[IEEE Conference Digest 2000 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Nice, France (10-15...

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Transcript of [IEEE Conference Digest 2000 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Nice, France (10-15...


15.15 CThF7

Higa Power Broadband Singlelobe X=l.SS pm Superluminescent Diode

Nhta A, Pikhtin, Andrey V. Lyumloy, NatalyaV. Fdaon and llya S. T s r w v

A.F.Ioffe Pbysioo-Technical htitute Runsian Academy of Sciences. 26, Pdyteldulich&p, 194021, St.PetelVbW, RUSS~E

Te1(812)247-9379, Fw: (812)247-8038 E-mail: nik@pld.i&.rssi.ru

of mard" cw output power of singlelobe bmacRand supmhnnin-t emissioa. SU) was based on the menasfrpe lasa diode mstruaion

fundamental tin" mode con6nement and

Bba [I]. To achieve superluminarent ermsuon " w i p e law diode w d o n was mndi5ed with the aim of laaing suppression MOCM grown separnte oonfinement multiquantum well InoaAsp/lnGaAsnnp hcterostnrclure was ophized for SLD fabrication. The use of ten strained q u a " wells and bmdened wa-de dowed to mini" h a l optlcal l o w @inp up high gain in the Ave rtgion.

lnveskgnon oflight-cumnf spectra and faraed paltem ohamcte&h of Wncated SLD

with 4 p wipe width pmvidins tough

50% Foupling cfhdency in ain&wde O F

with difrerent flied stripe aogle a (from d to 144 i d diffa~lt cavity length L aoow~d to dehmim the o g b " *e of thm p~vrmeters - a = P* aud L=I .2 m. S i i @ 0.1% AR mains was depmired on the front faen of the diode. Such SLD wnstruclion allowed to achieve 60 mW (k1 .55 pnt) cw anput power ofsuperhunimwat d o n . Emission spars Fwt(M iS aa high ss 65 M\ (spdra modulation depth llKl%) Md 60 m ( ~ 3 % ) at o@ug ( I i Z P d and madmal (P-) oWut powers, rewdvely. The fsr field p m is singlelobe with FWHM BI = fl and 8, = 40'. allowing &cisnt roupling into aiaglmodc opt id 0bu.

Summing up. we have d w o m w t e d hi& powa low wherena S i o b e In(iaAsPLlnP ( h - l . S S p ) superfumin*xunt diode. SLD us*l maa OOMbuotion with P tilted stripe of 4 pm width and 1200 p length. CW supahmtinesoent output power as high Is 60 mW (X=1.55 p) har been reached. M m SpeclTa W d t h is 65 MI with spectral modulation of lea then 1%. Singlelobe far-Md panems allow 50 % wupling efikiency into singlemode optical fik.

RffeMlOeS I . E.G.Ooljkom e4 al., Tech, Php. Lea., 26(4), 2ooO,( lo be published).

13.30-15.30 Presider: N. Abramson, Royal Institute of TechndogK SWEDEN

13.30 CThG1

CThG - Optical Measurement Technologies: Liquids and Gases IRIS

20 km distributed tempershlrr 8enwr utilising spontaneous BriUouin sealtrring D.J. Webb,V.Lcc~~hc.M.W.Hathaway.C.N. Pannrll,D.A.Jackron

Applied Optics Group, School of Physicd Sciences, University of Kent. Canterbury CT2 7NR. UK.

e-mail: d.j.webb@ukc.ac.uk, Tel: +44 1227 764 WO. Fax: +44 1227 827 558.

Brillouin scattering is seen 8s B potential replacement for thc Raman scattering that ts d x a d y used ~JI "merc ia l distributed tempemNrc sensops. Two parameters o f the Brillour scatt-og arc temperatwc dependcnt: the Brillouin Frequency shift (which also has s qimiii dependence) and the iiitensiry of Ule spontlncously back-scattered tlrillouin lioc. Several systenis have beco developed for thc m c a s u m c m of thc Brillouin shift. but rccently attention lhzs focused an the second pwamuler because, if combined w l h h c lirsi. 11 should msblc the determioation of both temperam and strain. Unfortunately. tho fonn of the hack-rcaltcmd b p " , coniposed of Bdlauin aod Kayleigh lines rcpamtcd by roughly 10 QHz, cnvkcs both interferometric or heterdpe detection schemes hard to implement.

Novenhclcr$ the latter technique show$ good potantial bacawc of its high s~ lcc l i r i ty ;md dynamic mp. In QEViWS work, we have demonstrated that rhe eumbinatiun o f a CW source and a Brillouim Laser "Id well replace lhe high-speed elrstru-oplics often used Cor the Unlluuin shiR measurement. In the present paper, we desmibe a new arrangement, with II simpler. less- optical-power demanding and Fully controlled Brillwin source, implemantad lo faciliwtr. the heterodyne detectim of the spponlmeou~ Bdlouin back-scatter signal; see Fig. 1.

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