#1 Does TRUTH exist? | ΆπΩκάλυψις | Reinhardt Stander | Lecture Notes

 ΆπΩκλυψις | 1. Does TRUTH exist? | www.apokalupsis.co.za | Authored by Reinhardt Stander © Page 1 ΆπΩκλυψις 1. Does TRUTH exist? There are many views about truth… Every human being has some concept of truth. Those who are religious and those who are non-religious, have all their peculiar views about truth. 1. All non-religious people believe their pure logic and critical thinking to be their source of truth. (While many of them propose there isn’t anything like truth, yet they believe their own reasoning, making it their truth…) 2. All religious people believe some ancient scripture, or sacred text to be their source of truth. In this lecture, we'll be examining these two groups in our endeavour to establish the premise for this series of lectures where we will study the Apocalypse in Depth. For our premise we must establish that truth does exist! Let start with the non-religious group: 1. Pure Logic & Critical Thinking We are just shortly going to lo ok at 3 sections within this group of people:  1. POST-MODERNISTS - What is a Post-modern ist? Postmodernism is an attempt to question the world that we see around us and especially not to take other people’s views as the final truth. Postmodernism puts everything into question and radically interrogates philosophies, strategies and world views. There’s no absolute truth! What matters is what works for you! It is all about you and your preference in thinking, and not about something beyond yourself which is absolute. Hear what the father of postmodernism said: "The Einsteinian constant is not a constant, is not a center. It is the very concept of variability "... Jacques Derrida This thinking tank questioned the very principle of modern science, a principle that was to all a given and written in stone. To him it depended... it was NOT absolute, the very essence of postmodernism. Postmodernism questions everything, and takes nothing as reality:  "Only reason can convince us of those three fundamental truths without a recognition of which there can be no effective liberty: that what we believe is not necessarily true; that what we like is not necessarily good; and that all questions are open." Clive Bell This paradigm can't be a true one, since we'll discover - absolute truth does exist!  2. AGNOSTICS - What is an Agnostic? The Word 'Agnostic' is derived from two Greek terms, “A” meaning “no” and “gnosis” meaning “knowledge”; thus it means 'No Knowledge'. An agnostic is not sure if there is a God.  “I am an agn ostic; I do not pre tend to know wh at many ignor ant men are sure of." Clarence Darrow 

Transcript of #1 Does TRUTH exist? | ΆπΩκάλυψις | Reinhardt Stander | Lecture Notes

  • 7/31/2019 #1 Does TRUTH exist? | | Reinhardt Stander | Lecture Notes


    | 1. Does TRUTH exist? | www.apokalupsis.co.za | Authored by Reinhardt Stander Page 1

    1. Does TRUTH exist?

    There are many views about truth Every human being has some concept of truth. Those

    who are religious and those who are non-religious, have all their peculiar views about truth.1. All non-religious people believe their pure logic and critical thinking to be their

    source of truth. (While many of them propose there isnt anything like truth, yet

    they believe their own reasoning, making it their truth)

    2. All religious people believe some ancient scripture, or sacred text to be theirsource of truth.

    In this lecture, we'll be examining these two groups in our endeavour to establish the

    premise for this series of lectures where we will study the Apocalypse in Depth. For our

    premise we must establish that truth does exist! Let start with the non-religious group:

    1. Pure Logic & Critical Thinking

    We are just shortly going to look at 3 sections within this group of people:

    1. POST-MODERNISTS - What is a Post-modernist?

    Postmodernism is an attempt to question the world that we see around us and especially

    not to take other peoples views as the final truth. Postmodernism puts everything into

    question and radically interrogates philosophies, strategies and world views. Theres no

    absolute truth! What matters is what works for you! It is all about you and your preference

    in thinking, and not about something beyond yourself which is absolute. Hear what the

    father of postmodernism said:

    "The Einsteinian constant is not a constant, is not a center. It is thevery concept of variability"... Jacques Derrida

    This thinking tank questioned the very principle of modern science, a principle that was to

    all a given and written in stone. To him it depended... it was NOT absolute, the very essence

    of postmodernism. Postmodernism questions everything, and takes nothing as reality:

    "Only reason can convince us of those three fundamental truths without arecognition of which there can be no effective liberty: that what we believeis not necessarily true; that what we like is not necessarily good; and thatall questions are open." Clive Bell

    This paradigm can't be a true one, since we'll discover - absolute truth does exist!

    2. AGNOSTICS - What is an Agnostic?

    The Word 'Agnostic' is derived from two Greek terms, A meaning no and gnosis

    meaning knowledge; thus it means 'No Knowledge'. An agnostic is not sure if there is a


    I am an agnostic; I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men aresure of." Clarence Darrow

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    "There is no absolute knowledge. And those who claim it, whether they arescientists or dogmatists, open the door to tragedy. All information isimperfect. We have to treat it with humility." Jacob Bronowski

    Agnostics, as you can see starts from the premise that there is no way you can know if God

    exists or not. That makes sense in a way. But as we'll discover, we can know that God DO

    exist! So this paradigm can't be correct.

    3. ATHEISTS - What is an Atheist?

    Atheism: (According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

    1. A disbelief in the existence of deity / 2. The doctrine that there is no deity

    To these 'thinking' people, and many of them sincere, they are atheists because they

    BELIEVE they KNOW that there is no GOD.

    We Brights dont believe in ghosts or elves or the Easter Bunny or GodDaniel Dennett

    Amazing. This bright is brightbecause of his DISBELIEF in BELIEF of GOD. Atheist make fun

    of believing, but yet they belief in their so called knowledge of supernatural non-existence.Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people makewhen in the presence of religious dogma.Sam Harris

    Some atheists are very boastful like this popular guy, Sam, boasting that atheism is so

    sensible, that not much reasoning is necessary to convince those who believe. Another

    reasonable person, king of Atheism today is Richard Dawkins. And in his book, The God

    Delusion, he boils it down to:

    The whole argument turns on the familiar question Who made God?,

    which most thinking people discover for themselves." Richard Dawkins

    Richard Dawkins IS a smart guy! This is the question (we'll see in lecture 2 and others there

    is yet one main question) we all must deal with, and get answered because it can be

    answered! But in this question Dawkins admit the there must be a beginnng. He beliefs it is

    the Big Bang, so my question is also simple: 'Who made the Big Bang?' This real question:

    'Does God exist?', goes much deeper as we'll sum conclude in lecture 2.

    I must agree with CS Lewis!

    Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no

    meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning.CS Lewis

    Can God be PROVED? Scientifically

    People believing in SCIENCE is telling us, religion and faith is unscientific and not provable.

    Such people tell us that for something to be provable it must be able to be tested

    empirically (information acquired by means of observation or experimentation), and in a

    controlled environment. If God is God, this is impossible to do with Him. Everyone knows

    (even if they don't believe in God) the very word 'God' means omniscience, almighty,

    omnipresence and all-knowing. It is IMPOSSIBLE to subject such a being to any physical test!

    If God can be proved (traditional science), He IS NOT GOD! God cannot be proved,

    (measured scientifically) HE IS GOD!

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    Sir Osler summed it up well,

    Nothing in life is more wonderful than FAITH the one great moving forcewe can neither weigh in the balance nor test in the crucible.Sir William Osler

    To continue with proving God: For God to BE GOD, there must be EVIDENCE (SOLID

    PROOF) that HE IS GOD!

    God can be ProoFed

    "God never asks us to believe, without giving sufficient evidence upon which

    to base our faith. His existence, His character, the truthfulness of His word,

    are all established by testimony that appeals to our reason; and this

    testimony is abundant. Yet God has never removed the possibility of doubt.

    Our faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who wish to

    doubt will have opportunity; while those who really desire to know the truth

    will find plenty of evidence on which to rest their faith. It is impossible for

    finite minds fully to comprehend the character or the works of the Infinite

    One. To the keenest intellect, the most highly educated mind, that holy

    Being must ever remain clothed in mystery. Canst thou by searching find

    out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as

    heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know?

    Job 11:7, 8. . . . Call to Stand Apart, Christian Home Library, pg 46

    There is ample Proof (evidence), that God exists!

    #1- Only life can beget life.

    The renowned scientist Louis Pasteur demonstrated that truth in his day. He held up a

    thoroughly sterilized and hermetically sealed flask before his audience.

    It is devoid of life! he exclaimed. I can keep it for a hundred years, and it

    will still be devoid of life. I can beg and plead with it to produce a life-form,

    even the humblest life form, but it remains unmoved by my pleas. There is

    no life without antecedent life. Only life can beget life.

    ONLY LIFE can beget life. Kittens come from mommy cats. And they from their mommies,

    right back to, God? Yes! Life is from God! Nobody and nothing can create life.

    "Upon all created things is seen the impress of the Deity. Nature testifies ofGod. The susceptible mind, brought in contact with the miracle and mysteryof the universe, cannot but recognize the working of infinite power. Not byits own inherent energy does the earth produce its bounties, and year byyear continue its motion around the sun. An unseen hand guides the

    planets in their circuit of the heavens. A mysterious life pervades all nature -a life that sustains the unnumbered worlds throughout immensity, that livesin the insect atom which floats in the summer breeze, that wings the flight

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    of the swallow and feeds the young ravens which cry, that brings the bud toblossom and the flower to fruit. The same power that upholds nature, isworking also in man. The same great laws that guide alike the star and theatom control human life. The laws that govern the heart's action, regulatingthe flow of the current of life to the body, are the laws of the mightyIntelligence that has the jurisdiction of the soul. From Him all life proceeds.Only in harmony with Him can be found its true sphere of action. For all the

    objects of His creation the condition is the same - a life sustained byreceiving the life of God, a life exercised in harmony with the Creator's will.To transgress His law, physical, mental, or moral, is to place one's self outof harmony with the universe, to introduce discord, anarchy, ruin."Education, Christian Home Library, pg 99-100

    #2 Motion is Only possible by a Mover.

    Laws of physics says:The velocity of a body remains constant unless the body is

    acted upon by an external force.To make it simple: An object that is at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts


    MOVING IT. This law that was established by Isaac Newton, is accepted by ALL scientists.

    (Even though he was a firm believer in God).

    So who or what started the billions of matter in space to hurtle at such great speeds? And

    all the planets in their orbits? There must be a something there first to move them. THE first


    #3 Everything has a Beginning.

    Natural Science claims: No One + Nothing x Blind Chance = Everything! Simpler put:

    According to Scientists, the Big Bang was the starting point of EVERYTHING! Listen as a

    brilliant scientist explains it:

    "The seed of everything that has happened in the Universe was planted inthat first instant; every star, every planet and every living creature in theUniverse came into being as a result of events that were set in motion inthe moment of the cosmic explosion...The Universe flashed into being, andwe cannot find out what caused that to happen."

    Astrophysicist Robert JastrowThe most brilliant scientists must admit there is a beginning point for everything. Yet many

    can't admit that God started it all. For then their question, 'Who created God?' is posed,

    whereupon I ask, 'Who created the Big Bang'. There MUST be a God who started

    everything, Who Himself has no beginning, because we see natural law shows EVERYTHING

    has a beginning!

    The smartest person on this planet with the biggest intellect, according to scientists is

    Scientist Stephen Hawking, is totally lame. Even he has difficulty in the explanation of the

    beginning of everything and must admit that it has something to do with God.

    ..This means that the initial state of the universe must have been verycarefully chosen indeed if the hot big bang model was correct right back tothe beginning of time. It would be very difficult to explain why the universe

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    should have begun in just this way, except as the act of a God whointended to create beings like us.Stephen Hawking

    #4 Complex Design is Designed.

    Anything with Design shows somebody designed or made it. My wife's tasty food on my

    table shows I have a wife that cares and made me nice food! The same in the natural world.

    Everything shows DESIGN. That only means one thing - DESIGNER! God. The last century's

    greatest intellect said:The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it IScomprehensible.Albert Einstein

    How can any thinking person believe something with any design was not designed? As

    Chesterton puts it so direct:

    "An Atheist must see the universe as the Most EXQUISITE mechanism everconstructed by NOBODY." GK Chesterton

    #5 Purpose & Order is Intentional.Any order shows INTENTION by SOMEONE. No non-things order itself by itself. Someone

    does it with intention. So WHO did it with Everything?

    One cannot be exposed to the order and beauty of the universe withoutconceding there must be a divine intent behind it.Dr Wernher von Braun

    How is it that we can identify laws of nature that NEVER change? Why is the universe so

    orderly, And purposefully reliable? Even unbelieving scientists asks this:

    "Why nature is mathematical is a mystery...The fact that there are rules at

    all is a kind of miracle." Nobel Prize winner for quantum electrodynamics:

    Richard Feynman

    How is it that everything seems to have purpose and direction? Trees and plants grow

    upward. Swallows migrate to exact locations

    "I cannot believe that our existence in this universe is a mere quirk of fate,

    an accident of history, an incidental blip in the great cosmic drama The

    existence of MIND in some organism on some planet in the universe issurely a fact of fundamental significance. Through conscious beings the

    universe has generated self-awareness. This can be no trivial detail, no

    minor byproduct of mindless, purposeless forces. We are truly MEANT to be

    here.Prof Paul Davies (not a believer in a Creator-God)

    #6 Intelligence can only derive from Intellect.

    If you see, hear or experience someone's genius or even just intelligence, you don't have to

    assume there might be a brain at work, there is a BRAIN behind that intelligence. Even

    while you read these I words I write at this moment, you in your moment knows there is a

    brain behind this... Howard Peth puts this well:

    The mysteries and miracles of the mind intrigue us, fascinate us, yet elude

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    us even as we stretch our minds to the task of explaining the origin ofthoughts, memories, feelings. After all, the brain is made up of mere matter

    molecules following the laws of physics and chemistry. So... How can amental molecule inside our heads produce new ideas? How can itcomprehend, understand, or know anything? Or develop and growintellectually through learning? How can an atom awake to an alertawareness of itself? How can it happily recall nostalgic memories? Or dream

    either awake or sleeping? ..... Atheists tell themselves that everything inthe universe, including mans mind, just happened coming about bynatural means with no thanks due to God. But how ridiculous it is tocontend that mans marvellous mental processes can be accounted for on apurely physical level as if life is pure chemistry, our brain just a piece ofmeat, and our conscious awareness merely the random firing of networkingneurons! No one has ever been able to blueprint the architecture ofintelligence. We cant explain even the nature of thought on a physical level.Consciousness, the key function of human brains, cannot be duplicated bycomputers, which is one reason computers cannot truly think, despiteplaying a game of chess. The world inside our skulls equally as vast asthat outside remains a marvellous mystery. For the believer, the infiniteinventiveness of the human mind is a great gift of God.Howard Peth, 7Mysteries, pg. 42,43

    #7 Inbuilt Morals demands a Lawgiver.

    How is it that everyone has consensus on many morals? Especially those that upholds

    Society?99.999999% of people on this planet KNOWS it is WRONG to steal. Withoutreading one law handbook. Everyone KNOWS it from birth. Everyone knows it from birth it

    is WRONG to hit another. Everyone KNOWS it is WRONG to murder another. These are

    clearly inbuilt morals. Put there by WHO? A Being that is Himself Moral - God! There is NO

    OTHER out on this one!

    #8 An inborn God Consciousness.

    THE FACT that is knowable but not provable, is our very own intellect and conscious that

    KNOWS without a doubt - GOD EXISTS. It is our intentions that space Him out... Deep downyou KNOW He is there! As Dr Jung said:

    There is in every man a God-shaped vacuum which can be filled only by

    the divine. Psychoanalyst: Dr Carl Jung

    When disaster strike, people who don't believe suddenly believe in God. The problem is not

    that people can't believe in God, they don't want to:

    "Was there ever an instance known where a dying Christian left to his

    watching friends the testimony that he had been deceived, that there is no

    God, no reality in the religion of Christ? But how many of those who have

    drawn about them the dark robes of atheism have let them fall before the

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    grim messenger of death. We might call to mind many instances where

    learned men have gloried in their unbelief, and have thought it a virtue to

    parade their infidelity upon every occasion. But when death claimed them,

    they have looked with horror into the starless future, and their dying words

    have been, "I have tried to believe that there is no God, no reward for the

    faithful, no punishment for the wicked. But how vain has been the attempt.

    Now I know that I shall meet the doom of the lost soul." Sir Thomas Scottin his last moments cried, "Until this moment I believed that there was

    neither a God nor a hell. Now I know and feel that there are both, and that

    I am doomed to perdition by the just judgment of God. Thus many

    testimonies have been borne. Men may think that they have succeeded in

    tearing the image of God from their minds and hearts; but when they are

    brought face to face with the king of terrors, the image of God remains, and

    the confession is wrung from unwilling lips that the boasted faith of a

    lifetime has been a delusion." The Youth Instructer

    #9 Denial of the Life-Giver must lead to deterioration!

    Shear atheism rejects the Life-Giver God, thus rejecting very life itself. This cannot but lead

    to deterioration! Where belief in God is not upheld, there is degeneration and degradation

    of humanity.

    "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God," but he can advance noevidence to sustain his claims; he can only take the position of an objector

    to the purposes of an all-wise God. Atheism can shed no ray of light into thegrave. It cannot restrain crime or quicken the moral energies. It has nopower to elevate the character or purity the soul. On the contrary, it alwaystends to degenerate the human race; it leads away from purity and peace.

    An instance of this is given in the history of the French Revolution. Thatperiod, when the existence of God was denied, and his commandmentswere abolished, was the most revolting that is recorded on the pages ofhuman history." The Youth Instructer

    Without God in the life, one's life will be a selfish one, as Herold portrays:Atheists may be pretty smart fellows, but you dont find them doing anygreat organized good in the world. You never hear of an Atheists Hospitalor an Atheists Committee for the Relief of Starving Tribes. " Don Herold

    #10 God is in Search of us!

    "I had a notion that somehow, besides questing, I was being pursued."socialist and philosophical author: Malcolm Muggeridge

    This is almost a haunting statement, but yet true. We know God is in search of us, but manyof us are running. Listen how Lewis described this running which he at last gave up:

    "...night after night, feeling whenever my mind lifted even for a second

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    from my work, the steady, unrelenting approach of Him whom I soearnestly desired not to meet. I gave in, and admitted that God was God,and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and reluctantconvert in all of England." CS Lewis

    All these non-religious people are NOT irreligious! I want to make this very clear. If one

    choose to believe in God's non-existence - one STILL BELIEVE! Fosdick said:

    "A mans real religion is what he puts his faith in and gives his devotion to.The consequence of that, however, at once confronts us. Faith is a capacityin human nature that we cannot get rid of; we exercise it all the time onsomething or other. One man in our New York Community we would callnaturally irreligious. He certainly doesnt believe in God. I am, he writescontemptuously, for all religions equally, as all impress me as being equallyhollow But just at the point where we begin to think, Here is really anirreligious man, he says this: To me, pleasure and my own personalhappiness are all I deem worth a hoot. So that is what he has faith in! He

    does have an inner shrine where he worships himself. He does have analtar not to an unknown god but to his own ego, put first in this wholeuniverse as all he deems worth a hoot. This is his religion." Dr HarryEmerson Fosdick

    Since we've established that there's no truth in this non-religious group, it must be

    somewhere in the religious group, since we already established that truth exists by the

    mere FACT that God EXISTS!

    2. Ancient scriptures & Sacred texts

    While there is many religions, TRUTH must be in one of them. And this Truth will be found

    in its Sacred Text. But just before we examine different religions, let's hear the God of the

    Bible's challenge, that proves to be the acid test:

    Gods Challenge:

    "Submit your case, says the LORD. Present your arguments, says JacobsKing. Let them come and tell us what will happen. Tell us the past events,

    so that we may reflect on them and know the outcome, or tell us thefuture. Tell us the coming events, then we will know that you are gods.Indeed ,do something good or bad, then we will be in awe and perceive.Look, you are nothing and your work is worthless. Anyone who choosesyou is detestable." Bible: Isaiah 41:21- 24, HCSB

    "Who, like Me, can announce the future? Let him say so and make a casebefore Me, since I have established an ancient people. Let these godsdeclare the coming things, and what will take place. Do not be startled orafraid. Have I not told you and declared it long ago? You are mywitnesses! Is there any God but Me? There is no other Rock; I do not knowany." Bible: Isaiah 44:7-8, HCSB

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    The God of the Bible is not scared to challenge any other religion's God. His acid test that is

    logically the only test to see where God's Truth is, is the Text wherein He shows He is God

    by foretelling the future accurately - a 100%! This is called PROPHECY. The text with

    absolutely accurate prophecy, shows itself to be True.

    1) Buddhist Suttas; 2) Vinaya Texts 3) Dialogues of the Buddha 4) The Buddha's Way of

    Virtue 5) The Jataka, Vol. I-VI 6) Yin Chih Wen - The Tract of the Quiet Way

    I've searched Buddhism. There's NO REAL PROPHECY within Buddhism.

    1) The Confucian Canon 2) Mencius 3) Confucian Analects (Lun Y) 4) The Great

    Learning (Ta Hseh) 5) The Doctrine Of The Mean (Chung Yung)

    I've searched Confucianism. There's NO REAL PROPHECY within Confucianism.

    1) Qur'an 2) Hadith 3) Sufi Texts

    In the Qur'an Mohammed is asked why prophecy (sign) is not in the Qur'an, listen to his


    "Why has no sign been given to him (Mohammed) by his Lord?" "Signs are

    in the hands of Allah; my mission is only to give plain warning. Is it notenough for them that we have revealed to you this book for theirinstruction?" Qur'an, Sura 29 50/49

    I've searched Islam. There's NO REAL PROPHECY within Islam.

    1) Jaina Sutras, Part I&II

    I've searched Jainism. There's NO REAL PROPHECY within Jainism.

    1) The Kojiki

    I've searched Shinto. There's NO REAL PROPHECY within Shinto.

    1) Tao-te Ching - of the most widely read sacred texts 2) Taoist Texts, Part I&2

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    3) Lao-tze's Tao Teh King - The Canon of Reason and Virtue 4) The Book of Lieh-Tz

    5) T'ai Shang Kan-Ying P'ien 6) Yin Chih Wen - The Tract of the Quiet Way 7)Tao,

    The Great Luminant - Essays from the Huai Nan Tzu

    I've searched Taoism. There's NO REAL PROPHECY within Taoism.

    Yes there are here and there very vague foretelling. But it is just like Nostradamus, it's so

    vague, everyone interprets it different. Friend, the only religion left that will be shown tohave the only Standard of Truth, is Christianity with its Sacred Text the Bible. Before we go

    to the question about PROPHECY in the Bible, let's just weigh some other evidence:

    Evidence that the Bible is True:

    There's no few sentences like the next, just showing even if ancient it is still applicable to


    "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down ingreen pastures: he leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul: heleads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yes, though Iwalk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for youare with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me..." Bible: Psalms 23

    The highest ethical standards in the world is found in the Bible,

    "Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be long on the

    land which the LORD your God gives you. You shall not kill. You shall notcommit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witnessagainst your neighbour..." Bible: Exodus 20

    "It is one of the best evidences of the authenticity of the Scriptures that thetruth is not glossed over nor the sins of its chief characters suppressed. . . .How many biographies have been written of faultless Christians, who, intheir ordinary home life and church relations, shone as examples of

    immaculate piety. . . . Yet had the pen of inspiration written their histories,how different would they have appeared. There would have been revealedhuman weaknesses, struggles with selfishness, bigotry, and pride, hiddensins, perhaps, and the continual warfare between the spirit and the flesh...Conflict & Courage, pg. 7

    "If we would destroy the Christian religion, we must first of all destroyman's belief in the Bible." Voltaire

    The French philosopher Voltaire, a sceptic who destroyed the faith of many people, boastedthat within 100 years of his death, the Bible would disappear from the face of the earth.

    Voltaire died in 1728, but the Bible lives on. The irony of history is that 50 years after his

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    death, the Geneva Bible Society moved into his former house and used his printing presses

    to print thousands of Bibles.

    Is not my word like as a fire? said the LORD; and like a hammer that breaksthe rock in pieces? Jeremiah 23:29

    Josh McDowell was a man who was sure Christianity was worthless and who focussed his

    energies on discrediting the resurrection of Jesus. In the process of trying to destroy the

    faith of Christians, he came to see the New Testament was an accurate history book. Even

    my own life is totally transformed because of this book, the Bible - an no-one can argue

    with my personal experience.

    If just 10 people today were picked who were from the same place, born around the same

    time, spoke the same language, and made about the same amount of money, and were

    asked to write on just one controversial subject, they would have trouble agreeing witheach other. But the Bible stands alone. It was written over a period of 1,600 years by more

    than 40 writers from all walks of life. Some were fishermen; some were politicians. Others

    were generals or kings, shepherds or historians. They were from three different continents,

    and wrote in three different languages. They wrote on hundreds of controversial subjects

    yet they wrote with agreement and harmony. They wrote in dungeons, in temples, on

    beaches, and on hillsides, during peacetime and during war. Yet their words sound like they

    came from the same source. So even though 10 people today couldnt write on one

    controversial subject and agree, God picked 40 different people to write the Bible - and it

    stands the test of time.

    History confirms the Bible over and over again, here just one example that show who put

    Christ to death,

    "The persons commonly called Christians ... Christus, the founder of thename, was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea for the reignof Tiberius..." Cornelius Tacitus, Roman historian, 112 A.D.

    Watch the lecture... discoveries today show the Bible TRUE.

    AND GODs Challenge?

    Only the Bible has REAL PROPHECY!!! Predicting the Future exactly!!!

    IN this series we will look at this in depth!

    As we will delve in to the Apocalypse, The Book of Revelation!!!

    Come with me on this Amazing Journey!

  • 7/31/2019 #1 Does TRUTH exist? | | Reinhardt Stander | Lecture Notes


    | 1 Does TRUTH exist? | www apokalupsis co za | Authored by Reinhardt Stander Page 12

    Self Study Questions

    Why is Post-modernism not correct in its paradigm about truth?


    Why is Agnostics not correct in their paradigm about truth?


    List 10 Reasons, why Atheism is not correct in its paradigm and why God and

    Truth must exist:

    1. __________________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________________3. __________________________________________________________4. __________________________________________________________5. __________________________________________________________6. __________________________________________________________7. __________________________________________________________8. __________________________________________________________9. __________________________________________________________10.__________________________________________________________

    What is THE argument according to Dawkins everything boils down to? WHO is in



    What is God's Acid Test, whereby you can know what is His Sacred Textcontaining Truth?


    Why is only the Bible the only Sacred Text amongst all others, that contains

    absolute Truth?


    How will we examine the Validity of the Bible? By studying which book?____________________________________________________________________