β-Carotene and retinol ineffective in preventing sputum atypia

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Transcript of β-Carotene and retinol ineffective in preventing sputum atypia


~-Carotene and retinol ineffective in preventing sputum atypia

Teatment with ~-carotene and retinol [vitamin A] does not affect the incidence of sputum atypia, thought to be an intermediate marker in the develop­ment of lung cancer, researchers in the US report.

In this randomised, double-blind trial, 755 former asbestos workers received either ~-carotene 50mg and retinol 25 OOOIU on alternate days, or placebo, for a minimum of 3 years. Sputum samples were analysed at 3-monthly intervals.

At the end of treatment, sputum was classified as either normal or showing evidence of metaplasia, mild, moderate, or severe atypia, or malignancy. No signifi­cant difference in the incidence of any sputum abnormal­ities was seen between the treatment and placebo groups. McLarty JW, Holiday DB, Girard WM, Yanagihara RH, Kummet TD, et al.

f}-Carotcne, vitamin A, and lung cancer chemoprevention: results of an intermediated endpoint study. American Joumal of Clinical Nutrition 62 (Suppl.): 1431·1438, Dec 1995 Il004'_ ~ Editorial comment: This finding supports the view that ~-carotene supplements do not lower the incidence of lung cancer. Previous studies have indicated that such supplements may infact be detrimental [see lnpharma 1021: 14, 27 Jan 1996; 800417592].

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