Quantization of Electromagnetic Fieldweiwang/sites/www... · 2019. 5. 16. · Electromagnetic Field...

Quantization of Electromagnetic Field Wei Wang October 30, 2017 Wei Wang Lectures on QFT October 30, 2017 1 / 19

Transcript of Quantization of Electromagnetic Fieldweiwang/sites/www... · 2019. 5. 16. · Electromagnetic Field...

  • Quantization of Electromagnetic Field

    Wei Wang

    October 30, 2017

    Wei Wang Lectures on QFT October 30, 2017 1 / 19

  • Contents

    1 Review: Quantization of scalar field

    2 Review: Quantization of spinor field

    3 Electromagnetic field

    4 Homework

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  • Review: Quantization of real scalar field

    1.Lagrangian density

    L = 12∂µφ∂µφ−



    2. canonical momentum π(x) = ∂L∂φ̇(x)

    = φ̇(x)

    3. Commutation relation for φ and π

    [φ(~x, t), π(~x′, t)] = iδ3(~x− ~x′),[φ(~x, t), φ(~x′, t)] = [π(~x, t), π(~x′, t)] = 0

    4. Plane-wave expansion ωk =√~k2 +m2

    φ(x) =


    (2π)32ωk[a(~k)e−ik·x + a†(~k)eik·x],

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  • Review: Quantization of real scalar field

    The commutation relation for a and a†

    [a(~k), a†(~k′)] = (2π)32ωkδ3(~k − ~k′),

    [a(~k), a(~k′)] = [a†(~k), a†(~k′)] = 0.

    The time-ordered propagator is defined as:

    T [φ(x)φ(x′)] = θ(t− t′)φ(x)φ(x′) + θ(t′ − t)φ(x′)φ(x),(�x +m)T [φ(x)φ(x

    ′)] = −iδ4(x− x′).

    Then the vacuum expectation value is given as

    〈0|T [φ(x)φ(x′)]|0〉 =∫



    ′) i

    p2 −m2 + i�.

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  • Review: Spinor field Quantization

    1. Writing down the Lagrangian density:

    L = ψ̄(i∂/−m)ψ.

    2. Define the canonical momentum

    πψ =∂L∂ψ̇

    = iψ†.

    3. Use the anti-commutation relation as the quantization condition:

    {ψρ(~x, t), iψ†σ(~y, t)} = iδ3(~x− ~y)δρσ,

    {ψρ(~x, t), ψρ(~y, t)} = {iψ†σ(~x, t), iψ†σ(~y, t)} = 0,

    4. Plane wave expansion:

    ψ(x) =





    + d†λ



    ψ̄(x) =






    + dλ(~p)v̄λ(~p)e−ip·x


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  • Review: Spinor field quantization

    Nonzero commutation relation for creation and annihilation operators:

    {bλ(~p), b†λ′(~k)} = {dλ(~p), d†λ′(~k)} = (2π)32k0δ3(~k − ~p)δλλ′ ,

    and others are zero.

    The time-ordered propagator 1 is given as

    Tψ(x)ψ̄(x′) = θ(t− t′)ψ(x)ψ̄(x′)− θ(t′ − t)ψ̄(x′)ψ(x).

    The vacuum expectation value is defined as

    〈0|Tψ(x)ψ̄(x′)|0〉 =∫



    ′) i(p/+m)

    p2 −m2 + i�.

    1This is defined at the spinor component levelWei Wang Lectures on QFT October 30, 2017 6 / 19

  • Electromagnetic field

    The Lagrangian density is given as

    L = −14FµνF

    µν , Fµν = ∂µAν − ∂νAµ,

    with the field strength tensor given as:

    Fµν =

    0 −E1 −E2 −E3E1 0 −B3 B2E2 B3 0 −B1E3 −B2 B1 0

    .The field strength tensor is directly related to the physical electric andmagnetic field:

    Ei = −F 0i, Bi = 12�ijkF jk.

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  • Electromagnetic field

    The equation of motion is given as:

    ∂µFµν = 0.

    which is equivalent to the Maxwell equation

    ~5 · ~E = 0, ~5× ~B = ∂∂t~E.

    We can define the dual of the field strength tensor:

    F̃µν = −12�µνρσFρσ =

    0 −B1 −B2 −B3B1 0 E3 −E2B2 −E3 0 −E1B3 E2 E1 0

    .Since due to the antisymmetric property, we have

    ∂µF̃µν = 0.

    This is equivalent to the other two components of Maxwell equation:

    ~5 · ~B = 0, ~5× ~E = − ∂∂t~B.

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  • Electromagnetic field: Gauge Symmetry

    There is extra degrees of freedom in Aµ

    Aµ(x)→ Aµ(x) + ∂µα(x),

    with α(x) being any complex function. One can find that this doesnot change the Fµν , and thus corresponds to the same sets ofphysical fields.

    One can identify the above transformations as the extra degrees offreedom, or one may view them as the gauge symmetry.

    To remove the additional degrees of freedom, one usually uses thegauge fixing condition, for instance the Coulomb gauge:

    ~5 · ~A = 0, A0 = 0.

    Or the covariant Lorenz gauge (NOT Lorentz):

    ∂µAµ(x) = 0.

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  • Electromagnetic Field Quantization

    The canonical momentum is given as

    πµ =∂L∂Ȧµ

    = −F0µ,

    Apparently, π0 = 0, and thus one can not quantize the A0.

    One can choose the gauge fixing condition to eliminate the unphysicaldegrees of freedom in Aµ, such as the Coulomb gauge:

    A0 = 0, ~5 · ~A = 0.

    This gauge is not covariant.

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  • Electromagnetic Field Quantization: Gupta-Bleulerformalism

    We introduce the Lagrangian density

    L = −14FµνF

    µν − 12α

    (∂µ ·Aµ)2,

    α is an arbitrary constant (different with α(x)!). Setting(∂µ ·Aµ) = 0 (Lorenz gauge) will recover the original Lagrangian.The canonical momentum is given as

    πµ =∂L∂Ȧµ

    = −F0µ −1


    ν ·Aν).

    Then π0 is not zero!

    For simplicity, one can use α = 1, and this is called Feynman gauge(notice the two meanings of gauge!)

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  • Electromagnetic Field Quantization: Gupta-Bleulerformalism

    The quantization condition is chosen as:

    [Aµ(x, t), πν(y, t)] = igµνδ3(~x− ~y),

    [Aµ(x, t), Aν(y, t)] = [πµ(x, t), πν(y, t)] = 0.

    This is equivalent to:

    [Aµ(x, t), Aν(y, t)] = [Ȧµ(x, t), Ȧν(y, t)] = 0,

    [Aµ(x, t), Ȧν(y, t)] = −igµνδ3(~x− ~y).

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  • Electromagnetic Field Quantization: Gupta-Bleulerformalism

    Plane wave expansion

    Aµ(x) =




    [a(λ)(~p)�(λ)µ (~p)e−ip·x + a(λ)†(~p)�(λ)∗µ (~p)e


    Here the �µ are the polarization vectors. For massless particles, onemay choose

    �(0) =


    , �(1) =


    , �(2) =


    , �(3) =


    .The left-handed and right-handed polarization is given as

    �(±) = (�(1) ± �(2))/√


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  • Electromagnetic Field Quantization: Gupta-Bleulerformalism

    The polarization vectors satisfy the orthonormality:∑λλ′

    gλλ′�(λ)µ (


    µ (~p) = gµν ,


    µ (~p) = gλλ′ .

    The creation and annihilation operators are expressed as:

    a(λ)(~p) = i


    ←→∂ 0�

    (λ)µ A

    µ(~x, t),

    a(λ)†(~p) = −i∫d3xe−ip·x

    ←→∂ 0�

    (λ)µ A

    µ(~x, t)

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  • Electromagnetic Field Quantization: Gupta-Bleulerformalism

    The commutation relations for creation and annihilation operators

    [a(λ)(~p), a(λ′)†(~p′)] = −gλλ′2p0(2π)3δ3(~p− ~p′),

    [a(λ)(~p), a(λ′)(~p′)] = [a(λ

    ′)†(~p), a(λ′)†(~p′)] = 0.

    The above relations have a problem for the scalar polarization λ = 0:

    〈0|a(0)(~p)a(0)†(~p)|0〉 < 0,

    on the other hand, this is a normalization of the state a(0)†(~p)|0〉which must be larger than or equal to 0. This problem happens as wehave included non-physical polarizations at the beginning.

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  • Electromagnetic Field Quantization: Gupta-Bleulerformalism

    To remove the non-physical polarizations, we put the constraints:

    〈ψ|∂µAµ|ψ〉 = 0.This is a weakened Lorenz gauge fixing condition. Actually, the aboveconstraint is equivalent to the following constraint:

    ∂µA(+)µ |ψ〉 = 0,

    where A(+)µ is the positive energy component of Aµ.

    For single particle states, apparently the transverse polarizations arephysical:

    i∂µA(+)µ |ψT 〉 =∫




    a(λ)(~p)�(λ)µ (~p)pµ|ψT 〉





    a(λ)(~p)�(λ)µ (~p)pµ|ψT 〉 = 0.

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  • Electromagnetic Field Quantization: Gupta-Bleulerformalism

    For scalar and longitudinal polarizations, we have∑λ=0,3

    p · �(λ)(~p)a(λ)(~p)|φ〉 = 0

    namely the scalar polarization and longitudinal polarizations mustexist simultaneously!The presence of scalar polarization and longitudinal polarizations willnot affect the physical observables. Taking the expectation value ofHamiltonian as the example, we have



    〈φ|〈ψT |∫ d3p

    (2π)32Ep[∑3λ=1 a

    (λ)†(~p)a(λ)(~p)− a(0)†(~p)a(0)(~p)]|ψT 〉|φ〉

    〈φ|φ〉〈ψT |ψT 〉


    〈ψT |∫ d3p

    (2π)32Ep[∑2λ=1 a

    (λ)†(~p)a(λ)(~p)]|ψT 〉

    〈ψT |ψT 〉

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  • Electromagnetic Field Quantization: Gupta-Bleulerformalism

    The propagator of the electromagnetic field is given as

    〈0|TAµ(x)Aν(y)|0〉 =∫



    −ip2 + i�


    In a general gauge, we have

    〈0|TAµ(x)Aν(y)|0〉 =∫




    [gµν + (1− α)pµpνp2 + i�


    with the α being a constant.

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  • Homework

    Please derive the propagator for the electromagnetic field

    〈0|TAµ(x)Aν(y)|0〉 =∫




    [gµν + (1− α)pµpνp2


    one may use the Feynman gauge with α = 1.

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    Review: Quantization of scalar fieldReview: Quantization of spinor fieldElectromagnetic fieldHomework