7750 -0.1536 0.5910 0.0263 0.0133 0.1908NIG 1.0299 -0.1707 1.0252 0.1723 0.0185 0.1461

EP 1.1238 - 0.7803 0.0000 0.0380 0.6938AEP 1.0261; 1.4123 - 0.8033; 0.7961 0.0000 0.0300 0.3132

8 AM α-stable 1.6997 -0.0989 0.6101 -0.0177 0.0135 0.1066NIG 0.7107 0.0030 0.9164 -0.0039 0.0144 0.0655

EP 0.9979 - 0.7992 0.0000 0.0211 0.2575AEP 1.0434; 0.9763 - 0.8014; 0.8047 0.0000 0.0249 0.2751

12 (noon) α-stable 1.7494 -0.0027 0.6447 -0.0162 0.0112 0.0991NIG 0.8139 0.0410 1.0472 -0.0528 0.0118 0.0479

EP 1.0845 - 0.8471 0.0000 0.0263 0.2472AEP 1.1774; 1.0393 - 0.8512; 0.8562 0.0000 0.0220 0.2098

4 PM α-stable 1.7553 -0.1158 0.6350 -0.0213 0.0133 0.1711NIG 0.8327 0.0284 1.0324 -0.0352 0.0116 0.0470

EP 1.0872 - 0.8324 0.0000 0.0256 0.2483AEP 1.1647; 1.0458 - 0.8350; 0.8391 0.0000 0.0250 0.2214

8 PM α-stable 1.7608 -0.1242 0.6446 -0.0285 0.0110 0.1276NIG 0.8325 0.0168 1.0559 -0.0213 0.0141 0.0583

EP 1.0831 - 0.8411 0.0000 0.0235 0.2328AEP 1.1424; 1.0513 - 0.8432; 0.8467 0.0000 0.0234 0.2424

12 (midnight) α-stable 1.7946 -0.3804 0.6329 -0.0135 0.0202 0.2138NIG 1.0763 -0.1499 1.1719 0.1648 0.0120 0.0264

EP 1.2292 - 0.8454 0.0000 0.0266 0.3865AEP 1.1209; 1.3770 - 0.8501; 0.8458 0.0000 0.0118 0.0487

Tail: α (stable and NIG), b (EP), bl and br (AEP). Skewness: β (stable and NIG). Scale: σ (stable andNIG), a (EP), al and ar (AEP). Location: µ.

Asymptotic 5% limiting values: 0.0291 (D), 0.443 (W 2).Bold-face figures indicate the minimum goodness-of-fit test values.


Table 3: Parameter estimates and goodness-of-fit statistics for α-stable, NIG, EP, and AEPdistributions fitted to the filtered and rescaled log-returns: APX.

APX Parameters Test values

Auctions Distrib. tail skewness scale location D W 2

4 AM α-stable 1.5158 0.3067 0.5181 0.2085 0.0219 0.0355

NIG 0.4264 -0.0869 0.6303 0.1312 0.0348 0.3584EP 0.7562 - 0.6841 0.0000 0.0659 1.9361AEP 0.6904; 1.0266 - 0.7324; 0.7045 0.0000 0.0377 0.4536

8 AM α-stable 1.3876 0.3903 0.5054 0.3332 0.0341 0.0750

NIG 0.3093 -0.0649 0.5851 0.1255 0.0355 0.3809EP 0.6893 - 0.6893 0.0000 0.0735 2.4395AEP 0.6231; 0.9073 - 0.7363; 0.7028 0.0000 0.0406 0.3575

12 (noon) α-stable 1.7749 0.6614 0.6317 0.0215 0.0215 0.2227NIG 1.1050 0.2664 1.1675 -0.2900 0.0132 0.0434

EP 1.2244 - 0.8559 0.0000 0.0480 0.6441AEP 1.5558; 1.0607 - 0.8654; 0.8717 0.0000 0.0149 0.0565

4 PM α-stable 1.6632 0.1908 0.5824 -0.0119 0.0202 0.1229NIG 0.7513 0.1063 0.8877 -0.1269 0.0186 0.0812

EP 1.0219 - 0.7840 0.0000 0.0429 0.4586AEP 1.1819; 0.9421 - 0.7880; 0.7993 0.0000 0.0213 0.1735

8 PM α-stable 1.6520 0.1309 0.5986 -0.0158 0.0161 0.4738NIG 0.7178 0.0784 0.9181 -0.1010 0.0204 0.0898

EP 1.0484 - 0.8218 0.0000 0.0412 0.3888AEP 1.1942; 0.9730 - 0.8256; 0.8353 0.0000 0.0269 0.2098

12 (midnight) α-stable 1.6831 0.1040 0.5425 0.0156 0.0258 0.0346

NIG 0.5396 0.0012 0.6859 -0.0015 0.0216 0.1137EP 0.8146 - 0.6737 0.0000 0.0277 0.3375AEP 0.7958; 0.8584 - 0.6795; 0.6768 0.0000 0.0333 0.3597

Tail: α (stable and NIG), b (EP), bl and br (AEP). Skewness: β (stable and NIG). Scale: σ (stable andNIG), a (EP), al and ar (AEP). Location: µ.

Asymptotic 5% limiting values: 0.0356 (D), 0.443 (W 2).Bold-face figures indicate the minimum goodness-of-fit test values.


Table 4: Parameter estimates and goodness-of-fit statistics for α-stable, NIG, EP, and AEPdistributions fitted to the filtered and rescaled log-returns: Powernext.

Powernext Parameters Test values

Auctions Distrib. tail skewness scale location D W 2

4 AM α-stable 1.8312 -0.4342 0.6038 0.0082 0.0120 0.0510

NIG 1.2566 -0.2787 1.1539 0.2624 0.0181 0.0828EP 1.1797 - 0.7905 0.0000 0.0480 0.7975AEP 1.0566; 1.6008 - 0.8201; 0.8150 0.0000 0.0288 0.2274

8 AM α-stable 1.7688 -0.6255 0.5946 -0.0235 0.0137 0.0577NIG 1.0771 -0.2594 1.0354 0.2569 0.0108 0.0224

EP 1.1690 - 0.7963 0.0000 0.0490 0.9730AEP 1.0135; 1.4289 - 0.8072; 0.7973 0.0000 0.0229 0.1169

12 (noon) α-stable 1.7186 -0.2653 0.5860 -0.0295 0.0123 0.2397NIG 0.8389 -0.0525 0.9327 0.0585 0.0128 0.0568

EP 1.0801 - 0.7820 0.0000 0.0300 0.2743AEP 1.0479; 1.1127 - 0.7836; 0.7808 0.0000 0.0238 0.2124

4 PM α-stable 1.7744 -0.5740 0.6182 -0.0558 0.0140 0.3900NIG 1.0057 -0.1229 1.0977 0.1351 0.0117 0.0513

EP 1.2018 - 0.8338 0.0000 0.0354 0.4203AEP 1.1266; 1.2595 - 0.8331; 0.8281 0.0000 0.0261 0.2295

8 PM α-stable 1.7473 -0.2874 0.6255 -0.0241 0.0141 0.1306NIG 0.8779 -0.0660 1.0430 0.0786 0.0098 0.0255

EP 1.1305 - 0.8325 0.0000 0.0263 0.2063AEP 1.0786; 1.1721 - 0.8319; 0.8280 0.0000 0.0185 0.1200

12 (midnight) α-stable 1.8102 -0.6648 0.6420 -0.0294 0.0122 0.1364NIG 1.1885 -0.2262 1.2658 0.2454 0.0138 0.0673

EP 1.3072 - 0.8767 0.0000 0.0348 0.5336AEP 1.1684;1.5158 - 0.8817; 0.8790 0.0000 0.0175 0.1478

Tail: α (stable and NIG), b (EP), bl and br (AEP). Skewness: β (stable and NIG). Scale: σ (stable andNIG), a (EP), al and ar (AEP). Location: µ.

Asymptotic 5% limiting values: 0.0318 (D), 0.443 (W 2).Bold-face figures indicate the minimum goodness-of-fit test values.


−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 610





x* (NordPool, 4 PM)




Stable fitNIG fitEP fitAEP fitHistogram

−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 610





x* (APX, 4 PM)




Stable fitNIG fitEP fitAEP fitHistogram

−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 610





x* (Powernext, 4 PM)




Stable fitNIG fitEP fitAEP fitHistogram

Figure 3: Density fit of filtered and rescaled log-returns: NordPool, APX, and Powernext 4p.m. auctions.


Table 5: Parameter estimates and goodness-of-fit statistics for α-stable, NIG, EP, and AEP distributions. Top layers: Cholesky-filteredand rescaled percentage returns. Bottom layers: Cholesky-filtered and rescaled price changes.

Legend. Tail: α (stable and NIG), b (EP), bl and br (AEP). Skewness: β (stable and NIG).Asymptotic 5% limiting values: 0.0291 (D, NordPool), 0.0356 (D, APX), 0.0318 (D, Powernext), 0.443 (W 2).Bold-face figures indicate the minimum goodness-of-fit test values.

NordPool APX Powernext

Auctions Distrib. tail skewness D W2 tail skewness D W2 tail skewness D W2

Percentage returns

4 AM α-stable 1.7601 0.0357 0.0082 0.0207 1.3853 -0.7461 0.0477 0.5850 1.6046 -0.5874 0.0229 0.1364

NIG 0.9289 0.0098 0.0119 0.0526 0.1848 0.0043 0.0473 1.0026 0.5143 0.0694 0.0306 0.2866EP 1.1555 - 0.0184 0.1873 0.5968 - 0.0535 1.2675 0.7526 - 0.0454 0.9482AEP 1.1667; 1.1465 - 0.0178 0.1859 0.8469; 1.7175 - 0.0469 0.6978 0.7423; 0.7555 - 0.0486 0.9994

8 AM α-stable 1.6227 -0.0139 0.0176 0.1590 1.2095 -0.1256 0.0221 0.1497 1.6464 0.1672 0.0209 0.1280

NIG 0.5102 0.0523 0.0166 0.0713 0.0425 0.0122 0.0388 0.6097 0.5762 0.0147 0.0199 0.2110EP 0.8235 - 0.0411 0.7424 0.4581 0.0000 0.1233 6.8636 0.8996 - 0.0349 0.5283AEP 0.9461; 0.7715 - 0.0296 0.2735 0.7217; 1.0243 - 0.0431 0.8278 0.9089; 0.8938 - 0.0326 0.5096

12 (noon) α-stable 1.7699 0.1106 0.0147 0.0624 1.1537 0.2139 0.0171 0.0672 1.4329 -0.1575 0.0139 0.0766

NIG 0.7739 0.1199 0.0191 0.1656 0.1066 0.0229 0.0159 0.0535 0.4352 -0.0256 0.0218 0.1382EP 0.9735 - 0.0408 0.9430 0.5422 - 0.0894 2.5538 0.7390 - 0.0329 0.4407AEP 1.2500; 0.9019 - 0.0283 0.4420 0.5328; 0.5818 - 0.0384 0.5274 0.7288; 0.7464 - 0.0314 0.4142

4 PM α-stable 1.7506 0.1628 0.0139 0.0886 1.2728 0.1556 0.0162 0.0568 1.5934 -0.1482 0.0127 0.0651

NIG 0.7985 0.1359 0.0143 0.0403 0.1701 0.0462 0.0235 0.1966 0.4663 0.0021 0.0199 0.1148EP 1.0205 - 0.0430 0.9258 0.5650 - 0.0996 3.7912 0.7762 - 0.0286 0.4574AEP 1.2837; 0.9251 - 0.0228 0.2031 0.6743; 0.5689 - 0.0436 0.7330 0.8105; 0.7597 - 0.0330 0.4611

8 PM α-stable 1.7344 0.0949 0.0120 0.0909 1.6523 0.3390 0.0185 0.0585 1.8009 0.2397 0.0113 0.0235

NIG 0.7287 0.0928 0.0137 0.0728 0.7538 0.2542 0.0274 0.1576 0.9521 0.1711 0.0165 0.0958EP 1.0007 - 0.0376 0.5930 0.9065 - 0.0781 2.4277 1.0947 - 0.0385 0.6816AEP 1.1944; 0.9284 - 0.0232 0.2478 1.6815; 0.8225 - 0.0299 0.2811 1.3845; 0.9950 - 0.0255 0.2554

12 (midnight) α-stable 1.8025 -0.2344 0.0157 0.1124 1.7001 -1.0000 0.1330 6.3918 1.8899 -0.2964 0.0149 0.0334NIG 1.0913 -0.0772 0.0128 0.0392 0.4942 0.1024 0.0221 0.1155 1.4407 -0.0210 0.0113 0.0285

EP 1.2521 - 0.0245 0.1600 0.4621 - 0.4084 99.4721 1.4470 - 0.0155 0.0711AEP 1.1997; 1.3100 - 0.0197 0.0674 0.6949; 3.3029 - 0.1279 3.5804 1.4595; 1.4376 - 0.0168 0.0793

Price changes

4 AM α-stable 1.6971 -0.2596 0.0183 0.1204 1.7924 -0.3495 0.0162 0.0487 1.8861 0.7159 0.0172 0.1173NIG 0.7944 -0.0678 0.0132 0.0872 1.0989 -0.1570 0.0117 0.0263 1.6595 0.2079 0.0152 0.0807EP 0.6237 - 0.0322 0.4607 1.2815 - 0.0266 0.2532 1.4724 - 0.0163 0.1359AEP 0.9799; 1.0960 - 0.0221 0.3037 1.0236; 1.1981 - 0.0153 0.0616 1.6274; 1.3686 - 0.0190 0.0680

8 AM α-stable 1.6136 -0.0794 0.0124 0.0397 1.7186 -0.2948 0.0374 0.1449 1.7706 -0.2979 0.0314 0.1547NIG 0.4924 0.0186 0.0208 0.2354 0.7468 -0.0124 0.0224 0.1915 0.9708 -0.0093 0.0110 0.0302

EP 0.7959 - 0.0375 0.8018 0.9950 - 0.0352 0.4555 1.1434 - 0.0180 0.1221AEP 0.8523; 0.7687 - 0.0379 0.6920 0.1031; 0.3799 - 0.0417 0.4929 1.1850; 1.1193 - 0.0209 0.1504

12 (noon) α-stable 1.7239 0.1265 0.0167 0.0891 1.3951 -0.0885 0.0368 0.1598 1.5186 -0.0255 0.0324 0.0892

NIG 0.6638 0.0758 0.0191 0.1708 0.3059 0.0743 0.0239 0.1747 0.4351 0.0440 0.0231 0.1789EP 0.8814 - 0.0469 0.9318 0.6739 - 0.0781 2.6601 0.7208 - 0.0494 1.0317AEP 1.0399; 0.8474 - 0.0352 0.5409 0.4287; 0.1061 - 0.0289 0.2943 0.8093; 0.6770 - 0.0319 0.4685

4 PM α-stable 1.7237 0.1361 0.0278 0.1118 1.3386 -0.1266 0.0307 0.2424 1.5252 -0.1906 0.0453 0.8678NIG 0.7389 0.1173 0.0169 0.1295 0.2013 0.0478 0.0300 0.1919 0.3569 0.0079 0.0311 0.2986

EP 0.2201 - 0.0464 1.0360 0.5801 - 0.0953 3.3317 0.7068 - 0.0392 0.7774AEP 1.1818; 0.8735 - 0.0320 0.3599 0.4019; 0.1754 - 0.0336 0.4289 0.7435; 0.6884 - 0.0366 0.6522

8 PM α-stable 1.7509 0.0752 0.0320 0.1361 1.1560 -0.2662 0.0176 0.0514 1.7136 -0.0556 0.0143 0.0701

NIG 0.6660 0.0400 0.0189 0.1407 0.1504 0.0283 0.0199 0.1369 0.7078 0.0730 0.0201 0.1237EP 0.4473 - 0.0326 0.4684 0.5909 - 0.0789 2.2140 0.9454 - 0.0420 0.6012AEP 0.9859; 0.8856 - 0.0234 0.3973 0.9745; 0.8882 - 0.0308 0.2658 1.0777; 0.8835 - 0.0272 0.3693

12 (midnight) α-stable 1.7473 -0.1336 0.0299 0.1708 1.6631 0.2094 0.0398 0.1232 1.8196 -0.1083 0.0310 0.1257NIG 0.9149 -0.0403 0.0087 0.0261 0.8023 0.2030 0.0187 0.1034 1.1197 0.0230 0.0114 0.0388

EP 0.4005 - 0.0192 0.1206 0.9733 - 0.0596 1.2475 1.2703 - 0.0172 0.0776AEP 1.1200; 1.1702 - 0.0161 0.0817 0.0764; 0.2028 - 0.0240 0.2088 1.3464; 1.2336 - 0.0181 0.1131


Table 6: Parameter estimates and goodness-of-fit statistics for α-stable, NIG, EP, and AEP distributions. Top layers: Cholesky-filteredlog-returns. Bottom layers: wavelet-filtered log-returns.

Legend. Tail: α (stable and NIG), b (EP), bl and br (AEP). Skewness: β (stable and NIG).Asymptotic 5% limiting values: 0.0291 (D, NordPool), 0.0356 (D, APX), 0.0318 (D, Powernext), 0.443 (W 2).Bold-face figures indicate the minimum goodness-of-fit test values.

NordPool APX Powernext

Auctions Distrib. tail skewness D W2 tail skewness D W2 tail skewness D W2


4 AM α-stable 1.5964 0.0079 0.0167 0.0860 1.5781 0.2587 0.0284 0.2567 1.8050 -0.4188 0.0125 0.0435

NIG 0.7127 -0.0578 0.0230 0.2309 0.7232 -0.1685 0.0396 0.3625 1.1979 -0.2509 0.0164 0.0904EP 0.9215 - 0.0355 0.7323 0.8370 - 0.0666 1.9110 1.1230 - 0.0491 0.9247AEP 0.8728; 0.9904 - 0.0304 0.5458 0.7553; 1.2110 - 0.0445 0.5167 1.0020; 1.4278 - 0.0259 0.2578

8 AM α-stable 1.6432 0.0686 0.0147 0.0549 1.5114 0.3584 0.0355 0.4784 1.7001 -0.4300 0.0119 0.0496

NIG 0.7614 0.0052 0.0133 0.0575 0.5966 -0.1339 0.0348 0.3671 0.9606 -0.2285 0.0136 0.0538EP 0.9515 - 0.0213 0.2579 0.7781 - 0.0697 2.1414 1.0416 - 0.0483 1.1732AEP 0.9602; 0.9422 - 0.0232 0.2574 0.6994; 1.1055 - 0.0399 0.4188 0.9146; 1.3346 - 0.0190 0.1437

12 (noon) α-stable 1.7258 0.0659 0.0103 0.0351 1.7843 0.6160 0.0194 0.0802 1.6686 -0.1333 0.0101 0.0229

NIG 0.9168 0.0559 0.0129 0.0577 1.2039 0.2783 0.0137 0.0418 0.8066 -0.0267 0.0120 0.0532EP 1.0639 - 0.0268 0.2820 1.2328 - 0.0466 0.5844 1.0165 - 0.0257 0.2312AEP 1.1297; 1.0181 - 0.0187 0.2149 1.5485; 1.0719 - 0.0150 0.0544 1.0065; 1.0216 - 0.0242 0.2242

4 PM α-stable 1.6814 0.0106 0.0107 0.0363 1.6672 0.1706 0.0191 0.0519 1.6853 -0.3301 0.0111 0.0240

NIG 0.8287 0.0436 0.0153 0.1184 0.8550 0.1176 0.0184 0.0775 0.8761 -0.1011 0.0126 0.0542EP 1.0130 - 0.0272 0.4278 1.0258 - 0.0411 0.4397 1.0752 - 0.0352 0.4411AEP 1.0499; 0.9746 - 0.0221 0.3581 1.1896; 0.9489 - 0.0216 0.1692 1.0056; 1.1325 - 0.0238 0.2382

8 PM α-stable 1.6941 0.0087 0.0091 0.0186 1.6988 0.1062 0.0148 0.0604 1.6705 -0.0576 0.0118 0.0530NIG 0.8317 0.0280 0.0150 0.1060 0.9226 0.0907 0.0193 0.0950 0.8416 -0.0813 0.0147 0.0516

EP 0.9868 - 0.0260 0.3963 1.1021 - 0.0393 0.3406 1.0505 - 0.0285 0.3461AEP 1.0166; 0.9593 - 0.0251 0.3643 1.2435; 1.0287 - 0.0256 0.2134 0.9805; 1.1437 - 0.0233 0.1708

12 (midnight) α-stable 1.6232 -0.0442 0.0099 0.0285 1.7510 0.2557 0.0232 0.0718 1.7033 -0.3023 0.0126 0.0531

NIG 0.7315 -0.0469 0.0133 0.0627 0.9172 0.0250 0.0227 0.1257 0.9383 -0.1440 0.0160 0.0831EP 0.9572 - 0.0296 0.3633 0.8640 - 0.0305 0.3945 1.1021 - 0.0408 0.5833AEP 0.9181; 1.0044 - 0.0208 0.2555 0.8475; 0.9016 - 0.0357 0.4419 1.0050; 1.2632 - 0.0206 0.2059


4 AM α-stable 1.3899 0.1277 0.0193 0.0740 1.6652 -0.1434 0.0124 0.0224 1.6328 -0.0079 0.0253 0.1164NIG 9.2782 -0.0463 0.0201 0.0904 3.3436 -0.1840 0.0272 0.1785 4.9146 -0.0844 0.0152 0.0249

EP 0.7769 - 0.0312 0.2811 0.6982 - 0.0498 0.5507 1.0240 - 0.0191 0.0339AEP 0.7640; 0.7859 - 0.0305 0.2781 0.6850; 0.7121 - 0.0442 0.5128 1.0026; 1.0458 - 0.0147 0.0304

8 AM α-stable 1.3670 0.0655 0.0230 0.0638 1.6838 -0.1257 0.0253 0.1012 1.7980 -0.1765 0.0237 0.0575

NIG 5.7047 0.3095 0.0203 0.0873 3.4372 -0.2307 0.0375 0.4312 7.8396 -0.4915 0.0274 0.1315EP 0.7312 - 0.0347 0.3582 0.7567 - 0.0576 0.9541 1.2164 - 0.0352 0.2467AEP 0.7485; 0.7111 - 0.0300 0.3124 0.7379; 0.7779 - 0.0511 0.9002 1.1703; 1.2707 - 0.0308 0.2260

12 (noon) α-stable 1.5447 0.2860 0.0200 0.0515 1.0698 -0.1326 0.0241 0.1144 1.5319 0.0961 0.0238 0.0880

NIG 11.6727 0.8902 0.0199 0.0584 1.6736 -0.0037 0.0168 0.0372 3.9648 -0.1671 0.0319 0.2900EP 0.9010 - 0.0393 0.2715 0.5230 - 0.0298 0.2460 0.7398 - 0.0467 0.6475AEP 0.9381; 0.8586 - 0.0295 0.1976 0.5221; 0.5238 - 0.0291 0.2458 0.7200; 0.7638 - 0.0420 0.6102

4 PM α-stable 1.5365 0.1359 0.0167 0.0329 1.0541 -0.0543 0.0268 0.1109 1.5584 -0.2774 0.0208 0.0863

NIG 12.9554 1.5886 0.0201 0.0705 0.5572 0.0024 0.0215 0.1004 5.3607 -0.0180 0.0374 0.2960EP 0.8617 - 0.0474 0.4613 0.4238 - 0.0462 0.6175 0.7932 - 0.0462 0.6001AEP 0.9379; 0.7957 - 0.0273 0.2256 0.4355; 0.4120 - 0.0473 0.5795 0.7867; 0.7990 - 0.0460 0.5902

8 PM α-stable 1.6042 0.2205 0.0177 0.0345 1.2354 0.0548 0.0244 0.1109 1.7631 -0.3230 0.0207 0.0440

NIG 16.8065 -0.0877 0.0341 0.1956 2.7449 -0.0124 0.0331 0.1757 12.0221 -0.0761 0.0295 0.2032EP 0.8731 - 0.0455 0.3815 0.6965 - 0.0459 0.3761 1.1684 - 0.0347 0.2634AEP 0.9081; 0.8376 - 0.0359 0.3130 0.6622; 0.7336 - 0.0295 0.2206 1.0527; 1.3768 - 0.0184 0.0562

12 (midnight) α-stable 1.5117 0.2004 0.0196 0.0673 1.4497 0.1648 0.0274 0.0868 1.7528 -0.3078 0.0247 0.0734NIG 15.4975 0.4670 0.0261 0.1362 2.3668 -0.0098 0.0321 0.2113 21.0111 -2.3941 0.0180 0.0359

EP 0.8135 - 0.0342 0.3425 0.6598 - 0.0468 0.5054 1.1671 - 0.0330 0.2026AEP 0.8190; 0.8061 - 0.0341 0.3371 0.6696; 0.6480 - 0.0410 0.4851 1.0810; 1.2551 - 0.0184 0.0649