Download - Implementation via Information Design in Binary-Action ... · Daisuke Oyama University of Tokyo Satoru Takahashi National University of Singapore Topics in Economic Theory October

  • Implementation via Information Design inBinary-Action Supermodular Games

    Stephen MorrisMassachusetts Institute of Technology

    Daisuke OyamaUniversity of Tokyo

    Satoru TakahashiNational University of Singapore

    Topics in Economic Theory

    October 19, 2020

  • Implementation via Information Design

    ▶ Fix payoff functions ui(a, θ), where a ∈ A and θ ∈ Θ.

    ▶ What outcomes (i.e., joint distributions over A×Θ) can beimplemented by choosing an information structure?

    ▶ Partial implementation:An outcome is partially implementable if it is induced by someequilibrium of some information structure.

    ▶ Well known (Bergemann and Morris 2016):An outcome is partially implementable if and only if it satisfiesan “obedience” constraint,

    or it is a Bayes correlated equilibrium (BCE).

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  • Full and Smallest Equilibrium Implementation

    This paper characterizes full implementation and smallestequilibrium implementation in binary-action supermodular (BAS)games.

    ▶ An outcome is fully implementable if it is induced byall equilibria of some information structure.

    ▶ An outcome is smallest equilibrium implementable if it isinduced by the smallest equilibrium of some informationstructure.

    ▶ Well defined in supermodular games.

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  • Main Results

    Under a dominance state assumption,

    an outcome is smallest equilibrium implementable if and only ifit satisfies not only obedience but also sequential obedience.

    ▶ “Sequential obedience”:

    ▶ Designer recommends players to switch to action 1 fromaction 0 according to a randomly chosen sequence;

    ▶ each player has a strict incentive to switch when told to do soeven if he only expects players before him to have switched.

    ▶ Full implementation requires “reverse sequential obedience” inaddition.

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  • Applications

    0. Simpler condition for potential games:

    In potential games, sequential obedience is equivalent toan even simpler coalitional obedience condition.

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  • Applications

    1. Information design with adversarial equilibrium selection:



    E[V (a, θ)]

    where designer’s objective V (a, θ) is increasing in a.

    (Hoshino 2018; Bergemann and Morris 2019; Mathevet, Perego,

    and Taneva 2020; Inostroza and Pavan 2020)

    ▶ Worst equilibrium = Smallest equilibrium▶ Optimization problem rewritten as max

    ν∈SIEν [V (a, θ)]

    ▶ Identify conditions on the designer’s and players’ payoffs underwhich solution satisfies the perfect coordination property:

    either all players choose action 1 or they all choose action 0.

    ▶ Characterize the optimal solution for this case.

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  • Applications

    2. Joint design of information and transfers:

    In a context of team production, solve for the minimum bonusto players to always play action 1.

    ▶ inf(total bonus) subject to (“always play 1”) ∈ SI

    (Winter 2004; Moriya and Yamashita 2020; Halac, Lipnowski, and

    Rappoport 2020)

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  • Setting

    ▶ I = {1, . . . , |I|}: Set of players

    ▶ Θ: Finite set of states

    ▶ µ ∈ ∆(Θ): Common prior

    ▶ Without loss of generality, assume µ(θ) > 0 for all θ.

    ▶ Ai = {0, 1}: Binary action set for player i (A = {0, 1}I)

    ▶ ui : A×Θ → R: player i’s payoff, supermodular:

    di(a−i, θ) = ui(1, a−i, θ)− ui(0, a−i, θ)

    increasing in a−i.

    ▶ Dominance state:There exists θ ∈ Θ such that di(0−i, θ̄) > 0 for all i.

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  • Information Structures▶ Ti: Countable set of types for player i (T =

    ∏i∈I Ti)

    ▶ π ∈ ∆(T ×Θ): Common prior▶ We require π to be consistent with µ ∈ ∆(Θ):∑

    t∈T π(t, θ) = µ(θ) for all θ ∈ Θ.

    ▶ With I,Θ, µ, A, (ui)i∈I fixed, an information structureT = ((Ti)i∈I , π) defines a Bayesian game:▶ σi : Ti → ∆(Ai): Strategy of player i▶ Bayesian Nash equilibrium (BNE) is defined as usual.▶ E (T ): Set of BNEs.▶ σ = (σi)i∈I : Smallest (pure-strategy) BNE

    ▶ The outcome ν ∈ ∆(A×Θ) induced by information structureT and strategy profile σ:

    ν(a, θ) =∑t

    π(t, θ)∏i∈I


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  • Partial implementation

    ▶ ν is partially implementable if there exist an informationstructure T and an equilibrium σ that induce ν.

    ▶ ν satisfies consistency if∑

    a ν(a, θ) = µ(θ) for all θ ∈ Θ.

    ▶ ν satisfies obedience if∑a−i,θ

    ν(ai, a−i, θ)(ui(ai, a−i, θ)− ui(a′i, a−i, θ)) ≥ 0

    for all i ∈ I and all ai, a′i ∈ Ai.

    Proposition 1 (Bergemann and Morris (2016))

    ν is partially implementable if and only if it satisfies consistencyand obedience.

    ▶ Write BCE for the set of implementable outcomes.

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  • Smallest Equilibrium Implementation

    ▶ ν is smallest equilibrium implementable (S-implementable) ifthere exists an information structure T such that (T , σ)induces ν.

    ▶ Write SI for the set of S-implementable outcomes.

    ▶ Clearly, SI ⊂ BCE .

    ▶ Our paper characterizes SI and its closure SI .

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  • Two-Player Two-State Example (Symmetric Payoffs)From Bergemann and Morris (2019)

    ▶ I = {1, 2}

    ▶ A1 = A2 = {NI , I }

    ▶ Θ = {B,G}, µ(B) = µ(G) = 12▶ Payoffs:

    B NI I

    NI 0 0

    I −1 −1 + ε

    G NI I

    NI 0 0

    I x x+ ε

    0 < x < 1, 0 < ε < 12(1− x)

    ▶ Designer’s objective: maximize the expected number ofplayers who invest.

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  • Optimal BCE

    B NI I

    NI 1−x−2ε2(1−ε) 0

    I 0 x+ε2(1−ε)

    G NI I

    NI 0 0

    I 0 12

    ▶ In the direct mechanism:▶ “Always obey the recommendation” is an equilibrium.▶ “Always play NI ” is also an equilibrium (smallest equilibrium).

    ▶ In fact, this outcome is not S-implementable.

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  • Sequences of Players

    ▶ Our characterization of SI involves “hidden variables” νΓ.We care about who eventually plays action 1 in the smallestBNE, but the characterization is based on the order in whichplayers change actions along the iteration procedure.

    ▶ Let Γ be the set of all finite sequences of distinct players;for example, if I = {1, 2, 3}, then

    Γ = {∅, 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 21, 23, 31, 32, 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321}.

    ▶ An “ordered outcome” is a distribution over sequences andstates νΓ ∈ ∆(Γ×Θ).

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  • ▶ For γ ∈ Γ, ā(γ) denotes the action profile where player i playsaction 1 iff player i appears in γ.

    ▶ Each “ordered outcome” νΓ ∈ ∆(Γ×Θ) induces outcomeν ∈ ∆(A×Θ) by forgetting the ordering, i.e.,

    ν(a, θ) =∑


    νΓ(γ, θ).

    ▶ Let Γi = {γ ∈ Γ | player i appears in γ}.

    ▶ For γ ∈ Γi, a−i(γ) denotes the action profile of player i’sopponents where player j plays action 1 iff player j appears inγ before player i.

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  • Sequential Obedience

    Definition 1

    ▶ Ordered outcome νΓ ∈ ∆(Γ×Θ) satisfies sequentialobedience if∑

    γ∈Γi,θ∈ΘνΓ(γ, θ)di(a−i(γ), θ) > 0

    for all i such that νΓ(Γi ×Θ) > 0.

    ▶ Outcome ν ∈ ∆(A×Θ) satisfies sequential obedience ifthere exists ordered outcome νΓ ∈ ∆(Γ×Θ) that induces νand satisfies sequential obedience.

    ▶ Weak sequential obedience: “≥” in place of “>”.

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  • Sequential Obedience vs. Obedience

    ▶ Sequential obedience captures the iterative procedure at theoutcome level.

    ▶ Sequential obedience is a strengthening of “upper obedience”:∑a−i,θ

    ν(1, a−i, θ)(ui(1, a−i, θ)− ui(0, a−i, θ))


    νΓ(γ, θ)(ui(1, ā−i(γ), θ)− ui(0, ā−i(γ), θ))


    νΓ(γ, θ)(ui(1, a−i(γ), θ)− ui(0, a−i(γ), θ))

    > 0,

    where ā−i(γ) is the action profile of player i’s opponentswhere player j plays action 1 iff player j appears in γ(regardless of his relative position to player i).

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  • Main Results

    Theorem 1

    1. If ν ∈ SI , then it satisfies consistency, obedience, andsequential obedience.

    2. If ν with ν(1, θ) > 0 satisfies consistency, obedience, andsequential obedience, then ν ∈ SI .

    (SI = (Set of smallest equilibrium implementable outcomes))

    Corollary 1

    ν ∈ SI if and only if it is satisfies consistency, obedience, and weaksequential obedience.

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  • Necessity of Sequential Obedience▶ Suppose that ν is smallest equilibrium implementable.▶ Let T = ((Ti)i∈I , π) be an information structure whose

    smallest equilibrium induces ν.

    ▶ Starting from the constant 0 strategy profile, apply sequentialbest response in the order 1, 2, . . . , |I|.

    ▶ For each type ti ∈ Ti, let▶ ni(ti) = n if ti changes from action 0 to action 1 at n-th step;▶ ni(ti) = ∞ if ti never changes.

    ▶ Let T (γ) = {t ∈ T | (ni(ti))i∈I is ordered according to γ},and define

    νΓ(γ, θ) =∑

    t∈T (γ)

    π(t, θ).

    ▶ Because this process converges to the smallest equilibrium,we know that νΓ induces ν.

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  • ▶ To show sequential obedience, note that for each ti ∈ Ti withni(ti) < ∞, we have∑


    π((ti, t−i) , θ)di(a−i(ti, t−i), θ) > 0,

    where a−i(ti, t−i) is the action profile of player i’s opponentsin the sequential best response process when i switches; soplayer j plays action 1 iff nj(tj) < ni(ti).

    ▶ By adding up the inequality over all such ti, we have

    0 <∑

    ti : ni(ti) 0.19 / 61

  • Sufficiency of Sequential Obedience

    ▶ Let νΓ ∈ ∆(Γ×Θ) satisfy sequential obedience.

    ▶ We construct an information structure as follows.

    ▶ Ti = {1, 2, . . .} ∪ {∞}▶ By the assumption ν(1, θ) > 0,

    νΓ(γ̄, θ) > 0 for some sequence γ̄ of all players.

    Take ε > 0 such that ε < νΓ(γ̄, θ).

    ▶ m drawn from Z+ according to the distribution η(1− η)m,where 0 < η ≪ ε.

    ▶ γ drawn from Γ according to νΓ.▶ Player i receives signal ti given by

    ti =

    {m+ (ranking of i in γ) if γ ∈ Γi∞ otherwise.

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  • ▶ To initiate contagion, re-arrange probabilities:▶ Replace νΓ(γ̄, θ) with νΓ(γ̄, θ)− ε.▶ Allocate ε|I|−1 to (t, θ) such that 1 ≤ t1 = · · · = t|I| ≤ |I| − 1.▶ Since η ≪ ε, types ti ∈ {1, . . . , |I| − 1} will assign high

    probability to θ.

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  • ▶ Show by induction that action 1 is the unique action survivingiterated deletion of dominated strategies for all types ti < ∞.

    ▶ Initialization step:If ti ∈ {1, . . . , |I| − 1}, the player assigns high probability toθ = θ, and by Dominance State, action 1 is a dominant action.

    ▶ Induction step:For τ ≥ |I|, Suppose all types ti ≤ τ − 1 play action 1.

    Then type ti = τ knows that all players before him in therealized sequence play action 1, so his payoff to 1 is at least∑

    γ∈Γi,θ∈ΘνΓ(γ, θ)di(a−i(γ), θ)× (constant) > 0 as η ≈ 0,

    where the inequality is by Sequential Obedience.

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  • Two-Player Two-State Example (Symmetric Payoffs)

    B NI I

    NI 0 0

    I −1 −1 + ε

    G NI I

    NI 0 0

    I x x+ ε

    ▶ S-implemetable outcome:

    B NI I

    NI 1−x−ε2−ε + δ 0

    I 0 2x+ε2(2−ε) − δ

    G NI I

    NI 0 0

    I 0 12

    ▶ The limit as δ → 0 attains the supremum when the objectiveis to maximize the expected number of players who invest.

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  • B NI I

    NI 0 0

    I −1 −1 + ε

    G NI I

    NI 0 0

    I x x+ ε

    ▶ By symmetry, consider the symmetric ordered outcome:

    B G

    ∅ 12 − 2p 0

    12 p 14

    21 p 14

    ▶ Derive p such that weak sequential obedience is satisfied withequality.

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  • Two-Player Two-State Example (Asymmetric Payoffs)

    b Not Invest

    Not 0, 0 0,−8

    Invest −7, 0 −4,−5

    g Not Invest

    Not 0, 0 0, 1

    Invest 2, 0 5, 4

    ▶ µ(b) = µ(g) = 12▶ Supermodular (payoff gain of 3 to investing if the other player


    ▶ Both players have dominant action to invest in good state andnot invest in bad state

    ▶ Asymmetric: Row player 1 gets higher payoff (+1) frominvesting relative to column player 2

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  • Optimal BCE

    b Not Invest

    Not 0, 0 0,−8

    Invest −7, 0 −4,−5

    g Not Invest

    Not 0, 0 0, 1

    Invest 2, 0 5, 4

    ▶ Optimal BCE when the objective is to maximize the expectednumber of players who invest:

    b Not Invest

    Not 0 0

    Invest 11025

    g Not Invest

    Not 0 0

    Invest 0 12


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  • Smallest Equilibrium Implementation

    b Not Invest

    Not 0, 0 0,−8

    Invest −7, 0 −4,−5

    g Not Invest

    Not 0, 0 0, 1

    Invest 2, 0 5, 4

    ▶ The following outcome ν is S-implementable for any δ > 0:

    b Not Invest

    Not 14 + δ 0

    Invest 0 14 − δ

    g Not Invest

    Not 0 0

    Invest 0 12

    (“Perfect coordination outcome”)

    ▶ The limit as δ → 0 attains the supremum when the objectiveis to maximize the expected number of players who invest.

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  • Risk-Dominance

    Complete information game conditional on both being told toinvest (and δ = 0):

    Not Invest

    Not 0, 0 0,−2

    Invest −1, 0 2, 1

    ▶ (Invest, Invest) is (just) risk-dominant, which can be fullyimplemented by an Email-game information structure.

    ▶ Higher probability of investment cannot be fully implemented(Kajii and Morris 1997).

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  • Sequential Obedience

    b Not Invest

    Not 0, 0 0,−8

    Invest −7, 0 −4,−5

    g Not Invest

    Not 0, 0 0, 1

    Invest 2, 0 5, 4

    ▶ The following ordered outcome νΓ (which induces ν) satisfiessequential obedience:

    b g

    ∅ 14 + δ 0

    12 16 − δ13

    21 11216

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  • Construction of Information Structureb

    t1\t2 1 2 3 4 · · · ∞

    1 η(


    − δ)

    2 η 112

    η(1 − η)(


    − δ)

    3 η(1 − η) 112

    η(1 − η)2(


    − δ)

    4 η(1 − η)2 112

    . . .



    .. . .

    ∞ 14

    + δ


    t1\t2 1 2 3 4 · · · ∞

    1 ε η(


    − ε)

    2 η 16

    η(1 − η)(


    − ε)

    3 η(1 − η) 16

    η(1 − η)2(


    − ε)

    4 η(1 − η)2 16

    . . .



    .. . .

    ▶ η ≪ ε30 / 61

  • Dual Characterization of Sequential Obedience▶ Recall:

    ν ∈ ∆(A×Θ) satisfies sequential obedience if there existsνΓ ∈ ∆(Γ×Θ) that induces ν and satisfies∑

    γ∈Γi,θ∈ΘνΓ(γ, θ)di(a−i(γ), θ) > 0

    for all i such that νΓ(Γi ×Θ) > 0. (♯♯)

    Proposition 2

    ν satisfies sequential obedience if and only if∑a∈A,θ∈Θ

    ν(a, θ) maxγ:ā(γ)=a


    λidi(a−i(γ), θ) > 0

    for all (λi)i∈I ≥ 0, (λi)i∈I(ν) ̸= 0. (♯)

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  • Proof

    ▶ Fix ν ∈ ∆(A×Θ).

    ▶ Let NΓ(ν) = {νΓ ∈ ∆(Γ×Θ) |∑

    γ:ā(γ)=a νΓ(γ, θ) = ν(a, θ)}and Λ(ν) = {λ ∈ ∆(I) |

    ∑i∈I(ν) λi = 1}.

    (Both are convex and compact.)

    ▶ For νΓ ∈ NΓ(ν) and λ ∈ Λ(ν), let

    D(νΓ, λ) =∑i∈I


    γ∈Γi,θ∈ΘνΓ(γ, θ)di(a−i(γ), θ)


    γ∈Γ,θ∈ΘνΓ(γ, θ)


    λidi(a−i(γ), θ)




    νΓ(γ, θ)∑


    λidi(a−i(γ), θ).

    (Linear in each of νΓ and λ.)

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  • ▶ By the Minimax Theorem, D has a value D∗:



    D(νΓ, λ) = D∗ = max


    λ∈Λ(ν)D(νΓ, λ).

    ▶ ν satisfies sequential obedience⇐⇒ ∃ νΓ ∈ NΓ(ν) ∀λ ∈ Λ(ν): D(νΓ, λ) > 0⇐⇒ D∗ = maxνΓ∈NΓ(ν)minλ∈Λ(ν)D(νΓ, λ) > 0

    ▶ (LHS of (♯)) = maxνΓ∈NΓ(ν)D(νΓ, λ) for each λ ∈ Λ(ν)Hence,

    (♯) holds ⇐⇒ D∗ = minλ∈Λ(ν)maxνΓ∈NΓ(ν)D(νΓ, λ) > 0

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  • Application 0: Simplifying Sequential Obedience inPotential Games

    ▶ In potential games,the dual condition (♯) (hence sequential obedience) isequivalent to a simpler coalitional obedience condition.

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  • Potential Games

    Definition 2The game is a potential game if there exists Φ: A×Θ → R suchthat

    di(a−i, θ) = Φ(1, a−i, θ)− Φ(0, a−i, θ).

    ▶ For each ν ∈ ∆(A×Θ), we define a potential for thatoutcome:

    Φν(a) =∑a′,θ

    ν(a′, θ)Φ(a ∧ a′, θ)

    where b = a ∧ a′ is the action profile such that bi = 1 if andonly if ai = a

    ′i = 1.

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  • Potential Games

    ▶ For simplicity, we focus on outcomes ν such thatν({1} ×Θ) > 0.

    Definition 3Outcome ν satisfies coalitional obedience if

    Φν(1) > Φν(a)

    for all a ̸= 1.

    Proposition 3

    In a potential game, an outcome satisfies sequential obedienceif and only if it satisfies coalitional obedience.

    ▶ Show that coalitional obedience is equivalent to the dualcondition (♯) of sequential obedience.

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  • Convex Potential

    ▶ Normalize: Φ(0, θ) = 0 for all θ.

    ▶ Denote n(a) = |{i ∈ I | ai = 1}|.

    Definition 4The potential Φ satisfies convexity if

    Φ(a, θ) ≤ n(a)|I|

    Φ(1, θ)


    (1− n(a)


    )Φ(0, θ) +


    |I|Φ(1, θ)

    )for all θ.

    ▶ Because of supermodularity, this is automatically satisfied if Φis symmetric.

    ▶ The potential is convex if and only if the game is not tooasymmetric.

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  • Investment Game

    ▶ Θ = {1, . . . , |Θ|}▶ di(a−i, θ) = R(θ) + hn(a−i)+1 − ci

    ▶ hk: increasing in k▶ R(θ): strictly increasing in θ▶ R(|Θ|) + h1 > ci for all i ∈ I

    Dominant state is satisfied with θ = |Θ|▶ c1 ≤ c2 ≤ · · · ≤ c|I|

    ▶ This game has a potential:

    Φ(a, θ) = R(θ)n(a) +


    hk −∑



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  • ▶ Φ satisfies convexity if and only if



    (hk − ck) ≤1



    (hk − ck)

    for any ℓ = 1, . . . , |I| − 1.

    ▶ In particular, a sufficient condition for convexity is:

    hk − ck ≤ hk+1 − ck+1

    for any k = 1, . . . , |I| − 1.

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  • Regime Change Game

    ▶ Θ = {1, . . . , |Θ|}

    ▶ di(a−i, θ) ={1− ci if n(a−i) + 1 > |I| − k(θ),−ci if n(a−i) + 1 ≤ |I| − k(θ)

    ▶ 0 < ci < 1▶ k : Θ → N: strictly increasing, k(1) ≥ 1▶ k(|Θ|) = |I|

    Dominant state is satisfied with θ = |Θ|

    ▶ This game has a potential:

    Φ(a, θ) =

    {n(a)− (|I| − k(θ))−

    ∑i∈S(a) ci if n(a) > |I| − k(θ),


    i∈S(a) ci if n(a) ≤ |I| − k(θ).

    ▶ Φ satisfies convexity if and only if c1 = · · · = c|I|.

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  • Grand Coalitional Obedience and Perfect Coordination

    Definition 5Outcome ν satisfies grand coalitional obedience if

    Φν(1) > Φν(0) = 0,

    or equivalently,∑a∈A,θ∈Θ

    ν(a, θ)Φ(a, θ) > 0.

    Definition 6Outcome ν satisfies perfect coordination if ν(a, θ) > 0 only fora ∈ {0,1}.

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  • Proposition 4

    Suppose that the potential satisfies convexity.A perfectly coordinated outcome satisfies sequential obedienceif and only if it satisfies grand coalitional obedience.

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  • Application 1: Information Design with AdversarialEquilibrium Selection

    ▶ Information designer’s objective function: V : A×Θ → R▶ V (a, θ): increasing in a▶ Normalization: V (0, θ) = 0 for all θ▶ Optimal information design problem with adversarial

    equilibrium selection:


    minσ∈E(T )


    π(t, θ)V (σ(t), θ)

    = supT


    π(t, θ)V (σ(t), θ).

    ▶ This is equivalent tosupν∈SI


    ν(a, θ)V (a, θ) = maxν∈SI


    ν(a, θ)V (a, θ).

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  • Restricted ConvexityDefinition 7Designer’s objective V satisfies restricted convexity with respect topotential Φ if

    V (a, θ) ≤ n(a)|I|

    V (1, θ)

    whenever Φ(a, θ) > Φ(1, θ).

    Special cases of interest

    ▶ Linear preferencesV (a, θ) = n(a)

    ▶ Full coordination preferences

    V (a, θ) =

    {1 if a = 1

    0 otherwise

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  • ▶ Regime change preferences:▶ Potential

    Φ(a, θ) =

    {n(a)− (|I| − k(θ))−

    ∑i∈S(a) ci if n(a) > |I| − k(θ)


    i∈S(a) ci if n(a) ≤ |I| − k(θ)

    ▶ Φ(a, θ) > Φ(1, θ) holds only when n(a) ≤ |I| − k(θ).▶ The objective

    V (a, θ) =

    {1 if n(a) > |I| − k(θ)0 if n(a) ≤ |I| − k(θ)

    satisfies restricted convexity with respect to Φ.

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  • Perfect Coordination Solution

    Theorem 2Suppose that Φ satisfies convexity and V satisfies restrictedconvexity with respect to Φ.Then there exists an optimal outcome of the adversarialinformation design problem that satisfies perfect coordination.

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  • Proof

    ▶ Consider the problem



    ν(1, θ)V (1, θ)

    with respect to perfect coordination outcomes,

    subject to

    ▶ consistency, and▶ grand coalitional obedience.

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  • ▶ Easy to characterize the solution to this problem:▶ Relabel the states as Θ = {1, . . . , |Θ|} in such a way that

    Φ(1,θ)V (1,θ) is increasing in θ.

    ▶ Ignoring integer issues,find θ∗ that solves


    µ(θ)Φ(1, θ) = 0

    = ∑θ∗≥θ

    µ(θ)Φ(0, θ)

    .▶ Let

    ν∗(a, θ) =

    µ(θ) if a = 1 and θ ≥ θ∗,µ(θ) if a = 0 and θ < θ∗,

    0 otherwise.

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  • ▶ We want to show that ν∗ is an optimal outcome ofthe adversarial information design problem.

    ▶ Take any ν ∈ SI .▶ Show that there exists a perfect coordination outcome ν ′

    satisfying consistency such that

    ▶ grand coalitional obedience is satisfied (by convexity of Φ), and▶ ∑

    a,θ ν′(a, θ)V (a, θ) ≥

    ∑a,θ ν(a, θ)V (a, θ)

    (by restricted convexity of V ).

    If ν(a, θ) > 0 for a ̸= 0,1, split ν(a, θ) to (0, θ) and (1, θ)appropriately.

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  • Application 2: Adding Transfers

    Bonus contracts for team production

    (Winter (2004, AER), Moriya and Yamashita (2020, JEMS))

    ▶ Team project by |I| agents, effort level ai ∈ {0, 1}

    ▶ c: (Common) cost of effort

    ▶ Θ: Set of states, µ ∈ ∆(Θ)

    ▶ p(n, θ): Probability of success when n agents make effort

    ▶ p(n, θ): nondecreasing in n▶ p(|I|, θ) > p(0, θ) for some θ

    ▶ Denote ∆p(n, θ) = p(n, θ)− p(n− 1, θ).

    ▶ Assume strategic complementarities: ∆p(n, θ) ≤ ∆p(n+ 1, θ).

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  • ▶ b = (b1, . . . , b|I|): bonus scheme (to be chosen by the principle)▶ Agent i’s payoff:

    ▶ p(n(a−i) + 1, θ)bi − ci for ai = 1▶ p(n(a−i), θ)bi for ai = 0

    ▶ With normalization, define

    di(a−i, θ; bi) = ∆p(n(a−i) + 1, θ)−cibi.

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  • ▶ ν̄: Full-effort outcome (i.e., ν̄(1, θ) = µ(θ) for all θ)

    ▶ Principal’s objective:Design a bonus scheme b and an information structure Tthat minimize the total payment

    while implementing ν̄ in the smallest (hence unique)equilibrium:

    infb:ν̄∈SI (b)



    (Moriya and Yamashita 2020, with |I| = 2, |Θ| = 2, and symmetricbonuses)

    ▶ A bonus scheme b∗ = (b∗i )i∈I is optimal if∑

    i∈I b∗i is equal to

    this infimum and ν̄ ∈ SI (b∗ + ε) for every ε > 0

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  • ▶ Dominance state counterpart:Let θ̄ ∈ Θ be a state such that ∆p(1, θ̄) ≥ ∆p(1, θ) for allθ ∈ Θ.


    ∆p(1, θ̄) ≥∑θ∈Θ

    µ(θ)p(|I|, θ)− p(0, θ)


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  • Relaxed Problem

    ▶ The base game (di(a−i, θ; bi))i∈I given b = (bi)i∈I has apotential

    Φ(a, θ; b) = p(n(a), θ)− p(0, θ)−∑




    ▶ Consider the relaxed minimization problem subject toweak grand coalitional obedience∑

    θ∈Θ µ(θ)Φ(1, θ; b) ≥∑

    θ∈Θ µ(θ)Φ(0, θ; b) = 0:




    subject to∑i∈I




    µ(θ)(p(|I|, θ)− p(0, θ)).

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  • ▶ By the strict convexity of x 7→ 1x ,an optimal solution to this relaxed problem is unique.

    ▶ It is given by b∗ = (β∗, . . . , β∗) with

    β∗ =|I|c∑

    θ∈Θ µ(θ)(p(|I|, θ)− p(0, θ)).

    Proposition 5

    The unique optimal bonus scheme is given by b∗ = (β∗, . . . , β∗).

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  • Proof

    We want to verify that ν̄ ∈ SI (b∗ + ε) for any ε > 0.

    ▶ Potential Φ(·; b∗ + ε) satisfies convexity.⇒ Grand coalitional obedience is equivalent to sequentialobedience.

    ▶ Dominant State is satisfied under b∗ + ε.

    ▶ Therefore, it follows from Theorem 1 that ν̄ ∈ SI (b∗ + ε).

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  • Literature

    ▶ Winter (2004)

    ▶ Moriya and Yamashita (2020)

    ▶ Halac, Lipnowski, and Rappoport (2020)

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  • Full Implementation

    ▶ Outcome ν is fully implementable if there existsan information structure T such that (T , σ) induces ν forall σ ∈ E (T ).

    ▶ Under supermodularity, full implementation in fact requiresE(T ) to be a singleton.

    ▶ Reverse sequential obedience:Reverse version of sequential obedience, where actions 1 and0 are exchanged.

    ▶ Add a symmetric dominance state assumption:there exists θ ∈ Θ such that di(1−i, θ) < 0 for all i ∈ I.

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  • Theorem 3

    1. If ν ∈ FI , then it satisfies consistency, sequential obedience,and reverse sequential obedience.

    2. If ν with ν(1, θ) > 0 and ν(0, θ) > 0 satisfies consistency,sequential obedience, and reverse sequential obedience, thenν ∈ FI .

    (FI = (Set of fully implementable outcomes))

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  • S-Implementation and Full Implementation

    ▶ By definition, FI ⊂ SI .

    ▶ In general, FI ⫋ SI .

    Proposition 6

    For any ν ∈ SI , there exists ν̂ ∈ FI that first-order stochasticallydominates ν.


    a′≥a ν′(a′, θ) ≥

    ∑a′≥a ν(a

    ′, θ) for all a and θ.)

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  • Optimal Information Design under Full Implementation

    ▶ By Proposition 6, if V (a, θ) is increasing in a, then



    ν(a, θ)V (a, θ) = maxν∈SI


    ν(a, θ)V (a, θ).

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