Pick up the following components

Post on 05-Dec-2021

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Transcript of Pick up the following components

Pick up the following components:

Make sure Thonny is able to connect to your ESP32

EN 1: Engineering in the Kitchen

Steven Bell28 September 2021

Breadboards (1)Examine the breadboards being passed around,and draw a schematic for this circuit:

Assume a 5Vsource here

Breadboards (2)

Breadboards (3)

Breadboards (4)

Breadboards (5)

Breadboards (6)

Build this circuit on your breadboard





(Orange-Orange-Brown)Flat side

Shorter lead

LEDs have polarity!

Controlling an LED

from machine import Pin # import necessary library

led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) # set up `led` to control pin D2

led.on() # turn pin on (high / 3.3V)

led.off() # turn pin off (low / 0V)

Wire up a switch


Digital input

What's thevoltage here?

(Ground - "GND" pin in ESP32)

Wire up a switch


Digital input

What's thevoltage here?

(Ground - "GND" pin in ESP32)


Controlling an LED

from machine import Pin # import necessary library

switch = Pin(2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)


You will design and build your own microwave control panel.It must:

Project 2: building a microwave control panel

Allow a user to specify different amounts of time to cookIndicate the time remaining in some wayTurn off the microwave if the door is opened(https://twitter.com/i/status/1418413938115371011)

For Thursday

Make revisions to your disassembly guidesExperiment with Python, LEDs and switches

Email me if you want to keep your project partner for project 2