Exposition Marks Chemical Growth

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Transcript of Exposition Marks Chemical Growth

1914 1955

Exposition Marks Chemical Growth 25th "Si lver" event opens in Phi ladelphia next month wi th more than 5 0 0 exhibits of products and equipment

Featured Exposition events include address of Presidential Assistant Kevin McCann at Phi ladelphia Section dinner a n d ACS lectures

ο Ν MONDAY, Dec. 5, the doors of Philadelphia's spacious Convention Hail will swing open for the 25th Exposi­tion of Chemical Industries with prob­ably the largest array of chemical prod­ucts and equipment ever presented under one roof. I t will continue through Friday.

An address by special assistant to President Eisenhower, Kevin McCann, will highlight the special events spon­sored by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY held in conjunction with the 25th Exposition of Chemical Industries. McCann will be the feature speaker at the Benjamin Franklin Dinner spon­sored by the Philadelphia Section of the ACS. It will be held on Tuesday,

Dec. 6, a t Convention Hall. Another outstanding ACS-sponsored event is the ACS lecture series which will feature a discussion by David E . Pierce on trends in equipment and design and by Ralph H. Miiller on instrumentation in modern chemical process industries.

The Philadelphia Section dinner, first held at t he 24th Exposition of

List of Exhibitors . .

Floor Plan of Exhibits Classified List of Ex­



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Chemical Industries, proved to be such a success that it is being repeated. This year the dinner is named in honor of the great scientist and the philos­opher, Benjamin Franklin, who was born 250 years ago. I t will be the first formal event in a year-long series of activities honoring Franklin. (Use coupon on page 4750 for dinner reser­vations.)

This will b e the "Silver Exposition" in more ways than one. It was around 1930 that the chemical industry began a growth period based on its first big research programs of the 1920's. The Exposition itself, of course, goes back to 1914 which is one of the dark year? in our chemical history. The war had

N O V . 7, 1955 C & E N 4 7 4 7

Programmed and Guide to 25th Expositon of Chemical Industries...

cut off our supplies of organic chemi­cals from nprmany and other European countries leaving us unprepared for the critical days ahead.

Just prior to the first exposition of chemical industries in 1914, the value of the chemical industry's products was $221 million. Today, after 40 years of the most astounding industrial growth ever recorded, that value has been pushed to between $22 and $23 billion annually.

This is the industry which will be on display next month in Philadelphia; the business which is said to have a con­stant growth rate of some 10% per year compared to t h e population increase rate of 1% and the annual rise in gross national product of S7c

Tha t 10% growth figure is often used but as an average it covers u p striking examples of expansion which have taken place in some of the major end-chemical groups. A study made by Stanford Research Institute ( C H E M . & ENG. N E W S , Dec. 20, 1954) shows that from 1935 to 1950 the surface active agents as a group had a growth rate of 34% annually; medicinal chemi­cals 19%; plastics 15%; antiknock chemicals 13%; and fibers 12%.

Over a more recent period, 1952-1955, plastics have grown 14.5%; me-dicinals 12.5%; antiknock agents 9.5%; fibers 9%; surface active agents 7.5%; and organic insecticides 7 .5%.

• Still α Good "Draw." Advance registration for the exposition promises a large attendance. More than 500 ex­hibits will be viewed during the week by visitors from virtually every indus­trial section of the nation, as well as from Canada and other foreign countries.

Kevin McCann— Featured Speaker Special Assistant to President Eisenhower will dinner on Tuesday, Dec. 6


Kevin McCann, 51 -year-old in­dustrial engineer, college president and author of the "Man from Abi­lene" is o n a leave of absence as president of Defiance College, Ohio. During most of the past 1 0 years, McCann lias been intimately asso­ciated with Mr. Eisenhower.

McCann, following a career as in­dustrial engineer and newspaper publisher, enlisted in t h e U. S. Army as a private in 1942. A year later, following Officer's Candidate School, he was commissioned. After service in the U. S . and New Guinea, he was assigned i n April 1945 as assistant to the late Robert P. Patterson, then vJridsrS6CrotS.rv ' Sue! l^hivr Çpi~*TPfà r~v of War. McCann was discharged from the Army in 1948 with the rank of Lt. Col. I n 1946, while in t h e Army, he was assigned to serve under Gen. Eisenhower. When General Eisen­hower assumed the presidency of Columbia University, McCann be­came his assistant and. served him for 3 years. He became a civilian assistant to General Eisenhower when the President was recalled to active dutv to command t h e North

An innovation at the 1953 Chemical Show-, the ACS lecture series on topics

Exposi t ion Lectures (Sponsored by A C S )

Highlights of 1955 in Equipment and Design

D A V I D E. PIERCE, Dîrec+or o f Manufacturing Control , Diamond Alkali C o .

Room 200, Convention H a l ! Monday, Dec. 5, 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, 3:30 p.m.

Recent Trends in Instrumentation For the Chemical Process Industries

RALPH H. MULLER Los Alamos Scientific Labora+ory

Room 200, Convention Ha!! Tuesday, Dec. 6, 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8, 3:30 p.m.

Atlantic Treaty Organizational forces in Europe .

McCann returned t o the campus in 1951 as President of Defiance College. It was at this time that he wrote the "Man from Abilene", the story of General Eisenhower. In Oct. 1953, McCann was granted a leave of absence to serve as consult­ant to Près. Eisenhower, a position he still holds.

of interest to industrial chemists and engineers proved to be so popular, that they are being continued.

A report, "Highlights of 1955 in Equipment and Design," based on his own observations and supplemented by his own industrial survey, will b e given by David E. Pierce. With a back­ground of 37 years of chemical engi­neering experience Pierce's views are considered to be authoritative. His experience includes associations with DuPont, -Atlantic Refining, Rohm and Haas, General Aniline, consulting and writing. He is now associated with Diamond Alkali as director of manu­facturing control. H e also writes a column regularly for Industrial and Engineering Chemistry on equipment and design.

Instrumentation is a science which is developing at a prodigious rate and its techniques find immediate applica­tion in every field of scientific investiga­tion. Modern analysis leans heavily on instrumental methods and may be expected to become influenced to an increasing extent by new instrumental methods.

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