Download - Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Page 1: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Mechanisms of action potential generation:

2D models

Page 2: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Action potential generation

Page 3: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Frequency-current relationships of neurons

Cortical pyramidal cells Cortical interneurons

Page 4: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Action potential generation in the HH model


dt= −gL(V − VL)− gNa(V − VNa)m3h− gK(V − VK)n4 + Iapp

τm(V )dm

dt= −m+m∞(V ) (fast positive feedback on voltage)

τh(V )dh

dt= −h+ h∞(V ) (slower negative feedback on voltage)

τn(V )dn

dt= −n+ n∞(V ) (slower negative feedback on voltage)

Page 5: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of


• Hodgkin-Huxley formalism very successful in terms of describing quantitatively action

potential generation;

• The model is quite complex mathematically - can we capture single neuron behavior

with simpler models?

• Reduction to a 2D model: Krinsky-Kokoz;

• Related 2D models: Morris Lecar, FitzHugh Nagumo;

• Analyzing 2D models: phase plane, stability analysis, bifurcations

• Bifurcations leading to periodic firing

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Reduction to a 2-D model (Krinsky-Kokoz-Rinzel)

• Variablem is much faster than all other


⇒ m(t) = m∞(V )

• Dynamics of n and 1− h are similar:

⇒ h = 1− n

• Gives a 2-D model:


dt= −gL(V − VL)− gNa(V − VNa)m3

∞(V )(1− n)− gKn4(V − VK)

τn(V )dn

dt= −n+ n∞(V )

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2D models

• Krinsky-Kokoz (reduction from HH)


dt= −gL(V − VL)− gNa(V − VNa)m3

∞(V )(1− n)− gKn4(V − VK)


τn(V )dn

dt= −n+ n∞(V )

• Morris-Lecar (giant muscle fiber of the barnacle)


dt= −gL(V − VL)− gCa(V − VCa)m∞(V )− gKn(V − VK) + Iapp

τn(V )dn

dt= −n+ n∞(V )

• FitzHugh-Nagumo (simpler model of excitability)


dt= V (V − a)(1− V )− w + Iapp


dt= ε(V − γw)

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Analyzing 2D models - phase plane, nullclines


dt= f(V, n)


dt= g(V, n)

• V -nullcline: f(V, n) = 0

• n-nullcline: g(V, n) = 0

• Fixed points: intersections of both null-


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Fixed points and their stability


dt= f(V, n)


dt= g(V, n)

• Fixed points V∗, n∗ such that f(V∗, n∗) = g(V∗, n∗) = 0

• Small perturbation around fixed point,

V = V∗ + δV exp(λt)

n = n∗ + δn exp(λt)

• Linearize equations around fixed point, and obtain λs as eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix

M =






• If both λs have negative real parts, fixed point stable

• Bifurcation occurs when Re(λ) = 0 when a parameter (such as Iapp) is varied

Page 10: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Classification of fixed points

• Real eigenvalues:

– Two negative eigenvalues: stable node (sink node)

– One positive, one negative: saddle

– Two positive eigenvalues: unstable node (source node)

• Complex eigenvalues:

– Negative real part: stable spiral (spiral sink)

– Positive real part: unstable spiral (spiral source)

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From resting to periodic firing in 2D models

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Bifurcations leading to AP generation

A bifurcation occurs when at least one eigenvalue has zero real part. In a 2D model, two


• Two real eigenvalues, one is λ = 0⇒ Steady-state (saddle node) bifurcation;

• Two complex eigenvalues, λ = ±iω⇒ Hopf bifurcation;

Page 13: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Two types of saddle-node bifurcations from resting to periodic spiking

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Two types of Hopf bifurcations from resting to periodic spiking

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Relationship with Hodgkin (1948) classification

• Class 1 neural excitability (Type I): APs can be generated with arbitrarily low



• Class 2 neural excitability (Type 2): APs are generated with a frequency that cannot

be lower than fc > 0.

– Saddle node

– Hopf (both sub and supracritical)

• Class 3 neural excitability: only single APs, no repetitive firing.

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Hopf: Morris-Lecar


dt= −gL(V − VL)− gCa(V − VCa)m∞(V )− gKn(V − VK) + Iapp

τn(V )dn

dt= −n+ n∞(V )

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Phase plane of ML in the Hopf regime

Page 18: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Bifurcation diagram of ML in the Hopf regime

Page 19: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Bifurcation diagram of the HH model

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Morris-Lecar in the SNIC regime

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SNIC: Morris-Lecar

Page 22: Mechanisms of action potential generation: 2D potential generation. Frequency-current relationships of

Class I vs Class II: Example of cortical neurons

Pyramidal cells Interneurons

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• Ermentrout-Terman book, chapter 3

More on dynamical systems:

• Strogatz, Nonlinear dynamics and chaos

• Guckenheimer and Holmes, Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and

Bifurcations of Vector Fields

• Kuznetsov, Elements of Applied Bifurcation Theory

• Izhikevich, Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience: The Geometry of Excitability and
