Hypo Talam Us

The hypothalamus (from Greek ὑπό, "under" and θάλαμος, "room, chamber") is a portion of the brain that contains a number of small nuclei with a variety of functions. One of the most important functions of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system to theendocrine system via the pituitary gland (hypophysis). The hypothalamus is located below the thalamus , just above the brainstem and is part of the limbic system . [1] In the terminology ofneuroanatomy , it forms the ventral part of the diencephalon . All vertebrate brains contain a hypothalamus. In humans, it is the size of an almond . The hypothalamus is responsible for certain metabolic processes and other activities of the autonomic nervous system . It synthesizes and secretes certain neurohormones , often called releasing hormones or hypothalamic hormones, and these in turn stimulate or inhibit the secretion of pituitary hormones . The hypothalamus controls body temperature , hunger , important aspects of parenting and attachment behaviors, thirst , [2] fatigue , sleep , and circadian rhythms . Contents [hide ] 1 Structure o 1.1 Nuclei o 1.2 Neural connections o 1.3 Sexual dimorphism o 1.4 Development 2 Function o 2.1 Hormone release o 2.2 Stimulation 2.2.1 Olfactory stimuli 2.2.2 Blood-borne stimuli 2.2.3 Steroids 2.2.4 Neural o 2.3 Control of food intake o 2.4 Fear processing o 2.5 Sexual orientation 3 Clinical significance o 3.1 Disease 4 See also 5 Additional images


Hypo Talam Us

Transcript of Hypo Talam Us

The hypothalamus (from Greek, "under" and , "room, chamber") is a or!ion of!he brain !ha! con!ains a number of sma"" nuc"ei #i!h a $arie!% of func!ions& 'ne of !he mos! imor!an! func!ions of !he h%o!ha"amus is !o "ink !he ner$ous s%s!em !o !heendocrine s%s!em $ia !he i!ui!ar% ("and (h%oh%sis)&The h%o!ha"amus is "oca!ed be"o# !he !ha"amus, )us! abo$e !he brains!em and is ar! of !he "imbic s%s!em&*+, -n !he !ermino"o(% ofneuroana!om%, i! forms !he $en!ra" ar! of !he dienceha"on& ."" $er!ebra!e brains con!ain a h%o!ha"amus& -n humans, i! is !he si/e of an a"mond&The h%o!ha"amus is resonsib"e for cer!ain me!abo"ic rocesses and o!her ac!i$i!ies of !he au!onomic ner$ous s%s!em& -! s%n!hesi/es and secre!es cer!ain neurohormones, of!en ca""ed re"easin( hormones or h%o!ha"amic hormones, and !hese in !urn s!imu"a!e or inhibi! !he secre!ion of i!ui!ar% hormones& The h%o!ha"amus con!ro"s bod% !emera!ure, hun(er, imor!an! asec!s of aren!in( and a!!achmen! beha$iors, !hirs!,*0, fa!i(ue, s"ee, and circadian rh%!hms&Contents*hide, +1!ruc!ureo +&+2uc"eio +&02eura" connec!ionso +&31e4ua" dimorhismo +&56e$e"omen! 07unc!iono 0&+8ormone re"easeo 0&01!imu"a!ion 0&0&+'"fac!or% s!imu"i 0&0&09"ood:borne s!imu"i 0&0&31!eroids 0&0&52eura"o 0&3;on!ro" of food in!akeo 0&57ear rocessin(o 0&8, differen!ia" de$e"omen! be!#een se4es is based uon in u!ero !es!os!erone "e$e"s1urao!ic nuc"eus Easoressin re"ease '4%!ocin re"easeDara$en!ricu"ar nuc"eus !h%ro!roin:re"easin( hormone re"ease cor!ico!roin:re"easin( hormone re"ease o4%!ocin re"ease $asoressin re"ease soma!os!a!in re"ease.n!erior h%o!ha"amic nuc"eus !hermore(u"a!ion an!in( s#ea!in( !h%ro!roin inhibi!ion1urachiasma!ic nuc"eus ;ircadian rh%!hmsFa!era"Fa!era" nuc"eus 1ee Fa!era" h%o!ha"amusG7unc!ion H rimar% source of ore4in neurons !hrou(hou! !he brain and sina" cordTubera"Bedia"6orsomedia" h%o!ha"amic nuc"eus 9"ood Dressure 8ear! >a!e G- s!imu"a!ionEen!romedia" nuc"eus sa!ie!% neuroendocrine con!ro".rcua!e nuc"eus Gro#!h hormone:re"easin( hormone (G8>8) feedin( 6oamine:media!ed ro"ac!in inhibi!ionFa!era"Fa!era" nuc"eus1ee Fa!era" h%o!ha"amusG7unc!ion H rimar% source of ore4in neurons !hrou(hou! !he brain and sina" cordFa!era" !ubera" nuc"eiDos!eriorBedia"Bammi""ar% nuc"ei (ar!ofmammi""ar% bodies) memor%Dos!erior nuc"eus -ncrease b"ood ressure ui""ar% di"a!ion shi$erin( $asoressin re"easeFa!era" Fa!era" nuc"eus 1ee Fa!era" h%o!ha"amusG7unc!ion H rimar% source of ore4in neurons !hrou(hou! !he brain and sina" cordTuberomammi""ar% nuc"eus *?, arousa" (#akefu"ness and a!!en!ion) feedin( and ener(% ba"ance "earnin( memor% s"eeSee also: $en!ro"a!era" reo!ic nuc"eus, eri$en!ricu"ar nuc"eus&. cross sec!ion of !he monke% h%o!ha"amus dis"a%s 0 of !he ma)or h%o!ha"amic nuc"ei on ei!her side of !he f"uid:fi""ed 3rd $en!ric"e& 8%o!ha"amic nuc"ei 8%o!ha"amic nuc"ei on one side of !he h%o!ha"amus, sho#n in a 3:6 comu!er recons!ruc!ion*@,Neural connections*edi!,Further information: Lateral hypothalamus Orexinergic projection system and Tuberomammillary nucleus Histaminergic outputsThe h%o!ha"amus is hi(h"% in!erconnec!ed #i!h o!her ar!s of !he cen!ra" ner$ous s%s!em, in ar!icu"ar !he brains!em and i!s re!icu"ar forma!ion& .s ar! of !he "imbic s%s!em, i! has connec!ions !oo!her "imbic s!ruc!ures inc"udin( !he am%(da"a and se!um, and is a"so connec!ed #i!h areas of !he au!onomous ner$ous s%s!em&The h%o!ha"amus recei$es man% inu!s from !he brains!em, !he mos! no!ab"e from !he nuc"eus of !he so"i!ar% !rac!, !he "ocus coeru"eus, and !he $en!ro"a!era" medu""a&Bos! ner$e fibres #i!hin !he h%o!ha"amus run in !#o #a%s (bidirec!iona")& Dro)ec!ions !o areas cauda" !o !he h%o!ha"amus (o !hrou(h !he media" forebrain bund"e, !he mammi""o!e(men!a" !rac! and !he dorsa" "on(i!udina" fascicu"us& Dro)ec!ions !o areas ros!ra" !o !he h%o!ha"amus are carried b% !he mammi""o!ha"amic !rac!, !he forni4 and !ermina" s!ria& Dro)ec!ions !o areas of !he s%ma!he!ic mo!or s%s!em ("a!era" horn sina" se(men!s T+:F0IF3) are carried b% !he h%o!ha"amosina" !rac! and !he% ac!i$a!e !he s%ma!he!ic mo!or a!h#a%Sexual dimorphism*edi!,1e$era" h%o!ha"amic nuc"ei are se4ua""% dimorhicJ i&e&, !here are c"ear differences in bo!h s!ruc!ure and func!ion be!#een ma"es and fema"es&*citation needed,1ome differences are aaren! e$en in (ross neuroana!om%C mos! no!ab"e is !he se4ua""% dimorhic nuc"eus #i!hin !he reo!ic area& 8o#e$er mos! of !he differences are sub!"e chan(es in !he connec!i$i!% and chemica" sensi!i$i!% of ar!icu"ar se!s of neurons&*citation needed,The imor!ance of !hese chan(es can be reco(nised b% func!iona" differences be!#een ma"es and fema"es& 7or ins!ance, ma"es of mos! secies refer !he odor and aearance of fema"es o$er ma"es, #hich is ins!rumen!a" in s!imu"a!in( ma"e se4ua" beha$ior& -f !he se4ua""% dimorhic nuc"eus is"esioned, !his reference for fema"es b% ma"es diminishes& ."so, !he a!!ern of secre!ion of (ro#!h hormone is se4ua""% dimorhic, and !his is one reason #h% in man% secies, adu"! ma"es are much "ar(er !han fema"es&*citation needed,Responsiveness to ovarian steroids'!her s!rikin( func!iona" dimorhisms are in !he beha$iora" resonses !o o$arian s!eroids of !he adu"!& Ba"es and fema"es resond !o o$arian s!eroids in differen! #a%s, ar!"% because !he e4ression of es!ro(en:sensi!i$e neurons in !he h%o!ha"amus is se4ua""% dimorhicJ i&e&, es!ro(en rece!ors are e4ressed in differen! se!s of neurons&*citation needed,As!ro(en and ro(es!erone can inf"uence (ene e4ression in ar!icu"ar neurons or induce chan(es in ce"" membrane o!en!ia" and kinase ac!i$a!ion, "eadin( !o di$erse non:(enomic ce""u"ar func!ions& As!ro(en and ro(es!erone bind !o !heir co(na!e nuc"ear hormone rece!ors, #hich !rans"oca!e !o !he ce"" nuc"eus and in!erac! #i!h re(ions of 62. kno#n as hormone resonse e"emen!s (8>As) or (e! !e!hered !o ano!her !ranscri!ion fac!orKs bindin( si!e& As!ro(en rece!or (A>) has been sho#n !o !ransac!i$a!e o!her !ranscri!ion fac!ors in !his manner, desi!e !he absence of an es!ro(en resonsee"emen! (A>A) in !he ro4ima" romo!er re(ion of !he (ene& -n (enera", A>s and ro(es!erone rece!ors (D>s) are (ene ac!i$a!ors, #i!h increased m>2. and subseLuen! ro!ein s%n!hesis fo""o#in( hormone e4osure&*citation needed,Ba"e and fema"e brains differ in !he dis!ribu!ion of es!ro(en rece!ors, and !his difference is an irre$ersib"e conseLuence of neona!a" s!eroid e4osure& As!ro(en rece!ors (and ro(es!erone rece!ors) are found main"% in neurons in !he an!erior and mediobasa" h%o!ha"amus, no!ab"%C*citation needed, !he reo!ic area (#here F8>8 neurons are "oca!ed) !he eri$en!ricu"ar nuc"eus (#here soma!os!a!in neurons are "oca!ed) !he $en!romedia" h%o!ha"amus (#hich is imor!an! for se4ua" beha$ior)&Development*edi!,Bedian sa(i!!a" sec!ion of brain of human embr%o of !hree mon!hs-n neona!a" "ife, (onada" s!eroids inf"uence !he de$e"omen! of !he neuroendocrine h%o!ha"amus& 7or ins!ance, !he% de!ermine !he abi"i!% of fema"es !o e4hibi! a norma" reroduc!i$e c%c"e, and of ma"es and fema"es !o dis"a% aroria!e reroduc!i$e beha$iors in adu"! "ife&*citation needed, -f a female rat is in)ec!ed once #i!h !es!os!erone in !he firs! fe# da%s of os!na!a" "ife (durin( !he "cri!ica" eriod" of se4:s!eroid inf"uence), !he h%o!ha"amus is irre$ersib"% mascu"ini/edJ !he adu"! ra! #i"" be incaab"e of (enera!in( an F8 sur(e in resonse !o es!ro(en (a charac!eris!ic of fema"es), bu! #i"" be caab"e of e4hibi!in( male se4ua" beha$iors (moun!in( a se4ua""% rece!i$e fema"e)&*citation needed, 9% con!ras!, a male rat cas!ra!ed )us! af!er bir!h #i"" be feminized, and !he adu"! #i"" sho# female se4ua" beha$ior in resonse !o es!ro(en (se4ua" rece!i$i!%, "ordosis beha$ior)&*citation needed,-n rima!es, !he de$e"omen!a" inf"uence of andro(ens is "ess c"ear, and !he conseLuences are "ess unders!ood& Mi!hin !he brain, !es!os!erone is aroma!i/ed !o (es!radio"), #hich is !he rincia" ac!i$e hormone for de$e"omen!a" inf"uences& The human !es!is secre!es hi(h "e$e"s of !es!os!erone from abou! #eek @ of fe!a" "ife un!i" 7 s%n!hesis and secre!ion, bu! e"se#here !heir ro"e is no! #e"" unders!ood&Function*edi!,Hormone release*edi!,Andocrine ("ands in !he human head and neck and !heir hormonesThe h%o!ha"amus has a cen!ra" neuroendocrine func!ion, mos! no!ab"% b% i!s con!ro" of !he an!erior i!ui!ar%, #hich in !urn re(u"a!es $arious endocrine ("ands and or(ans& >e"easin( hormones (a"so ca""ed re"easin( fac!ors) are roduced in h%o!ha"amic nuc"ei !hen !ransor!ed a"on( a4ons !o ei!her !he median eminence or !he os!erior i!ui!ar%, #here !he% are s!ored and re"eased as needed&*+P,Anterior pituitary-n !he h%o!ha"amicHadenoh%oh%sea" a4is, re"easin( hormones, a"so kno#n as h%oh%sio!roic or h%o!ha"amic hormones, are re"eased from !he median eminence, a ro"on(a!ion of !he h%o!ha"amus, in!o !he h%oh%sea" or!a" s%s!em, #hich carries !hem !o !he an!erior i!ui!ar% #here!he% e4er! !heir re(u"a!or% func!ions on !he secre!ion of adenoh%o%sea" hormones&*++,Secreted hormoneAbbreviationProduced by Eect!hyrotropin"releasing hormone#Prolactin"releasinghormone$T>8, T>7, orD>8Dar$oce""u"ar neurosecre!or% ce""s of !heara$en!ricu"ar nuc"eus1!imu"a!e !h%roid:s!imu"a!in( hormone (T18) re"ease from an!erior i!ui!ar% (rimari"%)1!imu"a!e ro"ac!in re"ease from an!erior i!ui!ar%Corticotropin"releasing hormone;>8 or ;>7Dar$oce""u"ar neurosecre!or% ce""s of !he ara$en!ricu"ar nuc"eus1!imu"a!e adrenocor!ico!roic hormone (.;T8) re"ease from an!erior i!ui!ar%Dopamine#Prolactin"inhibitinghormone$6. or D-86oamine neurons of !he arcua!e nuc"eus-nhibi! ro"ac!in re"ease from an!erior i!ui!ar%%ro&th"hormone"releasing hormoneG8>82euroendocrine neurons of !he .rcua!e nuc"eus1!imu"a!e (ro#!h:hormone (G8) re"ease from an!erior i!ui!ar%%onadotropin"releasing hormoneGn>8 or F8>82euroendocrine ce""s of!heDreo!ic area1!imu"a!e fo""ic"e:s!imu"a!in( hormone (718) re"ease from an!erior i!ui!ar%1!imu"a!e "u!eini/in( hormone (F8) re"ease from an!erior i!ui!ar%Somatostatin *+0,#gro&th"hormone"inhibiting hormone$11, G8-8, or1>-72euroendocrine ce""s of!heDeri$en!ricu"ar nuc"eus-nhibi! (ro#!h:hormone (G8) re"ease from an!erior i!ui!ar%-nhibi! (modera!e"%) !h%roid:s!imu"a!in( hormone (T18) re"ease from an!erior i!ui!ar%'!her hormones secre!ed from !he median eminence inc"ude $asoressin, o4%!ocin, and neuro!ensin&*+3,*+5,*+8 is inhibi!ed&The h%o!ha"amus is resonsi$e !oC Fi(h!C da%"en(!h and ho!oeriod for re(u"a!in( circadian and seasona" rh%!hms '"fac!or% s!imu"i, inc"udin( heromones 1!eroids, inc"udin( (onada" s!eroids and cor!icos!eroids 2eura""% !ransmi!!ed informa!ion arisin( in ar!icu"ar from !he hear!, !he s!omach, and !he reroduc!i$e !rac! .u!onomic inu!s 9"ood:borne s!imu"i, inc"udin( "e!in, (hre"in, an(io!ensin, insu"in, i!ui!ar% hormones, c%!okines, "asma concen!ra!ions of ("ucose and osmo"ari!% e!c& 1!ress -n$adin( microor(anisms b% increasin( bod% !emera!ure, rese!!in( !he bod%Ks !hermos!a! u#ard&'lactory stimuli*edi!,'"fac!or% s!imu"i are imor!an! for se4ua" reroduc!ion and neuroendocrine func!ion in man% secies&7or ins!ance if a re(nan! mouse is e4osed !o !he urine of a Ks!ran(eK ma"e durin( a cri!ica" eriod af!er coi!us !hen !he re(nanc% fai"s (!he 9ruce effec!)& Thus, durin( coi!us, a fema"e mouse forms a recise Ko"fac!or% memor%K of her ar!ner !ha! ersis!s for se$era" da%s& Dheromona" cues aid s%nchronisa!ion of oes!rus in man% seciesJ in #omen, s%nchronised mens!rua!ion ma% a"so arise from heromona" cues, a"!hou(h !he ro"e of heromones in humans is disu!ed&)lood"borne stimuli*edi!,De!ide hormones ha$e imor!an! inf"uences uon !he h%o!ha"amus, and !o do so !he% mus! ass !hrou(h !he b"oodHbrain barrier& The h%o!ha"amus is bounded in ar! b% secia"i/ed brain re(ions !ha! "ack an effec!i$e b"oodHbrain barrierJ !he cai""ar% endo!he"ium a! !hese si!es is fenes!ra!ed !o a""o# free assa(e of e$en "ar(e ro!eins and o!her mo"ecu"es& 1ome of !hese si!es are !he si!es of neurosecre!ion : !he neuroh%oh%sis and !he median eminence& 8o#e$er, o!hers are si!es a! #hich!he brain sam"es !he comosi!ion of !he b"ood& T#o of !hese si!es, !he 17' (subfornica" or(an) and !he 'EFT (or(anum $ascu"osum of !he "amina !ermina"is) are so:ca""ed circum$en!ricu"ar or(ans, #here neurons are in in!ima!e con!ac! #i!h bo!h b"ood and ;17& These s!ruc!ures are dense"% $ascu"ari/ed, and con!ain osmorece!i$e and sodium:rece!i$e neurons !ha! con!ro"drinkin(, $asoressin re"ease, sodium e4cre!ion, and sodium ae!i!e& The% a"so con!ain neurons #i!h rece!ors for an(io!ensin, a!ria" na!riure!ic fac!or, endo!he"in and re"a4in, each of #hich imor!an! in !he re(u"a!ion of f"uid and e"ec!ro"%!e ba"ance& 2eurons in !he 'EFT and 17' ro)ec! !o !he surao!ic nuc"eus and ara$en!ricu"ar nuc"eus, and a"so !o reo!ic h%o!ha"amic areas& The circum$en!ricu"ar or(ans ma% a"so be !he si!e of ac!ion of in!er"eukins !o e"ici! bo!h fe$er and .;T8 secre!ion, $ia effec!s on ara$en!ricu"ar neurons&*citation needed,-! is no! c"ear ho# a"" e!ides !ha! inf"uence h%o!ha"amic ac!i$i!% (ain !he necessar% access& -n !he case of ro"ac!in and "e!in, !here is e$idence of ac!i$e u!ake a! !he choroid "e4us from !he b"ood in!o !he cerebrosina" f"uid (;17)& 1ome i!ui!ar% hormones ha$e a ne(a!i$e feedback inf"uence uon h%o!ha"amic secre!ionJ for e4am"e, (ro#!h hormonefeeds back on !he h%o!ha"amus, bu! ho# i! en!ers !he brain is no! c"ear& There is a"so e$idence for cen!ra" ac!ions of ro"ac!in&*citation needed,7indin(s ha$e su((es!ed !ha! !h%roid hormone (T5) is !aken u b% !he h%o!ha"amic ("ia" ce""s in !he infundibu"ar nuc"eusI median eminence, and !ha! i! is here con$er!ed in!o T3b% !he !%e 0 deiodinase (60)& 1ubseLuen! !o !his, T3 is !ransor!ed in!o !he !h%ro!roin:re"easin( hormone (T>8):roducin( neurons in !he ara$en!ricu"ar nuc"eus& Th%roid hormone rece!ors ha$e been found in !hese neurons, indica!in( !ha! !he% are indeed sensi!i$e !o T3 s!imu"i& -n addi!ion, !hese neurons e4ressed B;T@, a !h%roid hormone!ransor!er, suor!in( !he !heor% !ha! T3 is !ransor!ed in!o !hem& T3 cou"d !hen bind !o !he !h%roid hormone rece!or in !hese neurons and affec! !he roduc!ion of !h%ro!roin:re"easin( hormone, !hereb% re(u"a!in( !h%roid hormone roduc!ion&*+@,The h%o!ha"amus func!ions as a !%e of !hermos!a! for !he bod%&*+N, -! se!s a desired bod% !emera!ure, and s!imu"a!es ei!her hea! roduc!ion and re!en!ion !o raise !he b"ood !emera!ure !o a hi(her se!!in( or s#ea!in( and $asodi"a!ion !o coo" !he b"ood !o a "o#er !emera!ure& ."" fe$ers resu"! from a raised se!!in( in !he h%o!ha"amusJ e"e$a!ed bod% !emera!ures due !o an% o!her cause are c"assified as h%er!hermia&*+N, >are"%, direc! dama(e !o !he h%o!ha"amus, such as from a s!roke, #i"" cause a fe$erJ !his is some!imes ca""ed a hypothalamic feer& 8o#e$er, i! is more common for such dama(e !o cause abnorma""% "o# bod% !emera!ures&*+N,Steroids*edi!,The h%o!ha"amus con!ains neurons !ha! reac! s!ron("% !o s!eroids and ("ucocor!icoids H (!he s!eroid hormones of !he adrena" ("and, re"eased in resonse !o .;T8)& -! a"so con!ains secia"i/ed ("ucose:sensi!i$e neurons (in !he arcua!e nuc"eus and $en!romedia" h%o!ha"amus), #hich are imor!an! for ae!i!e& The reo!ic area con!ains !hermosensi!i$e neuronsJ !hese are imor!an! for T>8 secre!ion&Neural*edi!,'4%!ocin secre!ion in resonse !o suck"in( or $a(ino:cer$ica" s!imu"a!ion is media!ed b% some of !hese a!h#a%sJ $asoressin secre!ion in resonse !o cardio$ascu"ar s!imu"i arisin( from chemorece!ors in !he caro!id bod% and aor!ic arch, and from "o#:ressure a!ria" $o"ume rece!ors, is media!ed b% o!hers& -n !he ra!, s!imu"a!ion of !he $a(ina a"so causes ro"ac!in secre!ion, and !his resu"!s in seudo:re(nanc% fo""o#in( an infer!i"e ma!in(& -n !he rabbi!, coi!us e"ici!s ref"e4 o$u"a!ion& -n !he shee, cer$ica" s!imu"a!ion in !he resence of hi(h "e$e"s of es!ro(en can induce ma!erna" beha$ior in a $ir(in e#e& These effec!s are a"" media!ed b% !he h%o!ha"amus, and !he informa!ion is carried main"% b% sina" a!h#a%s !ha! re"a% in !he brains!em& 1!imu"a!ion of !he ni"es s!imu"a!es re"ease of o4%!ocin and ro"ac!in and suresses !he re"ease of F8 and 718&;ardio$ascu"ar s!imu"i are carried b% !he $a(us ner$e& The $a(us a"so con$e%s a $arie!% of $iscera" informa!ion, inc"udin( for ins!ance si(na"s arisin( from (as!ric dis!ension or em!%in(, !o suress or romo!e feedin(, b% si(na""in( !he re"ease of "e!in or (as!rin, resec!i$e"%& .(ain !his informa!ion reaches !he h%o!ha"amus $ia re"a%s in !he brains!em&-n addi!ion h%o!ha"amic func!ion is resonsi$e !oSand re(u"a!ed b%S"e$e"s of a"" !hree c"assica" monoamine neuro!ransmi!!ers, noradrena"ine, doamine, and sero!onin (& "'$er$ie# of 8%o!ha"amic and Di!ui!ar% 8ormones"& >e!rie$ed < 'c!ober0P+5&++& +ump up , Be"med 1, Wameson WF (0PP