Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University

Transcript of Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Page 1: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Topological Forcing Semantics with SettlingRobert S. LubarskyFlorida Atlantic University

Page 2: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

backgroundClassical forcing: • A term σ is a set of the form {⟨σi, pi⟩ | σi a term, pi a forcing condition, i ∊ I, I an index set}. • The ground model embeds into the forcing extension, by always choosing pi to be ⊤. • p ⊩ φ is defined inductively on formulas.

Page 3: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

backgroundClassical forcing: • σ = {⟨σi, pi⟩ | σi a term, pi a condition, i ∊ I} • ground model embeds into the extension• p ⊩ φ defined inductively on formulasTopological semantics:• σ = {⟨σi, Ji⟩ | σi a term, Ji an open set, i ∊ I}• ground model embeds into the extension, by always choosing Ji to be the whole space T• J ⊩ φ defined inductively on formulas

Page 4: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Classical forcing: • σ = {⟨σi, pi⟩ | i ∊ I}, ground model V embeds into the extension, p ⊩ φ defined inductively on formulasTopological semantics:• σ = {⟨σi, Ji⟩ | i ∊ I}, ground model V embeds into the extension, J ⊩ φ defined inductively on formulasTopological semantics with settling:• σ = {⟨σi, Ji⟩ | i ∊ I} ∪ {⟨σh, rh⟩ | rh ∊ T, h ∊ H} • The ground model V embeds into the extension, by choosing Ji to be T and H to be empty.• J ⊩ φ is defined inductively on formulas.

Page 5: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

The settling-down functionsσr (r ∊ T) is defined inductively on σ:σr = {⟨σir, T⟩ | ⟨σi, Ji⟩ ∊ σ and r ∊ Ji} ∪ {⟨σhr, T⟩ | ⟨σh, r⟩ ∊ σ }

Page 6: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

The settling-down functionsσr (r ∊ T) is defined inductively on σ:σr = {⟨σir, T⟩ | ⟨σi, Ji⟩ ∊ σ and r ∊ Ji} ∪ {⟨σhr, T⟩ | ⟨σh, r⟩ ∊ σ } Note:a) σr is a (term for a) ground model set.b) (σr)s = σr .Notation: φr is φ with each parameter σ replaced by σr.

Page 7: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Topological semantics ⊩J ⊩ σ = τ iff for all ⟨σi, Ji⟩ ∊ σ J∩Ji ⊩ σi ∊ τ, and vice versa, J ⊩ σ ∊ τ iff for all r ∊ J there are ⟨τi, Ji⟩ ∊ τ and Jr ⊆ Ji such that r ∊ Jr ⊩ σ = τiJ ⊩ φ ∧ ψ iff J ⊩ φ and J ⊩ ψJ ⊩ φ ∨ ψ iff for all r ∊ J there is a Jr ⊆ J such that r ∊ Jr ⊩ φ or r ∊ Jr ⊩ ψ J ⊩ φ → ψ iff for all J’ ⊆ J if J’ ⊩ φ then J’ ⊩ ψ J ⊩ ∃x φ(x) iff for all r ∊ J there are σr and Jr such that r ∊ Jr ⊩ φ(σ)J ⊩ ∀x φ(x) iff for all σ J ⊩ φ(σ)

Page 8: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Topological semantics with settlingJ ⊩ σ = τ iff for all ⟨σi, Ji⟩ ∊ σ J∩Ji ⊩ σi ∊ τ, and vice versa, and for all r ∊ J σr = τr J ⊩ σ ∊ τ iff …J ⊩ φ∧/∨ψ iff …J ⊩ φ → ψ iff for all J’ ⊆ J if J’⊩ φ then J’⊩ ψ, and for all r ∊ J there is a Jr ∍ r such that for all K ⊆ Jr if K ⊩ φr then K ⊩ψrJ ⊩ ∃x φ(x) iff …J ⊩ ∀x φ(x) iff for all σ J ⊩ φ(σ), and for all r ∊ J there is a Jr ∍ r such that for all σ Jr ⊩ φr(σ)

Page 9: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Application with intuitionExample Let T be ℝ (the reals).Equivalent description of the topological model as a Kripke model.

Page 10: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Application with intuitionExample Let T be ℝ (the reals).Equivalent description of the topological model as a Kripke model.Starting node r ∊ ℝ.

Page 11: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Application with intuitionExample Let T be ℝ (the reals).Equivalent description of the topological model as a Kripke model.Starting node r ∊ ℝ.r ⊨ σ ∊ (resp. =) τ iff for some Jr ∍ r Jr ⊩ σ ∊ (resp. =) τ

Page 12: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Application with intuitionExample Let T be ℝ (the reals).Equivalent description of the topological model as a Kripke model.Starting node r ∊ ℝ.r ⊨ σ ∊ (resp. =) τ iff for some Jr ∍ r Jr ⊩ σ ∊ (resp. =) τ The node s extends r if s is infinitesimally close to r. (set-up: r ∊ M ≺ M’ ∍ s)

Page 13: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Application with intuitionExample Let T be ℝ (the reals).r ⊨ σ ∊ / = τ iff for some Jr ∍ r Jr ⊩ σ ∊ / = τ The node s extends r if s is infinitesimally close to r. (set-up: r ∊ M ≺ M’ ∍ s)Two transition functions:1. f the elementary embedding from M to M’

Page 14: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Application with intuitionExample Let T be ℝ (the reals).r ⊨ σ ∊ / = τ iff for some Jr ∍ r Jr ⊩ σ ∊ / =) τ The node s extends r if s is infinitesimally close to r. (set-up: r ∊ M ≺ M’ ∍ s)Two transition functions:1. f the elementary embedding from M to M’2. σ ↦ f(σ)s

Page 15: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Application with intuitionExample Let T be ℝ (the reals).r ⊨ σ ∊ / = τ iff for some Jr ∍ r Jr ⊩ σ ∊ / =) τ s extends r if s is infinitesimally close to r.Two transition functions:1. f the elementary embedding from M to M’2. σ ↦ f(σ)sTruth Lemma r ⊨ φ iff Jr ⊩ φ for some Jr ∍ r.

Page 16: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Application with intuitionExample Let T be ℝ (the reals).Two transition functions:1. f the elementary embedding from M to M’2. σ ↦ f(σ)sTruth Lemma r ⊨ φ iff Jr ⊩ φ for some Jr ∍ r.Application This structure models IZFExp (and therefore “the Cauchy reals are a set”) + “the Dedekind reals do not form a set”.

Page 17: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

What is valid under settling?

Page 18: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

What is valid under settling?Theorem T ⊩ IZF with the following changes:• Eventual Power Set instead of Power Set: every set X has a collection of subsets C such that every subset of X cannot be different from everything in C, i.e.∀X ∃C (∀Y∊C Y⊆X) ∧ (∀Y⊆X ¬∀Z ∊C Y≠Z)

Page 19: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

What is valid under settling?Theorem T ⊩ IZF with the following changes:• Eventual Power Set instead of Power Set: ∀X ∃C (∀Y∊C Y⊆X) ∧ (∀Y⊆X ¬∀Z ∊C Y≠Z)• Bounded (i.e. Δ0) Separation instead of Full Separation

Page 20: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

What is valid under settling?Theorem T ⊩ IZF with the following changes:• Eventual Power Set instead of Power Set • Δ0 Separation instead of Full Separation• Collection instead of Strong Collection: every total relation from a set to V has a bounding set, but the bounding set may contain elements not in the range of the relations

Page 21: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Separation really fail so badly?Definitions T is locally homogeneous around r, s ∊ T if there is a homeomorphism between neighborhoods of r and s interchanging r and s.U is homogeneous if U is locally homogeneous around each r, s ∊ U.T is locally homogeneous if every r ∊ T has a homogeneous neighborhood.

Page 22: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Separation really fail so badly?Definitions T is locally homogeneous around r, s ∊ T if there is a local homeomorphism between neighborhoods of r and s interchanging r and s.U is homogeneous if U is locally homogeneous around each r, s ∊ U.T is locally homogeneous if every r ∊ T has a homogeneous neighborhood.Theorem If T is locally homogeneous then T ⊩ Full Separation.

Page 23: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Separation really fail so badly?Theorem If T is locally homogeneous then T ⊩ Full Separation.Counter-example Let Tn be the topological space for collapsing ℵn to be countable. Let T be ⋃Tn ∪ {∞}. A neighborhood of ∞ contains cofinitely many Tns. T falsifies Replacement for a Boolean combination of Σ1 and Π1 formulas.

Page 24: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Separation really fail so badly?Counter-example Tn ⊩ “ℵn is countable.” T is ⋃Tn ∪ {∞}. A neighborhood of ∞ contains ⋃n>I Tns. Let ω∞ be {⟨n, ∞⟩ | n ∊ ω}.Then T ⊩ “∀n∊ω∞ ∃!y (y=0 ∧ ℵn is uncountable) ∨ (y=1 ∧ ¬ℵn is uncountable)”.

Page 25: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Separation really fail so badly?Counter-example Tn ⊩ “ℵn is countable.” Then T ⊩ “∀n∊ω∞ ∃!y (y=0 ∧ ℵn is uncountable) ∨ (y=1 ∧ ¬ℵn is uncountable)”.Suppose ∞ ∊ J ⊩ “∀n∊ω∞(f(n)=0 ∧ ℵn is uncountable) ∨ (f(n)=1 ∧ ¬ℵn is uncountable)”. Then …

Page 26: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Separation really fail so badly?Counter-example Tn ⊩ “ℵn is countable.” Suppose ∞ ∊ J ⊩ “∀n∊ω∞(f(n)=0 ∧ ℵn is uncountable) ∨ (f(n)=1 ∧ ¬ℵn is uncountable)”. Then ∞ ∊ K ⊩ “∀n∊ω∞(f∞(n)=0 ∧ ℵn is uncountable) ∨ (f∞(n)=1 ∧ ¬ℵn is uncountable)”.

Page 27: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Separation really fail so badly?Counter-example Tn ⊩ “ℵn is countable.” Then ∞ ∊ K ⊩ “∀n∊ω∞(f∞(n)=0 ∧ ℵn is uncountable) ∨ (f∞(n)=1 ∧ ¬ℵn is uncountable)”. But K determines f∞(n) for each n, yet K does not determine whether ℵn is uncountable for each n – contradiction.

Page 28: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Power Set really fail so badly?

Page 29: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Power Set really fail so badly?Theorem If T is locally connected then T ⊩ Exponentiation.

Page 30: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Power Set really fail so badly?Theorem If T is locally connected then T ⊩ Exponentiation.Counter-example Let T be Cantor space. The generic is a 0-1 sequence, i.e. a function from ℕ to {0, 1}. So that function space does not exist as a set.

Page 31: Topological Forcing Semantics with Settling Robert S. Lubarsky Florida Atlantic University.

Does Power Set really fail so badly?Theorem If T is locally connected then T ⊩ Exponentiation.Counter-example Let T be Cantor space. The generic is a 0-1 sequence, i.e. a function from ℕ to {0, 1}. So that function space does not exist as a set. THE END