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Some perturbation theorems for nonlineareigenvalue problems

David Bindel

Department of Computer ScienceCornell University

8 January 2013

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Some favorite examples

Why nonlinear eigenvalue problems?

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The problem

The general setting

Nonlinear eigenvalue problem:

T (λ)v = 0, v 6= 0.

whereT : Ω→ Cn×n analytic on simply connected Ω ⊂ Cdet(T ) 6≡ 0 (i.e. T is regular)

Write the set of nonlinear eigenvalues as Λ(T ).

Source: transform methods on almost anything with damping!For many examples, see:

NLEVP collectionSurvey by Mehrmann and Voss

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The problem

Quadratic problems

Example: Damped free vibrations of a mechanical system

Mu′′ +Bu′ +Ku = 0.

Laplace transform:(s2M + sB +K)U = 0.

Approach directly or convert to first order:

Bv +Ku = sMv

v = su

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The problem

Polynomial problems

More general is polynomial eigenvalue problem:

T (λ)v = 0, T (z) ≡ zdI + zd−1Ad + . . .+ zA1 +A0

Common approach: define uj = λjv, and solve−Ad−1 −Ad−2 . . . −A1 −A0

I 0I 0

. . . . . .I 0




= λ




This is one of many possible linearizations.Can do something similar with rational problems.

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The problem

A special rational problem

Consider the eigenvalue equation[A− λI BC D − λI

] [vv

]= 0.

If λ 6∈ Λ(D), partial Gaussian elimination yields T (λ)v = 0, where

T (z) = A− zI −B(D − zI)−1C.

This is a spectral Schur complement problem.

(c.f. Feschbach, Lifschitz, Grushin).

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The problem

Solving general NEPs

T (λ)x = 0, x 6= 0, T : Ω→ Cn×n analytic

Computational approaches:Local polynomial / rational approximation of TMethods based on contour integration

Either way, we want:A starting point (expansion point, contour)Error estimates for the results

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The problem

Perturbation and localization

Many uses for perturbation theory in linear case:Backward error analysis (first-order theory, pseudospectra)Crude bounds for choosing algorithm parameters (Gerschgorin)Crude bounds for stability testing (Gerschgorin)Reasoning about dynamics (pseudospectra)

Want the same theory for nonlinear problems!

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NEP perturbation theorems

First-order perturbation theory

Small, analytic E, consider

T = T + E

Given a simple eigentriple (λ, u, w∗) of T :

T (λ)u = 0, w∗T (λ) = 0.

First-order perturbation theory gives:

δλ = −w∗E(λ)u

w∗T ′(λ)u

Great! What about large perturbations, multiple eigenvalues, ...?

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NEP perturbation theorems

Beyond first order

SupposeT,E : Ω→ Cn×n analyticΓ ⊂ Ω a simple contourT (z) + sE(z) nonsingular, all s ∈ [0, 1], z ∈ Γ.

Then T and T + E have the same number of eigenvalues inside Γ.

Proof:The winding number of det(T + sE) stays continuous for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1.

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NEP perturbation theorems

A general recipe

Analyticity of T and E +Matrix nonsingularity test for T + sE =Inclusion region for Λ(T + E) +Eigenvalue counts for connected components of region

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NEP perturbation theorems

Matrix Rouché

‖T (z)−1E(z)‖ < 1 on Γ =⇒ same eigenvalue count in Γ

Proof:‖T (z)−1E(z)‖ < 1 =⇒ T (z) + sE(z) invertible for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1.

(Gohberg and Sigal proved a more general version in 1971.)

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NEP perturbation theorems

Nonlinear pseudospectra

Define the nonlinear ε-pseudospectrum as

Λε(T ) = z ∈ Ω : ‖T (z)−1‖ > ε−1

Let E = E : Ω→ Cn×n s.t. E analytic,maxz∈Ω ‖E(z)‖ < ε. Then

Λε(T ) =⋃E∈E

Λ(T + E).

If E0 = E ∈ Cn×n : ‖E0‖ < ε, we may also write

Λε(T ) =⋃


Λ(T + E0).

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NEP perturbation theorems

Nonlinear pseudospectra and backward error

Suppose λ, v an approximate eigenpair with ‖v‖ = 1,

T (λ)v = r, ‖r‖ small.

Then λ ∈ Λ‖r‖(T ), since(T (λ)− rv∗

)v = 0

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NEP perturbation theorems

Nonlinear pseudospectra and dynamics

Suppose Ψ : [0,∞)→ CN×N , let

R(z) ≡∫ ∞

0e−ztΨ(t) dt.

Ψ bounded =⇒ R(z) defined in RHP and for any ε > 0,

supt>0‖Ψ(t)‖ ≥ αε


whereαε ≡ sup



(Similar proof to that for linear pseudospectra.)

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NEP perturbation theorems

Pseudospectral counting

Let T,E analytic on Ω and define:

Ωε ≡ z ∈ Ω : ‖E(z)‖ < ε.

ThenΛ(T ) ∩ Ωε ⊂ Λε(T + E)

Also, ifU ⊂ Λε(T + E) a connected component.U ⊂ Ωε.

then U contains the same number of eigenvalues of T and T + E,of which there must be at least one.

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NEP perturbation theorems

Weakly coupled problems

T (z) =

[L1(z) H(z)G(z) L2(z)

]is analytic over Ω, and

‖G(z)‖ ≤ γ, ‖H(z)‖ ≤ η, Λδ1(L1) ∩ Λδ2(L2) = ∅.

Assume γη < δ1δ2, boundary of Λδ1(L1) is strictly inside Ω. Then1 Λ(T ) ⊂ Λδ1(L1) ∪ Λδ2(L2)

2 T and L1 have same eigenvalue counts in Λδ1(L1)

3 For λ ∈ Λδ1(L1), eigenvector v satisfies ‖v2‖/‖v1‖ < γ/δ1.

4 For λ ∈ Λδ2(L2), eigenvector v satisfies ‖v2‖/‖v1‖ > γ/δ2.

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Perturbing linear problems

Linear problems, nonlinear perturbations

Perturb linear problem with E analytic, “small” on Ω:

T (z) = A− zB + E(z).

Many linear perturbation theorems still hold!

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Perturbing linear problems

Nonlinear perturbations + pseudospectra

T (z) = A− zI + E(z)

and suppose ‖E‖ < ε on Ω.

If U a connected component of Λε(A), U ⊂ Ω, thenA and T have the same eigenvalue counts in U .The eigenvalue count in U is at least one.

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Perturbing linear problems

Nonlinear Gerschgorin

For D diagonal, consider

T (z) = D − zI + E(z)

such thatn∑j=1

|eij(z)| ≤ ρi

ThenΛ(T ) ⊂

⋃ni=1Gi where Gi = Bρi(dii)

U =⋃i∈I Gi a connected component, U ⊂ Ω

=⇒ U contains |I| eigenvalues.

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Perturbing linear problems

Nonlinear Bauer-Fike bound

Suppose |E(z)| ≤ F componentwise on Ω,

T (z) = A− zI + E(z).

and A has eigentriples (λi, vi, w∗i ). Then

Λ(T ) ⊂n⋃i=1


where φi = n‖F‖2 sec(θi) and

sec(θi) =‖wi‖‖vi‖|w∗i vi|


Can also count within connected components.

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Application: DDEs

Application: Delay-differential equation

From NLEVP collection

T (λ) = A0 − λI +A1 exp(−λ)

Corresponding to

u′(t) = A0u(t) +A1u(t− 1)

Double non-semisimple eigenvalue λ = 3πi.

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Application: DDEs

Pseudospectral plot

−20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20−40









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Application: DDEs

Pseudospectral plot

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Application: DDEs

Gerschgorin applied

ConsiderV −1T (λ)V = D − λI + A1 exp(−λ)

Apply Gerschgorin-like bound

Λ(T ) ⊂3⋃i=1

Bρi(dii) ∪ | exp(−λ)| > exp(−σ)


ρi = exp(−σ)






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Application: DDEs

Example: Bounding the spectral abscissa

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Application: DDEs

Example: Imaginary part of unstable eigenvalues

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Application: DDEs

Switching terms

ConsiderV −1T (λ)V = D exp(−λ)− λ+ A0

Gerschgorin-like argument now bounds spectrum from left!

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Application: DDEs

Example: Bounding spectrum from the left

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Application: Resonances

Schrödinger resonances

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Application: Resonances

Spectra and scattering

Spectrum for H = −∆ + V , supp(V ) compact.

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Application: Resonances

Resonances and scattering

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0k




For supp(V ) ⊂ Ω, consider a scattering experiment:

(H − k2)ψ = f on Ω

(∂n −B(k))ψ = 0 on ∂Ω

See resonance peaks (Breit-Wigner):

φ(k) ≡ w∗ψ ≈ C(k − k∗)−1.

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Application: Resonances

1D resonances: a quadratic eigenvalue problem

(− d2

dx2+ V (x)− k2

)ψ = 0, x ∈ (a, b)(


dx− ik

)ψ = 0, x = b(


dx+ ik

)ψ = 0, x = a

Look for nontrivial solutions:Im(k) > 0: Bound statesIm(k) < 0: Resonances


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Application: Resonances

Is it that easy?

−400 −200 0 200 400−40







All eigenvaluesChecked eigenvalues

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Application: Resonances

Is it that easy?

−10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 100







−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2−2




0Pole locations

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Application: Resonances

Sensitivity for resonances

Resonance solutions are stationary points with respect to ψ of

Φ(ψ, k) =

∫Ωψ[−∇2ψ + (V − k2)ψ








[(∇ψ)T (∇ψ) + ψ(V − k2)ψ


∫∂ΩψB(k)ψ dΓ

If (ψ, k) a resonance pair, then Φ(ψ, k) = 0 and DψΦ(ψ, k) = 0.

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Application: Resonances

Potential perturbations

If (ψ, k) a resonance pair, then Φ(ψ, k) = 0 and DψΦ(ψ, k) = 0.

Consider perturbed V :

δΦ = DψΦ · δψ +DV Φ · δV +DkΦ · δk = 0

Use DψΦ · δψ = 0:

δk = −DV Φ · δVDkΦ

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Application: Resonances

Perturbation worked out

So look at how perturbations δV change k:

δk =

∫Ω δV ψ



Ω ψ2 −

∫Γ ψB


Can also write in terms of a residual for ψ as a solution for the potentialV + δV :

δk =

∫Ω ψ(−∆ + (V + δV )− k2)ψ


Ω ψ2 −

∫Γ ψB


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Application: Resonances

Backward error analysis in MatScat

1 Compute approximate solution (ψ, k).2 Map ψ to high-resolution quadrature grid to evaluate

δk =

∫Ω ψ(−∆ + V − k2)ψ


Ω ψ2 −

∫Γ ψB


3 If δk large, discard k; otherwise, accept k ≈ k + δk.

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Application: Resonances

Nonlinear vs linear eigenproblems

Can also compute resonances byAdding a complex absorbing potentialComplex scaling methodsArtificial dampers

Both result in complex-symmetric ordinary eigenproblems:

(Kext − k2Mext)ψext =

([K11 K12

K21 K22

]− k2

[M11 M12

M21 M22



]= 0

where ψ2 correspond to extra variables (outside Ω).

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Application: Resonances

Spectral Schur complement

0 5 10 15 20 25 30








0 5 10 15 20 25 30








Eliminate “extra” variables ψ2 to get

T (k)ψ1 =(K11 − k2M11 − C(k)

)ψ1 = 0


C(k) = (K12 − k2M12)(K22 − k2M22)−1(K21 − k2M21)

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Application: Resonances

Apples to oranges?

T (k)ψ = (K − k2M − C(k))ψ = 0 (exact DtN map)

T (k)ψ = (K − k2M − C(k))ψ = 0 (spectral Schur complement)

Two ideas:Perturbation theory for NEP for local refinementComplex analysis to get more global analysis

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Application: Resonances

Aside on spectral Schur complement

Inverse of a Schur complement is a submatrix of an inverse:

(Kext − z2Mext)−1 =

[T (z)−1 ∗∗ ∗

]So for reasonable norms,

‖T (z)−1‖ ≤ ‖(Kext − z2Mext)−1‖.


Λε(T ) ⊂ Λε(Kext,Mext),

Λε(T ) ≡ z : ‖A(z)−1‖ > ε−1Λε(Kext,Mext) ≡ z : ‖(Kext − z2Mext)

−1‖ > ε−1

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Application: Resonances

Nonlinear bounds from linear pseudospectra


T (k)ψ = (K − k2M − C(k))ψ = 0 (exact DtN map)

A(k)ψ = (K − k2M − C(k))ψ = 0 (spectral Schur complement)

Let Ωε = z ∈ C : ‖C(z)− C(z)‖ < ε. Then:

Λ(T ) ∩ Ωε ⊂ Λε(T ) ⊂ Λε(Kext,Mext)

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Application: Resonances

Assessing approximate resonances







0 2 4 6 8 10

















To get axisymmetric resonances in corral model, compute:Eigenvalues of a complex-scaled problemResiduals in nonlinear eigenproblemlog10 ‖T (k)− T (k)‖

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Nonlinear eigenvalue problems are as natural as linear problemsLinear perturbation theorems with complex analytic proofs apply“Perturbation Theorems for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems”David Bindel and Amanda Hood

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