of 180




  • .



    : . .


  • :

    . .

    : . .



  • , ,

  • ,

    , ,







    Armin Geertz

    Aarhus, ,




    Jeppe Sinding Jensen Aarhus


    Luther Martin Vermont



    Roger Beck Toronto





  • Aarhus Jesper stergaard




    , ,


    , ,

    , ,



    , .

    , ,



    , ,


    , .

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  • .................................................................................................................. 3 ................................................................................................................. 5 ................................................................................................................................. 6 1. : ...................... 6 2. ..................................................................................................... 10 3. .............. 17 4. : ................................................................................................................................ 20

    ............................ 25

    ................................................................................................................ 26 1. .......................................................... 26 1.1 MICHAEL KEARNEY.................................. 28 1.2 ..................................................................... 34 ............................................................................................................ 42 2. ......................................... 42 2.1 : ......... 45 2.2 ..................... 53 2.2.1 , , ....................................................................................................................... 56 2.2.2 ........................................................................................................................... 60 2.2.3 ...................................................................................................... 70 2.2.4 ............... 73 .................................................................................................................. 77 3. ................... 77 3.1 ........................................................ 79 3.2 ..................................................... 83 3.3 ................. 86 3.3.1 .............................................................................. 86 3.3.2 ............................................................. 90 3.3.3 ......................................... 98 3.3.4 .................................... 102


  • ...................................................................................................................... 106 , ................. 109 ................................................................................................................... 110 1. .......................................... 110 1.1 ........................................................... 115 1.2 ........................................................... 120 ..................................................................................................................... 130 ................................................................................................................... 132 2. ..................................................................................... 132 2.1 ....................................................................................... 133 2.2 ..... 134 ................................................................................................................. 143 ............................................................................................................................... 150 ..................................................................................................................... 166 ................................................................................................................................... 175


  • 1: mitreo di Felicissimo. (http://www.ostia-

    antica.org/regio5/9/9-1.htm) ..............................................................................150 2: . Terme di Diocleziano (Museo

    Nazionale Romano), Rome, Italy.......................................................................150 3:

    mitreo di Felicissimo. (http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio5/9/9-1.htm) ......151 4:

    mitreo di Felicissimo. (http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio5/9/9-1.htm) ......151 5:

    mitreo di Felicissimo. (http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio5/9/9-1.htm) .................................................................................................................151

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    12: 23,5 (www.pas.rochester.edu/~afrank/A105/LectureII/)...........................................155

    13: . (http://horoscope.moisttowelettemuseum.com/work.html) ...............................155

    14: , . (http://www.clas.canterbury.ac.nz/ejms/new_mithraea/images/Ricostruzione%20dell%27edificio.JPG) .........................................................................................156

    15: . (http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio1/17/17-2a.htm)............................................................................................................................156

    16: . (http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio2/8/8-6.htm).............157

    17: (Gordon 1972)....................157

    18: , . (Gordon 1976)....................................................................................................158

    19: , . (Gordon 1976) ..........................................................158


  • 20: / . . (http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio2/8/8-6.htm) ..............................................................................159

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    22: ...............................160 23: .

    (http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio2/8/8-6.htm).................................................160 24: .

    (http://www.ostiaantica.org/dict/topics/mithraea/mithraea.htm) .......................161 25:

    del Palazzo Imperiale (http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio1/pi/pia.htm)161 26: Fiano Romano

    . . (http://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%91%CF%81%CF%87%CE%B5%CE%AF%CE%BF:Mithras_banquet_Louvre_Ma3441.jpg) - (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mithras_tauroctony_Louvre_Ma3441.jpg) ......................................................................................................................162

    27: (CIMRM 368).......................162 28: Marino.


    29: ...................................163 30:

    (http://www.ostia-antica.org/regio4/5/5-13.htm)...............................................164 31: ................................164 32: Capua.

    (http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/Religions/iranian/Mithraism/m_m/pt7.htm) 165


  • BCL Bibliotheca Classica Latina

    BT Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum

    CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum

    et Romanorum Teubneriana Leipziz


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    . . J. Vermaseren, Leiden, 1961 -

    LCT Loeb Classical Text

    PG Patrologia Graeca

    PL Patrologia Latina


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    4 Burkert ( (. . ) (, 1994), . 65) 336c, : . 5 Gordon, R. L., Institutionalized Religious Options: Mithraism, in J. Ppke (ed.), A Companion to Roman Religion (Malden, MA and Oxford, 2007), . 394 6 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire. Mysteries of the Unconquered Sun (Oxford, 2006), . 1 7 . Gordon, R. L., Institutionalized Religious Options: Mithraism, .., . 394 8 , , , sui generis . . . Arnal, E. W., , in W. Braun, R.McCutcheon (eds.) (. . ) (, 2003), . 55-74


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    9 Santa Prisca , , , , . . Beard, M. North, J. Price, S., Religions of Rome (Cambridge, 1998), vol. 1, . 282 10 Burkert, W., , .., . 20-23 11 Gordon, R. L., Authority, salvation and mystery in the Mysteries of Mithras, in J. Huskinson M. Beard J. Reynolds (eds), Image and Mystery in the Roman World: Three papers Given in Memory of Jocelyn Toynbee (Cambridge, 1988), .45 Gordon, R. L., Image and Value in the Graeco-Roman World (Aldershot, 1996), . 45 12 (Metamorfoses, xi, 22-23). 13 Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, in Religion 2, pt. 2. (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1972), 96-97 , Image and Value in the Graeco-Roman World, .., . 96-97


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    Roger Beck32




    29 1 2 . 30 Merkelbach (Mithras, (Knigstein, 1984) , , . , , . Merkelbach . Merkelbach, R., Mithras, .., . 2, 3. Beck Merkelbach . Beck, R. L., Merkelbachs Mithras, in Phoenix, vol. 41 (1987), 3, 296-316 31 . Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 21-25 32 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, ..


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    34 .

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    33 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 7-8 34 cognitive theories . neurosciences . 35 , Beck (The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 6 -9) . , Beck, , Richard Gordon (Mystery, metaphor and doctrine in the Mysteries of Mithras, in J. R. Hinnells (ed.), Studies in Mithraism (Rome, 1994), .103-124) Beck . 36 Martin, H. L., Performativity, Narrativity and Cognition: Demythologizing the Roman Cult of Mithras, in W. Braun, Rhetoric and Reality in Early Christianity (Waterloo, 2004a), . 187-217


  • Harvey Whitehouse37 ,

    .38 O Martin,

    , Beck,


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    37 Whitehouse, H., Modes of Religiosity: Towards a Cognitive Explanation of the Sociopolitical Dynamics of Religion, in Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 14, (2002), 293-315 , , (. .) (, 2006) 38 Roger Beck (Four Men, Two Sticks, and a Whip: Image and Doctrine in a Mithraic Ritual, in: H. Whitehouse H. L. Martin (eds), Theorizing Religions Past: Archaeology, History, and Cognition, Walnut Creek, CA: Rowman Altamira, 2004b, Part I, . 6, . 87-104) , Whitehouse Luther Martin. 39 Martin, . L., Performativity, Narrativity and Cognition: Demythologizing the Roman Cult of Mithras, .., . 187-217 40 Dan Sperber, , . Sperber . Sperber, D., Rethinking Symbolism, Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology (Cambridge, 1975) Explaining Culture. A Naturalistic Approach (Oxford, 1996)


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    41 Paul Thagard (Mind: An Introduction to Cognitive Science (Cambridge, MA, 1996), . 6) George Miller, , John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell Herbert Simon , Noam Chomsky. . Miller, G., The Magical Number Seven, Plus or minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information, in Psychological Review 63 (1956), 81-97 McCarthy, J. Hayes, P. 1969, Some Philosophical Problems from the standpoint of Artificial Intelligence, in Meltzer, B. Michie, D. (eds), Machine Intelligence (Edinburg, 1969) . 2, . 463-502 Minsky, M. L., Steps toward Artificial Intelligence, in E. A. Feigenbaum J. Feldman (eds), Computers and Thought (New York, 1963), . 406-450 Newell, Al. Shaw, J.C. Simon, H. A., Elements of a Theory of Human Problem Solving, in Psychological Review 65 (1958), 151-166 Chomsky, N., Syntactic Structures (Hague, 1957) 42 , , , . Geertz, A., Cognitive Approaches to the Study of Religion, in A. Geertz R. R. Warne P. Antes (eds), New Approaches to the Study of Religion : Textual, Comparative, Sociological, and Cognitive Approaches (Berlin, 2004), . 347-400. . , ., , in H. Whitehouse, , (. . ) (, 2006), . 9-87


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    43 Martin, H. L., 2004b, Towards a Scientific History of Religions, in H. Whitehouse - Martin, H. L. (eds), Theorizing Religions Past: Archaeology, History, and Cognition, .., . 2, . 7-16 44 Geertz, A., Cognitive Approaches to the Study of Religion, .., .352


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    , 45 , ., , .., .10 46 , , , , , , , .. : McCauley, R. N. Lawson, T. E., Rethinking Religion: Connecting Cognition and Culture (Cambridge 1990) Boyer, P., , Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought (London, 2002) Pyysiinen, I., How Religion Works, Towards a New Cognitive Science of Religion (Leiden, 2003) Whitehouse, H., , .. .. 47 , , , .


  • .48




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    Richard Gordon,




    4. :

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    48 . . Geertz, A., Introduction to Cognitive Approaches to the Study of Religion, .., . 18-20. . Barsalou, L., Cognitive psychology: An overview for cognitive scientists (Hillsdale, NJ), 1992 49 Geertz, A., Cognitive Approaches to the Study of Religion, .., .354-355 50 Gordon, R. L., The sacred geography of a Mithraeum: The example of Sette Sfere, in Journal of Mithraic Studies 1, 1976, 119 (= Gordon, R. L., Image and Value in the Graeco Roman World, .., . 6, . 119)


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    51 Gordon, R.L., Authority, Salvation and Mystery in the Mysteries of Mithras, in J. Huskinson M. Beard J. Reynolds (eds), Image and Mystery in the Roman World, three papers in memory of Jocelyn Toynbee (Cambridge, 1988), . 59-60


  • ,

    . ,


    . ,


    , , ,




    Michael Kearney

    , .


    . Kearney







  • Clifford Geertz52,

    Lawrence Barsalou.



    Mark Johnson


    . ,

    George Lakoff Mark Johnson





    , ,

    Lakoff Johnson ,






    52 Geertz, C., Religion as a Cultural Systerm, in Geertz, C., The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays (New York, 1990), . 90


  • .


    , , ,

    Charles Sanders Peirce


    . ,

    , ,



    , ,


    , ,


    Harvey Whitehouse. ,

    , ,

    , ,





  • 25

  • 1.

    .. .







    . ,






    , ,


    53 . ,


    53 World View , , , .( , , , 2003). , .


  • , 54,





    , , , .55 ,



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    , ,





    , ,


    Michael Kearney,


    (, , ).58

    54 Kearney, M., World View, (Novato, 1984), . 41 55 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 41-42 56 Barsalou (Cognitive psychology: An overview for cognitive scientists, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992, . 15), , , . 57 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 42, 48, 65-67 58 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 1


  • World View59

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    Clifford Geertz.

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    , 59 Kearney, M., World View, .. . , , . Kearney , . . Goodman, N., Ways of Worldmaking (Sussex, 1978)


  • .60

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    60 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 42 61 . , , , . Kearney . Kearney, M., World View, .., . 47 62 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 47-48


  • .

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    .65 Kearney

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    ) Neisser66 Gibson,

    - 67



    63 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 43-44 64 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 47 65 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 47 66 Neisser Gibson (information-processing approach) . Neisser, U., Cognition and reality: Principles and implications of cognitive psychology (San Francisco, 1976) 67 anticipatory schemata schemata frames , , . . Barsalou, L.W., Cognitive psychology, .., . 126, 156-158 68 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 45 Neisser The Schema accepts information as it becomes available at sensory surfaces and is changed by that information; it directs movements and explanatory activities that make more information available, by which it is further modified, . Neisser, U., Cognition and reality, .., . 54.


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    , ,

    , ,


    , Kearney70



    ,71 ,



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    . ,



    69 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 46-47 70 Kearney worldview universals . . Kearney, M., World View, .., . 65-108 71 . ( , , .) . . Kearney, M., World View, .., . 68-69 72 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 42, 48, 65-67


  • , ,

    . ,

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    . 73 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 52-54 74 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 68-72


  • .75


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    , Kearney,



    . ,

    77 ,



    , ,


    , , ,

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    75 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 72-102 76 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 72-102 77 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 110-120 78 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 123


  • .79

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    .80 ,


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    79 . Barsalou, L. W. Barbey, A. K. Simmons, K. W. Santos, A., Embodiment in religious knowledge, in Journal of Cognition & Culture, 5(1/2) (2005), 1418 80 Barsalou, L. W. Barbey, A. K. Simmons, K. W. Santos, A., Embodiment in religious knowledge, .., 15


  • (2 . ..).81








    (). ,

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    , . ,

    .84 , ,


    81 Martin, H. L., , .., . 90 o . 82 Martin, H. L, , .., . 306 83 Clauss, M., The Roman Cult of Mithras, .., . 15 84 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 80


  • .85 ,

    , ,

    , ,









    Clifford Geertz,

    1) 2)

    3) 4)






    89 .

    85 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 79 86 , 3 . ., , . , Per to n 'Odusseai tn numfn ntrou 6: ekna frontoj at to sphlaou to ksmou. , , . 87 . Kearney, M., World View, .., . 65-108 88 H Geertz . . Geertz C., , in Geertz, C., (. . ) (, , 2003), . 98 89 Deeley, ( ) ,


  • , ,





    , ,



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    . . Deeley, Q. P., The Religious Brain: Turning ideas into convinctions, in Anthropology & Medicine, vol. 11, No. 3 (2004), 245-267 90 . Hoopes, J. (ed.), Peirce on Signs: Writings on Semiotic by Charles Sanders Peirce (Chapel Hill and London, 1991). 1 2 . 91 . : Donald, M., Origins of Modern Mind: Three stages in the evolution of culture and cognition (Cambridge, MA, 1991) Deacon, T., The Symbolic Species: The Co-evolution of Language and the Brain (London, 1997) Mithen, S., The Prehistory of The Mind: The Cognitive Origins of Art, Religion and Science (London, 1996) 92 . Deeley, Q. P., The Religious Brain: Turning ideas into convinctions, .., . 248


  • .93



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    Lawerence Barsalou, ,




    93 Geertz, C., Religion as a Cultural System, .., . 90 94 Geertz, C., Religion as a Cultural System, .., . 112 95 . Deeley, Q. P., The Religious Brain: Turning ideas into convinctions, .., . 256-260 96 Barsalou, L. W. Barbey, A. K. Simmons, K. W. Santos, A., Embodiment in religious knowledge, .., 44-46


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    .98 ,




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    97 Barsalou : ( ) (Subject-Performed Task PST), , . (embodied theories of knowledge) . Barsalou, L. W. Barbey, A. K. Simmons, K. W. Santos, A., Embodiment in religious knowledge, .., 44-46 98 , Barsalou, . . Barsalou, L. W. Barbey, A. K. Simmons, K. W. Santos, A., Embodiment in religious knowledge, .., 44 99 Barsalou, L. W. Barbey, A. K. Simmons, K. W. Santos, A., Embodiment in religious knowledge, .., 46


  • .100 ,

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    . 103

    100 . Barsalou, L. W. Barbey, A. K. Simmons, K. W. Santos, A., Embodiment in religious knowledge, .., 45 101 , . Martin, H. L., Performativity, Narrativity and Cognition, .., . 187-217 102 Clifford Geertz ("Religion as a Cultural System, .., . 91, 93) . Geertz (models of) (models for) . , , , , , , . 103 . Geertz, C., Religion as a Cultural System, .., . 119, 122


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  • 2. 104

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    104 Self Kearney. , , , , , , . 105 Kearney, M., World View, .., . 46-47


  • .106


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    .109 ,

    Mark Johnson110

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    106 ( , , ..) . . . Geertz, A., Introduction to Cognitive Approaches to the Study of Religion, .., . 49 107 Geertz, A., Introduction to Cognitive Approaches to the Study of Religion, .., . 89 108 , Daniel Siegel (coherent autonoesis). . Siegel, D. J., The Developing Mind: How Relationships and the Brain Interact to Shape Who We Are (New York 1999) 109 Geertz, A., Introduction to Cognitive Approaches to the Study of Religion, .., . 93 110 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination. Implications of cognitive science for ethics (Chicago, 1993)


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    111 O Antonio Damasio, University of Iowa College of Medicine Salk Institute for Biological Studies LaJolla, . , , . : Damasio, A., The Feeling of What Happens: body, emotion and the making of consciousness (San Diego, 2000). , , , . . Dennett, D. C., Consciousness Explained (Boston, Toronto, London, 1991) , . Nair, R. B., Narrative Gravity: Conversation, Cognition, Culture (New Delhi, 2002), . Le Doux, J., Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are (New York, 2002), , . Llins, R. R., I of the Vortex: From Neurons to Self (Cambridge, 2001), . Feienberg, T. E., Altered Egos: How the Brain Creates the Self (Oxford, 2001) Freeman, W.J., How Brains Make Up Their Minds (London, 1999) (meaning) . . Geertz, A., Introduction to Cognitive Approaches to the Study of Religion, .., . 51-60 112 Bruner, J., The remembered self, in Neisser, U. and Fivush, R. (eds)., The Remembering Self: construction and accuracy in the self-narrative (Cambridge New York, 2003), . 41-54 113 . Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Metaphors We Live By (Chicago, 1980). , (, ,


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    , , , ) . Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought (New York, 1999) 114 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 160-161 115 . 116 Neisser, U., Self-narratives: True and false, in U. Neisser R. Fivush (eds), The remembering self: construction and accuracy in the self-narrative (Cambridge New York , 2003), .1


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    , , ,

    .119 ,





    , ,

    , . ,

    , .


    117 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 163 118 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 54-55 119 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 159


  • ,


    , ,


    , ,

    , ,


    . ,







    , .




    , , ,




    Antonio Damasio123,

    , , 120 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 150-162 121 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 164-165 122 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 154 123 Damasio, A., The Feeling of What Happens, .., . 168-169


  • .

    , ,

    ( ).124






    , ,

    , , .

    , ,

    , .


    Lakoff Johnson





    . Johnson,



    .127 Narayanan,128

    124 Damasio, A., The Feeling of What Happens, .., . 169 125 Damasio, A., The Feeling of What Happens, .., . 168-169 126 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 45 127 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 46 128 Lakoff Johnson (Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 57) Narayanan, . Narayanan . Narayanan, S.,


  • ,


    .129 ,



    , .



    - .131

    , ,



    . ,


    .133 ,


    Grady134, ,

    Embodiment in Language Understanding: Sensory-Motor Representations for Metaphoric Reasoning About Event Descriptions. Ph.D. Diss., Computer Science Division, EECS Department, (University of California, Berkeley, 1997) 129 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 57 130 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 49 131 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 55-58 132 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 45 133 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 58 134 Lakoff Johnson (Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 46) Grady . Grady . Grady, J.,


  • .135


    , .


    , , , .136


    . Johnson,




    . ,



    . Foundation of Meaning: Primary Metaphors and Primary Scenes, Ph.D. Diss. (University of California at Berkeley, 1997) 135 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 24 136 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 60 : Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 165-166 137 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 174


  • ,









    , .





    . ,






    , , ,



    , 138 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 171-174 139 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 178


  • .



    , ,


    . ,








    , .142




    ( ),


    ( , ,

    ), .

    ( )


    140 Bruner, J., The remembered self, .., . 42, 50 141 Stories are lived before they are told: Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 177 142 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 175


  • .143



    , ,




    . ,

    , ,




    .145 , ,


    , ,


    , , ,

    , ,



    143 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 180-181 144 Martin, H. L., , .., . 90-100 145 Martin, H. L., , .., .96 146 Burkert, W., , .., . 102 147 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 2-3


  • , 148










    . ,

    , ,


    , , ,



    , ,

    , ,

    148 , . . Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 176 149 . Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 176. 150 (turning points) . Bruner, J., The remembered self, .., . 42, 50. 151 Martin Luther (Performativity, Narrativity and Cognition, .., . 193-194) Harvey Whitehourse (Modes of Religiosity: Towards a Cognitive Explanation of the Sociopolitical Dynamics of Religion, .., . 293-315 : , .., . 177 .) . 152 . . Bruner, J., The remembered self, .., . 42, 50.


  • .153 , ,

    ( ) ,

    , ,



    . ,

    .155 , -,


    . , ,



    . , ,



    153 Burkert, W., , .., . 98 154 ( Laeta, CVII): Et, ut omittam Vetera, ne apud incredulos nimis fabulosa videantur, ante paucos annos propinquus vester Gracchus, nobihtatem patriciam nomine sonans, cum praefecturam regeret urbanam, nonne specu Mithrae et omnia ^ortentuosa simulacra, quibus corax, nymphius,^ miles, leo, Perses, heliodromus, pater initiantur, subvertit, fregit, excussit et his quasi obsidibus ante praemissis inpetravit baptismum Christi? di Felicissimo 3 . .. ( 1). . Beard, M. North, J. Price, S., Religions of Rome, .., vol. 2, . 305, 12.5a 155 . Clauss, M., The Roman Cult of Mithras, .., . 102-105 156 -, Quaestiones Veteris Et Novi Testamenti CXIV, 11: Ne enim horreant turpiter dehonestari se oculi illis velantur, alii autem sicut aves alas percutiunt vocem coracis imitantes; alii vero leonum more fremunt; alii autem ligatis manibus intestinis pullinis proiciuntur super foveas aqua plenas, accedente quodam cum gladio et inrumpente intestina supra dicta qui se liberatorem appelet. . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, Journal of Mithraic Studies 3 (1980), 24 = Gordon, R. L., Image and Value in the Graeco-Roman World, .., . 5 157 Martin, H. L., Performativity, Narrativity and Cognition, .., . 191. S. Maria Capua Vetere. . Vermaseren, M. J., Mithriaca I., The Mithraeum at S.Maria Capua Vetere (EPRO, 16) (Leiden, 1971), 25-50.


  • , ,




    , ,


    2.2.1 , ,

    . ,



    , ,




    , .160

    , ,

    , ,

    158 Martin, H. L., Performativity, Narrativity and Cognition, .., . 191. , . 159 Burkert, W., , .., . 102 160 Martin, H. L., Performativity, Narrativity and Cognition, .., . 305-306


  • .161 ,

    , .





    , ,


    , ,



    , ,





    161 . Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 176 162 Martin, H. L., Performativity, Narrativity and Cognition, .., . 196 163 Johnson (Moral Imagination, .., .161-163), . , . 164 , . Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 98 165Martin, H. L., , .., . 316 Gordon, R.L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 43-49 Gordon, R. L., Authority, Salvation and Mystery in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 70


  • ( 2).166


    , Per pocj mycwn167,


    .168 ,


    , ,

    .169 , ,

    170, 171



    166 . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 54-57 167 , Per pocj mycwn, 4. 16: n toj to Mqra musthroij. tn gr kointhta mn tn prj t za anittmenoi di tn zwn mj mhnein eqasin: j toj mn metcontaj tn atn rgwn mstaj lontaj kalen, tj d gunakaj anaj Richard Gordon, . . Gordon, R.L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 57-58 168 Gordon, R. L., Authority, Salvation and Mystery in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 70 169 Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 98 Gordon, R. L., Authority, Salvation and Mystery in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 70 170 Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 98 Gordon, R. L., Authority, Salvation and Mystery in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 70 171 Gordon, R. L., Authority, Salvation and Mystery in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 70 172 Gordon Jonathan David The Exclusion of Women in the Mithraic Mysteries: Ancient or Modern?, in Numen, Vol. 47, No. 2, (2000), 121-141. , . 173 , , . Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 98


  • , ,




    , 174,

    , 175,

    .176 ,

    , (

    ) (


    , .

    , ,





    , ,

    , , ,

    . ,


    174 . Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 103 175 , . Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 103 176 Clauss, M., The Roman Cult of Mithras, .., . 40 177 Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 103 178 Clauss, M., The Roman Cult of Mithras, .., . 40


  • .179

    , ,









    , ,

    . , ,


    . , ,



    . , ,

    179 Martin, H. L., , .., . 317 180 Geertz, C., Religion as a Cultural System, .., . 122 181 Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 101


  • .






    . ,



    , ,




    .184 ,



    182 Gordon (Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 72, . 8) , , . 183 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 73 184 di Felicissimo, (caduceus) ( 3). . . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 25 Becatti, G., Scavi di Ostia, II: I Mitrei, Roma: 1954, . 108-110 185 , Historiae Naturalis, 10, 33: corvi in auspiciis soli videntur intellectum habere significationum suarum. , , , , . .


  • .186 Gordon






    , ,




    , ,


    . , , ,


    . , ,


    . ,



    186 Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 27 187 Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 31-32 , . . 188 (Fasti 2, 243-266, 255-256), (De Astronomia, 2, 40 Fabulae 202) .. 189 (Historiae Naturalis, 10, 32: corvi ante solstitium generant, idem aegrescunt sexagenis diebus, siti maxime, antequam fici coquantur autumno), . (Phaenomena 449, . 425) : 'Apllwna d gnnta tlhqj tn mn ej rneon metamorfsai ka poisai diyn per tn kmn tj praj .... . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 27


  • ,



    .190 ,

    . ,


    , .




    ( ). ,


    Firmicus Maternus, De errore, 19, 1193,

    , ,

    . ,

    Santa Prisca, ( )

    , ( )

    , , , 190 Gordon (Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 28), , , , . 191 Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 31 192 Martin, H. L., , .., . 313. () . Merkelbach, R., Wihegrade und Seelenlehre der mithrasmysterien, in Rheinisch-Westflische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vortrge G. 257 (Oplanden, 1982), . 22-23 Mithras, .., . 88-90. . , Historia Animalium V 10, . 551a 14b5. 193 Firmicus Maternus, De errore profanarum religionum, XX, 2: de Nmfe, care Nmfe, care non fj


  • .194


    di Felicissim ( 4).

    , ,

    , . ,


    . ,








    , ,


    .198 De Corona Militis, 15, 3-4199,

    194 . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 50 195 . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 49-50 196 , , , , . , . . Vermaseren, M. J., Mithras. The Secret God, (. Therese and Vincent Magaw) (London, 1963), . 142. Gordon . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 52 197 Martin, H. L., , .., . 314 198 Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 53 199 , . , . , De Corona Militis, 15, 3-4: Erubescite, commilitones eius, iam non ab ipso iudicandi, sed ab aliquo Mithrae milite. Qui cum initiatur in spelaeo, in castris uere tenebrarum, coronam interposito gladio sibi oblatam quasi mimum martyrii, dehinc capiti suo accommodatam, monetur obuia manu a capite pellere et in humerum, si forte, transferre, dicens Mithran esse coronam suam. [4]


  • .




    , ,





    , .


    , .203

    , Gordon,


    , .

    Atque exinde numquam coronatur, idque in signum habet ad probationem sui, sicubi temptatus fuerit de sacramento, statimque creditur Mithrae miles, si deiecerit coronam, si eam in deo suo esse dixerit. Beard, M. North, J. Price, S., Religions of Rome, .., vol. 2, . 312 200 , , di Felicissimo, , ( 5). 201 Gordon, ( ) . . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 32 Beck, R., Ritual, Myth, Doctrine, and Initiation in the Mysteries of Mithras: New Evidence from a Cult Vessel, in The Journal of Roman Studies, vol. 90, (2000), 146 202 4 . .. . Gordon (Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 75, . 20) , Cumont (Textes et monuments figures relatifs aux mysteres de Mithra, .., . 317) Vermaseren (Mithras. The Secret God, , .., . 140). 203 Gordon (Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 32) , . , .


  • 204 205,






    , ,

    , .




    , .211

    , ,

    .212 213

    204 , De Natura Animalium, 4, 34 5, 39 7, 23 17, 27. . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 75, . 21-22 205 , Historia Naturalis, 8, 47-48, 52, 56-58. . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 75, . 21, 22 206 . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 33-34 207 , di Felicissimo, , , ( 6). 208 Beck, L. R., In the Place of the Lion: Mithras in the Tauroctony, .., . 29-50 209 Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 33 210 , De Natura Animalium, 4, 34: `O acn to lontoj x stou sunsthken, o mn k sfondlwn polln. e d tij t st to lontoj diakptoi, pr atn xlletai. mueloj d ok cei od gr sti kola aln dkhn 211 , Historia Naturalis, 2, 222: itaque solis ardore siccatur liquor, et hoc esse masculum sidus accepimus, torrens cuncta sorbensque. sic mari late patenti saporem incoqui salis, aut quia exhausto inde dulci tenuique, quod facillime trahat vis ignea, omne asperius crassiusque linquaturideo summam aequorum aquam dulciorem profunda; hanc esse veriorem causam asperi saporis quam quod mare terrae sudor sit aeternusaut quia plurimus ex arido misceatur illi vapor aut qui terrae natura sicut medicatas aquas inficiat. est in exemplis Dionysio Siciliae tyranno, cum pulsus est ea potentia, accidisse prodigium, ut uno die in portu dulcesceret mare: 212 , , 15, 25 16, 32 (Arethusa): tan mn on toj t leontik muoumnoij ej tj ceraj nq' datoj mli nyasqai gcwsi, kaqarj cein tj ceraj paraggllousin p pantj luphro ka blaptiko ka musaro, ka j mstV kaqartiko


  • 214 ,



    , , ,



    , 217,

    218. ,





    , , ,



    ntoj to purj okea nptra prosgousi, paraithsmenoi t dwr j polemon t pur. kaqarousi d ka tn glssan t mliti p pantj martwlo. tan d t PrsV prosgwsi mli j flaki karpn, t fulaktikn n sumblJ tqentai 213 . . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 40. ( , 16-18) . , . Cosi, D., Aspeti mistici e misterici del culto do Attins, in: U. Bianchi M. J. Vermaseren (eds.), La soteriologia dei Culti Orientali. Atti del Colloquio Internazionale La soteriologia dei Culti nell Impero Romano, Roma 24-28 Septembre 1979 (EPRO, 92) (Leiden, 1982), . 485-504, 492 22, 497, 502-503 214 Gordon (Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 36) Marcel Detienne , , Gordon, . . Gordon, R.L., Franz Cumont and the Doctrines of Mithraism, in Mithraic Studies, I, (1975), 241, Detienne . Detienne, M., Les jardins d Adonis: la mythologie des aromates en Grce (Paris, 1972) 215 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 73 216 Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 37, 78-79, . 37 217 , Historia Naturalis, 11, 38 218 , . . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 36-37 219 . . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 36 220 Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 37


  • .221





    . ,



    .222 ,



    . 224,


    . ,

    , ,





    , ,

    221 Santa Prisca Accipe thuricremos pater, accipe sancta Leones,/ per quos thuradamus, per quos consumimur ipsi (V 481-482) , , . . Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 99-100 Beck, L. R., Ritual, Myth, Doctrine, and Initiation in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 146 222 Beard, M. North, J. Price, S., Religions of Rome, .., vol. 1, . 281 223 , di Felicissimo, , , , ( 7). 224 , A, 15 (Arethusa): tan d t PrsV prosgwsi mli j flaki karpn, t fulaktikn n sumblJ tqentai 225 Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 100 226 Santa Prisca. . Gordon, R.L., Mystery, metaphor and doctrine in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 110-113


  • ,

    . 227

    . 228
















    227 Beck, L. R., Ritual, Myth, Doctrine, and Initiation in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., . 154 228 . di Felicissimo ( 8). , , . 229 . Beck, L.R., In the Place of the Lion: Mithras in the Tauroctony, in J. R. Hinnells (ed), Studies in Mithraism, Rome: 1994, 41 = Beck, L. R., Beck on Mithraism, .., . IV, . 282 230 - , . , Barsalou. . Barsalou, L. W. Barbey, A. K. Simmons, K. W. Santos, A., Embodiment in religious knowledge, .., 44-46 231 . 232 , di Felicissimo, , , ( 9). 233 Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 100-101 234 , Contra Celsum, 6.22: Anttetai tata ka Persn lgoj, ka to Mqrou telet, par' atoj stin. Esti gr ti n at smbolon tn do tn n oran


  • ,



    , .235


    , ,





    . ,

    --. ,



    peridwn, tj te planoj ka tj ej toj plantaj a nenemhmnhj, ka tj di' atn tj yucj diexdou. Toinde t smbolon klmax ptpuloj, p d' at plh gdh. 7 . . , , , . . Beck, L. R., In the Place of the Lion: Mithras in the Tauroctony, .., . 30. 235 Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 101 236 , , 6, 8-9: otw ka Prsai tn ej ktw kqodon tn yucn ka plin xodon mustagwgontej telosi tn msthn, ponomsantej splaion tpon


  • .


    . --

    . ,





    , --


    . Johnson, -

    -, ,





    237 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 168-169 238 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 168 239 (Long-Term Purposeful Activities Are Journeys) . . . Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 167-169 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 60-61


  • ,

    .240 ,






    , 242 .


    , .

    , ,

    , ,


    , ,



    240 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 62 241 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 168 242 , . , , , , . . , , 15-30. 243 , . Gordon, R. L., Mithraism and Roman Society, .., 99-101


  • ,


    . , ,


    , ,





    , ,





    . ,








    , ,

    244 , . 245 . Gordon, R. L., Reality, Evocation and Boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 38-39


  • , .246


    . , ,

    , .



    .247 , ,










    250. , ,

    .251 ,


    246 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 84 247 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 62 248 Martin, H. L., , .., . 87-88 249 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 61-62 250 . , ., , .., . 319-324 251 Martin, H. L., , .., . 95-97


  • , .252


    , , ,



    . ,


    , ,

    . ,


    , ,



    , ,

    , . ,




    , Johnson,

    , ,


    252 . , ., , ../ . 49-56 : , ., , .., 17-20 : Martin, L., , .. /124-125 253 . Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 61-62 254 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 170-171 255 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 171


  • , ,



    256 Johnson, M., Moral Imagination, .., . 175-176


  • 3.


    . ,



    . ,

    , ,







    257 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape: A Phenomenological Perspective, in C. Tilley W. Bennett, Materiality of Stone: Explorations in Landscape Phenomenology (Oxford, 2004), . 1 258 . Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 1-2


  • ,



    , .260



    .262 ,

    . , , , ,

    , .263

    , , ,

    , , ,




    , ,

    . Lakoff Johnson

    259 Maurice Merleau-Ponty 20 . , . . Phenomenology of Perception (. Colin Smith) (London & New York, 22002), Merleau-Ponty , , . 260 Merleau-Ponty Tilley . . Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 1-31. 261 Merleau-Ponty . Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., . vii-xxiv 262 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 3 263 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 25 264 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 26


  • .265





    Merleau-Ponty ,











    .269 , ,



    265 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 137 266 Merleau-Ponty . . Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., , . 2 267 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 1 268 Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., . 235 269 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 2


  • 270


    /, 272




    , .273

    -, ,


    , , , ,


    274 .275 Merleau-Ponty,



    () / () , / /


    ( ),

    ( ),

    , (

    , . ). ,


    270 Merleau-Ponty Being-for-itself Being-in-the-World. Merleau-Ponty . cogito . Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., , . 429-475 271 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 3 272 Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., .292 273 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 4 Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., . 237 274 Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., . 295 275 Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., . 236-237 276 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 4


  • ,277



    , ,


    , .279








    . ,



    .281 ,



    . -

    277 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 4 278 Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., . 236 279 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., .5 Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., . 236-237 280 . Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Metaphors We Live By, .., . 14-19 281 . Smith, J. Z., Birth Upside Down or Right Side Up?, in idem Map Is Not Territory: Studies in the history of religions, Chicago-London, 1993 (1978), . 174-171 282 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 5-6


  • ,

    , , ,




    . , /





    , ,









    . ,

    283 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 6 284 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 6-7 285 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 8-9


  • ,



    , , ,

    , ,

    . Merleau-Ponty, ,


    , .287



    Lakoff Johnson,

    . ,

    . ,



    , , ,




    , , ,


    , , ,

    286 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 9-10 287 Merleau-Ponty . Merleau-Ponty, ., Phenomenology of Perception, .., . 476-503 288 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 12 289 Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 137


  • , , . ,

    . ,




    . ,

    , , ,

    , .


    - -


    , , , -





    293 -


    , .

    , ,

    , ,



    , Lakoff Johnson,

    290 Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 138-139 291 Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 140 292 Lakoff Johnson motion situations, . Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 151 293 Lakoff Johnson time defining events, . Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 151


  • ,


    , -




    , ,

    , . ,






    - .








    . ,



    294 Time metaphors are grounded in literal motion situations, in which the time and motion domains come together in experience, . Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 152 295 Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 153-154 296 Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 159 297 Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 160


  • .298


    . ,


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    298 Lakoff, G., Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 167-168 299 Tilley, C., From Body to Place to Landscape, .., . 10, 20


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    300 , A, 6, 15-18: prtou mn, j fh Ebouloj, Zwrostrou atofuj splaion n toj plhson resi tj Persdoj nqhrn ka phgj con niersantoj ej timn to pntwn poihto ka patrj Mqrou 301 Beard, M. North, J. Price, S., Religions of Rome, .., . 303 302 , 4 . ... , , , . . . Martin, H. L., (2003), .., . 93 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 79-80 303 Martin, H. L., , .., . 90 304 , , . , , . Beck, R. L., Planetary Gods and Planetary Orders in the Mysteries of Mithras (Leiden, New York, Kbenhavn, Kln, 1988), . 4-11


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    305 Martin, H. L., , .., . 93 . () , Hani, J., La Religion gyptien dans la pense de Plutarque (Paris, 1976) 306 Lakoff, G. Johnson, M., Philosophy in the Flesh, .., . 137-138 307 , , 38c3-6: x on lgou ka dianoaj qeo toiathj prj crnou gnesin, na gennhq crnoj, lioj ka selnh ka pnte lla stra, pklhn conta planht, ej diorismn ka fulakn riqmn crnou ggonen , 45 . , , , , , . . Beck, R. L., In the Place of the Lion: Mithas in Tauroctony, .., .283


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    308 , 27,32 , 29,53 . . Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 77 309 . , , , . , . Beck, R. L., In the Place of the Lion: Mithras in the Tauroctony, .., . 42 310 . . Beck, R. L., Ritual, Myth, Doctrine, and Initiation in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 163 311 . . Beck, R. L., Ritual, Myth, Doctrine, and Initiation in the Mysteries of Mithras, .., 163 312 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 78-79


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    313 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 79 314 Beck, R. L., Planetary Gods and Planetary Orders in the Mysteries of Mithra, .., . 54 315 , , 39d2-7: stin d' mwj odn tton katanosai dunatn j ge tleoj riqmj crnou tn tleon niautn plhro tte, tan pasn tn kt peridwn t prj llhla sumperanqnta tch sc kefaln t to tato ka mowj ntoj nametrhqnta kklJ 316 , , ( A, 6,15: j fh Ebouloj), ( , 22, 2-4: to d ntrou ekna ka smbolon fhs to ksmou frontoj Noumnioj ka totou taroj Krnioj do enai n oran kra ). , , , . . Beck, R. L., Cosmic Models: Some Uses of Hellenistic Science in Roman Religion, in T.D. Barnes (ed.), The Sciences in Greco-Roman Society, APEIRON, 27 (4) (1994a), . 107 = Beck, R. L., Beck on Mithraism, .., . 343) 317 , A, 6, 8-9: otw ka Prsai tn ej ktw kqodon tn yucn ka plin xodon mustagwgontej telosi tn msthn, ponomsantej splaion tpon


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    318 , A, 6, 13-20 319 , A, 6, 20-23: met d toton tn Zwrostrhn kratsantoj ka par toj lloij, di' ntrwn ka sphlawn et' on atofun ete ceiropoitwn tj teletj podidnai. 320 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire, .., . 105-106 321 , . . Beck, R. L., The Mysteries of Mithras: A New Account of their Genesis, in Journal of Roman Studies, .. , 115-128 = Beck, R. L., Beck on Mithraism, .., . 31-44 322 , A, 6, 13-15: ekna frontoj at to sphlaou to ksmou, n Mqraj dhmiorghse, tn d' ntj kat summtrouj postseij smbola ferntwn tn kosmikn stoicewn ka klimtwn


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    323 Beck, R. L., The Religion of the Mithr