Annexure - University of as per...

Annexure --B.Z Copy of approval of Statutory Authorities for all SLM β′

Transcript of Annexure - University of as per...

Annexure --B.Z

Copy of approval of Statutory Authorities for all SLM


F‖ e Ref No 63265/SDE‐ H‐ASST-1/201 νttmn



Sぬ ool of Distance Educalon― Re∞gnibon of Programrrles● 綸bred under Cpen and Oisbnce Leaming mode‐ Approval

of sttldy nlalenals of BSc Programme trl Mahemaucs― Sanc10ned― orders issued ・

U O No 7944/2018/AdmnSchooI●fD`tance Edι icatbn

Dated,Ca‖ cut University P O,02072018

Read:-1) UGC Public notice F .NO 74-Bj2O17(DEIS 1V) Dtd 2112t2018 .

2) U.O.No. 5180/201 8/Admn Dated 26.04.201 8.3) Lr F.No.75- l/20L8(DEB-|V) Dtd 06-06-2018 from the UGC.4) U.O.No. 684 1 120 1 4/ Admn dated . 1 6.07.20 1 4..


The University Grant Commission ,vide reference cited first, directed the Higher EducationInstitutions intending to ofter Programmes through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode for theacademic year begining from July -2018 to apply afresh for recognition as per the UGC ODLRegulations 2C 17.

Vloe paper read second , ihe University issued orders speorfying the approval of the SLMs of ailProgrammes offered under Schooi of Distance Educ€tion.

Vide paper read third, the UGC has insisted to submit the cogy of approyal of Statutory Bodies ofall SLMS sep3rately.

Vide paper read as (4), the Scheme and Syllabus of B.Sc in Mathematics under CUCBCSS UG2014has been implemented in the University, w.e.f. 2014 Acjrrissions.

The University ( in compliance with the directions frorn UGC on the approvai of SLMs offered under'

SDE) furnishing the details of approved SLMS oifered lor the BSc. Prograrnme in Meti'lematics as

stated below .


SLMS of Common Cousrses in Enqlish

1) Transactions: Essential Engllsh Language Skills

2) ways With Words

3) Writing for Academic &Professional Success

4) Zeitgeist:Reading on C,onrtemporary culture

5) Signatures: Expressing the Self

6) Spectrum: Literature and Contemporary lssues

SLMS of Common courses Other than EnglishりArabicl)COmmunicalve sk‖s h Arabc2)Reading Arabic LleratureJTransiation

3)Reading Arabic Literature-1:4)Cuture and Civ‖izalonl‖)Maiaya:aml)Malayala Sahtthyam‐ 1

2)Malayala sahthyam― ‖

3)Malayala sahthyam‐ |‖

4)Maaya‖a sahthyam‐lVculture and TransiationSLMs ofCOMPLEMENTARY COURSES

ll) Hindi1) Prose and drama2) Grarnmar Correspondence and

3) Poetry in Hindi4) Novel and Short Stories

lV) Sanskrit1) Kavya Literature and Applied Grammar2) Prose and Applied Grammar3) Drama and Alankara4) History of Sanskrit Literature, Kerala '

1 )Mathematical Economics 2)Basic Statistics and probability (l Sem)

1)Mathematical Economics 2) probabilityDistiibutions ([Sem)1)Mathematical Econcn:ics 2)Statisticai lnterence (lii Sem)

1) Applied Statistics 2) Mathematcai Economics (tV)


1 .Foundations of Mathematics- I scnlesisr2.Calculus- ll semester3.Calculus and Analytic Geometry - lll semester4.Theory of Equations, Matr.ices and Vector Calculus - IV sernester5.Differential Equatioas - V semester6.Vector Calculus- V semesterT.Abstract Algebra - V semester8.Bas(c Mathematical Analysis- V semester9.Number Theory and Linear Aigebla- Vl semester'10. Real Analysis - Vl semester

'! l. Complex Analysis- Vl semester

12. Numerical Methods - Vl sernester

SLMs of Elective courses'1 . Graph Theory

2. Linear Programming and Game Theory

The Mce Chancellor after having examined the matter in detail, in exercising the powers vestedupon as per Calicut UniveJsity Act'1975 - Se-ction 10 (13) , accorded sanction-for aiproval olthe study,naierials prepared for B.Sc Programrne in Matiremati'qs ofiereC under Schooi of Diiiance Educationas detailed abcve, subject to ratification Lry Thg Acc65.r.lic Council.

Orders are issued aacordingly

"{ilr- Geetha M.P.

Deputy RegistrarTo

The Concerned

Copy to.-P S to V. C/PA to PVC/pA ro Regiskar/pA to C 9SF/FC

Fonrvarded / By Order

Section Officer

F‖ e Ref No 63265/SDE― H― ASST‐ 1/201

Sctroot of Distance Education-Recogni6on or rrogra.*ffoo.d under open and Distance Leaming mode -Approva!

ofs[]dy mai,.rials of M-A. Programrne in Economics- Sanclioned- orders issued '

U O No 7974/2013/AdmnScho● lof DLtance Educatlon

Dated,Ca cut Un市 e「sty P Ot02 07 2018




静1蝋挿聯堡ぽ胸!緋獅ま猟ギ塞制::L講窮鰹蠣P諫 椒 f悧 端 嘗 Ъ層2n雷雪

°d∝¨ rd“ 鴫 he叩

「"J J tt SLMsJ訓cation_

Vlde paper read third,the UCC hasinsisted to submitthe∞ py of app「 oval of Statutory Bodies of a‖

SLMs separately

Vlde paper read fourth,the Scheme and sy‖ bi ofthe M A Programme in Econonnics has been

implemented"ヽ the University


SLMs OF l MA ECONOM:CSPAPER卜 MicroE∞ nomicTheoryPAPER‖―Development:ssues Oflndian EconomyPAPER‖ 1-Quanltauve MethOds



測       uN


基 縛i弾醐 lTI舗割熙語∬暴薯Jemic Counc‖

Ordё rs are issued accordingly

鰍瀞Deputy Registrar

ToThe Concerned

c,opy to.-P s to v. c/PA to FVC/PA to Registrar/PA to C E/SF/FC

Forwarded / By Order

Section Officer


施       Ш



School of Dislance Education-Recognition of Prcgrammes offered under Cpen and Distance Leaming mode -Approval

ofsurdy materials of MA. Prog.amme in English- Sanctioned- orders issued

School●f DIstance=ducat● n

U O No 7962/2018/Admn Dated,Ca‖ cut University P O,02072018

Readi-1)UGC Pub輌 c nolce F N0 74-8/2017(DEiS lヽ 9 Dtd 21/2/20182)U O No 5180/2018/Admn Dated,Ca‖ cut University P O.260420183)F No 75-1/20L8(DEB iV)Dtd 06-06-20184)U O No GA1/B2/5893/2001 Dtd 31-05-2002


The University Crant Cornmission,vlde reference cited l「 st,directed the H19her Educatton lnsututtOris

intending to ofFe「 Programmes through Open arld Distance Learning(ODL)mode fOrthe academicyear begining from」 uly-2018 to apply afresh for recognitlon as pert「 :e UGC ODL Regt.lations 201 7

Ⅵde paperread second Unive「 sity issued orde「 s specifying the approval of the SLMS of a l

Pro9「 ammes offered under School of Distance Educatton

Vide paper read third UCC has insisted to subnlitthe● opy of approval of Statutory Bodies of a‖

SLMs separately

Vide University Orderfourth the Scheme and Sy‖ abus of M A Programmein EngMshimplementedin the University

The Un市 ersity(n cOmp‖ ance with the d rections from UCC orlthe approval of SLMs o「 ered under

SDE)furniShing the deta‖ s of SLMs of M A Programmein Eng‖ sh as stated below



Paper‖ ―BRITISH LITERATURE SURVEY:(From the age of Chauserto the Romanuc age)

Paper‖ l― BRITISH LITERATURE SURVEY:(Fro市 the Vlcto「ian age to 1940)

Paper lV‐ SHAKESPEARE(Optiona‖ )








Theヽ■ce Chance‖ or after having examined the matterin deta‖ ,in exercising the powers vested


Orders are issued accoidingly



Deputy Registrar

The Concerned

Copy to.-P S to V. C/PA tc PVC/PA to Registrar/PA to C SSF/FC

Forwarded / By Order

SeJiion Officer r

F‖ e Ref No 63265/SDE― H―ASST‐ 1/201

School of Distance Education-Recognition of Programmes offered under Open and Dislance Leaming mode -Approval

of study maErials of MA. ProgEmme in Political Science- Sanctoned- orders issued .

じ O No 7975/2018/AdmnSchoo:♂ Dlstance Educatlon

Dated,CaHcut Universlty P O,02072018

Readil) UGC Public notice F.NO 74-812017( DEIS 1V) Otd 211212018 .

2) U.O.No. 51 80/20 1 8/Admn Dated, Calicut University.P.O, 26.04.20'18.3) Lr. F.No. 7S l/20L8(DEB-|V) Dtd 06-06-2018.4).U.O.No. 6165/2016/Admn Dated, 13.05.2016.


The University Grant Commission ,vide reference cited first, directed the Higher.Ed-ucation lnstitutionsintending to offer Programmes through open and Distance Learning (oq!l Tqd_e foj the.academicyear bejining frorn Ju-ly -2018 to apfty afresh for recognition as per the UGC ODL Regulations 2017.

vde paper read second , the University issued orders specifying the approval of the sLMs of ail

Programmes offered.under School of Distance Education.

Mde paper read thirc, ucc has insisted to submit the copy of approval of statutory Bodies of all

SLMs separately.

Mde paper read fourth above,orders were issued implementing , the revised scheme & syllabus ofM.A.Political Science under School of Distance Education Programme.

The University ( in coripliance with the directions from UGC on the approval of SLMS offered under

SDE) furnishing the details of sLMs in M.A. Programme in Political science as stated below.


Paper I Modern Political Analysis and Political Sociology

Paper 2 Modern lndian Social and Political Thought

Paper 3 lndian Government and Politics

Paper 4 Theories and Concepts of Public Administration

Semester ll

Paper 5 Research MethodologY

Paper 6 Political Theory: Liberal Tradition

Paper 7 lssues in lndian Politics

Paper 8 Comparative Poiitics

Semester lll

Paper I Political Theory : Matxian Traciition

Paper 1O Theories and Concepts of lnternational Politics

Paper 11 Human Rights in lndia

Paper 12lssues ln lndian Administration

Semester lV

Paper 13 State and Society in Kerala

Paper 14 lssues in lnternational Politics

Paper 15India's Foreign Policy


開一         UN

Paper 16 Development Administration and Peoples planning

Paget 17 Ancient and Medieval Political Thought

The Vice Chancellor, after having examineci the matter In detail, in exercising the powers vestedupon as per Calicut University Act'1975 - Se_ction 10 (13) , accorded sanction for apiroval of the studymaterials prepared for M A. Prograrnme in Political Science offered under School of DisianceEduoation as detailed above, sulr.ject to raiiflcation by The Accademic Council.

. Orders are issued accordingiy l:f/{ht/Gee'thd M P

Deputy Registrar

ToThe Concerned

Copy to.-P S to V. C/PA tc PVC/PA tc Registrar/pA tc C 9SF/FC

Forwarded / By Order

Section Orf,cer

F‖ e Ref No 63265/SDE‐ H―ASST-1/2018/

School of Dislanc€ Educalion-Recognitjon of Programmes offered under Open and Distance Leaming mode -Approval

ofstudy materials of MA Progaarnrne in Sanskrit- Sanciioned- orders ilsued .

U O No 7970/2018/AdmnSchool●f Dttance Educatお n

Dated,Ca‖ cut Universlty P O,02072018

Readil) UGC Public notice F.NO 74-812017( DEIS 1V) Dtd 2112120182) U.O.No. 51 80/20'l 8/Admn Dated, 26.04.20 1 8.3) Lr. F.No. 75- I /2018(DE&|V) Dtd 06-06-2018 from the UGC.4) U.O.No.4187/2014ladmn Dtd 25lO4l2O1 45) U.O.No.85al201 s/Admn Dtd 28101 l2O1 5.


The University Grant commission ,vide reference cited first, directed the Higher Education -

lnstitutions intending to offer Programmes through Open and Distance Learning (ODL)-m-ode for the

academic year begi-ning from Jult -2018 to apply afresh for recognition as per the UGC ODLRegulations 2017.

Vide paper read second , the university issued orders specirying the approval of the sLMs of all

Programmes oifered under School of Distance Education.

Vide paper read third, the UGC has insisted to submit the mpy of approval of Statutory Bodies of all

SLMs separately.

Mde Paper read fourth above, the scheme and Syllabi of Id.A. Programme in sanskrit (General)

has been impiementecj in the University frcm 2014 admission onwards.

vde paper read fifth above the Scheme and syllabi of M.A. Programme in sanskrit (sahithya) hasbeen implemented in the University from 2015 admission onwards-

The University ( in compliance with the directions from UGC on the approval.of SLMs offered underSDE) furnishingihe details of sLMs offered for the M A Programme in sanskrit as stated below .


Pape l-Poetry and Poetics-l

Paper ll -Prose and Drama

Paper lll-Manuscriptology

Paper lV -Nyaya and Vyakarana -l

Paper V-Poetics-ll

Paper Vl-Poetics-lll

Paper Vll-Poetics lV

Paper Vlll-Poetics V

Paper lX-Nyaya and VYakarana-!!

Paper X-Nirukta and Mimamsa


PaperXll-Poetics Vl

Paper xlll-Elements of lndian Philosophy

Paperxlv-Traditional Sanskrit Theatre of Kerala

Paper)O/-Comparative Linguistics

PaperX/l-Comparative Literary Theories


罵        UN

PaperXVll-General Essay


Pape:' l- Poetry and

Paper ll- Dramaturgy

Paper lll - Mahabhashya and NiruKa

Paper lV Elements of lnoian Philosophy

Paper V - Dhanyaloka and V)r'aktiviveka

Paper Vl -Sinddhantha Kaun-udi

Paper Vll - Vakrokttli'/iia

Paper Vlll - Comparative Linguistics

Paper lX

Paper X

Paper Xl

Paper Xll

Paper Xlll

Paper XIV

Paper XV

Paper: )(\/l

Paper X/llThe Vice chancellor, after ha!:ng examined the matier in detail, ir exercising the powers vested

upon as per calicut univ,srsiiy Aci'1975 - section 10 ('13) , acmrded sanction foi app;oval of the studymaterials prenared for M A. Programme in Sanskrit offe.ed under schooi of Distancb Education asdetailed above, subject to ratificaiion by The Accademic Council.

Orders are issued accordingly.



Forwarded / By Order

Section Officer



Dvanyaloka(ll and lU

Ancient lndian Science and Technology

Nyaya and Mimamsa



Comparative Literary Theory

General Essay

ToP Sto V αPAto PVC′ PAlo RegistraげPAto C WSF/FC














School of Distance Education-Recogniton of Programmes ofiered under Open and Distance Leaming mode -Approval

of shrdy materials of M Com Programme -Sanclioned- o!'ders issued

U O No 7977/2018/Ad mnSch●●l●f Distance Educatbn

Dated,Ca‖cut Universlty P_0,02072018

Readi-1)UGC Pub‖ c nolce F N0 74-8/2017(DEIS lや つdated 21/2/2018

2)U O No 5180/2013/Admn Dated,260420183)L「 F No 75‐ 1/20L8(DEB IⅥ dated o6-06-20184)U O No 8965/2015/Adnin Dated 20/03/2015


The Un市 ersity Grant Commission,vide reference cked irst,d rected the H19her Educatton insttuttonsintending to offer Pro9rammes through Open and Distance Learning(ODL)mode fOrthe academicyear beglning from」 uly-2018 to apply afresh for recognition as perthe UGC ODL Regulations 2017

Ⅵde paperread second,the University issued o「 ders specifying the app「 o、ねlof the SLMs ofa‖

Programmes offered under School of Distance Education

Ⅵde paperread third,the UGC hasinsisted to submitthe copy Of app「 oval of Statutory Bodles of a‖

SLMs separately

・ Ⅵde pap…ad bunh SanttOn has been a:『鰤譜{ぶ諸脇嘲:R竃」置げ齋肥計e

Regulatlons,Scheme and Sy abifor MCom P「

(SDE)w ef 2015-16 academic year onwarcs

The University(in COmpliance輛 th the directions from UGC on the approval of SLMs offered under

SDE)furniShing the deta‖ s of SLMsln MCom Programme as stated below

SLMs OF:M.ComSenlesteriPAPER l l-3usiness Envi「 onmentPAPER 1 2‐ Quantlauve Techniques fbr Business DecisionsPAPER 1 3-Accounung fbr Managerial DecisionsPAPER 1 4-:T Applicalon in CommercePAPER 1 5‐ 0「ganizational Theory and Behaviour


PAPER 2 1‐ lnternalonal SuisinessPAPER 2:2‐ Advanced Co「po「ate Accounting

PAPER 2 3-Business CommunicatlonsPAPER 2 4-Management SciencePAPER 2 5‐ Strategic Management and Co「 po「ate Governance _‖M.ComSerrlester‖ :





y Su:口,chanattdLよ釧“

ManagementELECT:VE!‖ Strategic FinaOcial Management


ELECTIVE IV Tax Planning and Management(Finance)/SerViCe Markettng(Markeing)

The Vce Chance‖ or after having examined the matterin deta‖ ,in exercising the powers vested

upon as per Cancut university Act'1975-Section 1 0(13),accOrded sanction for approval ofthe study


materials prepareC for Mfum Programme offered under School of Distance Education as detailedabove, subject to ratification by The Accademic Councii.

Orders are issued accordlngly

G鰍/Deputy Registrar

The Concerned

Copy to.-P S to V. C/PA to PVC/PA to Registrar/PA to C FJSFIFC

Forwarded / By Order

Section Officer


F‖ e Ref No 63265/SDE― H―ASST‐ 1/201

School of Distance Educalion-Recognition of Programmes offered under Open and Distance Leaming mode -Approvalof study materials of MSc ProglErnme i. Mathematics Sanctioned- orders issued


躙        uN

Sch●ol of Dお tance Educatお n

Dated,Callcut Universlty P O,02072018U O No 7966/2018/Admn

Read:‐ 1)UGC Public nouce F N0 74-8/2017(DEiS lVЭ Dated 21/2/20182)U O No 5180/20181鑢mn Dated,260420183)F No 75-1/20L8(DEレ :Ⅵ Dtd 06‐ 06‐20184)U ONo GA― 1/」 1/1472/93 Dtd 16‐ 11-1994


The University Grant Commisslon,vide refe「 ence cled frst,directed the H19her Educalon lns‖ tutlonsintending to oTer Programmes through Open and Distance Learning(ODL)mode fOrthe academicyear begining from」 uly-2018 to apply afresh fo「 recognition as perthe UGC ODL Regulations 2017

Ⅵde paper read second University issued orders specifying the approval of the SLMs of a‖Programmes offered under School of Distance Education

Ⅵde paper「ead third U(〕 C has insisted to submitthe copy Of approval of statutory BOdies of a‖SLMs separately

VdeUniversity o「derread fourth Sanction has been aoα Drded bythe Ⅵce Chance‖ o「 forimplemenhng the RegulaJons,Scheme and Sy‖ abifor MSc Mathemal“ ln the University

The Universiけ (in COmphance wlh the directions from UGC on the approval of SLMも offered under

SDE)furniShing the deta‖ s of SLMsin MSc Pro9ramme in Mathemalcs as stated below





The Ⅵce Chance‖ o「 after having examined the matterin dota‖ ,in exercising the powers vestedupon as per Ca‖ cut Universiv A鎖 '1975-Section 1 0(13),a∝ orded sanction for approval ofthe studymaterials prepared for MSc Programme in Mathematics ofered under School of Distance Educationas deta‖ ed abcve,sublect to ratincation by The Accademi● Cbunc‖

Orders are issued accordingly


ヽ 第

Deputy Registrar

ToThe Concerned

Copy to.-P S to V. C/PA tc pVC/pA to Registfar/p/\ to C ZStr/FC

Foiwarded / By O.cjer

Section Oficer

Annexure-B3Copy of approval of StatutoryAuthorities for all PPR


F‖ e Ref No 47926/SDE― A―ASST-2/2018/Admn(1)



Sいool of Dis● nce Educa5on― Programme Proled Reportfor Bachelor of Sdence in Maulemaucs prOgramme for uleacademicyear2018‐ 19-approved_Orders issued

Schoo:of Distance Educatお n

Dated,Ca‖cut University P O,02072018

Readil) UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017 dated 23.06.2017.2) University Order No.684 1/2014/Admn dated 16.07 .2C113) Crders of the Vice chancelor dated 14.06.2018 in the fite 47926/SDE-A-ASST_2l2O18lAomn


As per the reference read(1), th3 University Grants Commission(UGC) has pubtished UGC(Open

and Distance Learning) Regulations- 2017 in the OfFicial Gazette of the Government of lndia on

- 23.06.2017. As per these regulations, the UGC has directed all Higher Educational lnstitutions toprcparc a detailed Programme Project Report for each programme proposed to be offered from the

academic session beginning on July 20'18.

As per the reference read(2), the Syllabus for the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics programnre

has been implemented in the University.

As per the guidelines given in Annexure lX of the UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017, detaileci

Programme Project Report for the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics programme for the academic

session beginning on July 2018 is prepared and submitted to the Mce Chancellor.

After examining the matter in detail, the Vice Chancellor , in exercising the powers vested upon him

as per Section 10( 13) of the Calicut University Act -1975 granted approval for the Programme Project

Report for the Bachelor of Science in Mathematiasprogramme, subject to ratification by the Academic


Orders are issued accordingly.


欧電8案ヽ P= 8ヽ漫旨鬱Ъ瀧 :ζτForwarded / By Order

Section Officer

U O No 7950/2018/Admn

占ル7虚 gistrar




F‖ e Ref No 47926/SDE― A―ASST-2/2018/Admn(1)



Scho●l of Disbn∝ Educalon Programme Project Reportfor Master ofArS in E∞ nomics programme fOr ule academicyear 2018‐19-approved_Ordersissued

U O No 7952/2018/AdmnSchoo!of DEtance Educatbn

Dated,Ca‖ cut University P O,02072018

Read:-1) UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017 dated 23.06.2017 .

2) University Order No.cA lVlB2l4114l2O1O dated 19.08.20103) Orders of the Mce chancellor dated 14.06.2018 in the file 47926/SDE-A-ASST-212018lAdnn.


As per the reference read(l), the University Grants Commission(UGC) has published UGC(Open

and Distance Learning) Regulations 2017 in th,e Official Gazefte of the Government of lndia on

23.06.2017. As per these regulations, the UGC has directed all Higher Educational institutions to

pteparc a detalled Programme Project Report for each programme proposed to be offered from the

academic session beginning on July 2018.

As per the reference read(2), the Syllabus for the Master of Arts in Economics programme has

been implemented in the University.

As per the guidelines given in Annexure lX of the UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017, detailed

Programme Pro.iect Report for the Master of Arts in Economics programme for the academic session

beginning on July 2018 is prepared and submitted to the Vice Chancellor.

After examining the matter in detail, the Vice Chancellor , in exercising the powers vested upon him

as per Section 10(13) of the Calicut UniversityAct -1975 granted approval for the Programme Project

Report for the Master of Arts in Economics programme, subject to ratification by the Academic


Orders are issued accordingly.



Deputy Registrar

ToThe UGC―DEBCopytoI PS to VC/PAto PVC/PA to Registrar/PAto CE/PAto F O/Stock F‖ e/SDE VVebste

Forwarded / By Order

Secdon Officer


F‖ e Ref No 47926/SDE― A―ASST‐ 2/2013/Admn(1)



School of Disbnce Educalon― Programme Proled Reportfor Master of Arts in Eng‖ sh programme for he academicyear 2018-19-approved_orders issued

U O No 7953/2018/AdmnSchooi of Distance Educatlon

Dated,Calicut University P o,o2072018

Read:-1) UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017 dated 23.06.2017 .

2) University Order No.GA lV/82l5893/2001 dated 31.05.20023)Orders of the Vice Chancellor dated 14.06.2018 in the f,le 47926/SDE-A-ASST-2l2O18lAdmn


As per the reference read(1), the University Grants Commission has published UGC(Open and

Distance Learning) Regulations'2o17 in the Official Gazette of the Government of lndia on 23.06.2017.

As per these regulatlons, the. UGC has directed all Higher Educational lnstitutions to prepare a

detailed Programme Project Report for each programme proposed to be offered from the academic

session beginning on July' 2018.

As per the reference read(2), the Syllabus for the Master of Arts ln English programme has been

implemented in the University.

As per the guidelines given in Annexure lX of the UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017, detailed

Programme Project Report for the Master of Arts in English programme fcr the academic session

beginning on July ' 2018 is prepared and submitted to the Mce Chanc€llor.

After examining the mafter in detail, the Vice Chancellor , in exercising the powers vested upon him

as per Section 10(13) of the Calicut University Act -1975 granted approval for the Programme Project

Report for the Master of Arts in English programme, sub.iect to ratification by the Acadeniic Council.

Orders are issued accordingty.

G熱√Deputy Registrar

The UGC― DEBCopy to:PSto VC/PA to PVC/PA to Registrar/PA to CE/PAto F O/Stock File/SDE Website

Forwarded / By Order

Section OfFicer



F‖ e Ref No 47926/SDE― ん ASST‐ 2/2018/Admn(1)

AbstractScLool of Dislance Educ€tion- Programme Project Report ilr Masier of Arts in Political Science programme for tleacademic year 2018-19- approved- orders issued

U O No 7959/2018/AdhnSchool●f Dttallce Educatbn

Dated,Ca‖cut Universlty P O,02072018

Read:-1) UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017 dated 23.06.2017.2) Orders of the Mce Chancellor dated 14.06.2018 in the file 47926/SDE-A-ASST-2l2O18lAdmn


As per the reference read(1), the University Grants Cornmission has published UGC(Open and

Distance Learning) Regulations '2017 in the Official Gazette of the Government of lndia on

23.06.2017. p'S per these regulations, the UGC has directed all Higher Educational lnstitutions lo

prepate a detailed Programme Project Report for each programme proposed to be ofFered from the

academic session beginning on July' 20'18.

As per the reference read(2), the Syllabus for the Master of Arts in Polltical Science programme

has been implemented in the University.

As per the guidellnes given in Annexure lX of the UGC(ODL) Regulations '2A17, detailed

Programme Project Report for the Master of Arts in Political Scienc.e programme for the academic

session beginning on July'2018 is prepared and submitted to the Mce Chancellor.

After examining the mjtter in detail, the Mce Chancellor , in exercising the powers vested upon him

as per Section 10(13) of the Calicut University Act -1975 granted approval for the Programme Project

Report for the Master of Arts in Political Science programme, subject to raiification by the Academic


Orders are issued accordingly.

Deputy Registrar

The UCC― DEBCopy to:PSto VC/PAto PVC/PA to Registrar/PAto CE/PAto F Oノ Stock F‖ e/SDE Webske

Forwarded / By Order

Section Officer




F‖ e Ref No 47926/SDE― A―ASST-2/2013/Admn(1)


School of Distanc€ Educa[on- Programme ero1"a Auffii* ruaster of Arts inyear 2018-19- approved- orders issued

Sansklt programme ttlr ule academic

UO.No 7960/2018/AdmnScho● :●f DLtance Educatlon

Dated,Cancut unive「sity P O,02072018

Readi-1)UGC(ODL)Regulations 2017 dated2)OrderS Ofthe Mce Chance‖ o「 dated2/2018/Ad mn

2306201714 06 2018in the ile 47926/SDE― A ASST―


As per the reference read(1), the University Grants Commission has published UGC(Open and

Distance Learning) Reguiations' 2017 in the Official Gazette of the Government of lndia on

23.06.2017. As per these regulations, the UGC has directed all Higher Educational lnstitutions to

orepare a detailed Programme Project Repoit for each programme proposed to be ofFered from the

academic session beginning on July'2018.

As per the reference read(2), the Syllabus for the Master of Arts in Sanskrit programme has been

implemented in the University.

As per the guidelines given in Annexure lX of the UGC(ODL) Regulations' 2017, det;iled

Programme Project Report for the Master of Arts in Sanskrit programme for the academic session

beginning on July 2018 is prepared and submitted to the Vice Chancellor.

After examining the mafter in detail, the Vice Chancellor, in exercising the powers vested upon him

as per Seciion 10(13) of the Calicut UniversityAct -1975 granted approval for the Programme Project

Report for the Master of Arts in Sanskrit programme, subject to ratification by the Academic Council.

Orders are issued accordingly.


Deputy Registrar

ToThe UGC‐ DEBCopy to:PS to VC/PA to PVC/PA to Re9istrar/PAto CE/PAto F O/Stock F‖ e/SDEヽVebste

Forwarded / By Order

Section Officer

F‖ e Ref No 47926ノ SDE―A―ASST-2/2018/Admn(1)



School of Dis● nce Educalon‐ Programme Prolect Report br Master of Commerce progremme for he academic year

2018‐ 19‐ approved‐ Orders issued

U O No 7968/2018/AdmnSch●●:●f DEtance Educatbn

Dated,Ca‖cut Universily P o,02072018

Readjll UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017 dated 23.06.2017 .

2) University Order No.8965/201s/Admn dated 20.08.20153)Orders of the Vice Chancellor dated 14.06.2018 in the file 47926/SDE-A-ASST-212018lAdmn


As per the reference read(l), the University Grants Commission has published UGC(Open and

Distance Learning) Regulations 2017 in the Official Gazette of the Government of lndia on

23.06.2017. As per these regulations, the UGC has directed all Higher Educational lnstitutions to

prepare a detailed Programme Project Report for each programme proposed to be offered frorn the

academic session beginning on July 2018.

As per the reference read(2), the Syllabus for the Master of Commerce programme has been

implemented in the University.

As per the guidelines given in Annexure lX of the UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017, detailed

Programme Project Report for the Master of Commerce programme for the academic session

beginning on July 2018 is prepared and submitted to the Mce Chance:lor.

After examining the matter in detail, the Vice Chancellor, in exercising the powers vested upon him

as per Section 10(13) of the Calicut University Act -1975 granted approval for the Programme Project

Report for the Master of Commeroe programme, subject to ratmcation by the Academic Council.

Orders are issued accordingly.

Deputy Registrar

The UGC‐ DEBCopy to:PSto VC/PA to PVC/PA to Registrar/PAto CE/PAto F O/Stock F‖ e/SDE Webste

Forwarded / By Order

Section Officer




F‖ e RefNo 47926/SDE― A ASST-2/201877Admn(1)


' ‐ ′́ Abstract

School of Disbnce Educalon― Programme Prolect RepOrt for Master of Sdence

a∽lemiCrar2018-19‐ apprc veo_Orders issuedin Mathematics prog€mrne for fle

U O No 79712018/AdmnSchoo!of DIstance Educatbn

Dated,CaHcut University P O,0207.2018

Read:-1) UGC(ODL) Regulations 2017 dated 23.06.2011 .

2) Orders of the Mce Chancellor dated 14.06.2018 in the file 47926/SDE_A_ASST-2l2O18lAdmn


As per the referenc€ read(1), the university Grants commission has published UGC(open and

Distance Learning) Regulations' 2017 in the official Gazette of the Government of lndia on

23.06.2017. As per these regulations, the UGC has directed all Higher Educational Institutions toprepare a detailed Programme Project Report for each programme proposed to bg offered from theacadernic session beginning on July'2018.

As per the reference read(2), the Syllabus for the Masler of Science in Mathematics programme

has been implemented in the University.

As per the guidelines given in Annexure lx of the UGC(oDL) Regulations' 2o1l, detailed

Programme Project Report for the Master of Science in Mathematics programme for the academic

session beginning on July 2018 is prepared and submitted to the Vice Chancellor.

After examining the matter in detail, the Vice Chancellor , in exercising the powers vested upon him

as per Section 10(13) of the Calicut UniversityAct -1975 granted approval for the Programme project

Report for the Master of Science in Mathematics programme, subject to ratific€tion by the Academic


Orders are issued accordingly.

G鮒Deputy Regiskai


飲1き 撚 Lヽ賃駄遺騨鴇Ъ躙認:∬FoFwarded / By Order

Section Officer



側       u


school of Distance Education - Action^laken bf/ [,e ,"" "#*

ro, naving implemented he programme prolecls Reoo(sand self Leaming MaGrials for tle 12 Post Graduate & 14 uncer Graduate programmes ofered under schoot of DistanceEducalior exercising the powers vested upcn h!n1 as pe[ the calicu: un;versity Acl-1g75 -section .lo(13) - Ratified by heAcademic councir at its meeting herd on 18{7-18 ,item No- a eo - sanctineo -oroers -issued.

Sch●●1 0f DIstance E`ucatlonU O No 9820/2018/Admn

Dated,Cancut unive「sity P o,17082018

Read‐ l u o No5180/2018/Admn/dated26/4/20182 A』 inutes ofthe meeting Of Academic counc‖ vide item no a40 held on 18/7ノ 2018


翼齢Vi熟誌奮幾ギ蠣瀑轄語鋼群鞘轟 騰 鷺 :1驚

滞 悸 僻

焦p植需ξlti梶 7:∬18撃器11旨隅 i考躙::燈締l:器計1甜脂lY51露 l:留%′Ъ暁:82領8Ю

謡藤蹴i螺1明ぎi塞僣鰹 鮮螺詰『 闇器 臨 量T詭習亀∫¶搬智

G鮒′Deputy Registrar

ToPSto V C/P A to Re9istra「ISDE A Sec"on/sDE C Sedion/SDE K Section/SDE Enqulry/SF/FC

FoⅣarded/By Order

Seclion Offcer


Copy of Programme Project Report


Programme Project Report (PPR)for Distance Learning Programme

under School of Distance Education

]Bachelor Of Science in Mathemadcs

_ 2018“19

School of Distance EducationUniversity of CalicutMalappuram District

Kerala 673635



Bachclor of Science (Mathematics)


L. Programme's Mission and Objectives :

i. Mission

' B. Sc Mathematics prograulme involves basic studies ofthe subjects lying a strong foundation which would supportemployability as well as backgound for higher studies. AIso thisprogramme provides a good measure of flexibility and choice asper interest. Therefore, a significant increase of interest inMathematics has been grown among different disciplines as wellas other areas of life in recent past. With ftat spfuit in mind andkeeping the mission that to foster the analytical skills among thestudents, so that they develop the traits of being potentiallyemployable in their career, the School of Distance Education,University of Calicut, started under graduate Mathematics course.

ii. Objectives

> To attain proficiency in identifying, reflecting, evaluating,and applying different types of in-formation and knowledgeto form independent judgment.

> To provide better understanding of basic nrles of logic andenable the students to articulate the differences betweeninductive and deductive ieasoning.

> To provide proficiency in formulating conjectures byabstacting general principles from examples.

> To enable the students to formglate and solve abstractmathematical problems.


To enable the students to apply mathematical methodologies

in real-world problems.

To enable the students to present Mathematics clearly and

precisely to an audience, and to describe mathematical ideas

from multiple perspectives.

Relevance of the program with IIEI's Mission and Goals:

' The B. Sc Mathematics course has great relevance with the

Mission and Goal set by the University of Calicut. The primary aim ofthis programme is to acquaint the learners with the core values of life.After B. Sc Mathematics, the students shall be in a position to pursue

higher studies, depending upon their competence and knowledge inMathematics. The programme will also help the leamers to keep abreast

with the latest developments in Mathematics from national and

intemational stand points.

The objective of program is to produce graduates who are well grounded

in the fundamentals of Mathematics and acquisition of the necessary

skills, in order to use their knowledge in Mathematics in a wide range ofpractical application, develop creative thinking and the power ofimagination to enable graduates work in research in academia and

industry for broader application, accommodate their relevant fields inallied disciplines and to allow the gaduates of Mathematics to fit into the

inter-disciplinary environment.

Nature of prospective target group of learners:

The B. Sc Mathematics programme is in demand for large

number of human resource in various fields' This programme has been

welcomed by those who missed the opporufty for higher science

education. As per the needs of the leamers; the university has prepared

course curriculum of this progamme.

The prospective target goup of learners are :-

. Workingprofessionals




. Unemployed graduates

. Academic faculty

. Home makers

Appropriateness of programme to be conducted in Open andDistance Learuing mode to acquire specific skills and competence :

B. Sc Mathematics progamme will meet the learningaspiration for Mathematics by providing a chance to those who had todiscontinue their formal education or could not join regular colleges orUniversities owing to social, economic, and other constaints. It is 3 yearsprogramme. In the first two years, focus is on the basic papers inMathematics such as Foundations of Mathematics, Calculus, CalculusandAnalytic geomefy, and Theory of equations, matrices and vectorcalculus. In the third year, focus is on the skill-based papers includingAbstract algebra, Differential equations, Real analysii, -omplex anal"ysis,Numerical methods, Number theory an Linear algebra wtrlctr witt tretpthe students to prusue the higher studies in these topics.

_ Besides imparting theoretical knowledge, the Universityprovides the oppornrnity to the human resource, basically to those whoare financially backward and rural people to get a quality education inMathematics, which can fr:lfill the demand of the society.

Instructional Design :5

i) Curriculum Design

Sl Course Course TitleNo. Code

Int Ext.

Marks Marks 珈血』



First Year : Semestenl

ENG1A01 The Four Skills for 20 80Communication(Common Course




2 ENGlA02 Modern Prose& 20 80 .100 3Drama(COmmOn 'Collrse Ⅱ)

3 Language COurse 20 80 100 4

(COmmOn cOurse_ III)

.4 MElC01 Mahematica1 20 80 100 3. Econonllcs


5 Basic Statisics and 20 80 100 3


(COmpleme,t町Collrse) " .

6 MATlB01 Foundations of 20 80 100 4Mathematics(Core


TOta1 120 480 600 20

First Year:Selllester‐ II

7・ ENG2A03 1nspiring 20 80 100 4Expressions

(COmmOn cOwSeIV)

20 80 100 48 ENG2A04 Readings onSociety(CommOn ,Collrse V)

9 Language(3owse 20 80 100 4

(COmmOn cttSe


10 ME2C02 Madlematica1 20 80 100 3Economlcs


1l PrObability 20 80 100 3



12 MAT2B02 Calculus(COre 20 80 100 4(lourse)

Tota1 120 480 600 22

Second Year:Semester III

13 ENG3A05 Native Media in 20 80 100 4English(COmmOnCourse VII)

14 Language Course 20 80 100 4

(COmmOn cOurseVⅡ I)

15 ME3C03 Mathematica1 20 80 100 3



16 Statistica1 20 80 100 3



17 MAT3B03 Calculus and 20 . 80 100 4Analytic Geometw


(〔〕Ore cOuise)

Tota1 100 400 500 18

Second Year:Selnester IV

18 ENGZ"牡 06 Reading Fiction 20 80 100 4

and Non―fiction

(COmmOn cOllrseIX)

19 ‐ Language Course 20 80 100 4

(COmmOn cpwseX)

20 ME4C04 NIlathematたa1 20 80 100 3EconoΠllcs


21 Applied Statistics 20 80 100 3


22 MAT4B04 Theory of 20 80 100 4


Matrices and

Vector Calculus


Tota1 100 400 500 18

Third Year:Semester V

23 MAT5B05 Vector Calculus 20 80 100 4

(COre CQWSe)

24 MAT5B06 Abstract Algebra 20 80 100 5


25 MAT5B07 Basic 20 80 100 5




26 MAT5B08 Differentia1 20 80 100 4Equations(COre


27 open Course 20 80 100 2

28 Pro」 ect/Viva ― ― _ _

Tota1 100 400 500 20

Third Year:Semester VI

29 NIAT6B09 Real Analysis 20 80 100 5

(COre COurse)

30 MAT6B10 Complex Analysis 20 80 100 5

((10re(〕 Ourse)

31 MAT6Bll Nulnerica1 20 80 10o 4


32 MAT6B12 NШber Theory 20 80 100 4

and Linear Algebra

((3ore Course)

33 NIAT6B13 Elective Course 20 80 100 2

34 NIIAT6P14( ProieCt/Vlva 20 80 100 2


Tota1 120 480 600 22

Grand Tota1 660 2640 3300 120


Programme Duration : Course duration is 3 years with 6semesters

Faculty and support staff requirement:

There is one fuItr time faculty member available to

coordinate B. Sc Programme in Mathematics. Supporting stafffrom the School of Distance Education are performing the

administrative functioning for all the programs. The service ofqualified guest teachers and experts from panels approved by the

Vice Chancellor are used in preparation of study materials, fortaking contact classes and conducting internal evaluation.

Instrructional delivery rnechanism :

The academic contents are being delivered to the students

through study learning materials and contact classes as stipulated

by norms of the Distance Education Programme. Normally, contact

classes are held as per a schedule drawn beforehand by the Study

Centre Coordinator. They are held on weekends. Eminent teachers

from SDE and other institutes drive these classes with their vast

experience and help the learners to understand the subject better.


6. Procedure for admission, curricuhun transaction and evaluation :

Admission Procedure: The Application form can be downloaded from

the offieial university website. The filied in registration form along withthe required documents should reach the Director, School of Distance

Education within the prescribed date mentioned in ttre admissionnotification.

Eligibility: Candidates who have passed (Eligible for higher srudies) theHSE of Kerala State Board of Higher Secondary Examination or anyother examination recognized as equivalent there to with Mathematicsgoup only are eligible for admission to B Sc Mathematics.

Fee Structure:





Registration Fee (Admission Fee)

Course Fee

Mauiculation Fee

Re- matriculation Fee

Recognition Fee

Postage Charges

SpotAdmission Fee



Rs.1600(For lYear)










Matriculation fee for those who are enrclling intJniversity ofCalicut for the first time

Re-matriculation fee for those who have migrated from theUniversity of Calicut to other [Jniversities

Recognition fee for those who have qualified frcm BoardilUnr'versities of other States

Postage charges for those who not availing the facility of Spotadmission

Spot admission fee for those who are availing the spotadmission facility


FinancialAssistance: Concession for tuition fee will be given to SC/ST

and OEC students. The students belonging to SC/ST and OEC category

witl be admitted to the programme without remitting the tuition fee, only

if they are not employed in GovUQuasi Govt/Public Sector Services.

They should submit the duly filled in application form (available in the

SDE website) for fee concession with relevant documents at the time of

admission. No fee concession for OBC students.

. Visually challenged candidates are also eligible for fee concession on

production of Medical Certificate.

Curiculum transaction and evaluation:

Curriculum is transacted in the Distance mode with the help of

study materials and contact classes. Evaluation is by end semester

examinations. End Semester Examihations are conducted by the

Controller of Examinations, University of Calicut. The written exams

carry B0 marks per paper. The examiners for evaluation are drawn from

the panel of examineri available for the corresponding flisciplines in the

regular mode.

Academic planner for the UG programmes proposed for the

academic session JulY 2018


Last Week ofJune 2018,week ofJune 2018

of l$Semester

week of June 2019."tweek of April 2019.Stweek of卜Лarch 2019of llndSemester StudY

't week of July 20L9Stweek of」 une 2019of lll'd Semester StuciY

7 . Requirement of the laboratory support and Library Resources :

The SDE has its own library with a good collection of books,periodicals, reference books etc. Students can make use of the libraryresources and the reference services by producing their Student'i ID card.

8. Cost estimate of the progr.rmme :

Sl. No Erpenditure Cost estimate for B. Sc

Mathematics Programmeproposed to be offeredfrom July 2018( 1000

snrdents expected)

L Cost of SLM preparation 400,000


including DTP charges

2 Printing and distribution of


bution of lVhsemester Study

week of December 2020




Contact classes

Pay&A1lowances of ζtar五



Miscellaneous Expenses

Grand Tbtal

Expense per smdent







9.Quality assurance mechanism ancは Pected programme outcomes:

SDE has constituted the Cente for lnternal Quality

Assllrance(CIQAp as per uGC(Open ald Distance Learning)

Regulations,2017 to ensure he del市 ery of high quality programmes to

ns learners.

Expected Programllle Outconles:

On completion of dis progr〔 Intte,the successful students will be able to:

/Formulate problems in appropride theordical fralnewOrks to‐ facilitate their solution

/Develop strategies to so~e mattematical in a range of relevant


/Criticize mathematical argume正s developed by themselves and


/Understand the correct use of mahematical language to express

both theoretical concepts and logical arguments

/ Solve practical problems in a range of areas of Ma■ematies

/ (3ommunicate Mathematics effectively to a wide range of


Work effectively and constuctively as part of a team

Motivate and communicate complex ideas accurately using arange of formats

Identify and benefit from opportunities for personal and careerdevelopment

Learn effectively





Programme Project Report (PPR)for Distance Learning Programme

under School of Distance Education

Master of Arts in Economics


School of Distance EducationUniversitY of CalicutMalaPPuram District

Kerala 673635


UNiVERSITY OF CALICUT5“00′ OF Disね″ce Fducation

Master of Arts (Economics)

1. University of Calicut

The University of Calicut is th'e largest University in Kerala. Established in the year

1968, it is the second university to be set up in Kerala. The University aims to nuture excellence

in education and research in its catchment areas of Northem Kerala, historically consigned to the

periphery of Kerala's academic map. The University lays its emphasis on fostering quality

human resource and promoting productive research that benefit btith local communities and

wider humanity. The University was created through a Government plan bifurcating Kerala

University. As per the plan, the four post-graduate departments of the University of Kerala

operating in Calicut were annexed to the new University along with fifty four constituent

colleges spread across seven northem districts. Wth 'Nirmaya Karmana Sree' as it motto, the

University has been able to surmount all challenges and emerge as the Iargest residential cum

affiliating Univercity in Kerala. With 30 post graduate departrnents and 426 colleges it has

become a beacon of hope and enlightenment for hundreds of thousands of young men and

women in North Kerala.

2. The School of Distance Education

The School of Distance Education, formerly known as the 'Institute of Correspondence

Courses and Continuing Education', University of Calicut, started functioning in the Academic

year 1981-82. Now it is one of the major Departrnents of the university and has also emerged as

one of the major distance education providers. SDE is making all its effort to extend its suppon

to reach the unreached and has been keen in providing facilities in distance mode for the benefit

of the deprived sections of the society. It caters to the needs of thousands of students from

various parts of the country.

Its vision and mission include:

r The School of Distance Education shall endeavor to create novel realms of education

embrating creativity and innovations to enhance aciess to and reach of quality higher



To provide distance learning opportunities to the unreached and enable them to pursue

quality higher education leading to competence of a high order.

3. Details of the Proposed MA programme

a. Programme'sMission & Obiectives


In line with the mission of the School of Distance Education, University of Calicut, to

ensure quality human resources, the programme MA Economics aims to the formation of

economists suitable for local and global needs and shape the students to be productive

contributors and leaders of today's dyndmic world ancl enable them to be the mechanism of

change in our develoPing economy'

Objectives :r.

. To provide a sound understanding of the fundamental principles and models of

modern economics in depth, and be able to apply them to a wide range of real-

world issues. To make the students able to integrate theoretical knowledge with quantitative and

qualitative evidence in order to explain past economic events and to formulate

predictions on future ones.. To develop the capacity to analyze the socio-political and economic issues in the

language of an economist and to forrnulate informed opinions on policy issues and

recognize the validity of opposing viewpoints. To impart the analytical and empirical skiils necessary to succeed in securing

professional emPloYment. To provide * opportunity to venture into research in economics and there by

contribute to the creation of knowledge

' Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize when change is appropriate, to

adapt to change as it occurs, and to take the lead in creating change as the country's

economic environment changes.

b. Relevance of the Programme with HEI',s Mission anil Goals

In congruence with the vision and mission of the University of Calicut, in vowing to

ensure quality higher education to the unreached, the programme MA Economics offered through

distance education envisaged to provide skilled manpower to the economy and to make the

students to be the productive citizens. It has the potentials to build quaiity human resources who

are the agents of economic development.

MA Economics in distance mode will be the threshold of venture of research. It followsthe same syllabus of the programme offered in the regular mode through the affiliated colleges ofthe University of Calicut

c. Natute of Prospective Target Group of Learners:

Economics is a multifaceted subject which has global dimensions and a MA programme

in Economics is oriented towards teaching, research and service to the public

The prospective target group of leamers is:-

o MA Programme in Economics has wide demand but only a small percentage of students

are being accommodated through regular mode through colleges. Therefore MAProgramme through distance mode will be helpful for those who could not join regular

colleges owing to social, economic and other constnints such as eligibility for enrolment,

age of entry, time and place etc

. Students who nourish research aims in Economics and also for those who are seeking job

oppomrnities in professions that ask for the degree in 'Economics

o Students of the weaker sections of the society and the person who are unable to pay high

fee charged by private or other institutions for the same course.

Understanding the needs of learners we have structured our leaming material and programmes to

lead and prepare the students to cater the needs of a developing economy

d. Appropriateness of the Programme to be conducted in Open and Distflnce

Learning moile to acqufue specific Skills ond Competence

The programme aims at providing quality education at affordable cost. It also enhances

the skill and efficiency of leamers in Economics perspective.

The MA Programme in Economics is an innovative programme, utilizing self- leaming

materials that are self-explanatory self-contained and self motivating along with an interactive

personal contact programme component. It aims to develop following skills in the students:

. to have comprehensive knowledge of modem economics and economic theories as

an academic discipline. Enhancing the scope for the employability of ihe snrdents by meeting requiremens

of careers which needs the understanding and analysis of contemporary events


r ability to recognize when change is appropriate and to adapt to change a, and to take the

lead in creating change for economic and social development. Apply economic analyses to their day to day life and Identify the benefits and costs of

a global economy

e.Instructional Design

Coufse Stucturs of MAEcanomics orogramme

Compulsory papers



Paper Title of the paper Max mark

1 Paper L Micro Economic theory L75

2 Paper 2 Macroeconomic theory 1753 Paper 3 Quantitative methods for

economic analysisL75

4 Paper 4 Development issues oflndian economy


5 Paper 5 lnternationa I economics 775

Optional papers

Viva voce 100


Paper Title of the paper Maxmark



Econometrics methods



these 11


2 Mathematical economics3 Oevetopmental economics4 Public finance5 Banking with special reference

to lndia6 Ao ricultural economics7 lndustrial economics8 Techniques of Planning9 Transport economics10 ffiktnoqghlq11 PollEaaf economy of qqpte!-g4



Duration of the programme

Faculty and Suppott Staff Requirement

Instuctional D el ivery Mechanisms

F PrOcedutt fOrAdmission島


Minimum Eligibility for Admission


: 2 Years

.' There are two fulI time fnculty members available

and one of them coordinates the MA Programme inEconomics. There is sufficient staff support from

the SDE office for processing administrative work.

The service of qualified guest teachers and experts

from panels approved by the Vice Chancellor are

used in the preparation of leaming materials, for

taking contact classes and conducting internal


: The methodology of instruction is different from

the conventional mode of teaching. Most of the

instructions are imparted through distance education

methodology rather than face to face mode ofcommunication. In addition to providing SeIf

Learnhg Material, students are offered contact

hours each year conducted over 12 days. Classes

are taken using audio visual aids, and students are

encouraged to use web nesources

Curriculum Thansaction anil Evaluation:

: Application is to be submitted online using the

online registration facility provided in the university

website. The printout of the application along withthe required documents should be submitted to the

School of Distance Education either directly or by


: i).Students under Marks Scheme:

BA Degree of this UniversitY with

Economics/Foreign Trade/Development Economics

(Main) or equivalent degree with at least 4570 ofmarks for Part Ill(excluding subsidiaries) OR BSc.

Degree of this University with Statistics /Mathematics (Main) or equivalent degree with at

least 70Yo marks for Part III (excluding

subsidimes).OBC/OEC candoates are



、 15'°

Programme Project Report (ppR)for Distance Learning Programmeunder School of Distance Education

Master ofArts in English2018-19

School of Distance EducationUniversity of Calicut

Malappuram DistrictKerala 673635



School of Distance Education

Master of Arts (English)


L. UniversitY of Calicut

The university of caricut is the laryest university in Kerala, estabrished in the year L968' It is

the second university to be set up in Kera,a. The university aims to nurture excellence in

education and research in its catchment areas of Northern Kerala, historically consigned to the

periphery of Kerala's academic map. The University lays its emphasis on fostering quality

human resource and promoting productive research that benefit both rocar communities and

wider humanitY.

witl, .Nirmaya Karmana sree, as it motto, the university has been able to surmount all

charenges and emerye as the largest residential cum aff,iating university in Kerala' wit' 30


for hundreds of thousands of young men and women in North Kerara. Besides restnrcturing the

graduate and post-graduate courses, the universrty has introduced integrated M'PhiyPh'D

prograrnmes from 2004-05 academic years' Apart from the regular mode' calicut university

offers courses in distance mode'

To meet the demand for trained personnel in emerging areas, the University has launched new


social work, printing technology, computer hardware and automobile engineering' Yet another

effort in this direction is the estabrishment of the university Institute of Engineering Technology

on the main campus. The Institute offers B.Tech courses in electronics and communication,

printing technology, elecuical and elecuonics and IT steams'

AdminisEation tl[ough E-Governance and computerisa:tion of University examination to become

the first digital University in Kerala, establishment of smart class rooms and modemization of


laborato五 es,frontier lectures by renowned scholars and scientists,are the Other recent initiatives。

University of Calicut is cOnferTed wlth the distincdon of A grade in the recent NAAC


2。 The School of E)istance Educadon

The Schoo1 0f E)istance EducatiOn,follllerly knoWn aS me`Institute of Correspondence COurses

and Condlllllng Education',むniversity of Calicut,started mcdoning in the AcadeIInc year

1981-82.Now n is One Of the malor Deparunents of the uFllVersity and has also emerged as one

of the maior diStance education providerso SDE is making an is effort to extend itS Support to

reach the ullreached and has been keen in prOⅥ ding fac■ities in distance rnode fOr the benefit Of

the deprived sections of the sodety.It Caters to the needs of thOusands of Students from various

parts d ie country.■ eamsand両∝由“

d tte“hod響||&

o Pro宙 ding distance leamlng opportunlties tO the llnreached and enable thenl to pursue

quality higher eduCation leading to COmpetence of a high ordeL

o Pro宙 ding an efficient and fle対 ble system of education to meet the accesS and equality9

and work towards devdOpment of a knowledge society.

・ Pro宙 ding quality educatiOn tO the disadvantaged grOups like those living in remote and

rural areas,working people,and women。

SDE gOtthe UGC recognition to offers 14 UG and 12 PG programmes fЮm the acadermc year

2017-18 oIIwardso At presentwe have 20Assistantprofessos On contac for rllIIning the distance

education programmes.

3.Details ofthe propoSed M A English Programme

→ PrOgramme'S Inlsslon and obiecdveS:

3.l nission alld Objecdves ,

In keeping with the overall mission of the School of Distance Education,Umversity of Calicut,

to erlsure accessbility of quality hgher education to all,theわ おgnmmeiMA'Eゴ gttFrttξ uaLe

and Lierame alm a imparting knOwledge m English lit畿 舗砥lmd iβkins in:鐵 EEigii■

。・ Ъ enぬk hames Ю bm as血血 d bШd証●」製 中


Englおh language,literature and hterary works including san1lё ζも身藤:聾ぶ五leraure‐

to other culturd and artistic forms.

To impart and fine tune

vertical professional mobility.

:.. To foster teaching, research and extension activities for the'creation of new knowledge

for the development of society. To hetp in the creation and development of manpower that would

provide intellectual leadership to the community

3.2 Relevance of the programme with HEI's Mission and Goals:

Offered in distance mode, M A English Programme will enable,sqd.ents, particularly thoser,vho

could not join regular colleges or universities owing to social, ec'onomic and other constraints, to

understand English language and Literature with the support of various learning support

language in the post graduate level.' it秦 :墓 :ヽif ・“7‐ =|二十」

i::if:iJ, ` 1.

‐■ :i` `till‐ | ′

■・ ' ・1:F■ 1::′ :`=: 1_


English language skills essential forii ti


3.3 Nature of prcspective target group of learners

English language has been gro宙 ng impo■ance in tts g10balized worldo v A,Pr9graIIme■ .1

English Lttguage and literamre has宙 de demand and ody ls平型 PeFF9■ 18e Of●qttdentS ar

being accoIImodated in tte regular mode ttrough colleged′ 1'Moreovtt as an atempt to

demoα証ze tte ngher education to a large segment of p:品 atittiこ証駈ljhvesityOffel中 s ‐´ 、̀ i: : . .

programme in distance mode。 ,, l itr′ 1 ‐ |_ 1 ■_ ―

11,i■ i~~「 | _ 三二'=,1 _J :・ヽ ,: : |


`ill :i r_ | |`

; ~


For this purpose, we have sUuctured our leaming material and induction progralnmes to lead the

fresh leamers through the threshold of higher education, and lead them through the course of the

prograrnme and the final evaluation.

3.4 Appropriateness of programme to be conducted in open and Distance Learning mode to

acquire specific skills and competence

The M A English prograrnme offered in distance mode enables pupils who are unable to pursue

university education as full time candidate for various reasons, since the course design, study

materials, duration of the programme and contact classes have been ananged to suit their

convenience. A solid foundation in English language and literature helps the candidates progress

in their respective careers. Moreover, the syttabus of the Programme covers the whole gamut of

concerls in the literary studies. The student undergoing this cou$e is sure to acquire a

comprehensive understanding of literary theory criticism, translati3n, world literanrres and

issues of social concern like the environment. ln that respect it also enables one to become a

diligent citizen mdowed with a sensibility attuned to the concerns of the world-

3.5 Instrrrctional Design

The M A English prcgramne proposed here has been approved by the board of studies of Calicut

University. We have created a panel of experts to prepare study materials and question papers'

The candidates will be supplied with study materials from time to time and will be required to

attend the contact classes regularly. More over we have uploaded all the study materials, question

banks and other learning aids in the website of Calicut University.

3.5.2 Programme Details

Criticism andTheory: A SuweY 1201 I 1

1202 2 British literature suryey: from ttie age of chaucer to the

romantic age

3 3 British literature survey: from the Victorian age to 1-940 120

4 4 Electives Optional GrouP 100

5 Shakespeare

A6 British and Continental Drama

7 World Drama

8 Post Colonial Literature

9 5 Indian Writing in English Optional Group



10 Malayalam Literature in Translation

Viva Voce 40

12 6 British Literature Survey- L940 to present 120

13 7 The English language - history and structure 120

14 8 American Literature Optional Group



Eυ Canadian Literature

16 European Ficdon 琴

17 European Poetry 一心

18 9 Linguistics |あdonl‐野市




19 Theory : An In-depth StudY

20 Translation Theory

21 Femi面st Writing

22 10 Teaching of English 0〆畷計troup

E 轟結`



23 English For Communication

24 Writing for the Media

25 Viva Voce 60

Total 1200


3.5.4 Faculty and support staff requirement





There is only one full time faculty member available and we have

coordinator in each study centres of SDE. The service of qualified guest ,anditxPert

panels approved by the university are used in the preparation of SLM for taking contact classes

and conducting evaluation.

3.5.5 Instructional delivery mechanisms

In addition to providing SLMs prepared in Iine with the UGC guidelines on preparation of

SLMs, students are being offered contact classes for each 5gme.ster. The personal contact

programmes are being taken using audio visual aids, and snrdents are encouraged to use web

resources to prepare personal notes, videos etc.

3.5.6 Student Support Service Systems at SDE

The SDE establishes Leamer Support Centres for the students at different locations within the

jurisdiction of the University to facilitate contact classes and practical.sessions.

Library Facility

WE have set up a library with good collection of books and journals at the head quarter of SDE

for references. . Reference service of the Calicut University Cenual Library (C.H. Mohammed

Koya Library) in the campus and service of Library at the University study centers are also


Hand Book - provides General information about the institution, courses and facilities offered,

overview of the various UG, pG, professional/job-oriented and certificate courses, Admission

procedures & Re- admission, Academic Insuuctions, Rules and regulations and details of

University Examinations & Fee structure.

Academic calendar - sDE inuoduced a pennanent academic calendar for its cources which

ensures systematic perfomrance and time bound completion of courses'

website - The main form of information Dissemination which include Notifications &

Information, Online Registration & ID Card, Contact Class schedule, Syllabus' Study Materials

and Question Bank.

3.6 Procedure for admissions, curriculum transaction and evaluation:

3.6.l Admission

The admission notifications for M A English Programme, .rmong others are being issued inleading national and regional dailies during June-July. The detailed information regarding

admission is being given on the SDE website and on the admission website. Snrdents seeking

admission shall apply online.

3.6.2 Minimum Eligibility for Admission

a) Students under Marks Scheme:

BA English Lang. & Litt./BA English & HistorylBA Functional English with at least 45oh marks

for English Main Papers or BA/B.Sc (excluding alternative pattem) Degree with at least 45olo

marks in Part I English of this University or equivalent degree. OBC/OEC candidates are eligible

to relaxation up to 5%o. SC/ST candidates need only to get a pass.

b)Students under Grade Scheme; BA English Language & Literature/BA English & History/BA

Functional English or BA. B.Sc (excluding altemative pattern) Degree with English as common

coume of this university or equitalent degree with option

3.6.3 Fee Structure

Application fee - 200INR

Admission Fee - 250INR

M A English Course Fee - 2000 INR for one Year

Matriculation Fee - 100 INR

Re maticulation Fee - 150lNR

Recognition Fee -'150 INR


Postage Charges - 50INR

SpotAdmission Fee - 50 INR

3.6.4 Financial Assistance

SC/ST/OEC students are eligible for concession from payment of tuition fees, only if they are

not employed in Govt./Quasi Govt./Public Sector services. They should apply for fee concession

with relevant documents in the prescribed application (availabte in the SDE website) at the time

of admission. No fee concession for OBC students. Blind candidates are also eligible for fee

concession on production of Medical Certificate. '':"

3.6.4 Academic Calendar




S  N

Activity From To

1■ Admission lSt week of June 2018 Last week of June 2018

2 Distribution of I" Semester StudyMaterials

2ndweek of July 2018 2od week of August 2018

3 I" Semester Contact Classeses Last week of July 2018 Last week of October 2018

4 Commencement of I" Semester


I't week of January 20L9 Last week of January 2019

5 Publication of results IIod week of May 2019

6 Distribution of [Iod Semester Snrdy


II"dweek of February 2019 IInd week of March 2019

7 IIod Semester Contact Classes IIod week of February 2019 Last week of May 201,9

8 IInd Semester Examinations l-" week of July 2019 III'dweek of July 2019

9 Publication of results ISt Week of November 2019

10 Distribution of IIId Semester StudyMaterials

L"week of August 2019 L't week of September 2019


1■ IIId Semester Contact Classes I" week of August 2019 Last week of October 2019

12 IIId semester Examinations Last week of November20L9 Ⅱnd week of December 2019

13 Publication of Results Hnd week of Apri1 2020

14 Distribution of IVt semester StudyMaterials

I" week of January 2020 Last week of January 2020

15 IVth Semester Contact Classes IStweek of JanuaFy 2020 Last week of May 2020

16 IVth Semester Examinations 2ndweek of June 2020 Last week of June 2020

17 Publication of Results Last week of September 2020

3.6.5 Evaluation

Evaluation of the students'performance will be made using the following methods

a) Continuous assessment using interactive method

b) Year End examination

The minimum requirement for passing the fulI prograrnme is 35% of the total marks. Each core

paper requires 42 marks out of 1,20 marks. Whereas each elective paper requires 35 marks out of

100 marks. For Viva voce, a total 100 marks (40 marks for first year and 60 marks for second

year) are given respectively.

The classification of the results of the prograrnme shall be, done at the end of the second year

based on the total marks secured for two years and shall be as follows.



candidates securing not less than 50% but below 600/o'Second class

Candidates securing 600lo and above - First Class

3.7 Requirement of Laboratory Support And Library Resources:

computer Lab is not mandatory for M A prograrnme. sDE has its own library fac,ity with a total

of about 4024 books, 1_r.65 titles, 144 reference titles. Further, au the students of the school of

Distance Education can make use of the reference service of the calicut university cenual


eligible to get membership of the central Library. They can afo.m{<e use of the Library at the

university study centre located at P.T. Usha Road, calicut. ,'''"' ,'

The caricut University Library, estabrished in r.97i- and later renamed after c.H'Mohammed

Koya, (the former Minister for Education, Government of Kgrala), is primarily concerned with

the conservation and dissemination of knowredge to its users. It prays an important role in the

provision of information to the academic community in the Malabar region. The ribrary has a

rich collection of Books, Journals, Maps, cDs, Theses, Dissertations etc. The collection includes

107g4g books and about 2500 back volumes of journars. Library follows the Anglo American

cataloguing Rules II (with slight modifications) for cataroguing and Dewey Decimal Scheme of

classification for the crassification of books. It has the distinction of being the first fully

automated University Library in &e state of Kerala'

The activities of the Library are comprehensively automated using open source library

management software KOHA. opAC, Journal Articre Index, Bi-monthry Bibliography

compilation and Literature Search service are arso available The library is a member of the

INFLIBNET centre, Ahmedabad as weII as & DELNET (Deveroping Library Nenrrork)' As a

member of these networks, the library provides access to the resources of other major libraries in


onrine databases, such as EBSCO, proQuest dissertations and theses, oxford schorarship online,

IEEE AII Society Periodicals Package etc'

3.8 Cost Estimate of the programme and the Provisions

3.9 Quality Assurance Mechanism and Expected Programme Outcomes

3.9.1 Quality Assurance Mechanisms

The University Board of Studies approves and reviews the syllabus, course content, and the Self

Learning Material of B A English offered in the distance mode. The overall ensuring of quality

will be closely monitored by the centre for Intemal Quality assurance, School of Distance

Education. It tries to ensure quality service to the learners of the subject through development of

good and appropriate standard study Leaming Material or sLM, integration of modern methods

of teaching learning including usage of ICT and credibility of evaluation procedures. It also tries

to identify the key areas in which the concemed school of the university should maintain


3.9.2 Expected Programme Outcomes

Towards the end of the programme , students will be able to:

Have a thorough understanding about English language and Literature and have a

foundation on literary theories , movements and history of English Li-teratge' -.

Develop an ability tJ effectively communicate both orally and verbally in English'

Develop a general awareness of the social issues efltin-s in the contemporary society'

Develop the ability to critically look at concepts, 6eliefs and ideas in society, while also

Name of Programme MA eng[p] ]

Expected Enrolment

Cost of SLM oreparation including DTP Charges



395500Printing & Distribution of SLM

Contact Classes

Pay &Allowances Of staffAt HQ

723478。 18


Miscellaneous ExPenses

Examination & Valuation


Expense Per Student


909090。 91



learning to critically analyze texts and cultural artifacts

I * tii"',,i''' '.,

*"*fri,,' 5y"t%v'

Programme Project RePort (PPR)

for Distance Learning Programme

under School of Distance Education


Master of Arts in Political Science


School of Distance EducationUniversitY of Calicut

MalaPPuram DistrictKerala 673635






1. University of Calicut

The UniveEity of Calicut is the largest University in Kerala. Established in the year L968, it

is the second university to be set up in Kerala. The University aims to nurtue

education and research in its catchment areas of Northem Keral4 historically consigned to

the periphery of Kerala's academic map. The University lays its emphasis on fostering quality

human resource and promoting productive research that benefit both local communities and

wider humanity. The University was created through a Govemment plan bifurcating Kerala

University. As per the plan, the four post-graduate deparEnents of the University of Kerala

operating in Calicut were annexed to the new University along with fifty four constituent

colleges spread across seven northern disricts. with 'Nirmoya Karmana Sree, as it motto, the

Univenity has been able to srrmorut all challenges and emerge as the largest residential cum

affiliating University in Kerala. With 30 post graduate deparfrrcnts and 426 colleges it has

become a beacon of hope and enlightenment for hundreds of thousands of young men and

women in North Kerala. As many as 480 colleges are affiliated to the University. Of these,

120 are located in Kozhikode district, 101 in Thrissur, 130 in Malappuram, 86 in Palakkad

and 18 in Wayanad.



. 2. The School of Distance Education

The School of Distance Education shall endeavour to create novel realms of education

embracing creativity and irmovations to enhance access to and reach of qualiry higher

education. To provide distance learning oppomlnities to the unreached and enable them to

pursue quality higher education, leading to competence of a high order. Director of School of

Distance Education (SDE) of the University of Calicut persists for the noble cause of

providing educational opportunities to the masses. The institution has a Iegacy of providing

relevant education in conformation with the contemporary needs and vitalities affirming

quality and excellence with a student strength nearing 2 lakhs. The institution has always

been at the forefront providing opportudties for those aspirants who endure to leam amidst

Iife situations that impede them to take up regular mode of leaming. The SDE provides an

extensive range of academic subjects in almost all major subject groups which is being

imparted through regular and open stream courses. Who wish to pursue their studies through

distance education and Open Stream Courses are tailored to meet the educational needs of

those who have not acquted the basic qualification needed for admission to regular courses,

and who eagerly aspire to acquire a Degree. A separate entrance exam is conducted for Open

degree courses and those who qualify are admitted. The School offers UG and PG courses for

broadening the knowledge horizons and developing skills for capacity building.

The School of Distance Education of University of Calicut has always been at the forefront to

meet the educational needs of the young aspirants including the marginalized and the

excluded youth, which gave the impetus to render the best service by this educational

institution. At this junctue I congratulate those aspirants who have already succeeded in

transforming their lives through distance leaming and invite more aspirants who have the

quest for knowledge and success to build up a promising future. I affirm with fuII confidence


that every experience of leaming through distance mode from this university will be

outstanding ensuring global standards

3. MA Political Science: Programme's Mission & Objectivm

a. Mission:

The mission of the Deparment of Political Science, School of Distance Education, University

of Calicut is to qeate awareness among students about po[tical system - Intemational,

National, and Regional and various rights and duties of the citizens. The course highlights

Political Thought @oth Indian and Western) and Political theories, Select Constitutions of the

World, Public Adminisuation and Human Rights. The course especially focuses on Indian

Constitution, Indian Political Thought, Indian Administration and Local Self Govemment.

The course brings special attention ort lndian Foreign Policy, Gandhian thought and

Govemment and Politics of Kerala and India.

The School of Distance Education, University of Calicut stives to accomplish the goals

through the following activities:

b. Objectives & Outcomes Excellence in Ibaching

. Providing opportunities to students to understand the knowledge about political

system and functions of the govemment at Intemational, National, State and Local


Producing the next generation of leaders in research, teaching and in the applications

of political science with special reference to Indian political system

It has assumed an inter-disciplinary character. The subject matter of Political science

has been changing according to the need of the society. The proposed Postgraduate

course in Political Science is designed to fulfill the need of the society.

After completion of courses in the M.A Poiitical Science major piogram, students should be

able to:

. . Understand the concepts and princiFles of Political Science and stucture, powers

and functions of the Government in India and other nations.

. . Enlighten the students to understand basic righs and duties of the citizen and help in

process of development of the nation.

4. Relevance of the program with Higher Education Institutional Mission and Goals:

Political science is that branch of the social sciences that studies the state, politics, and

government. Political Science deals extensively wi& the analysis of political systems, the

theoretical and practical applications to po]itics, and the examination of political behavior.

Ttre study of Political Science is very useful and vaiuable. Its knowledge is essential and

useful to bottr the ruler and the ruled. Relevance of this progralnme will help in the following


a. Imparting Knowledge of the State:

b. Imparting Knowledge of government anci administration:

c. Imparting Knowledge about the worid

d. Creation of democratic values

' e. Creation of good citizenship

The study of Political Science has assumed special ,importance

in modern times in all

democratic countries. The success of democracy depends upon the political consciousness of

its people. The study of political science makes people conscious of their rights and duties.


The sody of Political Science is valuable for creating good citizenship and securing unity of

the nation. It makes citizens conscious of national, objectives and goals.

5. Nature of prospective target group of learners:

The curriculum has been designed to fulfill the needs of diversified leamers including rural

people, low income group, minorities, and underprivileged in the society who have not got

the opportr:nity to do a Post Graduate course through regular mode of education.

6. M.A Political Science - Employment Arreas:-

a. Govemment Organizations

b. AII India services

c. Kerala Govemment Services

d. AIl the Ministries

e. Police ForcesT Armed Forces/ Defense

f. HR Departments

g. Non-Governrnental Organizations (NGOs)

h. Media(Printing & Visual)

i. Private Companies

7. MA Political Science - Job Opportunities

a. I.A.S & I.P.S Officers

b. Universiry and College Professors


c. School Teachers

d. Police officers

e. Government officers

8. Appropriateness of the pnogramme to be conducted in Open and Distance Learning

mode to acquire specific skills and cornpetence

The course acquires the following skills after the completion of the course:

a. Teaching Skill

b. Research Skill

c. Writing Skill

d. Analytical skill

e.Critical questioning skill .

Further, the Candidates should have sound knowledge in National, International and Regional

Political issues. The candidates should have good analytical skill on various dimensions of

socio, political and economic issues.

9. Instructional Design

FirstYear (I & II Semester)

No.of Course code Name of Course Maximum

courses marks

1 PS1CO1 Modern Political Analysis 100

Political Sociology

2 PS1CO2 Modern Indian Social and Political 100


Second Year

III & Memester

No.of ocoune

■ ought

lndian Govemment and Politics 100

Theories and concepts Of PubLc 100


Resealch Methodology loo

Political Tmoly:Liberal Tradition 100

1ssues in lndian Politics 100

Comparative Politics loo

Name of Course

Political Theory: Marxian Tiadition

Theories and concepts of

Intemational Politics

Human Rights in India

Issues in Indian Adminisuation

State and Society in Kerala

Issues in International Politics

India's Foreign Policy

Development Administration and

People's Planning

Ancient . and Medieval Political


Viva Voce











































Total 1750

10. Duration of the Programme: 4 Semesters (TWo years).

There is one additional paper instead of Dissenation (Paper L7). Viva voce will be conducted

at the end of Final year examination. A team of three examiners including the Chaimran and

two members will conduct the same for 50 marks covering topics of the TWo year course. The

pass minimum for the entire course will be an aggregate of.40o/o with separate minimum of

30 %o for each paper.

lL How M.APolitical Science course is beneficial?

M.A political science degree serves as a basis for further studies in ttre field of M.Phil., and

ph.D. degrees in political science, the successful completion of the course one can get

oppornrnity for the post of Assistant Professor in any University / College. With M.A political

science degree one can became successful candidate in State Public Services, Central

govemment services and other competitive examinations.

12. Faculty and Support Staff Requirement There is one full time faculty member

available and she coordinates the MA Programme in Political Science. There is sufficient

administrative staff support from the SDE office for administrative work. The service of

qrulified guest teachers and experts from panels approved by the Vice Chancellor are used in

the preparation of Self Learning Materials (SLM), for taking contact classes and conducting

internal evaluation.

13. Instructional Delivery Mechanisms: In addition to providing Self Leaming Material,

students are offered 160 contact hours each semester, conducted over 2 days during the

weekend. Classes are taken usrng audio visual aids, and students are dncouraged to use web

resorlrces. A repertol€ of audio/video lectures are being prepared, which will be made

available to the leamem on an experimental basis from this academic year onwards.

14. Procedure for Admissiong Curriculum Thansaction and Evaluation

Applications for admissions are received online. Eligibility for admission to MA Political

Science programme is given below.

candidates who have passed any Degree exainination with a minimum of 45olo marks in pan

III optional subjects (excluding subsidiaries) are eligble to join for the major program.

15. Fee Sffucturc:

ApplicatiOn Fee 200

Admission Fee 250

Tuition fee for one year 2000

Maticulation fee cthOse Wh0 100

enro■ first time)

Re‐Ш血こ」謳Onたe oose 150

who nigrated from other

面 wsities)

RecognitiOn fee loo

Postage charges 50

Spot admissiOn 50

TOta1 2900

16. Financial Assistance

concession ior tuition fee will be given to sc/sr and oEC students. The students belonging

to sc/sr and oEC category will be admitted to the programme without remitting the tuition


fee. The fee for the students thus admitted will be later claimed form SC/ST deparmrent as

per the nrles laid down by the govenrment of Kerala and witl be remitted the Calicut

University Fund (CUF).

17. Curriculum Tlansaction: Curriculum is tansacted in the Distance Modg with the help

of Self Learning Material and Personal Contact Classes in GovernmenV. Aided Colleges under

the Universtty of Calicut. The use of web-based tools is not in place yet, but steps are being


18. Evaluation: Evaluation of each course shall be done.

End Semester Examinations are conducted by the Controller of Examinations, Universlty of


19. Requirement of the Laboratory Support and Library Resources

Laboratory hours are not mandatory for MA Political Science, but studens can avail the

computens in the Central Computer Lab of the Central Library at Univ]siU of Calicut which

has continuous internet connectivity


The SDE has a separate Library with a total of about 3852 books,LL62 Titles, L44 reference


20. Quality Aszurance Mechanism

The University Board of Studies of MA Political Science prograrnme approves and reviews

the syllabus, course content, and the Self Learning Material of MA Political Science offered

in ttre distance mode. also. The overall ensuring of quality will be closely monitored by the

Centre for Internal Quality Assurance, School of Distance Education.


21.Cost estimate of the programme

Expected enrollment

Cost of SLM preparation

induding DTP charge

Pdnting & disribution of


Miscellaneous expenses

Examination & Valuation

Grand Total Expenses

Expense per student


Contact classes 45,174

Pay & Allowances of staff & 69,051









6P30b %o'

