Download - Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,

Page 1: Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,

Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on the π-flux honeycomb lattice

Martin Bercx,∗ Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. AssaadInstitut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,

Universitat Wurzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Wurzburg, Germany

We consider the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model with a magnetic π flux threading each honeycombplaquette. The resulting model has remarkably rich physical properties. In each spin sector, thenoninteracting band structure is characterized by a total Chern number C = ±2. Fine-tuning of theintrinsic spin-orbit coupling λ leads to a quadratic band crossing point associated with a topologicalphase transition. At this point, quantum Monte Carlo simulations reveal a magnetically orderedphase which extends to weak coupling. Although the spinful model has two Kramers doublets at eachedge and is explicitly shown to be a Z2 trivial insulator, the helical edge states are protected at thesingle-particle level by translation symmetry. Drawing on the bosonized low-energy Hamiltonian,we predict a correlation-induced gap as a result of umklapp scattering for half-filled bands. Forstrong interactions, this prediction is confirmed by quantum Monte Carlo simulations.

PACS numbers: 71.10.-w, 03.65.Vf, 73.43.-f,71.27.+a


The classification of insulating states of matter hasbeen refined in terms of protecting symmetries throughthe discovery of topological insulators [1–4]. For example,as long as time-reversal symmetry is not broken, topolog-ical insulators cannot be adiabatically connected to non-topological band insulators without closing the chargegap [5], and the helical edge states are protected againstperturbations [1, 2, 6, 7].

Recently, a further refinement was achieved by thetheoretical prediction [8–10] and experimental realiza-tion [11–13] of topological crystalline insulators (TCIs).In this case, in addition to time-reversal symmetry, thetwo-dimensional surface has crystal symmetries whichprotect the topological state against perturbations. Be-cause crystal (point group) symmetries are not defined inone dimension, this definition of TCIs requires a three-dimensional bulk and a two-dimensional surface.

Here, we introduce a two-dimensional counterpart tothe TCI. In addition to time-reversal symmetry, themodel we consider preserves translation symmetry at theone-dimensional edge. This leads to protection at thesingle-particle level despite a trivial bulk Z2 invariant.Our model is based on the Kane-Mele (KM) model [1]on the honeycomb lattice, which has a quantum spin Hallground state at half filling. By threading each honeycombplaquette with a magnetic flux of size±π, we obtain the πKane-Mele (πKM) model. The idea of inserting π fluxeshas previously been considered for the case of an intensivenumber of fluxes [14–17], and a superlattice of well sepa-rated fluxes [18]. Isolated magnetic π fluxes locally bindzero-energy modes and lead to spin-charge separation intopological insulators [14, 15]. This property can alsobe exploited to identify correlated topological insulators[14, 16, 17]. Dirac fermions on the π flux square lat-tice have been studied in [19, 20]. Furthermore, twistedgraphene multilayers have been identified as an instanceof a two-dimensional TCI [21].

The physics of the πKM model is surprisingly rich.

In the noninteracting case, and for each spin projection,it has Chern insulator [22] ground states characterizedby Chern numbers C = ±2, separated by a topologicalphase transition. The band structure resembles that ofthe nucleated topological phase in the Kitaev honeycomblattice model [23–25] which corresponds to the vortex sec-tor of the Kitaev model characterized by a π flux vortexat each plaquette.

The spinful πKM model is found to have a trivialZ2 invariant. However, there exist two pairs of helicaledge states crossing at distinct points in the projectedBrillouin zone, which are robust with respect to single-particle scattering processes as long as translation sym-metry is preserved. An intriguing question, which we ad-dress in this manuscript using bosonization and quantumMonte Carlo methods, is if the edge states are robust tocorrelation effects. At half filling, we find that umklappscattering processes between the two pairs of edge stateslocalize the edge modes in the corresponding low-energymodel, leading to a gap in the edge states without break-ing translation symmetry. This prediction is consistentwith quantum Monte Carlo results for the correlated edgestates. Away from half filling, umklapp scattering is notrelevant, and the edge states remain stable provided thattranslation symmetry is not broken by disorder. Finally,we investigate the bulk phase diagram of the πKM modelwith an additional Hubbard interaction. Our mean-fieldand quantum Monte Carlo results suggest the existenceof a magnetic phase transition that extends to weak cou-pling at the quadratic band crossing point.

The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we intro-duce the πKM model. Section III provides a brief dis-cussion of the quantum Monte Carlo methods. The bulkproperties are discussed in Sec. IV (noninteracting case)and Sec. V (interacting case). Sec. VI contains a discus-sion of the noninteracting edge states. The bosonizationanalysis of the edge states is presented in Sec. VII, fol-lowed by the quantum Monte Carlo results for correlationeffects on the edge states in Sec. VIII. Finally, we con-clude in Sec. IX.





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Page 2: Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,



The KM model describes electrons on the honeycomblattice with nearest-neighbor hopping and spin-orbit cou-pling [1]. Given the U(1) spin symmetry which conservesthe z component of spin, the KM Hamiltonian reduces totwo copies of the Haldane model [22, 26], one for each spinsector. The latter has an integer quantum Hall groundstate or, in other words, it is a Chern insulator. Thequantum spin Hall insulator results when the two Hal-dane models are combined in a way that restores time-reversal symmetry.

Here, we construct a new model (referred to as theπKM model) by taking the KM model and inserting amagnetic flux ±π into each hexagon of the underlyinghoneycomb lattice. Each flux can be thought of as orig-inating from a time-reversal symmetry preserving mag-netic field of the form

B±(r) = πδ(r − ri)(±)ez , (1)

and is given by

φ± =hc


∫7B±(r)dS = ±πhc

e. (2)

As illustrated in Fig. 1(a), such an arrangement of fluxesof size ±π (in units of hc/e) leads to a model with a unitcell consisting of two hexagons.

For each spin projection σ, the Hamiltonian takes theform of a modified Haldane model [22],

Hσ = −∑〈i,j〉

[t(i, j)− µδij ] c†i,σ cj,σ (3)


λ(i, j)νi,j c†i,σ cj,σ .

Here, t(i, j) = tτi,j and λ(i, j) = λτi,j are the nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor hopping parameters,respectively; i, j index both lattice and orbital sites andµ is the chemical potential. The factor νi,j is −1 (+1)for i, j indexing the orbitals 1 or 3 (2 or 4).

The additional, nonuniform hopping phase factorsτi,j = ±1 account for the presence of the π fluxes. Aπ flux is inserted in a honeycomb plaquette by choosingthe phase factors τi,j in such a way that their productalong a closed contour around the plaquette is

τi,jτj,k · · · τl,i = −1 . (4)

In a periodic system, π fluxes can only be inserted inpairs. Each hopping process from i to j that crosses theconnecting line of a flux pair acquires a phase τi,j = −1,which fixes the position of both fluxes according toEq. (4). In general, there is no one-to-one correspon-dence between the flux positions and the set of τi,j , i.e.,one eventually has to make a gauge choice. Due to the ge-ometry of the four-orbital unit cell, two gauges exist [seeFig. 1(a)] which have unitarily equivalent Hamiltonians.

On a torus geometry, Hamiltonian (3) becomes

Hσ =∑k

c†k,σHσ(k)ck,σ , (5)

where ck,σ = (c1,k,σ, c3,k,σ, c2,k,σ, c4,k,σ)T is the basis inwhich the nearest-neighbor term is block off-diagonal.The Hamilton matrix Hσ(k) can be expressed in termsof Dirac Γ matrices [1], Γ(1,2,3,4,5) = (σx ⊗ 11, σz ⊗11, σy ⊗ σx, σy ⊗ σy, σy ⊗ σz) and their commutatorsΓab = [Γa,Γb]/(2i):

Hσ(k) = µ 11 +


da(k)Γa +


dσab(k)Γab . (6)

The nonvanishing coefficients da(k) and dσab(k) are givenin Table I.

As for the KM model, a spinful and time-reversal in-variant Hamiltonian results by combining H↑ and H↓; λthen plays the role of an intrinsic spin-orbit coupling. In-cluding a Rashba spin-orbit interaction which breaks theU(1) spin symmetry, we have

H0 = −∑〈i,j〉,σ

[t(i, j)− µδi,j ] c†i,σ cj,σ (7)


σλ(i, j)νi,j c†i,σ cj,σ


(c†i,↑, c


)λR(i, j)ez(σ × di,j)



In the Rashba term, λR(i, j) = λRτij , di,j is a vectorpointing to one of the three nearest-neighbor sites, andσ = (σx, σy, σz) is the vector of Pauli matrices.

Taking into account a Hubbard term to model electron-electron interactions, we finally arrive at the Hamiltonianof the π Kane-Mele-Hubbard (πKMH) model,

H = H0 + U∑i

ni,↑ni,↓ . (8)


The πKMH lattice model can be studied usingthe auxiliary-field determinant quantum Monte Carlomethod. Simulations are free of a sign problem givenparticle-hole, time-reversal and U(1) spin symmetry [27–29]. This requirement excludes the U(1) spin symme-try breaking Rashba term. The algorithm has been dis-cussed in detail previously [29, 30]. To study the mag-netic phase diagram of the πKMH model, we apply afinite-temperature implementation [30]. The Trotter dis-cretization was chosen as ∆τt = 0.1. An inverse temper-ature βt = 40 was sufficient to obtain converged results.

Interaction effects on the helical edge states can bestudied numerically by taking advantage of the exponen-tial localization of the edge states and of the insulating

Page 3: Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,


d1(k) = −t cos(ka2) dσ12(k) = t sin(ka2) dσ23(k) = t cos(ka1/2) cos(k(a1/2− a2))d3(k) = − t


[sin(ka2)− sin(k(a1 − a2))

]dσ13(k) = −2σλ sin(ka1/2) cos(ka1/2) dσ24(k) = t


[sin(k(a1 − a2)) + sin(ka2)

]d4(k) = − t


[cos(k(a1 − a2))− cos(ka2)

]dσ14(k) = −2σλ sin2(ka1/2) dσ35(k) = 2σλ cos(ka1/2) cos(k(a1/2− a2))

d25(k) = t dσ15(k) = 2σλ sin(ka2) dσ45(k) = 2σλ cos(k(a1/2− a2)) sin(ka1/2)

TABLE I. Nonzero coefficients da(k) and dσab(k) of Eq. (6).

nature of the bulk which has no low-energy excitations.Accordingly, the low-energy physics is captured by con-sidering the Hubbard term only for the edge sites at oneedge of a (zigzag) ribbon. The bulk therefore is consid-ered noninteracting and establishes the topological bandstructure; it plays the role of a fermionic bath. The re-sulting model is simulated without further approxima-tions using the continuous-time quantum Monte Carloalgorithm based on a series expansion in the interactionU (CT-INT) [31]. A similar approach has previously beenused to study edge correlation effects in the KMH model[27, 32]. Compared to the KMH model, the Rashba termleads to a moderate sign problem.


In this section, we discuss the band structure and thetopological phases of the noninteracting model (5), cor-responding to one spin sector of the πKM model. Subse-quently, we show that the spinful πKM model (7) is Z2

trivial at half filling.

A. Band structure

The band structure is established by the eigenvalues ofEq. (5) which are, for µ = 0, given by

Em(k) = ±{

3t2 + 6λ2 − 2λ2f(k) (9)


2[3(t2 + 8λ2

)+(t2 − 16λ2


] }1/2


where f(k) = cos(ka1) + cos(2ka2) − cos[k(2a2 − a1)].At λ = 0, Hσ has four distinct Dirac points Ki withlinear dispersion at zero energy,

E(Ki + k) =


2t (kx + ky) +O(k2) , (10)

where K1,2 = (π/3)(1,±2/√

3), K3 = (π/3)(2, 5/√


and K4 = (π/3)(2, 1/√

3). At λ/t = 1/2, the spectralgap closes quadratically at two points Γi,

E(Γi + k) =3√


4t(k2x + k2


)+O(k4) , (11)

where Γ1 = (π/3)(1, 0) and Γ2 = (π/3)(2,√

3) (Fig. 1).For the spinful model (7) with nonzero Rashba coupling,the point of quadratic band crossing is replaced by a finiteregion with zero band gap.





















(b) λ = 0



(c) λ/t = 0.5



(a) +π


FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) The unit cell of the π flux hon-eycomb lattice has four orbitals and is defined by the latticevectors a1 =



and a2 = 12


3). Each honeycomb

plaquette carries a magnetic flux ±π. The flux positions, de-fined by Eq. (4), are fixed by requiring that hopping termscrossing the dashed blue line (which is a gauge choice) ac-quire a phase of −1. The eigenvalue spectrum Em(k) of Hσ[Eq. (3)] has (b) four Dirac cones at λ = 0, and (c) two pointsof quadratic band crossing at λ/t = 0.5.

B. Quantized Hall conductivity

We first consider the Chern insulator defined by H(k)in Eq. (5). In this case, the electromagnetic responsereveals the topological properties of the band structure.In linear response to an external vector potential, theoptical conductivity tensor of an n-band noninteractingsystem described by a Hamilton matrix H(k) is given by

σα,β(ω) =1



i(ω + i0+)[〈Kα〉δα,β − Λα,β(ω)] , (12)


〈Kα〉 =∑k,n

f [En(k)]Tr[Kα(k)Pn(k)] ,

Λα,β(ω) =∑


λmn(k, ω)Tr[Jα(k)Pn(k)Jβ(k)Pm(k)] ,

λmn(k, ω) =f [Em(k)]− f [En(k)]

ω + i0+ + Em(k)− En(k), (13)

Page 4: Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,









0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1















-4 -2 0 2 4






C = +2 C = −2

C = +1

C = +1

C = 0

C = 0

1 1 −1 −1

λ/t = 0.1

1 0 −1λ/t = 0.5

1 −3 3 −1

λ/t = 0.8

FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) Total Chern number C =∑n Cn

of the occupied bands of H↓ [Eq. (3)], as obtained from theHall conductivity σxy in the insulating phases which are sep-arated by metallic regions (white). (b) Density of statesρ(ω) = (1/4N)

∑k,n δ(ω − En(k)) and Chern numbers Cn

of the individual bands.

using the matrices Jα(k) = ∂H(k)/∂kα, Kα(k) =−∂2H(k)/∂k2

α, the projector on the n-th band Pn(k),and the Fermi function f [En(k)]. The Hall conductivityis then computed by taking the zero-frequency limit ofthe optical conductivity,



]= σxy =




h. (14)

It directly measures the (first) Chern number C of thegap, which is the sum of the Chern numbers Cn of theNocc occupied bands. Figure 2 shows the Chern numberas a function of the chemical potential µ and the ratiot2/t1. Transitions between different Chern insulators aretopological phase transitions and necessarily involve anintermediate metallic state where the Chern number canin principle take any value. Of particular interest forthe understanding of correlation-induced instabilities isthe transition at µ = 0 as a function of t2/t1 betweenthe states with C = ±2. At t2/t1 = 1/2, we find a aquadratic band crossing point with a nonzero density ofstates.

For the spinful model (7) with U = 0 and a U(1) spinsymmetry (λR = 0), one can define a quantized spin Hallconductivity σsxy in terms of the Hall conductivity σσxy ofHσ (5). At µ = 0, σσxy and σsxy take the values

σσxy = ∓σ2e2

h, σsxy =


(σ↑xy − σ↓xy

)= ∓2


2π. (15)

The sign change occurs at the quadratic band crossingpoint at λ/t = λ0 = 1/2.

C. Z2 invariant

In the general case where the U(1) spin symmetry isbroken, for example by the presence of a Rashba term,the topological properties of a system with time-reversalsymmetry are determined by the Z2 topological invari-ant [2]. Recently, it was shown that the Z2 index can becalculated with a manifestly gauge-independent methodthat only relies on time-reversal symmetry [33, 34]. Theidea is to consider the adiabatic change of one compo-nent of the reciprocal lattice vector, say ky, along high-symmetry paths ky ∈ (k, k′) in a rectangular Brillouinzone, while keeping the other component (kx) fixed. Thisprocess is determined by the unitary evolution operatorUk,k′ and its differential equation


dkUk,k′ = i [Pk, ∂kPk]Uk,k′ . (16)

The initial condition is Uk′,k′ = Pk′ and Pk =∑i |ui(k)〉〈ui(k)| is the projector on the occupied eigen-

states of the πKM Hamiltonian. Equation (16) is inte-grated by evenly discretizing the path (k, k′),

Uk,k′ = limN→∞


Pk′+k n−1N−1

. (17)

The topological invariant is then given as the product oftwo pseudo-invariants

Ξ2D = ±1 =∏


Pf [〈ui(0)|θ|uj(0)〉]Pf [〈ui(π)|θ|uj(π)〉] (18)

× det[〈ui(π)|U(π,0)|uj(0)〉


] ,where the dependence on kx is implicit and the invariantis computed numerically [35]. In the actual implemen-tation, one has to make sure to use the same branch forthe square root at kx = 0 and at kx = π. For the πKMmodel (7) at half filling (µ = 0) we obtain, as expected[6], a trivial insulator (Ξ2D = +1). In contrast, if thechemical potential lies in the lower (upper) band gap,i.e., at quarter (three-quarter) filling, we obtain a quan-tum spin Hall insulator (Ξ2D = −1).

It is interesting to consider how other bulk probes forthe Z2 index lead to the conclusion of a trivial insulatingstate at half filling. For example, the Z2 index can beprobed by looking at the response to a magnetic π flux[14, 15, 17]. In the quantum spin Hall state, threading aδ-function π flux through the lattice amounts to generat-ing a Kramers pair of states located at the middle of thegap. Provided that the particle number is kept constantduring the adiabatic pumping of the π flux, these mid-gap states give rise to a Curie law in the uniform spinsusceptibility. This signature of the quantum spin Hallstate has been detected in Ref. 17 in the presence of cor-relations. For the half-filled πKM model, the insertion

Page 5: Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,





0 0.2 0.5 0.8









0 0.2 0.5 0.8















FIG. 3. (Color online) (a) Phase diagram of the mean-fieldHamiltonian (19), showing the existence of a magnetically or-der phase with xy magnetic order above a critical value Uc

that depends on the spin-orbit coupling λ. For λ/t = 0.5,where the model has a quadratic band crossing point, mag-netic order exists for any nonzero value of Uc. (b) Transversemagnetic structure factor SxyAFM of the model (8) for differentvalues U/t, as obtained from quantum Monte Carlo simula-tions of the πKMH model on a 6 × 6 lattice with periodicboundary conditions and at inverse temperature βt = 40.

of a π flux leads to a pair of Kramers degenerate stateswhich form bonding and antibonding combinations andthereby cut off the Curie law at energy scales below thebonding-antibonding gap.


We begin our analysis of the effect of electron-electroninteractions by considering the πKMH model (8) on atorus geometry. In order to compare our mean-field pre-dictions to quantum Monte Carlo results, we set theRashba spin-orbit coupling and the chemical potentialto zero. The KMH model without additional π fluxesis known to exhibit long-range, transverse antiferromag-netic order at large values of U/t [27, 28, 36, 37]. Wetherefore decouple the Hubbard term in Eq. (8) in thespin sector, allowing for an explicit breaking of time-reversal symmetry. The mean-field Hamiltonian reads

Hmf = H0 −2U



(2Si〈Si〉 − 〈Si〉2


2, (19)

where H0 is given by Eq. (7) with λR = 0, and

Si = (Sxi , Syi , S

zi ). Assuming antiferromagnetic order,

we make the ansatz 〈Si〉 = Smf,i and

Sxmf,i = νim, Sy,zmf,i = 0 ,

Sxmf,i =1






mf,i}c†i,sσxci,s′], (20)

where νi = +1 (νi = −1) if i indexes the orbitals1, 3 (2, 4). Equation (20) is solved self-consistently, re-sulting in the phase diagram shown in Fig. 3(a). Wefind a magnetic phase with transverse antiferromagneticorder above a critical value of U/t which depends onλ/t. In particular, at the quadratic band crossing point(λ0 = 0.5), the magnetic transition occurs at infinites-imal values of U/t as a result of the Stoner instabilityassociated with the nonvanishing density of states at theFermi level. Tuning the system away from the quadraticband crossing point, the critical interaction increases.

To go beyond the mean-field approximation, we ap-ply the auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo method dis-cussed in Sec. III to the πKMH model. We calculate thetransverse antiferromagnetic structure factor

SxyAFM =1



(−1)νi+νj 〈S+i S−j + S−i S

+j 〉 (21)

as a function of the interaction U and the spin-orbit cou-pling λ. Simulations were done on a 6× 6 π-flux honey-comb lattice (equivalent to 72 honeycomb plaquettes).

As shown in Fig 3(b), for small U/t, the structure fac-tor has a clear maximum close to λ0, where the weak-coupling magnetic instability is observed in mean-fieldtheory. At larger values of U/t, the maximum becomesless pronounced, and the enhancement of SxyAFM for allvalues of λ/t is compatible with the existence of a mag-netic phase for all λ/t at large U/t. These numericalresults seem to confirm the overall features of the mean-field phase diagram. The numerical determination of theexact phase boundaries from a systematic finite-size scal-ing is left for future work.


We now consider the edge states of the noninteractingπKM model (7) on a zigzag ribbon with open (periodic)boundary conditions in the a1 (a2) direction [Fig. 4(a)],and with momentum k = k ·a2 along the edge. Since themodel is Z2 trivial, we expect an even number of edgemodes to traverse the bulk gap [6]. Furthermore, giventhe spin Chern number σsxy/(e/2π) = ±2 [see Eq. (15)],we expect two helical edge modes at half filling. Fig-ure 4(b) shows the eigenvalue spectrum with degenerateKramers doublets at the time-reversal invariant momentak = 0 and k = π. For λ0 < λ/t < λπ, where λπ =


the eigenvalue spectrum of Eq. (3) has two additional

Page 6: Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,





0 π 2π





FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) Ribbon geometry of the π fluxhoneycomb lattice. In the spinful case, the edge states con-sist of two Kramers doublets with Fermi velocities v0 and vπ.(b) Eigenvalue spectrum Em(k) of Eq. (7) for λ/t = 0.3 andλR/t = 0.1 on a zigzag ribbon.

cones at k = π ± δ. They are unstable in the sense thattheir existence relies on the U(1) spin symmetry.

The edge modes at k = 0 (k = π) and σ =↑, ↓ canbe further characterized by their Fermi velocity v0 (vπ)and—in the case of a U(1) spin symmetry—by their chi-rality (the sign of the velocity). The chirality changesat λ0 and λπ. For λ/t < λ0, the edge modes havethe same chirality, so that the (0, σ) modes propagatein the same direction as the (π, σ) modes. In contrast,for λ0 < λ/t < λπ, they have opposite chirality since thedirection of propagation of the (0, σ) modes is reversedafter going through the point of quadratic band crossing.At λ/t = λπ, the additional cones at k = π±δ merge withthe (π, σ) modes. Consequently, the direction of propa-gation of the (π, σ) modes is reversed and for λ/t > λπboth edge modes have the same chirality again. In thelimit λ/t → ∞, v0 and vπ become equal. Furthermore,the velocities have equal magnitude but opposite sign atλ/t = λs ≈ 0.665.

To study the edge states, we consider the local single-particle spectral function

Aσi (k, ω) = − 1

πIm Gσii(k, ω + i0+) , (22)

where the local noninteracting Green function is

Gσii(k, ω + i0+) =[ω + i0+ −H(k)


iσ,iσ. (23)

The edge corresponds to the orbital index i = 2 [Fig. 1(a)]and for brevity we will omit the index i in the following.The Fermi velocities v0 and vπ and the local spectralfunction are shown in Fig. 5 [38].

Similar phases, characterized by a trivial Z2 index andtwo helical edge modes at k = 0, π, have been foundin the KM model with additional third-neighbor hop-ping terms [39], and in the anisotropic Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model [3, 40].

In the remainder of this section, we concentrate on thelow-energy properties of the πKM model (7). Further-more, we focus on the edge modes at the time-reversalinvariant momenta k = 0, π, and neglect the two ad-ditional, unstable modes at k = π ± δ occurring for




0 λ0 λs λπ

v 0,v π


(a)b c d






0 π 2π



(b) λ/t = 0.35






0 π 2π



(c) λ/t = 0.65






0 π 2πk

(d) λ/t = 2




0 π 2π



(e) λ/t = 0.35, λR = 0.3




0 π 2πk

(f) λ/t = 0.65, λR = 0.3

















FIG. 5. (Color online) (a) The Fermi velocity v0 (vπ) changessign at λ0 (λπ) so that for λ0 < λ < λπ, the (0, σ) and (π, σ)edge modes have opposite chirality. λs defines a symmetricpoint where v0 = −vπ holds. (b)–(d) Single-particle spectralfunction A↑(k, ω) along the edge. (e),(f) Spin-averaged single-particle spectral function A(k, ω) =

∑σ A

σ(k, ω)/2 along theedge. Here, λR = 0 in (a)–(d), and λR/t = 0.3 in (e),(f).

λ0 < λ/t < λπ which are gapped out by any finite Rashbacoupling. Then, the effective Hamiltonian can be writtenin terms of right (left) moving fields R1(x) [L1(x)] at the

Fermi wave vector k(1)F = 0 and right (left) moving fields

R2(x) [L2(x)] at k(2)F = π:

H =

∫dxΨ†(x)Hedge(−i∂x)Ψ(x) , (24)

where Ψ†(x) = (R†1(x), L†1(x), R†2(x), L†2(x)). The chiralfields have the anticommutation relations

{Ri(x), R†j(x′)} = {Li(x), L†j(x

′)} = δijδ(x− x′) ,{Ri(x), L†j(x

′)} = {Li(x), R†j(x′)} = 0 . (25)

In the U(1) spin symmetric case, we have

Hedge(−i∂x) = −i∂x diag(v1, v2)⊗ σz . (26)

Hamiltonian (24) will be the starting point for thebosonization analysis in Sec. VII.

Page 7: Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,


A. Effective low-energy model

The edge of a two-dimensional bulk has two time-reversal invariant momenta, k = 0 and k = π, and there-fore several possibilities exist to have two pairs of helicaledge states: (i) both Kramers doublets cross at k = 0(or k = π), (ii) one Kramers doublet crosses at k = 0while the other crosses at k = π, and (iii) each Kramersdoublet has one branch at −k (or π − k) and its time-reversed branch at +k (or π + k). In cases (i) and (iii),degenerate states which are not Kramers partners exist atthe same momentum and can be mixed by single-particlebackscattering. The edge states (i) and (iii) are there-fore unstable at the single-particle level. In contrast, theedge states (ii) are stable at the single-particle level iftranslation symmetry is preserved at the edge, therebyforbidding scattering between states at k = 0 and k = π.

The metallic edge modes of Eq. (7) are an instance ofcase (ii). Given time-reversal symmetry and no interac-tions, the edge states remain gapless even in the genericcase without U(1) spin symmetry as long as translationsymmetry and hence the momentum k along the edge ispreserved. On the other hand, the states acquire a gapwhen time-reversal symmetry is broken. This is the casein the presence of, for example, a Zeeman term that alsobreaks the U(1) spin symmetry.

To illustrate this point, we consider the most generaltime-reversal symmetric formulation of the model (24) in

momentum space. Let R†i (p) [L†i (p)] create an electronwith velocity vi [−vi] (where v1 ≡ v0 and v2 ≡ vπ) andmomentum k = p+ (i− 1)π. Then, Eq. (24) reads

H =∑p

Ψ†(p)Hedge(p)Ψ(p) , (27)

where Ψ†(p) = (R†1(p), L†1(p), R†2(p), L†2(p)) and

Hedge(p) = HSO(p) +HS , (28)

where HSO(p) is a general spin-orbit term and HS asingle-particle scattering term. Time-reversal symmetryis preserved when ΘHedge(p)Θ−1 = Hedge(−p), whereΘ = Γ3Γ5K. Here, K denotes complex conjugation andthe Γ matrices were defined in Sec. II.

The spin-orbit coupling

HSO = p

(v1σ · e1 0

0 v2σ · e2

)= HU(1)(p) +HR(p)

(29)can be split into a U(1) spin-symmetric term, HU(1)(p),and a Rashba term, HR(p). The (not necessarily equal)spin quantization axes are labeled by real unit vectors ei.Choosing ei to point along the z-axis one may write theU(1) spin symmetric part as

HU(1)(p) = p


z1 0

0 v2σzez2

)= p

(v+Γ15 + v−Γ34








−0.8 −0.4 0 0.4 0.8p



−0.8 −0.4 0 0.4 0.8p


−0.8 −0.4 0 0.4 0.8p


FIG. 6. Spectrum E±(p) of the effective model (28), withv1 = 1, v2 = 0.5, and e1 = e2 = ez. (a) Both translationsymmetry and U(1) spin symmetry are preserved (αi = 0).(b) Translation symmetry is broken, but U(1) spin symmetryis preserved (α1 = 0.2, α5 = 0.1, α3 = α4 = 0). (c) Bothtranslation symmetry and U(1) spin symmetry are broken(α1 = 0.2, α5 = 0.1, α3 = 0.1, α4 = 0.05).

where v± = (v1 ez1 ± v2 e

z2)/2. Note that the generator of

the U(1) spin symmetry is Γ34 = 11⊗ σz.One way to break the U(1) spin symmetry is to include

the Rashba term HR(p) by setting e1 6= e2. This can beaccomplished by choosing, for example, e1 = (0, 0, ez1)T

and e2 = (ex2 , ey2, e

z2)T , leading to

HR(p) = pv2

(0 00 σxe

x2 + σye





[(Γ45 − Γ13)ex2 − (Γ35 + Γ14)ey2


HS breaks the translation symmetry of the bulk model inthe sense that it allows single-particle scattering betweenthe i = 1 and i = 2 branches of the low-energy model.Its general, time-reversal symmetric form is

HS =

(0 hS

h?S 0

)= α1Γ1 + α3Γ3 + α4Γ4 + α5Γ5

= HS,U(1) +HS′ , (32)

where hS denotes the corresponding complex 2×2 matrixand αi ∈ R. Note that HS generally breaks the U(1) spinsymmetry since [HS,Γ

34] = 2i(α4Γ3 − α3Γ4). Therefore,we write it as the sum of a symmetry-preserving term,HS,U(1) = α1Γ1 + α5Γ5, and a symmetry-breaking term,

HS′ = α3Γ3 + α4Γ4.We consider the following three cases: (a) unbroken

translation symmetry and unbroken U(1) spin symme-try, (b) broken translation symmetry but unbroken spinsymmetry, and (c) broken translation symmetry and bro-ken spin symmetry.

In case (a), we have HS = 0, and U(1) spin symmetryamounts to e1 = e2. This implies HR(p) = 0, so that

H(a)edge(p) = HU(1)(p) . (33)

The spectrum of H(a)edge(p) is gapless, as shown in

Fig. 6(a).In case (b), we have

H(b)edge(p) = HU(1)(p) +HS,U(1) , (34)

Page 8: Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,


0 π

↑ ↓↓ ↑


0 π

↑ ↑↓ ↓


FIG. 7. The (0, σ) and (π, σ) edge modes at (a) λ/t = λswhere v0,σ = −vπ,σ, (b) λ/t→∞ where v0,σ = vπ,σ.

and the spectrum, shown in Fig. 6(b), has two cones

centered at p0 = ±√

(α21 + α2

5)/(v2+ − v2

−), with the lin-

earized dispersion

E±(p) = ±v2+ − v2


(p± p0) +O(p2) . (35)

This illustrates that, as long as spin is conserved, thebreaking of translation symmetry does not gap out theedge states.

Finally, case (c) can be realized by adding the Rashbaterm (31) to Eq. (34) or, alternatively, by considering

H(c)edge(p) = HU(1)(p) +HS , (36)

where αi 6= 0. The resulting spectrum is gapped, seeFig. 6(c).

Returning to the original πKM model (7), we expectthe combination of disorder (which breaks translationsymmetry) and Rashba spin-orbit coupling to open a gapin the edge states. We have measured the spin polariza-tion carried by the helical edge modes as a function ofdisorder strength and using twisted boundary conditions[41]. Although the pair of Kramers doublets is in gen-eral not protected from localization by disorder, the spinpolarization takes on finite values up to sizable disorderstrengths. We attribute this finding to strong finite-sizeeffects. The question of edge state destruction by disor-der deserves further investigation.

B. Low-energy spin symmetries at λ/t = λs and forλ/t→∞

In the following, we focus on two values of the intrinsicspin-orbit coupling, λ/t = λs and λ/t → ∞, where thevelocities of the (0, σ) and the (π, σ) modes obey v0,σ =−vπ,σ and v0,σ = vπ,σ, respectively (see Fig. 7). Thecorresponding low-energy Hamiltonians are

Hsedge(−i∂x) = −i∂xv

(σz 00 −σz

)= −i∂xvΓ15 , (37)

where Ψ†s(x) = (R†1(x), L†1(x), L†2(x), R†2(x)), and

H∞edge(−i∂x) = −i∂xv(σz 00 σz

)= −i∂xvΓ34 , (38)

where Ψ†∞(x) = (R†1(x), L†1(x), R†2(x), L†2(x)). While theSU(2) spin symmetry is obviously broken, we show inthe following that a chiral SU(2) symmetry exists forλ/t = λs.

The electron annihilation operator cσ(x) can be writ-ten in terms of the fields Ri(x) and Li(x) [42],

c↑(x) =[R1(x)e−ik

(1)F x + Y2(x)e−ik

(2)F x]/√

2 ,

c↓(x) =[L1(x)e−ik

(1)F x + Y2(x)e−ik

(2)F x]/√

2 , (39)

where k(1)F = 0, k

(2)F = π. For λ/t = λs, the i = 1 and

i = 2 modes have opposite helicity, so Y2(x) = L2(x) andY2(x) = R2(x). For λ/t → ∞, we have Y2(x) = R2(x)and Y2(x) = L2(x). The fermionic anticommutation re-lations follow from Eq. (25). The spin operators can beexpressed for both cases as

Sa(x) =1



c†σ(x)σaσ,σ′ cσ′(x)




Ψ†σ(x)saσ,σ′Ψσ′(x) , (40)

with the constraint of single occupancy, c†↑(x)c↑(x) +

c†↓(x)c↓(x) = 1. The matrices sa are given by

sx = 11⊗ σx + (σx ⊗ σx) eiπx = Γ45 − Γ23eiπx ,

sy = 11⊗ σy + (σx ⊗ σy) eiπx = −Γ35 − Γ24eiπx ,

sz = 11⊗ σz + (σx ⊗ σz) eiπx = Γ34 − Γ25eiπx . (41)

They have the commutation relation [sa/4, sb/4] =iεabc(sc/4).

Apart from the spin operators, Eq. (40), there are threeadditional operators which have the commutation rela-tions of the su(2) Lie algebra. These operators are rep-resented by the matrices

Σx ≡ Γ23 , Σy ≡ Γ24 , Σz ≡ Γ34 , (42)

which appear in Eq. (41) and satisfy [Σa/2,Σb/2] =iεabc(Σc/2). They are related to the additional chiral de-gree of freedom which is introduced by the edge mode ‘or-bitals’ taking the values i = 1, 2. For λ/t = λs, all threegenerators Σa are symmetries of the low-energy Hamil-tonian (37), i.e., [Hs

edge,Σa] = 0, whereas for λ/t → ∞,this is only true for Σz. Therefore, and apart from thespin symmetry, a chiral SU(2) symmetry is present forλ/t = λs which turns into a chiral U(1) symmetry forλ/t→∞.

We define a rotation by π/2, described by

Ua = exp [−i(π/4)Σa] = (11− iΣa)/√

2 . (43)

Then, U†aSb(x)Ua = Mab is the rotation by π/2 of the

spin component Sb(x) around the ea axis, where

M =

Sx(x) eiπxSz(x) −eiπxSy(x)

−eiπxSz(x) Sy(x) eiπxSx(x)

−Sy(x) Sx(x) Sz(x)

. (44)

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In particular, we obtain the relations

U†xSz(x)Ux = −eiπxSy(x) ,

U†y Sz(x)Uy = eiπxSx(x) ,

U†z Sy(x)Uz = Sx(x) . (45)

We now consider the static spin structure factor

Sa(q) =1√N


e−iqx〈Sa(x)Sa(0)〉 , (46)

where the expectation value is defined with respect tothe effective Hamiltonian (24). Using the symmetry re-lations (45) we get

Sz(q) = Sx(q + π) forλ/t = λs ,

Sx(q) = Sy(q) forλ/t = λs andλ/t→∞ . (47)

Equation (47) relates the longitudinal and transversecomponents of the spin-spin correlation functions. InSec. VIII, we numerically show that this low-energy sym-metry is preserved in the presence of interactions. Itis therefore an emergent symmetry of the interactingπKMH model (8). However, because the chiral spins[Eq. (42)] do not commute with the Rashba term [e.g.,Eq. (31)], this symmetry hinges on U(1) spin symmetry.


At low energies, the edge states of the πKMH model (8)can be described in terms of a two-component [43–46]Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid [42, 47]. The Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid is the stable low-energy fixed point ofgapless interacting systems in one dimension [48]. Weconsider the free Hamiltonian with two left and tworight movers, forward scattering within the i = 1 and

i = 2 branches (intra-forward scattering of strength g(i)f ),

and between the branches (inter-forward scattering ofstrength g′f ). We focus on the case of two pairs of edgemodes crossing at k = 0 and k = π, respectively, sinceonly those are protected by time-reversal symmetry. Inthe following, we show that at half filling umklapp scat-tering between the edge modes is a relevant perturba-tion in the sense of the renormalization group (RG). Itcan drive the model away from the Luttinger liquid fixedpoint and open gaps in the low-energy spectrum.

We consider the following kinetic and interactionterms,

H =



∫dx(L†i (i∂x)Li +R†i (−i∂x)Ri



∫dx ρ2


]+ g′f

∫dx ρ1ρ2 , (48)

where Li (Ri) are the left (right) moving fields, and ρi =

R†iRi + L†iLi is the electronic density.

To bosonize the above Hamiltonian (48), we intro-duce the bosonic fields φi(x), with ∂xφi = πρi, and

Πi = R†iRi−L†iLi, where [φi(x),Πi′(x′] = iδi,i′δ(x− x′).

We then have

H =1



[vi (πΠi)

2+ viK

−2i (∂xφi)



∫dx ∂xφ1∂xφ2


∫dx[π2ΠTMΠ + (∂xφ)


], (49)

where Ki = (1 + 2g(i)f /πvi)

−1/2 is a dimensionless pa-

rameter. In the last line, we defined Π = (Π1,Π2)T ,φ = (φ1, φ2)T , and

M =

(v1 00 v2

), N =



(πv1 + 2g

(1)f g′f

g′f πv2 + 2g(2)f


(50)using the notation of Orignac et al. [44, 49]. The off-diagonal elements in M are zero, since there is no single-particle scattering from the i = 1 to the i = 2 cone.Hamiltonian (49) is decoupled by rescaling the fields:

H =1

∫dx[π2Π′TΠ′ + (∂xφ




∫dx[π2Π′′TΠ′′ + (∂xφ








i +(∂xφi

)2], (51)

where Π′ = M1/2Π, φ′ = M−1/2φ, Π′′ = S−1Π′,

φ′′ = S−1φ′, Π = ∆−1/4Π′′, and φ = ∆1/4φ′′. ∆is a diagonal matrix and S a rotation, defined via∆ = S−1M1/2NM1/2S. Therefore, the linear trans-

formation to the new bosonic fields Π and φ is Π =

M−1/2S∆1/4Π ≡ P Π and φ = M1/2S∆−1/4φ ≡ Qφ.The canonical commutation relations are preserved, since[

φi(x), Πi′(x′]






= iδi,i′δ(x− x′) . (52)

We have

Q =


1/21 ∆

−1/411 S12v

1/21 ∆


S21v1/22 ∆

−1/411 S22v

1/22 ∆


), (53)

∆ii =v1N11 + v2N22



v1N11 − v2N22



+ v1v2N212


, (54)

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0 π

(a) g1u and g2u

0 π

(b) g′u,1

0 π

(c) g′u,2

FIG. 8. The edge modes cross at k = 0 and k = π with in gen-eral nonequivalent Fermi velocities v1 and v2. We consider theintra-umklapp scattering process (a), and the inter-umklappscattering processes (b) and (c).

and, for g′f 6= 0,

S =

sgn(g′f )√


sgn(g′f )√





, (55)

where si = (∆ii−N11v1)2/v1v2N212. For g′f = 0, S = 11.

We consider the following interactions as perturba-tions to Eq. (51): intra-umklapp scattering of strength

g(i)u [Fig. 8(a)], inter-umklapp scattering of strength g′u,1

[Fig. 8(b)], and inter-umklapp scattering of strength g′u,2[Fig. 8(c)]. These processes are described by

H′ =



∫dx L†i (x)L†i (x+ a)Ri (x)Ri (x+ a)

×ei4k(i)F x


∫dx L†1(x)L†2(x)R1(x)R2(x) ei2(k

(1)F +k

(2)F )x


∫dx L†1(x)R†2(x)L2(x)R1(x) ei2(k

(1)F −k

(2)F )x

+H.c. (56)

The fermionic operators are Ri = exp(−iφR,i)/√

2π and

Li = exp(iφL,i)/√

2π, omitting the Klein factors, and we

have φi = (φR,i + φL,i)/2. We take 4k(i)F x = 2(k

(1)F +

k(2)F )x = 2(k

(1)F − k

(2)F )x = 2πn, corresponding to half-

filled bands. Then,

H′ =




∫dx cos (4φi) +


∫dx cos [2 (φ1 + φ2)]


∫dx cos [2 (φ1 − φ2)] . (57)

We now consider H + H′ and obtain the scaling di-

mensions ∆(i)u , ∆′u1, and ∆′u2, of the vertex operators





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

g f


v1 = v2(a)





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

g f


v1 = 0.1v2(b)

∆′u2 < 2

∆′u2 > 2

∆′u2 < 2

∆′u2 > 2

FIG. 9. Phase diagram of the inter-umklapp process g′u,2 inthe (g′f ,gf ) plane for (a) equivalent and (b) nonequivalent ve-locities of the edge modes. The scattering process is relevant(irrelevant) in the region where ∆′u2 < 2 (∆′u2 > 2).

exp(i4φi) and exp[i2(φ1 ± φ2)] in the above scatteringprocesses [47]:

∆(1)u = 4


11 +Q212


∆(2)u = 4


21 +Q222


∆′u1 = (Q11 +Q21)2

+ (Q12 +Q22)2,

∆′u2 = (Q11 −Q21)2

+ (Q12 −Q22)2, (58)

The scaling dimension ∆ determines whether the re-spective scattering process in H′ [Eq. (57)] is a relevant(∆ < 2) or irrelevant (∆ > 2) perturbation to the freebosonic Hamiltonian H [Eq. (51)]. For g′f = 0, we have

two separate Dirac cones, with ∆(i)u = 4vi∆

−1/2ii = 4Ki

[see Eq. (49)]. Therefore, intra-umklapp scattering (g(i)f )

becomes relevant when Ki < 1/2, reproducing the resultfor a one-component helical liquid [6, 7].

In the case of weak coupling (g1,2f � 1 and g′f � 1),

we come to the following conclusions: (i) Intra-umklapp

scattering is RG-irrelevant, with ∆(1,2)u > 2. This is sim-

ilar to the case of the one-component helical liquid [6, 7].(ii) Inter-umklapp scattering g′u,1 is RG-relevant, with∆′u1 < 2. (iii) The relevance of the inter-umklapp scat-tering g′u,2 is determined by the phase diagram shown inFig. 9.

If the U(1) spin symmetry is preserved, only one ofthe two inter-umklapp scattering processes g′u,1 or g′u,2 isallowed by symmetry, depending on the chirality of the(0, σ) and (π, σ) modes which is determined by the in-trinsic spin-orbit coupling λ. As shown in Fig. 5(a), forλ/t < λ0 and λ/t > λπ, both edge movers have the samechirality so that inter-umklapp scattering corresponds tothe g′u,2 term. In contrast, for λ0 < λ/t < λπ, the edgemovers have opposite chirality and inter-umklapp scat-tering is given by the g′u,1 term.

The above distinction no longer holds when the U(1)spin symmetry is broken. In this case, g′u,1 is always RG-relevant, whereas the relevance of g′u,2 depends on theforward scattering strengths gf and g′f and on the edgevelocities, see Fig. 9.

For λ/t = λs (λ/t → ∞), our low-energy theory issimilar to the fusion of two anti-parallel (parallel) helical

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edge modes [43], see also Fig. 7. However, in the lattersetup, the spatial overlap of the two edge wave functionscan be neglected, whereas it is included in the interactionterm of Eq. (48).


Correlation effects on the edge states of the πKMHmodel can be studied numerically using the approach dis-cussed in Sec. III. Considering a zigzag ribbon, we takeinto account a Hubbard interaction only at one edge, andsimulate the resulting model exactly using the CT-INTquantum Monte Carlo method.

We focus on two values of the spin-orbit coupling λ/tand set the Rashba coupling to λR/t = 0.3. For λ/t =0.35, the edge modes at k = 0 and k = π have differentvelocities (v0 < vπ), whereas at λ/t = 0.65, we havev0 ≈ vπ. As in the KMH model [32], we observe that thevelocities of the edge states remain almost unchangedwith respect to the noninteracting case.

We carried out simulations for a zigzag ribbon of di-mensions L1 = 25 (open boundary condition) and L2 =16 (periodic boundary condition), see also Fig. 4(a). ForλR = 0, µ = 0 corresponds to half filling. Although theband filling in general changes as a function of λR (theRashba term breaks the particle-hole symmetry), theKramers degenerate edge states at k = 0, π are pinnedto ω = µ. The choice µ = 0 then again corresponds tohalf-filled Dirac cones, and allows for umklapp scatteringprocesses. The inverse temperature was set to βt = 60.

A. Single-particle spectral function

Using CT-INT in combination with the stochasticmaximum entropy method [50], we calculate the spin-averaged spectral function at the edge,

A(k, ω) =1



Aσ(k, ω) , (59)

Aσ(k, ω) = − 1

πIm Gσ(k, ω) ,

where Gσ(k, ω) is the interacting single-particle Greenfunction, and k is the momentum along the edge.

As shown in Fig. 10(a), for U/t = 2, the numericalresults suggest the existence of gapless edge states. Incontrast, for a stronger interaction U/t = 5, a gap isclearly visible both at k = 0 and k = π. While thebosonization analysis in Sec. VII predicts a gap as a resultof relevant umklapp scattering for any U > 0, the sizeof the gap depends exponentially on U/t. The apparentabsence of a gap in Fig. 10(a) can therefore be attributedto the small system size used (L2 = 16).

Figure 10(c) shows the spectral function (59) for λ/t =0.35, where v0 < vπ. Compared to the case of λ/t = 0.65






0 π 2π


(a) U/t = 2, λ/t = 0.65






0 π 2π


(b) U/t = 5, λ/t = 0.65






0 π 2π



(c) U/t = 5, λ/t = 0.35

10−2 10−1 1

FIG. 10. (Color online) Spin-averaged single-particle spec-tral function A(k, ω) [Eq. (59)] from CT-INT simulations. (a)Weak coupling U/t = 2, (b),(c) strong coupling U/t = 5.Here, λR/t = 0.3.

[Fig. 10(b)] where v0 ≈ vπ, the gap in the edge states ismuch smaller. We expect this dependence on the Fermivelocities to also emerge from the bosonization in theform of a velocity-dependent prefactor that determinesthe energy scale of the gap [51].

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−π 0 π



(a) λ/t = 0.35





−π 0 πq

(b) λ/t = 0.65

U/t = 1 U/t = 2 U/t = 5

FIG. 11. (Color online) Charge structure factor N(q)[Eq. (60)] from CT-INT simulations for (a) λ/t = 0.35 and(b) λ/t = 0.65. Here, λR/t = 0.3.

B. Charge and spin structure factors

We consider the charge structure factor

N(q) =1√N


e−iqx [〈n(x)n(0)〉 − 〈n(x)〉〈n(0)〉] ,

(60)where x is the position along the edge. Figure 11(b)shows results for different values of U/t, λ/t = 0.65, andλR/t = 0.3. For a weak interaction, U/t = 1, N(q) ex-hibits cusps at q = 0 and q = π that indicate a power-law decay of the real-space charge correlations. Upon in-creasing U/t, the cusps becomes less pronounced, whichsuggests a suppression of charge correlations by the in-teraction. This is in accordance with the existence of agap in the single-particle spectral function [Fig. 10(b)].A suppression of charge correlations is also observed forλ = 0.35, see Fig. 11(a).

The spin structure factors (a = x, z)

Sa(q) =1√N


e−iqx〈Sa(x)Sa(0)〉 (61)

are shown in Fig. 12. For λ/t = 0.65 and U/t = 2,Sx(q) has cusps at q = 0 and q = π [Fig. 12(c)], andvaries almost linearly in between. With increasing U/t[U/t = 5 in Fig. 12(d)], correlations with q = 0 becomemuch stronger. Whereas q = 0 spin correlations domi-nate the x component of spin, the structure factor Sz(q)in Fig. 12(d) indicates equally strong correlations withq = π for the z component. The resulting spin order re-sembles that of a canted antiferromagnet. Qualitativelysimilar results, although with a less pronounced increaseof spin correlations between U/t = 2 and U/t = 5, arealso observed for λ/t = 0.35, as shown in Figs. 12(a),(b).

Despite a small but nonzero Rashba coupling, the re-sults in Figs. 12(c) and (d) reveal the symmetry relationSz(q) = Sx(q + π) which roots in the chiral SU(2) sym-metry of the corresponding low-energy Hamiltonian (seeSec. VI B). Our quantum Monte Carlo results show thatthis symmetry survives even in the presence of strongcorrelations. The results in Fig. 12 are almost identicalto the case with λR = 0 (not shown), suggesting that the





−π 0 π



(a) U/t = 2

λ/t = 0.35







−π 0 π



(b) U/t = 5






−π 0 πq

(c) U/t = 2

λ/t = 0.65






−π 0 πq

(d) U/t = 5

Sx(q) Sz(q)

Sx(q) Sz(q)

Sx(q) Sz(q)

Sx(q) Sz(q)

FIG. 12. (Color online) Spin structure factors Sx(q) and Sz(q)[Eq. (61)] from CT-INT simulations for λ/t = 0.35 [(a),(b)]and λ/t = 0.65 [(c),(d)]. Here, λR/t = 0.3.

Rashba term breaks the chiral symmetry only weakly.On the other hand, the symmetry is clearly absent forλ/t = 0.35 [Figs. 12(a),(b)].

C. Effective spin model for λ/t = λs

For strong interactions U/t, there exist no low-energycharge fluctuations at the edge, allowing for a descrip-tion in terms of a spin model. We consider the case of(nearly) equal velocities, λ/t = 0.65, and make an ansatzin the form of a Heisenberg model with nearest-neighborinteractions,

Hspin =∑i


xi S

xi+1 + JyS

yi S

yi+1 + JzS

zi S


)= J


(Sxi S

xi+1 + Syi S

yi+1 − Szi Szi+1

). (62)

In the second line, the coupling constants Ja have beenfixed by imposing the invariance under the rotationsgiven in Eq. (43), [Hs

spin, Ua] = 0, and using the relations

U†aSb(x)Ua = Mab [cf. Eq. (44)]. Hamiltonian (62) cor-

responds to the XXZ Heisenberg model, tuned to the fer-romagnetic isotropic point that separates the Ising phasefrom the Luttinger liquid phase via a first order transi-tion. In both cases, one expects strong spin correlations,as observed in Fig. 12(d) [52].


In this paper, we introduced the πKM model, corre-sponding to the Kane-Mele model on a honeycomb lat-

Page 13: Kane-Mele-Hubbard model on theKane-Mele-Hubbard model on the ˇ-ux honeycomb lattice Martin Bercx, Martin Hohenadler, and Fakher F. Assaad Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik,


tice with a magnetic flux of ±π through each hexagon.The flux insertion doubles the size of the unit cell, andleads to a four-band model for each spin sector. For onespin direction, the band structure has four Dirac pointswhich acquire a gap for nonzero spin-orbit coupling λ.At half filling, the spinless model has a Chern insulat-ing ground state with Chern number 2 or −2, dependingon the spin-orbit coupling. The transition between thesestates occurs via a phase transition at λ/t = 1/2, andthe band structure features a quadratic crossing at thecritical point. The spinful πKM model is trivial in the Z2

classification, with an even number of Kramers doublets.If translation symmetry at the edge is unbroken, the he-lical edge states are stable at the single-particle leveleven in the presence of a Rashba coupling that breaksthe U(1) spin symmetry. The U(1) spin symmetric low-energy model of the edge states has a chiral symmetrywhen the edge state velocities have equal magnitude andeither the same or opposite sign. This chiral symmetryis shown to survive even in the presence of interactions.

Regarding the effect of electronic correlations in thebulk, the combination of mean-field calculations andquantum Monte Carlo simulations suggest the existenceof a quantum phase transition to a state with long-range, antiferromagnetic order, similar to the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model. The critical value of the interaction de-pends on the spin-orbit coupling. At λ/t = 1/2, wherethe quadratic band crossing occurs, a weak-couplingStoner instability exists.

We studied the correlation effects on the edge statesin the paramagnetic bulk phase. At half filling, thebosonization analysis predicts the opening of a gap inthe edge states as a result of umklapp scattering for anynonzero interaction. For strong coupling, we were able toconfirm this prediction using quantum Monte Carlo sim-ulations. Umklapp processes are only effective at com-mensurate filling and therefore can be eliminated by dop-

ing away from half filling. In this case, we expect theinteracting model to have stable edge modes, providedtranslation symmetry is not broken. At large U/t, theemergent chiral symmetry can be used to derive an effec-tive spin model of the XXZ Heisenberg type.

Our model may be regarded as a two-dimensionalcounterpart of TCIs. Whereas the gapless edge states ofthe latter are protected by crystal symmetries of the two-dimensional surface, the edge states in the πKM modelare protected (at the single-particle level, or away fromhalf filling) by translation symmetry. TCIs have an evennumber of surface Dirac cones which are related by acrystal symmetry. The cones can be displaced in momen-tum space without breaking time-reversal symmetry byapplying inhomogeneous strain [53]. This is in contrastto topological insulators with an odd number of Diracpoints where at least one Kramers doublet is pinned ata time-reversal invariant momentum. In TCIs, umklappscattering processes can be avoided either by doping awayfrom half filling or by moving the Dirac points. In ourmodel, the edge modes have in general unequal velocitiesand cannot be mapped onto each other by symmetry.The Dirac points are pinned at the time-reversal invari-ant momenta, and subject to umklapp scattering at halffilling.

Finally, the πKM model may be experimentally real-ized in ultracold atomic gases by using optical flux lat-tices to create periodic magnetic flux densities [54–58].


We thank F. Crepin and B. Trauzettel for helpful dis-cussions. We acknowledge computing time granted bythe Julich Supercomputing Centre (JUROPA), and theLeibniz Supercomputing Centre (SuperMUC). This workwas supported by the DFG grants Nos. AS120/10-1 andHo 4489/2-1 (FOR1807).

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