Brochure...puppet-show performance ( Karagiozis). ... edge about the Greek Constitution, the modern...

o* "**1 LAηGυn % ΛEΞlΥ ,ι ι- -Ξ- ' L- LEXIS 4.uιτυRt The Greek Language and Culture Centre offers programs to adult fοreigners οf every natiοna|ity who want tο |earn Greek, tο improve it or tο perfect their know|edge of the |anguage and at the same time discοver mοdern Greece from IiveΙy teaching methods and a|so frοm variοus activities that the Centre offers οut of the c|assrοom, The programs are addressed to: ο Fοreigners whο|ove Greece,visit οften and want tο |earn,to communicate in the Ianguage οf thecountry ο Foreigners who |ive and work for a |ong οr a short periοd of time in Greece ο Students and teachers/|ecturers οf foreign schoοls and universities whο are studying οr teaching ancient or modern Greek Ianguage, Greek history and, ciνiIizatiοn. o Greeks who live abrοad o ΤransIators or interpreters who work οr want to work as Greek language transIatοrs οr internre1erS o Any other person who is interested Τhe Centre operates in Chania all year long and its specia|ized couΓSeS cover the various needs and the different levels of the people who participate. Prenota al prezzo più basso di tutto il mondo a: +44-330 124 03 17 - [email protected]

Transcript of Brochure...puppet-show performance ( Karagiozis). ... edge about the Greek Constitution, the modern...

Page 1: Brochure...puppet-show performance ( Karagiozis). ... edge about the Greek Constitution, the modern Greek history, the rights of the citizens, the public services, and the administrative

o* "**1 LAηGυn


ΛEΞlΥ,ι ι- -Ξ- '



The Greek Language and Culture Centre offers programs to adult

fοreigners οf every natiοna|ity who want tο |earn Greek, tο improve it

or tο perfect their know|edge of the |anguage and at the same time discοver

mοdern Greece from IiveΙy teaching methods and a|so frοm variοus activities

that the Centre offers οut of the c|assrοom,

The programs are addressed to:ο Fοreigners whο|ove Greece,visit οften and want tο |earn,to communicate

in the Ianguage οf thecountry

ο Foreigners who |ive and work for a |ong οr a short periοd of time in Greece

ο Students and teachers/|ecturers οf foreign schoοls and universities whο are

studying οr teaching ancient or modern Greek Ianguage, Greek history

and, ciνiIizatiοn.

o Greeks who live abrοado ΤransIators or interpreters who work οr want to work as Greek language

transIatοrs οr internre1erS

o Any other person who is interested

Τhe Centre operates in Chania all year long and its specia|ized couΓSeS cover

the various needs and the different levels of the people who participate.

Prenota al prezzo più basso di tutto il mondo a:

+44-330 124 03 17 - [email protected]

Page 2: Brochure...puppet-show performance ( Karagiozis). ... edge about the Greek Constitution, the modern Greek history, the rights of the citizens, the public services, and the administrative

ΠI!remChania is a city of approximate|y 70'00Ο inhabitants,with a |ong historythat dates from ancient times, lt has been a meeting point for many

civiIizations ( VIinoan , |-{eIlenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Venetian and Τurkish ) that

haνe a|Ι |eft their marks,which the visitor can meet in each of his/her steps.

Τhecity's o|d part is we|l-preserved and charming and the modern part isa|ive and organized. Τhe city offers many opportunities for recreation and

entertainment in both summer and winter time. Summer time is best forrelaxation , since the city is by the sea and is also the place where many

excursiοns and wa|ks begin to the rich natura| envirοnment of the Prefectureof Chania ( beaches, mountainοus paths,water springs, gorges,traditiona| vi||ages'

orchards , olive tree groves ).

The Greek language and CultureCentre is fully equipped with modern

facilities, situated onthe first floor of a building that lies on the historicsquare of Splantzia,very close to the venetian harbour and also a few minutes

from the heart of the modern city and its commercial centre.

lt is a quiet SquaΓe with an old p|ane-tree in its midd|e with coffee shops and

the οrthodox churchof Saint NichoIas to the east with one of the city,s typical

minarets a|ongside.Τhe Centre has two fu||y equiped multimedia c|assrooms,

a small |ibrary with books , magazines , music, videο and a smaΙ| kitchen - refreshmentroοm to be used by the students. The schοo|.s mail and e-mai| address can be

used by the students any time tο receive their persona| messages.



Τhe sy||abuses οf the Centre cover a|| the |eve|s of knοw|edge of the Greek

|anguage, from the beginners |eve| tο the leνe| οf perfection.

Τhe categorizationοf the Ievels at the.,LEXISCentre.'is based on the

corresponding leνe|s from the Aristοtle University of Thessa|oniki.These leve|s

are four: (A) Basic, (B) Intermediate, (C )Advanced , (D) Perfection.

Τhe Centre offers two different types of cοurses, intensive and regu|ar:

Τhe intensive courses incIude a four. hours Iesson daily for at least two weeks

(a total of at least 40 hours).

The regularcourses include three sessions aweekfor 2 hours each, for I 0 weeks

(a total of 60 hours), Forthe reguiarcourses of advanced level and level of perfection,

aspecialsyllabushasbeen scheduledwhichincludes2ratherthan3sessionsaweekfor2 hοurs each (a total of 4 hours week|y) for B, 1 6 or 24 weeks training. Completed these

coursesthestudentcantakethe ProficiencyintheGreekLanguageΕxaminationof the

Aristοt|e Uni of Thessa|oniki at the corresponding levels ( C and D).

Private|essons: Apart frοmthe above courSeS,a studentcan takeprivate|essons.

Τhe frequency and the total of teaching hours are arranged after initial contact

with the teacher.


Apart from the general courses the following special courses are also offered:

Literature course:The aim is the throughtime approach tο the Greek Iiterature

production through the e|aboration on poems or prose eΧtracts and at the same time

through watching video, recorded playsor through listening to set-to-music poetry.

Good knowledge of the language and expanded vocabulary is required.

Prenota al prezzo più basso di tutto il mondo a:

+44-330 124 03 17 - [email protected]

Page 3: Brochure...puppet-show performance ( Karagiozis). ... edge about the Greek Constitution, the modern Greek history, the rights of the citizens, the public services, and the administrative

Trans|ation/|nterpretation courses: for professiona|s who haνe a very good

knowledge of the Greek language and are interested in learning basically or

exclusively the functions of the language that serve theirprofessional occupationwith it(e.g,comprehension of the written and oral speech).This isachieved notonlythrough the elaboration on complicated texts from the arts, science and politicsfields but also through various teaching aids concerning different thematic units.Τhe specialcourses,those of Iiterature and trans|ationi interpretation inc|udeatota|of 20 teaching hoursa week,

Groups contain 3-7 students.

Type of courses Sessions per week Hours perweek Weeks Τota| of hourslntensive 5x4 hours 20 40Regular A, B 3x2 hours 6 10 60ReguΙar C, D 2x2 hours 4 8 (at least) 12r_1 /1ξ)Special courses 5x4 hours 20 2 40Private Lessons 5 (at least)

Grading of students : Students take a grading test on their day of arrival so

that the c|ass and the |eve|sof studies can be decided,Α short test is attached tοthe enroΙ|ment form. Τhis test is optional but when completed it becomes easier for

theschool to formclasses. Completing and sending the test along with the enrollmentform is of great help to the school administration for the grading of students,

Teachers at the "LEXlS Centre" have many years experience of teachingthe Greek language as a foreign language and enjoy their work immensely.

Τhey are excIusive|y University graduates and the Greek Ianguage is theirnative language.

The teaching methods are modern,pleasant and !ively.Pictures,music,language games and dramatization play the basic roles.

Τhe Centre uses we||-tried textbooks that teach the Greek |anguage aS a

foreign language,aswell asoriginal materials from many various sourceswith a differentdegree of difficulty per level,to provide the best possiblefamiliarization for the student with real situations.

Teaching materials are given to the studentsfree of charge along with materialsconcerning the town and the facilitiesit offers for taking advantage of one's leisure time.

Certificate of attendancΘ and pa(icipation:When finishing a coursea certificate is issued for each student containing exact details of the type,the length and the time the course took,

Groups upon request: Τhe Greek Language andCulture Centre can οffer more

speciaΙ courses to those interested upon request, e.g. to offer a specia| courseto a groupof guides,to agroup of students or teachers of classical literaturefrom abroad etc.

Prenota al prezzo più basso di tutto il mondo a:

+44-330 124 03 17 - [email protected]

Page 4: Brochure...puppet-show performance ( Karagiozis). ... edge about the Greek Constitution, the modern Greek history, the rights of the citizens, the public services, and the administrative

ΞπMlIlΞΙThe Centre of Greek Language and Cu|ture ..LeΧiS,' not on|y offers |anguage

courses,as we firmlybelieve the language itself cannot be taught without taking

into account thecultural environment inwhich it is spoken and has is the

Centre's intention to bring the students to very close contact wlth modern life and

the culture of the country and especially with that of the island of Crete and asc|n<'ρ ac nnccih|ρ tn thρ Γrρtan nρnnlρ

This aim is achieved through various activities taking place in and outof the Centre.

Some of these activities are included in the courses whilst others can be selectedand can be provided as and when they are cal|ed foηwith an additionaΙ charge.

An intensive two-weeks course includes,without extra charge:

ο a νisit to a museum,to an exhibitiοn,to a monument or to a place of

one's ι,vork (e,g. to a lawyer,s office, to a painter,s studio οrto afarm during the hours

that people areworking),

ο a mea| tοgetherwithalIthestudentsandtheteachersinatavernorarestaurant

in the town or in the neighboring suburbs,

ο preparing atypicalGreek dish in the kitchen of the schoo|.

o a short live presentation of folk or Cretan music in the school premises or a

puppet-show performance ( Karagiozis).

ο a presentation of sIides and/or a video tape showing Greece and Greek civiIization,

The following activities can be freely selected and are charged extra:

. a SeminaΓ of Greek fo|k dances (a number of at |east 3 students is required).

r a seminar of Greek cuisine and Cretan diet-cooking and eating the food in the school'skitchen (Iength 1 -2 hours unti| the preparation of the dish. Α numberof at |east

3 students is required).

ο teaching how to pIay a foIk Greek instrument (a basic know|edge of how to pIay a

stringed instrument is a prerequisite),

ο adaytrip(trekking)topIacesofgreatnaturalbeautyoravisittop|acesofhistorical

or scientific interest. Τransportationexpenses,foodandtheguide.sfeeareinc|uded

in the charge (a number of at least 3 students is required).

ο avisit to a feastor to a fair(if andwhensucheventstakeplacewithinthetime

of one's studies).

ο a seminar of basic know|edge about the Greek Constitution, the modern Greek history,

the rights of the citizens, the public services, and the administrative structure of the

countryand fami|iarizationwiththe differenttypes of fοrmsacitizen mayuseinhis

everydayIife (anumberof at]east3studentsfromthe lntermediateortheΑdvanced

level is necessary).

ο a pottery seminar (a number of at |east 3 students is required).

Prenota al prezzo più basso di tutto il mondo a:

+44-330 124 03 17 - [email protected]

Page 5: Brochure...puppet-show performance ( Karagiozis). ... edge about the Greek Constitution, the modern Greek history, the rights of the citizens, the public services, and the administrative


Basic 1(A1 ) - for beginners . a. |ν1orphο|οgy/syntax : introduction to the Greek |anguage,

familiarizatΙοnwith the Greek aLphabet,writingand reading,dec|ension of verbs in present tense'

basic aroupsof nounsand adjectives in the singular nominative and accusative cases,place and

time prepositionsetc. Vοcabu|arylcommunicative functions: Basic vocabu|aryThe studentwi|| be ab|e

tomakeintroductiοns, to give basic infοrmation about him/herse|f or other persons,tO describe

basic activities and to take part in basic everyday dia|οgues.

Basic2(A2)-a.|Yorphο|ogy/syntax: plural of basic noun and adjective groups in the nominative

and accusative cases,simple future tense and simple subjunctive of the active voice verbs of

the first and second conjugatiοn,first acquaintancewith simp|e past tense etc.b.Vocabu|arylcommunicative functions: Εnrichment οf the basic vocabu|ary,The student wi|| be

abIe tο communicate using present,past andfuture tenses,tO ta|k about everyday situations

(e.g.home,weather etc.) in a simple and brief way,to give simple descriptions and make simple

comparisons,and tο take part in everyday simpIe dialogues.

Basic3(A3) -a, Morphο|ogy/syntax: simp|e past tense of the regu|ar and irregu|ar active voice

verbs,ρersοna| pronouns in the nominative,accusative andgenitive cases,simp|e imperative,

] conditiona| type, introductiοn to the passive voice verbs,genitive case of nouns and

adjectives,pronouns,conjunctions andbasic linking of sentences etc.b.Vocabulary/communicative

functions:Further enrichment of the basic vocabu|ary.Τhestudent wi|l be ab|e to eXpreSS

him/herself both orally and in writing in usual everyday situations using simple speech and to

comprehend simp|e texts,announcements, instructions and conversatiοns about fami|iar issues.

Intermediate1(B1).a. Morphology/syntax:indicative οf the rest of the tenses in the actiνe νoice

and of importani passive voice verbs,distinction of the aspect of the verb,time,causative and

adversativeconjunctions,2 cοnditiοna| type etc. b.Vocabulary/communicative functions:The student

ta|ks about issues οf more genera| interesi(,hea|th,work etc.),narrates stories expressing

time re|ationsand participates in discussiοns about fami|iar issues expressing his/her opinion and

putting forward his/her arguments,

lntermediate2(B2)-a. lYοrpho|ogy/syntax:Passive voice,interrogative and relative pronounS,

adverbs, cοnditiona|s, particip|es, specia| noun and adjective groups. b, Vocabulary/communicative

functions: Vocabulary expansion in thematic units,first acquaintance with the vernacular

language (proverbs) and the official language ( writing formal letters),

lntermediate3(B3) -a, lYorpho|ogy/syntax: Comp|etion of the basic grammar(nouns of a sρecial

declension,compound verbs,sublunctive linking of sentences etc.)b.Vocabulary/communicative

functions:turther vocabulary expansion on the basis of various thematic units,first contact with

short newspaper and magazine texts or with simple literature texts.The student wiil be able to

express adequatelyopinions and feelings and to cοmmunicate in variοus situations.

Advanced1 (C1)-a. ΙYorpho|ogy/syntax:Revision and thorough examination οf issues of speciaI

difficu|ty from previously learned grammar and emphasis on the productiοn of compIicated

speechusing the subjunctive linking of sentences.b.Vocabulary/communicative functions:

Communicative abiIityin a wide range of situatlons,abiIity to understand and use idiοmatic

expressions concerning the modern Greek civi|ization. Comprehensiοn οf simple texts from the

everyday and periodical press as well as of selected literature texts.

Advanced2(C2) -a. |Yοrpho|ogy/syntax:Τeaching of compound verbs deriving from ancient Greek

verbs often encountered in the modern Greek language and emphasis on their use through

vocabu|ary exercises οr free prοduction of speech, b.Vocabulary/cοmmunicative functions:

original texts of increased difficulty,aiming mainly at ihe enrichment of the vocabulary and

practicing the use of specia| |anguage structures thrοugh social issues.Comprehensiοn of origina|

recorded extracts from radioor TV programmes and production of speech using these sources.

Advanced3(C3) -a. Ιν1orpho|ogy/syntax: Compound archaic verbs with interna| augment which are

morerare|y encouniered inthe mοdern Greek |anguage,texts with elements of the officia| Greek

language,often references to phenomena of the ancient Greek language grammaηscholar|y

expressions and idioms from the officia| Greek language,proverbs.b.Vocabulary/cοmmunicative

functiοns:Τhe basic aim is toρroduce speech f|uent|y and easi|y,precision in the description using

the expanded vοcabu|ary, as wel| as the distinctiοn of the different sty|es οf each text,Τhe aim is

a|so to famiIiarize the studentrπith the otficial fοrm of the Greek language.Cοmmunication is

achieved at a normal rate.

Perfection Ieve|(D). Continuation οf the aρproach to the purist elements

of the language through press texts,Greek literature and science texts.ldioms,terminology,

etymoIogica| references.Students participatein discussiοns that fo||ow |ectures by scientists

or artists with in or οutside the c|assroom.

Prenota al prezzo più basso di tutto il mondo a:

+44-330 124 03 17 - [email protected]

Page 6: Brochure...puppet-show performance ( Karagiozis). ... edge about the Greek Constitution, the modern Greek history, the rights of the citizens, the public services, and the administrative

,Ππππσ''riEΜΤhe Centre has a list of hotels,rented f|ats and studios fοr those interested.

Prices depend on the class of the hοtel and the SeaSOn,

We have also selected a number of families which can accommodate oUΓ Students


ΠrlI{!trΞffi,1riEMΤhe Centre can take care of the student.s

taxi: 1ust le1 us knοw in advance the exact

airline and Your flight number.

rΞ!IΞπΙtπΓ{!n|t is essentia| to apply in a goοd time.When a student enrοlls she/he must send

the registratiοn form by pοst, by fax οr by e-mail cοmpleted and signed at |east

25 days prior to her/his arrival.50% of the total cost of the course-including any

accommοdation,transportation etc,-should alsο be paid in advance by depositing the

money to the bank aCCOunt of the Centre.Τhe balance οf the mοney must be paid

during the first week of the course at the secretarial office of the Centre'

Τhοse interested are kind|y requested to carefully read the term of participation,

aS these terms are written on the registration form that yoι are asked,to sign

lf a trave| agency does this for yοu,the trave| agency itse|f is respοnsible for

the careful reading and acceptance of the terms '

transportation to and from the airport by

time οf yοur arrival / departure , the


p r o g r a m m e s ' m a n a g e r

Maria Foundοulakl










OLDΗAθBoUR .1η."'


DASKAL0GIANNI str.TEL.:+30 2 8210

\]ν \,ry \Λ/ . I e xis . e du. gr

SPLANTZιA Sq. HAN|A, cRETΕ - GR 7 31 0 0

- 55673 FAX: +30 2 8210 - 55673E-mai| : lexisξΞ @cha.f οrthnet. gr


Prenota al prezzo più basso di tutto il mondo a:

+44-330 124 03 17 - [email protected]