7. thematic analysis

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Μέθοδοι και Τεχνικές Έρευνας στον Κυβερνοχώρο

Ανάλυση Εμπειρικών Δεδομένων –Thematic Analysis & Πρελούδιο: ATLAS.ti

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.http://abrailas.github.io


ΚΩΔΙΚΟΠΟΙΗΣΗΠρελούδιο: Coding in ATLAS.ti

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.

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«Coding means categorising text fragments or multimedia content. Categories are defined in a coding scheme. They can be generated deductively from an existing theory or inductively “as near as possible to the material” (Mayring, 2000, p. 2). However, most coding schemes are being developed in a more iterative and cyclic process (Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2010), constantly refining categories considering the pertinent, theoretical literature and the material coded so far. »

(Einspanner et al, 2008)

4https://cybermethods.wordpress.com/2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.

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Don’t forget memos!

«While it is a cliché to affirm the importance of field notes, they are the most important source of information a researcher will have once fieldwork is complete. I carried a small notebook in my purse and frequently left events to scribble down notes about what was happening. I wish I had not assumed that I would remember certain things that happened. While I have found that only the most disciplined researchers write up their fieldnotes every night, there is a reason that this is consistently recommended (Emerson, Fretz, & Shaw, 1995).»

(Marwick, 2014)



2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.



2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


TA as a Foundational Method

“Qualitative approaches are incredibly diverse, complex and nuanced (Holloway and Todres, 2003), and thematic analysis should be seen as a foundational method for qualitative analysis. It is the first qualitative method of analysis that researchers should learn, as it provides core skills that will be useful for conducting many other forms of qualitative analysis.” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 78)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.

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Επιστημολογικό πλαίσιο

Οντολογικό επίπεδο Επιστημολογικό επίπεδο• Ρεαλισμός Realism/Objectivism)

• Κονστρουκτιβισμός (Constructivism)

• Θετικισμός (Positivism)

• Ερμηνευτική προσέγγιση (Interpretivism)


Η περιγραφή της επιστημολογίας του ερευνητή

“what is important is that as well as applying a method to data, researchers make their (epistemological and other) assumptions explicit (Holloway and Todres, 2003). Qualitative psychologists need to be clear about what they are doing and why, and to include the often-omitted ‘how’ they did their analysis in their reports (Attride-Stirling, 2001).” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 78-79)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


Εμπειρικά δεδομένα - Διασαφηνίσεις

“Data corpus refers to all data collected for a particular research project, while data set refers to all the data from the corpus that are being used for a particular analysis. […] the data set might be identified by a particular analytic interest in some topic in the data, and the data set then becomes all instances in the corpus where that topic is referred.”(Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 79)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


Thematic Analysis (TA)

“Thematic analysis is a method for identifying, analysing and reporting patterns (themes) within data.” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 79)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


“It can be seen as a very poorly ‘branded’ method, in that it does not appear to exist as a ‘named’ analysis in the same way that other methods do (eg, narrative Using thematic analysis in psychology analysis, grounded theory). In this sense, it is often not explicitly claimed as the method of analysis, when, in actuality, we argue that a lot of analysis is essentially thematic ? / but is either claimed as something else (such as DA, or even content analysis (eg, Meehan et al., 2000)) or not identified as any particular method at all ? /for example, data were ‘subjected to qualitative analysis for commonly recurring themes’ (Braun and Wilkinson, 2003: 30).” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 79-80)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.

… data were subjected to qualitative analysis!

16https://cybermethods.wordpress.com/2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus (c. 1486). Tempera on canvas. 172.5 cm × 278.9 cm (67.9 in × 109.6 in). Uffizi, Florence


Η προβληματική της ανάδυσης των θεματικών

“The language of ‘themes emerging’: ‘can be misinterpreted to mean that themes ‘reside’ in the data, and if we just look hard enough they will ‘emerge’ like Venus on the half shell. If themes ‘reside’ anywhere, they reside in our heads from our thinking about our data and creating links as we understand them’. (Ely et al.,β1997: 205? / 6)” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 79-80)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


TA vs. GT

“the goal of a grounded theory analysis is to generate a plausible ? / and useful ? / theory of the phenomena that is grounded in the data (McLeod, 2001). However, in our experience, grounded theory seems increasingly to be used in a way that is essentially grounded theory ‘lite’ ? / as a set of procedures for coding data very much akin to thematic analysis. Such analyses do not appear to fully subscribe to the theoretical commitments of a ‘full-fat’ grounded theory, which requires analysis to be directed towards theory development (Holloway and Todres, 2003).” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 80)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


“thematic analysis means researchers need not subscribe to the implicit theoretical commitments of grounded theory if they do not wish to produce a fully worked-up grounded-theory analysis.” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 80)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


“As thematic analysis does not require the detailed theoretical and technological knowledge of approaches, such as grounded theory and DA, it can offer a more accessible form of analysis, particularly for those early in a qualitative research career.” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 80)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


What is a theme?

“A theme captures something important about the data in relation to the research question, and represents some level of patterned response or meaning within the data set. An important question to address in terms of coding is: what counts as a pattern/theme” (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p. 82)

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


A step by step guide

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.

By Michaael McGimpsey via flickr, (CC BY-NC 2.0)


Το συνολικό πλαίσιο της ΤΑ• Μερικά στάδια της ΤΑ υπάρχουν και σε άλλες ποιοτικές μεθόδους• Όλα ξεκινούνε με την παρατήρηση από τον ερευνητή προτύπων

και σημείων με νόημα ή ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον στα εμπειρικά δεδομένα.

• Η διαδικασία της ΤΑ τελειώνει με την ερευνητική αναφορά των θεμάτων (themes) στα εμπειρικά δεδομένα.

• Τα θέματα (themes) είναι αφαιρετικές κατασκευές που ο ερευνητής αναγνωρίζει πριν, κατά τη διάρκεια και μετά την αρχική του ανάλυση

• Η ΤΑ είναι μια σπειροειδής διαδικασία ανάλυσης• Το γράψιμο είναι θεμελιώδες μέρος της ΤΑ από την αρχή της και

όχι κάτι που συμβαίνει απλά στο τέλος

Braun & Clarke, 20062016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


To be or not to be…

?Να κάνεις

βιβλιογραφική έρευνα πριν την

ανάλυση ή να μην κάνεις

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.

By Keven Law from Los Angeles, USA - Feeling nervous..., CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22482769


1: Familiarize yourself with your data

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α. By Cristiano Banti, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org


2: Generate initial codes

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.

By hackNY.org via flickr, (CC BY-SA 2.0)


3: Searching for themes

2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.

By ING Group via flickr, (CC BY 2.0)


4: Reviewing themes

By Samantha Cristoforetti via flickr, (CC BY 2.0)


5: defining and naming themes

Adam naming animals - Moni Ayou Nikolaou (Meteora), via Wikimedia Commons


6: producing the report

Drawing hands by M.C. Escher, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3475111

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Thematic Analysis vs. Content Analysis

«Content analysis can be understood as a methodological framework within which various approaches of textual and non-textual analyses can be applied. The research technique of content analysis facilitates the systematic coding and analysing of the content of spoken, written, or audio-visual communication (Berelson, 1952; Krippendorff, 2004). It is used in order to identify and classify words, phrases, or other meaningful matter, such as images, sounds, or even numerical records in terms of their structure and semantics. By interpreting frequency distributions and co-occurrence patterns of the single analytical units, this methodological approach allows for systematically drawing valid conclusions from data “to the context of their use” (Krippendorff, 2004, p. 18).»

(Einspanner et al, 2008)

32https://cybermethods.wordpress.com/2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus (c. 1486). Tempera on canvas. 172.5 cm × 278.9 cm (67.9 in × 109.6 in). Uffizi, Florence

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• Δώστε έναν τίτλο στο σημερινό μάθημα

ή• Θέστε ένα ερώτημαή• Διατυπώστε μια έννοια - κλειδί ή• Πείτε μια σύντομη φράση που

σας έρχεται στο νου

34https://cybermethods.wordpress.com/2016 – Μπράιλας, Α.


• Η ομάδες εστιασμένης συζήτησης είναι μια ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμη και αποτελεσματική ερευνητική τεχνική

• Επιτρέπει την αλληλεπίδραση ανάμεσα στους συμμετέχοντες και την ανάδυση προσωπικών νοημάτων μέσα από τη συνέργεια και τη διεργασία της ομάδας

• Απαιτείται καλή και προσεκτική οργάνωση• Ο συντονιστής πρέπει να είναι επιδέξιος στην

εστίαση της συζήτησης και να ενθαρρύνει τη συμμετοχή κα την αλληλεπίδραση

By Stefan Krause, Germany - Own work, FAL, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22608940