IBT Eko Stit Bioversal ekolosko sredstvo za Uklanjanje i Neutralizaciju naftenih derivata i Gasenje...

Post on 26-Dec-2014

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Bioversal eko sredstvo na bazi bioaktivatora koje se rastvara vodi i koristi za inertizaciju naftenih derivata, ciscenje i odmascivanje zauljenih lokaliteta ,tretman filmova derivata nafte na vodama i kopnu uz najvise eko standarde domaceg zakonodavstva i EU direktiva.Gasenje pozara klase AI B bez mogucnosti ponovnog zapaljenja uz izuzetne efekte rashladjivanja povrsine i bez stetnog uticaja na biodiverzitet.Koristi se i za remedijaciju zemljista i voda od zagadjenja naftnim derivatima.www.bioversal.com

Transcript of IBT Eko Stit Bioversal ekolosko sredstvo za Uklanjanje i Neutralizaciju naftenih derivata i Gasenje...

Vatra u tunelu! Gori objekat! Gori πuma! Iz prevrnutog kamionaisti√e gorivo i hidravli√no ulje! Iz nasukanog tankera isti√e naftau vodu!

Brza pomo√! U slu√aju nepogoπtina svi stru√njaci znaju πto im je√initi: brzo reagirati i najprije spasiti ljude. U onome trenutku malotko pomisli na poslijedice za prirodu, koje mogu pri tome nastati.Uobi√ajena, ili u prvom trenutku po naπem miπljenju primjernasredstva onemogu√uju prirodne sile za samoo√iπ√enje. Zbog toga su potrebna ponovna √iπ√enja i sanacije okoliπa, koje zahtijevaju nerazmijerno mnogo sredstava. Uz upotrebu BIOVERSAL proizvoda bila bi nepotrebna, ili pak bitno smanjena. BIOVERSAL proizvodi posijeduju posebne substance, koje su prihvatljive za okolini blagonaklono dijelovanje povodom po∂ara i onesna∂enja uljima.

Ti izuzetni BIOVERSAL proizvodi temelje se na dobro razgradljivihpovrπinski aktivnim substancama. Te poti√u mikroorganizme premabrzome bioloπkom procesu razgradnje. Na taj na√in πtitimo priroduve√ ob samoj upotrebi i ponovna prirodna ravnote∂a je vrlo brzouspostavljena.

BIOVERSAL proizvode su razvili stru√njaci za stru√njake.

Sistem, koji u√inkuje na elemente ∂ivota.

Bioversa l®



Bioversal QF

sredstvo za gaπenje pijenom

primjereno za √iπ√enje i

preventivu u po∂arnoj zaπtiti

nikakvih ekoloπko toksi√nih

efekata poslije upotrebe

omogu√uje dodatnu bioloπku

razgradnju ulja i masti – zna√i

najviπi stupanj zaπtite okoline!

opasnost sklizavanja zbog

ostataka ulja i masti je u

trenutku otklonjena

pH neutralno,

ne uzrokuje koroziju

dermatoloπki neπtetno

me∫unarodne dozvole:

DIN 14272-2 / UL-162

pr EN 1568-3 / GOST / ICAO


BIOVERSAL QF je me∫unarodno priznat proizvod za gaπenje, primjeren zau√inkovito gaπenje po∂ara vrste A i B, te proizvod namijenjen ekoloπkomodstranjivanju one√iπ√enja uljima. Sposobnost hla∫enja πtiti ljudi, stabilizirakonstrukcije zgrada i ograni√ava razvoj dima. Sprije√ava ponovno zapaljivanje.BIOVERSAL QF ne rastvara materiale i nije dermatoloπki upitan.

Pored svega u√inkuje BIOVERSAL QF prilikom stru√ne upotrebe kod gaπenjaokolini naklono i s time premaπuje sva konvencionalna sredstva za gaπenje pijenom.

Pri stru√noj upotrebi BIOVERSAL QF πtiti se ∂ivotni prostor biljaka, ∂ivotinja imikroorganizama, jer se sprije√ava uticaj πtetnih tvari i zbog toga ostane kvaliteta vode nepromijenjena. Na prirodnu ravnote∂u vodnog re∂ima i onoga u √istilnim napravama upotreba BIOVERSAL QF ne uti√e. BIOVERSAL QF proizvodi su jedinstveni i poti√u vlastite obrambene snage prirode po gaπenju i onesna∂enjih s uljima! Zbog toga ima BIOVERSAL QF prednost kod upotrebeu prirodnoj okolini.

Posebno primjeran i okolini prihvatljiv je BIOVERSAL QF prilikom preventivneupotrebe, npr. sprije√avanju po∂ara i opasnosti eksplozije pri radovima gdje jeprisutna visoka vru√ina (okolini naklonjen „tepih“ iz pijene).


VA™NO: najprije je potrebno πtetne tvari ( npr. ulje) otkloniti mehanskim postupcima i tek nakontoga upotrebiti BIOVERSAL FW za otklanjanje ostataka.

opasnost sklizavanja zbog

ostataka ulja ili masti je

neposredno poslije

upotrebe otklonjena

u trenutku sprije√ava opasnost

po∂ara I eksplozije

izuzetno ubrzava bioloπku

razgradnju uljnih πtetnih tvari

poslije zaga∫enja uljem vrlo brza

uspostava ekoloπke ravnote∂e

dermatoloπko nesporan

dijelovanje potvr∫uju

me∫unarodno priznati

testi i atesti


Bioversal FWBIOVERSAL FW je priznat √istilni proizvod za √iπ√enje, ekoloπko spaπavunje iotklanjanje opasnih ostataka ulja i masti na prometnim povrπinama, zarijeπavanje problema s uljima na zemlji i na vodama. Kod opasnosti zbog ones-na∂enja prometnih povrπina s uljima i maπ√u uz stru√nu upotrebu BIOVERSALFW odmah otklonimo opasnost sklizavanja. Istovremeno posti∂emo i to, da seonesna∂ena prometna ili druga povrπina ne povrijedi i ne promijeni (npr. zaπtitaasfalne povrπine).

BIOVERSAL FW omogu√uje √iπ√enje u dubinu pora. ◊esto se prilikom otklanjanja ulja na prometnim povrπinama ob upotrebi granulata deπava, da sepore zatvore, odnosno zamazuju. Mo∂emo si veoma pomo√i tako, da upotrebimo BIOVERSAL FW i njegove okolini naklonjene povrπinski aktivnesastojke. To potvr∫uje i kontrolni iskaz, kojeg je izradio Institut za kontrolumateriala Nordrhein-Westfalen (D). Pored toga upotreba BIOVERSAL FWsmanjuje opasnost po∂ara i eksplozije.

Bio aktivator, koji se nalazi u BIOVERSAL FW brine se za iznimno brzu bioloπkurazgradnju ostataka πtetnih tvari. To zbog jednostavnog i brzog stvaranjauvijeta dijelovanja omogu√uje skoro 100% otklanjanje ulja iz povrπine. Iz togaslijedi, da se vrijeme dijelovanja smanjuje i da su onesna∂ena mijesta ubrzoprimjerena za daljnju upotrebu. Dodatna prednost je u tome, da se BIOVERSALFW mo∂e upotrebljavati i u kiπi. Kod stru√nog vladanja je BIOVERSAL FW izu-zetno u√inkovito sredstvo za upotrebu u prostoj prirodi i pravi proizvod zauspostavljanje potrebnih prirodnih uvijeta.


: Fr



e Fe





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Bioversal HCBIOVERSAL HC je vrlo u√inkovit proizvod za otklanjanje teπko√a vezanih naulja u okolini, te istovremeno neposredno otklanjanje opasnosti i sprije√avanjekatastrofa zbog izlivanja ulja na velike vodne povrπine, brijegove i obale.

BIOVERSAL HC obavija oljne √estice i sprije√ava zdru∂ivanje i talo∂enje na brijeg, obale, biljke i ∂ivotinje. ◊iπ√enje pregrada i drugih vodnih objekata je mogu√a s upotrebom BIOVERSAL HC. BIOVERSAL HC je pH neutralan idermatoloπki besprijekoran.

Prilikom upotrebe na vodama smjesa BIOVERSAL HC - ulja - voda ostaje napovrπini. To omogu√uje posebno dobru bioloπku razgradnju tankih filmovaulja i kao rezultat razgradnje H20 in CO2. Bio aktivator, koji se nalazi u BIOVERSAL HC, brine se za iznimno brzu bioloπku razgradnju ostataka ulja.S time se veoma smanjuje opasnost, koja izvire iz onesna∂enja s uljima.

Tamo, gdje upotreba klasi√nih sredstava prilikom otklanjivanja ulja mo∂eprouzrokovati πtetne poslijedice, stru√na je upotreba BIOVERSAL HC u takvim primjerima za okolinu potpuno bezopasna i bez poslijedica.

BIOVERSAL HC je bioloπki izuzetno dobro razgradljiv, te poma∂e ∂ivotinjamai biljkama da ponovo dosti∂u prirodne uvijete za ∂ivot.

stabilni omota√ uljnih √estica

BIOVERSAL HC-ulje-voda

mijeπavina ostaje na povrπini

izuzetno ubrzava bioloπku

razgradnju uljnih πtetnih tvari

ponovna uspostava

prirodnih uvijeta

dermatoloπki besprijekoran

dijelovanje potvr∫uju

me∫unarodno priznati

testi i atesti


VA™NO: Upotreba BIOVERSAL HC je mogu√a samo u suglasnosti sa stru√nim vlastima, kojeraspola∂u vodama, odn. brinu o njima.


: AP



rt P





BIOVERSAL je zajedni√ko ime za πiroku paletu visoko u√inkovitih sredstava za√iπ√enje i gaπenje, koji izuzetno pove√uju bioloπku razgradnju onesna∂enjamineralnim uljima. U BIOVERSAL proizvodima nalaze√i se bio-aktivatoridijeluju kao katalizator. U suprotnosti s do sada poznatim sradstvima za√iπ√enje i gaπenje imaju BIOVERSAL proizvodi prednost u tome, da nisutoksi√ni za okolinu i okrepljuju prirodne sile.

BIOVERSAL proizvodi vrlo brzo pretvaraju onesna∂enja uljma u lakoupotrebljive izvore energije za u prirodi ∂ivu√e brojne mikroorganizme. Kaokrajnji proizvod procesa razgradnje ostaju prirodna proizvoda CO2 i H2O.Bioaktivator skupa sa prirodnim povrπinskim substancama BIOVERSALproizvoda saveznici su prirode.

Za svaku upotrebu na podru√ju √iπ√enja ostataka ulja kao i pri gaπenju po∂arau prirodi BIOVERSAL proizvodi daju visoko kvalitetnu i ekonomi√nu alternativu.

BIOVERSAL proizvodi su zbog svojih osobina i sastojaka najbolje reπenje zaokoliπu sklone intervencije prilikom √iπ√enja i gaπenja.

Bioversal skupine proizvoda

QF, FW, HCvatrogasci

zaπtita okoliπa

MANTEQru√no √iπ√enje

√iπ√enje s visokim tlakom √iπ√enje dijelova

SOILTEQ, AQUATEQsanacija tla i voda

sanacija starih ekoloπkih tereta

TWIN REACTOR, BIOREAKTORbioloπko procesno √iπ√enje vode

Korisnici Bioversalproizvoda:

slu∂be za interveniranje prilikom

katastrofa i vatrogasci

vodne i druge centrale

organizacije za otklanjivanje

ruπevina i slu∂be kod nesre√a

civilni in∂eniri i savjetnici

organizacije za zaπtitu voda

ob√ine i jedinice dr∂avne uprave

javna prijevozna poduze√a

zra√ne luke, ∂eljezni√ke postaje

∂eljezni√ke pruge i ∂i√are

rije√ne i morske luke


mijesta pre√rpavanja i naftovodi




Cijelovita upotreba za obrtni√ko √iπ√enje i sanaciju. Informacije na web stranici www.bioversal-service.com.



Omogu√ena izmjena kisika Sprije√ava se stvaranje velikih uljnih povrπina ins time omogu√uje prirodna izmjena kisika. ™ivotinje i biljke mogupre∂ivjeti.

Po√etak bioloπkog procesa razgradnje U proizvodu Bioversal se nalazesubstance i biljna u√inkovina (aktivator), πto proizvode ugodne uvijeteza ubrzano razmno∂avanje raspolo∂ljivih mikroorganizama.

Netaknuta priroda U dijeluju√i netaknut ekoloπki sistem s faunom i floromsvrstavaju se i mikroorganizmi, koji su u stabilnom odnosu s okolinom. Ispunjuju veoma zna√ajnu zada√u za odr∂avanje ekoloπkog ravnomijerja.

Onesna∂enja uljima su smetnja u sistemu Ulja, masti i druge organskeπtetne tvari imaju razoran u√inak na ekoloπko ravnomerje tako u vodikao na zemlji.

Prirodna obnova je dugotrajna Prirodna obnova vrπi se i bez upotrebeBioversal proizvoda. Ali takva obnova traje predugo i ekoloπke poslije-dice su neizbje∂ne.

Detoksikacija Bioversal tehnologija ubrzava bioloπku regeneraciju na tajna√in, da ovija uljne √estice i istovremeno pove√ava povrπinu ulja, teonemogu√uje ponovno skupljanje. Prirodne povrπinski aktivne substan-ce proizvode bioloπki lako razgradljive dijeli√e na velikoj povrπini.

Tok procesa razgradnje Dva zna√ajna faktora razgradnje su sudjelovanjepove√anih povrπina πtetnih tvari uz istovremeno pove√anom razm-no∂avanju mikroorganizama.

Ubrzana razgradnja πtetnih tvari Zbog gore navedenih faktora se prirodnaobnova onesna∂enih podru√ja veoma pove√ava, tako da se brzo uspos-tavlja prirodno ravnomijerje.

Na√ini dijelovanjaBioversal proizvoda

Ponovna uzpostava prirodnog ravno-mijerja! S pomo√u Bioversaltehnologije je mogu√e sa√u-vati netaknut ekoloπki sistem,odnosno mogu√e ga je u√inko-vito ponovno uspostaviti.

Opremanje Pumpi I PretakaonicaOpremanje Pumpi I PretakaonicaOpremanje Pumpi I PretakaonicaOpremanje Pumpi I Pretakaonica

Bioversal QFBioversal QFZelena Boca 10 litZelena Boca 10 lit

Oduljava čisti od razlivenog Oduljava čisti od razlivenog goriva i uljagoriva i ulja

Sprečava isparenjenje i Sprečava isparenjenje i zapaljenjezapaljenje

Stvara eko prihvatljivuStvara eko prihvatljivu --biorazgradivu otpadnu biorazgradivu otpadnu emulzijuemulziju

Rasterecuje Rasterecuje separatorseparator

Gasi požar klase AGasi požar klase A I BI B I 3DI 3D


Absorbent 1kg Upija 8Absorbent 1kg Upija 8 --1122litaralitara hemikhemik ..gorivagoriva I I mazivamaziva

25 kg pakovanje 25 kg pakovanje ––upija 250 lit goriva upija 250 lit goriva --hemikalijahemikalija

U periodu 2U periodu 2 -- 15 sek 15 sek

Sprečava isparenja do 98 %Sprečava isparenja do 98 %

Sprečava zapaljenje do 260CSprečava zapaljenje do 260C

Ostavlja suvu podloguOstavlja suvu podlogu

SPC Sorbentski kompletiSPC Sorbentski kompletiSPC Sorbentski kompletSPC Sorbentski komplet odod20 do 800 litara upijaju ćeg 20 do 800 litara upijaju ćeg kapacitetakapaciteta

GASI POŽARGASI POŽARUpija i Uklanja goriva iUpija i Uklanja goriva i


UklanjaUklanja i i spira goriva i spira goriva i mazivamaziva

Sprećava odlivanjeSprećava odlivanje

Absorbentski kompletAbsorbentski komplet

Sprećava razlivanjeSprećava razlivanje

Ispunite sve bezbednosne I zakonske normative

IBT doo Novi Sad,021 6367238/0645100780internationalbusinessteam@yaho.com Eeko Bioloski Certifikovani Program


U U U U U U U U sradnjisradnjisradnjisradnjisradnjisradnjisradnjisradnji sasasasasasasasaprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodom

Uklanja ulja i goriva

Uklanja ulja i goriva

sa asfalta

sa asfalta

Rastvara ulja na vodi i

Rastvara ulja na vodi i

ne dozvoljava zauljavanje obale

ne dozvoljava zauljavanje obale

Remedijacija zemljišta

Remedijacija zemljišta

Tehničko vatrogastvo

Tehničko vatrogastvo

Eko Gašenje požara

Eko Gašenje požara


Preventiva od zapaljenja

Preventiva od zapaljenja


Bioversal QF,FW,HCBioversal QF,FW,HC

Certifikovano eko biološko sredstvo Certifikovano eko biološko sredstvo za neutralizaciju i uklanjanje ulja sa za neutralizaciju i uklanjanje ulja sa puteva, vodotokova I zemljišta I puteva, vodotokova I zemljišta I Remedijaciju voda i zemljištaRemedijaciju voda i zemljišta

Gašenje požara Klase A i BGašenje požara Klase A i B

Gašenje Inicijalnih Požara klase A i B I 3D –Preven cija od zapaljenja,Spre čavanje širenja požara

Lako pozicioniranje Trenutno aktiviranje Trenutno gasi Ne dozvoljava širenje požara i ponovno zapaljenje

Brza intervencija Vozač ima slobodnu ruku za otvaranje poklopca dok drugom interveniše i Gasi Požar

10 litarska BV 1,5litarka BV Firekiller Oilkiller 15 bara 15 bara 0,5 litara Obezbedite život putnika i sigurnost vozila zbedite

S tip Aparata zahteva više vremena za aktiviranje Potrebno je angažovati obe ruke čime se smanjuje efikasnost i mogučnost kontrole situacije Kod gašenja B klase požara i gume prahom dolazi do ponovnog paljenja, Prah sprečava širenje klase B požara Kod inicijalnih požara sekunde odlučuju a prah uzima dragoceno vreme i nepruža efekt koji Bioversal sa sigurnošću postiže.

Suvozač trenutno interveniše Bioversalom sa bocom koja Omogućava jednostavan i lak pristup mestima na kojim uglavnom dolazi do zapaljenja tj inicijalnih požara. Preventivno tretiranje Bioversal Rashlađuje površinu ,oduljava i nanošenjem sprečava zapaljenje zauljenih delova . Vaš sigurni partner Bioversal –IBT doo Novi Sad Narodnog Fronta 71,tel fax o21 367238,mob 0645100780

Bioversal QF Eko sredstvo za gašenje požara klase AiB DIN 141272-2-UL162 pr EN 1568-3-GOST –ICAO,OECD301 C, 7% Rastvor koncentrata sa vodom pod 15 bara. Nije štetan za ljudsko zdravlje,disajne organe,kožu,oči Koristi se i za oduljavanje površina i prevenciju zapaljenja jer onemogučava zapaljenje nakon tretmana. Sprečava širenje ,prelazak požara preko tretiranih površina Inertizuje ,vezuje čestice sagorevanja tj eliminiše otrovan dim Drastično smanjuje temperaturu površne koja se tretira Bioversalom i u te svrhe može se preventivno koristiti. Koriste gaMUP EU,Kfor,Auto trke,Specijalne jedinice,Naftna industrijaMINIMUM ULAGANJA SA MAKSIMUMOM SIGURNOSTI

Zaštitimo Vode Zaštitimo Vode SrbijeSrbijeI VojvodineI Vojvodine

BIOVERSAL gmbh BIOVERSAL gmbh IBT doo Novi SadIBT doo Novi Sad

U saradnji sa U saradnji sa Republickom VodoRepublickom Vodoprivrednomprivrednom Inspekcijom,Inspekcijom,

Pokr.Sekreterijatom za zastitu ziv sredine i odrzivi razvoj,Pokr.Sekreterijatom za zastitu ziv sredine i odrzivi razvoj,JVP Vode VojvodineJVP Vode VojvodineGrad Novi SadGrad Novi Sad

MUP Srbije, Vatrogasna Brigada Novi SadMUP Srbije, Vatrogasna Brigada Novi SadVViša Tehnička Škola Novi Sadiša Tehnička Škola Novi Sad . .

Dobrovoljno Vatrogasno Društvo Laza KostDobrovoljno Vatrogasno Društvo Laza Kostićić

BioversalBioversal u u saradnjisaradnji sasa prirodomprirodom

Delovanje Bioversala na otpadna ulja

NIS Naftagas Januar2006,Kikinda

•• na na MMediteranuediteranu•• u Podunavskim zemljamau Podunavskim zemljama•• u u NNaftnoj industrijiaftnoj industriji•• Minist.UnutrMinist.Unutr PoslovaPoslova zemaljazemalja EU EU •• uu svim segmentima procesa proizvodnje gde je svim segmentima procesa proizvodnje gde je potrebno ukloniti tragove potrebno ukloniti tragove ugljovodonika,sintetickih ,biljnih i zivotinjskh ugljovodonika,sintetickih ,biljnih i zivotinjskh tragova zauljenjatragova zauljenja

•• Pogledajmo sledeću stranu Pogledajmo sledeću stranu --akcidentiakcidenti

IncidentiIncidenti nana vodivodiReReććnini brodskibrodski saobracajsaobracajIzlivanjeIzlivanje gorivagoriva prilikomprilikom punjenjapunjenja rezervoararezervoaraHavarijskaHavarijska izlivanjaizlivanja gorivagoriva I I mazivamazivaSapiranjeSapiranje uljaulja I I naftnihnaftnih derivataderivata sasa brodovabrodovaIzbacivanjeIzbacivanje otpadnogotpadnog uljaulja iziz brodovabrodova ––U Lukama i na otvorenomU Lukama i na otvorenom----IzlivanjeIzlivanje industrijskogindustrijskog tecnogtecnog otpadaotpada //emulzijaemulzija u u vodotokovevodotokoveIndustrijskaIndustrijska zagadjenjazagadjenjaNezakonitoNezakonito odlaganjeodlaganje industrijskogindustrijskog otpadaotpada u reu reččnana I I koritakorita kanalakanalaHavarijskaHavarijska izlivanjaizlivanja uljnihuljnih emulzijaemulzija I I naftnihnaftnih derivataderivata u u vodotokovevodotokoveOneOneččiiššcenjacenja nastalanastala izlivanjemizlivanjem otpadnihotpadnih vodavoda kaokao nuzproduktanuzprodukta ispiranjaispiranjabrodskihbrodskih tankovatankova nana lokacijamalokacijama Novi Sad/Novi Sad/BeogradaBeograda ––ispiranjeispiranje rezervoararezervoarase se vrsivrsi sredstvimasredstvima kojakoja takodjetakodje zagadjujuzagadjuju zivotnuzivotnu sredinusredinu I I kontaminirajukontaminirajuvodotokovevodotokove ..IncidentiIncidenti oneciscenjaoneciscenja nastalinastali dotokomdotokom iziz susednesusedne MadjarskeMadjarskePozariPozari nana vodivodiMnogiMnogi gradovigradovi nemajunemaju adekvatnuadekvatnu opremuopremu I I opremljenopremljen plovniplovni objekatobjekat zazagasenjegasenje pozarapozara nana vodivodi iliili sasa vodevodeUvodjenjemUvodjenjem BIOVERSAL a BIOVERSAL a nana nasenase rekereke obezbedicemoobezbedicemo sigurnosigurno I I ekoloskoekolosko gasenjegasenje Vatrogasne jedinice Vatrogasne jedinice mogu intervenisati samogu intervenisati sa kopna vatrogasnim kopna vatrogasnim kolima u cilju kolima u cilju eliminisanja uljnuh eliminisanja uljnuh tragova na tragova na vodi i priobaljuvodi i priobalju

•• Ovde mozemo videti efekte tretmana Ovde mozemo videti efekte tretmana kontaminiranog zemljišta pre i posle kontaminiranog zemljišta pre i posle tretmana Bioversalom QF tretmana Bioversalom QF -- metoda metoda jezgrovanja s tim da biosistem nije jezgrovanja s tim da biosistem nije poremećen već naprotivporemećen već naprotiv

•• Rok razlaganja 14Rok razlaganja 14--21 dan21 dan•• Rastvor 2Rastvor 2--7%7%

Mnogo je puteva prodiranja otrovnih substanci kroz zemlju do vodotokova•Bioversal taj put preseca,•Obezbedjuje idealno mikrobiolosko okruzenje za razgradnju ugljovodonika•Inkapsulira i neutralise ugljovodonike •Povecava nutritivnost zemljista•Omogucava nesmetani dotok kiseonika sa povrsine vode•Bioversal stvara ekoloski prihvatljivu otpadnu vodu stiti prirodno okruzenje i ljudsko zdravlje

Kroz zemlju

u vodu

Naša realnostNaša realnostVODOPRIVREDAVODOPRIVREDA: : InformacijaInformacija o o havarijskomhavarijskom zagađenjuzagađenju rekereke KolubareKolubare u u

ValjevuDatumValjevuDatum: 06/02/06 : 06/02/06 PoslatoPoslato ministarstvoministarstvo

•• Dana 30.01.2006. Dana 30.01.2006. godinegodine nana recireci KolubaraKolubara nizvodnonizvodno odod ulivauliva rekereke GradacGradac, a , a kodkod preduzećapreduzeća““AustrotermAustroterm”, ”, primećeniprimećeni susu tragovitragovi mazutamazuta u u vodotokuvodotoku. O . O ovojovoj pojavipojavi repubičkogrepubičkogvodoprivrednogvodoprivrednog inspektorainspektora obavestioobavestio jeje predstavnikpredstavnik ribolovacaribolovaca OOSR “OOSR “KolubaraKolubara” ” iziz ValjevaValjeva. . Po Po dobijanjudobijanju informacijeinformacije izvršenizvršen jeje pregledpregled vodotokavodotoka uzvodnouzvodno i i utvrđenoutvrđeno dada mazutmazut ističeističe izizizlivnogizlivnog kanalakanala nana desnojdesnoj obaliobali rekereke KolubareKolubare, a , a kojikoji vodivodi iziz FV “FV “GradacGradac” AD ” AD iziz ValjevaValjeva. .

DošloDošlo jeje do do curenjacurenja mazutamazuta iziz cevicevi kojakoja odod rezervoararezervoara vodivodi premaprema kotlarnicikotlarnici. . MazutMazut jeje krozkroz tampon tampon zonuzonu kojakoja jeje povezanapovezana sasa kišnomkišnom kanalizacijomkanalizacijom prošaoprošao u u otvoreniotvoreni kanalkanal iziz kogakoga se se izlivaizliva u u rekureku KolubaruKolubaru. . KoličinaKoličina mazutamazuta kojakoja jeje isteklaistekla u u otvoreniotvoreni kanalkanal i u i u vodotokvodotok nijenije utvrđenautvrđena kaokao nini brzinabrzina isticanjaisticanja..RepubličkiRepublički vodoprivrednivodoprivredni inspektorinspektor obaveštenobavešten jeje odod direktoradirektora FV “FV “GradacGradac” AD, ” AD, dadasusu preduzetepreduzete svesve mere i mere i dada jeje sprečenosprečeno daljedalje isticanjeisticanje mazutamazuta, , pokupljenpokupljen jejeistekliistekli mazutmazut u u buradburad, , izvršenoizvršeno sakupljanjesakupljanje mazutamazuta uu otovorenomotovorenom kanalukanalu nanaizlivuizlivu u u rekureku KolubaruKolubaru, , kaokao i i dada ćeće se se izvršitiizvršiti detaljnodetaljno čišćenječišćenje ovogovog objekataobjekata..NakonNakon dostavljanjadostavljanja izveštajaizveštaja o o ispitanimispitanim karakteristikamakarakteristikama zagađenjazagađenjakoncentracijakoncentracija opasnihopasnih i i štetnihštetnih materijamaterija u u vodotokuvodotoku, , preduzećepreduzeće se se daljedalje mere mere ododstranestrane oveove inspekcijeinspekcije..

RepubličkaRepublička vodoprivrednavodoprivredna inspekcijainspekcija

VODOPRIVREDAVODOPRIVREDA: : InformacijaInformacija o o preduzetimpreduzetim meramamerama republičkogrepubličkog vodoprivrednogvodoprivrednoginspektoraDatuminspektoraDatum: 21/11/05 : 21/11/05 PoslaoPoslao ministarstvoministarstvo

•• PostupajućiPostupajući popo navodimanavodima telefonsketelefonske prijaveprijave republičkogrepubličkog inspektorainspektora zaza zaštituzaštitu životneživotne sredinesredine o o deponovanjudeponovanjuburadiburadi, , u u kanalkanal u u ObrenovcuObrenovcu, , odod stranestrane n.nn.n licalica, , republičkirepublički vodoprivrednivodoprivredni inspektorinspektor jeje inspekcijskiminspekcijskim pregledimapregledimadanadana 17.11.2005. i 19.11.2005. 17.11.2005. i 19.11.2005. godinegodine utvrdioutvrdio i i preduzeopreduzeo sledećesledeće... ...

PostupajućiPostupajući popo navodimanavodima usmeneusmene ((telefonsketelefonske) ) prijaveprijave republičkogrepubličkog inspektorainspektora zaza zaštituzaštitu životneživotne sredinesredine o o deponovanjudeponovanju buradiburadi, u , u kanalkanal u u ObrenovcuObrenovcu, , odod stranestrane n.nn.n licalica, , republičkirepublički vodoprivrednivodoprivredni inspektorinspektor jeje inspekcijskiminspekcijskimpregledimapregledima danadana 17.11.2005. i 19.11.2005. 17.11.2005. i 19.11.2005. godinegodine utvrdioutvrdio i i preduzeopreduzeo sledećesledeće::

-- u u koritokorito melioracionogmelioracionog kanalakanala KK--1 1 stacionažastacionaža km 5+400 u km 5+400 u ObrenovcuObrenovcu –– potezpotez SkelaSkela, , deponovanodeponovano jeje 20 20 metalnihmetalnih buradiburadi, , kapacitetakapaciteta odod popo 200 lit. 200 lit. sasa materijamamaterijama neutvrđenogneutvrđenog sastavasastava;;-- zapisnikomzapisnikom brbr. 325. 325--0909--240 240 odod 19.11.2005. 19.11.2005. godinegodine naloženonaloženo jeje JVP “JVP “SrbijavodeSrbijavode”, VPC “”, VPC “SavaSava--DunavDunav” ” dada ukloniukloniburadburad iziz kanalakanala i i preduzmepreduzme mere mere zaza sprečavanjesprečavanje zagađivanjazagađivanja kanalskekanalske vodevode i i rekereke Save;Save;-- iziz preliminarnihpreliminarnih rezultatarezultata ispitivanjemispitivanjem jednogjednog uzorkauzorka, , rađenograđenog odod stranestrane GZZZ, GZZZ, identifikovanoidentifikovano jeje prisustvoprisustvopolicikličnihpolicikličnih aromatičniharomatičnih jedinjenjajedinjenja, , kaokao i i lakolako isparljivihisparljivih organskihorganskih jedinjenjajedinjenja;;-- danadana 20.11.2005. 20.11.2005. godinegodine radniciradnici ““EkoEko--tankatanka” ” ukloniliuklonili susu buradburad, , iziz kojihkojih jeje iscrpljenoiscrpljeno okooko 4000 lit. 4000 lit. zauljanihzauljanihmaterijamaterija..-- danadana 21.11.2005. 21.11.2005. godinegodine republičkirepublički vodoprivrednivodoprivredni inspektorinspektor jeje podneopodneo krivičnukrivičnu prijavuprijavu protivprotiv n.nn.n. . licalica zbogzbognaprednapred navedenognavedenog učinjenogučinjenog deladela..


Izveštaj Izveštaj inspektorainspektora u u vezivezi havarijskoghavarijskog zagađenjazagađenja rekereke RaljeRalje

RepubličkaRepublička vodoprivrednavodoprivredna inspekcijainspekcija jeje postupajućipostupajući popo navodimanavodima U.S. Steel Serbia, U.S. Steel Serbia, d.o.od.o.o. . SmederevoSmederevo, u , u sredusredu 7. 7. septembraseptembra, , utvrdilautvrdila havarijskohavarijsko zagađenjezagađenje nana recireci RaljaRalja kokod d

SmederevaSmedereva Datum: 12/09/05 Datum: 12/09/05 PoslaPoslatto o ministarstvoministarstvo

•• PostupajućiPostupajući popo navodimanavodima usmeneusmene ((telefonsketelefonske) ) prijaveprijave U.S. Steel Serbia, U.S. Steel Serbia, d.o.od.o.o. . SmederevoSmederevo, , danadana07.09.2005.godine, u 15:45 07.09.2005.godine, u 15:45 časovačasova o o havarijskomhavarijskom zagađenjuzagađenju rekereke RaljeRalje, , vodoprivrednivodoprivredni inspektorinspektor jeje izašaoizašao nanaterenteren u 16:10 i u 16:10 i utvrdioutvrdio i i preduzeopreduzeo sledećesledeće: :

-- dada jeje do do zagađenjazagađenja došlodošlo prethodnogprethodnog danadana 06.09.2005. Po 06.09.2005. Po izjaviizjavi predstavnikapredstavnika U.S. Steel Serbia, U.S. Steel Serbia, d.o.od.o.o. . SmederevoSmederevo, , preduzetepreduzete susu mere mere zaza identifikacijuidentifikaciju i i uzrokuzrok zagađenjazagađenja, , prijavaprijava jeje izvršenaizvršena 2727--28 sati 28 sati kasnijekasnije;;

-- odod 18.00 sati 18.00 sati izvršenoizvršeno jeje uzorkovanjeuzorkovanje vodotokavodotoka rekereke RaljeRalje odod stranestrane RHMZ u RHMZ u saradnjisaradnji sasa republičkomrepubličkominspekcijominspekcijom zaza zaštituzaštitu životneživotne sredinesredine nana tri tri lokacijelokacije;;

-- nana osnovuosnovu izvršenogizvršenog inspekcijskoginspekcijskog pregledapregleda donetodoneto jeje usmenousmeno, a 08.09.2005. i , a 08.09.2005. i pismenopismeno rešenjerešenje kojimkojim jejenaređenonaređeno dada::1. U.S. Steel Serbia, 1. U.S. Steel Serbia, d.o.od.o.o. . SmederevoSmederevo odmahodmah preduzmepreduzme mere mere zaza smanjenjesmanjenje zagađenjazagađenja i i sprečavanjesprečavanje daljegdaljegzagađivanjazagađivanja rekereke RaljeRalje;;2. 2. dada U.S. Steel Serbia, U.S. Steel Serbia, d.o.od.o.o. . SmederevoSmederevo odmahodmah preduzmepreduzme mere mere zaza otklanjanjeotklanjanje posledicaposledica zagađenjazagađenja;;3. 3. dada U.S. Steel Serbia, U.S. Steel Serbia, d.o.od.o.o. . SmederevoSmederevo odmahodmah preduzmepreduzme mere mere zaza pojačanipojačani nadzornadzor kvalitetakvaliteta sirovesirove vodevode izizbunarabunara..

-- 09.09.2005. 09.09.2005. postavljenapostavljena jeje vodenavodena zavesazavesa, a 10.09.2005. , a 10.09.2005. jošjoš dvedve plutajućeplutajuće pregradepregrade sasa tri tri linijelinijeadsorbenataadsorbenata;;

-- svakodnevnosvakodnevno se se vršivrši uzorkovanjeuzorkovanje nana uspostavljenimuspostavljenim profilimaprofilima i i vodotokvodotok osmatraosmatra vizuelnovizuelno i i pratiprati odod stranestranerepubličkerepubličke vodoprivrednevodoprivredne inspekcijeinspekcije..

RepubličkaRepublička vodoprivrednavodoprivredna inspekcijainspekcija

PostupajućiPostupajući popo navodimanavodima usmeneusmene prijaveprijave RečneRečne policijepolicije, , danadana 14.11.2005.godine, u 12.45 14.11.2005.godine, u 12.45 časovačasova, o , o havarijskomhavarijskom zagađenjuzagađenju rekereke Save, Save, nana lokacijilokaciji TENTTENT--A u A u ObrenovcuObrenovcu, , vodoprivrednivodoprivredni inspektoriinspektori susuodmahodmahizašliizašli nana terenteren i i utvrdiliutvrdili i i preduzelipreduzeli sledećesledeće

•• PostupajućiPostupajući popo navodimanavodima usmeneusmene ((telefonsketelefonske) ) prijaveprijave RečneRečne policijepolicije, , danadana14.11.2005.godine, u 12.45 14.11.2005.godine, u 12.45 časovačasova, o , o havarijskomhavarijskom zagađenjuzagađenju rekereke Save, Save, nana lokacijilokaciji TENTTENT--A u A u ObrenovcuObrenovcu, , vodoprivrednivodoprivredni inspektoriinspektori susu odmahodmah izašliizašli nana terenteren i i utvrdiliutvrdili i i preduzelipreduzeli sledećesledeće::

-- dada jeje do do zagađenjazagađenja vodotokavodotoka rekereke Save Save zauljenimzauljenim vodamavodama, , došlodošlo prekopreko tunelatunela povratnepovratnerashladnerashladne vodevode kaokao posledicaposledica akcidentaakcidenta nana hladnjakuhladnjaku turbinskogturbinskog uljaulja blokabloka 2;2;-- popo saznanjusaznanju dada jeje došlodošlo do do izlivanjaizlivanja zauljenihzauljenih vodavoda u u vodotokvodotok rekereke SaveSave TENT TENT jeje preduzeopreduzeomere mere zaza smanjenjesmanjenje i i sprečavanjesprečavanje zagađenjazagađenja korišćenjemkorišćenjem adsorpcionihadsorpcionih sredstavasredstava i i plivajućeplivajućezavesezavese u u vodotokuvodotoku rekereke Save. Po Save. Po otkrivanjuotkrivanju mestamesta nastankanastanka akcidentaakcidenta hladnjakhladnjak turbinskogturbinskoguljaulja jeje izolovanizolovan ((stavljenstavljen van van funkcijefunkcije); ); -- izvršenoizvršeno jeje uzorkovanjeuzorkovanje vodavoda rekereke Save, Save, odod stranestrane RHMZ, RHMZ, nana tri tri lokacijelokacije;;-- nana osnovuosnovu izvršenogizvršenog inspekcijskoginspekcijskog pregledapregleda donetodoneto jeje 15.11.2005. 15.11.2005. pismenopismeno rešenjerešenje kojimkojim jejenaloženonaloženo dada JP ''TERMOELEKTRANE NIKOLA TESLA'' JP ''TERMOELEKTRANE NIKOLA TESLA'' pratiprati stanjestanje vodotokavodotoka i i nastavinastavi sasapreduzimanjempreduzimanjem meramera sanacijesanacije i i sprečavasprečava zagađenjezagađenje vodotokavodotoka rekereke Save.Save.


SrbobranSrbobran -- PredstavnikPredstavnik InstitutaInstituta zaza vodevode ""NivaNiva" " iziz NorveškeNorveške MedboMedbo izjavioizjavio jeje dada susu međunarodnimeđunarodni donatoridonatori spremnispremni dadazaza realizacijurealizaciju projektaprojekta ""RevitalizacijaRevitalizacija VelikogVelikog bačkogbačkog kanalakanala" " obezbedeobezbede 80 80 odstoodsto neophodnihneophodnih sredstavasredstava..-- PreostalihPreostalih 20 20 odstoodsto moramora bitibiti pronađenopronađeno u u SrbijiSrbiji, , nana svakomsvakom nivounivou vlastivlasti, , odod RepublikeRepublike do do opštineopštine, , moramora se se izvršitiizvršitipritisakpritisak dada se se obezbediobezbedi tajtaj novacnovac i ova i ova šansašansa se se nene smesme propustitipropustiti. . AkoAko želimoželimo očistitiočistiti ovuovu državudržavu, , VrbasVrbas jeje grad grad iziz kogakogatrebatreba krenutikrenuti -- naglasionaglasio jeje MedboMedbo nana sednicisednici opštinskeopštinske KomisijeKomisije zaza zaštituzaštitu vodavoda..NorveškiNorveški stručnjakstručnjak jeje rekaorekao dada se se iziz vrbaskihvrbaskih fabrikafabrika u u kanalkanal slivasliva okooko 10 10 hiljadahiljada tonatona zagađenihzagađenih materijamaterija, , dokdok iziz NovogNovog SadaSada u u DunavDunav stižestiže okooko šestšest hiljadahiljada tonatona..

Medbo je naveo

da se mora iz


k i nauljaru

"Vital", Fab

riku armatura"Istra

", kožaru "Eterna" iz K

ule i

na Mesnuindus

triju "Karneks",

a da će njihov

e otpadne


no biti prečišće

ne na centralnom



proceni nor

veškog institu

ta, zazavrše

tak centralnog


za prečišćavan

je otpadnih voda,

bez kojeg

nema pričeo čišće

nju kanala, biće

potrebno oko 13,5


Medbo je naj

avio završe

tak izrade projek



ija Velikog bačko

g kanala" za

kraj aprila i izraz



šta će biti nakon odlaskapredstav

nika "Niva".

Dali smo sve ucinili da do ovog ne dolazii

BIOVERSAL BIOVERSAL TabelaTabela procentualnogprocentualnog koriscenjakoriscenja proizvodaproizvoda BioversalaBioversala u u tretmanutretmanu

VodaVoda ZemljistaZemljista I I PozaraPozara

0,5 – 3%

Laka ulja:1:200-1:300

Laka ulja :1:50-1:100


20 kg210 kg

1000 kg


1 - 10%1 - 4%1 - 4%-7,01,02

20 kg210 kg

1000 kg


0,5 – 3%0,5 – 3%1 - 10%7 %1-5 %7,51,02

20 kg210 kg

1000 kg


Using on earthUpotreba na zemlji I

priobalnom pojasU

Using on water surface

Upotreba navodenojpovrsini

Using for roads

Upotrebana putvima

Using for fire A/BGasenje pozara

klase A I B

In situ tretmanIndustrijskoodmascivanje

pH g/mlPackage


Realnost Evropske Unije ‘ problemi su identični ali su preventivRealnost Evropske Unije ‘ problemi su identični ali su preventiva i metode resavanja a i metode resavanja drugaćijidrugaćiji BIOVERSAL ćini tu kvalitetnu razlikuBIOVERSAL ćini tu kvalitetnu razlikuTirol 9.5.2005 . Vatrogasna služba je pozvana na jedan veliki ulTirol 9.5.2005 . Vatrogasna služba je pozvana na jedan veliki uljani izliv između Inzbrukai Hala.jani izliv između Inzbrukai Hala.

Veliki uljani tepih je krenuo na Inn.Do dana današnjeg se ne znaVeliki uljani tepih je krenuo na Inn.Do dana današnjeg se ne zna o kojoj se kolicini zapravo radio kojoj se kolicini zapravo radi

•• Ustanovljeno je da je izliv krenuo iz Raum Hola u Tirolu.Preko Ustanovljeno je da je izliv krenuo iz Raum Hola u Tirolu.Preko jedne rečice se ulje izlilo I Inn gde se onda proširilo na celu jedne rečice se ulje izlilo I Inn gde se onda proširilo na celu površinu reke.Nije bilo moguće skinuti uljane mrlje pošto je je površinu reke.Nije bilo moguće skinuti uljane mrlje pošto je je reka izuzetno brza.reka izuzetno brza.OdlučenoOdlučeno da se koristi Bioversal baš da se koristi Bioversal baš zbog svoje svestranosti.Skup od vise vatrogasnih zbog svoje svestranosti.Skup od vise vatrogasnih službi je učestvovalo u ovom poduhvatu,kao I službi je učestvovalo u ovom poduhvatu,kao I vatrogasna škola.Oko 13.30 uljane naslage su stigle vatrogasna škola.Oko 13.30 uljane naslage su stigle do kamenog most a,baceni su vrece sa peskom u do kamenog most a,baceni su vrece sa peskom u reku.Bioversal je pomocu vodenih topova nabacan na reku.Bioversal je pomocu vodenih topova nabacan na uljane mrlje.Sve je to MUP kontrolisao iz vazduha uljane mrlje.Sve je to MUP kontrolisao iz vazduha helikopterima.helikopterima.

•• Tako je širenje uljane površine potpuno zaustavljenoTako je širenje uljane površine potpuno zaustavljeno i i neutralizovanoneutralizovano

•• Vatrogasne Brigade koje koriste Bioversal QF kao lako penilo Vatrogasne Brigade koje koriste Bioversal QF kao lako penilo ya gasenje pozara Klase A i B pored gore nevedene ya gasenje pozara Klase A i B pored gore nevedene intervencije sa ovim sredstvom tretiraju ujljne ostatke na intervencije sa ovim sredstvom tretiraju ujljne ostatke na putevima nastalim usled izlivanja ili saobracajnih incidenata . putevima nastalim usled izlivanja ili saobracajnih incidenata . Bioversal potpuno otklanja tragove ulja sa puteva ,bioloski ga Bioversal potpuno otklanja tragove ulja sa puteva ,bioloski ga razgradjuje cime cuva okolni zivi svet i otklanja kliziste na razgradjuje cime cuva okolni zivi svet i otklanja kliziste na putu .putu .

Oil leaked into the Danube during the refuelling of a cruis shipOil leaked into the Danube during the refuelling of a cruis ship. There was an oil film that stretched from the . There was an oil film that stretched from the landing stage of the ship close to the “Reichsbrücke” (bridge tolanding stage of the ship close to the “Reichsbrücke” (bridge to the Vienna International City) till the way to the Vienna International City) till the way to the fire brigade base at “Leopoldstadt”. The oil film extended cthe fire brigade base at “Leopoldstadt”. The oil film extended continuously.ontinuously.Fire fighters treated the oil film with BIOVERSAL using a multiFire fighters treated the oil film with BIOVERSAL using a multi--purpose boat along the riverbank. This product purpose boat along the riverbank. This product is ecologically harmless and accelerates the natural dismantlingis ecologically harmless and accelerates the natural dismantling of the oil.of the oil.Because of the high water level and the associated flow rate it Because of the high water level and the associated flow rate it was not possible for the fire brigade to run out was not possible for the fire brigade to run out the oil barrier.the oil barrier.At the beginning of the two harbour basin only were deployed. ThAt the beginning of the two harbour basin only were deployed. The fire brigade assigned 16 men for 3 hours e fire brigade assigned 16 men for 3 hours approximately to deal with that potential disaster. The pollutioapproximately to deal with that potential disaster. The pollution was minimized by steps taken in the picturesn was minimized by steps taken in the pictures..Fire fighters treated the oil film with BIOVERSAL using a multiFire fighters treated the oil film with BIOVERSAL using a multi--purpose boat along the riverbank.purpose boat along the riverbank.This product is ecologically harmless and accelerates the naturaThis product is ecologically harmless and accelerates the natural dismantling of the oill dismantling of the oilAustrijaAustrija-- Curenje goriva prilikom punjenja broda gorivomCurenje goriva prilikom punjenja broda gorivom--Intervencija sa vode .Vatrogasna jedinica koristi Intervencija sa vode .Vatrogasna jedinica koristi

Bioversal u otklanjanju Bioversal u otklanjanju ––biorazgradnji uljabiorazgradnji ulja--naftre sa povrsine Dunavanaftre sa povrsine Dunava..

NA BILO KOM SVETSKOM JEZIKU ZAGANA BILO KOM SVETSKOM JEZIKU ZAGAĐENJE PRIRODE IZGLEDA IDENTIČNOĐENJE PRIRODE IZGLEDA IDENTIČNOST.WOLFGANGST.WOLFGANG. A two square. A two square--kilometre oil slick on the Wolfgangsee has caused alarm. kilometre oil slick on the Wolfgangsee has caused alarm. An estimated 2000 litres of oil has seeped into the Wolfgangsee An estimated 2000 litres of oil has seeped into the Wolfgangsee from a broken fuel oil from a broken fuel oil tank in an empty hotel in St. Wolfgang.tank in an empty hotel in St. Wolfgang.•• A pair of swans was breeding close to the point where the oil leA pair of swans was breeding close to the point where the oil leaked into the lake.aked into the lake. The male was patrolling in front of The male was patrolling in front of

the nest and was very badly contaminated with fuel oil.the nest and was very badly contaminated with fuel oil. With the energetic assistance of the fire brigade, the swan wasWith the energetic assistance of the fire brigade, the swan wasthoroughly cleaned several times with a biotenside and was movedthoroughly cleaned several times with a biotenside and was moved together with the female into an animal home away together with the female into an animal home away from the danger zone.from the danger zone. Otherwise the breeding female would have been in danger the nexOtherwise the breeding female would have been in danger the next time she enteret time she entere

•• Newspaper report in the "Newspaper report in the "IschlerIschler WocheWoche":":d the water.d the water.Austrian TV Austrian TV -- ORF: ORF: [[OOÖÖ--HeuteHeute...]...] Austrian TV Austrian TV -- ORF: ORF: [[OÖOÖ--HeuteHeute...]...]

•• According to the manufacturer's description only very special prAccording to the manufacturer's description only very special products for removing oducts for removing residual organic pollutants such as mineral oil on water (residual organic pollutants such as mineral oil on water (BIOVERSALBIOVERSAL products such as products such as Bioversal QF, which is used by the fire brigade as fireBioversal QF, which is used by the fire brigade as fire--extinguishing foam or as an oil extinguishing foam or as an oil combatting product), should be used for these purposes.combatting product), should be used for these purposes. Conventional oil binding Conventional oil binding agents are not to be recommended for removing residual oil from agents are not to be recommended for removing residual oil from waterways because waterways because animals, mainly fish, confuse these granules with food or these animals, mainly fish, confuse these granules with food or these granules sink to thegranules sink to the

bottom and then release the pollutant again very much laterbottom and then release the pollutant again very much later..Dali zelimo ovakva jezeraDali zelimo ovakva jezera ??????????

•• Uklanjanje ugljovodonika sa povrsine jezera i Uklanjanje ugljovodonika sa povrsine jezera i priobalja priobalja –– Spasava floru faunu i zivotinjski svetSpasava floru faunu i zivotinjski svet


•• BIOVERSAL BIOVERSAL ProizvodiProizvodi se se koristekoriste skladuskladu sasa specificnimspecificnim karakteristikamakarakteristikama kontaminiranogkontaminiranog zemljista.vodazemljista.voda ..•• BIOVERSAL BIOVERSAL ProizvodiProizvodi se se koristekoriste u u skladuskladu sasa odrednicamaodrednicama odrzivogodrzivog razvojarazvoja I I svojimsvojim prisustvomprisustvom blagotvornoblagotvorno uticuuticu nana prirodnoprirodno

okruzenjeokruzenje pored toga pored toga stosto doprinosedoprinose ubrzanomubrzanom prirodnomprirodnom razlaganjurazlaganju tragovatragova oneciscenjaoneciscenja ugljovodonicimaugljovodonicima //prirodnogprirodnog iliili sintetickogsintetickogporeklaporekla//

•• BitanBitan preduslovpreduslov zaza adekvatnuadekvatnu upotrebuupotrebu BioversalaBioversala jeje odreditiodrediti predmetpredmet tretmanatretmana•• OneciscenjaOneciscenja VodaVoda•• OneciscenjaOneciscenja Zemljista/PutevaZemljista/Puteva•• IndustrijskogIndustrijskog odmascivanjaodmascivanja•• GasenjeGasenje pozarapozara KlaseKlase A i BA i B•• PozitivniPozitivni efektiefekti koriscenjakoriscenja BIOVERSAL a BIOVERSAL a susu sledecisledeci•• SviSvi proizvodiproizvodi sadrzesadrze BioaktivatorBioaktivator kojikoji u u sprezisprezi sasa povrsinskimpovrsinskim agensimaagensima uspesnouspesno uklanjajuuklanjaju I I razgradjujurazgradjuju ostatkeostatke ugljovodonikaugljovodonika•• nafte,parafina,mazutanafte,parafina,mazuta, , benzinabenzina ,,lozloz uljaulja,,•• trafotrafo uljaulja•• manocamanoca biljnogbiljnog I I zivotinjskogzivotinjskog poreklaporekla zaza razlikurazliku odod ostalihostalih sredstavasredstava kojakoja samosamo prebacujuprebacuju problemproblem bioloskebioloske razgradnjerazgradnje nana drugodrugo

mestomesto dokdok istovremenoistovremeno delujudeluju destruktivnodestruktivno nana zivotnuzivotnu sredinusredinu u u kojojkojoj delujudeluju..•• KompletnaKompletna tehnickatehnicka dokumentacijadokumentacija I I certifikaticertifikati se se nalazenalaze u u priloguprilogu prezentacijeprezentacije nana posebnomposebnom CD u.CD u.

Toliko malo je potrebno Toliko malo je potrebno da da vodotokovevodotokove i i svesve zivotne oblike u njimazivotne oblike u njimazaštitimozaštitimo

ProjekatProjekat BioversalBioversal nana VodamaVodama SrbijeSrbije zahtevazahteva skromnaskromnaulaganjaulaganja kratakkratak vremenskivremenski period period dat dat popo ffazamaazama

•• SnabdevanjeSnabdevanje VatrogasnogVatrogasnog DrustvaDrustva I Brigade I Brigade BocamaBocama I I KoncentratomKoncentratom BioversalaBioversala čime se odmah čime se odmah omogućava dejstvovanje na kopnu i na vodi kako sa omogućava dejstvovanje na kopnu i na vodi kako sa kopna tako i čamca upotrebom Bioversal Bocakopna tako i čamca upotrebom Bioversal Boca

•• Izrada Projekta opremanja plovnog objekta Izrada Projekta opremanja plovnog objekta adekvatnom vatrogasnom opremomadekvatnom vatrogasnom opremom-- nosioc nosioc aktivnosti Visa Tehnicka Skola Novi Sadaktivnosti Visa Tehnicka Skola Novi Sad

•• Obezbeđenje plovnog objekta koji bi se u skladu sa Obezbeđenje plovnog objekta koji bi se u skladu sa projektom opremio adekvatnom opremom za projektom opremio adekvatnom opremom za gašenje i prskalicama za dejstvo neutralisanja na gašenje i prskalicama za dejstvo neutralisanja na površinska zauljenja vodapovršinska zauljenja voda


BIOVERSAL BIOVERSAL potpunapotpuna uskladjenostuskladjenost sasa direktivamadirektivama i i standardimastandardima EUEU

•• BIOVERSAL BIOVERSAL ispunioispunio najvišenajviše standardestandardeHOCNF HOCNF BIOVERSAL BIOVERSAL tehnologijatehnologijaproizvodaproizvoda--čistaččistač uljaulja--požaripožariBIOVERSAL HC BIOVERSAL HC jeje procenjenprocenjen sasa fokusiranogfokusiranogaspektaaspekta uticajauticaja nana okruženjeokruženje u u skladuskladu sasaHHarmonisedarmonised OOffshore ffshore CChemical hemical NNotification otification Format Format ––HOCNF HOCNF HarmonizovanimHarmonizovanimPomorskimPomorskim HemijskiHemijski NotifikovanimNotifikovanimFormatomFormatom kaokao delomdelom PARCOM PARCOM OdlukeOdluke 9696--3 3 izdateizdate odod TNO TNO -- Institute of Institute of Environment Sciences Energy Environment Sciences Energy Research and Process Innovation, Research and Process Innovation, Department for Ecological RiskDepartment for Ecological RiskStudies, in 1780 AB Den Studies, in 1780 AB Den HelderHelder, , Netherlands.Netherlands.The Reference Number is: ER/99/0322CCKThe Reference Number is: ER/99/0322CCKThe institute TNO is mentioned on the sheet The institute TNO is mentioned on the sheet "HOCNF" part 5 as "HOCNF" part 5 as Testing Laboratory.Testing Laboratory.

Pokrajnski Sekreterijat za Zaštitu Zivotne Sredine I Odrzivi Razvoj


,,BIOVERSAL – Sa aspekta zaštite zivotne sredine podoban za adekvatnu primenu imajuci u vidu kompatibilnost sa smernicama odrzivog ravoja..

Decreto 2 agosto 2005Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio. Autorizzazione all'impiego del prodotto Bioversal HC come prodotto disinquinante, ai sensi del decreto 11 dicembre 1997. (GU n. 199 del 27-8-2005)Considerato il parere dell'ICRAM in riferimento alla composizione del prodotto Bioversal HC, che evidenziache «la sua composizione prevede tuttavia l'aggiunta di nutrienti per facilitare/accelerare il metabolismobatterico e pertanto il suo eventuale utilizzo necessiterebbe particolare cautela in acque a bassaprofondita/scarso idrodinamismo ed elevato livello trofico»;Visto il decreto legislativo 11 maggio 1999, n. 152 e successive modifiche;Ritenuto di dover concedere autorizzazione all'uso del prodotto Bioversal HC, quale prodotto disinquinanteper la bonifica delle acque marine contaminate da idrocarburi, ai sensi del decreto direttoriale 11 dicembre1997;Ritenuto necessario tenere conto dell'indicazione dell'ICRAM sulle cautele nell'utilizzo del prodotto in acquead elevato livello trofico in determinati ambiti;Visto l'art. 18 e l'allegato 6 del decreto legislativo 11 maggio 1999, n. 152 che individua tra le aree sensibilile acque «esposte ad eutrofizzazione o probabilmente esposte a prossima eutrofizzazione» monitorate aisensi dell'allegato 1 allo stesso decreto;Ritenuto necessario in via cautelativa vietare l'utilizzo del prodotto Bioversal HC all'interno di dette areesensibili; …………

Izdati DEKRETI ITALIJANSKE i ŠPANSKE VLADE O UPOTREBI BIOVERSALA NA SREDOZEMLJUUz poštovanje najviših standarda zaštite zivotne sredine i odrzivog razvoja EU.

Medjunarodne KonvencijeMedjunarodne KonvencijeDrzavnaDrzavna zajednicazajednica SCG ,SCG ,R.SrbijaR.Srbija I I APVojvodinaAPVojvodina u u okviruokviru medjuregionalnemedjuregionalne saradnjesaradnje susupotpisnicepotpisnice nizaniza medjunarodnihmedjunarodnih konvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastiti zivotnezivotne sredinasredina I I posebnoposebno vodotkavodotka I I slivasliva rekereke DunavDunav

•• OsnoviOsnovi ciljcilj projektaprojekta ““SmanjenjeSmanjenje zagađenjazagađenja rekereke DunavDunav iziz industrijeindustrije u u SrbijiSrbiji” ” jeje

•• širenješirenje i i promovisanjepromovisanje održiveodržive proizvodnjeproizvodnje i i dobredobre privredneprivredneprakseprakse kojomkojom se se nene ugrožavaugrožava životnaživotna sredinasredina u u područjupodručjuDunavskogDunavskog basenabasena, a to , a to bezmalobezmalo obuhvataobuhvata celucelu teritorijiteritoriji RepublikeRepublike SrbijeSrbije. . NeposredniNeposredni ciljcilj ovogovog projektaprojekta jeje, pre , pre svegasvega, , smanjenjesmanjenje zagađenjazagađenja vodotokovavodotokova DunavaDunava i i njegovihnjegovih pritokapritoka

•• DirektorDirektor RepubličkeRepubličke direkcijedirekcije zaza vodevode NikolaNikola MarjanovićMarjanović rekaorekao jeje nana konferencijikonferenciji zaza novinarenovinare, , kojakoja jeje održanaodržana posleposle potpisivanjapotpisivanja memorandumamemoranduma, , dada jeje suštinasuština tog tog dokumentadokumenta unapređenjeunapređenjezaštitezaštite vodnihvodnih resursaresursa i i kvalitetakvaliteta uslugausluga zaza korisnikekorisnike u u ciljucilju povećanjapovećanja efikasnostiefikasnosti i i smanjenjasmanjenjagubitakagubitaka kakokako bi se bi se dostiglidostigli međunarodnimeđunarodni standardistandardi

•• . . MarjanovićMarjanović jeje rekaorekao dada jeje SrbijaSrbija jednajedna odod 14 14 zemaljazemalja u u EvropiEvropi kojakoja koristikoristi voduvodu iziz rekerekeDunavDunav i i ukazaoukazao nana to to dada jeje neophodnoneophodno usaglasitiusaglasiti naporenapore, , naročitonaročito kadakada se se radiradi o o prečišćavanjuprečišćavanjuotpadnihotpadnih vodavoda. .

•• SrbijaSrbija jeje dužnadužna dada uspostaviuspostavi evropskeevropske standardestandarde kadakada jeje rečreč o o odvođenjuodvođenju i i prečišćavanjuprečišćavanjuotpadnihotpadnih vodavoda, , kaokao i i proizvodnjiproizvodnji i i snabdevanjusnabdevanju vodomvodom zaza pićepiće jerjer jeje to to jedanjedan odod preduslovapreduslova zazaevropskeevropske integracijeintegracije našenaše zemljezemlje. .

•• SpisakSpisak medjunarodnihmedjunarodnih ugovoraugovora iziz oblastioblasti zastitezastite zivotnezivotne sredinesredine kojekoje jeje ratifikovalaratifikovala JugoslavijaJugoslavija / / SrbijaSrbija i i CrnaCrna GoraGora

•• List of international Convention in the field of the environmentList of international Convention in the field of the environment, ratified by FR Yugoslavia / Serbia and Montenegro, ratified by FR Yugoslavia / Serbia and Montenegro

1. Convention Concerning the Use of the White Lead in Painting (1. Convention Concerning the Use of the White Lead in Painting (1921) 1921) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o upotrebiupotrebi otrovnogotrovnog belilabelila u u bojadisanjubojadisanju

2. Agreement for the Establishment of a General Fisheries Counci2. Agreement for the Establishment of a General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (1949) l for the Mediterranean (1949) -- SporazumSporazum o o osnivanjuosnivanju GeneralnogGeneralnog SavetaSaveta zaza ribarstvoribarstvo zaza MediteranMediteran

3. International Convention for the Protection of Birds (1950) 3. International Convention for the Protection of Birds (1950) -- MedjunarodnaMedjunarodna konvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastiti pticaptica

4. Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterr4. Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (1951) anean Plant Protection Organization (1951) --KonvencijaKonvencija o o ustanovljenjuustanovljenju EvropskeEvropske i i MediteranskeMediteranske organizacijeorganizacije zaza zastituzastitu biljabilja

5. International Plant Protection Convention (1952) 5. International Plant Protection Convention (1952) -- MedjunarodnaMedjunarodna konvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastiti biljabilja

6. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of t6. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil (1954) he Sea by Oil (1954) -- MedjunarodnaMedjunarodna konvencijakonvencija o o specavanjuspecavanju zagadjivanjazagadjivanja moramora uljemuljem

7. Convention on Protection of Cultural Goods in Case of Armed D7. Convention on Protection of Cultural Goods in Case of Armed Disputes (1954) isputes (1954) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o zastitizastiti kulturnihkulturnihdobaradobara u u slucajuslucaju oruzanihoruzanih sukobasukoba

8. Agreement Regarding Financial Support of the North Atlantic I8. Agreement Regarding Financial Support of the North Atlantic Ice Patrol (1956) ce Patrol (1956) -- SporazumSporazum o o finansijskomfinansijskomdoprinosudoprinosu SevernoatlanskojSevernoatlanskoj sluzbisluzbi zaza zastituzastitu odod ledaleda

9. European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of D9. European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) (1957) angerous Goods by Road (ADR) (1957) --EvropskiEvropski sporazumsporazum o o medjunarodnommedjunarodnom drumskomdrumskom prevozuprevozu opasneopasne roberobe

10. Treaty on Fishery in the Danube River Waters between Governm10. Treaty on Fishery in the Danube River Waters between Government of FNRY, Peoples Republic of Bulgaria, ent of FNRY, Peoples Republic of Bulgaria, Romanian Peoples Republic and USSR (1958) Romanian Peoples Republic and USSR (1958) -- SporazumSporazum o o ribarstvuribarstvu u u vodamavodama DunavaDunava izmedjuizmedju VladeVlade FNRJ, FNRJ, NarodneNarodne RepublikeRepublike BugarskeBugarske, , RumunskeRumunske NarodneNarodne RepublikeRepublike i i SavezaSaveza SovjetskihSovjetskih SocijalistickihSocijalistickih RepublikaRepublika

11. Convention on the High Seas (1958) 11. Convention on the High Seas (1958) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o otvorenomotvorenom morumoru

12. Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resourc12. Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas (1958) es of the High Seas (1958) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o ribolovuribolovu i i ocuvanjuocuvanju bioloskihbioloskih bogatstavabogatstava otvorenogotvorenog moramora

13. Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone (1958)13. Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone (1958) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o teritorijalnomteritorijalnom morumoru i i spoljnomspoljnommorskommorskom pojasupojasu

14. Convention on the Continental Shelf (1958) 14. Convention on the Continental Shelf (1958) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o epikontinentalnomepikontinentalnom pojasupojasu

15. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (196015. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1960) ) -- MedjunarodnaMedjunarodna konvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastiti ljudskogljudskogzivotazivota nana morumoru

•• 16. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (19616. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (1963) 3) -- BeckaBecka konvencijakonvencija o o gradjanskojgradjanskoj odgovornostiodgovornostizaza nuklearnenuklearne stetestete

17. Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere in Out17. Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere in Outer Space and under Water (1963) er Space and under Water (1963) -- UgovorUgovor o o zabranizabrani eksperimentimaeksperimentima sasa nuklearnimnuklearnim oruzjemoruzjem u u atmosferiatmosferi, , svemirusvemiru i pod i pod vodomvodom

18. European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of 18. European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR); Annex A Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR); Annex A --Provisions Concerning Dangerous Substances and Articles; Annex BProvisions Concerning Dangerous Substances and Articles; Annex B -- Provisions Concerning Transport Equipment Provisions Concerning Transport Equipment and Transport Operations (1967) and Transport Operations (1967) -- AneksAneks A i B A i B EvropskeEvropske konvencijekonvencije o o medjunarodnommedjunarodnom prevozuprevozu opasneopasne robe u robe u drumskomdrumskom prevozuprevozu

19. European Convention for the Protection of Animals During Int19. European Convention for the Protection of Animals During International Transport (1968) ernational Transport (1968) -- EvropskaEvropskakonvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastiti zivotinjazivotinja u u medjunarodnommedjunarodnom prevozuprevozu

20. European Convention on the Protection of Archaeological Heri20. European Convention on the Protection of Archaeological Heritage (1969) tage (1969) -- EvropskaEvropska konvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastitiarheoloskearheoloske bastinebastine

21. International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollutio21. International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (1969) n Damage (1969) -- MedjunarodnaMedjunarodna konvencijakonvencija o o gradjanskojgradjanskoj odgovornostiodgovornosti zaza stetustetu pricinjenupricinjenu zagadjivanjemzagadjivanjem naftomnaftom

22. International Convention Relating to Intervention on the Hig22. International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Case of Oil Pollution Casualties (1969) h Seas in Case of Oil Pollution Casualties (1969) --MedjunarodnaMedjunarodna konvencijakonvencija o o intervencijiintervenciji nana otvorenomotvorenom morumoru zaza slucajslucaj nesrecanesreca kojekojeprouzrokujuprouzrokuju zagadjivanjezagadjivanje naftomnaftom

23. Convention on Measures for Banning and Preventing illegal Im23. Convention on Measures for Banning and Preventing illegal Import, Export and transfer of Properties of port, Export and transfer of Properties of Cultural Goods (1970) Cultural Goods (1970) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o meramamerama zaza zabranuzabranu i i sprecavanjesprecavanje nedozvoljenognedozvoljenog uvozauvoza, , izvozaizvoza i i prenosaprenosasvojinesvojine kulturnihkulturnih dobaradobara

24. Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especiall24. Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Water flow Habitat (1971) y as Water flow Habitat (1971) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o mocvarnimmocvarnim podrucjimapodrucjima kojakoja susu odod medjunarodnogmedjunarodnog znacajaznacaja, , narocitonarocito kaokao stanistastanista pticaptica mocvarnicamocvarnica

25. Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weap25. Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction on ons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seathe Sea--Bead and Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Therefore (1971) Bead and Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Therefore (1971) -- UgovorUgovor o o zabranizabrani smestajasmestaja nuklearnognuklearnog i i drugogdrugog oruzjaoruzja zaza masovnomasovno unistavanjeunistavanje nana dnodno moramora i i okeanaokeana i u i u njihovonjihovo podzemljepodzemlje

26. Convention Concerning Protection Against Hazards of Poisonin26. Convention Concerning Protection Against Hazards of Poisoning Arising from Benzene (1971) g Arising from Benzene (1971) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o zastitizastiti odod opasnostiopasnosti trovanjatrovanja benzolombenzolom

27. International Convention for Compensation for Oil Pollution 27. International Convention for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (1971) Damage (1971) -- MedjunarodnaMedjunarodna konvencijakonvencija o o osnivanjuosnivanju medjunarodnogmedjunarodnog fondafonda zaza naknadunaknadu stetestete nastalenastale usledusled zagadjivanjazagadjivanja naftomnaftom

28. Convention and Stock poling of Bacteriological (Biological) 28. Convention and Stock poling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (1972) (1972) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o zabranizabrani usavrsavanjausavrsavanja, , proizvodnjeproizvodnje i i stvaranjastvaranja zalihazaliha bakterioloskogbakterioloskog ((bioloskogbioloskog) i ) i toksicnogtoksicnogoruzjaoruzja i o i o njihovomnjihovom unistavanjuunistavanju

•• 29. International Convention on the International Regulations fo29. International Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea (1972) r Preventing Collision at Sea (1972) --MedjunarodnaMedjunarodna konvencijakonvencija o o medjunarodnimmedjunarodnim pravilimapravilima o o izbegavanjuizbegavanju sudarasudara nana morumoru

30. Convention Concerning the protection of the World Cultural a30. Convention Concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) nd Natural Heritage (1972) ––•• KonvencijaKonvencija o o zastitizastiti svetskesvetske kulturnekulturne i i prirodneprirodne bastinebastine

31. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping 31. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter (1972) of Wastes and other Matter (1972) ––•• KonvencijaKonvencija o o sprecavanjusprecavanju zagadjivanjazagadjivanja moramora putemputem izbacivanjaizbacivanja otpadakaotpadaka i i drugihdrugih materijamaterija

32. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution fro32. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1973) m Ships (1973) -- MedjunarodnaMedjunarodna konvencijakonvencija o o sprecavanjusprecavanju zagadjivanjazagadjivanja sasa brodovabrodova

33. Protocol Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases 33. Protocol Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Marine Pollution by Substances other than Oil of Marine Pollution by Substances other than Oil (1973) (1973) -- ProtokolProtokol o o intervencijamaintervencijama nana otvorenomotvorenom morumoru u u slucajevimaslucajevima zagadjivanjazagadjivanja moramora supstancamasupstancama kojenisukojenisunaftanafta

34. Yugoslav34. Yugoslav--Italian Treaty on Cooperation on Pollution Protection of the AdrItalian Treaty on Cooperation on Pollution Protection of the Adriatic Sea Waters and Coastal Areas iatic Sea Waters and Coastal Areas (1974) (1974) -- JugoslovenskoJugoslovensko--italijanskiitalijanski sporazumsporazum o o saradnjisaradnji nana zastitizastiti vodavoda jadranskogjadranskog moramora i i obalnogobalnog podrucjapodrucja ododzagadjivanjazagadjivanja

35. Convention Concerning Prevention and Control of Occupational35. Convention Concerning Prevention and Control of Occupational Hazards Caused by Carcinogenic Substances Hazards Caused by Carcinogenic Substances and Agents (1974) and Agents (1974) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o sprecavanjusprecavanju i i kontrolikontroli profesionalnihprofesionalnih rizikarizika prouzrokovanihprouzrokovanih kancerogenimkancerogenimsupstancamasupstancama i i agensimaagensima

36. European Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for F36. European Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes (1976) arming Purposes (1976) -- EvropskaEvropska konvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastiti zivotinjazivotinja kojekoje se se uzgajajuuzgajaju nana poljoprivrednimpoljoprivrednim gazdinstvimagazdinstvima

37. Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Again37. Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution (1976) st Pollution (1976) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o zastitizastitiSredozemnogSredozemnog moramora odod zagadjivanjazagadjivanja

38. Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranea38. Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircrafts (1976) n Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircrafts (1976) -- ProtokolProtokol o o sprecavanjusprecavanju zagadjivanjazagadjivanja SredozemnogSredozemnog moramora usledusled potapanjapotapanja otpadnihotpadnih i i drugihdrugih materijamaterija sasa brodovabrodova i i vazduhoplovavazduhoplova

39. Protocol Concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution of Me39. Protocol Concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution of Mediterranean Sea by Oil and other Harmful diterranean Sea by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency (1976) Substances in Cases of Emergency (1976) -- ProtokolProtokol o o saradnjisaradnji u u borbiborbi protivprotiv zagadjivanjazagadjivanja SredozemnogSredozemnog moramoramoramora naftomnaftom i i drugimdrugim stetnimstetnim materijamamaterijama u u slucajuslucaju udesaudesa

40. Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers against Occu40. Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment pational Hazards in the Working Environment due to Air pollution, Noise and Vibration (1977) due to Air pollution, Noise and Vibration (1977) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o zastitizastiti radnikaradnika odod profesionalnihprofesionalnihrizikarizika u u radnojradnoj sredinisredini prouzrokovanihprouzrokovanih zagadjenjemzagadjenjem vazduhavazduha, , bukombukom i i vibracijomvibracijom

41. Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention fo41. Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1978) r the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1978) --ProtokolProtokol odod 1978. 1978. godinegodine kojikoji se se odnosiodnosi nana MedjunarodnuMedjunarodnu konvencijukonvenciju o o sprecavanjusprecavanju zagadjivanjazagadjivanja sasa brodovabrodova odod

•• 42. European Convention for the protection of Animals for Slaugh42. European Convention for the protection of Animals for Slaughter (1979) ter (1979) --EvropskaEvropska konvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastitizivotinjazivotinja zaza klanjeklanje

43. Convention on Long43. Convention on Long--range range TransboundaryTransboundary Agents (1979) Agents (1979) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o prekogranicnomprekogranicnom zagadjivanjuzagadjivanjuvazduhavazduha nana velikimvelikim udaljenostimaudaljenostima

44. Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (144. Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (1979) 979) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o fizickojfizickoj zastitizastiti nuklearnognuklearnogmaterijalamaterijala

45. Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against45. Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution from LandPollution from Land--based Sources (1980) based Sources (1980) --ProtokolProtokol o o zastitizastiti SredozemnogSredozemnog moramora odod zagadjivanjazagadjivanja iziz izvoraizvora sasa kopnakopna

46. Convention Concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the46. Convention Concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment (1981) Working Environment (1981) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o zastitizastiti nana raduradu, , zdravstvenojzdravstvenoj zastitizastiti i i radnojradnoj sredinisredini

47. Protocol Concerning Mediterranean Specially (1982) 47. Protocol Concerning Mediterranean Specially (1982) -- ProtokolProtokol o o posebnoposebno zasticenimzasticenim podrucijimapodrucijimaSredozemnogSredozemnog moramora

48. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) 48. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) -- KonvencijaKonvencija UN o UN o pravupravu moramora

49. Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long Range 49. Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long Range TransboundaryTransboundary Air Pollution on Financing of the Cooperative Air Pollution on Financing of the Cooperative ProgrammeProgramme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Longfor Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long--range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMER) range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMER) (1984) (1984) -- ProtokolProtokol uzuz KonvencijuKonvenciju o o prekogranicnomprekogranicnom zagadjivanjuzagadjivanju vazduhavazduha nana velikevelike daljinedaljine iziz 1979. 1979. godinegodine, o , o dugorocnomdugorocnom finansiranjufinansiranju programaprograma saradnjesaradnje zaza pracenjepracenje i i procenuprocenu prekogranicnogprekogranicnog prenosaprenosa zagadjujucihzagadjujucih materijamaterijau u vazduhuvazduhu nana velikevelike daljinedaljine u u EvropiEvropi

50. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (19850. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (1985) 5) -- BeckaBecka konvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastiti ozonskogozonskogomotacaomotaca

51. Convention Concerning Occupational Health Services (1985) 51. Convention Concerning Occupational Health Services (1985) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o sluzbamasluzbama medicine medicine radarada

52. Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage 52. Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe (1985) of Europe (1985) -- EvropskaEvropska konvencijakonvencija o o zastitizastitiarhitektonskogarhitektonskog blagablaga

53. Treaty on Pollution Protection of the 53. Treaty on Pollution Protection of the TisaTisa River Waters and its Tributaries (1986) River Waters and its Tributaries (1986) -- SporazumSporazum o o zastitizastiti vodavodarekereke TiseTise i i njenihnjenih pritokapritoka odod zagadjivanjazagadjivanja

54. Convention Concerning Safety in Use of Asbestos (1986) 54. Convention Concerning Safety in Use of Asbestos (1986) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o bezbednostibezbednosti prilikomprilikom koriscenjakoriscenjaazbestaazbesta

55. Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident (198655. Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident (1986) ) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o ranomranom obavestavanjuobavestavanju o o nuklearnimnuklearnim nesrecamanesrecama

56. Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident o56. Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (1986) r Radiological Emergency (1986) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o pruzanjupruzanju pomocipomoci u u slucajuslucaju nuklearnihnuklearnih iliili radioloskeradioloske opasnostiopasnosti

•• 57. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer57. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (1987) (1987) --MontrealskiMontrealski protocol o protocol o supstancamasupstancama kojekoje ostecujuostecuju ozonskiozonski omotacomotac

58. The Basel Convention on the Control of 58. The Basel Convention on the Control of TransboundaryTransboundary Movements of Hazardous Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (1989) Wastes and their Disposal (1989) -- BazelskaBazelska konvencijakonvencija o o kontrolikontroli prekogranicnogprekogranicnogkretanjakretanja opasnogopasnog otpadaotpada i i njegovomnjegovom odlaganjuodlaganju

59. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) 59. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) -- OkvirnaOkvirna konvencijakonvencija UN o UN o klimatskimklimatskim promenamapromenama

60. Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, production60. Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, production, Stockpiling and , Stockpiling and use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (1993) use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (1993) -- KonvencijaKonvencija o o zabranizabranirazvojarazvoja, , proizvodnjeproizvodnje, , skladistenjaskladistenja i i upotrebeupotrebe hemijskoghemijskog oruzjaoruzja i o i o njegovomnjegovomunistavanjuunistavanju

61. Treaty between the Federal Government of FRY and Government 61. Treaty between the Federal Government of FRY and Government of the Russian of the Russian Federation on Cooperation on Environmental Protection (1996) Federation on Cooperation on Environmental Protection (1996) -- SporazumSporazum izmedjuizmedjuSavezneSavezne vladevlade SRJ i SRJ i VladeVlade RuskeRuske FederacijeFederacije o o saradnjisaradnji u u oblastioblasti zastitezastite zivotnezivotnesredinesredine

62. Treaty between the Federal Government of FRY and Government 62. Treaty between the Federal Government of FRY and Government of Russian of Russian Federation on Cooperation on Preventing Industrial Hazards, NatuFederation on Cooperation on Preventing Industrial Hazards, Natural Disasters and ral Disasters and Remediation of their Consequences (1996) Remediation of their Consequences (1996) -- SporazumSporazum izmedjuizmedju SavezneSavezne vladevlade SRJ i SRJ i VladeVlade RuskeRuske FederacijeFederacije o o saradnjisaradnji u u oblastioblasti sprecavanjasprecavanja industrijskihindustrijskih havarijahavarija, , elementarnihelementarnih nepogodanepogoda i i otklanjanjaotklanjanja njihovihnjihovih posledicaposledica

IzvorIzvor: ": "PravoPravo nana adekvatnuadekvatnu zivotnuzivotnu sredinusredinu", Beograd 2001 ", Beograd 2001 -- http://http://www.recyu.orgwww.recyu.org

Program smanjenja zagadjenja DunavaProgram smanjenja zagadjenja DunavaPridruzimo sePridruzimo se

•• THE DANUBE POLLUTION REDUCTION PROGRAM THE DANUBE POLLUTION REDUCTION PROGRAM •• Danube Program Coordination UnitDanube Program Coordination Unit•• P.O. Box 500, AP.O. Box 500, A--1400 VIENNA, AUSTRIA1400 VIENNA, AUSTRIA•••• 1. The Danube River Protection Convention and the technical and 1. The Danube River Protection Convention and the technical and institutional arrangements institutional arrangements

for its implementationfor its implementation•• The Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and SustainableThe Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the River Danube Use of the River Danube

(Danube River Protection Convention (Danube River Protection Convention -- DRPC), was signed in Sofia in June 1994 by eleven DRPC), was signed in Sofia in June 1994 by eleven Danube River Basin countries1 and the European Commission. The sDanube River Basin countries1 and the European Commission. The signatories to the Danube ignatories to the Danube Protection Convention, which is based on the UNProtection Convention, which is based on the UN--ECE framework Convention on the Protection ECE framework Convention on the Protection and the Use of and the Use of TransboundaryTransboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Helsinki Convention), Watercourses and International Lakes (Helsinki Convention), have agreed on «have agreed on « conservation, improvement and rational use of surface and groundconservation, improvement and rational use of surface and groundwater in water in the the catchmentcatchment area, to control the hazards originating from accidents and to area, to control the hazards originating from accidents and to contribute to contribute to reducing the pollution loads of the Black Sea from sources in threducing the pollution loads of the Black Sea from sources in the e catchmentcatchment areaarea ».».

•• Nine parties must ratify the Convention before it comes into forNine parties must ratify the Convention before it comes into force. Until end 1997, eight ce. Until end 1997, eight signatories had ratified the Convention and it is expected that signatories had ratified the Convention and it is expected that the ninth ratification will occur the ninth ratification will occur in due course so that the Convention is expected to be in force in due course so that the Convention is expected to be in force in midin mid--1998. Hence, four years 1998. Hence, four years of preparatory work and negotiations were necessary to put in plof preparatory work and negotiations were necessary to put in place administrative and legal ace administrative and legal mechanisms for intermechanisms for inter--regional cooperation and definition of common goals and measuresregional cooperation and definition of common goals and measures for for pollution reduction in the Danube River Basin.pollution reduction in the Danube River Basin.

•• http://www.oieau.fr/ciedd/contributions/atriob/contribution/danuhttp://www.oieau.fr/ciedd/contributions/atriob/contribution/danube.htmbe.htm

•• DANUBE COMMISSIONDANUBE COMMISSIONAccording to the Convention, the 11 Member States Austria, BulgaAccording to the Convention, the 11 Member States Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, ria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia and Serbia and MontenegroMontenegro undertake to maintain their sections of the Danube in a navigabundertake to maintain their sections of the Danube in a navigable le condition for rivercondition for river--going and, on the appropriate sections, for seagoing and, on the appropriate sections, for sea--going vessels and going vessels and to carry out the works necessary for the maintenance and improveto carry out the works necessary for the maintenance and improvement of navigation ment of navigation conditions and not to obstruct or hinder navigation on the navigconditions and not to obstruct or hinder navigation on the navigable channels of the able channels of the




•• PREFACE PREFACE •• The Environmental The Environmental ProgrammeProgramme for the Danube River Basin, conceived in Sofia in September 199for the Danube River Basin, conceived in Sofia in September 1991 1

and started in 1992, following agreement between its parties on and started in 1992, following agreement between its parties on a Work Plan and establishment of a a Work Plan and establishment of a Task Force (AnnexTask Force (Annex II), provides for joint action over a period of three years to cII), provides for joint action over a period of three years to commence the task of ommence the task of improving environmental management in the basin. The drafting ofimproving environmental management in the basin. The drafting of a Strategic Action Plan for the a Strategic Action Plan for the Danube River Basin was one of the main tasks of the EnvironmentaDanube River Basin was one of the main tasks of the Environmental l ProgrammeProgramme. As Chairman of the . As Chairman of the Task Force, on behalf of the European Commission, I welcome the Task Force, on behalf of the European Commission, I welcome the Strategic Action Plan which is an Strategic Action Plan which is an essential early step towards addressing the Danube Basin's enviressential early step towards addressing the Danube Basin's environmental problems in a onmental problems in a comprehensive way.comprehensive way.


Zaštitimo Vode Zaštitimo Vode SrbijeSrbije ,Vode Sveta,Vode SvetaPruzimo doprinos unapredjenju zivotnih uslovaPruzimo doprinos unapredjenju zivotnih uslova

Izadjimo na čist DunavIzadjimo na čist Dunav,,Savu,Tisu,MoravuSavu,Tisu,Moravu ,pruzimo ruku prijateljstva i ,pruzimo ruku prijateljstva i zaštite,vratimo zaštite,vratimo rekamarekama sve lepe trenutke sve lepe trenutke tete zahvalimo na svakoj kapi zahvalimo na svakoj kapi vode koja zivot znaći.vode koja zivot znaći.Sačuvajmo zivi svet u rekama i na obalama ,ne treba da zivimo saSačuvajmo zivi svet u rekama i na obalama ,ne treba da zivimo sami .mi .

Zahvaljujemo se na dosadasnjoj saradnji i podršci u realizaciji Zahvaljujemo se na dosadasnjoj saradnji i podršci u realizaciji ovog ovog projektaprojektaGradu Novom SaduGradu Novom SaduPokrajnskom Sekreterijatu za Zastitu Zivotne Sredine I Odrzivi RazvojJVP Vojvodina VodeRepublickoj Vodoprivrednoj InspekcijiRepublickom Min.Unutr Poslova Novi Sad

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Sprečava isparenjenje i Sprečava isparenjenje i zapaljenjezapaljenje

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Gasi požar klase AI BGasi požar klase AI B


Absorbent 1kg Upija 8Absorbent 1kg Upija 8 --10 10 litaralitara

25 kg pakovanje 25 kg pakovanje ––upija 250 lit goriva upija 250 lit goriva --hemikalijahemikalija

U periodu 2U periodu 2 -- 15 sek 15 sek

Sprečava isparenja do 98 %Sprečava isparenja do 98 %

Sprečava zapaljenje do 260CSprečava zapaljenje do 260C

Ostavlja suvu podloguOstavlja suvu podlogu

SPC Sorbentski komplet 20 SPC Sorbentski komplet 20 do 800 litara upijaju ćeg do 800 litara upijaju ćeg kapacitetakapaciteta

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Opremanje Vatrogasnih Vozila i Brigada

BIOVERSAL QF – Cansorb SpillsorbEko gašenje požaraEko gašenje požaraU stabilnim sistemimaU stabilnim sistemima

U vatrogasnim vozilimaU vatrogasnim vozilimaU zelenim bocamaU zelenim bocama

U priru čnim aparatima U priru čnim aparatima

Uklanjanje razli ća sa kopna i vodaUklanjanje razli ća sa kopna i voda

Pranje asfalta od goriva i mazivaPranje asfalta od goriva i mazivaRučno i Mašinski Ručno i Mašinski Štiti biodiverzitetŠtiti biodiverzitetEU NORMATIVEEU NORMATIVE

Tretman zauljenog zemljištaTretman zauljenog zemljišta

Tehni čke Intervencija brigadeTehni čke Intervencija brigade

Tretman zauljenih voda iz vatrogasnih vozilaTretman zauljenih voda iz vatrogasnih vozila

Zaustavljanje razli ćaZaustavljanje razli ća

Absorbcija nafte,hemikalija Absorbcija nafte,hemikalija

Bioversal Bioversal u saradnji sa u saradnji sa

prirodomprirodomLaka manipulacijaLaka manipulacija


Bioversal QF,FW,HCBioversal QF,FW,HC

Certifikovano eko biološko sredstvo Certifikovano eko biološko sredstvo za neutralizaciju i uklanjanje ulja sa za neutralizaciju i uklanjanje ulja sa puteva, vodotokova I zemljišta I puteva, vodotokova I zemljišta I Remedijaciju voda i zemljištaRemedijaciju voda i zemljišta

Gašenje požara Klase A i BGašenje požara Klase A i B


U U U U U U U U sradnjisradnjisradnjisradnjisradnjisradnjisradnjisradnji sasasasasasasasaprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodomprirodom

Uklanja ulja i gor iv


Uklanja ulja i gor iv


sa asfalta

sa asfalta

Rastvara ul ja na vodi i

Rastvara ul ja na vodi i

ne dozvol java zauljav

anje obale

ne dozvol java zauljav

anje obale

Remedijacija zeml jišta

Remedijacija zeml jišta

Tehničko vatrogastvo

Tehničko vatrogastvo

Eko Gašenje požara

Eko Gašenje požara


Preventiva od zapaljenja

Preventiva od zapaljenja

Preventiva Intervencija Oduljavanje Eliminacija




BIOVERSAL –IBT DOO ZASTUPNIK ZA SCG TEL FAX 021 636 7 238 mob 064 51 00780


IBT doo Novi Sad ,Jozefa Marčoka 1 OPREMANJE OBJEKATA ZA SIPANJE / PRETAKANJE NAFTNIH DERIVATA NA VODAMA CERTIFIKOVANI PROGRAMI ZA INTERVENCIJU U AKCIDENTNI M SITUACIJAMA U skladu sa ISO 9001,14001 EU Normama , Zakonom o zastiti zivotne sredine,Z.o bezbednosti I sigurnosti na radu I Z.o protupozarnoj zastiti

Naše stručne sluzbe će sačiniti predlog mera I sredstava za akcidentne situacije prema Vašim potrebama tj kapacitetima lokacije potencijalnog akcidenta. IBT doo Novi Sad tel fax 021 6367 238 mob 064 51 00780 – e mail ibt_ltd@eunet.yu / internationalbusinessteam@yahoo.com Generalni Zastupnik za Srbiju

BEZBEDNOST U RADU Luka ,Pretakaonica,Plovnih objekata I Marina U 4 KORAKA 1.SPC BRANE Upijajuće za goriva ,maziva I hemikalije -Lako postavljanje povezivanjem sekcija od 5 m -Upijaju ća moć 1 m Brane cca 22 litra nafte -Ne upija vodu -Zasićene brane ostaju na površini I ne ispuštaju kontaminat -Sprečava daljnje razlivanje i eko posledice -Omogućava prikupljanje razlića u zoni brane 2.SPC Upijajuće prostirke za vodu I kopno -Pakovanje u rolnama omogućava rasprostiranje po površini zauljene vode u zoni brane ali I na kopnu -Perforacija omogćava upotrebu manjih dužina -Laka maniplacija postavljanja I izvlaćenja -Višekratna upotreba do zasićenja nakon koga I dalje ostaje da pluta -Upijajuči kapacitet cca 6,5 lit po m 2 -Rolna 96cm X 44 m upija 273 lit derivata nafte 3.Sorbentski Komplet SKO 240 Obezbedite lokalitet sorbentskim kompletom upijaju ćeg kapaciteta 300 litara goriva –maziva Komplet sa kontejnerom za odlaganje zauljenog materijala 4.BIOVERSAL –Zelena Boca 10 lit pod 15 bara lako za punjenje i upotrebu Eko Biološko sredstvo za -Odmašćivanje palube,čamca,alata,ruku,drveta,plastike -Remedijaciju voda i zemljišta i -Gašenje pozara klase A i B . -Neutrališe filmove naft derivata sa površine vode i kopna ,odmašćuje ,razgrađuje naft.derivate i ubrzava biorazgradnju -Omogučava dostupnost koseonika preko površine do tada zauljene vode -Sprečava zauljenje plovnih objekata i obale -Certifikovan i odobren od strane Sekreterijata za zaštitu zivotne sredine IVV. Ispunjava najviše standarde EU Normativa Primena u zemljama EU,USA,AFRIKE,AZIJE



Odgovor na hemijski udes

Oprema za Akcidente Prikupljane razli ća Elastec USA

Prvo-Identifikujte proliveni proizvod. Ako niste upoznati sa vrstom tečnosti i njenim hemijskim svojstvima, ispraznite

područje i pozovite nadležne organe. 1. Obaveštavanje i dojavljivanje o nastanku akc identnih

situacija Obezbediti operativan i efikasan sistem dojavljivanja u saradnji sa institucijama lokalne samouprave ,MUP om vatrogasnim brigadama Servisnim kompanijama,NVO i građanstvom 2. PROCENA RIZIKA

• Identifikujte izvor • Utvrdite vrstu prolivenog materijala, • Procenite izlivenu količinu i dotok

ZAŠTITNA ODEĆA Obucite odgovarajuću zaštitnu odeću i obuću. Ako se izvor ili materijal ne mogu identifikovati, pretpostavite najgore i KONTAKTIRAJTE nadležne instit.

SPC Sorbenti i Brane


3. ZAUSTAVITE IZVOR Ugasite mašine,kamion Zatvorite ventile, okrenite probušene sudove ili burad i začepite pukotine gdje god je to moguće i sigurno. 4. SPREČITE ŠIRENJE

Zaustavite Izlivanje i začepite odvode i istovremeno postavite Sorbentske Brane radi sperečavanja daljnjeg širenja prosute tečnosti.SPC Velika upijaju ća moć Posebno sprečiti daljnje izlivanje u kanalizacione otvore ,zemljište vodotokove-PVC pokrovi za sahtove Sorbentske rolne /površinsko prikupljanje

• Obezbedite priru čnu opremu za gašenje požara Bioversal zelena boca Skimeri

Sakupljanje nafte-masno ča

BIOVERSAL odmašćuje,neutralize,remedira I gasi Ekološko sredstvo za trenutno suzbijanje požara kla se AI B


PRIKUPLJA MASNO ĆE I ULJA 8-20 m3 na sat sa svega do 2% primese vode



Spill sorb Cansorb Absorbent

Tretman Bioversalom

Bioversal na delu uklanja I neutrališe ulja

5. Izvršite Prikupljanje razlivene hem.materije

Tresetna mahovina REMEDIJACIJA ZEMLJIŠTA SPILLSORB CANSORB 1KG upija 8-10 lit ulja ili hemikalija

6. POČNITE SA ČIŠĆENJEM Koristite raspolozivu opremu Skimere –usisisvače i potom SPC upijače I CANSORB za sakupljanje prolivenih HEMIKALIJA a zatim Bioversalom i vodom uklonite ostatke zauljenja sa površine -otpadne vode nisu štetne za prirodno okruzenje i dolazi do ubrza ne razgradnje ugljovodonika KONTAKTIRAJTE NADLEŽNE ORGANE Prijavite prolivanje nadležnim zakonskim telima u vašoj opštini. Napravite sve potrebne izvještaje u skladu sa zakonom i lokalnim propisima


Pokretni kontejner

7.ODLOŽITE ISKORIŠĆENE MATERIJALE Upijači preuzimaju karakteristike tečnosti koju su upili. Osigurajte odlaganje upijača i prolivenih tečnosti u adekvatne sudove –odgovarajuče za hemijski sastav razlivene hemikalije-skladu sa zakonskim propisima. SPC –bezbednosni kontejneri i kese Upijaći-čarape,mreze,brane,jastuci, čestice za filtere

Bioversal i Spillorb u sluzbi remedijacije

8.IZVRŠITE DEKONTAMINACIJU TERENA Nakon tretmana kontaminirane površine opremom i sorbentima koncentrat sa vodom 2-3 % Pristupiti dekontaminaciji –neutralisanju i uklanjanju ostataka-tragova izlivenih supstanci . Očistite sav alat i materijal koji se može višestruko koristiti prije ponovne upotrebe.



SPC kontejner sorbenti za 673 litra

Bioversal zelena boca

U što kraćem roku pristupiti procesu remedijacije zemljišta - vodotokova

9.DOPUNITE MATERIJAL- SORBENTE Redovno vršite dopunu utrošenih materijala za sakupljanje dekontaminaciju i zaštitnu opremu korištenu u bilo kojoj operaciji čišćenja. 1.Spollsorb Sorbent pakovanja sa kapacitetom upijanja od 8do lit hemikalija Paskovanje 25 kg

3.Bioversal zelena boca 10 litara –izvršite dopunu boce 7%rastvorom Bioversala ' EKOLOŠKO SREDSTVO ZA GAŠENJE POZARA I UKLANJANJE I UBRZANU RAZGRADNJU Ugljovodonika sa Puteva ,Voda I Zemljista 20 LIT PAKOVANJE KONCENTRATA

Opremite ADR vozila u skladu sa EU ADR konvencijom i propisima

SPC ADR SPILL komplet zadovoljavate propise ADR 200 5!


Opremite Vaše objekte Bioversalom i SPC sorbentima

Ne dozvolite da Vas akcident zatekne nespremne Sačuvajte zdravlje,zivotnu sredinu i imovinu


UPIJAČI HEMIKALIJA I ULJA 25 upijača, 41cm x 51cm 4 „čarape“, Ø 7,6cm x 122cm 1 vreća za otpad/1 par rukavica-nitrile Uputstva za upotrebu

Zaustavlja i upija 37 ,53,63 litre hemikalija i ulja

BIOVERSAL Tabela korš čenja upotrebe sredstava i metoda

Mesta i predmeti na kojima Bioversal


Procenat koncentrata u


Način pripreme rastvora BV

Potrebna pomo ćna priru čna sredstva

Način upotrebe Delovanje Bioversala na Tragove

A B C D E F1 Mašinski

park,motori,delovi itd1-5% Obavezno sipati

Bioversal u Vodu a ne obratno jer tada peni

Flanelska krpa,tanka zičana četka, sunđer sa abrazivnom stranom,manje ćetke,podne četke,Priručne prskalice pod pritiskom .

Ukoliko su naslage stare i zapekle istretirati površinu prskanjem i nakon kratkog perioda pristupiti čiščenju.Potrebno je da površina natopljena rastvorom

Maziva i goriva prirodnog i sisnteti čkog porekla,biljne i zivotinjske masno će 'Nafta ,Benzini,Bitumen,Ulja

2 Metalne konstrukcije,cevni materijal

1-5% ad 1C ad1 i upotreba Kircher aparata pod pritiskom.Dozvoljena temperatura za upotrebu Bioversal rastvora je do + 80 C.

ad1E i uz upotrebu prirucnih posuda rasprskivaca

Maziva i goriva prirodnog i sisnteti čkog porekla,biljne i zivotinjske masno će

3 Alati 1-5% ad 1C ad1 plus Kadice ,i posude sa rastvorom u kome mogu da se odmašćuju alati i peru ruke

Poprskati i tretirati adekvatnim prirucnim sredstvima ad 1D

Maziva i goriva prirodnog i sisnteti čkog porekla,biljne i zivotinjske masno će

4 Ruke i zamaš ćeni delovi tela

1-5% ad 1C Flanelska krpa natopljena BV ili samo

oprati u kadici sa rastvorom i sprati vodom

Potopljenom krpom u rastvor Bioversala lagano ukloniti masnoće i sprati vodom

Maziva i goriva prirodnog i sisnteti čkog porekla,biljne i zivotinjske masno će

5 Podne i zidne podloge,asfalt,cigla, beton,plocice,drvo,staklo,plastika ,tkanine

1-5% ad 1C ad1C i ad 3 Bioversal je Ph neutralan-neskodljiv za disajne organe oči i kozu ali ga treba koristiti u skladu sa tehn dokumentacijom

Zidne i podne plocice poprskati BV i potom krpom .đogerom isl ukloniti tragove masnoca a nakon toga sprati vodom

Maziva i goriva prirodnog i sinteti čkog porekla,biljne i zivotinjske masno će

6 Izlivanje goriva i maziva

1-5% ad 1C Poprskati rastvorom Bioversal a iz priručnih boca ili Zelenom BV Bocom i zatim tragove ukloniti četkom i sprati vodom.

Prvo fizički ukloniti naslage zagađenja i ostatak na površini tretirati BV .Nakon površinskog tretmana Bioversalom i uklanjanja četkom sa površine sprati vodom

Nafta,Benzin,Kerozin,Ulja, Masti -Prvo fizi čki ukloniti vece naslage a zatim ostatak filma tretirati Bioversalom sredsvima za ciscenje i potom sprati vodom.

7 Sanacija zemljišta 1-5% ad 1C Rasprskivac,vatrogasna creva ostalo

U adekvatnom procentu rastvora prema koncentraciji zagađenje ubrzava remedijaciju zemljišta

Nafta,Benzin,Kerozin,Ulja, Mast

8 Tretiranje vodnih površina

1-10% ad 1C Bioversal boca ,vatrogasno crevo ,priručni aparati


Nafta,Benzin,Kerozin,Ulja, Mast

9 Vatrogastvo ,gašenje vatrogasnim crevima,stabilnim sistemima,Zelenim Bocama ,Priru čnim aparatom FIREKILLER OILKILLER

7% U specijalnim sudovima pod pritiskom i stabilnim vatrogasnim sistemima

Vatrogasno crevo sa predmešačem i BV,Bioversal Zelena Boca,Priručni aparat za gašenje FIREKILER OIL KILLER,STABILNI SPRINKLER SISTEMI

Sva rapoloziva sredstva za gašenje na bazi Bioversala koriste se u skladu sa instrukcijama i istovremeno sluze i za gore navedene slučajeve odmašćivanja

GASI POZARE KLASE A I B I Trodimenzionalne pozare klase B u skladu sa standardima ICAO CLASS B ,Sprečava ponovno samozapaljenje ,rashlađuje površinu,eliminiše dim,koristi % malo vode

10 Zivotinje 1-5% ad 1C Krpa,sunđer Lagano tretirati kozu,perje,dlaku i sprati vodom

Nafta,Benzin,Kerozin,Ulja, Mast

PRILOG Svojim dejstvom spreca zapaljenje uklonjenih necistoca

NAPOMENA Spiranjem tragova ugljovodonika sa podloge oni se dubinski I bez tragova uklanjaju I dobija se ekoloski prihvatljiva otpadna voda.

1 Radno uputstvo upotrebe Bioversala2 Kompletna tehni ćka dokumentacija se nalazi u Vašim stru čnim sluzbama

Napomena Za sve dodatne informcije slobodno se obratite stru čnim sluzbama BIOVERSAL -IBT doo Novi Sad

ul Jozefa Mar čoka 1 tel fax 021 6367238mob 064 5100780e mail ibt_ltd@eunet.yu


Approvals, Certificates & Tests

Member of Bioversal Network 1/3

ØKO-SAFE ApS Agern Allé 3

2970 Hørsholm

T (+45) 4553 3003 F (+45) 4553 3005

www.okosafe.dk oko@okosafe.dk

1. Biodegradation

a.\ OECD-301c (Miti test) Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Biodegradation of Bioversal products >99% Biodegradation in 7 days

b.\ DIN 38 409 Part 18 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Biodegradation of Bioversal products and oil: >99% in 12-14 days

c.\ DIN 38 409 Part 23/1 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Biological biodegradation of Bioversal detergents

2. Water Hazard Classification 1 - Toxicity (6% + 100%)

a.\ OECD 201 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Toxicity for bacteria

b.\ OECD 202 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Toxicity for daphnia

c.\ OECD 301c Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Biodegradation

d.\ DIN 38 412 L8 UBA 20307 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Inhibition of bacteria growth

e.\ DIN 38 412 L15 \ UBA 20307 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Toxicity for fish

f.\ KZ 20307 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Acute toxicity for mamals

3. Bioversal application for Accelerated Pollutant

a.\ Degradation in Samples Collected at Petrol Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites.

Tested at IFA, Tullin/Vienna, Austria

b.\ Improved degradation of hydrocarbons.

Tested at IFA, Tullin/Vienna, Austria

c.\ Use of suffactants to improve the biological degradability of petroleum hydrocarbons.

Expert Report: Marion Martienssen, Ole Reichel and Mario Schirmer. Published in Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2003, 75, No. 11

From a biochemical point of view, the report explains how Bioversal supports and accelerates natural degradation of hydrocarbons. Case-study including detailed figures and findings from a strongly polluted soil area solved by Bioversal.

d.\ Biological degradation of mineral oil in marine ecosystems (sea).

Ecotoxicological Expert Report: Dr. R Dallinger, Innsbruck University, Institute of Zoology and Limnology

For authorisation of detergents to combat mineral oil contaminations in marine ecosystems.


Approvals, Certificates & Tests

Member of Bioversal Network 2/3

ØKO-SAFE ApS Agern Allé 3

2970 Hørsholm

T (+45) 4553 3003 F (+45) 4553 3005

www.okosafe.dk oko@okosafe.dk

d.\ Approval to use Bioversal HC to combat oil spills on water.

Previous provision in ordinances and decrees has been entirely adjusted to biocompatible surfactants, meaning our Bioversal technology.

Approval: Ministry of Environment in Rome confirmed to use BIOVERSAL HC in the Mediterranean Sea since 03. Aug. 2005.

4. Road surface and soil cleaning

a.\ GMBI 1991,S.681 Tested at MPA Germany German Government approval for road cleaning of oil-spills / including Skid Resistance Test

b.\ Soil cleaning Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany

c.\ Rijkswaterstaat Tested at TNO, Netherlands Dutch approval for road cleaning

d. \ Oil spill on road Tested at Beredskabsstyrelsen, Tinglev, Denmark

Good results.

e. \ Application of Bioversal in Airport Recommendation Letter – Germany Recommended

f. \ Fuel spill Tested at a Danish Airport, Denmark Cleaning of fuel-spills on runway. Including Skid Resistance Test. Effective deep cleaning.

5. Other

a.\ HOCNF Tested at TNO, Netherlands, Dept. "Ecological Risks”

Environmental Report on Bioversal \ offshore use

b.\ Dermatology – (6% + 100%) Tested at Derma Consult, Germany Determination of skin irritation

c.\ Use of Bioversal on (sea)water Homologated by the "Ministerio de Fomento, Spain


d.\ Infrastructure transport on water Tested at Instituto Espanõl de Oceanolografia, Spain

e.\ Application Bioversal in harbour Recommendation Letter – Canary Islands


f.\ ÖNORM B 5105 Tested at I.M.U., Vienna, Austria No inhibition of bacteria growth in biological treatments

l.\ Bioversal HC Tested at BRS, Denmark Encapsulates oil in particles and prevents sticking to surfaces. The Bioversal HC-oil-water mix remains on surface for accelerated biological degradation.


Approvals, Certificates & Tests

Member of Bioversal Network 3/3

ØKO-SAFE ApS Agern Allé 3

2970 Hørsholm

T (+45) 4553 3003 F (+45) 4553 3005

www.okosafe.dk oko@okosafe.dk

6. Fire products only

a.\ EN 1568 Part 3 Tested at MPA Germany German Government approval for road cleaning of oil-spills / including Skid Resistance Test

b.\ DIN 14272 Part 2 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Tested at a SHELL – Station.

c.\ DIN EN 45001 / DIN EN2 Tested at TNO, Netherlands

Dutch approval for road cleaning

d.\ ICAO Level B Tested at SP, Sweden International Civil Aviation Organisation-requirements on Bioversal QF Low Expansion Foam 3%

e.\ UL-162 Seventh Edition Tested at TNO, Netherlands Bioversal QF Low Expansion Foam

f.\ Dutch Eco-Label, “Milieukeur” Approved by Keurmerk Institute, Netherlands


g.\ OECD 405 Industrial medical Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Industrial medically no objections

h.\ EN3 Tested at Institut der Feuerwehr, Germany for Gloria-Werke, Germany

Portable Fire Extinguisher – Approval

i.\ Report preservative QF-M Tested at Helichem, Netherlands

j.\ Fire Hygienic Examination Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany

k.\ Waste water Technical Examination Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany

l.\ Bioversal QF Tested at BRS, Denmark Effective and stable foam. Good cooling and cleaning of polluted area.

m.\ Bioversal QF Tested at FRC-BRS, Denmark Very effective fire-extinguishing.

n.\ Bioversal QF Tested at SURVIVAL Training Center Esbjerg, Denmark

Stable foam. No flashback. This environmental safe fire-extinguishing product is also suitable for preventative usage and cleanup applications.

Bioversal® Material Safety Data Sheet In accordance with EU-directive 91/155/EEC

1,Identifikacija Substance /Priprema i Kompanija

Identifikacija proizvoda - Trgovački naziv QF Upotreba Sredstvo za gašenje I ODMASCIVANJE Podaci o kompaniji Kompanija BIOVERSAL International Ges.m.b.h ¸Adresa Georg Sigl Strasse 16 Postanski broj-grad A-2384 Breitenfurt Telefon br +43 2239 4278-0 Fax +43 2239 4278-18 2. Sastav –Informacija o sastojcima Hemijske karakteristike Vodeni rastvor detergenata,polivalentnih komponenti i hetero-organskih

substanci 3. Identifikacija Rizika Ni jedna specifična opasnost nije poznata.Svakako da proizvod mora biti

korisčen sa pažnjom koja se generalno zahteva kod hemikalija. Sredstvo za gašenje Ukoliko ste opkoljeni stvorenom penom ,nema mogučnosti za disanje 4. Mere Prve Pomo ći Opšte mere U slučaju bilo kakvog incidenta ili neugodnosti ,uvek konsultujte lekara Udisanje Izmestite ugroženog na svež vazduh i konsultujte lekara Koža Isperite kožu vodom Oči Odmah isperite oči vodom i konsultujte lekara Gutanje Konsultujte lekara 5.Protu - Požarne Mere Nisu potrebne nikakve specifične mere pošto se radi o sredstvu za

gašenje 6.Mere Predostrožnosti Lična opreznost Izbegavajte kontakt kože i očiju sa koncentratom Okruženje Izbegavajte ulivanje koncentrata u okruženje Uklanjanje Velike količine prikupiti mehanički Male količine isprati sa dosta vode 7 Rukovanje i Skladistenje Instrukcije za sigurno skladištenje Proizvodom se mora rukovati i isti skladistiti U skladu sa uslovima koji vaze za hemikalije. Kontejner držati zatvoren. Instrukcije zaštite od požara i eksplozije Nema specifičnih mera 8. Kontrola Izlozenosti – Li čna zaštita Lična zaštita Standardne mere lične zaštite Opšta zaštite i higijenske mere Držati odvojeno od hrane i pića Revizija datum 13.07.2004- strana 1 od 2 IBT doo Novi Sad Web www.ib-t.net Zastupnik za SCG 021 6367238 mail ibt_ltd@eunet.yu

Bioversal® Material Safety Data Sheet

In accordance with EU-directive 91/155/EEC

9,Fizička i Hemijska Svojstva Forma Tečnost Boja Svetlobraon Miris Tipičan Tačka topljenja C Tačka ključanja :»100 C Falsh tačka .»100 C Gustoća na 20 C 1.02 gr po litru Rastvorljivost u vodi Potpuno se razlaže PH Vrednost-gr po litru vode ca7.5 10. Stabilnost i Reakcija nema posebnih podataka 11. Toksikološke Informacije Do sada nije poznat ni jedan štetan efekat,ukoliko se koristio

profesionalno i u skladu sa instrukcijama. 12. Ekološke Informacije Do sada nije poznat ni jedan štetan efekat,ukoliko se koristio

profesionalno i u skladu sa instrukcijama. Biorazgradnja Visok stepen biorazgradnje –OECD 301 13. Odlaganje - Razamatranje Proizvod Preporuka-odložiti u depo za otpadne vode u Skladu sa nacionalnim i lokalnim propisima Iskorišteno pakovanje Preporuka-očišćeno pakovanje je ponovno Upotrebljivo 14, Transportne informacije Proizvod se nesmatra opasnim u skladu sa transportnom regulativom 15.Pravila – Propisi Označavanje u skladu sa EU direktivama Proizvod ne zahteva posebno obeležavanjr 16.Ostale Informacije Informacije na ovom listu predstavljaju trenutna saznanja u momentu

publikacije.Ovim ne nameravamo da obezbedimo određena prava na proizvod i nemože biti korišćen kao osnov za bilo koji ugovorno pravni

Odnos. Revizija datum 13.07.2004- strana 2 od 2 IBT doo Novi Sad Web www.ib-t.net Zastupnik za SCG 021 6367238 mail ibt_ltd@eunet.yu

Bioversal® Gašenje i Eko rizik-/razgradnja ugljovodonika/ U saradnji sa prirodom

1 Ime proizvoda –Firma isporu čilac Ime proizvoda QF Firma Isporučioc Bioversal International Gesellschaft m.b.h Georg Sigl Strasse 16 A-2384 Breitenfurt-Austria Tlelefon +43-0-2239 4278-0 Fax +43-0-2239 4278-18 2 INFORMACIJA O SASTOJCIMA

Vodena kombinacija deterđenata,polivalentnih komponenti i hetero-organskih supstanci 3 OPIS PROIZVODA –NAMENA Biološki odlično razgradljiva,pH-neutralna višenamenska pena za gašenje požara klase A+B ,koja se koristi i za čišćenje i eliminaciju ostataka i tragova ulja u slu čaju nesre ća i požara na zemlji,vodi-uz dozvolu nadleznih instituc ija-i površini puteva gde trajno uklanja tragove ulja i istovremeno trajno elimiiše rizik klizanja na asfal tu. 4 QF CONCENTRAT : MINERALNA ULJA

1 : 3 do 1 : 5 U zavisnosti od tipa ulja I temperature okruženja 5 Razmera mešanja QF može biti upotrebljen kao slabo penilo ,u premiksu I sa ubaćenim mikserom

Tragovi ulja dekontaminacija –Požar klase A 1% do 3% Može biti mešan sa slatkom I slanom vodom

Požar klase B 3% do 6% 6 FIZIČKE OSOBINE Stanje Tečno Boja Svetlo braon Miris Tipičan Rastvorljivost u vodi Kompletna Ph’vrednost g-litri vode °C) ca 7,5 7 MINIMALNA TEMPERATURA za UPOTREBU 0 °C spreman za upotrebu 8 VISKOZNOST Non-Newtonian 9 ELEKTROPROVODNOST

6% 836 µScm-1 (acc. EN 27888, at 25°C). Concentrate 3870 µScm-1 (acc. EN 27888, at 25°C).

Zastupnik za SCG Intrernational Business Team IBT doo Novi Sad Jozefa Mar čoka 1 Tel-fax 021 6367238 mail IBT_LTD@EUNET.YU web BIOVERSAL@IB-T.NET Technical Datasheet Izdata dana 21.05.2004-strana 2 od 2 web FIREKILLER@IB-T.NET

Bioversal® Gašenje i Eko rizik- čišćenje U saradnji sa prirodom 10 TOKSIČNOST - BIORAZGRADLJIVOST QF je testiran od strane Hygiene institute,Galsenkirchen,Germany Klasifikacija ugroženosti voda –WGK- -1 Biorazgradljivost Visoka biorazgradljivost >98% u roku 11 do 12 dana (OECD 301C)… COD: 124 g O2/l BOD5: 108 g O2/l. Biorazgradljivost QF a I mineralnih ulja >98% u roku 12 dana Dermatološki uticaj Dermatološki testiran kao bezopasan Ispitivanja medicine rada I procene Bez ikakvih primedbi u ind.medicini 11 ODOBRENJA pr-EN 1568 Part 3 slaba pena 3%-testirana MPA,Germany DIN 14272 Part 2 slaba pena 3%- testirana MPA,Germany ICAO Level B slaba pena 3%’testirana SP,Sweden UL-162 &10 seventh edition slaba pena 3% testirana TNO ,Netherland EN3 Protupožarni testovi izvršeni u više EU Instituta Uklanjanje uljnih ostataka sa puteva i Nemačka Vlada i Dutch-Rijkswaterstat'odobrenje za čiščenje Test površinske otpornosti skid resist površine puteva'testiran MPA Germanz i TNO ,Holandija 12 STABILNOST Stabilnost Stabilnost proizvoda je bila testirana -1% ,3%,6% i koncentrat-

Temperature od -20°C do +50°C’ mržnjenjem I grejanjem nisu uzrokovali na kvalitet proizvoda

Trajnost 10 godina u originalnom yatvorenom pakovanju 13 SKLADIŠTENJE Preporuka je da se proizvod skladišti I njime rukuje sa žnjom metoda rukovanja hemikalijama.Mi preporučujemo skladištenje QF na temperature intervala -5 do+60 °C 14 TRANSPORTNE INSTRUKCIJE Proizvod se ne smatra opasnim u skladu sa regulativom u u oblasti transporta. 15 PROIZVODNI BROJ’PAKOVANJE QF 20 kg FE802J 20Lit HD-PE can QF 210 kg FE802C 210Lit HD-PE container QF 1000 kg FE801G 100 Lit.IBC 16 ODLAGANJE OTPADA PAKOVANJA Proizvod U skladu sa postojećom regulativom Pakovanje Čisti kanisteri su ponovno uporebljivi 17 OSTALE INFORMACIJE

QF je proizveden u Nemačkoj pod stalnom kontrolom kvaliteta.Proizvod je registrovan pri Umwelt Bundes Amt u Berlinu –UBA-Nr.20780044- Za daljnje informacije o sigurnosti pogledajte MSDS Informacije predočene na ovom listu predstavljaju trenutna saznanja u momentu njegove publikacije.Ovime ne želimo da obezbedimo određena prava na proizvodu.Dokument nemože biti upotrebljen za bilo koji ugovorni odnos. Revizije su unete.

Zastupnik za SCG Intrernational Business Team IBT doo Novi Sad Jozefa Mar čoka 1 Tel-fax 021 6367238 mail IBT_LTD@EUNET.YU web BIOVERSAL@IB-T.NET Technical Datasheet Izdata dana 21.05.2004-strana 2 od 2 web FIREKILLER@IB-T.NET


Approvals, Certificates & Tests

Member of Bioversal Network 1/3

ØKO-SAFE ApS Agern Allé 3

2970 Hørsholm

T (+45) 4553 3003 F (+45) 4553 3005

www.okosafe.dk oko@okosafe.dk

1. Biodegradation

a.\ OECD-301c (Miti test) Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Biodegradation of Bioversal products >99% Biodegradation in 7 days

b.\ DIN 38 409 Part 18 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Biodegradation of Bioversal products and oil: >99% in 12-14 days

c.\ DIN 38 409 Part 23/1 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Biological biodegradation of Bioversal detergents

2. Water Hazard Classification 1 - Toxicity (6% + 100%)

a.\ OECD 201 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Toxicity for bacteria

b.\ OECD 202 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Toxicity for daphnia

c.\ OECD 301c Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Biodegradation

d.\ DIN 38 412 L8 UBA 20307 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Inhibition of bacteria growth

e.\ DIN 38 412 L15 \ UBA 20307 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Toxicity for fish

f.\ KZ 20307 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Acute toxicity for mamals

3. Bioversal application for Accelerated Pollutant

a.\ Degradation in Samples Collected at Petrol Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites.

Tested at IFA, Tullin/Vienna, Austria

b.\ Improved degradation of hydrocarbons.

Tested at IFA, Tullin/Vienna, Austria

c.\ Use of suffactants to improve the biological degradability of petroleum hydrocarbons.

Expert Report: Marion Martienssen, Ole Reichel and Mario Schirmer. Published in Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2003, 75, No. 11

From a biochemical point of view, the report explains how Bioversal supports and accelerates natural degradation of hydrocarbons. Case-study including detailed figures and findings from a strongly polluted soil area solved by Bioversal.

d.\ Biological degradation of mineral oil in marine ecosystems (sea).

Ecotoxicological Expert Report: Dr. R Dallinger, Innsbruck University, Institute of Zoology and Limnology

For authorisation of detergents to combat mineral oil contaminations in marine ecosystems.


Approvals, Certificates & Tests

Member of Bioversal Network 2/3

ØKO-SAFE ApS Agern Allé 3

2970 Hørsholm

T (+45) 4553 3003 F (+45) 4553 3005

www.okosafe.dk oko@okosafe.dk

d.\ Approval to use Bioversal HC to combat oil spills on water.

Previous provision in ordinances and decrees has been entirely adjusted to biocompatible surfactants, meaning our Bioversal technology.

Approval: Ministry of Environment in Rome confirmed to use BIOVERSAL HC in the Mediterranean Sea since 03. Aug. 2005.

4. Road surface and soil cleaning

a.\ GMBI 1991,S.681 Tested at MPA Germany German Government approval for road cleaning of oil-spills / including Skid Resistance Test

b.\ Soil cleaning Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany

c.\ Rijkswaterstaat Tested at TNO, Netherlands Dutch approval for road cleaning

d. \ Oil spill on road Tested at Beredskabsstyrelsen, Tinglev, Denmark

Good results.

e. \ Application of Bioversal in Airport Recommendation Letter – Germany Recommended

f. \ Fuel spill Tested at a Danish Airport, Denmark Cleaning of fuel-spills on runway. Including Skid Resistance Test. Effective deep cleaning.

5. Other

a.\ HOCNF Tested at TNO, Netherlands, Dept. "Ecological Risks”

Environmental Report on Bioversal \ offshore use

b.\ Dermatology – (6% + 100%) Tested at Derma Consult, Germany Determination of skin irritation

c.\ Use of Bioversal on (sea)water Homologated by the "Ministerio de Fomento, Spain


d.\ Infrastructure transport on water Tested at Instituto Espanõl de Oceanolografia, Spain

e.\ Application Bioversal in harbour Recommendation Letter – Canary Islands


f.\ ÖNORM B 5105 Tested at I.M.U., Vienna, Austria No inhibition of bacteria growth in biological treatments

l.\ Bioversal HC Tested at BRS, Denmark Encapsulates oil in particles and prevents sticking to surfaces. The Bioversal HC-oil-water mix remains on surface for accelerated biological degradation.


Approvals, Certificates & Tests

Member of Bioversal Network 3/3

ØKO-SAFE ApS Agern Allé 3

2970 Hørsholm

T (+45) 4553 3003 F (+45) 4553 3005

www.okosafe.dk oko@okosafe.dk

6. Fire products only

a.\ EN 1568 Part 3 Tested at MPA Germany German Government approval for road cleaning of oil-spills / including Skid Resistance Test

b.\ DIN 14272 Part 2 Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Tested at a SHELL – Station.

c.\ DIN EN 45001 / DIN EN2 Tested at TNO, Netherlands

Dutch approval for road cleaning

d.\ ICAO Level B Tested at SP, Sweden International Civil Aviation Organisation-requirements on Bioversal QF Low Expansion Foam 3%

e.\ UL-162 Seventh Edition Tested at TNO, Netherlands Bioversal QF Low Expansion Foam

f.\ Dutch Eco-Label, “Milieukeur” Approved by Keurmerk Institute, Netherlands


g.\ OECD 405 Industrial medical Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany Industrial medically no objections

h.\ EN3 Tested at Institut der Feuerwehr, Germany for Gloria-Werke, Germany

Portable Fire Extinguisher – Approval

i.\ Report preservative QF-M Tested at Helichem, Netherlands

j.\ Fire Hygienic Examination Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany

k.\ Waste water Technical Examination Tested at Hygiene Institute, Germany

l.\ Bioversal QF Tested at BRS, Denmark Effective and stable foam. Good cooling and cleaning of polluted area.

m.\ Bioversal QF Tested at FRC-BRS, Denmark Very effective fire-extinguishing.

n.\ Bioversal QF Tested at SURVIVAL Training Center Esbjerg, Denmark

Stable foam. No flashback. This environmental safe fire-extinguishing product is also suitable for preventative usage and cleanup applications.

Copyright © AmbienteDiritto

Decreto 2 agosto 2005

Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territor io. Autorizzazione all'impiego del prodotto Bioversal HC come prodotto disinquinante, ai

sensi del decreto 11 dicembre 1997.

(GU n. 199 del 27-8-2005)

IL DIRETTORE GENERALE per la protezione della natura Vista l'istanza della Societa' Bio Thermit S.r.l. del 19 marzo 2004 diretta al riconoscimento di idoneita' tecnica del prodotto Bioversal HC per la bonifica della contaminazione da idrocarburi petroliferi in mare; Viste le successive note di trasmissione della documentazione tecnica necessaria datate 23 giugno 2004 e 21 luglio 2004; Vista la successiva istanza della medesima Societa' del 7 febbraio 2005, diretta ad ottenere l'autorizzazione all'uso del prodotto Bioversal HC come disinquinante; Visto che risultano allegate documentazioni di analisi fornite da laboratori accreditati ai sensi del decreto direttoriale il 24 febbraio 2004, che riconoscono l'idoneita' tecnica e l'efficacia del Bioversal HC; Visto il decreto direttoriale 11 dicembre 1997 «Approvazione delle procedure per l'autorizzazione all'uso dei prodotti disinquinanti in mare»; Visto il decreto direttoriale del 23 dicembre 2002 «Procedure per il riconoscimento di idoneita' dei prodotti disperdenti ed assorbenti da impiegare in mare per la bonifica dalla contaminazione da idrocarburi petroliferi» che abroga il decreto direttoriale 11 dicembre 1997 per la sola parte relativa ai prodotti disperdenti e assorbenti; Valutata la conformita' della documentazione prodotta con quella richiesta dai citati decreto direttoriale 11 dicembre 1997 e decreto direttoriale 23 dicembre 2002; Considerato che la documentazione inviata e' stata trasmessa all'ICRAM e all'Istituto superiore di sanita', per l'acquisizione del parere previsto, con nota del 17 febbraio 2005 prot. n. DPN/VID/2005/3824; Visto il parere favorevole fornito dall'ICRAM nella nota prot. n. 1895/05 del 9 marzo 2005 secondo il quale «il composto risulta promettente ai fini della bonifica dell'ambiente marino dalla contaminazione di idrocarburi petroliferi, in considerazione delle sue caratteristiche di elevata biocompatibilita' (bassa tossicita' e capacita' di bioaccumulo, elevata biodegradabilita)»; Visto il parere favorevole fornito dall'Istituto superiore di sanita' nella nota prot. n. 10290/AMPP del 23 marzo 2005, secondo il quale «il composto risulta efficace nel favorire la degradazione degli idrocarburi e non mostra caratteristiche tali da far temere effetti dannosi per l'ambiente marino nelle condizioni proposte»; Considerato che dai pareri espressi, il prodotto Bioversal HC e' ascrivibile alla categoria dei prodotti disinquinanti per la bonifica delle acque marine contaminate da idrocarburi, la cui autorizzazione all'uso e' regolamentata dal decreto direttoriale 11 dicembre 1997; Considerato che lo stesso prodotto ha superato altresi' tutti i test di laboratorio e

le cautele previsti dal decreto direttoriale 23 dicembre 2002 per i prodotti disperdenti e assorbenti, eccetto il test di efficacia e stabilita' dell'emulsione, in coerenza con il meccanismo d'azione del prodotto che si basa sull'accelerazione del processo naturale di degradazione degli idrocarburi in mare da parte di microrganismi batterici; Considerato il parere dell'ICRAM in riferimento alla composizione del prodotto Bioversal HC, che evidenzia che «la sua composizione prevede tuttavia l'aggiunta di nutrienti per facilitare/accelerare il metabolismo batterico e pertanto il suo eventuale utilizzo necessiterebbe particolare cautela in acque a bassa profondita/scarso idrodinamismo ed elevato livello trofico»; Visto il decreto legislativo 11 maggio 1999, n. 152 e successive modifiche; Ritenuto di dover concedere autorizzazione all'uso del prodotto Bioversal HC, quale prodotto disinquinante per la bonifica delle acque marine contaminate da idrocarburi, ai sensi del decreto direttoriale 11 dicembre 1997; Ritenuto necessario tenere conto dell'indicazione dell'ICRAM sulle cautele nell'utilizzo del prodotto in acque ad elevato livello trofico in determinati ambiti; Visto l'art. 18 e l'allegato 6 del decreto legislativo 11 maggio 1999, n. 152 che individua tra le aree sensibili le acque «esposte ad eutrofizzazione o probabilmente esposte a prossima eutrofizzazione» monitorate ai sensi dell'allegato 1 allo stesso decreto; Ritenuto necessario in via cautelativa vietare l'utilizzo del prodotto Bioversal HC all'interno di dette aree sensibili; Decreta: Art. 1. E' autorizzato l'impiego del prodotto Bioversal HC come prodotto disinquinante. Art. 2. E' vietato l'uso del prodotto Bioversal HC all'interno delle aree sensibili individuate ai sensi dell'art. 18 e dell'allegato 6 del decreto legislativo 11 maggio 1999, n. 152 e monitorate ai sensi dell'allegato 1 allo stesso decreto. Art. 3. Il presente decreto decorre dalla data della sottoscrizione e sara' pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale, ha durata triennale ed e' rinnovabile. Roma, 2 agosto 2005 Il direttore generale: Cosentino


I Z V E Š T A J o ispitivanju ekološki prihvatljivog materijala, „BIOVERSAL “, koji se koristi za odmašćivanje i skidanje parafina sa alata, opreme i sredstava rada koji se koriste u procesima Pogona „Specijalni radovi“ (vezano za zadatak br. 21/2 koji glasi: Vršiti nabavku ekološki prihvatljivih repromaterijala, hemikalija, aditiva, goriva i maziva a definisan je na tehničkom sastanku br. 21 od 20.10.2005. godine u Pogonu „Specijalni radovi“ saglasno zahtevima standarda JUS ISO 14001 koji definiše zaštitu životne sredine, kao i na osnovu preporuke definisane u zapisniku broj 10-40015 od 01.decembra 2005. godine, od strane odgovornih, kompetentnih i stručnih lica Sektora zaštite i ekologije). Na isplačnoj bazi u Kikindi dana 24.01.2006. godine, vršena je prezentacija, „Bioversala“, kojoj su prisustvovali predstavnici svih organizacionih celina, Pogona „Specijalni radovi“, (kancelarija upravnika; RJ Remont; RJ COT; RJ EK merenja i perforacioni radovi; RJ Hidrodinamička merenja, sa svim svojim službama, servisima i radilištima), kao i predstavnici poslova zaštite i ekologije u NIS Naftagas. Prezentaciju je izvršio na -7oC direktor predstavništva firme IBT itd. Internacional Busines TEAM Momir N. Žestić, (IBT d.o.o. za trgovinu i konsalting str. Jozefa Marčoka 1, Novi Sad, 21000 SCG. Krajnji cilj efekata delovanja „Bioversala“ je povlačenje iz upotrebe sredstava koja nisu ekološki prihvatljiva a koja smo do sada bili prinuđeni da koristimo, (famin – koji je zagađivač, toksičan, dermatološki štetan i nakon tretiranja uzrokuje koroziju). Prezentacija se pokazala uspešnom i efektivnom u odmašćivanju: poda radionice, pločica na zidovima perionice, hidrauličnih klešta... (mašina za toplo pranje nije bila u funkciji jer je smrzla voda u gumenom crevu a koja bi još efikasnije saučestvovala u ostvarenju cilja prezentacije). Na vrlo niskoj temperaturi -7oC rastvor „Bioversala“ je nanošen na površine koje su tretirane i uz blago razmazivanje metlicom od sirka, ponovnim tretmanom Bioversalom vidni su bili efekti odmašćivanja. Primena Bioversala je veoma široka o čemu postoji dokumentacija sa jasnim uputstvima i certifikatima, što će odgovorna i stručno kompetentna lica u NIS Naftagas – Pogon „Specijalni radovi“ proučiti, sa svih aspekata analizirati i sagledati mogućnosti primene ove ekološki prihvatljive supstance u NIS Naftagas, Pogon „Specijalni radovi“. Razgrađeni uzorci tretiranih masti i ulja su sa rastvorom Bioverzala uzeti i sa stručnim i kompetentnim osobljem iz Centralne laboratorije NIS Naftagas će se doneti odluke i definisati naloge za nabavku usluga za ispitivanje i analizu istih. Nakon uzimanja uzorka razgrađeni ugljovodonici, (ulja, masti i parafini), su bili na dnu, (posude) a rastvor Bioversala kao tečna faza iznad da bi se već nakon prvog dana talog razgrađenog ugljovodonika kretao ka površini tako da je sedmog dana već 25% taloga isplivalo na površinu tj. iznad Bioversala koji je ostao u sendviču. ----Kraj navoda strucnog dela izvestaja ....... NIS NAFTAGAS/IBT

U cilju donošenja konačne odluke za zamenu famina Bioversalom, izvršiće se na poslovnom kompleksu Šangaj još jedna prezentacija na kojoj će biti tretiran, Bioversalom, jedan zaprljan motor koji ima dosta nepristupačnih mesta u sklopu a potom se tako tretiran oprati, mašinom, (uređajem), za toplo pranje. Rezultati tretmana će opredeliti odluku. Ova prezentacija će se uraditi u utorak 07.02.2006. godine, a na isti će biti pozvani predstavnici Centralne laboratorije, Pogona „Hidrosonda“, Poslova zaštite i ekologije i ostalih organizacionih celina NIS Naftagas.

Kada se stvore uslovi izvršiće se tretman zagađenog zemljišta, (ugljovodonicima), na terenu Bioversalom a potom nalogom za nabavku usluga definisati zahtev prema ovlašćenim ustanovama i akreditovanim laboratorijama koje će izvršiti analizu i dati konačnu ocenu o efektivnosti a potom će se na nivou NIS Naftagas - Pogon „Specijalni radovi“ doneti konačna odluka za dalju upotrebu Bioversala. Prilog ovom izveštaju:

- Mišljenje Pokrajinskog sekretarijata za zaštitu životne sredine i održivi razvoj o neškodljivosti Bioversal QF proizvodnog programa, sa aspekta uticaja na životnu sredinu i kompatibilnost sa smernicama održivog razvoja br. 119-501-01854/2005-04 od 16.11.2005. godine, potpisan od strane zamenika Pokrajinskog sekretara prof. dr Zoltana Đermatija.

Zapisnik izradio: Predstavnik rukovodstva za kvalitet

Pogon „Specijalni radovi“

Bogdan Basta

Saglasan: U p r a v n i k

Pogon „Specijalni radovi“

Vladimir Kukić DOSTAVITI:

1. Rukovodiocu Poslova zaštite i ekologije Milan Zečar;

2. Rukovodiocu Sektora upravljanja kvalitetom Ljubodraga Medić – Marjanović;

3. Upravniku Pogona „Specijalni radovi“ Vladimir Kukić;

4. Predstavniku firme IBT itd. International Busisnes Steam Momir N. Žestić, Jozefa Marčoka 1, 21000 Novi Sad;

5. Prisutnim radnicima NIS Naftagas na prezentaciji: - Dušanka Jekić, - Nebojša Vojvodić, - Veselin Knežević, - Mladen Jakovljević, - Branislav Pejakov, - Mileta Janovljev, - Mićo Ćorda, - Milan Radović, - Miodrag Pandurski, - Karlo Nemet, - Dušan Krneta, - Zoran Pišorn, - Slobodan Šoklovački, - Miodrag Gavrilov, - Mita Nikolić, - Bogdan Basta,

6. Arhiva GPZOK u elektronskom obliku (folder ekološki prihvatljivi materijali)



Zaloška cesta 217, Ljubljana

Osnovni kapital: 3.440.821.447,57 SIT

Matična številka: 5865824

ID za DDV: SI99181762

Družba vpisana v sodni register, št. vpisa 1/25961/00

pri Okrožnem sodišču v Ljubljani.

Predsednik nadzornega sveta: dr. Jože Jurkovič

Številka: CD-KNN-PN-10/2005 Datum: 20.12.2005 Podro čje trženja - ga. Duška Gustin čič Zadeva: Čistilo Bioversal U mesecu septembru u proizvodnji Ljubljana – lokacija Moste, isprobali smo sredstvo za čiščenje Bioversal, u praonici rezervnih delova, te na platformi ispred radionice br. IV, gde smo čistili zagađenu zemlju. Usprkos niskoj koncentraciji upotrebljenog sredstva (cca 3%), rezultati su bili odlični. Pošto u proizvodnji Ljubljana – lokacija Moste upotrebljujemo ekološki sporno sredstvo za čiščenje Brix (opasno po zdravlje ljudi i štetno za prirodu), čija je upotreba bila zabranjena pre nekoliko godina sa strana Inspektora za okolinu predlažem, da odmah pređemo na novo sredstvo za čiščenje Bioversal. Prednosti Bioversala spram Brix-a: Sredstvu je neutralno (ima pH 7), nije toksično, ne prouzrokuje rđu, nije abrazivno i što je posebno značajno za pranje u našim radionicama – omogučava dodatnu razgradnju ulja i masti. Napomenula bih i na »moguču« uštedu prilikom plačanja taksi za odvajanje otpadnih voda u kanalizaciju. Zbog gore navedenih dejstava to sredstvo za čiščenje omogučuje, da se u otpadnim vodama održava ekološki balans, zbog čega je moguče bitno smanjenje KPK i BPK vrednosti – merenje hemijskih odnosno bioloških tvari u vodi, koje trebaju kiseonik za oksidaciju, te doprinose značajan deo prilikom zaračunavanja takse. U nastavku posredujem kalkulaciju ušteda, koje bi nastale prilikom upotrebe novog sredstva za čiščenje. Koncentracije potrošnje ostalih sredstava samo su okvirno postavljene, iako znam, da se pojedina sredstva upotrebljuju u različitim koncentracijama – ovisno od vrste i stupnja načistoče. sredstvo Cena/litar Mešavina Cena na liter

mešavine Letna ptrošnja ltr

Sredstva za zaštitu radnika

Skupaj sredstvo za čiščenje, zaštita (SIT)

BIOVERSAL 4.212,00 3% 126,36 SIT 500 10.009 2.116.009,00 PMC 1.450,00 10% 145,00 SIT 2000 10.009 2.910.000,00 BRIX 716,00 100% 716,00 SIT 5000 40.673 3.620.673,00

U tabeli može se videti, da je litra pripremljene mešavine Bioversala 126,36 SIT, dok je cena litre Brix – a (uptrebljuje se kao koncentrat) 716,00 SIT. Obzirom na to, da su i troškovi lične opreme za zaštitu (gledaj tabelu) neprimereno viši, kao prilikom pranja sa Bioversalom smatram, da je zamena sredstva više nego opravdana. Izračun cene lične zaštitne opreme za jednog radnika u radionici Moste za godinu 2005. Vrsta zaštite

kom cena skupa

kislinski otporno odelo 1 6.272,00 SIT 6.272,00 SIT štit za lice PVC 3 2.393,00 SIT 7.179,00 SIT čizme gumi 3 2.620,00 SIT 7.860,00 SIT rukavice za kemikalije 12 845,00 SIT 10.140,00 SIT pamučne rokavice 12 262,00 SIT 3.144,00 SIT pregača 3 2.026,00 SIT 6.078,00 SIT Skupa: 40.673,00 SIT Lep pozdrav! Nada Pelko 100 SIT = 0,42 EUR 100 SIT= 36,4 DINARA 4.212,00; = 17,69 EUR=1533 DIN DOPIS ZELJEZNICA SLOVENIJE Za ispravnost prevoda i verodostojnost dopisa Tvrdi i overava ITPP RIBNICA/IBT DOO NOVI SAD V vednost: Šefu štabne službe g. Igorju Debevcu

Ecotoxicological Expert Report

According to the legal provision currently applicable in

Italy for the authorisation of detergents to combat mineral

oil contaminations in marine ecosystems

Prepared by

Dr. Reinhard Dallinger

(Institut für Zoologie und Limnologie der Universität Innsbruck)

[* Innsbruck University, Institute of Zoology and Limnology]

On behalf of

BIOVERSAL International

January 2005


Table of Contents


Summary 3

1. Premises 4

2. Mode of action and use of detergents for the 5

emulsification of mineral oil products in marine ecosystems

3. On the use of biocompatible surfactants in the context of 8

accelerated bioremediation

4. Biocompatible surfactants as their own product class 18

with special properties and requirements

5. The 23rd December 2002 decree 18

6. Proposals for amendments 22

7. Definitions of technical terms relevant for the expert report 23

8. Sources used for the expert report 25



The present expert report uses the occasion of the test for authorising a commercially

standard biocompatible surfactant to combat mineral oil contaminations in the marine area, in

order to submit to examination the existing legislation applicable in this regard in Italy from

an ecotoxicological perspective. The expert report takes into consider the multitude of new

research findings and works on the potential effects and the environmental compatibility of

biocompatible surfactants. The consultant reached the decision that the current provision is

predominantly tailored to the use of conventional detergents, the ostensible aim of which is to

stably emulsify as large a volume of mineral oil as possible in water columns. Although such

type of understood detergent use can be worthwhile under certain exceptional conditions it is

opposition to the aim in the foreground of achieving ecologically sustainable decontamination

of the mineral oil contamination in the context of accelerated bioremediation. This is

concerned with the stimulation and promotion of the biological (predominantly bacterial)

degradation of mineral oil substances through the targeted use of environmentally-friendly

biocompatible surfactants. These have an advantage over xenobiotic surfactants in that, due to

their as a rule comparably mild surfactant effect, their bioremediation-accelerating properties

and their low ecotoxicity, they are generally more environmentally-friendly than xenobiotic

surfactants and moreover contribute to an ecologically sustainable solution following mineral

oil contaminations in the sea. Biocompatible surfactants hence represent their own class of

modern environmental biotechnology products. The objections generally raised from an

ecotoxicological perspective against the use of surfactants cannot or can only be sustained in a

very limited fashion for biocompatible surfactants. Their evaluation according to criteria, as

they apply to xenobiotic surfactants for which a potentially efficient emulsification of the

mineral oil phase in water stands in the foreground, is therefore not appropriate.

For the reasons stated, the consultant reached the decision that the currently applicable

legal terms for detergents to combat mineral oil contaminations in marine ecosystems do not

sufficiently account for the potential effects and comparably high environmental compatibility

of biocompatible surfactants. Their authorisation and use are rather to be evaluated within the

framework of the concept of an ecologically sustainable, accelerated bioremediation, which is

to be clearly defined as an environmental/political aim in the corresponding legal drafts. The

necessary prerequisites and conditions for the authorisation of biocompatible surfactants are

to be reformulated under these general conditions and with the involvement of specialists.


Lastly it has been proposed in the course of a legal reorganisation to also revise the terms for

authorising detergents for the efficient emulsification of closed mineral oil spills.


1. Premises

The present expert report refers to the thus far unsatisfactory legal situation in Italy,

which regulates the detergent-based combat of mineral oil contaminations in marine

ecosystems. This specifically refers to the 23rd December 2002 decree issued by the Ministry

for Environment and Landscape Protection (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del

Territorio), which sets the authorisation modalities for detergents and adhesives to combat

contaminations by mineral oil products in the sea. The enactment of the decree by one of the

competent state environmental protection institutions fosters the expectation that the newest

developments in this field are taken into consideration in the sense of ecological

sustainability. This is unfortunately not the case because the decree proscribes conditions for

the authorisation of detergents to combat mineral oil contaminations, as they are indeed

effective for the quick emulsification of mineral oil via conventional, xenobiotic products,

however not for the intended availability of the oils with the aim of biological mineralisation

via biocompatible surfactants. The latter fundamentally differ in composition from xenobiotic

detergents, whereby they are in part or entirely environmentally-friendly, natural or near

natural and hence contain environmentally-friendly surfactants and substances. Due to this

composition the effects spectrum of the biocompatible surfactants shifts fundamentally in

comparison to conventional detergents. The efficient and steady emulsification of as large a

volume of mineral oil phase as possible in the water column thereby no longer stands in the

foreground, but rather the sustainable decontamination of mineral oil contaminations in the

context of the so-called accelerated bioremediation.

The occasion for the preparation of the present expert report was in particular the

growing problems associated with testing an environmentally friendly biocompatible

surfactant (BIOVERSAL®) with respect to the maintenance of certain technical/physical

minimum requirements, as they may be worthwhile for the authorisation of conventional

detergents for a quick dispersal, not however for the bioavailability of the oil through

biocompatible surfactants. Therefore there is an urgent call for action for an amendment of the

legal regulations, so that the use of environmentally-friendly biocompatible surfactants to

combat of mineral oil contaminations in the marine area will also be possible in future. There

is also such type of call for action in other countries in the European Union. Hence, for

instance, a legal expert report most recently issued (Willand and Buchholz 2005) finds that

the use of environmentally biocompatible surfactants to combat residual oil on bodies of

water pursuant applicable German law may be acceptable in typical practical cases and


therefore considers a revision of the official recommendations in Germany to be necessary in

this regard. Spain on the other hand has already approved the use of BIOVERSAL®, a

biocompatible surfactant marketed in Europe to combat mineral oil contaminations in the

marine area (Ministerio de Fomento, Madrid 2003). Finally, it should be pointed out that the

European Union also sees a call for action in the field of detergent use in aquatic and marine

ecosystems (Ordinance [EG] No. 648/2004 of the European Parliament and of Rate from 31st

March 2004), although specific definitions and regulations for biocompatible surfactants in

this ordinance are still lacking.

2. Mode of action and use of detergents for the emulsification of mineral oil

products in marine ecosystems

First, it must be borne in mind that following a leakage of mineral oil into marine

wildlife habitats ongoing processes are implemented with different timeframes (in this regard

see: “Fate of marine oil spills”, 2004, website: http://www.itopf.com/fate.html). Thereby

various mineral oil fractions are degraded through physical influences, redistributed, enriched

and finally dispersed into the water column and partially dissolved. The processes are

characterised by complex phase-redistributions and transitions (Tkalich et al. 2003). The

timeframe for these processes extends from a few days up to a few weeks. The microbial

degradation processes first begin gradually, in the course of which (in a timeframe of weeks

to months) toxic mineral oil substances are metabolised and partially or entirely mineralised

(degraded to H2O and CO2). Particularly in the first few hours and days following an oil

catastrophe the mineral oil substances are doubly harmful to organisms and habitats, due to

the microbial degradations not yet becoming effective. On one hand, the oil slick wets the

water surface as well as substrates and the body surface areas of organisms. In the latter this

can go from severe impairments to their life functions to death. On the other hand, the

numerous toxic ingredients in mineral oils (mainly hydrocarbon compounds) begin to

exercise their acute-toxic effect on marine organisms. Depending on affected habitat (open

sea, reefs, busy coastal sections, etc) negative environmental effects of various types and

intensities are to be expected, whereby above all the ecologically rich coastal sections are

particularly endangered.

The use of conventional detergents with xenobiotic surfactants to combat mineral oil

contaminations therefore aims above all to target the solubilisation of the mineral oil slick


moving on the water surface into the body of water as quickly as possible following its

discharge (within hours) with the highest possible efficiency. The phase distribution of the

components involved thereby is changed so that an oil-in-water emulsion is formed from a

water-in-oil emulsion. This consists of the smallest droplets of oil, which are coated by the

surfactant (so-called micelles). Through the ensuing phase-redistribution the visible portion of

the crude oil and/or of the refinery product concerned largely eludes observation by the naked

eye such that a superficial observation may give the impression that the environmental

problem has been remedied. Initial experiences with xenobiotic surfactants were made in the

course of combating the oil pollution following the Torrey Canyon tanker catastrophe off the

British Southwest coast in 1967 (Smith 1970). As was already extensively illustrated in an

earlier expert report, extremely toxic detergents then came into use due to their solvent

content and composition, which led to catastrophic negative environmental effects on the

marine environment at affected coastal sections (Dallinger 2000). The detergents being used

today are tested for ecotoxicity in many countries prior to their authorisation and therefore at

least with respect to their acute effects on marine algae, invertebrates and vertebrates may

only be marginally less toxic compared to the detergents used initially. Therefore the use of

detergents to combat mineral oil contaminations has been internationally considered

reasonable by most states under certain conditions (National Research Council – US,

Committee on Effectiveness of Oil Spill Dispersants, Marine Board, Commission on

Engineering and Technical Systems, 1989; US Environmental Protection Agency, Oil

Program, 2004). It is thus recommended for example to employ detergents directly after a

leakage caused by a tanker accident on open seas if there is a danger that the oil spill may

reach biocoenoses in shallow inlets, salt-marshes, mudflats, coral reefs, seaweed fields,

mangroves or other ecologically highly sensitive coastal habitats (Fiocco and Lewis 1999;

Pezeshki et al. 2000). It should also be pointed out that the potential treatment of oil spills

with detergents should take place as soon as possible following the contaminating event, in

order to prevent weathering of the oil slick. The reason for this lies therein that weathered

mineral oil is more difficult to disperse and more difficult to degrade (Tkalich et al. 1999;

Tkalich et al. 2003). Moreover, the use of detergents should be carried out wherever possible

in combination with other combat measures (i.e. mechanical skimming or pumping out)

(National Research Council – US, Committee on Effectiveness of Oil Spill Dispersants,

Marine Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, 1989; see also EPA, “Oil

Program” 2004, website: http://www.epa.gov/oilspill/oiltech.htm).


Clearly the aim of this understood use of detergents is primarily to effect a potentially

quick and efficient emulsification and dispersion of the oil phase in the seawater, even before

an oil spill can reach sensitive coastal sections. The most important requirements on the

properties of the detergents being used are therefore understandably of a chemicophysical

nature. The products utilised should in any event be characterised by high emulsion efficiency

(meaning a potentially beneficial ratio between detergent volumes used and emulsified

mineral oil volumes) (Fiocco and Lewis 1999), as well as by high emulsion stability (a

persistence for as long as possible of the oil phase in the micelles arising via the detergent).

Naturally the xenobiotic surfactants in question must also still correspond to ecotoxicological

minimum criteria (see i.e. Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio, 2002).

The fact has been quite frequently insufficiently considered that although the

detergents being used today for combating mineral oil are mostly in fact less acutely toxic

than their predecessors with respect to vertebrates and invertebrates, many of these products

still contain xenobiotic surfactants (such as linear alkylbenzene sulfonate or alkylphenol-

polyethoxylate), which are particularly membrane toxic for bacteria and juvenile stages of

higher organisms (Yamada 1979; Misra et al. 1987; de la Maza et al. 1991; Müller et al.

1999), and which in the case of chronic contamination exhibit genotoxic or estrogenic effects

(Wu and Shen 1992; Outledge and Sumpter 1995; Rasmussen et al. 2002). And although

some xenobiotic surfactants can also be degraded through microbial activity, they often

contain toxic metabolites (van Ginkel 1996). Furthermore, detergents may contain solvents

(such as 2-Butoxyethanol), which in the case of chronic contamination can likewise exert

toxic or even carcinogenic effects (Ghanayem et al. 1987; Park et al. 2002). Furthermore the

linear alkylbenzene sulfonate often contained in such types of detergents also exhibit a

bacterial toxicity in excess of the membrane-toxic effect (Brandt et al. 2001), which can in

some cases also lead to an inhibition of the bacterial degradation of mineral oil substances

(Lindstrom and Braddock 2002). This observation is insofar of significance as it is mostly

assumed that the emulsification of mineral oils in water columns through surfactant influence

generally promotes bacterial degradation of the mineral oil substances (Davies et al. 2001;

Harris et al. 2002; Prince et al. 2003). It has been shown however that many of the detergents

used today for combating mineral oil in the marine area can change the spectrum of

availability of mineral oil substances vis-à-vis micro organisms, invertebrates and vertebrates

such that as a result of which the damaged organisms can be subjected to an increased

exposition to and a preferential absorption of particularly toxic hydrocarbons (i.e. cyclic and


polycyclic aromatics) (Wolfe et al. 1998; Wolfe et al. 2001; Yamada et al. 2003;

Ramachandran et al. 2004), as well as for bacteria, in some cases, a reduction of the

degradation rates for mineral oil substances (Bruheim et al. 1997). Selective inhibiting effects

can thereby also be observed so that certain percentages of the mineral oil substances are

preferentially degraded while other toxic hydrocarbons and their metabolites may be enriched

(Lindstrom and Braddock 2002). Lastly, it must still be considered that the combination of

dispersed oil and xenobiotic surfactants can provoke additive or synergistic toxic effects

(Adams et al. 1999), which can be increased even more by external factors (such as UV light)

(Barron et al. 2003). It must however be generally maintained that combination effects

between oil phase and detergents are to be interpreted on a case-by-case basis because the

effects are apparently dependent on the chemical nature of the surfactants and the composition

of the mineral oils, the types involved, the point in time of the emulsification following

release of the mineral oils, as well as the type of test protocol, and are therefore variable

(Singer et al. 1995; Singer et al. 1998).

3. On the use of biocompatible surfactants in the context of accelerated


3.1. Mode of action biocompatible surfactants: State of knowledge

In comparison to many conventional detergents, which consist predominantly of

xenobiotic surfactants and in many cases of more or less toxic solvents, biocompatible

surfactants contain biological or near-natural surfactants, and in some cases other natural

products such as enzymes, activators, nutrient-substrates available for bacteria or substances

with an increased affinity for bacterial membrane receptors. Ideally biocompatible surfactants

consist of several of these substances. The natural products contained in them can also be

mostly degraded again through microbial activity without toxic metabolites thereby arising

due to their biological origin (Desai and Banat 1997). It was proven in a comparable work

that biocompatible surfactants are generally less toxic than xenobiotic surfactants (Poremba et

al. 1991).


Due to their ingredients numerous biocompatible surfactants exhibit far more

beneficial and more environmentally friendly properties for combating mineral oil

contaminations than most conventional detergents with their solvent contents and xenobiotic

surfactants (Shennan and Levi 1987; Desai and Banat 1997). Biocompatible surfactants are

multifunctional products and can ideally unite several beneficial properties. These are:

a) Mild surfactant properties for direct action following a contamination event

b) Bioremediation-accelerating properties for the bacterial degradation of mineral

oil substances

c) Low ecotoxicity

d) High environmental compatibility

For this reason, biocompatible surfactants are doubtless among the most intelligent

marketable products currently available to combat crude oil contaminations. Prerequisite for

their successful use is however know-how and adherence to specific rules. The particular

properties of the biocompatible surfactants are briefly explained below.

a) Mild surfactant properties for direct action following a contamination event:

Numerous biological surfactants (anionic, cationic and non-ionogenic) are characterised by

their particularly mild surfactant properties, that is, a high compatibility with biological

membranes. This can mostly be attributed to the polymer structure and their poly-functional

group content, which as a rule impart a reduced polarity to these substances in comparison

with xenobiotic surfactants. It should also be pointed out in this context that the polar groups

of many biological surfactants exhibit weak acids or bases. One of the direct results of these

structural properties is that biological surfactants in comparison to corresponding xenobiotic

products mostly form weaker electrostatically loaded micelles (Martienssen 2001). Some

biological surfactants even form no real micelles at all but rather polymer hydrocarbon

surfactant aggregates, with the help of which the mineral oil substances are made directly

available to the bacteria (Makkar and Rockne 2003; Shin et al. 2004). As a result of these

properties, biological surfactants generally exhibit higher membrane compatibility than many

of the xenobiotic surfactants used to combat mineral oil contaminations (Vasileva-Tonkova et

al. 2001; Martienssen 2003). Biological surfactants are thereby capable of better mediating

between the lipid phase of the mineral oil and the cell surface of microorganisms. This is

insofar not further remarkable, as under natural conditions many of the surfactants


synthesised by bacteria also serve to regulate the adhesion of bacteria cells to lipophile

substrate surfaces (Baldi et al. 1999; Ron and Rosenberg 2001) and, in this manner, make

lipophile substrates available, such as fats or hydrocarbons (van Hamme et al. 2003). This is

above all achieved in that the formation of hydrophobic domains on the bacteria cell

membrane is induced via the activity of certain biological surfactants (Zhan and Miller 1994;

Al-Tahhan et al. 2000). That may also be one of the reasons why biological surfactants

exhibit a lower toxicity with respect to bacteria and other microorganisms compared to

xenobiotic surfactants (Poremba et al. 1991), and this naturally applies for commercial

products based on biological surfactants as well (Dallinger 2000).

Hence, this results all in all in an overall positive image of the surface-active effect of

biocompatible surfactants that, although complex, shows substantial advantages from the

point of view of biotechnology. This strongly suggests the option of utilising them against

mineral oil contaminations even directly following an oil catastrophe in the marine area, if the

general conditions necessary for such type of use thereby exist (see below).

b) Bioremediation accelerating properties for the bacterial degradation of mineral oil


Following an oil catastrophe in the sea – depending on external conditions such as

temperature and nutrient availability – a degradation of mineral oil substances gets underway

even without human intervention, albeit generally with significant delay and not always with

the desired efficiency. The degradation is thereby not carried out as a rule by one single type

or few specialists (see i.e. Kasai et al. 2002), but by communities (consortia) of different types

of bacteria and microbial strains, which benefit from one another during the degradations.

Thus i.e. individual types can produce solubilising surfactants, which are also used by other

types (Chhatre et al. 1996); or the type-specific synthesis of certain metabolites can enable a

co-metabolic degradation of hydrocarbons to other types (Bouchez et al. 1995). The amount

of bacteria in seawater is already surprisingly high under natural conditions (Watson et al.

1977), and this is also applicable to the diverse mineral oil-degrading microbial communities

(Harayama et al. 2004). Nevertheless, bacterial density can fluctuate widely depending upon

location and habitat (Fukuda et al. 1998), and under extreme conditions (temperature, weather

conditions) can additionally delay the bacterial degradation of mineral oil substances. Experts

have therefore long worked on a solution that supports the degradation capacity of bacterial

communities for hydrocarbons. The corresponding techniques are labelled bioremediation

(Swanell et al. 1996; see also: “Bioremediation and its Application to Exxon Valdez Oil Spill


in Alaska”: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/2094/bioremed.html). Proven

bioremediation strategies are the inoculation of mineral oil contaminate substrates or sites

with hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial specialists or consortia (Thouand et al. 1999; Ward et

al. 2003; Al-Awadhi et al. 2002), or the promotion of the degradation through fertilisation, in

order to counteract potential limitations through a shortage of nutrients (N, P) (Maki et al.

2003; Prince et al. 2003) or an inhibition through extreme environmental conditions

(Margesin and Schinner 2001). Due to the complexity of the material, results in the field of

bioremediation have to date been sooner empirically and unsystematically gathered and

assessed. However, the scientifically founded conviction has been gradually gaining

recognition that this technology today represents one of the most modern and promising

approaches for combating mineral oil contaminations in marine ecosystems (Swanell et al.

1996; Head and Swannell 1999; Bidwell et al. 2003). Although bioremediation measures

stimulate the microbial degradation of mineral oil substances, it is in the nature of the thing

that the degradation processes nevertheless as a rule is rather slow and proceeds with a certain

delay. Mineral oil substances experience an additional delay in their degradations, when

closed or emulsified mineral oil fractions encounter firm substrate (surfaces of organisms or

suspended particles as well as substrate substratum and sediments) on open seas or in coastal

areas, to which higher polymer hydrocarbons above all may adhere through adsorption. Their

availability for degrading bacteria can thereby drastically sink, which can likewise contribute

to a significant temporal delay of the degradation (Ron and Rosenberg 2002; Xu and Obbard

2004). A realistic timeframe for the degradation thus depends on the general conditions and –

despite bioremediation – falls within the neighbourhood of weeks to months (Swanell et al.

1996). However, the potential for improvement in this sector is by far not yet exhausted

(Prince 1993; Prince et al. 2003).

A promising approach for increasing the degradation rates and hence for the

acceleration of the degradation process is the so-called accelerated bioremediation using

commercial biocompatible surfactants (Ron and Rosenberg 2002; Rahman et al. 2003). Due

to their mostly mild, bacterially compatible effect (see above), biocompatible surfactants are

not only capable of emulsifying the mineral oil phase but they also better to make bacteria

available for degrading. The bacterial degradation can thereby already be used in increased

measure directly after the emulsification. Apart from the improved membrane compatibility

of biocompatible surfactants, this is above all to be attributed to the fact that the biological

surfactants contained in them promote the adhesion of mineral oil substances to the bacterial

cell membrane (Baldi et al. 1999). Moreover, certain commercial biocompatible surfactants


contain substances with special anchor groups, which, due to their affinity for specific

receptors in the bacteria cell membrane, increase the adhesion of bacteria to the formed

micelles (Martienssen 2003). Furthermore, some biological surfactants form high polymer

aggregates with the hydrocarbons of the mineral oil phase, which on one hand increase the

availability of hydrocarbons contained therein for bacteria, although simultaneously make it

less available for other organisms (Shin et al. 2004). A particularly important effect of some

biocompatible surfactants consists of mobilising the hydrocarbon fractions adsorbed at the

substrate and no longer available for biodegradation and thereby making them available again

for bacterial degradation. This can be particularly important in the area of marine coastal and

beach sections, where residual oil binding with sand and substrate particles can significantly

delay the mineral oil degradation (Ivshina et al. 1998; Lang and Wullbrandt 1999).

Degradation in such cases is set in motion again through the effects of mobilising biological

surfactants before the mineral oil substances begin to weather and thereby cause further delay

in the biodegradation (Barkay et al. 1999; Hua et al. 2003). The use of commercial

biocompatible surfactants for the re-mobilisation of weathered and particle-bound mineral oil

fractions has particularly proven itself up to now in oil contaminated soil, where a significant

increase in efficiency of the mineral oil degradations can be thereby achieved without mineral

oil substances having to thereby be shipped to deeper ground layers (Martienssen 2003).

Using appropriate biocompatible surfactants and at best additional bioremediation measures,

there is no reason to assume that these methods should not work in contaminated beaches and

marine coastal sections.

Thanks to their chemical composition the hydrocarbons contained in the mineral oil

products serve as carbon sources for the degrading bacteria, whereas the oxygen of the air

and/or water serves thereby as electron acceptor for oxidation. The full mineralisation to CO2

and water can however only occur if at the same time the nutrients necessary for the

formation of bacterial biomass – above all nitrogen and phosphorous – are not limited (Xu

and Obbard 2004). The fertilisation undertaken in bioremediation in the marine area aims to

counteract such types of limitation (Delille et al. 2002). Nevertheless, despite bioremediation

complete mineralisation of all mineral oil substances is not achieved in many cases. There is

in particular the danger that difficult-to-degrade, higher molecular, steroidal and aromatic

hydrocarbons are enriched in the course of biodegradation. Because particularly the latter also

exhibit an increased ecotoxicity, the environmental risk may once again increase towards the

end of the degradation phase (Delille et al. 2002; Lindstrom and Braddock 2002). To

minimise this danger some biocompatible surfactants contain so-called anaerobic activators in


addition to the biological surfactant. In the event of corresponding composition, these may act

as nutrient suppliers on one hand that accelerate degradation; on the other hand they also

come into consideration however as additional carbon sources, which enable co-metabolic

biodegradation of the hydrocarbons that can otherwise only be degraded with difficulty.

Simultaneously, the degradation of the biocompatible surfactant used is thereby also

promoted. Overall, the degradation rate as well as the degradation efficiency of the mineral oil

substances can thereby be significantly increased (Martienssen 2003). Thus it has been

possible to repeatedly document that certain commercially available biocompatible surfactants

(i.e. BIOVERSAL®) can significantly stimulate the degradation efficiency of added

hydrocarbons within a few days, as well as thereby itself undergo accelerated biodegradation

(Dallinger 2000).

c) Low ecotoxicity:

In comparable investigations biological surfactants and biocompatible surfactants as a

rule exhibit a lower toxicity than xenobiotic surfactants (Poremba et al. 1991; Dallinger 2000;

Makkar and Rockne 2003; Mulligan 2005). The mostly lower toxicity of biological

surfactants compared to bacteria and protozoa has already been pointed out (see above).

Above all, the low toxicity with respect to bacteria is one of the essential prerequisites for

biological surfactants and certain biocompatible surfactants stimulating the bacterial

degradation of mineral oil substances (Dallinger 2000; Moran et al. 2000; Hua et al. 2003).

The toxicity of certain biocompatible surfactants with respect to algae, invertebrates and fish

is also significantly lower in comparison to detergents with xenobiotic surfactants (Dallinger

2000). However, tests with some new types of xenobiotic surfactants show that their acute

toxicity with respect to invertebrates and fish can fall in a range of low toxicity similar to that

of biocompatible surfactants. An ongoing comparison with previously published data on-hand

the present literature puts these findings into perspective once again however and confirms

the hypothesis that biological surfactants are by and large actually less toxic for invertebrates

and fish than the majority of xenobiotic surfactants (Edwards et al. 2003). A specific problem

in marine crude oil contaminations is the wetting of the plumage of sea birds through oil

slicks. For animals left to their own devices this leads as a rule to a breakdown of the thermo-

regulation and results in the death of the contaminated individuals. A few scientific

investigations on this topic show that the removal of the oil slick from the plumage using

conventional, xenobiotic detergents can even increase the risk to the animals because not only

the oil slick but also the natural wax layer of the plumage is removed through the aggressive


detergent effect (Jenssen 1994). It should be examined whether in this case the use of certain

gentle biocompatible surfactants - due to their mild surfactant effect – would represent a real

alternative to previous purification processes. Isolated investigations have furthermore shown

that biocompatible surfactants can also contribute towards reducing the heavy metal

contaminations that often accompany crude oil contaminations by lowering the availability

and thereby the toxicity of toxic metal ions (Sandrin et al. 2000).

Due to the self-biodegradability of most biological surfactants, which are degraded

together with the mineral oil substances during the process of bioremediation, long term or

chronic toxicity of biocompatible surfactants is also generally not to be expected (see i.e.

Dallinger 2000). This is not applicable however, as above, for many xenobiotic surfactants.

d) High environmental compatibility:

The combination of mild surfactant effect, stimulation of the bacterial degradation

anaerobiosis for mineral oil substances and relatively low ecotoxicity impart a degree of

environmental compatibility to biocompatible surfactants, which up to now could not be

achieved by detergents based on xenobiotic surfactants. The fact that most biological

surfactants contained in biocompatible surfactants exhibit a particularly low critical micelle

concentration (CMC) in comparison to xenobiotic surfactants also argues for the use of

biocompatible surfactants in combating mineral oil contaminations in the marine area (Desai

and Banat 1997; Santa Anna et al. 2002). Because some high molecular biological surfactants

tend to form polymer aggregates with the mineral oil hydrocarbons (mineral oil

derivatives) rather than micelles, one speaks in this case of the critical aggregate

concentration (Barkay et al. 1999). In any event, some biological surfactants are capable,

even below the critical micelle or aggregate concentration, of making mineral oil substances

available for bacteria cells and thereby stimulating hydrocarbon degradation (Barkay et al.

1999). This is probably to be attributed to the fact that biological surfactants make the bacteria

cell membrane more hydrophobic without damaging the membrane, and hence enable

adhesion of the bacterial cells to the mineral oil phase (Zhan and Miller 1994; Al-Tahhan et

al. 2000; Hua et al. 2003). In practice, this means that the required concentrations of a given

volume of mineral oil for emulsification or for biological availability are lower as a rule for

biocompatible surfactants than for xenobiotic surfactants. Even with otherwise the same

toxicity between a biocompatible surfactant and a corresponding xenobiotic product this

finding once again argues for the use of a biocompatible surfactant because comparably lower

application concentrations need to be used for the effect. That some commercially available


biocompatible surfactants can furthermore also mobilise still particle-bound hydrocarbon

fractions without shipping these into other ecosystem compartments, significantly increases

the sustainable nature of such products (Martienssen 2003).

One problem that questions the use of a biocompatible surfactant under outdoor

conditions is the increased need for nutrients and oxygen in stimulated bacterial growth.

While in the context of accelerated bioremediation a potentially threatened nutrient shortage

(above all nitrogen and phosphorous) is balanced as a rule via fertilisation, it should be kept in

mind that some of the newest generation of commercial biocompatible surfactants may

contain additional natural products, which come into question as nitrogen suppliers.

Moreover, many biocompatible surfactants contain carbon substrates, which enable co-

metabolic biodegradation of otherwise only difficult-to-degrade high polymer hydrocarbons

(see above). With respect to the danger of oxygen attrition, it has been shown that such an

effect in practice, due to the use modalities of modern biocompatible surfactants, cannot be

observed even in small inland waterways (see Schaber 2003, report by the Regional Chairman

of St. Johann im Pongau). In marine ecosystems oxygen attrition in any event does not

present a problem at least in open waterways due to the natural wave movement and the

oxygen supply this constantly produces.

Lastly, the fact that these largely deal with natural or near-natural products, which as a

rule can also be better degraded through natural processes than for instance xenobiotic

surfactants, still argues for the greater environmental compatibility of biocompatible

surfactants (Banat et al. 2000; Ron and Rosenberg 2002; Mulligan 2005). This was also

impressively proven in individual cases for commercially available biocompatible surfactants,

as shown for example in an expert report for the BIOVERSAL® products marketed in Central

Europe (Dallinger 2000).

3.2. General conditions for the use of biocompatible surfactants

Due to the properties illustrated above there is a usage profile for marketable

biocompatible surfactants in the marine area which is oriented to the concept of accelerated

bioremediation. This concept views the use of bacteria inoculation cultures, fertilisers and

biocompatible surfactants among others in combating mineral oil contaminations in marine

ecosystems from the point of view of sustainability and environmental compatibility. The

American environmental authority EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) for example


recommends considering the use of detergents in combating oil contaminations in the sea as

one of several measures that achieve their best effect first in the joint combination (EPA, “Oil

Program” 2004, website: http://www.epa.gov/oilspill/oiltech.htm). Thus, for instance,

following the leakage of larger amounts of oil into the sea, it is basically recommended to first

attempt to remove a major portion of the oil slick via mechanical measures as well as

pumping it out (The International Oils Spill Information and Resource Center, “Oil Spill

Web”, 2004: http://www.oil-spill-web.com/oilspill/Handbook3.htm). Accordingly, the use of

detergents is the second option for emulsifying residual oil amounts or hindering these from

drifting into ecologically sensitive coastal sections.

This applies even more to the use of biocompatible surfactants in the context of

accelerated bioremediation. The high environmental compatibility of biocompatible

surfactants, as illustrated above, is due to a combination of beneficial properties, which is

generally done to increase their environmental compatibility and their ecologically sustainable

effect. Their use in oil catastrophes therefore does not primarily aim to emulsify as much

crude oil as possible in as short a time as possible into the water columns (see above). In fact

the sustainable effect of biocompatible surfactants first comes fully to bear when their use

does not lead to excessive demands on the natural resources and marine ecosystem capacities

(see i.e. Maki et al. 2003). Their use is therefore appropriate if it is a matter of treating

residual amounts of mineral oils following previous mechanical oil removal on the open water

surfaces. Furthermore, the use of certain biocompatible surfactants can be appropriate in

mobilising adsorbed and particle-bound mineral oil fractions in the marine littoral and in the

coastal area and feeding bacterial degradation. In actual fact, manufacturers of commercial

biocompatible surfactants (see i.e. BIOVERSAL®) consistently advise that their products are

not suited for the dispersal of large and related oil spill slicks, and most commercial products

also contain instructions for professional use in this regard. In order to optimally accentuate

their benefits, the use of biocompatible surfactants should moreover be planned and

monitored by persons with good judgement and the necessary expertise (see Dallinger 2000).


4. Biocompatible surfactants as their own product class with special

properties and requirements

As emerges from the previous illustrations, biocompatible surfactants fundamentally

differ with respect to their properties, effect, intention and use in comparison with

conventional detergents based on xenobiotic surfactants. Biocompatible surfactants represent

modern and intelligent environmental biotechnology products (Desai and Banat 1997; Banat

et al. 2000; Lang and Trowitzsch-Kineast 2002; Mulligan 2005), the use of which targets the

accelerated bioremediation of sea areas contaminated by mineral oil. The legal requirement

for their authorisation should therefore be separate from detergents based on xenobiotic

surfactants. In any event, it is not appropriate according to the consultant’s opinion for the

authorisation of biocompatible surfactants to bring to bear the same regulations as for the

authorisation of xenobiotic surfactants. This interpretation of law in view of the use of

commercial biocompatible surfactants is incidentally also shared by a circle of consultants in

Germany (Willand and Buchholz 2005).

5. The 23rd December 2002 decree

The Italian Ministry for Environment and Landscape Protection (Ministero

dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio) 23rd December 2002 decree regulates the

authorisation modalities for detergents and adhesives to combat contaminations through

mineral oil products in marine ecosystems.

In Article 1 the products are defined to which the decree is to be applied. In the case of

detergents (“prodotti disperdenti”) no specific differentiations have been made with respect to

their composition, properties and intended use. However “products of biological origin”

(“prodotti di origine biologica”) are excluded from the regulation, whereby it is not defined

what is actually mean by this. For the consultant it is conceivable that this could mean i.e.

bacteria cultures for the inoculation of mineral oil contaminated sea surfaces in the course of

bioremediation. However, it might already be asked at this point whether or not certain

commercial biocompatible surfactants, which exclusively or predominantly contain biological

surfactants, likewise fall in this category (“products of biological origin”). It should be

considered however that products are conceivable and even already on the international

market, which do not exclusively contain biological surfactants, which are however likewise


to be consigned to the product group of biocompatible surfactants due to their composition,

properties, mode of action and intended use.

Articles 2 and 3 regulate the formal requirements for applying for the authorisation of

products already on the market as well as new products. Moreover, Articles 2 and 3 specify

the general conditions for testing the products as well as for the temporal validity of their


Articles 4 and 5 override previous terms.

Appendix 1 (“Allegato 1”) specifies the documentation necessary for the authorisation

of a detergent and the test conditions, the positive success of which is decisive for an

authorisation. Because the decree provides no specific information for detergents (“prodotti

disperdenti”) with respect to their composition, properties and intended usage (see above), the

following specifications for the product description and the test parameters apply in the

Appendix for xenobiotic and biocompatible surfactants alike. From test parameters, however,

it appears clear that the conditions included therein are predominantly tailored to xenobiotic

surfactants. The corresponding decree thus in no manner takes into consideration the fact that

biocompatible surfactants are conceived for use in accelerated bioremediation following

mineral oil contaminations in marine ecosystems and, therefore, are in no event to be

evaluated according to the criteria, as they perhaps may be appropriate for xenobiotic

surfactants. As illustrated above (see Chapter 3 of this expert report), biocompatible

surfactants are modern and intelligent environmental biotechnology products, the positive

properties of which enable sustainable and accelerated bioremediation in combination with

other measures. In order, however, to live up to the intention and sustainability of these

products, a unified perspective with respect to the legal general conditions for their

authorisation is also required.

The test parameters for emulsion stability (Appendix 1, Paragraph B1), for example,

are hence not applicable to biocompatible surfactants because the corresponding guidelines

aim to steadily emulsify as high amount of mineral oil as possible with as low a volume of

surfactant as possible (25 ml mineral oil with 25 ml surfactant in 25 litres of seawater). The

physical process of emulsification of as large a volume of mineral oil as possible in the water

phase is however not the exclusive aim of accelerated bioremediation measures. As

previously shown in many cases (see Chapter 3 of this expert report), the reasonable use of

biocompatible surfactants in open waters is limited to residual oil contaminations following

prior mechanical removal of the bulk of the oil. Incidentally, the volumes and mixing rations


proscribed in the test parameters for mineral oil substances as well as for xenobiotic

detergents lead to corresponding concentrations in the water, which are ecologically

hazardous or at the very least inefficient. In some xenobiotic surfactants (i.e. linear

alkylbenzene sulfonate), concentrations, which lie far below the dilutions specified in the test

parameters, can cause significant growth inhibitions in autotrophic nitrifying bacteria (Brandt

et al. 2001). Even the concentration of emulsified mineral oil under the requirements specified

in the test provision (depending upon accepted density of the mineral oil 0.7 – 1.0 g/L-1)

proves itself under real contamination conditions as scarcely advantageous within the context

of accelerated bioremediation. This is because, as scientific investigations have shown, the

bacterial degradation rate for hydrocarbons induced by surfactants following emulsification

no longer primarily depends on the concentration of the emulsified mineral oil phase under

the test parameters provided, but is limited by other factors, such as bacterial density and

nutrient availability (Harris et al. 2002). In other words: even if the ratio of emulsified mineral

oil under the test parameters provided increased even more (thus, for example, via a surfactant

with an even higher emulsion efficiency) without changing the general ecological conditions,

this would in no event lead to an increase in the bacterial degradation rates. At most a higher

availability of toxic mineral oil substances would be thereby achieved for other marine

organisms. This instance makes it clear that the test prescribed in the current decree for the

emulsion stability criteria of an accelerated bioremediation is in no event suitable.

The ecotoxicity test prescribed in the decree (Appendix 1, Paragraph B2) as well as

the biodegradation test (Appendix 1, Paragraph B3) and the bioaccumulation (Appendix 1,

Paragraph B4) also do not allow for a concept of accelerated bioremediation based on

biocompatible surfactants. They are best suited to set ecotoxicological and ecological

minimum standards in the full use of xenobiotic surfactants for emulsifying closed oil spill

slicks. As illustrated above, however, even in this event a corresponding risk assessment of

potential genotoxic and hormonal effects would have to be included because, according to the

current state of knowledge, numerous xenobiotic surfactants hold these types of risks. In any

event, modern methods of ecotoxicology make such investigations possible, whereby above

all the use of appropriate biomarkers should be considered (see i.e. Depledge and Fossi 1994;

Peakall and Walker 1994; Kammenga et al. 2000). Furthermore, it must also be kept in mind

that numerous problems with xenobiotic surfactants for combating mineral oil are to be

attributed above all to their proven bacterial toxicity (Yamada 1979; de la Maza et al. 1991;

Müller et al. 1999) (see above), which result in many cases in a significant inhibition in the

biodegradation of mineral oil substances. According to the consultant’s opinion, the


ecotoxicity test would therefore have to be at least amended to a significant bacteria test. The

test for biodegradation proscribed in the decree (Appendix 1, Paragraph B3) is exclusively

oriented to the biological degradability of the surfactant used in mineral oil contamination.

Apart from the fact that some alkylphenol-polyethoxylate based xenobiotic surfactants are

degraded to hormone-effective metabolites in biodegradation (Outledge and Sumpter 1995),

the prescribed test (methods pursuant OECD test no. 306) in no manner takes into

consideration that not only the biological degradability of the surfactant used for the

decontamination result is decisive in combating mineral oil contaminations, but rather in the

same measure the degradability imparted by the surfactant effect of the emulsified mineral oil

substances. As illustrated above, there are commercially available biocompatible surfactants,

which themselves degrade well, and which thereby however simultaneously stimulate the

bacterial degradation of mineral oil substances (Dallinger 2000; Martienssen et al. 2003),

which lends these products an enormous advantage in their use in the context of accelerated

bioremediation, in contrast to many xenobiotic surfactants. This fact is not accounted for in

the corresponding terms of the decree. Lastly, it must also still be remarked that the

bioaccumulation test proscribed in the decree (Appendix 1, Paragraph B4) stems entirely from

a statistical perspective and only provides a rough estimate of the bioaccumulation potential

of a surfactant based on octanol-water distribution coefficients (KOW) being used for mineral

oil elimination. Thereby is however not taken into consideration that it may form genotoxic or

hormonally effective metabolites in the course of any potential biodegradation of the

surfactant, which on their part could of course very well be subject to bioaccumulation. The

determination of the KOW of the outgoing product by no means takes such possibilities into

consideration. Only experimental tests, more or less in the form of mesocosmic or

microcosmic experiments, could assist in a reliable risk assessment here.

6. Proposals for amendments

The regulations and test provision provided in the decree, as thoroughly illustrated, are

above all oriented to detergents, the aim of which is to efficiently and steadily emulsify as

large an amount of mineral oil as possible directly following an oil catastrophe. This may be

fitting in some emergency situations (see above: Chap. 2), however does not correspond to the

most modern state of knowledge, which speaks for an ecologically sustainable combat of

mineral oil contaminations measures in the context of accelerated bioremediation. Products


from the group of biocompatible surfactants, which are recommended for use under these

prerequisites, are not taken into consideration in the decree (on the necessity of differentiated

legal determinations and regulations for the use of environmentally-friendly biocompatible

surfactants on the one hand and conventional xenobiotic surfactants on the other hand

pursuant German legal position; see Willand and Buchholz 2005).

It is therefore proposed to adapt the legal position to the new state of knowledge. It

thereby appears to be appropriate to explicitly set the concept of accelerated bioremediation as

an environmental/political aim. Products, such as biocompatible surfactants, the use of which

is viewed as reasonable in the framework of this concept, should be shown to be their own

product group in the framework of the legal reorganisation. The requirements and conditions

necessary for their authorisation are to be reformulated incorporating specialists and in

consideration of their intended advantages (see above).

Lastly, it is proposed in the course of the reorganisation to also revise the authorisation

conditions for detergents for the efficient emulsification of closed mineral oil spills in

consideration of the critiques formulated in Chapter 5 of this expert report.


7. Definitions of technical terms relevant to the expert report A list of definitions that are used regularly in the present expert report is shown below.

Detergents: Materials or preparations which contain soap or other surfactants and are intended for washing or cleaning processes. Detergents may have different forms (liquid, powder, paste, sheets, bars, shaped pieces, figures, etc) and may be distributed or used for household, institutional or industrial purposes (Ordinance (EG) No. 648/2004 of the European Parliament and Council on 31st March 2004). Surfactants: Organic materials and/or preparations with interface active properties used in detergents, which consist of one or more hydrophilic and one or more hydrophobic groups of such type and size that they possess the capacity to reduce surface tension of water, to form monomolecular dispersion or adsorption layers on the water/air-interface, emulsions, micro emulsions and/or micelles, and to accumulate at water/solid interfaces (Ordinance (EG) No. 648/2004 of the European Parliament and Council on 31st March 2004). Xenobiotic surfactants: surfactants of synthetic origin, which are chemically mainly derived from crude oil or one of its ingredients. Detergents to combat crude oil contaminations in many cases contain linear alkyl sulfonate or alkylphenol-polyethoxylate (Fiocco and Lewis 1999; Van Hamme and Ward 1999). Biological surfactants: Bacteria as well as fungi, plants or other organisms in the course of the anaerobiosis of synthesised substances or substance-mixtures with surfactant properties. Biological surfactants may be members of different substance classes (i.e. glycolipids, phospholipids, fatty acids, glycol and lipopeptides, lipoproteins, polysaccharide-protein complexes) and are released by organisms frequently in the extra cellular environment to solubilise and thereby make available nutrients, substrates or other substances (Santa Anna et al. 2002). For example, bacterial surfactants (Desai and Banat 1997) (see below), plant saponins (Wegner and Hamburger 2002) or surface-active bile acid salts from animal digestive tracts (Marques et al. 2000) would be cited here. Biosurfactants: Synthesised from bacteria or fungi (i.e. yeast), mostly high-polymer surfactants of different chemical composition, such as rhamonlipids or alasan (Navon-Venezia et al. 1995; Barkay et al. 1999; Lang and Wullbrandt 1999), or monoacylglycerol synthesised from yeast (Thanomsub et al. 2004). Biosurfactants are increasingly gaining significance in environmental biotechnology (Lang and Trowitzsch-Kineast 2002) and are often components of commercial biosurfactants (Martienssen 2003). Biocompatible surfactants: Detergents which exclusively or partially contain biological surfactants or near-natural surfactants (in this regard see Martienssen et al. 2003). Furthermore, biocompatible surfactants may contain other natural products, such as enzymes, additional nutrient-substrates, anaerobic activators or simple inorganic or organic compounds. Compared to xenobiotic surfactants biocompatible surfactants distinguish themselves through their milder surfactant properties, better biological degradability, lower toxicity and thereby overall higher environmental compatibility (Desai and Banat 1997). In individual cases this must however be separately tested and proven for each product. Near-natural surfactants: Xenobiotic substances, which are based on biological surfactants due to their composition, structure and specific effect and are therefore included among the biocompatible surfactants.


Bioremediation: Bioremediation is understood to be the targeted use of organisms (mainly bacteria, fungi, plants) for biological degradation or extraction of environmentally harmful materials. In the context of combating mineral oil contaminations “bioremediation” is above all understood as the use of oil degrading bacteria and fertilising nutrients (see i.e. Gorden R., in: “Bioremediation and its Application to Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Alaska”, 2004, website: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/2094/bioremed.html). Accelerated bioremediation: Accelerated bioremediation is concerned with the stimulation and promotion of biological (predominantly bacterial) degradation of mineral oil substances through the targeted use of environmentally-friendly biocompatible surfactants, which in addition to biological surfactants also may contain enzymes, activators or other natural additives which promote degradation.


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Gašenje Inicijalnih Požara klase A i B I 3D –Preven cija od zapaljenja,Spre čavanje širenja požara

Lako pozicioniranje Trenutno aktiviranje Trenutno gasi Ne dozvoljava širenje požara i ponovno zapaljenje

Brza intervencija Vozač ima slobodnu ruku za otvaranje poklopca dok drugom interveniše i Gasi Požar

10 litarska BV 1,5litarka BV Firekiller Oilkiller 15 bara 15 bara 0,5 litara Obezbedite život putnika i sigurnost vozila zbedite

S tip Aparata zahteva više vremena za aktiviranje Potrebno je angažovati obe ruke čime se smanjuje efikasnost i mogučnost kontrole situacije Kod gašenja B klase požara i gume prahom dolazi do ponovnog paljenja, Prah sprečava širenje klase B požara Kod inicijalnih požara sekunde odlučuju a prah uzima dragoceno vreme i nepruža efekt koji Bioversal sa sigurnošću postiže.

Suvozač trenutno interveniše Bioversalom sa bocom koja Omogućava jednostavan i lak pristup mestima na kojim uglavnom dolazi do zapaljenja tj inicijalnih požara. Preventivno tretiranje Bioversal Rashlađuje površinu ,oduljava i nanošenjem sprečava zapaljenje zauljenih delova . Vaš sigurni partner Bioversal –IBT doo Novi Sad Narodnog Fronta 71,tel fax o21 367238,mob 0645100780

Bioversal QF Eko sredstvo za gašenje požara klase AiB DIN 141272-2-UL162 pr EN 1568-3-GOST –ICAO,OECD301 C, 7% Rastvor koncentrata sa vodom pod 15 bara. Nije štetan za ljudsko zdravlje,disajne organe,kožu,oči Koristi se i za oduljavanje površina i prevenciju zapaljenja jer onemogučava zapaljenje nakon tretmana. Sprečava širenje ,prelazak požara preko tretiranih površina Inertizuje ,vezuje čestice sagorevanja tj eliminiše otrovan dim Drastično smanjuje temperaturu površne koja se tretira Bioversalom i u te svrhe može se preventivno koristiti. Koriste gaMUP EU,Kfor,Auto trke,Specijalne jedinice,Naftna industrijaMINIMUM ULAGANJA SA MAKSIMUMOM SIGURNOSTI

IBT Bioversal Visit -Presentation



02-03 Oct.2008



PlantSerbia Activities


Serbian Romania Border

IBT discussed Bioversal implementation in Oils spill respond program with Djerdap management.

Intervention on fast water

Firefighting brigade intervention

Site cleanning activities

Serbia Activities

IBT agread to participate in activities on crossborder cooperation with Romania concerning Oilspillrespond and aplication of Bioversal , planned Elastec equipement and units for first respond.






Bioversal Elastec Spillsorb


Bioversal Spillsorb Cansorb

Serbia Activities

IBT is starting with the Bioversal program at Djerdap 1 and Djerdap 2 site as the base of the global Oilspill respond project which is in the preparation for HPP Djerdap and which includes



Serbia Activities

IBT is starting with the Bioversal program at Djerdap 1 and Djerdap 2 site as the base of the global Oilspill respond project which is in the preparation for HPP Djerdap and which includes



Serbia Activities

IBT doo Novi Sad – Srbija

Bioversal International Austria


Elastec Marine USA


Novi Sad,Bulevar Narodnog Fronta 71,tel fax 021 6367 238


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