Search results for On the Fundamental Automorphic L-Functions of SO(2n 1) jiang034/Papers/ آ  On the Fundamental Automorphic

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IMRN International Mathematics Research Notices Volume 2006 Article ID 64069 Pages 1–26 On the Fundamental Automorphic L-Functions of SO2n + 1 Dihua Jiang 1 Introduction…

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Automorphic forms and scattering theoryWerner Muller December 5, 2007 Introduction Harmonic analysis on locally symmetric spaces Γ\G/K of finite volume is closely related

Spectral theory of automorphic formsWerner Muller AIM RTNCG – This is what I do, February 8, 2021 Connections with I Representation theory of reductive groups over

1. Introduction 1.1. Suppose X is a compact n-dimensional complex manifold. Each partition I = {i1, i2, . . . , ir} of n corresponds to a Chern number cI(X) = ε(ci1(X)∪ci2(X)∪.

IRREDUCIBILITY OF AUTOMORPHIC GALOIS REPRESENTATIONS OF LOW DIMENSIONS Yuhou Xia A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of Princeton University in Candidacy for the Degree…

Ann Inst Fourier Grenoble 00 0 XXXX 000-000 IRREDUCIBILITY OF AUTOMORPHIC GALOIS REPRESENTATIONS OF GLn n AT MOST 5 by Frank CALEGARI Toby GEE * Abstract — Let π be a…

I Automorphic representations and Galois representations I will be lecturing on joint work in progress with Richard Taylor and in part with Laurent Clozel Our goal is to…

Slide 1 Slide 2 Alcheni Esempi di alcheni di origine naturale Formula molecolare e grado di insaturazione Alcano: C n H 2n+2 Cicloalcano: C n H 2n Alchene: C n H 2n Alchene…

FUNDAMENTAL ANTENA RADAR PSR Antena adalah sebuah Tranduser yang berfungsi merubah Energi Listrik dari Radio Frekuesnsi menjadi Medan Electromagnetic untuk dipancarkan ke…

FUNDAMENTAL ANTENA RADAR PSR Antena adalah sebuah Tranduser yang berfungsi merubah Energi Listrik dari Radio Frekuesnsi menjadi Medan Electromagnetic untuk dipancarkan ke…

Design and Implementation of VLSI Systems Lecture02 Fundamental Impact of doping on silicon resistivity silicon 4.9951022 atoms in cm3 Resistivity 3.2  105 Ωcm 1…

Mecânica Fundamental Conceitos Fundamentais espaço. tempo. sistema de coordenadas. x, y, z. r, θ, φ. z x y r θ φ Partícula ou ponto de massa tem massa mas não extensão…

IUPAP-symposium-miharaOutline • Introduction • CP symmetry • T symmetry • Matter-antimatter balance • Charge conjugation: C • Parity inversion:

Automorphic forms and scattering theory Werner Müller University of Bonn Institute of Mathematics December 5 2007 Introduction Harmonic analysis on locally symmetric spaces…

un i ver s i ty of copenhagen department of mathemat i ca l sc i ence s Faculty of Science A Distribution Result Related to Automorphic Forms Flemming von Essen Department…

SUBCONVEXITY BOUNDS FOR AUTOMORPHIC L–FUNCTIONS A Diaconu and P Garrett Abstract We break the convexity bound in the t–aspect for L–functions attached to cuspforms…

Some number theory associated to automorphic forms on SL2 Vinayak Vatsal April 27 2012 Let F be a number field and π denote automorphic cuspidal representation of PGL2F…

Spectral decomposition of the automorphic spectrum of GSp4 Takuya KONNO [email protected] Graduate School of Math., Kyushu Univ. Spectral decomposition of the automorphic…