Mean Variance and Expected Utility: The Borch Paradox available investment opportunity (“asset”)...


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Page 1: Mean Variance and Expected Utility: The Borch Paradox available investment opportunity (“asset”) or portfolio is repre-sented in just two dimensions by the ex ante mean and standard





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Statistical Science

2013, Vol. 28, No. 2, 223–237DOI: 10.1214/12-STS408c© Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2013

Mean–Variance and Expected Utility:The Borch ParadoxDavid Johnstone and Dennis Lindley

Abstract. The model of rational decision-making in most of economicsand statistics is expected utility theory (EU) axiomatised by von Neu-mann and Morgenstern, Savage and others. This is less the case, how-ever, in financial economics and mathematical finance, where invest-ment decisions are commonly based on the methods of mean–variance(MV) introduced in the 1950s by Markowitz. Under the MV framework,each available investment opportunity (“asset”) or portfolio is repre-sented in just two dimensions by the ex ante mean and standard de-viation (µ,σ) of the financial return anticipated from that investment.Utility adherents consider that in general MV methods are logically in-coherent. Most famously, Norwegian insurance theorist Borch presenteda proof suggesting that two-dimensional MV indifference curves cannotrepresent the preferences of a rational investor (he claimed that MVindifference curves “do not exist”). This is known as Borch’s paradoxand gave rise to an important but generally little-known philosophicalliterature relating MV to EU. We examine the main early contribu-tions to this literature, focussing on Borch’s logic and the argumentsby which it has been set aside.

Key words and phrases: Mean–variance, expected utility, Borch’s para-dox, probability mixture, portfolio theory, CAPM.

There is no inevitable connection between thevalidity of the expected utility maxim and thevalidity of portfolio analysis based on, say, ex-pected return and variance (Markowitz, 1959,page 209).

David Johnstone is National Australia Bank Professor

of Finance, Sydney University Business School,

University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia e-mail:

[email protected]. Dennis Lindley is

Professor Emeritus of Statistics, “Woodstock,” Quay

Lane, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 5QU, United


This is an electronic reprint of the original articlepublished by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics inStatistical Science, 2013, Vol. 28, No. 2, 223–237. Thisreprint differs from the original in pagination andtypographic detail.


This paper looks back at a little-known but highlyinteresting chapter in the history of business decision-making (call it “investment”) under uncertainty. Ina once feted but now rarely mentioned paper, ti-tled politely A Note on Uncertainty and Indiffer-

ence Curves, the Norwegian insurance theorist andeconomist Karl Borch (1969) argued that the mean–variance theory of investment, invented and popu-larized by Markowitz (1952, 1959), is logically ab-surd. In this delightfully provocative note, Borch(1969) proved, he claimed, that it is impossible todraw indifference curves in the mean–variance (µ,σ2)or mean–standard deviation (µ,σ) plane. The sameproof appears in at least two other works by Borch(1973, 1974), who concluded that mean–variance isan interesting but not serious alternative to expectedutility:


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. . . I shall continue to use mean–variance anal-ysis in teaching, but I shall warn students thatsuch analysis must not be taken seriously andapplied in practice (Borch (1974), page 430).

The proof presented by Borch (pronounced“Bork”) became known to theorists as “Borch’s para-dox”. While of much interest theoretically, the aca-demic discussion that stemmed from Borch’s workhad virtually no impact on the practice of finance.To the contrary, mean–variance (MV) analysis, forwhich Markowitz later won a Nobel Prize in Eco-nomic Sciences, has become by far the most recog-nized decision framework in the practice of businessdecision-making, including especially capital bud-geting (e.g., whether to build a new factory), in-vestment management (e.g., whether to increase theweight of oil stocks in a pension fund) and cor-porate financial valuation (e.g., whether a firm isworth its current value on the stock market). Eachof these common applications is built implicitly onMV, and explicitly on the so-called “capital assetpricing model” (CAPM) that arose as a corollaryfrom the MV foundations set out by Markowitz.Although business applications of MV portfolio

theory and the CAPM are commonplace, and ef-fectively the industry standard (witness any mod-ern textbook in financial economics), proponents ofthis decision framework remain conscious that theproven philosophical foundations of decision analy-sis under uncertainty remain the axioms and the-orems of expected utility theory (EU), formalizedby Von Neumann and Morgenstern (1953) and Sav-age (1954). Utility theory, or more specifically themaximization of subjective expected utility satisfy-ing the von Neumann–Morgenstern or similar ax-ioms, remains the hallmark of rationality in eco-nomics and statistical decision analysis (e.g., De-Groot (1970); Bernardo and Smith (1994); Pratt,Raiffa and Schlaifer (1995); Lengwiler (2004); Eeck-houdt, Gollier and Schlesinger (2005)). As a mark ofrespect for this intellectual legacy, Markowitz (1991)devoted his 1990 Nobel Lecture to an empirical com-parison of his MV methods of portfolio selectionwith a model based on EU theory. Authoritativerecognition also goes the other way. In its second edi-tion, one of the standard references on neoclassicaldecision theory, Pratt, Raiffa and Schlaifer (1995)contains an elegant exposition of the MV investmentframework, albeit without reconciliation with otherexplicitly EU parts of the book. Completing the cir-cle, Markowitz (2006) and Rubinstein (2006a) have

lately pointed to an early paper in Italian, authoredby de Finetti (1940), the most revered of all sub-jective probability theorists, as having been first toexpress a formal model of decision-making withina MV framework. Two further expositions concen-trated on de Finetti’s previously little-known antic-ipation of Markowitz are Barone (2008) and Pres-sacco and Serafini (2007).Our primary purpose is to examine the histori-

cal literature surrounding Borch’s paradox. To as-sist readers who are not familiar with this branchof applied statistical literature, we first recount thebasic elements of investment decision-making underthe two competing conceptual frameworks, expectedutility and mean–variance. We then consider howMV can be justified on axiomatic foundations, inthe face of critics such as Borch, and by comparisonwith EU theory generally. Finally, to better under-stand the practical appeal of MV methods, and whyfinance theory so readily adopted the language ofMV over EU, we introduce the capital asset pricingmodel (CAPM) and observe how such a theoret-ically insightful model arose almost automaticallyonce decisions were depicted in terms of MV ratherthan EU.


A decision is a choice between some (usually strict)subset of all of the available “lotteries,” “assets,”“investments” (these terms are synonyms)—and allfeasible weighted portfolios thereof. Each such un-certain prospect reduces to a probability distribu-tion over a domain of possible payoffs. Decision-making is therefore boiled down to a choice betweendifferent possible probability distributions of returns.Von Neumann and Morgenstern (1953) proposed

an axiomatic theory of how to decide between knownprobability distributions (of payoffs). In brief, theyproved deductively that if decision-making is logi-cal in the sense that it obeys certain specified basicaxioms of coherence or rationality, then implicitlythe decision-maker must act as if her objective isto maximize expected utility E[u(x)] =


where u(x) is a real-valued function representing theutility obtained from certain wealth or payoff x, andf(x) is the probability density function of x. Thedecision rule of maximizing E[u(x)], taken in con-junction with some plausible looking utility functionsuch as Bernoulli’s u(x) = log(x), is often treated asitself axiomatic. More correctly, the extra-intuitive

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appeal of the EU decision rule is that rather thanbeing just another plausible looking but arbitraryobjective function, it is a theorem deduced from asmall number of far more elementary assumptionsconcerning what constitutes rational human prefer-ences.There are five essential axioms of expected util-

ity: (i) Completeness. All lotteries A and B can beranked relative to one another, A ≻ B, A ≺ B orA ∼ B, where ∼ indicates indifference. (ii) Transi-

tivity. If A� B and B � C, then A� C. (iii) Con-

tinuity. If A�B �C, there exists some probabilityα ∈ [0,1] such that B ∼ αA+(1−α)C, meaning thatB is indifferent to a compound lottery that returnslottery A with probability α and lottery C withprobability (1− α). (iv) Independence. IndifferenceA ∼ B between lotteries A and B implies indiffer-ence between compound lottery αA+ (1−α)C andcompound lottery αB + (1−α)C. Similarly, A≻Bimplies αA+ (1− α)C ≻ αB + (1− α)C, for α > 0.(v) Dominance. Let C1 be the compound lotteryα1A+ (1− α1)B and let C2 be the compound lot-tery α2A+(1−α2)B. If A≻B, then C1 ≻C2 if andonly if α1 > α2.For further interpretation of these axioms and

proof of how they lead to the von Neumann andMorgenstern EU decision rule, see Pennacchi (2008),pages 4–11. Similar expositions are found in manytextbooks both in economics and statistics. See, forexample, Ingersoll (1987), pages 30–44, Huang andLitzenberger (1988), pages 1–11, and Levy (2012),pages 25–30. In brief, by assuming the primitivepreference relationships (i)–(v), it is shown that lot-tery A is preferred to lottery B if and only if the ex-pected utility of lottery A exceeds the expected util-ity of lottery B. Expected utility E[u(x)] is thereforethe proven measure by which to rank uncertain in-vestments.The usual assumption in economics is that decision-

makers are risk averse. This means that they havepositive but diminishing marginal utility for money,and hence u(x) is increasing and concave. A riskaverse decision-maker will not accept any lotterywith an expected money value of zero (or less). Ac-tuarially fair bets are thus unacceptable. Before ac-cepting a bet to win or lose some fixed sum c, a riskaverse agent requires that the probability of win-ning exceeds 0.5 by some premium. The amount ofthis premium depends on the local concavity of u(x)or on how fast the marginal utility of money is di-minishing in the region of wealth x0 ± c, where x0

is her starting wealth. Technically, the Pratt–Arrowmeasure of local absolute risk aversion −u′′(x)/u′(x)captures the degree of concavity of u or the rate atwhich marginal utility is decreasing at wealth x.


The following quick summary of MV owes much toLiu (2004). The one-period return on an investmentover period t is defined as (pt + d)/pt−1, where pt isthe time t asset price and d is the income (dividend)drawn from the asset in period t. This definition hasthe advantage that the returns measure is alwayspositive.Imagine a set of available investments or “assets”.

These can be combined into arbitrarily weightedportfolios (e.g., the investor might form a 2:1 weight-ed portfolio of assets A and B, where two-thirds ofher money is invested in A and one-third in B). Theavailable assets and their linearly weighted portfo-lios form an opportunity set of investments. Eachpossible asset or portfolio presents a compromisebetween mean return µ and variance σ2. Each suchMV pair is reduced following Markowitz and financeconvention to its parameters (σ,µ). The opportunityset is then a region of feasible (σ,µ) pairs. This re-gion is depicted in its characteristic shape by thebullet-like shaded area in Figure 1. The investor isgenerally risk averse and thus prefers portfolios withhigher mean return µ and lower “risk” (standarddeviation) σ. The opportunity set is reduced there-fore to just those portfolios on the thick black arccalled the “efficient frontier”. Each asset portfolio onthe efficient frontier dominates all assets and portfo-lios to its southeast, because these have both lowerµ and higher σ. For example, asset (σ,µ)-pair Hdominates all assets and portfolios in the hatchedregion.

Fig. 1. Graphical presentation of MV(σ,µ) analysis.

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To choose between all efficient portfolios, the in-vestor forms a family of MV indifference curves.These are understood as equivalue curves defined bysome indifference function V (σ,µ). Each such curveshows the locus of (σ,µ) points for which V (σ,µ)is held constant. A typical looking family of indif-ference curves is shown by the dotted lines in Fig-ure 1. These curves are drawn convex downwardson the basis that, for assets known only by theirMV parameters (σ,µ), the risk averse investor re-quires marginally greater compensation in µ for eachfurther increment in risk σ (see Meyer (1987), forrelated proofs). Since risk averse investors preferlower σ for fixed µ, higher (more northwesterly) in-difference curves represent greater expected utilityto the investor. Having established both the effi-cient frontier and an indifference function V (σ,µ),the unique MV-optimal investment in risky assetsis located at the point of tangency T between thedecision-maker’s own V (σ,µ) and the exogenous ef-ficient frontier.


Borch (1969), pages 2 and 3, presented a proofbased on assets with two-point distributions thatrevealed (he claimed) that it is impossible to drawindifference curves in the mean–variance (µ,σ2) ormean–standard deviation (µ,σ) plane. Borch repeat-ed this same proof in 1973 and 1974, and wroteopenly of his frustration that it was not more widelyacknowledged by theorists developing portfolio op-timization methods:

I have on several occasions (1969) and (1974)tried to warn against the uncritical use of mean–variance analysis. It was probably too much toexpect that these warnings should have mucheffect (Borch (1978), page 181).

The Borch paradox goes as follows. First, assumethat two assets (payoff distributions) with parame-ters (µ1, σ

21) and (µ2, σ

22) are regarded, on the ba-

sis of those parameters alone, as indifferent (i.e., ofequal subjective merit). Now imagine two hypothet-ical assets constructed simply as two-point distribu-tions. Asset 1 produces payoff y1 with probability pand payoff x with probability (1− p). Asset 2 pro-duces payoff y2 with probability p and payoff x withprobability (1− p). By common sense or some verybasic axiom like the “sure thing” principle raised bySavage (Borch cites Allais’ concept of “preferenceabsolue”), these two assets are indifferent if and onlyif y1 = y2 (p > 0).

Now, suppose that the constants x, p, y1 and y2take values

x=σ1µ2 − σ2µ1

σ1 − σ2,(1)

p=(µ1 − µ2)


(µ1 − µ2)2 + (σ1 − σ2)2,(2)

y1 = µ1 + σ1(σ1 − σ2)

(µ1 − µ2),(3)

y2 = µ2 + σ2(σ1 − σ2)

(µ1 − µ2).(4)

Borch did not make any mention of where theseequations come from or what they assume, except tosay that it is easy to verify that the implied values ofthe mean and variance parameters of the two assetsare, respectively, (µ1, σ

21) and (µ2, σ

22), thus match-

ing assets 1 and 2 (this is indeed easily verified).The final step in Borch’s proof holds that because

the two assets can be of equal merit only if y1 = y2,the indifference condition (3) = (4) is

µ1 + σ1(σ1 − σ2)

(µ1 − µ2)= µ2 + σ2

(σ1 − σ2)

(µ1 − µ2),

implying that (µ1−µ2)2+(σ1−σ2)

2 = 0 and, hence,indifference requires that µ1 = µ2 and σ1 = σ2. Ac-cording to Borch’s interpretation of this result, anysupposed indifference between two arbitrary mean–variance pairs is impossible, unless of course theyare the same. Mean–variance indifference curves arethus merely points rather than curves, or, in Borch’s[(1969), page 3] own words, “it is impossible to drawindifference curves in the E–S-plane” (E and S de-note the mean and standard deviation).In answer to any suspicion raised by their non-

explanation, there is nothing contrived about thefour equations used by Borch to define the constantsx, p, y1 and y2 in his proof. Rather, these can bederived by writing the standard equations for themeans and standard deviations, µ1, µ2, σ1 and σ2,of the two Borch two-point assets in terms of x, p, y1and y2, and then solving these four equations simul-taneously to get general expressions for all four con-stants in terms of the specified means and standarddeviations. It follows, therefore, that the four Borchequations, numbered (1)–(4) above, are not merelysufficient conditions to produce the specified mean–variance parameters (µ1, σ

21) and (µ2, σ

22). Rather,

they follow necessarily from those specified param-eter values as one of two possible sets of solutions.The second set of solutions, which Borch did notraise but could have employed to the same effect, is

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as follows:

x=σ1µ2 + σ2µ1

σ1 + σ2,

p=(µ1 − µ2)


(µ1 − µ2)2 + (σ1 + σ2)2,

y1 = µ1 + σ1(σ1 + σ2)

(µ1 − µ2),

y2 = µ2 + σ2(σ1 + σ2)

(µ1 − µ2).

4.1 Our Interpretation of Borch

Borch interprets his paradox to say that mean–variance indifference curves cannot exist. This is toostrong, as will be seen in the sections below. Morereasonable interpretations of Borch’s proof are asfollows.Interpretation 1: Suppose that a decision-maker

is adamant that he is indifferent between any twoassets with mean–variance characteristics (µ1, σ


and (µ2, σ22), where (µ1, σ

21) 6= (µ2, σ

22). It is possi-

ble to construct two-point assets with these verycharacteristics between which no one can reasonablybe indifferent [these can be constructed by Borch’sequations (1)–(4), or equally well with the secondpossible set of solutions noted above].This possibility does not imply that there are no

possible assets with parameters (µ1, σ21) and (µ2, σ


that are rationally (to someone) indifferent. Rather,it shows that the decision-maker cannot be indiffer-ent between all imaginable pairs of assets with theseparameters.Interpretation 2: If we limit consideration to only

the particular subclass of two-point assets construct-ed by Borch, there exists no pair of assets with(µ1, σ

21) 6= (µ2, σ

22) between which anyone might rea-

sonably be indifferent. Rather, whenever (µ1, σ21) 6=

(µ2, σ22), the two assets (having x and p in com-

mon) necessarily differ in that y1 6= y2, which of itselfmeans that they cannot be indifferent.

4.2 Numerical Illustration

Here we exemplify Interpretation 1 numerically.Imagine that the subject of the experiment feelsthat he is indifferent between any two assets withparameters (µ1, σ

21) = (10,225) and (µ2, σ

22) = (20,625).

Such subjective indifference would typically requirethat the security with the bigger mean has the big-ger variance, but that practicality is not necessaryin Borch’s demonstration. Now consider two compa-rable lottery tickets, ticket A and ticket B. Ticket A

pays 25 with probability p= 0.5 and −5 with prob-ability (1−p). Similarly, ticket B pays 45 with prob-ability p= 0.5 and −5 with probability (1− p). Themean–variance parameters of these two lotteries are(10,225) and (20,625), respectively. Yet contraryto any thought that two assets with these param-eters are indifferent, ticket B is obviously preferredbecause it has the same probability of winning asticket A, and the same payoff if it loses, but pays 45instead of 25 when it wins. Borch saw this appar-ent contradiction as proof that the decision-makercannot logically be indifferent between two invest-ments by reference only to their means and vari-ances.


Borch’s paradox is well known to those economictheorists mindful of foundations and interested inthe history of mean–variance, yet is largely unknownelsewhere and goes unmentioned in standard financeand financial economics texts, even in highly so-phisticated works such as Ingersoll (1987), Cochrane(2001), Barucci (2003), Lengwiler (2004) and Pen-nacchi (2008) that deal with the connections be-tween mean–variance models and expected utilitytheory. Neither is Borch mentioned in the very thor-ough historical annotated bibliography of Rubin-stein (2006b). This omission is justified perhaps bythe findings of a similarly important but now rarelymentioned paper by Baron (1977).Baron rebuts Borch’s paradox in two steps. First

comes the proposition that decision-making basedon just the two parameters, mean and variance, im-plies an underlying quadratic utility function. Thesame argument arises in Hanoch and Levy [(1970),page 182] and Sarnat [(1974), page 687] who bothnote that quadratic (second order polynomial) util-ity is the only form of mathematical utility func-tion for which expected utility reduces to a functionof just the first two moments of the payoff distri-bution. Specifically, for risk-averse quadratic utilityu(x) = 2ax − x2, the expected utility is E[u(x)] =2aµ− (µ2+σ2). Similarly, see the derivation by Liu(2004), page 233.The presumption that MV necessarily implies qua-

dratic utility traces to Markowitz [(1959), page 288]and also Mossin (1973), pages 26 and 27. Hanochand Levy [(1970), page 182] hold that “rejection ofquadratic utility implies the rejection of any anal-ysis based on the expected utility maxim”, whichis indirectly saying that the only unconditional wayof hanging onto EU while applying MV is to adopt

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quadratic utility. Johnstone and Lindley (2011) havemore recently given an elementary proof revealingthat, in the absence of any further premise, MV ne-cessitates quadratic utility.Having concluded that Borch’s proposed subjec-

tive value function can arise from only a quadraticutility function, Baron’s second step is to show thatone of the asset pairs in Borch’s counterexample,(µ1, σ

21) and (µ2, σ

22), must involve a potential payoff

in the domain where quadratic utility is decreasingwith money. This finding is easy to understand in-tuitively. The two Borch assets are identical exceptthat y1 6= y2 and, hence, the asset with the lower y(e.g., asset 1 if y1 < y2) can only be as good in some-one’s mind as the asset with the higher y if thathigher y is in the domain where money has negativemarginal utility, thus allowing y1 and y2 to have thesame utility u(yi).The net effect of Baron’s argument can be sum-

marized as follows:

(i) Borch’s paradox proves only that for any twomean–variance pairs, (µ1, σ

21) and (µ2, σ

22), a ratio-

nal decision-maker cannot be indifferent between all

pairs of assets with the specified parameters. In-deed, precisely as Borch revealed, there are easilydefinable assets with such characteristics which areobviously not indifferent.

(ii) If the decision-maker has quadratic utility,EU can be written as a function of mean and vari-ance alone and, hence, (σ,µ) indifference curves doexist. It is necessary, however, to constrain the classof assets under consideration so as to exclude anyasset with one (or more than one) potential pay-off in the region where utility decreases with money.Negative marginal utility for some x is a well-knownlimitation of quadratic utility, and is bound to pro-duce irrational or incoherent decisions even underEU if the admissible asset class is not suitably re-stricted.(iii) If assets with possible payoffs in the domain

where quadratic utility decreases with money (i.e.,where the last increment of payoff brings a reduc-tion in utility) are excluded a priori from considera-tion, as if they cannot exist, then the class of coun-terexamples constructed by Borch (and illustratednumerically above) no longer exists.

Another somewhat forgotten finding should bementioned here. Taking MV as a representation ofquadratic utility, and constraining all possible pay-offs into the domain where quadratic utility is in-creasing, Levy and Sarnat [(1972), pages 387 and

388] proved that one MV asset pair (µ1, σ21) has

higher utility than another (µ2, σ22), with µ1 > µ2,

if and only if (µ1 − µ2)2 − (σ1 − σ2)

2 > 0. This is astronger condition than the usual definition of dom-inance (i.e., µ1 ≥ µ2 and σ1 < σ2 or µ1 > µ2 andσ1 ≤ σ2) and is therefore more “efficient” in thesense that it reduces the class of possible invest-ments to a smaller number.



We now summarize our own disproof of gener-alized mean–variance analysis, very much in spiritwith Borch, and then side with Baron by consider-ing possible theoretical and practical restrictions onthe admissible asset class that allow a partial recon-ciliation between the two ways of decision-making.Following a convention in finance dating to Mar-

kowitz’s original exposition of the mean–varianceframework, our analysis is set out in terms of thestandard deviation σ rather than variance σ2. Ad-hering to another well-entrenched custom in the fi-nance literature, we work with σ as abscissa and µas ordinate.

6.1 Decision Axioms in Terms of (σ,µ)

Suppose there exists a value function g(σ,µ) thatcaptures the merit or goodness of a (σ,µ)-asset suchthat larger g implies greater value. Indifference be-tween two assets (σ1, µ1) and (σ2, µ2) means thatg(σ1, µ1) = g(σ2, µ2). It is not necessary to be ex-plicit about the form of g.

Continuity-monotonicity-finiteness (CMF ) axiom.The merit function g(σ,µ) is continuous, strictly in-creasing in µ for every σ, and strictly decreasingin σ for every µ. These properties hold throughoutthe (σ,µ) half-plane, σ ≥ 0. Continuity implies thatthere is no abrupt change in merit as either σ orµ changes slightly. Strict monotonicity reflects themerit, either positive or negative, of any change inµ or σ, however small. Finiteness requires that anyfinite increase in σ can be offset by a sufficientlylarge finite increase in µ. The existence of such amerit function implies transitivity, meaning that ifasset X is preferred to Y, and Y to Z, then X is pre-ferred to Z (and likewise when preference is replacedby indifference).

Buridan’s axiom. If a decision-maker is indifferentbetween two assets i= 1 and i= 2, then he must alsobe indifferent between either asset and a probability-

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Fig. 2. Axiomatic decision analysis in terms of (σ,µ).

mixture asset that yields (the same payoff as) i= 1with probability α and (the same payoff as) i = 2with probability (1−α), where α takes any value α ∈[0,1]. Thus, according to the merit function g(σ,µ),indifference g(σ1, µ1) = g(σ2, µ2) implies g(σ1, µ1) =g(σ2, µ2) = g(σα, µα), where σα and µα represent themean and standard deviation of an α-mixture of thetwo indifferent “pure” assets (for any probability α).Note that Buridan’s axiom is a simple corollary ofthe independence axiom in EU.The question now is whether a decision analysis

constructed solely in terms of (σ,µ) can coexist withthese two axioms. Consider an asset with σ = 0,known in finance as a “risk-free” asset and approx-imated by government bonds. Let this asset returnµ0, as represented by the point A in Figure 2 withcoordinates (0, µ0). Now take any fixed σ1 > 0 andpoints (σ1, µ) for all µ > 0. These represent risky as-sets, among which asset B with coordinates (σ1, µ0)is inferior to (has lower “merit” than) asset A be-cause it has µ = µ0 but greater σ. As µ increasesfrom µ0, the assets on σ = σ1 increase in merit, suchthat at some point C, with coordinates (σ1, µ1), thehigher return µ1 = µ0 is just sufficient to compen-sate for the associated risk σ1, leaving the decision-maker indifferent between C and A. The existenceof µ1 is guaranteed by the CMF axiom.Assuming that the decision-maker is indifferent

between asset A at (σ0 = 0, µ0) and asset C at (σ1,µ1), Buridan’s axiom dictates that this indifference

extends to a randomized mixture of A and C, whereA is selected with chance α. The payoff x from suchan α-mixture asset of any pair (σ0, µ0) and (σ1, µ1)has expectations

µ=E(x) = αµ0 + (1−α)µ1(5)


E(x2) = α(µ20 + σ2

0) + (1− α)(µ21 + σ2


= αµ20 + (1−α)(µ2

1 + σ21) (σ0 = 0).

Since var(x) =E(x2)−E(x)2, simple algebra gives

σ2 = var(x)

= ασ20 + (1−α)σ2

1 + α(1−α)(µ1 − µ0)2(6)

= (1− α)σ21 +α(1− α)(µ1 − µ0)

2 (σ0 = 0)

in the same way as found by Baron (1977), page1685. Note that equations (5) and (6) hold generallyfor fixed α and do not require σ0 = 0 or independentpayoffs.Equation (5) says that the mean of the mixture

asset is a weighted average of µ0 and µ1. Equation(6) says that the variance does not have this prop-erty; its value is not simply ασ2

0 + (1− α)σ21 , but is

inflated by an extra term, α(1−α)(µ1−µ0)2, deter-

mined by the difference between the two underlyingmeans.To satisfy Buridan, the decision-maker must be

indifferent between the two original assets, A andC, and a set of α-mixture assets with parameters(σα, µα) given by (5) and (6), with α taking valuesbetween 0 and 1. These assets lie on a curve connect-ing A and C. The equation of this curve (which is theindifference curve implied by the Buridan axiom) isfound by solving (5) and (6) so as to eliminate α,giving

σ2 + [µ− (ρ0 + µ0)]2 = ρ20,(7)

where ρ0 =1


1/(µ1 − µ0) + (µ1 − µ0)].Note that the Buridan-based indifference curve

(7) has the form of a circle in the (σ,µ) plane, withcentre at (0, µ0+ ρ0) and radius ρ0 (hence the nota-tion). To be sensible, no two indifference circles canintersect.Although (7) represents a full circle, further con-

siderations reveal that only part of this circle con-stitutes a sensible indifference curve. The part of(7) with σ < 0 may be ignored because negative σdoes not exist. The quarter circle DE can also beignored, because any point on (7) between D and E

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is better than D. It has smaller σ and larger µ andhence must be preferred under the continuity axiom.This leaves as a plausible indifference curve only thequarter circle AD, of which only the part between Aand C is justified so far, having been derived fromthe Buridan axiom.It remains, therefore, to examine the arc between

C and D, for which σ1 <σ ≤ ρ0. Let σ∗ fall in this in-

terval, and consider all assets (σ∗, µ) on the verticalline through σ = σ∗. Just as for σ1, the CMF axiomrequires that there is an asset F on this line withsufficiently high µ to make the decision-maker in-different between F and the risk-free asset A. Whenapplied to σ∗, the logic relating to σ1, which led toan indifference circle through A and C, produces anindifference circle through A and F, intersecting theline through BC. This is possible only when F lies onthe original circle through AC. Otherwise there aretwo indifference points, both with σ = σ1 yet withdifferent means µ. Repeating this argument for allpossible σ∗ in the interval σ1 < σ∗ ≤ ρ0, the indif-ference circle through AC is found to extend to D,thus completing the quarter circle AD.Consider next any asset with σ > ρ0. The decision-

maker cannot be indifferent between a point in thisregion and A. Buridan’s axiom would have any suchpoint on the same indifference circle as A and, inrepeat of the argument above, there would be con-tradictions where that curve intersected any line ofconstant σ < ρ0, such as the line through B and C.More specifically, it follows that all points in theregion σ > ρ0 must be worse than A. To see this,consider point L which has the same mean as A yetis worse than A because of its higher standard devi-ation. Now imagine that there is some point like Gthat has a mean so large that it is better than A, de-spite having the same standard deviation as L. Thenby continuity there must be a point between L andG that is indifferent to A. But again this is impossi-ble because of the contradictions it would cause withthe existing indifference curve. Hence, all points likeL with σ > ρ0 must be inferior to A, and thus lie ona lower (larger radius) indifference curve than AD.Finally, consider assets about the northeast quad-

rant with respect to D, for which µ > µ0 + ρ0 andσ > ρ0. More particularly, consider three assets la-belled H and K and M that define a rectangle withcorners HKMD. Of these, H is preferred to D, sinceit has higher mean µ′ > µ0 + ρ0 and the same stan-dard deviation σ > ρ0. Likewise, D is preferred to Mbecause it has the same mean and lower σ. Thus,letting ≻ symbolize “is preferred to”, H ≻ D ≻ M.

Similarly, H≻K≻M, by the same reasoning. Unfor-tunately, however, these preferences do not completethe rectangle, since they do not imply any orderingbetween D and K.To see the problem here, suppose to begin with

D≻K. Then H ≻ D ≻ K, so D is intermediate be-tween K and H. However, K and H are on a lineof constant mean, so there must be an asset N onthis line between H and K that is indifferent to D,and thus also indifferent to A, thus contradictingthe indifference circle AD already in place. By anidentical argument, this time assuming K≻ D (for-getting for a moment that this ordering has alreadybeen shown impossible), there must be some furtherpoint P on the line of constant σ between M and Kthat is indifferent to D and A, again contradictingthe existing indifference curve AD.It is impossible, therefore, to resolve all preference

relationships within the rectangle HKMD in a wayconsistent with Buridan and the CMF axiom. Theonly way to avoid this inconsistency is to exclude allassets such as K with µ > µ0 + ρ0 and σ > ρ0 fromthe class of assets under consideration. In effect, thisrules out all points µ > µ0 + ρ0 above line RD inFigure 1, since asset D lies on an indifference circlecentred at µ0 + ρ0 and of arbitrary radius. The im-plication, therefore, is that it is not possible to rankthe class of all possible assets on a MV basis in away that is consistent with axioms that would seemessential to any coherent MV decision framework.This reaffirms the counterexample of Borch (1969),but is reached by a more general line of reasoning.



Contrary to Borch’s paradox, it is possible to man-ufacture sensible (σ,µ) indifference curves by eitherconstraining the asset class (in the way as describedabove) or by placing other restrictions on the deci-sion model that limit its theoretical generality andpossible practical relevance. We now discuss the mostcommon ways of forming workable indifference curves,by which we mean an MV decision framework thatyields the same investment choices (identical rank-ings of a given set of distributions) as those basedexplicitly on EU.

7.1 Quadratic Utility

Mean–variance analysis can be put to work on thegenerally implausible assumption of quadratic util-ity, provided that the returns on the available assetsare constrained to suit this particular utility func-

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tion. Since any utility function has arbitrary loca-tion and scale, there is only one parameter free toselect and we may write any risk averse quadraticutility as u(x) = 2ax− x2, for some a > 0, implyingu(0) = 0 and a maximum of a2 at x= a. Expectedutility is then

EU = 2aµ− (σ2 + µ2)(8)

=−σ2 − (µ− a)2 + a2,

and the indifference curves are circles with centresat (0, a) and various radii depending on the commonfixed EU. Since these circles have been obtained us-ing expected utility, they automatically satisfy Buri-dan.Quadratic utility (QU) exhibits negative marginal

utility beyond a point of personal satiation. A coher-ent EU decision framework might nonetheless as-sume QU provided that none of the class of assets(distributions) under consideration offers possiblewealth x in the domain where u(x) is decreasingin x. The point of maximum possible quadratic util-ity, x= a, is represented by R = (0, a) in Figure 2,where in that instance a equals µ0 + ρ0.The condition that no possible payoff x exceeds

a, where x is either a certain or uncertain outcome,implies of course that µ≤ a. Thus, by applying thiscondition concerning possible payoffs x to all ad-missible assets, the analysis admits only assets withµ < a, and thus only assets sitting below asset R(line RD) in Figure 2. This is the region of the (σ,µ)half-plane that we found admissible in our axiomaticcritique of MV.It is important to note, however, that it is not

sufficient to exclude any asset with µ≥ a [for whichd(EU )/dµ = 2(a− µ)≤ 0] because this condition isnot strong enough to exclude all assets with one ormore possible wealth payoffs x in excess of a. Toavoid any possible incoherence, the stronger condi-tion of x ≤ a for all x must be applied before theanalysis can be conducted in terms of mean andvariance.To see why it is insufficient to exclude assets with

µ ≥ a, contrary to conventional shorthand (e.g.,Lengwiler, 2004, page 96), consider a two-point dis-tribution yielding wealth of either x= x1 or x= x2with equal probability p= 0.5. The expected quadra-tic utility is then [(2ax1 − x21)+ (2ax2 − x22)]/2 and,hence, the equi-utility (x1, x2) indifference-contoursare concentric circles centred at (a, a), as shown inFigure 3. Further, with p= 0.5, the constraint that

Fig. 3. Necessary constraint of possible payoffs x1 and x2.

µ < a requires that we consider only (x1, x2) pairsto the left of the solid diagonal line (x1 +x2)/2 = a.The problem is that this constraint does not re-move the (x1, x2) pairs highlighted by the two solidthick sections on one of the indifference contours.Clearly, however, the assets so indicated are not in-different. In both the dark highlighted parts of theindifference curve, the rightmost (x1, x2) pairs arepreferred by any rational decision-maker, because inboth cases a shift to the right means that x1 and x2both increase. To avoid this source of incoherence,it is essential to limit the analysis to asset pairs inthe lower-left quadrant, where neither x1 nor x2 isgreater than a.It is at first disconcerting that this constraint on

x did not arise in our “first principles” derivation inSection 6. The reason for this is that the axioms onwhich this analysis is based are too minimal (theyconcern µ and σ but say nothing directly about x)and are insufficient to reveal the difference betweenthe asset (x1, x2) pairs highlighted in Figure 3. Theexample depicted in Figure 3 reveals clearly, how-ever, that it is essential to exclude all such assetsbefore taking on the convenience of working in termsof distribution moments (σ,µ).This example should be seen as an alternative ver-

sion of Borch’s paradox. Borch relied on his ratheropaque counterexample to condemn MV analysisgenerally, but the more reasonable conclusion, rec-ognized by Baron, is that MV analysis can mimic acoherent application of EU under quadratic utilityprovided that the asset class is suitably restrictedbefore the distributional properties of those assetsare reduced to their parameters (σ,µ). This is thesame restriction as is necessary for coherence underEU when assuming QU, and reflects a long-knowndefect of the quadratic utility function rather than

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any flaw in the mathematical restatement of ex-pected quadratic utility in terms of mean and vari-ance.It can be argued that the need to exclude as-

sets with potentially “high” payoffs from any anal-ysis under quadratic utility (whether via MV or EUmethods) is particularly bothersome, since that iswhen the decision-maker may feel most interest inthe analysis. This is a problem for QU rather thanfor just the MV expression of QU.

7.2 Normally Distributed Payoffs

If the class of returns distributions is restricted toa scale-location family with density f [(x− k)/b]/b,given fixed f but variable k and b, the decision-maker’s expected utility will depend only on k and b,and typically on σ and µ. This will lead to indiffer-ence curves in the (σ,µ)-plane. A popular specialcase is to consider only assets belonging to the classof normal distributions, f [(x−µ)/σ]/σ. If, for exam-ple, we specialize further by considering the class ofutility functions of constant absolute risk aversion,u(x) = 1− exp[−κx], for some κ > 0, the expectedutility is easily evaluated to be

1− exp[−κµ+ κ2σ2/2].(9)

It follows immediately that EU indifference curvesin the (σ2, µ)-plane are straight lines, µ− κσ2/2 =constant (where the higher the constant, the higherthe EU). In the (σ,µ) plane, these same curves ap-pear as parabolas, all with axes σ = 0 and increasingin µ as σ increases. These contain none of the inher-ent contradictions revealed in the case of the circu-lar indifference curves derived from either Buridanor the assumption of quadratic utility.It is important to understand how we have arrived

at a case of parabolic indifference curves in appar-ent contradiction with the circles based on Buri-dan. These different families of indifference curvesemanate from different starting points. To get theBuridan (circular) curves, we presume what is im-plicit under quadratic utility—specifically, that allavailable assets (“mixed” or “pure”) are representedsufficiently by just (σ,µ). Similarly, to arrive at thenormal-constant-risk-aversion (parabolic) indifferencecurves, we make a contrary and more restrictive as-sumption, namely, that all possible assets have nor-mal distributions.Derivation of indifference curves on the assump-

tion of strictly normal distributions does not sit wellwith Buridan’s axiom. This class of distributions isnot closed under probability mixing, since probabil-

ity mixtures of normals are typically not normal. Itis self-defeating, therefore, to arbitrarily limit theadmissible asset class to just normal distributions,since mixture assets can always be constructed byrandomization whether or not they arise naturally.From a utility theory standpoint, this issue can

be summed up as follows. If normal assets with pa-rameters (σ1, µ1) and (σ2, µ2) have expected util-ities u1 = V (σ1, µ1) and u2 = V (σ2, µ2), then anyprobability mixture thereof, defined by α, has ex-pected utility uα = αu1 + (1 − α)u2. Such calcula-tions are elementary to expected utility theory, yetcannot be captured or exhibited in any way usinga set of indifference curves applicable to only nor-mal distributions. The parameters of a nonnormalprobability mixture, (σα, µα), are known but mean-ingless, since they cannot be substituted into (9) orany other measure of the expected utility of a nor-mal distribution. They can, of course, be substitutedinto (8), but that would presume quadratic utilityrather than normality.

7.2.1 Chipman–Baron defence of normality Hav-ing first revealed that Borch’s paradox exploits adefect in QU rather than one in MV per se, Baron(1977) went on to rationalize the use of MV in-difference curves under the common presumptionof only normal distributions. This further contribu-tion, elaborating upon Chipman [(1973), pages 179–181] rests primarily on the assumption that assetsare all highly divisible, thereby allowing investors tohold them in conventional linearly weighted portfo-lios with arbitrary positive weights (e.g., the investorcan buy $3.121 worth of asset A and $6.879 worthof asset B in a $10 portfolio).Linearly weighted portfolios have two helpful prop-

erties. First, as is well known, the class of jointly nor-mal distributions is closed under linear combination.Second, and essential to the Chipman–Baron argu-ment, it follows from Jensen’s inequality that for anyincreasing and strictly concave (risk averse) utilityfunction u(x), the expected utility of an α-mixtureof any two assets A and B is less than the expectedutility of the corresponding α-weighted portfolio ofthe same two assets, α ∈ (0,1). Thus, even for riskaverse utility functions that cannot be representedin terms of solely (σ,µ), there is always a conven-tional weighted portfolio of A and B that domi-nates any probability mixture of A and B. Prob-ability mixtures can thus be ignored by any rationalrisk averse expected utility maximizer, provided ofcourse that it is possible to combine the availablepure assets into arbitrarily weighted portfolios.

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By excluding all probability mixture assets, Chip-man and Baron got around the problem that mix-tures of normals are not normal, and thus made itfeasible to work on the assumption that the assetclass worthy of consideration includes only jointlynormal distributions. This leaves the problem, ofcourse, of how to choose between such normally dis-tributed assets (both the pure assets and theirweighted portfolios).On this issue, Baron emphasized two points. First,

the assumption that all assets are normal allowsdecision-makers with essentially any increasing util-ity function to draw (σ,µ) indifference curves. Forinstance, a decision-maker with exponential utilityhas parabolic (σ,µ) indifference curves. Second, it iswrong to draw an arbitrary set of convex (σ,µ) in-difference curves and presume that they derive fromsome sensible risk averse utility function. To thecontrary, as occurs in Borch’s paradox, a set of ap-parently quite plausible looking indifference curvesdrawn on the basis of intuition, rather than being de-rived from an underlying utility function u(x), willgenerally embody preferences between at least somedefinable assets that are obviously irrational.This second point, due initially to Chipman

[(1973), pages 168 and 169] is not widely known. It iscommonplace, especially in classroom and textbookcontexts, to draw up any “sensible looking” usuallyconvex (σ,µ) indifference curves, as if the investorhas free reign to take on any curves she likes. Thisfundamental misconception underlines why time canbe well spent revisiting the analytical literature onMV versus EU from the Borch era. The depth ofthis literature is exhibited in the way that Chip-man [(1973), page 169] was able to characterize theMV indifference curves from which an expected util-ity function can be recovered. Specifically, Chipmanproved that when the choice is between only nor-mal distributions, the utility function u(x) must bebounded over −∞ < x < ∞ by the condition that|u(x)| ≤ a exp(bx2), a, b > 0 so as to ensure that theexpected utility integral converges. Given this growthconstraint on u(x), there exists an indifference func-tion V (σ,µ) =E[u(x)] under the necessary and suffi-cient condition that V (σ,µ) satisfies the differentialequation







7.2.2 Mixture assets in practice Baron [(1977), pa-ge 1692] and Liu [(2004), page 233] discuss howprobability mixtures of different assets occur, explic-itly or implicitly. For instance, the cash flows from

a firm might have different probability distributionsdepending on a random event such as the outcomeof a law suit, the reaction of competitors or a regu-latory or political shift.There is no stock market for explicit mixtures

of different individual stocks. Indeed, Baron’s ar-gument suggests that there could be little if anyrational demand for these. As an interesting aside,however, in some betting markets there is a com-mercially successful product called a “mystery bet”,where the buyer agrees to be allocated a random betof agreed amount (e.g., a $10 bet on a random horsein a random race).A fully subjectivist view of real world stock mar-

ket investment would suggest that much “rationalinvestment” is tantamount to making “mystery bets”,in that there are so many random factors outside thecontrol or observation of the investor that determinehow the payoffs from her chosen investments are dis-tributed. On this view, every discrete asset (com-pany stock) in the stockmarket is in fact a mixtureof distributions, and the investor has a subjectiveassessment of that stock’s payoffs which amounts toa subjective mixture distribution of latent “under-lying stocks”.


The axioms of EU do not insist that the decision-maker should prefer more rather than less. To makethis basic presumption of human behavior, the util-ity function u(x) must be a monotonically increas-ing function of the payoff x. Once this assumptionis made of u(x), it is possible to argue either onthe grounds of utility theory or mere common sensethat some distributions of payoffs strictly dominateothers. To begin with, if one distribution f1(x) isentirely to the right of another f2(x), then any in-vestor who prefers more to less will favour f1(x).A little less obviously, the same order of strict pref-erence holds whenever the cumulative probability ofany given outcome x≥ x∗ is higher under f1(x) thanunder f2(x) for all x

∗. Specifically, f1 is weakly pre-ferred to f2 whenever F2(x

∗)−F1(x∗)≥ 0 for all x∗,

where F (x) is the cumulative distribution functioncorresponding to probability density f(x).This condition is known following Hadar and Rus-

sell (1969) as first order stochastic dominance (FSD).Its implication is that the expected utility of distri-bution f1(x) exceeds the expected utility of distri-bution f2(x) for all strictly increasing u(x). Hadarand Russell (1969) also proved that if the class ofdecision-makers is limited to only those with risk

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averse u(x), f1 is weakly preferred to f2 if and onlyif∫ a

−∞[F2(x)−F1(x)]dx≥ 0 for all a >−∞ (the po-

tential payoffs are −∞≤ x≤∞). This is known assecond order stochastic dominance (SSD).The conditions of stochastic dominance discovered

by Hadar and Russell (1969), and independentlyby Hanoch and Levy (1969), proceed by constrain-ing not the class of asset distributions f(x), butrather the class of decision-makers. Decision-makersare categorized in effect by the Pratt–Arrow mea-sure of absolute risk aversion r(x) = −u′′(x)/u′(x),which is constant under positive linear transforma-tions of u(x) and hence characterizes decision-makersuniquely [i.e., such that any two decision-makerswith the same preferences have the same r(x)]. FSDis an implicit dominance criterion for any decision-maker with increasing twice differentiable utility(−∞ < r(x) < ∞), whereas SSD is implicit in thedecision criteria of any risk averse decision-maker(0 < r(x) < ∞). Meyer (1977) provides a succinctoverview and generalization of the Hadar and Rus-sell (1969) and Hanoch and Levy (1969) proofs. SeeLevy (2006) for a comprehensive synthesis of thetheory of stochastic dominance as a framework fordecision-making under uncertainty. Levy [(2012),Chapter 3] shows that with normal distributions,SSD is equivalent to the MV criterion, and can beused as the axiomatic basis on which to derive it.Fishburn (1980) made significant strides towards a

general theory of ranking assets in order of stochas-tic dominance using only their moments. He proved,for example, that (i) first order stochastic domi-nance of asset A over asset B implies that µA > µB ,and (ii) second order stochastic dominance of assetA over asset B implies that µA ≥ µB and σA < σB .Similar conditions involving higher moments follownecessarily under higher orders of stochastic dom-inance. These proofs have not led to a theory ofranking all assets via moments because the momentconditions are necessary but not sufficient to provestochastic dominance at their respective levels. Thishas recently been emphasized by Liu [(2004),pages 231 and 232] who gave a general proof thatthere is no specifiable set of moment conditions con-cerning the first n moments of A and B that implya first, second or third order dominance relationshipbetween those two assets. Essentially, while certainmoment conditions are suggestive of certain ordersof stochastic dominance, those conditions can stillarise when their corresponding order of dominancedoes not obtain.

Levy and Sarnat (1969) employed the principle ofFSD to rebut Borch. They explained that the basicmistake in Borch’s logic is to treat the joint con-ditions that µ1 > µ2 and σ1 > σ2 as if these aloneare sufficient for two assets (σ1, µ1) and (σ2, µ2) tobe seen by someone as indifferent and positioned onthe same indifference curve. Their counterargumentis that while µ1 > µ2 and σ1 >σ2 are necessary un-der risk aversion for indifference, these conditionsare not sufficient. So much is proven by Borch’s ownexample, in which two specified assets meeting bothconditions are obviously not indifferent.Levy and Sarnat (1969) go on to reveal that one

of the two assets in Borch’s example is FSD over theother. Again, this is clear since one asset producesx or y1 with probability p and the other producesx or y2 with the same probability, implying thatif y1 > y2, for instance, then the cumulative distri-bution of asset 1 is weakly to the right of asset 2.The Levy and Sarnat antidote to Borch is thus toadopt a modified application of MV where in thefirst step the admissible asset class is immediatelyand efficiently reduced by removing all assets thatare dominated under FSD (and hence are not in theefficient set for any decision-maker with increasingutility). This two-stage procedure was first proposedin Hanoch and Levy (1969) and later by Levy (1974)and Levy and Sarnat (1972), pages 315–318. Therecan be no argument against FSD from any angle. Inthe words of a referee, it is “normatively desirableand descriptively accurate”.


The restatement of a subset of EU in the languageof MV led immediately to formulation of the capi-tal asset pricing model (CAPM) by Sharpe (1964),Lintner (1965) and Mossin (1966). In this sectionwe set out a simple derivation of the CAPM and ex-plain briefly what it offers that might not have beendiscovered without MV.There are n risky assets in the market and the

price of asset j is Pj (j = 1,2, . . . , n). The investorspreads her money between risky assets and risk-free bonds. Her portfolio weights are therefore wrf

in the risk-free asset and wM = 1−wrf in the mar-ket. Her investment in the market (risky assets) isspread evenly across all n risky assets in proportionto their respective prices. She earns return rrf fromthe risk free asset and rM from the market portfo-lio of risky assets. By definition, the return on themarket portfolio is rM =

j Pjrj/∑

j Pj , where rjis the return on asset j.

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Suppose that rrf is less than both expected returnsµ(rM ) and µ(rj), as must be the case to attract riskaverse investors. To increase the expected return ofher investment portfolio, the first possibility is thatthe investor buys some more of asset j using someof the money she has invested in the risk-free as-set. Her new portfolio weights are then wM in themarket portfolio, δ in security j and wrf − δ in therisk-free asset. The expected return of this portfo-lio is wMµ(rM ) + δµ(rj) + (wrf − δ)rrf and its vari-ance is w2

Mσ2(rM ) + δ2σ2(rj) + 2wM δ cov(rj , rM ).The marginal increase in expected return is there-fore δµ(rj) − δrrf . Similarly, the marginal increasein portfolio variance is δ2σ2(rj)+2wMδ cov(rj , rM ),which approaches 2wM δ cov(rj , rM ) for small δ. Themarginal rate of substitution, or price in terms ofadded risk (variance) for each extra unit of expectedreturn (mean), is thus

µ(rj)− rrf2wM cov(rj , rM)


The second way for the investor to increase expectedreturn is to sell weight δ of the risk-free asset andadd weight δ to her investment in the market port-folio. By an identical argument to that above, themarginal rate of substitution is then

µ(rM )− rrf2wMσ2(rM )


Setting (10) = (11), on the basis that there cannotbe two different unit prices to achieve the same re-sult in a rational market (the “law of no arbitrage”),leads to the equation commonly known as the mean–variance CAPM

µ(rj) = rrf +cov(rj , rM )

σ2(rM )[µ(rM )− rrf ].(12)

To rewrite this equation in terms of asset pricesrather than returns, let the return on asset j bedefined in terms of its initial price Pi and its period-end price or value Vj by rj = Vj/Pj − 1. Hence, bydefinition, µ(ri) = µ(Vi)/Pi − 1, cov(ri, rM ) =cov(Vj , VM )/PjPM and σ(rM ) = σ(VM )/PM . Sub-stituting in (12) and rearranging reveals the CAPMas an explicit pricing model

Pj =µ(Vj)− βj [µ(VM )− PM (1 + rrf)]

1 + rrf(

PM =∑





where βj = cov(Vj , VM)/σ2(VM ).

The CAPM asset prices Pj can be understood aseither (i) coherent prices in the mind of a given in-vestor with quadratic utility, or (ii) market equi-librium prices in a market where all investors havequadratic utility and the same probability beliefsregarding the uncertain future asset values Vj . Thewider possibility drawing on the Chipman–Baron ar-gument is that only normally distributed assets needbe considered, in which case the investor(s) need nothave quadratic utility.The appeal of the CAPM equation is that rather

than looking at assets one by one, each risky asset isvalued with respect to what it contributes to an op-timally weighted portfolio. Upon taking this unifiedrather than piecemeal approach, the CAPM revealsthe factors, most interestingly βj , that make each as-set more or less valuable to decision-makers seekingan optimal mix of investments. Particularly reveal-ing is that the risk of investing in a given asset ismeasured not by its variance, but by its covariancewith all other risky assets. An asset can thereforebe highly risky of itself and yet still be highly at-tractive. Furthermore, even an asset with negativeexpected return might have a high price Pj if itsreturns have negative correlation with the market.Borch (1979) was of course well aware of the CAPM,

which he described as having in finance somethinglike the status of E = mc2. He was critical of theCAPM for the fact that it stands on MV foundationsand is therefore open to the same kind of “nonsenseresults” as generalized MV decision-making. Antic-ipating what has more recently become very widelyaccepted, Borch (1979) noted that the CAPM didnot perform well when fitted to actual market pricedata. Levy (2012) has recently reviewed the historyand status of the CAPM, with emphasis on how ithas survived as a highly important tool in financialpractice while at the same time having its empiricalor descriptive validity widely disparaged.A more sympathetic view of the CAPM (Meyer

(1987), page 426) is that by effectively restating ex-pected quadratic utility in terms of moments (σ,µ),finance theorists uncovered a coherence relationshipbetween asset prices that had not been evident fromthe higher plane of EU theory. Reassuringly, muchof the “new finance” inspired by MV and the CAPMhinges on the rule of no arbitrage or “no Dutchbook”. This idea appeared much earlier in the writ-ings of de Finetti. Indeed, it would come as no greatsurprise to find that de Finetti envisaged a “subjec-tivist CAPM”. In principle, a de Finetti style CAPMwould connect the utility functions and subjective

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probability distributions of all investors to a theo-retical (and possibly observable) set of equilibriumasset prices, and would do much to unify finance anddecision analysis at a philosophical level.


Mean–variance is the most influential theory inthe practice of investment analysis and business deci-sion-making. This is remarkable given that Marko-witz’s model is effectively a diminished form of ex-pected utility theory. Of itself, in the elegant struc-tures set out by Von Neumann and Morgenstern(1953), Savage (1954) and other decision theorists,utility theory is hardly known to financial practi-tioners. This is despite its intellectual traditions andtheoretical acceptance in many fields, including some-what paradoxically economics.From the 1950s when Markowitz introduced what

he saw as a new theory of decision-making undersubjective probability, there has been a concertedintellectual undertaking in financial economics to-wards understanding how mean–variance methodsmight be reconciled with expected utility. The liter-ature on this topic is extremely wide and the task ofsurveying its current state and its links to modernfinancial practice is well beyond what we have at-tempted in this paper. An historically thorough andhelpful survey of the literature exists in Liu (2004).We focus on the historical debate concerning mean–

variance and expected utility, particularly on theonce prominent reductio absurdum of mean–varianceknown as Borch’s paradox. This logical counter-argu-ment directed by Borch at mean–variance has beenrebutted, most explicitly by Baron (1977). Despiteits hidden weak spots, Borch’s paper, and the liter-ature that it initiated, holds timeless philosophicalinterest. Opinions are widely divided on whether ex-pected utility is “too normative” to be practical ormean–variance is too “practical” to be respectable.The pragmatists’ perspective is summed up by eco-nomics Nobel Laureate James Tobin [(1969), page14] who suggested that a business practitioner willnot be amused by the instruction that “he shouldconsult his utility and his subjective probabilitiesand then maximize”. Yet contrary of Tobin’s mock-ery, there is intensive theoretical and empirical studyin current finance research devoted precisely to prac-tical investment portfolio selection by optimizationof certain expected utility functions, both directlyand by their expression through higher moments

(e.g., MacLean, Ziemba and Li (2005); Cremers, Kritz-man and Page (2005); Sharpe (2007); Adler andKritzman (2007); Hagstromer et al. (2008)).A conciliatory note among the seminal contrib-

utors to the MV versus EU literature was struckby Meyer (1987), page 426. He saw that MV of-fered a way of rewriting a subclass of expected util-ity that not only simplified the notions of risk andreturn, but which also revealed previously unrecog-nized relationships between the risks and returns ofindividual assets and their combinations in weightedportfolios. This gave rise to the new language of the“efficient frontier” and ultimately the “capital as-set pricing model”. More fundamentally, it revealedvery interesting and sometimes counterintuitive fi-nancial principles. In many instances these resultscan be transported back into EU theory and gener-alized to suit different possible utility functions. See,for example, the log utility CAPM applied in John-stone (2012). This asset pricing equation is obtain-able from first principles for any E[log(x)] maximiz-ing portfolio optimizer. Such equations might havebeen discovered without being triggered by Markowitzand the invention of the mean–variance CAPM, butmore realistically the academic field of asset pric-ing was inspired by Markowitz and the theory thatarose in the era of Borch and the swinging 60s.


After completing this survey of Borch’s paradox,the authors learnt more of the status that Borchretains in actuarial science from a fascinating biog-raphy by Aase (2004). The following passage fromthis biography confirms much of the impression wegained from the literature regarding Borch and hisintellectual influence over the mean–variance debate:

There is a story about Borch’s stand on “mean–variance” analysis. This story is known to econ-omists, but probably unknown to actuaries: Hepublished a paper, “A note on Uncertainty andIndifference Curves” in Review of EconomicStudies (1969), and Martin Feldstein, a friendof Borch, published another paper in the sameissue on the limitations of the mean–varianceanalysis for portfolio choice (Feldstein, 1969).In the same issue a comment from James Tobinappeared, “Comment on Borch and Feldstein”(Tobin (1969)). Today Borch’s and Feldstein’scriticism seems well in place, but at the timethis was shocking news. In particular, Profes-sor James Tobin at Yale, later a Nobel laure-

Page 15: Mean Variance and Expected Utility: The Borch Paradox available investment opportunity (“asset”) or portfolio is repre-sented in just two dimensions by the ex ante mean and standard


ate in economics, entertained at the time greatplans for incorporating mean–variance analysisin macroeconomic modelling. There was evenfinancing in place for an institute on a nationallevel. However, after Borch’s and Feldstein’spapers were published, Tobin’s project seemedto have been abandoned. After this episode, in-volving two of the leading American economists,Borch was well noticed by the economist com-munity, and got a reputation, perhaps an un-just one, as a feared opponent.


The authors thank Jay Kadane and anonymousreferees for helpful comments.


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