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Page 1: Topological Order from Disorder and the Quantized …Topological Order from Disorder and the Quantized Hall Thermal Metal: Possible Applications to the = 5=2 State Chong Wang, 1Ashvin

Topological Order from Disorder and the Quantized Hall Thermal Metal: PossibleApplications to the ν = 5/2 State

Chong Wang,1 Ashvin Vishwanath,1 and Bertrand I. Halperin1

1Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138, USA

Although numerical studies modeling the quantum hall effect at filling fraction 5/2 predict eitherthe Pfaffian (Pf) or its particle hole conjugate, the anti-Pfaffian (aPf) state, recent experimentsappear to favor a quantized thermal hall conductivity with quantum number K = 5/2 , rather thanthe value K = 7/2 or K = 3/2 expected for the Pf or aPF state, respectively. While a particlehole symmetric topological order (the PH-Pfaffian) would be consistent with the experiments, thisstate is believed to be energetically unfavorable in a homogenous system. Here we study the effectsof disorder that are assumed to locally nucleate domains of Pf and aPf. When the disorder isrelatively weak and the size of domains is relatively large, we find that when the electrical Hallconductance is on the quantized plateau with σxy = (5/2)(e2/h), the value of K can be only 7/2or 3/2, with a possible first-order-like transition between them as the magnetic field is varied.However, for sufficiently strong disorder an intermediate state might appear, which we analyzewithin a network model of the domain walls. Predominantly, we find a thermal metal phase, whereK varies continuously and the longitudinal thermal conductivity is non-zero, while the electricalHall conductivity remains quantized at (5/2)e2/h. However, in a restricted parameter range we finda thermal insulator with K = 5/2, a disorder stabilized phase which is adiabatically connected tothe PH-Pfaffian. We discuss a possible scenario to rationalize these special values of parameters.

December 27, 2017


An even-denominator fractional quantized Hall (FQH)state at filling fraction ν = 5/2, in a strongly-confinedtwo-dimensional electron system, was first observed byWillett et al. in 1987 [1]. There have been debatesabout the nature of this state ever since. Exact diagonal-ization calculations in finite systems as well as density-matrix-renormalization-group calculations have stronglysuggested[2–9] that the ground state at ν = 5/2 shouldeither be a state with the quantum numbers of the Pfaf-fian (Pf) state suggested by Moore and Read[10], orits particle-hole conjugate, commonly denoted the anti-Pfaffian (aPf) state[11, 12]. The Pf and aPf states canboth be thought of as paired states[13] of compositefermions[14–16], and have many common properties, in-cluding the existence of charge e/4 quasiparticles withnon-Abelian statistics, but they have been shown to betopologically distinct. In particular, the quantized ther-mal Hall conductance resulting from edge modes in thetwo states are predicted to have different values. Specifi-cally, it is predicted that if the thermal Hall conductanceis written as κxy = Kκ0T , where κ0 ≡ (π2k2

B/3h), thenK is the chiral central charge of the boundary confor-mal field theory[17], with K = (7/2) for the Pf state andK = (3/2) for the aPf state.

In the limit where the participating electrons are per-fectly confined to the second Landau level and are com-pletely spin polarized, and interact with purely two-bodyinteractions, the Pf and aPf states must have identicalenergies, by the particle-hole (PH) symmetry of the pro-jected Hamiltonian. Although this degeneracy will gen-erally be broken by Landau level mixing effects, it ap-

pears from various calculations that the energy differ-ence at ν = 5/2 between the Pf and aPf states is rela-tively small for Hamiltonians relevant to the experimen-tal situation in GaAs, and there has not been unanimousagreement about which of the two states should havelower energy (current numerical calculations seem to fa-vor aPf[6, 8, 9]).

If one ignores effects of Landau level mixing, the choicebetween Pf and aPf in a finite sample could be deter-mined by boundary effects, which clearly will violate PHsymmetry. PH symmetry will also be broken by any devi-ations of the electron density from the value correspond-ing to ν = 5/2. In particular, in either one of the twostates, the energy to create a positively charged quasipar-ticle, with charge e/4 will be different from the energy toproduce a negatively charged quasiparticle, with charge−e/4. If, for the sake of argument, the positive quasi-particle has the lower energy in the aPf state, then thenegative quasiparticle will have the lower energy, by anequal amount, in the aPf state. Then in a sample withfilling fraction ν slightly less than 5/2, but still within theν = 5/2 quantized Hall plateau, we would expect the sys-tem to prefer the aPf state, whereas for ν slightly greaterthan 5/2, the Pf state would have lower total energy. Ifthe effects of Landau level mixing are not zero but aresufficiently small, the transition point between the twostates might be shifted slightly away from ν = 5/2, butin the absence of boundary effects or of possible com-plications due to disorder, we would still expect a sharptransition between the two states. If the effects of Landaulevel mixing are too large, then only one of the two stateswould exist within the allowed range of ν. Thus, if onewere to measure the thermal Hall conductance at anyfixed filling fraction inside the 5/2 plateau, one shouldobtain either K = (3/2) or K = (7/2), with perhaps asharp transition between the two values as one varies the










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filling factor.

Recent measurements[18] by Banerjee et al. of thethermal conductance at ν = 5/2 are in dramatic disagree-ment with the above scenario. They obtain the resultK = (5/2), with a small uncertainty, which clearly dis-tinguishes the result from ether K = (7/2) or K = (3/2).The puzzle is how to explain this discrepancy.

Recently, the composite fermion description of the halffilled Landau level [16] was augmented to incorporateparticle-hole symmetry [19]. Effectively, this theory en-dows composite fermions with a Dirac character, or moreprecisely maps the problem to that of the Dirac surfacestates of three dimensional topological insulators [19–23].A natural extension of this inquiry is if there is a parti-cle hole symmetric quantized Hall state for the half filledLandau level (unlike the Pfaffian and anti-Pfaffian stateswhich are mapped to one another under particle-hole).Indeed such a topological order was obtained while study-ing the surface of a particle-hole symmetric topologicalinsulator (ClassAIII) [24]. The same anyon content ap-pears in the T-Pfaffian state, a surface topological orderproposed for Z2 topological insulators [25–29]. In Ref.[19] it was shown that this particle-hole symmetric topo-logical order can be obtained from pairing Dirac com-posite fermions[19–22, 30] in the s-wave channel, whereit was named the PH-Pfaffian (we will adopt this termi-nology here). On the other hand, pairing in the d + id(d− id) channels leads to the Pf (aPf) state, since in theDirac composite fermion description, time reversal playsthe role of particle hole symmetry. Even in the absenceof particle hole symmetry the PH-Pfaffian topological or-der is well defined and Ref. [12] had earlier proposed thatthis same state could arise at the transition between thePfaffian and anti-Pfaffian phase.

Since the PH-Pfaffian FQH state at ν = 5/2 is ex-pected to show K = 5/2, the experiments may be con-sidered to be evidence in favor of such a state. How-ever, it has been widely believed, based on numericalcalculations, that a state with the quantum numbers ofthe PH-Pfaffian would have a higher energy than thethe Pf or aPf state, and might not even possess an en-ergy gap, for realistic interaction parameters. This beliefis partly based on unpublished results and on calcula-tions that focus on the accuracy of the Pf or aPf groundstates in spherical geometries but do not explicitly con-sider the flux numbers appropriate for the PH-Pfaffianstate[2, 3, 5, 9, 31], and it probably deserves further ex-amination. Nevertheless, in order to investigate the ef-fects of disorder, we assume here that the belief is correct.It was also argued, analytically, in Ref. [32] that a PH-Pfaffian state, when projected into a single Landau level,must necessarily be gapless, but we have not been ableto completely follow the logic behind those arguments.

Motivated by previous experiments that seemed to de-viate from results expected for the Pf or aPf states,Zucker and Feldman [33] have suggested that the PH-Pfaffian might somehow be stabilized by disorder, butthey were not very specific about how this might come

FIG. 1: Upper panel: a possible phase diagramcontaining four phases: Pf, aPf, PH-Pf and thequantized hall thermal metal. The vertical axis δ isprimarily related to disorder strength, but could also beaffected by detailed energetics. At a given disorderstrength, three scenarios are possible as one varies thefilling fraction ν across the symmetric point νc (which isexpected to be shifted slightly away from 5/2 due toLandau level mixing): a direct first-order-like transitionfrom Pf to aPf phase (dashed blue line), an intermediatethermal metal (dashed red line) and an intermediatePH-Pf phase separated from Pf/aPf by a thermal metal(solid red line). The values of K as functions of ν inthese scenarios are shown in the lower panel.

about. In the current manuscript, we attempt to ex-plore further the idea that the experimental situationmay be a consequence of disorder. We consider a setof related models, with differing assumptions about theenergy scales separating the different possible phases andtheir domain boundaries, as well as the length scale andmagnitude of asymmetry fluctuations due to disorder.We conclude that a disorder-stabilized phase with thequantum numbers of the PH Pfaffian is indeed possiblein principle, but the conditions for its realization may bevery restrictive. We believe that it remains very muchan open question whether disorder-induced stabilizationis the explanation for the experimentally-observed heatconductivity.

Our analysis begins with an assumption that PH asym-metry due to Landau level mixing may be neglected andthat the ground state at ν = 5/2 in an infinite disorder-

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free system may be indifferently the Pf or aPf state. Weassume that the actual system is subject to potential fluc-tuations on a length scale ξ large compared to the mag-netic length, arising from fluctuations in the density ofcharged impurities in a doping layer, which is set backfrom the electron layer. (Typically, ξ will be of the orderof the set-back distance.) We assume that these fluctua-tions are large enough to favor the nucleation of one ormore charged quasiparticles of one or the other sign in atypical region of size ξ. Then, provided that one couldneglect the energy cost of a domain wall and one could ne-glect the thickness of such a wall, one might expect thatsample would be divided into Pf and aPf regions, witha characteristic size scale of order ξ, and roughly equalamounts of each phase. In this scenario, as we shall dis-cuss further below, if one can neglect tunneling betweendomain walls that come close together, the macroscopicthermal Hall conductance would be either K = (7/2) orK = (3/2) depending on which of the two phases per-colates across the sample. Consequently, in this model,if one were to vary the average filling fraction by vary-ing magnetic field, one would expect a sharp transitionbetween the two values of K as first one, then the otherphase percolates. This is illustrated by the dashed bluecurve in Fig. 1.

Other possibilities arise, however, if we assume thatthe domain walls have a finite thickness, but we still ne-glect the domain wall energy cost. By domain wall thick-ness, we mean that if two domain walls become closertogether than the domain wall thickness, we must takeinto account the possibility of the tunneling of excitationsbetween the two domain walls. Then we have the possi-bility that for a finite range of ν, neither Pf nor aPf willpercolate; rather the domain walls will form the percolat-ing phase (see Fig. 2). Then we should consider at leasttwo possible outcomes. One is that low energy neutralexcitations can diffuse freely on the network of domainwalls, the second is that only localized excitations canexist at low energies. We argue below that in the lat-ter case, the system will have a quantized thermal Hallconductance with K = (5/2), and will share the topo-logical properties of the PH-Pfaffian phase. The statewith delocalized neutral excitations, which we denote asthe “quantized Hall thermal metal” (QHTM) state, willnot have a quantized thermal Hall conductance, but mayhave a value of K that varies continuously as one varies ν.The metallic phase will also have a longitudinal thermalconductance κxx which differs from zero and which wouldhave to be taken into account in analyzing the experi-ments, which actually measure a two-terminal thermalconductance. However, we emphasize that the QHTMis still an (electrically insulating) quantized Hall state,whose electrical Hall conductivity σxy = (5/2)e2/h re-mains quantized, and σxx = 0 at zero temperature, sincecharged quasiparticles should still be localized by the dis-order and Coulomb interactions. The two scenarios areboth illustrated, in Fig. 1, by the red solid and dottedcurves.

Two Majorana fermionsOne Majorana fermion

Charge mode

FIG. 2: Illustrations of inhomogeneousPfaffian/anti-Pfaffian mixtures. The upper paneldescribes when a single phase (for exampleanti-Pfaffian) percolates, and the system behaves onmacroscopic scales as the percolated phase, with thecorresponding edge states. The lower panel describeswhen neither of the two phases percolates, but thedomain walls between them percolate. If the neutralmodes propagate diffusively on the domain walls, thesystem becomes a thermal metal (but is still aquantized electric Hall insulator). If the neutral modesare localized instead, the system becomes equivalent toa PH-Pfaffian state on macroscopic scales, with theedge modes that give K = 5/2.

Even without disorder, a highly anisotropic version ofthe quantized Hall thermal metal at ν = 5/2 has beenproposed earlier in Ref. [34] as a candidate phase due tospontaneous formation of Pf and aPf stripes. Here wefocus on the scenario in which the system is a pure Pfor aPf state in the clean limit, and the quantized Hallthermal metal phase, if realized, is a result of disorder.

We note that the localization problem studied here willfall into the Altlander-Zirnbauer symmetry class D[35],involving fermions without any nontrivial global symme-try. In general, systems in this class can be either lo-calized or delocalized [36, 37], depending on microscopicdetails. Analysis of these details will be a principal focusof the present paper.

It is important to note that in practice, the geometricdomain structure will be driven by energy considerations,and will certainly not be completely random. For exam-ple we must take into account the energy cost of domainwalls. If this energy cost is too high, or if the domain

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size ξ is too large relative to the domain wall thickness, itmay be energetically favorable for the system to sponta-neously minimize the length of domain walls by arrangingitself so that either the Pf phase or the aPf phase perco-lates, rather than the domain walls, at any value of themagnetic field. In this case, we return to the scenario ofthe blue curve in Fig 1, which is to say a direct first-ordertransition between the Pf and aPf states.

It has been argued that in two dimensions, a first-order transition should, in principle, be broadened in thepresence of disorder, by an amount of order exp(−1/δ2),where δ is proportional to the root-mean-square strengthof the fluctuating disorder potential[38, 39]. It is not clearwhether these arguments apply to the present situation,but in any case, the broadening of the transition shouldbe negligibly small in the case of weak disorder. In afinite sample, the precise transition point may dependon boundary conditions, and will generally vary slightlyfrom one realization to another. Also, there can be asmall range of parameters where both phases can perco-late across the sample in one direction. We neglect suchfinite-size effects in our discussions.

If the disorder potential is weak, then only rare fluc-tuations will be large enough to produce localized quasi-particles of either sign. In this case, the length scalefor possible formation of Pf and aPf domains should be-come large. Then energy cost of domain walls shouldbe dominant, and the first-order-like transition scenariodescribed above should be favored.

We present a schematic phase diagram in Fig. 1, whichdescribes a possible scenario consistent with the abovediscussion. If this phase diagram is correct, and if thephase observed in experiments is indeed a PH-Pfaffianstabilized by disorder, then there is an interesting pre-diction: with decreasing disorder, the system would firstenter the QHTM phase, with unquantized thermal con-ductance, before landing on either the Pf or aPf phase inthe limit of very weak disorder.

In all of the above scenarios, as previously mentioned,the electrical Hall conductivity will remain quantized atthe value (5/2)e2/h, and the longitudinal conductanceσxx will remain zero, in the limit of zero temperature, aslong as the charged quasiparticles remain localized. Ofcourse, if the filling fraction deviates too far from 5/2,so that the density of quasiparticles becomes too large,the quantized conductance will be lost, either becausethe quasiparticles are delocalized and are free to move,or because there is a transition to a completely differentphase. If the region of quantized electrical conductanceis too small, then one would not be able access more thanone of the phases shown in Fig. 1, and one might thenobserve only one value of the thermal Hall conductance inthe region where the electrical Hall conductance is pinnedon the 5/2 plateau.

In the following three sections, we shall formulate andanalyze a network model designed to study the possi-ble phases that can result if a first-order-like transitioncan be avoided, and a percolating network of domain

walls can be achieved. In the two subsequent sections,we include some additional remarks, and we restate ourconclusions.


Our goal here is to analyze the situation where do-main walls are allowed to intersect, potentially leadingto either the second or third scenario defined above. Weassume that in the interior of any Pf or aPf region thereis a non-zero energy gap for mobile excitations, so thatheat conduction at low temperatures is determined bythe low-energy modes that propagate along the domainboundaries. Our first task will be to characterize thesepropagating modes. Then, we shall discuss the possibleways that these modes can be connected at a junctionbetween two domain walls.

A. Domain wall structure

From topological considerations, we know that theboundary between a Pf and aPf domain must carry athermal conductance with K = 2. Quite generally, thismay be described in terms of four co-propagating chiralMajorana modes, each of which has K = 1/2. However,at least in the simplest cases, we find that the four Ma-jorana modes occur in pairs that may be combined togive two complex chiral fermion modes, generically withdifferent velocities.

To model a domain boundary, we assume that thePf and APF phases can be represented as paired su-perconducting states formed from a Fermi sea of com-posite fermions. We employ specifically the formalismintroduced by D. T. Son [19], in which the system is de-scribed by a set of massless Dirac fermions, interactingwith an emergent gauge field aµ. The Hamiltonian forthe fermions may be written as H = H0 +H∆, where

H0 =

∫d2r ψ†(vF~k · ~σ − µ)ψ, (1)

H∆ =



k−|l|F ψ↑∆∗l , (kx + iky)lψ↓ + h.c. (2)

Here ~k = ~p− ~a, where ~p = −i~∇, the chemical potentialµ is a constant, and , is the anitcommutator. We shallconsider a uniform domain wall which is oriented alongthe x–axis and centered at y = 0, so that the pairingpotentials ∆l are functions of y but are independent of xMoreover, we consider a situation in which ~a = 0.

In principle, the pairing potentials should be deter-mined self-consistently, by equations which have theform, in a local approximation, of

∆l ∝ −λl 〈ψ↑(kx + iky)lψ↓〉. (3)

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We shall assume here that λl = 0 for all l other thanl = ±2, and that λ2 = λ−2 > 0. Thus, only l = ±2will enter in Eq. (2). We shall not actually solve anyself-consistency equations here, but shall only make useof the qualitative form of ∆l. We shall assume that |∆|is small compared to the Fermi energy, EF = vF kF , butnot necessarily very small.

To describe a domain wall, we assume that ∆2 → 0,for y → −∞, and ∆−2 → 0, for y → +∞. Further, weassume that ∆2 and ∆−2 go to constants for y → ±∞,respectively, with equal magnitudes given by the bulkorder parameter, and with specified phases, φ2 and φ−2.Placing the center of the domain wall at y = 0, we mayassume by symmetry that |∆2(y)| = |∆−2(−y)|, so thetwo order parameters have equal values at y = 0. Ifwe neglect the spatial variation of the order parametersabout y = 0, we then find that the energy spectrum therehas four Weyl nodes, located at points with kx + iky =kF e

iθj , with

4θj = π − δφ+ 2πj, (4)

where j goes from 1 to 4, and δφ ≡ φ2 − φ−2.If the spatial variation of the order parameter is slow

compared to 1/kF , we can neglect mixing between thenodes, and the effect is that of a mass parameter thatvaries linearly with y in the vicinity of y = 0. This modelcan be solved by standard methods[40], and one findsthat each of the four nodes gives rise to a one-dimensionalchiral Majorana mode, with a linear dispersion along thedirection of the domain wall, in addition to some numberof massive fermion modes, which we neglect here, assum-ing that the temperature is sufficiently low. This domainwall structure with four chiral Majorana fermions wasdiscussed in Ref. [41]. The velocities of the Majoranamodes are given by

vj = (v2F cos2 θj + v2

∆ sin2 θj)1/2, (5)


v∆ = 4|∆2|/kF , (6)

and ∆2, here, is the value of the l = 2 order parameter aty = 0. For a domain wall oriented at an angle α relativeto the x-axis, the arguments θj in Eq. (5) should bereplaced by (θj − α).

Because the four nodes θj are separated in momen-tum by an amount of order kF , disorder with wave vec-tors small compared to kF will not be effective in mix-ing the Majorana modes, which originate from differentnodes. Also, if the domain wall changes its directionon a length scale large compared to 1/kF , the Majoranamodes should follow along adiabatically, without signifi-cant mixing.

Perturbations that can cause scattering between theMajorana modes can occur, however, if there is a lo-calized charged quasiparticle very close to the domainwall. Quasiparticles are associated with vortices in thesuperconducting order parameter, which can cause large

(a) (b)

FIG. 3: (a) Scattering at each domain wall junction,described by the scattering matrix M . (b) Illustrationof the network model. Associated with each link is anO(4) flavor mixing matrix, and with each vertex a

scattering matrix M .

momentum transfers for composite fermions close to thevortex core.

We remark that the phase difference δφ is expectedto be constant, or at most a slowly varying function ofposition, along any connected network of domain wallsThis is because the order parameters ∆2 and ∆−2 cou-ple to the same vector potential ~a, and to minimize the

energy we require that (∇φ2− ~a) and (∇φ−2−~a) shouldboth vanish in any region where both order parametersare different from zero, so the phase gradients must beequal.

B. Junction between domain walls

We now consider what happens if two domain wallscross at a point, as indicated in Figure 3a. The junction ishere oriented so that there are four Majorana modes eachentering from the left and from the right, and four modes,each, leaving towards the top and towards the bottom.Transmission through the junction can be described bya scattering matrix of the form



)= M



), (7)

where Z1 and Z2 (Z3 and Z4) are the four-componentreal amplitudes of the incoming (outgoing) Majoranafermions.

If there are no charge quasiparticles close to the junc-tion, we may assume that the two order parametersvary smoothly near the junction, and that the difference|∆2|2 − |∆−2|2 vanishes quadratically near the center.(For the geometry illustrated, this difference is propor-tional to xy.) Then there should, again, be no mixingbetween the four Majorana “flavors”, corresponding tothe four nodes θj , and M will be block-diagonal in theflavor space. More generally, if we take into account thepossibility of scattering between the four modes on any

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given domain wall, we may write M in the general form

M = O1O3(⊕jMj)O4O2, (8)

where Oa is an O(4) rotation matrix acting on Za (a =1, 2, 3, 4) that describes the mixing of the four flavors ofMajorana fermions on link a, and the reduced scatteringmatrix (⊕iMj) ≡ M is block-diagonal in the flavor space(j being the flavor index). Unitarity requires the realmatrix Mi to take the form

Mj =

(cosαj sinαj− sinαj cosαj

). (9)

The probability amplitude for mode i to turn left andright is given by cosαi and sinαi, respectively. The crit-ical point is at αc = π/4.

Formally we can absorb the flavor-mixing matrices Oato the links and think of M as the scattering matricesat the vertices, even if physically the flavor-mixing canhappen at both the links and the vertices.


A. Model setup

Here we analyze the localization problem of the Majo-rana fermions on the Pfaffian/anti-Pfaffian domain walls,assuming that the domain walls (instead of the Pfaffian oranti-Pfaffian domains) percolate over the entire sample.The analysis is carried out using a Chalker-Coddingtontype of network model, where one assumes a regular ge-ometry for the domain walls, as illustrated in Fig. 3b,but introduces randomness for the propagators along thebonds and/or for the unitary matrices at the junctions.[42] A closely related model with only one Majoranafermions per link has been studied previously in Ref. [37].At each vertex of the network there is a scattering matrixM as defined in previous section, and along each link weintroduce a flavor mixing matrix Oa, which takes into ac-count any flavor mixing due to scattering along the link,as well as rotations accumulate during passage along thelink due to any differences in the wave vectors associatedwith the different modes. In the simulations describedbelow, we assume that M is spatially uniform, and putall the randomness in Oa.

Numerically we simulate the model on a quasi one-dimensional L×N cylinder, where N can be large (max-imally we go to 5× 104) and L is relatively small (max-imally we go to 32). The total transfer matrix describ-ing propagations across the entire cylinder (in the N di-rection) is obtained by multiplying up all the scatteringmatrices on the vertices and the mixing matrices on thelinks. The localization length ξL of this quasi-1D sys-tem is then extracted using standard methods[42, 43].Whether the two dimensional system is localized or not

is determined by whether ξL saturates as L grows, orequivalently, whether ΛL ≡ ξL/L decreases as L grows.

There are two groups of parameters that determinethe model: the uniform part, given by αi, and the ran-dom part, given by the form of the random matrices Oa(namely how random they are allowed to be).

For each fermion flavor, at αc = π/4 the vertex is sym-metric between left-turning and right-turning. In theclean limit of the network model (Oa = 1) this simplygives a gapless Majorana fermion describing the transi-tion between a trivial and a p + ip topological super-conductor. Away from this special value of αc = π/4the Majorana fermion becomes gapped, and time-reversalsymmetry (now broken) relates α to α′ = π/2 − α, cor-responding to positive and negative Majorana mass, re-spectively (again in the clean limit of the network model).

We now discuss the form of randomness on Oa. Thereare roughly three classes of randomness here:

1. The fermions can mix due to random scattering,which comes from a unitary process and gives anOa ∈ SO(4) (not O(4)). As discussed in Sec. II Athis requires short-range disorder, which is in prin-ciple different from the longer-ranged disorder thatis primarily responsible for the formation of the do-main walls. We implement this on each link aseφi,jTi,j , where Ti,j is one of the six generators ofSO(4) that rotates in the (i, j) plane (1 ≤ i < j ≤4), and i, j are picked randomly at each link, giv-ing rise to mixing of two flavors chosen randomly.φa is a random number uniformly distributed in(−ηi,jπ, ηi,jπ) with some number ηi,j controllingthe strength of scattering in the channel given bythe generator Ti,j . Strong scattering correspondsto η = 1 where the two flavors can mix arbitrar-ily, while a small η means weak scattering (mix-ing). One can implement an even stronger mixingby first generating several independent O ∈ SO(4)and then taking their product. We expect that thiswill not change the results qualitatively, though wewill use a version of this in Sec. IV B for conve-nience.

2. Random vortices (π-fluxes) within the domains.In our physical context they correspond to charge±e/4 quasi-particles nucleated by impurity poten-tials, and therefore should be included in generalunless there exist some highly nontrivial mecha-nism to suppress unpaired vortex excitations withinthe domains. Notice that a real e/4 quasi-particle(vortex) comes with a localized Majorana zeromode associated with it, and in principle this zeromode can mix with the fermions on the domainwalls. But since the domain size should be muchlarger than the correlation length (otherwise itcould hardly be called a domain), the vortices willtypically be deep within the domains and there-fore their zero modes will not mix with the domainwall fermions. Therefore we do not attempt to in-

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clude such zero modes in our network model. In ourmodel an odd number of vortices within a domaincorrespond to a nontrivial flux O1O2O3O4 = −1on a plaquette (1, 2, 3, 4 being the edges of the pla-quette), and therefore random vorticity is imple-mented through random signs on each link that areseen by all the four flavors, i.e. Oa = ±1. Phys-ically it seems natural to assume that half of thedomains contain odd number of vortices, so therandom signs come with equal probability. Onecan also consider more general cases with differentaverage vortex density, implemented in the modelby having probability p for Oa = −1 on each link.Notice that this type of randomness is already con-tained in the SO(4) mixing from random scatter-ing, unless there is at least one flavor i that is onlyweakly mixing with any other flavor (ηi,j 1 forsome i and any j), in which case this random vor-ticity disorder has to be included separately.

3. Random “improper” vortices: these are π-vorticesthat are seen only by one or three out of the fourMajorana fermions. Formally this enlarges thespace of Oa from SO(4) to O(4). Physically theycorresponds to vortices that lie in between the Ma-jorana fermions (assuming they have some spatialseparation). However such vortices should be (1)very rare, and (2) energetically unstable toward re-drawing the domain walls. We therefore assumethat they are irrelevant for realistic systems. Onecan still study them as a theoretical problem, andwe find that they almost always lead to a thermalmetal (delocalized) phase, in agreement with earlierworks with only one flavor of Majorana fermion[37].We do not include improper vortices in any calcu-lations described below.


As we shall see below, our network model doesnot behave in a universal manner (in contrast to theusual Chalker-Coddington model describing quantumHall plateau transitions). Instead the long-distance be-haviors depend heavily on detailed choices of various pa-rameters, which in turn depend on microscopic detailsincluding energetics of the domain walls and junctions.Given that we understand very little about the exactstructures of the domain walls and junctions, we will dis-cuss several distinct scenarios below, in decreasing orderof “naturalness” – a scenario is considered more naturalif it involves less nontrivial assumptions about the do-main walls. We find that in the scenario with minimalassumption, there is only a metallic phase between thePfaffian and anti-Pfaffian states at finite disorder, whichis at odds with the experimental observation of K = 5/2.A PH-Pfaffian state could emerge (with K = 5/2) insome other scenarios if we make certain extra assump-

tions about the domain wall structures. Among the sim-pler ones of those scenarios, the PH-Pfaffian state andthe Pfaffian/anti-Pfaffian states are separated by an in-tervening thermal metal. In such cases we predict thatif one further reduce the disorder strength, the systemwould go through a thermal metal phase with nonzeroκxx/T , before eventually going into either the Pfaffian oranti-Pfaffian state in the clean limit.

A. Scenario A: an intervening metal (and nothingelse)

We first look at the simplest scenario, which as we shallsee does not explain experimental measurements. In thisscenario we do not assume any special structures betweenthe four Majorana fermions on the domain walls. In par-ticular, we assume that the scattering (or tunneling) atthe domain wall junctions (vertices in the network model)does not discriminate different flavors. For the networkmodel this means that ηi,j = η is identical for all (i, j),and αi = α is identical for the four flavors. As one tunesthe system from the Pfaffian to the anti-Pfaffian state,the value of α turns from α αc to α αc. In the cleanlimit of the network model (Oa = 1) this simply describesfour Majorana fermions with identical mass gaps.

Numerically we find that, in this scenario thePfaffian/anti-Pfaffian states are stable as long as α is suf-ficiently far away from αc. When α becomes close (notnecessarily identical) to αc, the system becomes delocal-ized and we obtain a thermal metal. The metallic regionbroadens as η grows. There is no other localized phasein between. A crude phase diagram is shown in Fig. 4.Notice that for the real physical system, α is related butnot directly identified with ν: if disorder is too weak, thetransition between Pf and aPf states is first-order-like,and we expect a discontinuous jump in α as one tunes νacross νc. Only in the intermediate disorder regime weexpect (α− αc) ∼ (ν − νc).

Random vortices, which should be included for realsystems, were omitted in the above consideration, ex-cept in the limit with strong η, where random vorticesare automatically included. Adding random vortices inour model will significantly broaden the metallic regionat small η. In fact when η → 0, it was already noted inRef. [37] that a finite density of uncorrelated random vor-tices makes the system metallic for any α (except at thetwo extreme points α = 0 or π/2). This, however, doesnot change our conclusion for the real system at cleanlimit, which is described by a first-order-like switchingbetween Pf and aPf phases.

Notice that the broadening of the transition into ametallic phase is in sharp contrast with some other sym-metry classes of disordered free fermion systems that donot allow metallic phases. For example, if we have a

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FIG. 4: Phase diagram of the network model inScenario A, with ηi,j = η for any (i, j) and αi = α forany i. The Pfaffian/anti-Pfaffian transition in the cleanlimit (η → 0 and α = π/4) is broadened to a thermalmetal phase upon introducing a generic disorder. Here,as in Fig. 6 and 7, points represent data, while lines areguides for the eye.

clean system realizing a direct continuous transition be-tween a ν = 1 and ν = −1 integer quantum hall phases(symmetry class A, with only charge conservation), oncedisorder is introduced, the critical point will be localizedto a stable phase (ν = 0 insulator), with two transitionsnearby, one from ν = 1 to ν = 0 and the other fromν = 0 to ν = −1. However, in our case (class D) since ametal is allowed, the critical point between the Pfaffianand anti-Pfaffian states simply broadens to a metal uponintroducing disorder. From the scaling theory point ofview, this means that the transition point in the cleanlimit has κxx/T that is already greater than that at themetal-insulator transition, so introducing disorder willonly make it more metallic. We notice that the broad-ening of similar transitions to thermal metal phases un-der sufficiently generic disorder was already discussed inRef. [13].

If this scenario holds, there should be no state betweenPfaffian and anti-Pfaffian with K = 5/2 unless the sys-tem happens to be fine-tuned, which is in tension withthe experimental findings. We therefore switch to otherscenarios with additional assumptions on the domain wallstructures.

B. Scenario B: PH-Pfaffian and thermal metal

We now consider the possibility that the four chiralMajorana modes on a domain wall are spatially separatedinto two pairs, as shown in Fig. 5. This could happen if,for example, a sliver of s-wave pairing (giving rise to PH-Pfaffian state) appears within the domain wall. We donot have a satisfactory justification for why this wouldhappen, except to note that it is not forbidden (or ruled

FIG. 5: A PH-Pfaffian state can be stabilized if weassume the the two pairs of Majorana chiral modes oneach domain wall are spatially separated.

out by existing evidence), and we shall proceed withoutfurther justification of this assumption. The scatteringat the junction will acquire a nontrivial structure due tothe spatial separation: each pair will predominantly bescattered to the “right pair” of modes through the junc-tion. In the network model this means that ηi,j 1unless (i, j) is (1, 3) or (2, 4). In fact we can implementa slightly modified model that will turn out to be moreconvenient: on each link a we have Oa = O1O2O3 whereO1 = eφ

′1,3T1,3 , O2 = eφ

′2,4T2,4 and O3 = eφi,jTi,j where

(i, j) are picked randomly among all six possible pairs.We take φi,j ∈ (−ηπ, ηπ) with η 1 independent of(i, j), while φ′1,3, φ

′2,4 ∈ (−ηintraπ, ηintraπ) with a dif-

ferent constant ηintra that can be much larger than η.The intra-pair scattering ((1, 3) and (2, 4)) are greatlyenhanced in this model.

At a fixed finite disorder strength that is not too small,as one tunes ν starting from the anti-Pfaffian state to aPfaffian/anti-Pfaffian mixture (Fig. 2), one of the twopairs of Majorana modes turn from predominantly right-turning to predominantly left-turning. This is modeledin the network model as having α1 = α3, α2 = α4, and wetune αaverage = (

∑i αi)/4 while keeping ∆α = α2 − α1

fixed.We find that this could give rise to a localized inter-

mediate state when α1,3 αc and α2,4 αc, which isadiabatically connected to the PH-Pfaffian state. Thereis also a thermal metal phase separating the PH-Pfaffianfrom the Pfaffian and anti-Pfaffian states. See Fig. 6 forexamples of both. A crude phase diagram of the modelis shown in Fig. 7. Notice that if the disorder strength inthe real system is weak, the particle-hole asymmetry isswitched suddenly as one tunes across νc, so the entire in-termediate region collapses to a first-order-like transition.The implied phase diagram is shown in Fig. 1, assumingthat as disorder strength grows, η1,3 = η2,4 grow first,and the growth of other ηi,j ’s comes much later due tothe spatial separation between the modes.

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FIG. 6: The reduced localization length ΛL = ξL/L asfunction of the transverse dimension L. We chooseη1,2 = η3,4 = 1, ηi,j = 0.1 for other (i, j) pairs. Upperpanel: tanα1,2 = 1/6 and tanα3,4 = 6, the trend oflocalizing to a PH-Pfaffian state is clear. Lower panel:tanα1,2 = 2/3 and tanα3,4 = 3/2, a delocalized(metallic) state.

Naively one may think that the PH-Pfaffian state isstable as long as the disorder is weak. Indeed if onlyweak random scattering is considered, i. e. Oa is closeto the identity matrix on every link (ηi,j 1 for ev-ery (i, j)), then the system stays localized. However, weshould include random vortices, i.e. random overall signsfor each Oa, since they are not captured by weak scat-terings (small ηi,j). We find that with random vortices(even at low density) and weak scattering the system ac-tually delocalizes, which is the metallic region in Fig. 7at small η.

In fact there is yet another possible mechanism to sta-bilize an intermediate PH-Pfaffian state, which we now

FIG. 7: Phase diagram of the network model inScenario B. We assume a weak SO(4) flavor mixingwith ηi,j = 0.1, but a different mixing between flavor(1, 3) and (2, 4), given by ηintra (vertical axis). Thehorizontal axis αaverage describes the averageparticle-hole asymmetry. We assume ∆α = π/6,α1 = α3 = max(αaverage −∆α/2, π/100), andα2 = α4 = min(αaverage + ∆α/2, π/2− π/100). Wehave also put in random vortices by having a randomsign with equal probabilities on each link, which causedthe metallic region in the small η regime to significantlybroaden.

briefly discuss. If there is a U(1) symmetry that is ap-proximately preserved at each link, namely a pair (i, j)for which all the Oa’s approximately commute with Ti,j ,then the Pfaffian and anti-Pfaffian states can be thoughtof as ν = 1 and ν = −1 quantum Hall states with thisconserved U(1) symmetry. With the U(1) symmetry thetransition between the ν = 1 and ν = −1 state willgenerically split into two transitions upon introducingdisorder, with the symmetric point localized to a ν = 0state, which in our case is nothing but the PH-Pfaffianstate. Breaking the approximate U(1) weakly will notdestroy the localized ν = 0 state, but will broaden thetransitions between ν = 0 to the other two phases intometallic regions. This scenario will give rise to a phasediagram that schematically look like Fig. 8, which differsfrom Fig. 1 at weak disorder. However, for the physicalsystem we do not see a good reason for the system to havean approximate U(1) symmetry (it is important that theapproximate symmetry is just U(1) but not U(1)×U(1)).

If we assume either of the above scenarios and inter-pret the observed κxy = 5/2 as the disorder-induced PH-Pfaffian state, then we can predict the behavior of thesystem as one makes it less disordered. If the disorderstrength is very low, the system will eventually land oneither the Pfaffian or anti-Pfaffian state. But before that,

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FIG. 8: Schematic phase diagram of the network modelwith an approximate U(1) symmetry. The shaded arearepresents a first-order-like transition in a finite sample.

one necessarily encounters a thermal metal phase.

C. Scenario C: PH-Pfaffian and abelian phases

We can consider an even more exotic scenario, in whichall of the four domain wall modes are spatially separatedfrom each other. This seems much harder to justify thaneven scenario B, but given how little we know about thedomain wall structures, we will nevertheless discuss thisscenario for completeness. For the network model, thisscenario implies that (a) ηi,j 1 for all (i, j) pairs, and(b) as one tunes ν, the αi’s are tuned across αc one byone.

It turns out that we need to consider two differentpossibilities even within scenario C, namely whetherunpaired vortices are nucleated randomly within eachPfaffian/anti-Pfaffian domain. Since we expect some vor-tices to be nucleated within each domain, the questionbecomes whether it is cheaper to nucleate a single vor-tex (a e/4 quasi-particle) or a pair of it. It seems muchmore natural to assume that unpaired vortices can be nu-cleated by the disorder potential, giving rise to randomπ-vortices in the network model. But we will considerboth possibilities here.

1. Scenario C1: with random vortices

In the presence of random vortices (even with relativelylow density) we find that there is only a metallic phasein between the Pfaffian and anti-Pfaffian states. Thisgives qualitatively the same phase diagram as scenario A(Fig. 4).

2. Scenario C2: with only paired vortices

In this scenario there is no random π-flux in the net-work model, and we assume that flavor-mixing is always

FIG. 9: Schematic phase diagram of the network modelin Scenario C2. The shaded area represents afirst-order-like transition in a finite sample.

weak. As one tunes each αi separately through αc, fourseparate direct transitions are observed. At each tran-sition, κxy/T jumps by 1/2. The three intermediatephases are the PH-Pfaffian state, the abelian K = 8state equivalent to a ν = 1/8 Laughlin state of pairedelectrons[44] and its particle-hole conjugate known asthe (113) state[45]. A closely related transition betweenPfaffian and (331) phases has been discussed recently inRef. [46]. A thermal metal state does not appear in thisscenario as long as η is sufficiently small. At very lowdisorder level, the four transitions collapses to a singlefirst-order-like transition due to sudden switching of theparticle-hole asymmetry. The schematic phase diagramis shown in Fig. 9.

As one decreases the disorder strength gradually, onewould eventually land on the anti-Pfaffian (or Pfaffian)state. The phase diagram then implies that one wouldnecessarily go through an intermediate abelian state withinteger κxy/T . This is a very different prediction thanwhat we reached from the scenario B.

D. Some remarks on localization in class D

Now we offer some physical pictures to help us un-derstand our numerical results, in particular how genericthese results should be.

We focus on the regimes where all the αi’s are suffi-ciently far away from αc – some much larger, and somemuch smaller. These are the regimes in which the systemis expected to be gapped in the “clean” limit (meaningOa = 1 for every link a). If the randomness is purely dueto weak random scattering, so that Oa is close to identitymatrix on every link, then the gapped phase should bestable – this is indeed what we found in such regimes.However, when random vortices are included, the sys-tem becomes easily delocalized – the only exception is a

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PH-Pfaffian phase when the (1, 3) and (2, 4) scatteringsbecome strong while the other scatterings remain weak.In fact, the drastic appearance of delocalization upon in-troducing random vortices was first noticed in Ref. [37],where a similar network model was studied, with onlyone chiral Majorana fermion propagating on each link.

So why is the effect of random vortices so drastic? Thephysical reason is actually quite simple: in the absenceof flavor mixing, a vortex (π-flux) creates a zero-energymode for each flavor of Majorana fermions circulatingaround the vortex. A finite vortex density gives a finitedensity of zero modes. The average physical separationbetween two zero modes is given by the vortex densityand is a fixed number, unlike in the strong Andersonlocalization scenario, where the separation between twolevels with almost degenerate energy becomes arbitrarilylarge. Therefore it is not surprising that such systemswill eventually delocalize and form thermal metals. Webelieve that this is the physical reason behind the metallicphases found in Ref. [37]. Interestingly, this mechanismof delocalization by random π-flux can also be appliedto the other two symmetry classes that allow metallicphases in 2D – class AII (spin-orbit coupled insulators)and DIII (spin-orbit coupled superconductor).

Now we consider the effect of flavor mixing. We firstconsider the case with α1,3 αc and α2,4 αc, which inthe clean limit has Pfaffian islands circulated by fermionsχ1,3 and anti-Pfaffian islands circulated by χ2,4, and over-all gives the PH-Pfaffian state. The intra-island mixingη1,3 (η2,4) gives a splitting of the local energy levels onthe Pfaffian (anti-Pfaffian) island, which is in analogywith the random chemical potential in the Anderson lo-calization picture. We will thus schematically call thissplitting ∆µ, even though this is really the energy level ofsome Bogoliubov fermions. This picture does not changeeven with random vortices, since a vortex creates an evennumber of zero modes on each island, which will be liftedby the random intra-island mixing. Therefore in orderto have localization, we need strong intra-island mixingto produce a large variation of ∆µ, in accordance withthe Anderson picture. In addition, we need to keep theinter-island mixing (e.g. η1,3) to be small, otherwise aneffective random hopping amplitude ∆t will be generatedand will be comparable to ∆µ, which according to ournumerical results leads to delocalization.

Now we consider the case with α1,2,3 αc and α4 αc, which in the clean limit gives the abelian K = 8 state(or its particle-hole conjugate). It is now easy to see whyit is hard to avoid delocalization from random vortices:each island has an odd number (one or three) of chi-ral Majorana fermions circulating it, and in the presenceof a π-vortex, an odd number of Majorana zero modesare generated, which cannot be completely lifted throughintra-island coupling – generically one zero mode will sur-vive.

Notice that this is not to say that the abelian K = 8phase is absolutely impossible to appear in the presenceof random vortices. But in order for it to appear, the

Majorana fermions on the domain walls must further mixwith some other degrees of freedom. For example if dis-order is sufficiently strong, the domain wall fermions canmix with some gapped degrees of freedom, which couldthen lead to localization. Of course at strong disordermany other phenomena could take place and it is notclear whether K = 8 can really be stabilized there. An-other possibility is that the domains are quite small, sothe zero modes from the domain walls can mix with thezero modes associated with the ±e/4 quasi-particles (thevortices) inside the domains. In reality we expect the do-mains to be at least of the same scale as the typical wave-length of the disorder potential, which should be muchlarger than the correlation length of the Pfaffian/anti-Pfaffian state. So this “small domain wall” mechanismis unlikely to apply. Therefore we conclude that in realsystems the abelian K = 8 phase and its particle-holeconjugate are very unlikely to appear. Instead there isthe metallic phase that sits between PH-Pfaffian (if itexists) and Pfaffian/anti-Pfaffian as one tunes a parame-ter controlling the degree of particle-hole asymmetry, sayby tuning the filling fraction if the Hall plateau does notdisappear.

Finally, we turn to the “improper vortices”, introducedat the end of Sec. III, but not included in any of thecalculations discussed above. By now it is obvious whythe improper vortex, seen by an odd number of fermionsaround a domain, always leads to delocalization: it in-duces an odd number of Majorana zero modes on thedomain wall, which cannot be lifted locally, and eventu-ally proliferates and produces a metal.


One may ask whether disorder can help stabilizing thePH-Pfaffian state through some mechanism other thanthe ones considered above. For example, in the Son-Diracpicture the PH-Pfaffian state is obtained through an s-wave pairing between Dirac composite fermions, whilethe Pfaffian and anti-Pfaffian phases have d ± id pair-ing. It is then natural to ask whether disorder wouldsuppress d-wave pairing more than s-wave through someAnderson-like mechanism[47]. However, since the disor-der potential locally breaks particle-hole symmetry, theDirac composite fermions effectively see a disorder po-tential which locally breaks time-reversal symmetry. Sothe usual Anderson theorem does not apply in this case.A direct calculation shows that the disorder-suppressionof the s-wave pairing is at least as much as that of thed-wave pairing. So stabilizing the PH-Pfaffian phasethrough Anderson-like mechanism does not seem to bea viable approach.

We also note that though it requires certain nontrivialassumptions to stabilize PH-Pfaffian state in our networkmodel, it would be even much harder to stabilize the PH-Pfaffian phase had the clean limit been the abelian K = 8phase (or its particle-hole conjugate). This is because a

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mixture of K = 8 phase and its PH-conjugate will havetwo (instead of four) chiral Majorana modes propagatingon each domain wall, and a PH-Pfaffian phase requiresone mode to be left-turning and the other one to be right-turning. Following our discussion in Sec. IV D, once weintroduce random vortices into the domains, even withrelatively small density, the system becomes delocalized.From this point of view the existence of a K = 5/2plateau can be seen as a supporting evidence that thesystem in the clean limit should be a non-abelian phase.

We have discussed the localization/delocalization ofthe disordered Majorana fermions in a free fermionframework (although the parameters of the networkmodel itself may be determined by domain wall energet-ics). In the real system there are certainly some resid-ual interactions among the Majorana fermions, and itis important to know whether the interactions changethe results qualitatively. The localized phases, includingthe PH-Pfaffian state, are expected to be stable againstweak interactions. For the quantized Hall thermal metal(QHTM) phase, it was argued in Ref. [48], based on thereplica non-linear sigma model, that weak interactions donot change the behaviors of the class-D thermal metal.Therefore the general picture we obtained is unaffectedby the residual interactions as long as they are not toostrong.

Although we have focused here on the possible effectsof disorder-induced inhomogeneity, one might also con-sider the possibility of important effects due to systematicsources of inhomogeneity. For example, if the Pf statewere to be favored by conditions at the sample bound-ary, while the aPf state was favored in the bulk due toLandau-level mixing, there would then be a domain wallseparating the two phases, in the vicinity of the bound-ary. If this domain wall were sufficiently thick, so that itengenders a spatial separation between the two inner Ma-jorana modes and the two outer Majorana modes prop-agating along the wall, it is conceivable that the outermodes would reach thermal equilibrium with the sam-ple edge while the inner modes remain isolated. In thiscase, the sample would show a thermal conductance withK = 5/2.


In this paper we began with a microscopic analysisof the disordered ν = 5/2 state, assuming that in theclean limit, only the Pfaffian or anti-Pfaffian states arerealized. This led us to construct an effective networkmodel representing the edge states surrounding puddlesof these phases nucleated by disorder. The effective pa-rameters of this network model should be determined bythe underlying energetics of domain walls, which evolveon changing the filling. Assuming that the Pfaffian oranti-Pfaffian will tend to be favored away from the centerof the quantized Hall plateau, we identified three scenar-ios for this evolution. First, the system could switch in a

‘first order’ type fashion, between these two states, whichis expected to occur if disorder is relatively weak anddomain walls are expensive. In this scenario K rapidlyswitches between 7/2 and 3/2 on sweeping δν. Next, ifdisorder is stronger, we expect a thermal metal phaseto intervene. Despite conducting heat like a metal, thisQuantized Hall Thermal Metal is an electrical insulator

with Hall conductance quantized to σxy = 52e2

h , and itrepresents a new state of matter induced by disorder.Finally, we discussed conditions under which an inter-vening PH-Pfaffian topological order is stabilized, whichwould be consistent with the current experimental ob-servations. Although for generic parameters our networkmodel does not favor this behavior, this scenario may berealized with certain additional constraints that either (i)effectively assume that the PH-Pfaffian is a subdominantphase nucleated in the domain walls or (ii) there is aneffective U(1) symmetry for Majorana modes along do-main walls, that constrain the scattering events. In viewof the difficulty we have encountered in finding realisticparameters that lead to stabilization of the PH-Pfaffianby disorder, we suggest that there is a need for furthernumerical calculations to see if there might be some rangeof interaction parameters for which the PH-Pfaffian canactually emerge as the ground state in a system withoutdisorder.

Finally we close with some comments regarding futuredirections. The picture of disorder induced nucleationof domains of Pfaffian and anti-Pfaffian states can bechecked in numerical simulations. In particular a keyparameter, the energy splitting between the e/4 quasi-electron versus the quasi-hole which is expected to drivethe nucleation, can be calculated in the clean limit. Wenote that there are other experimental platforms wherean incompressible state has been obtained in the halffilled Landau level. In particular, a robust plateau wasobserved in Bernal bilayer graphene [49], where the ef-fect of Landau level mixing is expected to be strongerthan in the case of GaAs quantum. If so, the delicatebalance between the Pfaffian/antiPfaffian states invokedhere would be absent. Finally, on a more general note,the picture of disorder inducing entirely new topologi-cal phases that are not present in the clean limit is anintriguing possibility that, if confirmed, would have im-portant consequences for other quantum Hall states aswell as more generally for correlated quantum systems.

Note added: during the completion of this work, webecame aware of the work by Mross, et. al[50], whichalso addressed the possibility of a disorder-induced PH-Pfaffian state at ν = 5/2. The model used in their anal-ysis differs in some respects from ours, and there are dif-ferences in our conclusions about the most likely phasediagrams.

Acknowledgments: We thank M. Barkeshli, D. Feld-man, Y. C. He, R. H. Morf, T. Senthil, A. Stern andM. Zaletel for helpful discussions. CW thanks N. Wangfor advice on programming. We thank D. Mross and A.Stern for sharing their manuscript prior to publication.

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CW was supported by Harvard Society of Fellows. AV was supported by a Simons Investigator grant. BIH ac-knowledges support from Microsoft Station Q.

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