STAT 200C: High-dimensional Statisticsarash.amini/teaching/stat200c/notes/200C_slides.pdf · STAT...

STAT 200C: High-dimensional Statistics Arash A. Amini June 4, 2019 1 / 124

Transcript of STAT 200C: High-dimensional Statisticsarash.amini/teaching/stat200c/notes/200C_slides.pdf · STAT...

STAT 200C: High-dimensional Statistics

Arash A. Amini

June 4, 2019

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• Classical case:

• n� d .

• Asymptotic assumption: d is fixed and n→∞.

• Basic tools: LLN and CLT.

• High-dimensional setting:

• n ∼ d , e.g. n/d → γ or

• d � n, e.g. d ∼ en

• e.g. 104 genes with only 50 samples.

• Classical methods fail. E.g.,

• Linear regression y = Xβ + ε, where ε ∼ N(0, σ2In).

βOLS = argminβ∈Rd

‖y − Xβ‖22

We have MSE(βOLS) = O(σ2dn ).

• Solution: Assume some underlying low-dimensional structure (e.g. sparsity).

• Basic tools: Concentration inequalities.

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Table of Contents I1 Concentration inequalities

Sub-Gaussian concentration (Hoeffding inequality)Sub-exponential concentration (Bernstein inequality)Applications of Bernstein inequalityχ2 ConcentrationJohnson-Lindenstrauss embedding`2 norm concentration`∞ norm

Bounded difference inequality (Azuma–Hoeffding)Detour: MartingalesAzuma–HoeffdingBounded difference inequalityConcentration of (bounded) U-statisticsConcentration of clique numbers

Gaussian concentrationχ2 concentration revisitedOrder statistics and singular values

Gaussian chaos (Hanson–Wright inequality)

2 Sparse linear modelsBasis Pursuit

Restricted null space property (RNS)3 / 124

Table of Contents IISufficient conditions for RNS

Pairwise incoherenceRestricted isometry property (RIP)

Noisy sparse regressionRestricted eigenvalue conditionDeviation bounds under RERE for anisotropic designOracle inequality (and `q sparsity)

3 Metric entropyPacking and coveringVolume ratio estimates

4 Random matrices and covariance estimationOp-norm concentration: sub-Gaussian matrices, independent entriesOp-norm concentration: Gaussian caseSub-Gaussian random vectorsOp-norm concentration: sample covariance

5 Structured covariance matricesHard thresholding estimatorApproximate sparsity (`q balls)

6 Matrix concentration inequalities4 / 124

Concentration inequalities

• Main tools in dealing with high-dimensional randomness.

• Non-asymptotic versions of the CLT.

• General form: P(|X − EX | > t) < something small.

• Classical examples: Markov and Chebyshev inequalities:

• Markov: Assume X ≥ 0, then

P(X ≥ t) ≤ EXt.

• Chebyshev: Assume EX 2 <∞, and let µ = EX . Then,

P(|X − µ| ≥ t) ≤ var(X )


• Stronger assumption: E|X |k <∞. Then,

P(|X − µ| ≥ t) ≤ E|X − µ|ktk


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Concentration inequalities

Example 1

• X1, . . . ,Xn ∼ Ber(1/2) and Sn =∑n

i=1 Xi . Then, by CLT

Zn :=Sn − n/2√


d→ N(0, 1).

• Letting g ∼ N(0, 1),

P(Sn ≥





)≈ P(g ≥ t) ≤ 1



• Letting t = α√n,

P(Sn ≥


2(1 + α)





• Problem: Approximation is not tight in general.

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Theorem 1 (Berry–Esseen CLT)

Under the assumption of CLT, with ρ = E|X1 − µ|3/σ3,∣∣P(Zn ≥ t)− P(g ≥ t)∣∣ ≤ ρ√


• Bound is tight since P(Sn = n/2) = 12n



)∼ 1√

n, for Bernoulli exa.

• Conclusion, the approximation error is O(n−1/2) which is a lot larger than

the exponential bound O(e−nα2/2) that we want to establish.

• Solution: Directly obtain the concentration inequalities,

• often using Chernoff bounding technique: for any λ > 0,

P(Zn ≥ t) = P(eλZn ≥ eλt) ≤ EeλZn

eλt, t ∈ R.

• Leads to the study of the MGF of random variables.

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Sub-Gaussian concentration

Definition 1A zero-mean random variable X is sub-Gaussian if for some σ > 0.

EeλX ≤ eσ2λ2/2, for all λ ∈ R. (1)

A general random variable is sub-Gaussian if X − EX is sub-Gaussian.

• X ∼ N(0, σ2) satisfies (1) with equality.

• A Rademacher variable, also called symmetric Bernoulli P(X = ±1) = 12 is


EeλX = cosh(λ) ≤ eλ2/2.

• Any bounded RV is sub-Gaussian: X ∈ [a, b] a.s., then (1) with σ = b−a2 .

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Proposition 1

Assume that X is zero-mean sub-Gaussian satisfying (1). Then,

P(X ≥ t) ≤ exp(− t2


), for all t ≥ 0.

Same bound holds with X replaced with −X .

• Proof: Chernoff bound

P(X ≥ t) ≤ infλ>0


]= infλ>0

exp(−λt +




• Union bound gives two-sided bound: P(|X | ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp(− t2

2σ2 ).

• What if µ := EX 6= 0? Apply to X − µ,

P(|X − µ| ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp(− t2



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Proposition 2

Assume that {Xi} are

• independent, zero-mean sub-Gaussian with parameters {σi}.Then, Sn =

∑i Xi is sub-Gaussian with parameter σ :=

√∑i σ

2i .

• Sub-Gaussian parameter squared behaves like the variance.

• Proof: EeλSn =∏

i EeλXi .

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Theorem 2 (Hoeffding)

Assume that {Xi} are

• independent, zero-mean sub-Gaussian with parameters {σi}.Then, letting σ2 :=

∑i σ

2i ,



Xi ≥ t)≤ exp

(− t2


), t ≥ 0.

Same bound holds with Xi replaced with −Xi .

• Alternative form, assume there are n variables, and

• let σ2 := 1n

∑ni=1 σ

2i , and Xn := 1


∑ni=1 Xi . Then,

P(Xn ≥ t

)≤ exp

(− nt2


), t ≥ 0.

• Example: Xiiid∼Rad so that σ = σi = 1.

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Equivalent characterizations of sub-Gaussianity

For a RV X , the following are equivalent: (HDP, Prop. 2.5.2)

1. The tails of X satisfy

P(|X | ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp(−t2/K 21 ), for all t ≥ 0.

2. The moments of X satisfy

‖X‖p = (E|X |p)1/p ≤ K2√p, for all p ≥ 1.

3. The MGF of X 2 satisfies

E exp(λX 2) ≤ exp(K 23λ

2), for all |λ| ≤ 1


4. The MGF of X 2 is bounded at some point,

E exp(X 2/K 24 ) ≤ 2.

Assuming EX = 0, the above are equivalent to: 5. The MGF of X satisfies

E exp(λX ) ≤ exp(K 25λ

2), for all λ ∈ R.

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Sub-Gaussian norm

• The sub-Gaussian norm is the smallest K4 in property 4, i.e.,

‖X‖ψ2 = inf{t > 0 : E exp(X 2/t2) ≤ 2


• X is sub-Gaussian iff ‖X‖ψ2 <∞.

• ‖ · ‖ψ2 is a proper norm on the space of sub-Gaussian RVs.

• Every sub-Gaussian variable satisfies the following bounds:

P(|X | ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp(−ct2/‖X‖2ψ2

), for all t ≥ 0.

‖X‖p ≤ C‖X‖ψ2

√p, for all p ≥ 1.

E exp(X 2/‖X‖2ψ2

) ≤ 2

When EX = 0, E exp(λX ) ≤ exp(Cλ2‖X‖2ψ2

) for all λ ∈ R.

for some universal constant C , c > 0.

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Some consequences

• Recall what a universal/numerical/absolute constant means.

• Sub-Gaussian norm is within a constant factor of the sub-Gaussianparameter σ: for numerical constant c1, c2 > 0,

c1‖X‖ψ2 ≤ σ(X ) ≤ c2‖X‖ψ2 .

• Easy to see that ‖X‖ψ2 . ‖X‖∞. (Bounded variables are sub-Gaussian)

• a . b means a ≤ Cb for some universal constant C .

Lemma 1 (Centering)

If X is sub-Gaussian, then X − EX is sub-Gaussian too and

‖X − EX‖ψ2 ≤ C‖X‖ψ2

where C is a universal constant.

• Proof: ‖EX‖ψ2 . |EX | ≤ E|X | = ‖X‖1 . ‖X‖ψ2 .

• Note: ‖X − EX‖ψ2 could be much smaller than ‖X‖ψ2 .

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Alternative forms

• Alternative form of Proposition 2:

Proposition 3 (HDP 2.6.1)

Assume that {Xi} are

• independent, zero-mean sub-Gaussian RVs.


i Xi is also sub-Gaussian and


Xi‖2ψ2≤ C



where C is an absolute constant.

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• Alternative form of Theorem 2:

Theorem 3 (Hoeffding)

Assume that {Xi} are independent, zero-mean sub-Gaussian RVs. Then,




∣∣∣ ≥ t)≤ 2 exp

(− c t2∑

i ‖Xi‖ψ2

), t ≥ 0.

• c > 0 is some universal constant.

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Sub-exponential concentration

Definition 2A zero-mean random variable X is sub-exponential if for some ν, α > 0.

EeλX ≤ eν2λ2/2, for all |λ| < 1

α. (2)

A general random variable is sub-exponential if X − EX is sub-exponential.

• If Z ∼ N(0, 1), then Z 2 is sub-exponential.

Eeλ(Z 2−1) =


1−2λλ < 1/2

∞ λ > 1/2.

• We have Eeλ(Z 2−1) ≤ e4λ2/2, |λ| < 1/4.

• hence sub-exponential with parameters (2, 4).

• Tails of Z 2 − 1 are heavier than a Gaussian.

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Proposition 4

Assume that X is zero-mean sub-exponential satisfying (2). Then,

P(X ≥ t) ≤ exp(−1


{ t2



}), for all t ≥ 0.

Same bound holds with X replaced with −X .

• Proof: Chernoff bound

P(X ≥ t) ≤ infλ≥0


]≤ inf

0≤λ< 1α

exp(−λt +




• Let f (λ) = −λt + λ2ν2/2.

• Minimizer of f over R is λ = t/ν2.

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• Hence minimizer of f over [0, 1/α] is

λ∗ =

{t/ν2 t/ν2 < 1/α

1/α t/ν2 ≥ 1/α.

and the minimum is

f (λ∗) =

− t2

2ν2t < ν2/α

− t



2α2≤ − t

2αt ≥ ν2/α


• Thus,

f (λ∗) ≤ max{− t2

2ν2,− t

}= −1


{ t2




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Bernstein inequality for sub-exponential RVs

Theorem 4 (Bernstein)

Assume that {Xi} are independent, zero-mean sub-exponential RVs with

parameters (νi , αi ). Let ν :=(∑

i ν2i

)1/2and α := maxi αi .


i Xi is sub-exponential with parameters (ν, α), and



Xi ≥ t)≤ exp



{ t2




• Proof: We have

EeλXi ≤ eλ2ν2

i /2, for all |λ| < 1

maxi αi.

• Let Sn =∑

i Xi . By independence

EeλSn =∏i

EeλXi ≤ eλ2 ∑

i ν2i /2, for all |λ| < 1

maxi αi.

• The tail bound follows from Proposition 4.20 / 124

Equivalent characterizations of sub-exponential RVs

For a RV X , the following are equivalent: (HDP, Prop. 2.7.1)

1. The tails of X satisfy

P(|X | ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp(−t/K1), for all t ≥ 0.

2. The moments of X satisfy

‖X‖p = (E|X |p)1/p ≤ K2p, for all p ≥ 1.

3. The MGF of |X | satisfies

E exp(λ|X |) ≤ exp(K3λ), for all 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1


4. The MGF of |X | is bounded at some point,

E exp(|X |/K4) ≤ 2.

Assuming EX = 0, the above are equivalent to: 5. The MGF of X satisfies

E exp(λX ) ≤ exp(K 25λ

2), for all |λ| ≤ 1


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Equivalent characterizations of sub-Gaussianity

For a RV X , the following are equivalent: (HDP, Prop. 2.5.2)

1. The tails of X satisfy

P(|X | ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp(−t2/K 21 ), for all t ≥ 0.

2. The moments of X satisfy

‖X‖p = (E|X |p)1/p ≤ K2√p, for all p ≥ 1.

3. The MGF of X 2 satisfies

E exp(λX 2) ≤ exp(K 23λ

2), for all |λ| ≤ 1


4. The MGF of X 2 is bounded at some point,

E exp(X 2/K 24 ) ≤ 2.

Assuming EX = 0, the above are equivalent to: 5. The MGF of X satisfies

E exp(λX ) ≤ exp(K 25λ

2), for all λ ∈ R.

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Sub-exponential norm

• The sub-exponential norm is the smallest K4 in property 4, i.e.,

‖X‖ψ1 = inf{t > 0 : E exp(|X |/t) ≤ 2


• X is sub-exponential iff ‖X‖ψ1 <∞.

• ‖ · ‖ψ1 is a proper norm on the space of sub-exponential RVs.

• Every sub-exponential variable satisfies the following bounds:

P(|X | ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp(−ct/‖X‖ψ1 ), for all t ≥ 0.

‖X‖p ≤ C‖X‖ψ1p, for all p ≥ 1.

E exp(|X |/‖X‖ψ1 ) ≤ 2

When EX = 0, E exp(λX ) ≤ exp(Cλ2‖X‖ψ1 ) for all |λ| ≤ 1/‖X‖ψ1 .

for some universal constant C , c > 0.

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Lemma 2

A random variable X is sub-Gaussian if and only if X 2 is sub-exponential, in fact

‖X 2‖ψ1 = ‖X‖2ψ2.

• Proof: Immediate from definition.

Lemma 3If X and Y are sub-Gaussian, then XY is sub-exponential, and

‖XY ‖ψ1 ≤ ‖X‖ψ2‖Y ‖ψ2

• Proof: Assume ‖X‖ψ2 = ‖Y ‖ψ2 = 1, WLOG.

• Apply Young’s inequality ab ≤ (a2 + b2)/2 for all a, b ∈ R, twice

Ee|XY | ≤ Ee(X 2+Y 2)/2 = E[eX2/2eY

2/2] ≤ 1



+ eY2] ≤ 2.

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• Alternative form of Proposition 4:

Theorem 5 (Bernstein)

Assume that {Xi} are independent, zero-mean sub-exponential RVs. Then,




∣∣∣ ≥ t)≤ 2 exp

[−c min

( t2∑i ‖Xi‖2



maxi ‖Xi‖ψ1

)], t ≥ 0.

• c > 0 is some universal constant.

Corollary 1 (Bernstein)

Assume that {Xi} are independent, zero-mean sub-exponential RVs with‖Xi‖ψ1 ≤ K for all i . Then,





∣∣∣ ≥ t)≤ 2 exp

[−c n ·min

( t2

K 2,t


)], t ≥ 0.

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Concentration of χ2 RVs I

Example 2

Let Y ∼ χ2n, i.e., Y =

∑ni=1 Z

2i where Zi

iid∼N(0, 1).

• Z 2i are sub-exponential with parameters (2, 4).

• Then, Y is sub-exponential with parameters (2√n, 4) and we obtain

P(|Y − EY |) ≤ 2 exp[−1


( t2



)]or replacing t with nt




Z 2i − 1

∣∣∣ ≥ t)≤ 2 exp


8nmin(t2, t)

], t ≥ 0.

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Concentration of χ2 RVs II

• In particular,




Z 2i − 1

∣∣∣ ≥ t)≤ 2e−nt

2/8, t ∈ [0, 1].

• Second approach ignoring constants:

• We have ‖Z 2i − 1‖ψ1 ≤ C ′‖Z 2

i ‖ψ1 = C ′‖Zi‖2ψ2

= C .

• Applying Corollary 1 with K = C ′




Z 2i − 1

∣∣∣ ≥ t)≤ 2 exp

[−c n min

( t2

C 2,t



≤ 2 exp[−c2n min(t2, t)

], t ≥ 0

where c2 = c min(1/C 2, 1/C ).

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Random projection for dimension reduction

• Suppose that we have data points {u1, . . . , uN} ⊆ Rd .

• Want to project them down to a lower-dimensional space Rm (m� d)

• such that pairwise distances ‖ui − uj‖ are approximately preserved.

• Can be done by a linear random projection X : Rd → Rm,

• which can be viewed as a random matrix X ∈ Rm×d .

Lemma 4 (Johnson-Lindenstrauss embedding)

Let X := 1√mZ ∈ Rm×d where Z has iid N(0, 1) entries. Consider any collection

of points {u1, . . . , uN} ⊆ Rd . Take ε, δ ∈ (0, 1) and assume that

m ≥ 16

δ2log( N√



Then with probability at least 1− ε,

(1− δ)‖ui − uj‖22 ≤ ‖Xui − Xuj‖2

2 ≤ (1 + δ)‖ui − uj‖22, ∀i 6= j

28 / 124


• Fix u ∈ Rd and let

Y :=‖Zu‖2




〈zi ,u


where zTi is the ith row of Z .

• Then, Y ∼ χ2m.

• Recalling X = Z/√m, for all δ ∈ (0, 1),




− 1∣∣∣ ≥ δ) = P

(∣∣∣Ym− 1∣∣∣ ≥ δ) ≤ 2e−mδ


• Applying to u = ui − uj , for any fixed pair (i , j), we have

P(∣∣∣‖X (ui − uj)‖2


‖ui − uj‖22

− 1∣∣∣ ≥ δ) ≤ 2e−mδ


29 / 124

• Apply a further union bound for all pairs i 6= j

P(∣∣∣‖X (ui − uj)‖2


‖ui − uj‖22

− 1∣∣∣ ≥ δ, for some i 6= j

)≤ 2





• Since 2(N2

)≤ N2, the result follows by solving the following for m

N2e−mδ2/8 ≤ ε.

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`2 norm of sub-Gaussian vectors• Here ‖X‖2 =

√∑ni=1 X

2i .

Proposition 5 (Concenration of norm, HDP 3.1.1)

Let X = (X1, . . . ,Xn) ∈ Rn be a random vector with independent, sub-Gaussiancoordinates Xi that satisfy EX 2

i = 1. Then,

‖ ‖X‖2 −√n ‖ψ2 ≤ CK 2

where K = maxi ‖Xi‖ψ2 and C is an absolute constant.

• The result says that the norm is highly concentration around√n:

‖X‖2 ≈√n

in high dimensions (n large).

• Assuming K = O(1), it shows that w.h.p. ‖X‖2 =√n + O(1).

• More precisely, w.p. ≥ 1− e−c1t2

, we have√n − K 2t ≤ ‖X‖2 ≤

√n + K 2t

31 / 124

• Simple argument:

E‖X‖22 = n

var(‖X‖22) = n var(X 2

1 )

sd(‖X‖22) =

√n sd(X 2

1 )

• Assuming sd(X 21 ) = O(1),

‖X‖2 ≈√n ± O(

√n) =

√n ± O(1).

• The last equality can be shown by Taylor expansion:


1 + t = 1 + O(t), as t → 0. hence√

1 + 1√n

= 1 + O( 1√n


• Side note: Better than√a + b ≤ √a +

√b which holds for any a, b ≥ 0.

• That is, when b = o(a), we have√a + b ≤ √a + O( b√


32 / 124

• Proof of Proposition 5: Argue that we can take K ≥ 1.

• Since Xi is sub-Gaussian, X 2i is sub-exponential and

‖X 2i − 1‖ψ1 ≤ C‖X 2

i ‖ψ1 = C‖Xi‖2ψ2≤ CK 2.

• Applying Bernstein’s inequality (Corollary 1), for any u ≥ 0,



n− 1∣∣∣ ≥ u

)≤ 2 exp


K 4min(u2, u)


where we used K 4 ≥ K 2 and absorbed C into c1.

• Using the inequality |z − 1| ≥ δ =⇒ |z2 − 1| ≥ max(δ, δ2), ∀z ,


n− 1∣∣∣ ≥ δ) ≤ P


n− 1∣∣∣ ≥ max(δ, δ2)

)≤ 2 exp


K 4δ2).

• f (u) = min(u2, u) and g(δ) = max(δ, δ2), then f (g(δ)) = δ2 for all δ ≥ 0.

• Change of variable δ = t/√n gives the result.

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`∞ norm of sub-Gaussian vectors

• For any vector X ∈ Rn, the `∞ norm is:

‖X‖∞ = maxi=1,...,n

|Xi |.

Lemma 5

Let X = (X1, . . . ,Xn) ∈ Rn be a random vector with zero-mean, sub-Gaussiancoordinates Xi with parameter σi . Then, for any γ ≥ 0,

P(‖X‖∞ ≥ σ

√2(1 + γ) log n

)≤ 2n−γ

where σ = maxi σi .

• Proof: We have P(|Xi | ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp(−t2/2σ2), hence

P(maxi|Xi | ≥ t) ≤ 2n exp

(− t2


)= 2n−γ

taking t =√

2σ2(1 + γ) log n.

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Theorem 6

Assume {Xi}ni=1 are zero-mean RVs, sub-Gaussian with parameter σ. Then,

E[ maxi=1,...,n

Xi ] ≤√

2σ2 log n, ∀n ≥ 1.

• Proof of Theorem 6:

• Apply Jensen’s inequality to eλZ where Z = maxi Xi .

• Note that we always have (for any λ ∈ R)

eλmaxi Xi ≤∑i

eλXi .

• Exercise: complete the proof (by optimizing over λ).

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Detour: Martingales

• A filteration {Fk}k≥1 is a nested sequence of σ-fields: F1 ⊂ F2 ⊂ · · · .• A sequence of random variables Y1,Y2, . . . .

• The pair ({Yk}, {Fk}) is a martingale if

• {Yk}k≥1 is adapted to {Fk}k≥1, i.e., Yk ∈ Fk for all k ≥ 1,

• E|Yk | <∞,

• E[Yk+1 | Fk ] = Yk . for all k ≥ 1.

• Often Fk = σ(X1,X2, . . . ), in which case we say {Yk} is a martingale, w.r.t.{Xk}. The key condition in this case is

E[Yk+1 | Xk , . . . ,X1] = Yk .

• One of the most general dependence structures in probability.

• Allow relaxing independence assumptions in classical limit theorems.

• {Yk} could be a martingale w.r.t. itself; then it is just called a martingale.

• We have a supermartingle if Yk ≥ E[Yk+1 | Fk ].

• An L1 bounded supermartingle (supk E[Y−k ] <∞) converges almost surely.

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Detour: Martingale Examples

• Partial sums Sk :=∑k

j=1 Xj of an iid zero-mean sequence {Xi}.• Partial products Lk :=

∏kj=1 Xj of an iid sequence with E[X1] = 1.

• Likelhood ratio process is an example of the above exponential martingale.

• Doob’s martingale: For any integrable Z (i.e., E|Z | <∞) the following isalways a martingale:

Yk := E[Z | X1, . . . ,Xk ]

• Exercise: verify the martingale property.

37 / 124

Theorem 7 (Azuma–Hoeffding)

Let X = (X1, . . . ,Xn) be a random vector and Z = f (X ). Consider the Doob’smartingale

Yi := Ei [Z ] := E[Z | X1, . . . ,Xi ]

and let ∆i := Yi − Yi−1. Assume that

Ei−1[eλ∆i ] ≤ eσ2i λ

2/2, ∀λ ∈ R (3)

almost surely, for all i = 1, . . . , n.

Then, Z − EZ is sub-Gaussian with parameter σ =√∑n

i=1 σ2i .

• In particular, we have the tail bound

P(|Z − EZ | ≥ t) ≤ 2 exp(− t2



• {∆i} is a martingale difference sequence, i.e., Ei−1[∆i ] = 0.

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Proof• Let Sj :=

∑ji=1 ∆i which is only a function of Xi , i ≤ j .

• Noting that E0[Z ] = E[Z ] and En[Z ] = Z ,

Sn =n∑


∆i = Z − EZ .

• By properties of conditional expectation, and assumption (3),

En−1[eλSn ] = eλSn−1En−1[eλ∆n ] ≤ eλSn−1eσ2nλ


• Taking En−2 of both sides:

En−2[eλSn ] ≤ eσ2nλ

2/2En−2[eλSn−1 ] ≤ eλSn−2e(σ2n+σ2


• Repeating the process, we get

E0[eλSn ] ≤ exp(



σ2i )λ2/2


39 / 124

Bounded difference inequality

• Conditional sub-G. assump. holds under bounded difference property:∣∣f (x1, . . . , xi−1, xi , xi+1, . . . , xn)− f (x1, . . . , xi−1, x′i , xi+1, . . . , xn)

∣∣ ≤ Li(4)

for all x1, . . . , xn, x′i ∈ X , and all i ∈ [n], for some constants (L1, . . . , Ln).

Theorem 8 (Bounded difference)

Assume that X = (X1, . . . ,Xn) has independent coordinates, andassume that f : X n 7→ R satisfies the bounded difference property (4). Then,

P(∣∣f (X )− Ef (X )

∣∣ ≥ t)≤ 2 exp

(− 2t2∑n

i=1 L2i

), t ≥ 0.

40 / 124

Proof (Naive bound)

• Let gi (X1, . . . ,Xi ) := Ei [Z ] and show that gi also has bounded

∆i = Ei [Z ]− Ei−1[Ei [Z ]] = gi (X1, . . . ,Xi )− Ei−1[gi (X1, . . . ,Xi )]

• Let X ′i be an independent copy of Xi .

• Conditioned on X1, . . . ,Xi−1, we are effectively looking at

gi (x1, . . . , xi−1,Xi )− E[gi (x1, . . . , xi−1,X′i )]

due to independence of {X1, . . . ,Xi ,X′i }.

• Thus, |∆i | ≤ Li condition on X1, . . . ,Xi−1.

• That is, Ei−1[eλ∆i ] ≤ eσ2i λ

2/2 where σ2i = (2Li )

2/4 = L2i .

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Proof (Better bound)

• Can show that |∆i | ∈ Ii where |Ii | ≤ Li , improving the constant by 4.

• Conditioned on X1, . . . ,Xi , we are effectively looking at

∆i = gi (x1, . . . , xi−1,Xi )− µi

where µi is a constant (only a function of x1, . . . , xi−1).

• Then, ∆i + µi ∈ [ai , bi ] where

ai = infxgi (x1, . . . , xi−1, x), bi = sup

xgi (x1, . . . , xi−1, x).

• We have (need to argue that gi satisfies bounded difference)

bi − ai = supx,y

[gi (x1, . . . , xi−1, x)− gi (x1, . . . , xi−1, y)

]≤ Li .

• Thus Ei−1[eλ∆i ] ≤ eσ2λ2/2 where σ2

i = (bi − ai )2/4 ≤ L2

i /4.

42 / 124

• The role of independence in the second argument is subtle.

• The only place we used independence is to argue that Ei [Z ] satisfiesbounded difference for all i .

• We argue that Ei [Z ] = gi (X1, . . . ,Xi ), which is where we use independence.

• Then, gi by definition and Jensen satisfies bounded difference.

43 / 124

Example: (Bounded) U-statistics

• g : R2 → R a symmetric function,

• X1, . . . ,Xn and iid sequence,

U :=1(n2

) ∑i<j

g(Xi ,Xj)

is called a U-statistic (of order 2).

• U is not a sum of independent variables, e.g. n = 3 gives

U =1


(g(X1,X2) + g(X1,X3) + g(X2,X3)


but the dependence between terms is relatively weak (made precise shortly).

• For example, g(x , y) = 12 (x − y)2 gives an unbiased estimator of the

variance. (Exercise)

44 / 124

• Assume that g is bounded, i.e. ‖g‖∞ ≤ b, meaning

‖g‖∞ := supx,y|g(x , y)| ≤ b

i.e., |g(x , y)| ≤ b for all x , y ∈ R.

• Writing U = f (X1, . . . ,Xn), we observe that (for fixed k)

|f (x)− f (x\k)| ≤ 1(n2

) ∑i 6=k

|g(xi , xk)− g(xi , x′k)|

≤ (n − 1)2b

n(n − 1)/2=



thus f has bounded differences with parameters Lk = 4b/n.

• Applying Theorem 8

P(|U − EU| ≥ t

)≤ 2e−nt


, t ≥ 0.

45 / 124

Clique number of Erdos-Renyi

• Let G be an undirected graph.on n nodes.

• A clique in G is a complete (induced) sub-graph.

• Clique number of G—denoted as ω(G )—is the size of the largest clique(s).

• For two graphs G and G ′ that differ in at most 1 edge,

|ω(G )− ω(G ′)| ≤ 1.

• Thus E (G ) 7→ ω(G ) has bounded difference property with L = 1.

• Let G be an Erdos-Renyi random graph: Edges are independently drawnwith probability p. Then, with m =



P(|ω(G )− Eω(G )| ≥ δ

)≤ 2e−2δ2/m

or setting ω(G ) = ω(G )/m,

P(|ω(G )− E ω(G )| ≥ δ

)≤ 2e−2mδ2

46 / 124

Lipschitz functions of standard Gaussian vector

• A function f : Rn → R is L-Lipschitz w.r.t. ‖ · ‖2 if

|f (x)− f (y)| ≤ L‖x − y‖2, x , y ∈ Rn

Theorem 9 (Gaussian concentration)

Let X ∼ N(0, In) be a standard Gaussian vector and assume that f : Rn → R isL-Lipschitz w.r.t. the Euclidean norm. Then,

P(∣∣f (X )− E[f (X )]

∣∣ ≥ t)≤ 2 exp

(− t2


), t ≥ 0. (5)

• In other words, f (X ) is sub-Gaussian with parameter L.

• Deep result, no easy proof!

• Has far-reaching consequences.

• One-sided bounds holds with prefactor 2 removed.

47 / 124

Example: χ2 and norm concentrations revisited• Let X ∼ N(0, In) and condition the function f (x) = ‖x‖2/


• f is L-Lipschitz with L = 1/√n. Hence,


n− E‖X‖2√

n≥ t)≤ e−nt

2/2, t ≥ 0

• Since E‖X‖2 ≤√n (why?), we have


n− 1 ≥ t

)≤ e−n t2/2, t ≥ 0.

• For t ∈ [0, 1], (1 + t)2 ≤ 1 + 3t, hence



n− 1 ≥ 3t

)≤ e−n t2/2, t ∈ [0, 1].

or setting 3t = δ,



n− 1 ≥ δ

)≤ e−n δ

2/18, δ ∈ [0, 3].

48 / 124

Example: order statistics

• Let X ∼ N(0, In), and

• let f (x) = x(k) be the kth order statistic: For x ∈ Rn,

x(1) ≤ x(2) ≤ · · · ≤ x(n)

• For any x , y ∈ Rn, we have

|x(k) − y(k)| ≤ ‖x − y‖2

hence f is 1-Lipschitz. (Exercise)

• It follows that

P(|X(k) − EX(k)| ≥ t

)≤ 2e−t

2/2, t ≥ 0

• In particular, if Xiiid∼N(0, 1), i = 1, . . . , n, then

P(∣∣∣ max

i=1,...,nXn − E[ max

i=1,...,nXn]∣∣∣ ≥ t

)≤ 2e−t

2/2, t ≥ 0

49 / 124

Example: Singular values

• Consider a matrix X ∈ Rn×d where n > d .

• Let σ1(X ) ≥ σ2(X ) ≥ · · · ≥ σk(X ) be (ordered) singular values of X .

• By Weyl’s theorem, for any X ,Y ∈ Rn×d :

|σk(X )− σk(Y )| ≤ |||X − Y |||op ≤ |||X − Y |||F

(Note that this is a generalization of order-statistics inequality.)

• Thus, X 7→ σk(X ) is 1-Lipschitz:

Proposition 6

Let X ∈ Rn×d be a random matrix with iid N(0, 1) entries. Then,

P(∣∣σk(X )− E[σk(X )]

∣∣ ≥ δ) ≤ 2e−δ2/2, δ ≥ 0

• It remains to characterize E[σk(X )].

• For an overview of matrix norms, see matrix norms.pdf

50 / 124

Table of Contents I1 Concentration inequalities

Sub-Gaussian concentration (Hoeffding inequality)Sub-exponential concentration (Bernstein inequality)Applications of Bernstein inequalityχ2 ConcentrationJohnson-Lindenstrauss embedding`2 norm concentration`∞ norm

Bounded difference inequality (Azuma–Hoeffding)Detour: MartingalesAzuma–HoeffdingBounded difference inequalityConcentration of (bounded) U-statisticsConcentration of clique numbers

Gaussian concentrationχ2 concentration revisitedOrder statistics and singular values

Gaussian chaos (Hanson–Wright inequality)

2 Sparse linear modelsBasis Pursuit

Restricted null space property (RNS)51 / 124

Table of Contents IISufficient conditions for RNS

Pairwise incoherenceRestricted isometry property (RIP)

Noisy sparse regressionRestricted eigenvalue conditionDeviation bounds under RERE for anisotropic designOracle inequality (and `q sparsity)

3 Metric entropyPacking and coveringVolume ratio estimates

4 Random matrices and covariance estimationOp-norm concentration: sub-Gaussian matrices, independent entriesOp-norm concentration: Gaussian caseSub-Gaussian random vectorsOp-norm concentration: sample covariance

5 Structured covariance matricesHard thresholding estimatorApproximate sparsity (`q balls)

6 Matrix concentration inequalities52 / 124

Linear regression setup

• The data is (y ,X ) where y ∈ Rn and X ∈ Rn×d , and the model

y = Xθ∗ + w .

• θ∗ ∈ Rd is an unknown parameter.

• w ∈ Rn is the vector of noise variables.

• Equivalently,yi = 〈θ∗, xi 〉+ wi , i = 1, . . . , n

where xi ∈ Rd is the nth row of X :

X =

− xT

1 −− xT

2 −...

− xTn −

︸ ︷︷ ︸


• Recall 〈θ∗, xi 〉 =∑d

j=1 θ∗j xij .

53 / 124

Sparsity models

• When n < d , no hope of estimating θ∗,

• unless we impose some sort of of low-dimensional model on θ∗.

• Support of θ∗ (recall [d ] = {1, . . . , d}):

supp(θ∗) := S(θ∗) ={j ∈ [d ] : θ∗j 6= 0


• Hard sparsity assumption: s = |S(θ∗)| � d .

• Weaker sparsity assumption via `q balls for q ∈ [0, 1]

Bq(Rq) ={θ ∈ Rd :


|θj |q ≤ Rq


• q = gives `1 ball.

• q = 0 the `0 ball, same as hard sparsity:

‖θ∗‖0 := |S(θ∗)| = #{j ; θ∗j 6= 0

}54 / 124

(from HDS book)

55 / 124

Basis pursuit

• Consider the noiseless case y = Xθ∗.

• We assume that ‖θ∗‖0 is small.

• Ideal program to solve:


‖θ‖0 subject to y = Xθ

• ‖ · ‖0 is highly non-convex, relax to ‖ · ‖1:


‖θ‖1 subject to y = Xθ (6)

This is called basis pursuit (regression).

• (6) is a convex program.

• In fact, can be written as a linear program1.

• Global solutions can be obtained very efficiently.

1Exercise: Introduce auxiliary variables sj ∈ R and note that minimizing∑

j sj subject to

|θj | ≤ sj gives the `1 norm of θ.56 / 124

Restricted null space property (RNS)

• Define

C(S) = {∆ ∈ Rd : ‖∆Sc‖1 ≤ ‖∆S‖1}. (7)

Theorem 10The following two are equivalent:

• For any θ∗ ∈ Rd with support ⊆ S , the basis pursuit program (6) applied to

the data (y = Xθ∗,X ) has unique solution θ = θ∗.

• The restricted null space (RNS) property holds, i.e.,

C(S) ∩ ker(X ) = {0}. (8)

57 / 124


• Consider the tangent cone to the `1 ball (of radius ‖θ∗‖1) at θ∗:

T(θ∗) = {∆ ∈ Rd : ‖θ∗ + t∆‖1 ≤ ‖θ∗‖1, for some t > 0.}

i.e., the set of descent directions for `1 norm at point θ∗.

• Feasible set is θ∗ + ker(X ), i.e.

• ker(X ) is the set of feasible directions ∆ = θ − θ∗.• Hence, there is a minimizer other than θ∗ if and only if

T(θ∗) ∩ ker(X ) 6= {0} (9)

• It is enough to show that

C(S) =⋃

θ∗∈Rd : supp(θ∗)⊆ST(θ∗).

58 / 124







d = 2, [d ] = {1, 2}, S = {2}, θ∗(1)

= (0, 1), θ∗(2)

= (0,−1).

C(S) = {(∆1,∆2) : |∆1| ≤ |∆2|}.

59 / 124

• It is enough to show that

C(S) =⋃

θ∗∈Rd : supp(θ∗)⊆ST(θ∗) (10)

• We have ∆ ∈ T1(θ∗) iff2

‖∆Sc‖1 ≤ ‖θ∗S‖1 − ‖θ∗S + ∆S‖1

• We have ∆ ∈ T1(θ∗) for some θ∗ ∈ Rd s.t. supp(θ∗) ⊂ S iff

‖∆Sc‖1 ≤ supθ∗S∈Rd

[‖θ∗S‖1 − ‖θ∗S + ∆S‖1

]= ‖∆S‖1

2Let T1(θ∗) be the subset of T(θ∗) where t = 1, and argue that w.l.o.g. we can work thissubset.

60 / 124

Sufficient conditions for restricted nullspace• [d ] := {1, . . . , d}• For a matrix X ∈ Rd , let Xj be its jth column (for j ∈ [d ]).

• The pairwise incoherence of X is defined as

δPW(X ) := maxi, j∈[d ]

∣∣∣ 〈Xi ,Xj〉n

− 1{i = j}∣∣∣

• Alternative form: XTX is the Gram matrix of X ,

• (XTX )ij = 〈Xi ,Xj〉.

δPW(X ) := ‖XTX

n− Ip‖∞

where ‖ · ‖∞ is the vector `∞ norm of the matrix.

Proposition 7 (HDS Prop. 7.1)

(Uniform) restricted nullspace holds for all S with |S | ≤ s if

δPW(X ) ≤ 1


• Proof: Exercise 7.3.61 / 124

Restricted isometry property (RIP)

• A more relaxed condition:

Definition 3 (RIP)

X ∈ Rn×d satisfies a restricted isometry property (RIP) of order s with constantδs(X ) > 0 if


n− I |||op ≤ δs(X ), for all S with |S | ≤ s

• PW incoherence is close to RIP with s = 2;

• for example, when ‖Xj/√n‖2 = 1 for all j , we have

δ2(X ) = δPW(X ).

• In general, for any s ≥ 2, (Exercise 7.4)

δPW(X ) ≤ δs(X ) ≤ s δPW(X ).

62 / 124

Definition (RIP)

X ∈ Rn×d satisfies a restricted isometry property (RIP) of order s with constantδs(X ) > 0 if


n− I |||op ≤ δs(X ), for all S with |S | ≤ s

• Let xTi be the i th row of X . Consider the sample covariance matrix:

Σ :=1

nXTX =




xixTi ∈ Rd×d .

• Then ΣSS = 1nX

TS XS , hence, RIP is

|||ΣSS − I |||op ≤ δ < 1

i.e., ΣSS ≈ Is . More precisely,

(1− δ)‖u‖2 ≤ ‖ΣSSu‖2 ≤ (1 + δ)‖u‖2, ∀u ∈ Rs

63 / 124

• RIP gives sufficient conditions:

Proposition 8 (HDS Prop. 7.2)

(Uniform) restricted null space holds for all S with |S | ≤ s if

δ2s(X ) ≤ 1


• Consider a sub-Gaussian matrix X with i.i.d. entries and EXij = 0 andEX 2

ij = 1 (Exercise 7.7):

• We have

n & s2 log d =⇒ δPW(X ) <1

3s, w.h.p.

n & s log(eds

)=⇒ δ2s <


3, w.h.p.

• Sample complexity requirement for RIP is milder.

64 / 124

Neither RIP or PWI is necessary

• For more general covariance Σ, it is harder to satisfy either PWI or RIP.

• Consider X ∈ Rn×d with i.i.d. rows Xi ∼ N(0,Σ).

• Letting 1 ∈ Rd be the all-ones vector, and

Σ := (1− µ)Id + µ11T

for µ ∈ [0, 1). (A spiked covariance matrix.)

• We have γmax(ΣSS) = 1 + µ(s − 1)→∞ as s →∞.

• Exercise 7.8,

(a) PW is violated w.h.p. unless µ� 1/s.

(b) RIP is violated w.h.p. unless µ� 1/√s.

In fact δ2s grows like µ√s for any fixed µ ∈ (0, 1).

• However, for any µ ∈ [0, 1), basis pursuit succeeds w.h.p. if

n & s log(eds


(A later result shows this.)

65 / 124

Noisy sparse regression

• A very popular estimator is the `1-regularized least-squares:

θ ∈ argminθ∈Rd

[ 1

2n‖y − Xθ‖2

2 + λ‖θ‖1


• The idea: minimizing `1 norm leads to sparse solutions.

• (11) is a convex program; global solution can be obtained efficiently.

• Other options: constrained form of lasso



2n‖y − Xθ‖2

2. (12)

66 / 124

Restricted eigenvalue condition

• For a constant α ≥ 1,

Cα(S) :={

∆ ∈ Rd | ‖∆Sc‖1 ≤ α‖∆S‖1


• A strengthening of RNS is:

Definition 4 (RE condition)

A matrix X satisfies the restricted eigenvalue (RE) condition over S withparameters (κ, α) if



2 ≥ κ‖∆‖22 for all ∆ ∈ Cα(S).

• RNS corresponds to



2 > 0 for all ∆ ∈ C1(S) \ {0}.

67 / 124

Deviation bounds under RE

Theorem 11 (Deterministic deviations)

Assume that y = Xθ∗ + w , where X ∈ Rn×d and θ∗ ∈ Rd , and

• θ∗ is supported on S ⊂ [d ] with |S | ≤ s

• X satisfies RE(κ, 3) over S .

Let us define z = XTwn . Then, we have the following:

(a) Any solution of Lasso (11) with λ ≥ 2‖z‖∞ satisfies

‖θ − θ∗‖2 ≤3


√s λ

(b) Any solution of constrained Lasso (12) with R = ‖θ∗‖1 satisfies

‖θ − θ∗‖2 ≤4



68 / 124

Example (fixed design regression)• Assume y = Xθ∗ + w where w ∼ N(0, σ2In), and

• X ∈ Rn×d fixed and satisfying RE condition and normalization


‖Xj‖√n≤ C .

where Xj is the jth column of X .

• Recall z = XTw/n.

• It is easy to show that w.p. ≥ 1− 2e−nδ2/2,

‖z‖∞ ≤ Cσ(√2 log d

n+ δ)

• Thus, setting λ = 2Cσ(√

2 log dn + δ

), Lasso solution satisfies

‖θ − θ∗‖2 ≤6Cσ


√s(√2 log d

n+ δ)

w.p. at least 1− 2e−nδ2/2.

69 / 124

• Taking δ =√

2 log /n, we have

‖θ − θ∗‖2 . σ

√s log d


w.h.p. (i.e., ≥ 1− 2d−1).

• This is the typical high-dimensional scaling in sparse problems.

• Had we known the support S in advance, our rate would be (w.h.p.)

‖θ − θ∗‖2 . σ



• The log d factor is the price for not knowing the support;

• roughly the price for searching over(ds

)≤ d s collection of candidate


70 / 124

Proof of Theorem 11• Let us simplify the loss L(θ) := 1

2n‖Xθ − y‖2.

• Setting ∆ = θ − θ∗,

L(θ) =1

2n‖X (θ − θ∗)− w‖2


2n‖X∆− w‖2


2n‖X∆‖2 − 1

n〈X∆,w〉+ const.


2n‖X∆‖2 − 1

n〈∆,XTw〉+ const.


2n‖X∆‖2 − 〈∆, z〉+ const.

where z = XTw/n. Hence,

L(θ)− L(θ∗) =1

2n‖X∆‖2 − 〈∆, z〉. (13)

• Exercise: Show that (13) is the Taylor expansion of L around θ∗.

71 / 124

Proof (constrained version)• By optimality of θ and feasibility of θ∗:

L(θ) ≤ L(θ∗)

• Error vector ∆ := θ − θ∗ satisfies basic inequality


2n‖X ∆‖2

2 ≤ 〈z , ∆〉.

• Using Holder inequality


2n‖X ∆‖2

2 ≤ ‖z‖∞‖∆‖1.

• Since ‖θ‖1 ≤ ‖θ∗‖1, we have ∆ = θ − θ∗ ∈ C1(S), hence

‖∆‖1 = ‖∆S‖1 + ‖∆Sc‖1 ≤ 2‖∆S‖1 ≤ 2√s‖∆‖2.

• Combined with RE condition (∆ ∈ C3(S) as well)



2 ≤ 2√s‖z‖∞‖∆‖2.

which gives the desired result.72 / 124

Proof (Lagrangian version)• Let L(θ) := L(θ) + λ‖θ‖1 be the regularized loss.

• Basic inequality is

L(θ) + λ‖θ‖1 ≤ L(θ∗) + λ‖θ∗‖1

• Rearranging1

2n‖X ∆‖2

2 ≤ 〈z , ∆〉+ λ(‖θ∗‖1 − ‖θ‖1)

• We have

‖θ∗‖1 − ‖θ‖1 = ‖θ∗S‖1 − ‖θ∗S + ∆S‖1 − ‖∆Sc‖1

≤ ‖∆S‖1 − ‖∆Sc‖1

• Since λ ≥ 2‖z‖∞,


n‖X ∆‖2

2 ≤ λ‖∆‖1 + 2λ(‖∆S‖1 − ‖∆Sc‖1)

≤ λ( 3‖∆S‖1 − ‖∆Sc‖1 )

• It follows that ∆ ∈ C3(S) and the rest of the proof follows.73 / 124

RE condition for anisotropic design• For a PSD matrix Σ, let

ρ2(Σ) = maxi

Σii .

Theorem 12

Let X ∈ Rn×d with rows i.i.d. from N(0,Σ). Then, there exist universalconstants c1 < 1 < c2 such that


n≥ c1‖


2 − c2 ρ2(Σ)

log d


1, for all θ ∈ Rd (14)

withe probability at least 1− e−n/32/(1− e−n/32).

• Exercise 7.11: (14) implies RE condition over C3(S) uniformly over allsubsets of cardinality

|S | ≤ c1





log d

• In other words, n & s log d =⇒ RE condition over C3(S) for all |S | ≤ s.74 / 124


• Note that E‖Xθ‖22

n = ‖√


• Bound (14) says that ‖Xθ‖22/n is lower-bounded by a multiple of its

expectation minus a slack ∝ ‖θ‖21.

• Why the slack is needed?

• In the high-dimensional setting ‖Xθ‖2 = 0 for any θ ∈ ker(X ), while‖√

Σθ‖2 > 0 for any θ 6= 0 assuming Σ is non-singular.

• In fact, ‖√

Σθ‖2 is uniformly bounded below in that case:


Σθ‖22 ≥ γmin(Σ)‖θ‖2


showing that the population level version of X/n, that is,√

Σ, satisfies RE,and in fact global eigenvalue condition.

• (14) gives a nontrivial/good lower bound for θ for which ‖θ‖1 is smallcompared to ‖θ‖2, i.e., sparse vectors.

• Recall that if θ is s-sparse, then ‖θ‖1 ≤√s‖θ‖2,

• while for general θ ∈ Rd , we have ‖θ‖1 ≤√d‖θ‖2.

75 / 124


• Toeplitz family: Σij = ν|i−j|,

ρ2(Σ) = 1, γmin(Σ) ≥ (1− ν)2 > 0

• Spiked model: Σ := (1− µ)Id + µ11T ,

ρ2(Σ) = 1, γmin(Σ) = 1− µ

• For future applications, note that (14) implies


n≥ α1‖θ‖2

2 − α2‖θ‖21, ∀θ ∈ Rd .

where α1 = c1γmin(Σ) and α2 = c2ρ2(Σ)

log d


76 / 124

Lasso oracle inequality

• For simplicity, let κ = γmin(Σ) and ρ2 = ρ2(Σ) = maxi Σii

Theorem 13

Under condition (14), consider the Lagrangian Lasso with regularizationparameter λ ≥ 2‖z‖∞ where z = XTw/n. For any θ∗ ∈ Rd , any optimal

solution θ satisfies the bound

‖θ − θ∗‖22 ≤




κ2|S |︸ ︷︷ ︸

Estimation error




κ‖θ∗Sc‖1 +





log d


1︸ ︷︷ ︸ApproximationError


valid for any subset S with cardinality

|S | ≤ c1





log d.

77 / 124

• Simplifying the bound

‖θ − θ∗‖22 ≤ κ1 λ

2|S |+ κ2 λ‖θ∗Sc‖1 + κ3log d



where κ1, κ2, κ3 are constant dependent on Σ.

• Assume σ = 1 (noise variance) for simplicity.

• Since we ‖z‖∞ .√

log d/n w.h.p., we can take λ of this order:

‖θ − θ∗‖22 .

log d

n|S |+

√log d

n‖θ∗Sc‖1 +

log d



• Optimizing the bound

‖θ − θ∗‖22 . inf

|S|. nlog d

[log d

n|S |+

√log d

n‖θ∗Sc‖1 +

log d




• An oracle that knows θ∗ can choose the optimal S .

78 / 124

Example: `q-ball sparsity

• Assume that θ∗ ∈ Bq, i.e.,∑d

j=1 |θ∗j |q ≤ 1, for some q ∈ [0, 1].

• Then, assuming σ2 = 1, we have the rate (Exercise 7.12)

‖θ − θ∗‖22 .

( log d





• Trick: take S = {i : |θ∗i | > τ} and find a good threshold τ later.

• Show that ‖θ∗Sc‖1 ≤ τ 1−q and |S | ≤ τ−q.

• The bound would be of the form (ε :=√

log d/n)

ε2τ−q + ετ 1−q + (ετ 1−q)2.

• Ignore the last term (assuming ετ 1−q ≤ 1, it is not dominant),

79 / 124

Proof of Theorem 13 (Compact)• Basic inequality argument and assumption λ ≥ 2‖z‖∞ gives


n‖X ∆‖2

2 ≤ λ(3‖∆S‖1 − ‖∆Sc‖1 + b).

where b := 2‖θ∗Sc‖1.

• The error satisfies ‖∆Sc‖1 ≤ 3‖∆S‖1 + b,

• ‖∆‖21 ≤ 32 s ‖∆‖2

2 + 2b2 (∆ behaves almost like an s-sparse vector.)

• Bound (14) can be written as (α1, α2 > 0)



2 ≥ α1‖∆‖22 − α2‖∆‖2

1, ∀∆ ∈ Rd .

• Combining, rearranging, dropping, etc., we get

(α1 − 32α2)‖∆‖22 ≤ λ(3

√s‖∆‖2 + b) + 2α2b


• Assume α1 − 32α2s ≥ α1/2 > 0 so that the quadratic inequality enforces an

upper bound on ∆.

• Hint: ax2 ≤ bx + c , x ≥ 0 =⇒ x ≤ ba +

√ca =⇒ x2 ≤ 2b2

a2 + 2ca .

80 / 124

Table of Contents I1 Concentration inequalities

Sub-Gaussian concentration (Hoeffding inequality)Sub-exponential concentration (Bernstein inequality)Applications of Bernstein inequalityχ2 ConcentrationJohnson-Lindenstrauss embedding`2 norm concentration`∞ norm

Bounded difference inequality (Azuma–Hoeffding)Detour: MartingalesAzuma–HoeffdingBounded difference inequalityConcentration of (bounded) U-statisticsConcentration of clique numbers

Gaussian concentrationχ2 concentration revisitedOrder statistics and singular values

Gaussian chaos (Hanson–Wright inequality)

2 Sparse linear modelsBasis Pursuit

Restricted null space property (RNS)81 / 124

Table of Contents IISufficient conditions for RNS

Pairwise incoherenceRestricted isometry property (RIP)

Noisy sparse regressionRestricted eigenvalue conditionDeviation bounds under RERE for anisotropic designOracle inequality (and `q sparsity)

3 Metric entropyPacking and coveringVolume ratio estimates

4 Random matrices and covariance estimationOp-norm concentration: sub-Gaussian matrices, independent entriesOp-norm concentration: Gaussian caseSub-Gaussian random vectorsOp-norm concentration: sample covariance

5 Structured covariance matricesHard thresholding estimatorApproximate sparsity (`q balls)

6 Matrix concentration inequalities82 / 124

Metric entropy and related ideas

• Metric entropy ideas allow us to reduce considerations over massive(uncountable) sets, to finite subsets.

• It is a measure of the size of a set; a measure of quantitative measure ofcompactness.

• Totally bounded set in a metric space = can be covered with “finite”number of ε-balls for any ε > 0.

83 / 124

Covering and metric entropy

• How to measure the sizes of sets in metric spaces?

• One idea is based on measures of sets, assuming that there is a suitablemeasure on the space (say Lebesgue measure in Rd).

• A more topological idea: Covering one set with copies of another set.

Definition 5 (Covering number)

An ε-cover or ε-net of a set T w.r.t. a metric ρ is a set

N := {θ1, . . . , θN} ⊂ T

such that∀t ∈ T , ∃θi ∈ N such that ρ(θ, θi ) ≤ ε.

The ε-covering number N(ε;T , ρ) is cardinality of the smallest ε-cover.

• logN(ε;T , ρ) is called the metric entropy of the (metric) space (T , ρ) .

84 / 124

• In normed vector spaces, ρ(x , y) = ‖x − y‖.• Notation B := {θ : ‖θ‖ ≤ 1}.• Ball of radius ε centered at θj is θj + εB.

• N := {θ1, . . . , θN} ⊂ T is an ε-covering iff

T ⊂N⋃j=1

(θj + εB)

i.e., covering T with shifted copies of εB.

85 / 124

86 / 124


Definition 6A ε-packing of a set T w.r.t. a metric ρ is a set

M := {θ1, . . . , θN} ⊂ T

such thatρ(θi , θj) > ε, ∀i 6= j .

The ε-packing number M(ε;T , ρ) is the cardinality of the largest ε-packing.

87 / 124

88 / 124


Example 3 (Covering `∞)

• Take T = [−1, 1] and ρ(θ, θ′) = |θ − θ′|.• Divide [−1, 1] into L = b1/εc+ 1 sub-intervals,

• centered at the points θi = −1 + (2i − 1)ε for i ∈ [L] = {1, . . . , L}.• Easy to verify that θ1, θ2, . . . , θL forms an ε-net of [−1, 1], hence

N(ε; [−1, 1], | · |) ≤ 1

ε+ 1.

• Exercise: Show that this analysis can be extended to coveringB∞ = [−1, 1]d in the `∞ metric

N(ε; [−1, 1]d , ‖ · ‖∞) ≤(

1 +1



89 / 124

Relation between packing and covering

Lemma 6For all ε > 0, the packing and covering numbers are related as follows:

M(2ε;T , ρ) ≤ N(ε;T , ρ) ≤ M(ε;T , ρ).

• Proof: Exercise.(Hint: any maximal packing is automatically a covering of suitable radius.)

90 / 124

Volume ratio estimates

Lemma 7

• Let ‖ · ‖ and ‖ · ‖′ be two norms on Rd with respective unit balls B and B′.• That is, B = {θ ∈ Rd | ‖θ‖ ≤ 1}, and similarly for B′.

Then, ε-covering of B in ‖ · ‖′ satisfies(1


)d vol(B)

vol(B′)≤ N(ε;B, ‖ · ‖′) ≤ M(ε;B, ‖ · ‖′) ≤ vol( 2

ε B+B′)vol(B′)


• Important special case: Covering balls in their own metric: B = B′

d log(1


)≤ logN(ε;B, ‖ · ‖) ≤ d log

(1 +




• Recovers N(ε,Bd∞, ‖ · ‖∞) � d log(1/ε) from Example 3.

• Often care about ε→ 0. N(ε,Bd2 , ‖ · ‖2) ≤ (3/ε)d for ε ≤ 1.

• We also write N2(ε,Bd2 ) := N(ε,Bd

2 , ‖ · ‖2)

91 / 124

Proof of Lemma 7

• Let {θ1, . . . , θN} be an ε-covering of B in ‖ · ‖′. Then

B ⊆N⋃j=1

(θj + εB′)

which gives (by union bound)

vol(B) ≤ N vol(εB′) = Nεd vol(B′)

using translation invariance of the Lebesgue measure.

92 / 124

• For the other direction, let {θ1, . . . , θM} be a maximal ε-packing.

• By maximality, it should also be an ε-covering.

• The balls θi + ε2 B′, i = 1, . . . ,M are disjoint and contained in B+ ε

2 B′.


M vol(ε



vol(θi +


2B′)≤ vol




• Pulling ε/2 out from both sides completes the proof.

93 / 124

Table of Contents I1 Concentration inequalities

Sub-Gaussian concentration (Hoeffding inequality)Sub-exponential concentration (Bernstein inequality)Applications of Bernstein inequalityχ2 ConcentrationJohnson-Lindenstrauss embedding`2 norm concentration`∞ norm

Bounded difference inequality (Azuma–Hoeffding)Detour: MartingalesAzuma–HoeffdingBounded difference inequalityConcentration of (bounded) U-statisticsConcentration of clique numbers

Gaussian concentrationχ2 concentration revisitedOrder statistics and singular values

Gaussian chaos (Hanson–Wright inequality)

2 Sparse linear modelsBasis Pursuit

Restricted null space property (RNS)94 / 124

Table of Contents IISufficient conditions for RNS

Pairwise incoherenceRestricted isometry property (RIP)

Noisy sparse regressionRestricted eigenvalue conditionDeviation bounds under RERE for anisotropic designOracle inequality (and `q sparsity)

3 Metric entropyPacking and coveringVolume ratio estimates

4 Random matrices and covariance estimationOp-norm concentration: sub-Gaussian matrices, independent entriesOp-norm concentration: Gaussian caseSub-Gaussian random vectorsOp-norm concentration: sample covariance

5 Structured covariance matricesHard thresholding estimatorApproximate sparsity (`q balls)

6 Matrix concentration inequalities95 / 124

Operator norm of sub-G matrices

• Now show that A ∈ Rm×n with independent sub-Gaussian entries withmaxij ‖Aij‖ψ2 = O(1) has operator norm |||A|||op .

√m +


• An application of metric entropy ideas via discretization arguments.

Theorem 14 (HDP 4.4.5, p. 85)

• A = (Aij) an m × n matrix

• Aij : independent, zero mean, sub-Gaussian

• maxij ‖Aij‖ψ2 ≤ K .

Then, with prob. ≥ 1− exp(−t2).

|||A|||op ≤ C K (√m +

√n + t)

• Will use a discretization argument, using ε-nets (metric entropy ideas).

• For a deterministic matrix with Aij ∈ [−K ,K ], |||A|||op can be as large asK√mn. Consider A = K1m1T

n where 1m is the all-ones vector in Rm.

96 / 124

Discretization argument

• Recall that the operator norm of A ∈ Rm,n is

|||A|||op = supx ∈Bn


‖Ax‖2 = supx ∈ Sn−1

‖Ax‖2 = supx,y∈Sn−1

〈Ax , y〉

where Bn2 = {x ∈ Rn : ‖x‖2 ≤ 1} and Sn−1 = {x ∈ Rn : ‖x‖2 = 1}.

• Let N be any ε-net of Bn2 (or Sn−1). Then:

supx ∈N

‖Ax‖2 ≤ |||A|||op ≤1

1− ε supx ∈N

‖Ax‖2 (16)

• Let N and M be any ε-nets of Bn2 and Bm

2 .

supx ∈N , y∈M

〈Ax , y〉 ≤ |||A|||op ≤1

1− 2εsup

x ∈N , y∈M〈Ax , y〉. (17)

97 / 124


• Discretize the spheres. Recall N2(ε,Bd2 ) ≤ (1 + 2/ε)d .

• Take ε = 1/4 nets M⊂ Sm−1 and N ⊂ Sn−1:

|M| ≤ 9m, |N | ≤ 9n.

• Hence, (1− 2ε)−1 = 2,

|||A|||op ≤ 2 supx ∈N , y∈M

〈Ax , y〉

• Fix x ∈ N and y ∈M, then

‖〈Ax , y〉‖2ψ2≤ C



= C∑i,j

x2i y

2i ‖Aij‖2

ψ2≤ CK 2

hence, P(〈Ax , y〉 ≥ Ku) ≤ exp(−cu2) for u ≥ 0.

98 / 124

• Applying union bound, |N ||M| = 9n+m,

P( max(x,y) ∈ N×M

〈Ax , y〉 ≥ Ku) ≤ 9n+m · exp(−cu2)

• Taking c u2 ≥ C (n + m) + t2 for large C we can cancel 9n+m.

• For example, take c u2 = 3(n + m) + t2, then

9n+m · exp(−cu2) ≤ exp(−t2)

and√cu ≤

√3(m + n) + t2 ≤

√3(√m +

√n) + t.

99 / 124

Op-norm: Gaussian case, sharper constants

• For the Gaussian case Aij ∼ N(0, 1), one can get the sharp version

|||A|||op ≤√m +

√n + t, w.p. ≥ 1− exp(−t2/2).

using concentration of Lipschitz functions of Gaussian vectors

P(|||A|||op − E|||A|||op ≥ t) ≤ exp(−t2/2)

combined with sharp bound E|||A|||op ≤√m +

√n, obtained by

Sudakov-Fernique (an example of Gaussian comparison inequalities).

• This proof is very different than the ε-net argument.

100 / 124

Sub-Gaussian vectors

• A random vector x ∈ Rd has sub-Gaussian distribution if (HDP §3.4)

〈u, x〉 is sub-Gaussian for all u ∈ Sd−1,

in which case the sub-Gaussian norm of x is defined to be

‖x‖ψ2 = supu∈Sd−1

‖〈u, x〉‖ψ2

• Any vector x = (x1, . . . , xd) with independent sub-Gaussian coordinates issub-Gaussian, and (HDP Lemma 3.4.2)

‖x‖ψ2 ≤ C max1≤i≤d

‖xi‖ψ2 .

• The definition includes examples where the coordinates are not independent:

• x ∼ Unif(√dSd−1) =⇒ ‖x‖ψ2 ≤ C . (Uniform distribution on sphere)

• x ∼ N(0, In) =⇒ ‖x‖ψ2 ≤ C .

• x ∼ N(0,Σ) =⇒ ‖x‖ψ2 ≤ C |||√


• If x ∼ N(0,Σ) then x =√

Σz for z ∈ N(0, In). Apply Lemma 8.

101 / 124

Lemma 8

Let x ∈ Rd be a sub-Gaussian vector, and A ∈ Rn×d a deterministic matrix.Then, Ax is a sub-Gaussian vector and

‖Ax‖ψ2 ≤ |||A|||op‖x‖ψ2

• Let u ∈ Sn−1. Then 〈u,Ax〉 = 〈ATu, x〉 sub-Gaussian by the definition ofsub-Gaussianity for x .

• Let v = ATu. Then,

‖〈u,Ax〉‖ψ2 = ‖〈v , x〉‖ψ2 = ‖v‖2‖〈v

‖v‖2, x〉‖ψ2 ≤ ‖v‖2‖x‖ψ2 .

• Thus,


‖〈u,Ax〉‖ψ2 ≤ ‖x‖ψ2 supu∈Sn−1

= ‖x‖ψ2 |||AT |||op

• But |||AT |||op = |||A|||op (Show it!) finishing the proof.

• Lemma 8 parallels similar property for Gaussians.

102 / 124

Concentration of sample covariance matrix• A discretization argument can prove concentration of covariance matrices.

Theorem 15 (≈ HDS Theorem 6.2)

Let X ∈ Rn×d have

• independent sub-Gaussian rows xi ∈ Rd

• with E[xixTi ] = Σ, and

• let σ be a bound on the sub-Gaussian norm of xi for all i .

Let Σ = 1nX

TX = 1n

∑ni=1 xixT

i . Then, for all δ ≥ 0,

P[ |||Σ− Σ|||op

σ2≥ c1





)+ δ]≤ c2 exp[−c3n ·min(δ, δ2)].

• For the Gaussian case σ2 . |||Σ|||op, hence w.h.p.

|||Σ− Σ|||op .(√d





• That is, n & ε−2d is enough to get |||Σ− Σ|||op . ε|||Σ|||op.• Significance: Don’t need ∼ d2 samples, just ∼ d , to approximate in operator norm.

103 / 124

Proof sketch

• Again we reduce to an 14 -net N of Sd−1 with |N | ≤ 9d .

• Then for any fixed u ∈ Sd−1, we have

〈u, (Σ− Σ)u〉 =1



[〈xi , u〉2 − E〈xi , u〉2


• and by the centering lemma,

‖〈xi , u〉2 − E〈xi , u〉2‖ψ1 . ‖〈xi , u〉2‖ψ1 .

= ‖〈xi , u〉‖2ψ2

. σ2

• Bernstein inequality for sub-exponential variables (Corollary 1):

P(∣∣〈u, (Σ− Σ)u〉

∣∣ ≥ t)≤ 2 exp

[−c n ·min

( t2




104 / 124

• Replace t with σ2t, take union bound over N ; recall |N | ≤ 9d ,


maxu ∈N

∣∣〈u, (Σ− Σ)u〉∣∣ ≥ σ2t

)≤ 2 · 9d exp

[−c n min(t2, t)

]• Take t = max(ε2, ε). Then,


maxu ∈N

∣∣〈u, (Σ− Σ)u〉∣∣ ≥ σ2 max(ε2, ε)

)≤ 2 · 9d exp

[−c n ε2

]• Taking ε =

√Cd/n + δ for sufficiently large C , we have

9d exp(−cnε2) = 9d exp[−cn


n+ δ2

)]= 9de−cCde−cnδ

2 ≤ e−cnδ2

assuming that C is large enough so that 9de−cCd ≤ 1.

105 / 124

• On the other hand

max(ε2, ε) ≤ max(


n+ 2δ2,


n+ δ)

≤ 2Cd



n+ δ2 + 2δ.

• Recalling that |||Σ− Σ|||op ≤ 2 maxu ∈N

∣∣〈u, (Σ− Σ)u〉∣∣, we have proven the

following result

P[ |||Σ− Σ|||op

σ2≥ c1




n+ δ2 + δ

)]≤ 2e−cnδ



• Alternative form in the statement of the theorem can be obtained as follows:

• First, δ2 + δ ≤ 2 max(δ2, δ).

• Now take δ2 = min(t, t2) for t ≥ 0. By Lemma 9, max(δ2, δ) = t.

106 / 124

Trick Lemma

Lemma 9

The two functions f (δ) := max(δ, δ2) and g(t) =√

min(t2, t) = min(t,√t) are

the inverses of each other in [0,∞). That is,

t = max(δ, δ2) =⇒ min(t2, t) = δ2

• Can be proved by separating the cases [0, 1] and (1,∞),• or by drawing a picture, or realizing

(maxi fi )

−1 = mini f−1.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 40









max( /,/2)min(t, t )

107 / 124

Table of Contents I1 Concentration inequalities

Sub-Gaussian concentration (Hoeffding inequality)Sub-exponential concentration (Bernstein inequality)Applications of Bernstein inequalityχ2 ConcentrationJohnson-Lindenstrauss embedding`2 norm concentration`∞ norm

Bounded difference inequality (Azuma–Hoeffding)Detour: MartingalesAzuma–HoeffdingBounded difference inequalityConcentration of (bounded) U-statisticsConcentration of clique numbers

Gaussian concentrationχ2 concentration revisitedOrder statistics and singular values

Gaussian chaos (Hanson–Wright inequality)

2 Sparse linear modelsBasis Pursuit

Restricted null space property (RNS)108 / 124

Table of Contents IISufficient conditions for RNS

Pairwise incoherenceRestricted isometry property (RIP)

Noisy sparse regressionRestricted eigenvalue conditionDeviation bounds under RERE for anisotropic designOracle inequality (and `q sparsity)

3 Metric entropyPacking and coveringVolume ratio estimates

4 Random matrices and covariance estimationOp-norm concentration: sub-Gaussian matrices, independent entriesOp-norm concentration: Gaussian caseSub-Gaussian random vectorsOp-norm concentration: sample covariance

5 Structured covariance matricesHard thresholding estimatorApproximate sparsity (`q balls)

6 Matrix concentration inequalities109 / 124

Structured covariance matrices

• Assuming that the covariance matrix is simpler leads to faster rates.

• For diagonal matrices, we can achieve

|||Σ− Σ|||op = O(√

log d/n)

w.h.p. as opposed to√d/n. (Exercise 6.15)

• More generally, we work under a sparsity model.

• The sparsity of Σ is the same as that of its adjacency matrix:

A = AΣ = (Aij), Aij = 1{Σij 6= 0}.

• Sparsity of Σ can be effectively measured by |||AΣ|||op.

• Σ has s-sparse rows ≡ AΣ has maximum degree s − 1, hence

|||AΣ|||op ≤ s

using |||AΣ|||op ≤ |||AΣ|||∞ = maxi∑

j |Aij |.

110 / 124

Thresholded covariance estimator

• Consider the hard-thresholding operator

Tλ(u) = u 1{|u| ≥ λ} =

{u |u| > λ

0 otherwise.

Theorem 16 (Covariance thresholding; HDS Theorem 6.23, p.181)

Assume that x1, . . . , xn ∈ Rd are i.i.d. zero mean with covariance matrix Σ and‖xij‖ψ2 ≤ σ for all i , j where xij is the jth element of xi . Assume that

n > log d , λ = σ2(


√log d

n+ δ).

Then the thresholded estimator Tλ(Σ) satisfies

P(|||Tλ(Σ)− Σ|||op ≥ 2λ|||AΣ|||op

)≤ 8 exp

(− n

16min(δ, δ2)

)111 / 124

• If Σ has s-sparse rows, the error bound is

O(λs) = O(s

√log d



• |||AΣ|||op could be as large as s in this case: (HDS Ex.6.16)

Example: a graph with maximum degree s − 1 that contains a s-clique.

• |||AΣ|||op could be smaller:

Example: hub-and-spoke, the hub is connected to s of d − 1 spokes;

|||AΣ|||op = 1 +√s − 1, the bound is then O(

√s log d

n ).

112 / 124

Proof of Theorem 16

• The result follows easily from the following deterministic lemma:

Lemma 10

Assume that ‖Σ− Σ‖∞ ≤ λ. Then, |||Tλ(Σ)− Σ|||op ≤ 2λ|||AΣ|||op.

• If Σij = 0, then |Σij | ≤ λ, hence Tλ(Σij) = 0. Thus, |Tλ(Σij)− Σij | = 0.

• If Σij 6= 0, then

|Tλ(Σij)− Σij | ≤ |Tλ(Σij)− Σij |+ |Σij − Σij | ≤ 2λ

• It follows that |Tλ(Σij)− Σij | ≤ 2λ[AΣ]ij . The lemma follows using:

Lemma 11 (Exercise 6.3)

Assume that A,B,C be symmetric matrices.

(a) If 0 ≤ A ≤ B elementwise, then |||A|||op ≤ |||B|||op.

(b) Let |C | be elementwise absolute value of C . Then, |||C |||op ≤ ||||C ||||op.

113 / 124

• Note that |Tλ(u)− u| ≤ λ.




u− Tλ(u)

114 / 124

• It remains to show that

Lemma 12

Under the assumptions of Theorem 16, w.p. ≥ 1− 8 exp(− n

16 min(δ, δ2)),

‖Σ− Σ‖∞ ≤ λ := σ2(


√log d

n+ δ)

• Let us establish a tail bound for fixed coordinates (k, `),

Σk` − Σk` =1



(xikxi` − E[xikxi`]

)• We have, by the centering lemma,

‖xikxi` − E[xikxi`]‖ψ1 . ‖xikxi`‖ψ1

≤ ‖xik‖ψ2‖xi`‖ψ2 . σ2

• The second step follows from ‖XY ‖ψ1 ≤ ‖X‖ψ2‖Y ‖ψ2 when k 6= ` and from‖X 2‖ψ1 = ‖X‖2

ψ2when k = `.

115 / 124

• Bernstein inequality gives

P(|Σk` − Σk`| ≥ t

)≤ 2 exp

[−c n ·min

( t2




• Applying union bound over all(d2

)≤ d2 choices of 1 ≤ k ≤ ` ≤ d gives

P(‖Σk` − Σk`‖∞ ≥ t

)≤ 2d2 exp

[−c n ·min

( t2




• The rest is standard manipulation:

• Setting t = λ = σ2(c1

√log dn + δ

), we have

min( t2



)≥ min



( log d

n+ δ2

), c1

√log d

n+ δ)

≥ min(c2


log d

n, c1

√log d


)+ min(c2

1δ2, δ)

≥ c2

( log d

n+ min(δ2, δ)

)using n > log d . Here, c2 = min(c2

1 , c1, 1). By taking c1 large enough wecan cancel d2 and recover the desired bound.

116 / 124

Approximate sparsity

• For a completely dense Σ, the bound is very poor:

AΣ = 11T hence |||AΣ|||op = d .

• A milder constraint is approximate row sparsity in the `q sense, for q ∈ [0, 1],



|Σij |q ≤ Rq. (18)

117 / 124

Thresholded estimator; `q bound

Theorem 17 (Covariance thresholding; HDS Theorem 6.27, p.)

Suppose that Σ satisfies `q sparsity (18). Then for any λ such that

|||Σ− Σ|||op ≤ λ/2, we have

|||Tλ(Σ)− Σ|||op ≤ 3Rqλ1−q.

Consequently, if x1, . . . , xn ∈ Rd are i.i.d. zero mean with covariance matrix Σand ‖xij‖ψ2 ≤ σ for all i , j where xij is the jth element of xi , and

n > log d , λ = σ2(


√log d

n+ δ),

Then the thresholded estimator Tλ(Σ) satisfies

P(|||Tλ(Σ)− Σ|||op ≥ 2Rqλ

1−q)≤ 8 exp

(− n

16min(δ, δ2)

), δ ≥ 0.

• Note that error rate is O(( log d

n )1−q


)118 / 124

Proof of Theorem 17

• Stochastic part already proven.

• Only need to prove the deterministic part which follows since

|||Tλ(Σ)− Σ|||op ≤ maxi=1,...,d

‖[Tλ(Σ)− Σ]i∗‖1

followed by the application of the next lemma on each row.

119 / 124

Lemma 13

Assume that ‖θ − θ∗‖∞ ≤ λ/2. Let Sλ = {i : |θ∗i | > λ/2}. Then,

‖Tλ(θ)− θ∗‖1 ≤ |Sλ| · λ+ ‖θ∗Scλ‖1. (19)

In particular, if θ∗ satisfies the `q ball constraint∑

i |θ∗i |q ≤ R, then

‖Tλ(θ)− θ∗‖1 ≤ 3Rλ1−q (20)

• Proof: Recalling that |Tλ(u)− u| ≤ λ for all u ∈ R. We have∑i∈Sλ

|Tλ(θi )− θ∗i | ≤ |Sλ| · λ.

• For i /∈ Sλ, |θ∗i | ≤ λ/2, hence by triangle inequality |θi | ≤ λ.

• It follows that Tλ(θi ) = 0 for i ∈ Sλ, thus,∑i /∈Sλ

|Tλ(θi )− θ∗i | ≤∑i /∈Sλ

|θ∗i | = ‖θ∗Scλ‖1

• This proves the first assertion, (19).120 / 124

• For the second assertion, we apply the next lemma.

• We have |Sλ| ≤ (λ/2)−qR and ‖θ∗Scλ‖1 ≤ (λ/2)1−qR. Hence,

‖Tλ(θ)− θ∗‖1 ≤ (λ/2)−qR · λ+ (λ/2)1−qR

= 3(λ/2)1−qR

which is further bounded by 3λ1−qR.

121 / 124

Lemma 14

Assume that∑

j |θj |q ≤ R for some q ≥ 0. Let S = {i : |θi | > τ}. Then,

(a) |S | ≤ R τ−q.

(b) ‖θSc‖pp ≤ R τp−q for any p ≥ q.

• Proof: Exercise. Note that |x | ≤ 1 implies |x |p ≤ |x |q for p ≥ q.

122 / 124

Table of Contents I1 Concentration inequalities

Sub-Gaussian concentration (Hoeffding inequality)Sub-exponential concentration (Bernstein inequality)Applications of Bernstein inequalityχ2 ConcentrationJohnson-Lindenstrauss embedding`2 norm concentration`∞ norm

Bounded difference inequality (Azuma–Hoeffding)Detour: MartingalesAzuma–HoeffdingBounded difference inequalityConcentration of (bounded) U-statisticsConcentration of clique numbers

Gaussian concentrationχ2 concentration revisitedOrder statistics and singular values

Gaussian chaos (Hanson–Wright inequality)

2 Sparse linear modelsBasis Pursuit

Restricted null space property (RNS)123 / 124

Table of Contents IISufficient conditions for RNS

Pairwise incoherenceRestricted isometry property (RIP)

Noisy sparse regressionRestricted eigenvalue conditionDeviation bounds under RERE for anisotropic designOracle inequality (and `q sparsity)

3 Metric entropyPacking and coveringVolume ratio estimates

4 Random matrices and covariance estimationOp-norm concentration: sub-Gaussian matrices, independent entriesOp-norm concentration: Gaussian caseSub-Gaussian random vectorsOp-norm concentration: sample covariance

5 Structured covariance matricesHard thresholding estimatorApproximate sparsity (`q balls)

6 Matrix concentration inequalities124 / 124

Matrix Bernstein inequality

Theorem 18 (Matrix Bernstein inequality)

Let X1, . . . ,Xn be independent zero-mean d × d symmetric random matricessuch that |||Xi |||op ≤ K a.s. for all i . Then, for all t ≥ 0,



Xi |||op ≥ t)≤ 2d exp

(− t2/2

σ2 + Kt/3


Here, σ2 = |||∑ni=1 EX 2

i |||op.

• Since EXi = 0, the matrix variance of Xi is var(Xi ) = EX 2i .

• Note that X 2i , hence EX 2

i is positive semi-definite (why?).

• An alternative form of the bound is



Xi |||op ≥ t)≤ 2d exp

(−c min

( t2




125 / 124

Matrix Bernstein: expectation

Corollary 2

Let X1, . . . ,Xn be independent zero-mean d × d symmetric random matricessuch that |||Xi |||op ≤ K a.s. for all i . Then,



Xi |||op . σ√

log d + K log d

where σ2 = |||∑ni=1 EX 2

i |||op.

126 / 124

Semidefinite (or Loewner) order

Definition 7For symmetric n × n matrices, we write X � Y or Y � X whenever

X − Y � 0

• |||X |||op ≤ t if and only if −tI � X � tI .

• 0 � X � Y implies |||X |||op ≤ |||Y |||op.

• X � Y implies tr(X ) ≤ tr(Y ).

127 / 124

Estimating a general covariance matrix

Theorem 19 (General covariance, HDP 5.6.1, p. 122)

Let x be a random vector in Rd . Assume that for some K ≥ 1,

‖x‖2 ≤ K (E‖x‖22)1/2, almost surely

Let x1, . . . , xniid∼ x and Σn = 1


∑ni=1 xixT

i . Then, for all n ≥ 1,

E‖Σn − Σ‖ ≤ C(√K 2r log d


K 2r log d



where Σ = ExxT and r is the stable rank of Σ,

r :=tr(Σ)


• Note that r ≤ d , hence replacing r with d we get a further upper bound.

• We only pay a “log d” price for removing sub-Gaussianity.

• To estimate up to relative error ε, need n & ε−2r log d .

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• Let Yi := xixTi − Σ so that EYi = 0.

• Also write Y := xxT − Σ for the generic version.

• We will apply the expectation form of matrix Bernstein.

• E‖x‖22 = tr(Σ), hence by assumption ‖x‖2

2 ≤ K 2 tr(Σ) a.s., giving

|||Y |||op ≤ |||xxT |||op + |||Σ|||op

= ‖x‖22 + |||Σ|||op

≤ K 2 tr(Σ) + |||Σ|||op ≤ 2K 2 tr(Σ) ≤ 2K 2r |||Σ|||op =: M

using K ≥ 1 and r := tr(Σ)/|||Σ|||op. We also have

0 � EY 2 = E(xxT − Σ)2 = E(xxT )2 − Σ2

� E(xxT )2

� (K 2 tr Σ)Σ

using (xxT )2 = ‖x‖22xxT � (K 2 tr Σ)xxT

• We get |||EY 2|||op ≤ (K 2 tr Σ)|||Σ|||op.

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• We conclude that

σ2 := |||n∑


EY 2i |||op = n|||EY 2|||op

≤ n(K 2 tr Σ)|||Σ|||op ≤ nrK 2|||Σ|||2op.

• Applying matrix Bernstein in expectation, we have

E|||Σn − Σ|||op = E|||1n


Yi |||op




log d + M log d)

≤ 1


(√nrK 2|||Σ|||2op

√log d + 2K 2r |||Σ|||op log d

).(√K 2r log d


K 2r log d



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