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Communications inCommun. Math. Phys. 118, 411-449 (1988) Mathematical

Physics© Springer-Verlag 1988

Topological Sigma Models

Edward Witten*School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA

Abstract. A variant of the usual supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model isdescribed, governing maps from a Riemann surface Σ to an arbitrary almostcomplex manifold M. It possesses a fermionic BRST-like symmetry, conservedfor arbitrary Σ, and obeying Q2 = 0. In a suitable version, the quantum groundstates are the 1 + 1 dimensional Floer groups. The correlation functions of theBRST-invariant operators are invariants (depending only on the homotopytype of the almost complex structure of M) similar to those that have enteredin recent work of Gromov on symplectic geometry. The model can be coupledto dynamical gravitational or gauge fields while preserving the fermionicsymmetry; some observations by Atiyah suggest that the latter coupling maybe related to the Jones polynomial of knot theory. From the point of view ofstring theory, the main novelty of this type of sigma model is that the gravitonvertex operator is a BRST commutator. Thus, models of this type maycorrespond to a realization at the level of string theory of an unbroken phaseof quantum gravity.

1. Introduction

In recent years, Yang-Mills instantons have played an important role in the studyof four manifolds and three manifolds in the work of Donaldson [1] and Floer[2], respectively. More recently, Atiyah advocated an interpretation of Floer theoryin terms of a non-relativistic version of supersymmetric quantum Yang-Millstheory [3] and offered some evidence that this might have a relativistic generaliz-ation that would account for many features of Donaldson and Floer theory. Arelativistic quantum field theory that seems to have the requisite properties wasindeed formulated in [4]. It possesses a global fermionic symmetry which is similarin many ways to BRST symmetry, though it can be obtained by twisting ordinaryN = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.

There is also a 1 + 1 dimensional version of Floer theory [2], which has givenstriking results about symplectic diffeomorphisms of symplectic manifolds. From

* On leave from Department of Physics, Princeton University. Supported in part by NSF GrantsNo. 80-19754, 86-16129, 86-20266

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the considerations in [3], it is evident that 1 + 1 dimensional Floer theory is relatedto some version of supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models. In the present paper,we will attempt to clarify this and find the precise version of relativistic sigmamodels that enters.

There are three motivations for the present work. First of all, the problem juststated of understanding the relativistic generalization of 1 + 1 dimensional Floertheory is clearly interesting in itself. In fact, we will find an interesting variant ofthe usual supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model with a BRST-like fermionicsymmetry. The correlation functions of the BRST invariant operators that appearare invariants, similar to those in work of Gromov [5] on symplectic geometry.

Second, Atiyah has also conjectured [3] that the Jones knot polynomial [6]should have a natural description in terms of Floer and Donaldson theory. It istempting to think that, if so, 1 + 1 dimensional as well as 3 + 1 dimensional Floertheory should play a role. A knot is after all an embedding φ:S->Y, where S is acircle and Y a three manifold. (One sometimes specializes to the case that 7 is athree-sphere, but we do not wish to do this.) What could be more natural thanto consider on S a nonlinear sigma model with BRST-like symmetry, coupled togauge fields on Y in a BRST-invariant fashion? In essence, one is thus consideringthe knot as a "superconducting cosmic knot," with current-carrying modes thatare coupled to gauge fields in three-space.1 The BRST-invariant correlationfunctions are in principle then knot invariants, perhaps related to the Jonespolynomial, though we will have to leave this question for the future.

The final motivation for the present work is connected with the possible physicalimplications of Donaldson and Floer theory. The fermionic symmetry in [4] isformally very similar to BRST symmetry. For instance, the fermionic charge is aLorentz scalar Q obeying Q2 = 0. It is very possible that this fermionic symmetryis in fact a BRST symmetry that arises in gauge fixing of some underlying systemwith higher gauge invariance. For reasons sketched in [4], if such an underlyingtheory exists it must be a generally covariant theory in an exotic phase in whichgeneral covariance is unbroken; as a result, signals cannot propagate, and the onlyobservables are global topological invariants, the Donaldson polynomials. It doesnot seem likely that there is any ordinary quantum field theory in which thefermionic symmetry of [4] (or its gravitational analogue [10]) arises by BRSTgauge fixing. A plausible higher symmetry that could do the job upon gauge fixingis not known in field theory.

But it is very intriguing to ask whether string theory, which certainly doespossess higher gauge invariances of a mysterious kind, is the right framework inwhich such fermionic symmetries arise naturally as BRST symmetries after gaugefixing. It is almost always logical to try to understand a symmetry by consideringa situation in which the symmetry is unbroken. In the case of string theory, thereis a particularly compelling reason for this. As long as general covariance is brokenby a choice of metric tensor, the metric plays a key role in the propagation of

1 There is a striking analogy of such a system with superconducting cosmic strings [7] and also with

the incorporation of current carrying modes on fundamental strings [8]. There is an interesting analogy,

made explicit in [9], between the two types of current-carrying string

Topological Sigma Models 413

signals of all kinds, including strings. In string theory, such a distinguished rolefor the metric tensor in unnatural, the metric being just one of infinitely manystring modes. To properly understand the higher symmetries of string theory, onewould like to put the graviton on the same basis as all the other modes, andperhaps this is most natural in a phase in which general covariance is unbroken.

What would the unbroken phase look like in string theory? One possibilitywhich has been proposed [11] (a review can be found in [12]) involves string fieldtheory. Another interesting suggestion involves trying to infer properties of theunbroken phase from the behavior of scattering amplitudes at high energies andfixed angles [13]. On the other hand, it is tempting to ask whether the unbrokenphase of string theory, like the broken phase, might have a representation in termsof world sheet path integrals.2 In the spirit of [4,10], it is pretty clear how oneshould try to find the unbroken phase in world sheet path integrals. One shouldlook for nonlinear sigma models with BRST-like fermionic symmetry and withthe property that the graviton vertex operator is a BRST commutator. This iswhat we will do in this paper, in the process of understanding 1 + 1 dimensionalFloer theory. Thus it is tempting to propose that the models considered in thispaper correspond to the unbroken phase of string theory. This must, however, beregarded as a rather tentative conjecture for a whole host of reasons, among themthe fact that we will be considering manifolds with almost complex structure,something that is not part of our usual thinking about space-time.3

The organization of this paper is a follows. In Sect. 2, we describe the relativisticsigma models which seem to be related to 1 -f- 1 dimensional Floer theory. InSect. 3, we determine the BRST invariant vertex operators and sketch the relationto Gromov's work. In Sect. 4, we couple the model to dynamical two dimensionalgravity (after introducing the two dimensional analogue of "topological gravity").In Sect. 5, we couple to dynamical gauge fields, and define some knot invariantswhich may or may not prove to be interest.

2. Construction of the Lagrangian

The two dimensional nonlinear sigma model is a theory of maps from a Riemannsurface Σ to a Riemannian manifold M. The usual supersymmetric nonlinearsigma model possess fermionic symmetries whose anticommutators generateinfinitesimal bosonic symmetries of Σ. Such infinitesimal bosonic symmetries

2 Like the world sheet path integral description of the broken phase, this description of the unbroken

phase, if it can be formulated, may well need a more fundamental formulation. World sheet path

integrals should probably be seen as a structure which arises upon trying to expand in perturbation

theory some underlying (and presently unknown) geometrical structure3 Notice, though, that the cotangent bundle of space-time (or any manifold M) has a canonical

symplectic structure, which, with a choice of metric on space-time, automatically gives also an almost

complex structure. Perhaps this is the proper context for relating the models considered in this paper

to string theory. Twistor theory suggests some other ways to associate an almost complex manifold

to any given real manifold M. For instance, one can consider the bundle over M whose fiber at a

point xeM is the space oΐ all almost complex structures on the tangent space to M at x. The total

space M of this bundle has (with a choice of metric on M) a natural almost complex structure

414 E. Wittcn

correspond to global holomorphic vector fields, and so exist only if Σ has genuszero or one. In this section, we will formulate a variant of the usual supersymmetricnonlinear sigma model which possesses a global fermionic symmetry on a Riemannsurface Σ of any genus. This is possible because the fermionic charge Q obeysQ2 = 0 (rather than Q2 generating an infinitesimal bosonic symmetry, as in theusual case).

In the usual supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model, the fermionic symmetrieshave spin 4- \ or spin — \, and act on right or left moving modes. The non-zerospin carried by the fermionic charges makes it possible in the usual situation todecompose any given fermionic charge into left or right handed eigencharges ofdefinite spin. In the situation that we will consider, there will be just one fermioniccharge g, with spin zero so that it has no decomposition into components ofpositive and negative spin. Q will couple to both left and right moving modes,in such way that (just as in [4]) every field has a β-partner. As a result, theQ cohomology groups (solutions of Qχ = 0, modulo the equivalence relationX — X + Qλ) are purely global invariants of M, the Floer groups; there are no localdegrees of freedom in the BRST sense. As was indicated in the introduction, thismeans that the sigma models we will consider correspond roughly to an unbrokenphase of string theory.

In the work of Floer and Gromov, it is important that M should have analmost complex structure. We will accept this as a cue and attempt to formulatea sigma model that depends on such an almost complex structure. (To make closercontact with the results of Floer and Gromov, we need an additional structure onM — a symplectic structure. From our viewpoint, this enters not in the basicconstruction of the Lagrangian but in extracting some of its geometrical conse-quences, as we will see in Sect. 3.)

Let us recall the definition of an almost complex structure. Let T denote thetangent bundle of M. The linear transformations of T correspond to a vectorbundle End T.4 An almost complex structure is a section J of End T such thatJ2 = — 1. Upon picking a local trivialization of T, a vector field V can be describedby its components V\ i = 1.. .n (here n = dimM). The almost complex structurethen corresponds to a tensor field J^ obeying

On M, we consider a Riemannian metric gtj of type (1,1). The statement that g isof type (1,1) means that

gij = Js


igst, (2.2)

or equivalently that

Jii=-Ju, (2-3)

where Ja = gisJsi.

As a Riemannian manifold, M possesses its Levi-Civita connection—theunique torsion free connection such that Dkgtj = 0. We will not assume that DkJ


4 That is, the fiber of End T at a point PeM is the space of linear transformations of the fiber of T at P

Topological Sigma Models 415

vanishes. The case DkJlj = 0 is precisely the case in which J is an integrable complex

structure and g is a Kahler metric. In that case, the nonlinear sigma model thatwe will construct simplifies considerably and reduces to a twisted version of theusual N — 2 supersymmetric sigma model.

A map φ:Σ-+M can (locally) be described by functions uf(σ) (σ denotes a pointin Σ, and the uι correspond to coordinates on M). In the nonlinear sigma model,these correspond to fields uι of conformal spin zero. The other fields in ourconstruction will be the following. We introduce an anticommuting field χι(σ), asection of φ*(T), the pullback of the tangent bundle of T to M. It will haveconformal spin zero. And we require an anticommuting field pβ{σ\ of conformalspin one. (β = 1,2 is a tangent index to Σ, and i=l...n runs over a basis of φ*(T),)p is a one form on Σ with values in φ*{T). ρβ

ι obeys a "self-duality" constraint

pα ί = ε'βfjpV. (2.4)

Here εΛ

β is the complex structure of Σ, obeying εa


γ = — δa

γ. Indices tangent toΣ are raised and lowered by use of a metric haβ on Σ, so ρai = haβpβ\ εaβ = hayε


β,etc. haβ is compatible with the complex structure εa

β in the sense that h is of type(1,1), so that εaβ = — εβa. Finally, we introduce a commuting field Ha\ a sectionof the same bundle as pa\ and obeying the same constraint

H™ = εa


jHβK (2.5)

It will turn out that Hai is not a propagating field; that is, the interesting Lagrangianswill be such that the Euler-Lagrange equations enable one to solve for Halgebraically in terms of the other fields. It would be possible to write invariantLagrangians without introducing H, but the importance oϊH is that its introductionmakes it possible to "close the algebra" (that is, to ensure Q2 = 0) without usingthe equations of motion.

In addition to conformal invariance, and the fermionic symmetry β, the modelthat we will construct will have at the classical level a bosonic symmetry U whichcorresponds in Floer theory to the grading of the Floer complex and so obeys[I/, β ] = Q. The fields u, λ9 p, and H have U = 0, 1, — 1 and 0, respectively. Theirconformal dimensions are 0,0,1 and 1. This is summarized in the table.

Before attempting to construct a Lagrangian, let us state a few moreconventions. The standard (torsion-free, metric compatible) affine connection ofM will be denoted Γ)k. The covariant derivative of a vector is thus Oky

l =SkV^Γ^V1. The Riemann tensor is Rjk\ = djΓι

kι- dkrl

n + Γ)sΓs

kl- Γ^Γ)^

Table I. The conformal dimensions, global

charges, and statistics of the various fields









1_ ^




416 E. Witten

This definition is such that [D^D^V1 = RjklVι. A connection on φ*{T) is obtained

by pulling back the connection of T from M to Σ, giving the covariant derivative

of χ\


and similarly for any other section of φ*(T).

We first postulate the fermionic transformation laws

Sχ1 = 0, δu* = iεχ1 (2.7)

for u and χ. Evidently, these are such that for any two fermionic parameters η and ε,

δηδeΦ = 0 (2.8)

for Φ equal to u or χ. Equation (2.8) corresponds to Q2 = 0, and we wish to achievethis relation for all fields. For δp we postulate

) - iεΓ)kχJpa

k (2-9)

This choice is not as arbitrary as it may at first appear. The term proportional toDkJ

lj is needed for consistency with (2.4) and (2.7). The non-covariant lookingterm proportional to the affine connection is in fact needed for covariance underreparametrization of the u\ So only the first term, zH\ requires explanation. Infact, this may be regarded as the definition of Hιa; any terms that might be addedto the right-hand side of (2.9) could be absorbed in redefinition of H.

Now we must ask what δH should be. This is uniquely determined by askingthat δηδFp should vanish. One finds that one must postulate the unpromising-looking formula,

δH*t = -^χ\Rkι\ + RkliΎJi'iJt

t')p*' + l^ε*β(DkJi


- ^ / # k Λ ) ( % ^ / Λ > α ί - isr)k7jH«K (2.10)

After a more or less lengthy calculation, one finds that

δηδEH = 0, (2.11)

as desired. This completes the construction of the fermionic multiplet. We willsometimes write formulas such as (2.9) or (2.10) in a different way, defining anoperation {Q, } on fields by δΦ= — ίε{Q, Φ}, for all Φ.

Because the algebra has been closed without the use of equations of motion,it is quite easy to find invariant actions. One simply takes

&=-i{Q,V), (2.12)

for any V. Because Q2 = 0, the Lagrangian j£? is automatically invariant. We wouldlike j£f to be conformally invariant and of U = 0, so V should be conformallyinvariant and of U = — 1. A minimal choice is

Z = Jd2ff(p?3eui-ip?H^). (2.13)

Topological Sigma Models 417

(We are here suppressing the world sheet metric, setting haβ = δaβ. This can bedone locally with the use of conformal invariance, and since the formulas are localthis should cause no ambiguity.) By evaluating (2.12), we find the Lagrangian


The derivative of H does not appear in (2.14), so H is an "auxiliary field," importantin closing the algebra but not propagating. Bearing in mind (2.5), one finds theEuler-Lagrange equations to be

H^δ^ + ε^JψuS. (2.15)

Eliminating H with the use of this equation, one finds a Lagrangian for thepropagating fields only, namely

k i (2.16)

For future reference, let us here note the formula for the supercurrent thatgenerates the fermionic symmetry. There is a standard recipe for finding this. Oneconsiders a fermionic transformation with a general σα-dependent parameter ε.Writing the variation of the Lagrangian as δJ£ = ί$d2σdσε Jlx, one finds theconserved current

J* = GijH^ + ΪJιsp:DkJijX

kγJ. (2.17)

2.1 The Kahler Case. The above formulas simplify and become more transparentif M is a Kahler manifold K, so that Dk J^ = 0. Let us denote vector fields of type(1,0) or (0,1) on the Kahler manifold K as υι and w7, respectively. The nonzerocomponents of the Kahler metric g are then Q^ — Qjv Similarly, a one form ωα

on the Riemann surface Σ has components of type (1,0) and (0,1), which we maydenote as ω+ and ω_. Equation (2.4) means that the non-zero components ofp + l and pJ are p +

! and pJ, respectively. Equation (2.16) reduces to


This possesses an N = 2 fermionic symmetry

δχι = δγj - 0, δu1 = ίεχ\ δuι = iεχ\

W = 2εd+u! - iεfsdsgκ-sχsp+


δpJ= 2εd^uτ- iεg%gsK/pJ. (2.19)

Here ε and ε are independent anticommuting constants, which correspond to twofermionic charges QL and QR which obey 0 = Q2

L = Q2

R = {QL,QR}. For ε = ε,

418 E. Witten

(2.19) reduces to the single fermionic symmetry of the more general model (2.10).QL and QR generate independent BRST-like symmetries for left and right movingmodes. Similarly, the global symmetry U of (2.16) splits into ULx UR, withthe charges of χ /

? χ r

? p +

/, and pJ being (l,0),(0,l),(-1,0), and (0,-1),respectively.

Unlike (2.16), (2.18) can be understood in a simple way as a twisted version ofa standard N = 2 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model. In two dimensions theLorentz group has a single generator which we will call T. The standard N = 2model (for maps into a Kahler manifold) has left and right moving (V — A andV H- A) chiral symmetries which we may call UL and UR. There are four supercharges(two left moving and two right moving); they transform under TxULxURas( - 1/2,1,0)Θ(- 1/2, - 1,0)®(1/2,0,1)0(1/2,0, - 1). Clearly, if we define a newLorentz generator T' = T + ̂ UL — ^UR, then there are two T singlet super-charges QL and QR, transforming under ULx UR as (1,0) ©(0,1). They obeyQl= QR = {QLIQR} = 0 With T regarded as the Lorentz generators, thefermions have spin 0 and ± 1 instead of \ and — \. The resulting model can bedefined on an arbitrary Riemann surface preserving the conservation of QL andQR. This gives precisely (2.18).

It is also possible, if M is a Kahler manifold, to consistently set pJ = χJ = 0,leaving a Lagrangian

& = 2Sd2σlgIjd + uId_uτ-^pJD + χIgIj~\ (2.20)

with a single right moving fermionic symmetry

δχI = 0 = δuτ, δu'-iεχ1,

δpJ=2εd-ur (2.21)

This is a twisted version of a conventional (0,2) model. Though the Kahler caseis thus relatively transparent the general Lagrangian (2.16) for almost complexmanifolds apparently cannot be obtained by twisting of any more standardconstruction.

2.2 Incorporation of World-Sheet Super symmetry. In this section, we will generalizethe above constructions to give models with 1 + 1-dimensional world-sheetsupersymmetry as well as BRST invariance. The main motivation has to do withthe conjecture that the sigma models we have described, in which the gravitonvertex operator turns out to be a BRST commutator, are related to an unbrokenphase of string theory. If so, the above models are related to an unbroken phaseof bosonic strings; sigma models related to an unbroken phase of Type II orheterotic superstrings should have N = \ or N = 1/2 world-sheet supersymmetry,respectively, as well as BRST symmetry, and we would like to construct thesesigma models.

First we recall the basic definitions of N = 1 superspace in 1 + 1 dimensions.In addition to the bosonic coordinates σα, α = 1,2, there are fermionic coordinates

Topological Sigma Models 419

ΘA, A = 1,2 which transform as spinors of the Lorentz group.5 The super-symmetry generators are

QA = 4^A + i(p"θ)A j - a - i2-22)

The superspace covariant derivative is

The relation between them is {QA,DB} =0. A superfield is simply a functionΦ(σα, ΘA\ with the supersymmetry transformation law δΦ = εAQAΦ. Any expression\d2σd2ΘP(Φ,DAφ,DADBφ,..) is supersymmetric, with P being an arbitraryfunctional of Φ and its covariant derivatives. A typical (in some sense minimal)choice is

S£ = \d2σd2θεABDAΦDBΦ. (2.24)

While supersymmetry may be realized in this way on any superfield or collectionof superfields, we wish to find a particular collection of superfields on which onecan realize the BRST-like fermionic symmetry in addition to supersymmetry.

The form in which we closed the algebra makes it easy to do this, essentiallyby re-interpreting the above fields as superfields and making some slight adjust-ments. Corresponding to the fields uι and γj of the previous construction, weintroduce superfields ύι and f (commuting and anti-commuting, respectively; andof conformal spin zero), with the BRST transformation laws

bf = 0, bύ* = iεχ\ (2.25)

As for paι and Ha\ we replace them with "spinor" superfields pAι and HAι ofconformal spin 1/2, and obeying the kinematical constraints

β* = εA


jβBj, HAi = εΛ


jHBj. (2.26)

The BRST transformation laws are the obvious generalizations of our previous


δβAί = εHAi + l~εA



jpBj - ίεΓ)kχ


δHAi = -~χkχι(Rkι\ + RmrW'W + f εA

- icΓ)kJtjHΛ\ (2.27)

5 This is a two dimensional real irreducible representation of SO(2). It possesses both symmetric andantisymmetric bilinear invariants δAB and εAB. The former is used to "raise and lower" spinor indices.The complexification of this representation splits as a sum of one dimensional representations of"positive and negative chirality." The product of two spinor representations of 50(2) contains a vector;this is expressed in the existence of the "gamma matrices" pAH

420 E. Witten

This algebra closes by exactly the same computation which shows such closurein the case that the world sheet is purely bosonic. We then can find a supersymmetricand BRST invariant Lagrangian in the form

& = {QBRVΓ,V}, (2.28)

where V is an arbitrary functional of the fields. A simple generalization of thechoice that we adopted in the absence of world-sheet supersymmetry is

V =\d2σά2d(βiΌ Aύ[ -^βfW^ (2.29)

The Lagrangian in (2.28) can be regarded as a supersymmetric generalization of(2.16), and if (2.16) has something to do with an unbroken phase of bosonic strings,then (2.28) may well have something to do with an unbroken phase of Type II super-strings. In a similar fashion, by introducing superfields that obey suitable chiralityconditions, one can construct a generalization of (2.16) with TV = 1/2 world-sheetsupersymmetry, possibly related to an unbroken phase of heterotic strings. Thekey point in introducing chiral superfields with BRST symmetry is that the BRSTtransformation laws (2.9), (2.10) still make sense and still close if one introduceschirality conditions βai = ± ίε*ββ

β\ Hai = + iε"βHβi. Similar chirality conditions

are possible in (2.26) and (2.27).

23 Local Fermionίc Symmetry. Another interesting generalization of the forgoinginvolves the possibility of turning the global BRST symmetry that we haveconsidered into a local symmetry with a σ-dependent infinitesimal parameter ε.(In carrying out this step, we will dispense with world-sheet supersymmetry andreturn to purely bosonic world-sheets.) At first sight, introducing local BRSTsymmetry might seem like a rather bizarre step. The motivation for this step isthat if the BRST-like symmetries considered here (and in [4,10]) have anythingto do with nature, they must be spontaneously broken so that local physics canemerge. Spontaneous breaking of BRST symmetry is at first sight a somewhatparadoxical notion. For the usual criterion of symmetry breaking is that a symmetryis broken if the vacuum is not invariant under the symmetry. In the case of BRSTsymmetry, the vacuum not being invariant under the symmetry would merely seemto mean that the vacuum is unphysical, in the BRST sense—not a very appealingconclusion. It seems likely that spontaneous BRST symmetry breaking wouldmake more sense in the case of local BRST invariance. One would like to considerlocal BRST symmetry in space-time (3 + 1 dimensions) as well as the string worldsheet (1 + 1 dimensions), but as a first step we will here consider the 1 + 1dimensional case.

In constructing a Lagrangian with local BRST symmetry, the first point is thatσ derivatives nowhere appear in the transformation laws (2.7), (2.9), and (2.10).Consequently, those formulas still make sense and still give a closed algebra if εhas an arbitrary σ dependence. Any functional [Q, V} will have local BRSTsymmetry if V is constructed only from the fields w,χ5p, and H, and not theirderivatives. But if we wish to construct invariant functionals that involve not onlythe fields but also their derivatives, we need to introduce covariant derivatives.This may be done by introducing an anticommuting gauge field Λα, of ghost

Topological Sigma Models 421

number — 1, with the BRST transformation law

δΛa=-daε. (230)

Then we define the covariant derivative of uι by

Dauι = dy + iΛΛχ\ (2.31)

This transforms homogeneously under σ dependent BRST transformations (thatis, under (2.30) together with (2.7)). The covariant derivative of χ needs nomodification, since δχ = 0 in (2.7). Covariant derivatives of p and H receivemodifications similar to that in (2.31) (so Dσp is replaced by Dxp — ίΛΛ{Q,ρ}, etc.).

Now there is no problem in obtaining a generalization of our previousLagrangians with local BRST symmetry. One simply replaces c^ux in (2.13) withDau\ After evaluating {g, V) and eliminating H, one arrives at a version of (2.16)with local fermionic symmetry in which, again, dau

ι has been replaced by thecovariant derivative.

To complete the picture, we should introduce a locally BRST invariant kineticenergy for the gauge field Aa. One way to do this is certainly to introduce anotheranticommuting gauge field /ΐα, of t/ = + 1, invariant under the BRST symmetry(but with its own gauge invariance), and with the Lagrangian

^gaugc = - ϊ\d2σ{δ,Λβ ~ dβΛJid'ΛP - d^λη. (2.32)

This is not suitable for our general program, however, since the energy-momentumtensor is not a BRST commutator, so that (2.32) cannot be interpreted in termsof an unbroken phase of quantum gravity. Construction of a more suitable versionand investigation of its properties is something that we will leave for the future.

2.4 Families of Almost Complex Manifolds. Our considerations up to this pointhave still a further generalization, which is likely to be important in geometricalapplications, though it will not really be exploited in this paper. This generalizationagain depends on the fact that σ derivatives of the fields do not appear in thefermionic transformation laws (2.7), (2.9), and (2.10). As a result, the algebra willstill close if with no other change in any of the formulas, we permit gi}{uk; σσ) andJlj(uk; σα) to depend on the coordinates σα of Σ as well as the coordinates uk ofM. Our Lagrangian (2.16) is still invariant in this more general situation.

To make this sound a little less bizarre, and describe its geometric setting, letus introduce the product space I = M x I I is an almost complex manifold,since M is almost complex and Σ is a Riemann surface. X can be viewed as afiber bundle over Σ,


1 (2.33)Σ.

The space of maps Σ^M can be viewed as the space of sections of the bundle(2.33). Of course, X = M x Σ is a trivial bundle. Nevertheless, let us pick on X ametric and almost complex structure which are not simply products of structurescoming from M and Σ. (We require the almost complex structure on X to be

422 E. Witten

compatible with the fibration in (2.33) in the sense that the tangent bundle to thefibers, viewed as a subbundle of the total tangent bundle of X, is invariant underthe action of the endomorphism that defines the complex structure of X.) Such achoice of metric and almost complex structure on X will restrict on each fiber toa metric and complex structure 0^(1/; σα) and J)(uk\ σα) on M with, in general, anon-trivial dependence on the coordinates σα of Σ.

At this point, one might feel that it is rather unnatural to consider only productbundles while permitting a non-product metric and a non-product almost complexstructure. Clearly, the situation just described is begging to be generalized to asetting in which we replace the maps Σ->M by sections of an arbitrary M bundleover Σ. To obtain the correct general setting for topological sigma models, weshould consider an arbitrary family of almost complex manifolds, fibered over aRiemann surface Σ. By a family of almost complex manifolds, we mean a manifoldX fibered over Σ, with an almost complex structure on X that reduces for eachfiber to an almost complex structure on the fiber. We then regard the uk(aa) as adescription not of a map Σ-+M but of a section of the bundle X. X is thenendowed with a metric of type (1,1)—that is, a metric obeying (2.4). With slightmodification, (2.16) is still well-defined in this situation, and still possesses itsfermionic symmetry.

Modification is required because, with the u\σa) being not functions but sectionsof a bundle, the derivatives dau

k must be replaced by suitable covariant derivatives.What will be the "gauge group" in the definition of these covariant derivatives?In general there is no reason for this group to be any smaller than the full-fledgedgroup DiffM of all diffeomorphisms of M. Let diffM be the Lie algebra of thisgroup, and let Va, aeT, be a basis of this Lie algebra. Of course, the indexing setT is infinite, as diffM is an infinite dimensional Lie algebra. Concretely, each Va

corresponds to a vector field Va

ι on M. We now wish to introduce a connectionon X with DiffM for structure group. Concretely, this means introducing on Σ agauge field Aa

a(σβ) which, locally, can be regarded as a diffM valued one form,with the usual gauge transformation law


a= - V + / f l A c (2.34)

with fa

bc the structure constants of diffM (so [Kb5 Vc~\ =fa

bcVa) and εa being anarbitrary diffM valued zero form. Now we can define the covariant derivative ofthe u\

Dauk = dau

k + Σa6TAa

aVa\ (2.35)

and a corrected covariant derivative of the χ\

Djk = daχk + d^nχ1 + ΣaeTA


adjVW. (2.36)

If the derivatives of uk and χk are everywhere replaced by (2.35) and (2.36), then(2.16) makes sense in the more general context just described, and is still invariantunder the fermionic symmetry (2.9). Thus, we have obtained a "supersymmetric"theory describing the sections of an arbitrary family X-*Σ of almost complexmanifolds. The "instantons" in this situation are the global holomorphic sectionsof the family.

Topological Sigma Models 423

In case X and M are Kahler, the discussion simplifies. Perhaps it is appropriateto discuss this case explicitly. The nonlinear sigma model is usually (without thegeneralization we have just discussed) a theory of maps Σ—>M. As such, it dependson the intrinsic geometry of M, not on the choice of a particular set of coordinatesuk. The intrinsic nature of the nonlinear sigma model shows up in the fact thatthe usual Lagrangian

$ k d a u ι (2.37)

preserves its form under reparametrizations at the uk—under, say, uk-+uι(uk),accompanied by the usual redefinition of gkl. Of course, if one is considering sigmamodels with an additional structure, say a Kahler structure permitting an n = 2supersymmetry, one should consider only reparametrizations that preserve thisadditional structure. In any case, (2.37) would not preserve its form under a σα

dependent reparametrization uk-+ύι(uk;σa). Of course, we could generalize (2.37),by including a diffM connection as above, to a model describing sections of a notnecessarily trivial bundle X-^Σ. Usually such a generalization would not becompatible with fermionic symmetries. The surprise about (2.16) is that thefermionic symmetry holds in the more general situation.

This is particularly transparent in the Kahler situation (2.18). Let us write zand z for σ+ and σ~. Note that in (2.18) we see dzu

! and dμ\ but no d-u1 ordzu\ Therefore, (2.18) preserves its form under holomorphic reparametrizationsof the u1 that depend holomorphically on z, say

u 7 - > w V ; 4 (2.38)

it being essential that

dύι du1

Tτ = ΊF = 0' ( Z 3 9 )du oz

The fact that (2.18) preserves its form under (2.38) means that (2.38) has ageneralization to a situation in which one is studying the sections of a family

M —+X

ϊ (2.40)Σ

of Kahler manifolds fibered over Σ, rather than maps Σ->M. This also holds inthe more general case of sections of a family of almost complex manifolds,corresponding to the more general Lagrangian (2.16).

In this section, we have considered a model that involves world sheet gravity(an arbitrary metric on Σ) and world sheet gauge fields (the diffM connection).But these play a passive role, being arbitrarily prescribed rather than beingindependent degrees of freedom. In later sections, we will generalize to the caseof a sigma model coupled to dynamical gravity and dynamical gauge fields, stillpossessing the fermionic symmetry.

2.5 Canonical Formulation and Floer Groups. Finally, we will, very briefly, discussthe canonical quantization of (2.16). Such canonical quantization will give rise to

424 E. Witten

a quantum Hubert space Jf, with an operator Q obeying Q2 = 0. It is to be expectedthat in a suitable setting, the (/-graded cohomology groups of Q will turn out tobe the Floer groups. Recall, after all, that the original motivation for theconstruction of (2.16) was to find a relativistic generalization of the de Rham modelof 1 -f 1 dimensional Floer theory, as described in [3].

A full discussion of the quantization of (2.16) would raise many issues. Here,we will simply make a few remarks. First of all, in (2.16) there appears a certain term

A5£ = ̂ \d2σJijεaβdau

idβuj. (2.41)

It is clear from the CPT theorem that this term, because it is odd under reversalof orientation of Σ but appears with a real coefficient, will cause certain difficultiesin quantization. The CPT theorem says that the (Euclidean) Lagrangian of aunitary, relativistic quantum field theory must be invariant under complexconjugation combined with reversal of orientation. Physically, in fact, (2.41)corresponds to a world-sheet θ term with an imaginary value of 0, and this certainlyviolates unitarity.

In Atiyah's treatment of Floer theory [3], there does not seem to be any signof an imaginary theta term, so we are led to ask if (2.41) can be omitted from(2.16) without spoiling the fermionic symmetry. There is one situation is whichthis is possible. If the two form J ^\J^aul Λ duj is closed, dJ = 0, then (2.41) isa topological invariant and can be dropped without spoiling the fermionicsymmetry. The case dJ = 0 (by definition) the case in which M is symplectic andnot just almost complex. This is precisely the situation most investigated by Floer,whose 1 + 1 dimensional results are mainly concerned with diffeomorphisms ofsymplectic manifolds. It is conceivable that Floer theory has a generalization tothe almost complex case. Whether or not such a generalization exists, it seemslikely that the theorems that Floer has actually obtained correspond most closelyto quantization of (2.16) with M symplectic and (2.41) omitted.

One may note that even if (2.41) is omitted, (2.16) still leads to a Lorentzinvariant inner product on the quantum Hubert space Jf which is not unitary.The non-unitarity appears because of the indefiniteness of the fermion kineticenergy. In [4], a similar problem arose, and it was noted that in the Hamiltonianformalism there is a time reversal symmetry that enables one to define a positivedefinite but not Lorentz invariant inner product. Equation (2.16) does not havesuch a symmetry. It is possible that by adding non-minimal BRST invariant terms(of the form {β, V'} for suitable V'} one can find a version that admits a timereversal symmetry, but this question will not be addressed here.

Now, the situation that Floer actually considers is that of a symplectic manifoldM together with a diffeomorphism φ.M^M which preserves the symplecticstructure. From our point of view, the most natural way to study this situation isto regard φ as the gluing data in constructing a certain M bundle over S1, thatis, a manifold Y fibered over S1, the fibers being copies of M. Then, instead ofmaps S1 -»M, we consider sections of the bundle Y. More exactly, in the Hamiltonianapproach one considers an M-bundle Y over S1. In the path integral approach,one must restore the time direction, and thus consider the product Y x R; R isthe "time-line," and X = Y x R is regarded as an M bundle over S1 x R. In view

Topological Sigma Models 425

of our discussion in the last subsection, (2.16) gives a BRST invariant theorygoverning the sections of the bundle Y over S1 x JR.6 It is the quantization of(2.16), in this sense, that should be expected to give the groups that Floer associateswith a symplectic diffeomorphism φ:M->M.

In fact, in the Hamiltonian picture, the quantum ground states correspond tominima of the energy. The purely bosonic part of the energy is


(Here τ is "time," and S1 is being parametrized with an angular variable σ runningfrom 0 to 2π.) If present, (2.41) would contribute an extra term to the energy, butthis has been omitted. (At this point it is crucial that M is symplectic and (2.41)is being deleted. The additional term in the energy makes a contribution whichis not positive and would modify the determination of the Floer groups.) Tominimize (2.42) in the classical approximation, one takes u[ to be constant. If,however, one is considering not maps Sι -• M but sections of a bundle constructedwith the diffeomorphism φ as the transition function, then the boundary conditionson uι are not wf(2π) = w'(0), but

ui(2π) = φ*(ui){0). (2.43)

In other words, the uι are periodic up to the diffeomorphism φ. Equation (2.43)means that uι can be constant only if the constant value corresponds to a fixedpoint of φ, and this is why the quantum ground states in the situation underdiscussion can given information about those fixed points. Presumably, in thisway one can recover Floer's results about symplectic diffeomorphisms.

It seems appropriate to conclude by stating explicitly the following generaliz-ation of these considerations. This involves a situation that is known to have intimateanalogies with number theory. Consider a Kahler manifold X with a surjectiveholomorphic map π:X->£, Σ being a compact Riemann surface. It will alwaysbe true that over the complement of finitely many points "of bad reduction," π isa fibration. Suppose that π is everywhere a fibration. Then (2.16) gives a BRSTinvariant quantum field theory describing the C00 sections of the bundle X-*Σ.The global holomorphic sections will play a special role, as we will see in the nextsection. In fact, we will introduce Donaldson-like invariants that can be computedin terms of the global holomorphic sections of this bundle. More generally, therewill be finitely many points P1-Pk at which the fibration π is ill behaved. (Andwe may wish to permit the total space X to have singularities lying above thosepoints.) Around each of the Pj9 draw a little circle Sj. The fibration π:X -+Σ canbe restricted to Sj to give a one parameter family of Kahler manifolds fibered overSj. By quantizing a sigma model governing the sections of this bundle one obtains

6 When one considers not maps Σ-+M, but sections of an M bundle over Σ, the ability to drop (2.41)

depends on finding a closed two form ω on the total space of the bundle whose restriction to the fibers

induces the symplectic structures of the fibers. In the case at hand, this will exist if the diffeomorphism

φ of M is symplectic

426 E. Witten

certain Floer groups, just as in our discussion in the last subsection (where weassociated Floer groups with any one parameter family of symplectic manifoldsfibered over a circle). We should think of these as the local Floer groups associatedwith the singularity at Pj. Because of the singularities at the Pj, to make sense ofthe quantum field theory associated with π\X-*Σ will require suitable boundaryconditions on the Sp corresponding to the choice of a state in the local Floergroups. Thus, the Donaldson-like invariants which we will associate in the nextsection with global holomorphic sections of the bundle X will—in this situation—take values in the local Floer groups associated with what number theorists wouldcall the primes of bad reduction.

3. Observables

In this section, we will discuss the observables which can be defined in the modeldescribed in Sect. 2. We will restrict ourselves to the case in which one is studyingmaps Σ-+M for some M (rather than sections of a bundle). We will restrictourselves to observables in the BRST sense. This means that we consider onlyoperators Θ which are such that {g, &} = 0. The corresponding correlationfunctions

are zero if any of the Θt are BRST commutators, that is, if any of them can bewritten as Θt = {Q,λ} for some λ. (The argument that (3.1) is zero if one of the Θ{

is a BRST commutator can be found in the string theory literature [14,15] andhas been reviewed in [4].) Thus, discussing the observables in the BRST senserequires us to consider BRST cohomology classes of operators-operators &obeying {β, Θ} = 0 modulo operators of the form & — {Q, λ}.

Exactly as in [4], the only observables that can be defined in this sense areglobal topological observables. The reason for this is that the BRST-like symmetryis linearly realized; every field has a superpartner; the fermίonic symmetry acts ina non-degenerate fashion even in a linearized approximation.

Since the Lagrangian 5£ (2.16) possesses a fermionic symmetry for any choiceof metric haβ on Σ and for any choice of metric gtj and complex structure Jιj onM, the variation of 5£ with respect to the metric or complex structure of Σ or Mis BRST invariant. The characteristic features of "topological sigma models" springfrom the fact that these particularly important BRST invariant operators areactually BRST commutators, that is, they can be written as {β, X} for some X.For instance, the two dimensional energy-momentum tensor is defined in termsof the change in j£? under an infinitesimal change in the two dimensional metric haβ:

One finds that Txβ is a BRST commutator; in fact, Γα/J = — i{Q, Axβ} with

K» = h(9iAdfiui + dijp'βSy - h^g^d,*). (3.3)

Topological Sigma Models 427

Actually, it is obvious without any computation at all that Taβ must be a BRSTcommutator. For as if itself is a BRST commutator (having been introduced thatway in (2.12)), its variation under a change in the metric on Σ is certainly a BRSTcommutator. For essentially the same reason, the change in S£ under a change inthe metric and complex structure of M is a BRST commutator. In fact, under achange in gtj and J^ , the change in if is

δ& = {Q^d2σ(p^daujiδgίj + \(δJ\Jjt - δJtjJtM (3.4)

The change in the Lagrangian under a change in the metric of M is known instring theory as the graviton vertex operator. The fact that the graviton vertexoperator in the situation at hand is a BRST commutator is precisely the reasonfor the conjecture that these "topological sigma models" may give a realizationin string theory of a phase with unbroken general covariance. It means that themetric fluctuation is not observable in the BRST sense, and therefore that eventhe value of the metric is not observable. (This has nothing to do with quantumfluctuations; it is true in the phase at hand even in the classical limit.) This is exactlywhat one would expect if one is studying an underlying generally covariant theory,in a phase in which general covariance is a symmetry of the vacuum althoughviolated by the BRST gauge fixing.

3.1 Global Observables. The BRST invariant operators that are not BRSTcommutators are—as in [4]—of a global topological nature. Recall that in [4],the key was the existence of a BRST invariant field φ of conformal spin zero.Looking back to the fermionic transformation law (2.7), we see that the closestanalogue of that in the present discussion is the existence of a field χ of conformalspin zero with δχι = 0. However, since χι is not a function but a section of thebundle φ*(T), it does not make sense to consider operators that "depend only onχι and not on the boson fields u\" Such a concept would not be invariant underreparametrizations of the u\ The natural notion is to consider a differential form,say an n-form A = Aiv..indulί - duln, on M. For every such n-ΐorm A, we considerthe operator

- (3.5)

By use of (2.9), we find

δΘ^ = iεdi0Aίlί2^inr^ tn, (3.6)

which (recalling the definition δθ = - iε{Q, G}) is equivalent to the statement that


where dA = dioAiι...indulodulί --'duln is the exterior derivative of A. From (3.7), it isclear that BRST invariant operators θ^] correspond exactly to closed forms A.Moreover, it is clear that ΘA can be written as a BRST commutator, ΘA = — {Q, (9B),if and only if A = dB is trivial in de Rham cohomology. Thus, the BRST cohomologyclasses of operators obtainable in this way correspond exactly to the de Rham

428 E. Witten

cohomology classes of M.7 Clearly, the degree of ΘA under the U grading is thesame as the degree of A as a differential form.

Now, recall the basic framework of correlation functions in quantum fieldtheory. We pick a homotopy class of maps X->M, and introduce the Feynmanpath integral

\2>Xe~* (3.8)

with <3)X an abbreviation for an integral over all u, p, χ (in the chosen homotopyclass), and 5£ the Lagrangian of Eq. (2.16). For any functional W of w,p,χ, wedefine the unnormalized expectation value

<W) = $@Xe-*W. (3.9)

Its most important property is that

({Q,V}) = 0 (3.10)

for any U.We can now formulate some interesting examples. Jί A1,A2,...Ak are closed

forms on M of degrees π l 5 . . . 5 n k , pick distinct points P 1 , . . . , P f c e X , and consider

y (3.11)

This is a topological invariant in the sense that it is unchanged under continuouschanges in the metric of Σ and the metric and complex structure of M (but possiblydepends on the homotopy type of the almost complex structure of M). Theinvariance of (3.11) can be deduced from standard arguments that were repeatedlyused in [4]. Under an infinitesimal change in the metric and complex structure ofM, (3.11) changes by

^ ^ (3.12)

with δ<£ the change in S£ due to the change in metric and complex structure ofΣ or M. But we have observed that if = {<2, V] for some V. So

- 0 . (3.13)

This has some interesting consequences. Being independent of the metric onΣ, Z must be independent of the choice of distinct points Pt. But it is veryilluminating to check this explicitly. Viewing Θ^\P) as an operator valued Θ-ϊoxmon Σ, we compute its exterior derivative

duio . . D/u .

oσ Dσ

7 This is essentially the structure that was conjectured in [16] as the 1 + 1 dimensional analogue of

Donaldson polynomials. If one chooses A to be the Poincare dual of a hypersurface Y in M, then

(9A(P) is zero except for maps Σ ->M that map P into Y. This corresponds to the structure sketched

in [16]

Topological Sigma Models 429

If dA = 0, then (3.14) can be rewritten


is an operator valued one form on Σ. Equation (3.15) shows that if P and P' areany two points on Σ then the difference 6^0)(P) - Θ{%\P') is a BRST commutator.Indeed, picking any path y from P' to P,

Equation (3.17) implies that (3.11) is independent of the Ph as long as the differentialforms A: are all closed. For

O)Ή (3 1 8 )

At this point, however, we can use (3.15) to define new BRST invariantobservables. For let γ be a one dimensional homology cycle on Σ. Let

(3 i9)V


Π \ ^ = 0. (3.20)y y

Therefore, WA(y) is a new BRST invariant operator that can be considered incorrelation functions. Let us now see that W(y) depends only on the homologyclass for γ. For if y — dβ for some two chain β, then

V β

But a little calculation shows that

d ^ ( 1 ) = m3 i 0 A i l i 2 . . . i n dM i0ΛdM i l / i 2 . .χi»

+ in{n - \)Ahi2 induiι A Dγϊ2χh ~χin

= i{Q,0A

(2)}> n (3-22)where


{2)= -^Y^Aili2_induh ΛdMιV3 Z/n (3.23)

Hence if y = dβ, then

WAY) = ί<Vυ = ί ^ α ) = i\<2 ,$0ΛW } (3-24)y β I β J

is trivial in the BRST sense.At the same time (3.22) leads to a new BRST invariant integral, namely

WAΣ) = S<9Λ

(2\ (3.25)

430 E. Witten

For). (3.26)

Let us state these results in a more unified way. For any closed differentialform A on M, we have defined the three operators ΘA

{0\ @A

{1) > a n <3 @A{2\ obeying


{1) = i{Q, ΘA

{2)}, dΘA

i2) = 0. (3.27)

For A an π-form and k = 0,1,2, it is clear that ΘA

{k) has U = n — k. The equations(3.27) imply that if y is a homology /c-cycle on Σ, then

WA(y) = \®Ak) (3.28)y

is BRST invariant, and—up to a BRST commutator—depends only on thehomology class of y.

The interesting observables may then be described as follows. Pick closed formsA l 9 A 2 , . . . ,AkoϊdQgΐQQsd1,.. .dkonM, a n d h o m o l o g y c y c l e s y 1 ? . . . 9 y k o f d i m e n s i o n stl9...,tk. Let WAχ(yi) = \&A}

tι\ Then the BRST-invariant observables are


These observables, moreover, are topological invariants (invariant under conti-nuous deformations of the metric and complex structure of Σ and M), by anargument that was sketched above.

3.2 Evaluation of the Invariants. It remains to give a prescription for evaluatingthe invariants that we have just described, and to show that they are non-trivialand have interesting geometrical consequences.

First of all, since the quantities of interest are independent of the metric of M,we can consider a one parameter family of metrics of the form gfj = t-gij9 withgtj some given metric. This has the effect of substituting ££ -> tS£. For large t theFeynman path integral

(Θy = \2Xe~tSe Θ, (3.30)

is dominated by the minima of 5£. Looking back to (2.16), we see that the bosonicterms in the Lagrangian are positive semi-definite, and vanish if and only if

dΛtί + εaβ Jψu* = 0. (3.31)

This is the equation for a holomorphic map φ Σ^M; we will call such mapsinstantons.

Of course, in defining the path integral (3.30), we have had to pick a topologicalclass of maps of Σ to M. Whether instantons exist will depend on the chosentopological class. If for some topological class there actually is an instanton, onenaturally wishes to know if it is isolated of forms part of a family. Given a solutionof (3.31), the requirement that a slightly displaced map, with uι replaced by uι + du\

Topological Sigma Models 431

should obey (3.31) to lowest order in δu1 is

0 = DM + εaβJιjDβδuj + εaβDkJ


jdβu'duk. (3.32)

We write this as 0 = Dδu, 5 being the linear operator that appears in (3.32). Thezero modes of D correspond to infinitesimal deformations of an instanton.

Given an infinitesimal deformation of an instanton, there may be an obstructionto integrating it to give a finite deformation of the instanton. It is well known (butwill not be demonstrated here), that the obstruction lies in the cokernel of D (orequivalently, the kernel of the adjoint operator D*). Let Jί denote the modulispace of instantons of a given topological type. Formally, one expects that thedimension of M should equal the number of infinitesimal deformations of theinstanton minus the number of obstructions to integrating such infinitesimaldeformations; this is precisely the index of D. (For a topological class of maps ofΣ to M which is such that the index is negative, instantons will typically not exist.)Mathematically, the kernel and cokernel of D correspond to H°(Σ,φ*(T)) andH1(Σ, φ*(T)\ with φ*(T) denoting the pullback of the tangent bundle T of M viathe map φ:Σ->M. The index of M is the same as the dimension of H° minusthe dimension of H1.

Looking back to the Lagrangian (2.16) (and remembering the kinematiccondition obeyed by p), we see that in expanding around an instanton solution,the zero modes of χ and p correspond exactly to the kernel and cokernel of D.In quantum field theory, the number of χ zero modes minus the number of p zeromodes (or in other words, the index of D, which we will denote as ή) is a veryimportant quantity. Recall that at the classical level (2.16) has a conserved quantumnumber U with the values + 1 and — 1 for χ and p, respectively. As in the solution[17] of the [/(I) problem in QCD, the number of χ zero modes minus the numberof p zero modes is the violation of U by the instanton. In other words, theintegration measure in (3.30) is not invariant under U but is homogeneous ofdegree — n; and, if Θ is decomposed in components with a definite U quantumnumber, a non-zero contribution comes only from the component of degree + n.Our basic invariant

/ \(3.33)

associated with closed forms A{ on M of degree d{ and homology cycles y{ on Σof degree tt is homogeneous under U of degree

ti). (3.34)

It will vanish unless one chooses a homotopy class of maps of Σ to M such thatn = ΔU.

We will here restrict ourselves to the case in which H1 = 0, that is, to the casein which there are no p zero modes and the χ zero modes are precisely the tangentsto the moduli space Jt of instantons. This situation (which is realized in manyinteresting examples, some of which will be noted later) is very similar to thesituation considered in [4]. In carrying out the Feynman path integral (3.30), onecan ignore the non-zero modes; for in leading order of perturbation theory, which

432 E. Witten

is adequate for topological purposes, the non-zero modes give rise to boson andfermion determinants which cancel because of the fermionic symmetry. Everythingthus reduces to an integral over the instanton moduli space.

Perhaps it is useful to distinguish between the underlying bosonic moduli spaceJί of holomorphic maps Σ^M (of a given topological type), and the "modulisuperspace," Jί, which includes the fermionic zero modes as coordinates as well.This extended moduli space may locally be described with bosonic coordinatesaλ, λ= l...n and fermionic coordinates χλ which transform like daλ. To be veryexplicit about this, for future use, the aλ parametrize a family of maps of Σ toM, which we may describe by saying that a point PeΣ is mapped

P->uk(P;aλ). (3.35)

Here we have indicated explicitly the dependence on the aλ. Equation (3.35) saysthat the uk(P) (and more generally any functionals of the uk(P)) can be regarded,through their dependence on the aλ, as functions on instanton moduli space. Thiscan be extended to include the odd coordinates on moduli space. Pick a basis ofsolutions of (3.32), say δu\λ), λ— \...n, corresponding to a basis of the tangentspace of Jί. Any solution χι(P) of (3.32) has an expansion

χi(P)= Σ χλδui(P\at)(λ) (3.36)λ= 1

with constant (anticommuting) coefficients χλ. We regard the χλ as the oddcoordinates, of moduli space, and (3.36) is the formula expressing the χι(P), afterrestriction to moduli space, as functions of the even and odd coordinates aλ andχλ of moduli space.

The next important point is that there is a canonical measure on instantonmoduli space,

since daA and dχΛ transform oppositely under any reparametrization of M.

A function on M which is homogeneous of degree k under U is of the general form

φ= Wλιλ2tmΛkχλιχλ2 ~χλk, (3.38)

and corresponds to a differential form Φ = Wλiλ2...λhdaλldaλl •• daλk of order k onM. Integration of functions over .M is the same as integration of differential formsover Jί\

Jφ=jφ. (3.39)

Of course, (3.39) vanishes except for k = n.Now, we want to give a recipe for evaluating the topological invariants (3.29):


We recall that the At are closed differential forms on M of degrees dt, the yf arehomology cycles on M of degrees ίί? and

WAi(yi)=^^. (3.41)

Topological Sigma Models 433

The recipe for evaluating (3.40) to lowest order in perturbation theory is as follows.8

Expanding around the minima of the classical action, the operation < > reducesto an integral over Jt. Each WAi(yi) becomes a function Φ(Ai,yi) on Jt of degreedi — tt (corresponding to a differential form Φ of the same degree on Jt). Then(3.40) reduces to

Zi{Auyι\..χAk,yk))=\Φ{Aι,yι) .φ(Ak,yk). (3.42),7/

At that remains, therefore, is to explain cocretely how to interpret the WAιrh

as differential forms on Jt or functions on Jt. The general procedure in quantumfield theory is that one should "integrate out the non-zero modes" and expressthe operators

wAι(yt) = l ^ (3.43)

in terms of the zero modes only. In [4] this involved a slightly non-trivial step ofintegrating out certain degrees of freedom, but in the case at hand (as long asH1 = 0), life is simpler. The Θ^ are defined as functionals of arbitrary u, χ, andp. It makes sense to simply restrict them to instanton moduli space and interpretthem as functions on it. For instance, if γ is a zero cycle, simply a point PeΣ, thenwe have defined for any differential form A on M the operator

P) -γSP\ (3.44)

Here uk(P; aλ) denotes the image of the point PeΣ under the map Σ-± M describedby the wk, and as in (3.35) their dependence on the parameters of instanton modulispace is being indicated explicitly. Likewise, the χι(P) may as in (3.36) be regardedas functions on instanton moduli space. So, as in (3.35) and (3.36), &A

{0\P\ or anyother functional of the uj and χk, may be restricted to give a functional on theeven and odd coordinates of instanton moduli space Jt. In the case H1 =0 towhich we have restricted ourselves, this is all that is required to determine thefunctions Φ(Aί,yJ) that appear in (3.42).

It is possible to give a more straightforward and classical account of this, morein the spirit of Donaldson's description of his four dimensional invariants. Aninstanton corresponds to a map α:X—»M. If we are given a family of instantons,parametrized by a parameter space T, we get a map %:Σ x T->M. If we take Tto be the moduli space of instantons of a given topological class, we get the"universal instanton" of that class, which is a map

ί Ixl-^M. (3.45)

Suppose we are given a closed differential form A on M of degree d. Then its

pullback t o l x Jί,

A = όi*(A), (3.46)

is a closed d-form onΣ x M. If we are given a homology cycle y on M, of dimension

8 A somewhat more detailed explanation was given for similar steps in [4]

434 E. Wittcn

t, then by restricting A to γ x Jί, and then integrating over y, we get a closed

d — t form

Φ(A,y) = β (3.47)y

on ^#. The invariants defined in (3.40) are then simply

Z{(Al9yi)9...(Ak,yά)= lΦ(Al9yi) Λ Φ(A2,y2) Λ - A Φ(Ak9yk). (3.48)Jt

Alternatively, these invariants may be written as an integral over Jί,

Z((Ai,y1),...(Ak,γk))=lΦ(Aι,y1yΦ(A2,y2)---Φ(Ak,γkl (3.49)Jί

with Φ{A,y) being the function on Jt that corresponds to the differential form

Φ{A,y) on Jί.The key formulas such as (3.47) and (3.48) in the last paragraph are so elementary

that one may well ask what is the virtue in the quantum field theory viewpoint.One answer, of course, is that one would like to prove that (3.48) is a topologicalinvariant, that is, unchanged in continuous variations of the metric and complexstructure of Σ and M. The BRST invariant quantum field theory gives a recipefor proving this, using the fact that the change in (2.16) under an infinitesimalchange in the metric and almost complex structure of Σ and M is a BRSTcommutator. The recipe was detailed in Sect. 5 of [4] and will not be repeated tohere.

S3 An Application. Here I will briefly indicate that the discussion in the lastsection is not vacuous by showing that the invariants in (3.40) actually haveinteresting geometrical consequences. In fact, we will see that results along thelines of Gromov's work [5] are natural in this framework.

To obtain some non-trivial results, we must show in particular that theinvariants defined in (3.40) are not identically zero. Donaldson, for example, showedthat his polynomial invariants for four manifolds were non-zero by showing thatthey were positive definite for algebraic surfaces, under certain conditions. Thisdepended on the positivity of the intersections of algebraic cycles on an algebraicvariety. It is natural to similarly try to show that our invariants

(3.50)ί = l /

are not identically zero by using appropriate positivity properties associated withKahler geometry.

So we now specialize to the case in which M = X is a Kahler manifold, theKahler form being a (1,1) form ω. The Kahler form has the following fundamentalpositivity property. Let V by any (1,0) vector field on X, and let V be its complexconjugate, which is type (0,1). Then

iω(V9V)^O9 (3.51)

and moreover (3.51) vanishes only where V=0.

Topological Sigma Models 435

Pick a Riemann surface Σ9 and a homotopy class of maps of Σ to K which issuch that the moduli space of holomorphic maps Σ-+K of this topological typeis non-empty. This moduli space is, of course, naturally a Kahler manifold. Assume,moreover, that in the moduli problem, expanding around such a holomorphicmap, one finds H1 = 0. We will prove that (3.50) is strictly positive in the followingspecial case. Let the homology cycles yt be points Pί,...Pk. And let the differentialforms At all equal the Kahler form ω. Then the invariant whose positivity we wishto establish is

Z ( P 1 , P 2 - P k ) = < C ) ( Λ ) - C ) ( i ' f c ) > , (3-52)

where k is the complex dimension of the instanton moduli space. Because weassume that H1 = 0, the evaluation of (3.52) reduces to the simplified formula (3.48).This may be described very explicitly as follows. Let ά:Σ x Jί -> K be the "universalinstanton." For any PeΣ, ά restricted to P x Jί gives a holomorphic mapoίp'.Jί'-+K. Let ωP be the differential form on Jί defined by

ω P = α?(ω). (3.53)

The ωP are (1,1) forms on Jί. Equation (3.52) then can be written

Z(P 1 , . . .P Λ )= J ω P l Λ . . . Λ ω P k . (3.54)jί

We wish to show that this is positive. In fact, positivity of (3.54) is a consequenceof (3.51) plus the Riemann-Roch theorem. Let S be a point in Jί, and let X be atangent vector of type (1,0) to Jί at S. Concretely, S corresponds to a holomorphicmap φ:Σ-+K, and X corresponds to an element λ of H°(Σ,φ*(T))9 with T theholomorphic tangent bundle of K. Restricted to PEΣ, λ gives a (1,0) tangent vectorV at φ(P\ and we have

iωP(X,X) = iω(V9V). (3.55)

Therefore, (3.51) implies that iωP(X,X) ^ 0 for all X. Moreover, we can interpretthe kernel of ωP (that is, the space of X for which (3.55) vanishes). It consists ofinfinitesimal displacements of the instanton φ:Σ->K that leave fixed the image ofthe point PeΣ. If Θ(— P) is the line bundle on Σ with divisor — P (the function1 has a pole at P when regarded as a section of Θ{— P)\ then the kernel of ωP isH°{Σ,φ*(T)®Θ(-P)).

In (3.54), we are considering the wedge product on a Kahler manifold ofcomplex dimension k of k (1,1) forms, each of which is positive semi-definite.Therefore, the measure which is being integrated in (3.54) is positive semi-definite.To show that (3.54) is positive, it is enough to show that the measure in (3.54) isnot identically zero. The measure in (3.54) vanishes at a point SeJί if and onlyif the intersection of the kernels of the ωP ι is non-zero. The intersections of thekernels of the ωPι is non-zero if and only if there is an element of H°(Σ,φ*(T))which vanishes at each of the P f. Since (3.54) is independent of the choices of thepoints P f, we are entitled to make convenient choices of these points. Any genericchoice of the P{ will suffice to show that the measure is not identically zero. Forany generic set of n points in Σ has the property that of the n linearly independent

436 E. Witten

sections of 0*(T), there is no linear combination that vanishes at each of these npoints. Consequently, (3.54) is positive.

Before giving some geometrical consequence, let us mention some simpleexamples in which the above hypotheses are satisfied. One example (extensivelydiscussed by Gromov) is the case in which Σ is of genus zero, and K is CPn withits standard complex structure. We consider degree one maps Σ->K; theholomorphic curves of this topological type are a family of complex dimensionIn + 1. For a second example, let K' be a cubic surface in CP3. A generic hyperplanesection of K' is then a curve of genus one, which we will call Σ'. This gives aRiemann surface Σ' with a holomorphic embedding φ:Σ'->/<'. It is easy to seethat this is one point on a three complex dimensional moduli space of holomorphicmaps of Σ' to K'. (This hyperplane sections of K' are a three parameter subfamily.A two parameter subfamily of these have the same complex structure as Σ'. Sincewe are studying not subvarieties of Kr but maps Σ' -> K\ we must add one parameterto take account of holomorphic isomorphisms of Σ' with itself as these can becomposed with any given embedding in K'.) In each of these two examples, itis easy to see that Hι(Σ,φ*(T)) = 0, so our arguments apply, and (3.54) ispositive.

What of a non-trivial nature can we learn this way? Consider deforming thecomplex structure of K or K' to a not necessarily integrable almost complexstructure of the same homotopy type. Since (3.54) is nonzero, and is invariantunder the deformation of complex structure, it must remain non-zero for thedeformed problem. On the other hand, (3.54) can be evaluated by integration overthe moduli space of holomorphic curves. So we conclude for any chosen almostcomplex structure on K or K' (of the same homotopy type), there must be a 2n + 1complex dimensional family of holomorphic maps X-»K, and a three complexdimensional family of holomorphic maps Σ' -+K\ giving the same value of (3.54)as in the undeformed problem. Statements such as this, along with more refinedversions, some of which can be obtained by reasoning along the lines just indicated,were established by Gromov.

4. Topological Gravity in Two Dimensions

So far in this paper, the two dimensional metric has played a purely passive role.The model we have considered has possessed its fermionic symmetry on an arbitraryRiemann surface Σ with any metric. However, the metric has not been a dynamicalfield; it has simply been prescribed and fixed as part of the definition of the problem.In particular, the metric is invariant under the fermionic symmetry of the modelof Eq. (2.16). Were the metric not invariant, we would indeed not regard thattransformation as a symmetry, since a different metric would in the context of ourdiscussion until this point correspond to a different model.

In this section, we will change the rules and consider the coupling of thetopological sigma model that we have already formulated to two dimensionalgravity. Of course, we wish to carry out this coupling in a way that preserves theglobal fermionic symmetry Q, of square zero, that is responsible for most of the

Topological Sigma Models 437

Table II. The conformal dimensions, global charges, and statistics of

the various fields

D U Statistics




— 1

0- 1




- 2

- 1

interesting features of our earlier discussion. The first step—even before couplingtwo dimensional gravity to the sigma model—is to formulate a purely gravitationalmodel possessing an appropriate fermionic symmetry. This will then be a twodimensional analogue of the four dimensional model of "topological gravity"formulated in [18].9

We will describe two dimensional gravity in terms of a basis βα, a — \,2 oforthonormal one forms. In components ea = ea

adσa, σa being local coordinates onΣ. The two dimensional metric tensor is haβ = ea

aeβa. "Lorentz" indices a, b, c areraised and lowered with the Kronecker metric δab; "world" indices α, β9 y are raisedand lowered with the metric haβ. The inverse of haβ is denoted haβ. eaa = haβeβ

a isthe inverse of eβ

a; that is, eaaeβa = δ"β9 e*aeab = δ\. A tangent vector V= Va(d/dσa)is conveniently described by its components Va = ea

aVa in the basis ea

a. Thecovariant derivative of a vector field so described is

where εab = — εba, εabεcb = δa

c, and ωα is the Levi-Cevita connection, determinedby requiring that

D efi

a = 0. (4 2)

In addition to the vierbein £α

α, we introduce certain other matter fields indicatedin the table. For the fields eaa, ψab, and Ca9 we postulate the same transformationlaw as in [18]:

δeaa = iεea



δCa = iεφabC. (4.3)

9 In fact, some interesting two dimensional models can be obtained by dimensional reduction of thatfour dimensional model. These would apparently correspond to R2 gravity rather than the Einsteingravity that we will aim for here. However, the relation with the four dimensional construction makesthe construction here rather easy

438 E. Witten

Here Da is an abbreviation for ea

aDa. Equation (4.3) implies the transformation laws

δe°° = - iεe\φab, δωa = - iεeabe^εacDΊφbc (4.4)

for the inverse vierbein and the connection.Trying to close the algebra, one finds

(δηδε - δεδη)eaa = Da{-2ίηεCa) + ηε>εabAea

b + iηε-S eaa, (4.5)


Λ = (-εabφaxφb*-iεabDaCbl S = DfC. (4.6)

The three terms on the right-hand side of (4.6) are to be interpreted respectivelyas the change in ea

a under an infinitesimal diffeomorphism generated by the vectorfield — 2iηεCa, a local Lorentz transformation with parameter ηεΛ, and a Weylrescaling with parameter — iηεS. (Recall that eaa has conformal dimension — 1).The algebra closes on the other fields with the same parameters:

(δηδE - δεδη)Ca = - 2iηεσDaCa + ηελεabCb + ίηεSCa,

(δηδε - δεδη)φab = - 2iηεC*Daψab + ηελ(εa

xφxb + εb*φax\ l ' }

A term Dφ S-φab is absent from the right-hand side of the second equation in (4.7),since the conformal dimension Dφ of φ is zero.

For coupling of sigma models to dynamical gravity, the above formulas areall that we will need; that is, as we will see in the next subsection, BRST invariantsigma models can be coupled to the e, φ, C multiplet while preserving the fermionicsymmetries. We would like, however, to conclude this subsection with somecomments on the attempt to write an action for the purely gravitationalmultiplet—though our discussion of this point will be neither complete nor entirelysatisfactory.

Though e,φ, and C form a closed multiplet with the above transformationlaws, it is not possible to find a reasonable Lagrangian for these fields only. Instead,we add the vector fields Ra (commuting; U = — 2) and ξa (anticommuting; U = — 1),with

δRa = iεξa, δξa = εCaDaRa~i^ΛεahRb + jSRa. (4.8)

As in [18], there is no completely satisfactory choice for the conformal weight ofRa and ξa9 so for the moment we simply denote this as an unknown fc. With thesetransformation laws one gets

(δηδε - δεδη)ξa = - 2iηεC*DΛξa + ηε>Λεabξb - iηεkSξa, (4.9)

and the same equation with ξa-+Ra. (It is tedious to verify (4.9), but the form of(4.8) makes the corresponding equation for Ra obvious.) It is important to pointout that although in (4.8) and (4.9) we are considering fields R and ξ that transformin the vector representation of the Lorentz group, these formulas generalizeimmediately (with an obvious modification of the ΛR term in (4.8)) to otherrepresentation. Thus, these formulas in fact describe the coupling to topologicalgravity of a multiplet with arbitrary Lorentz quantum numbers and conformal

Topological Sigma Models 439

dimension. R and ξ have been chosen in a (not quite successful) attempt to writea simple invariant Lagrangian.

Since the transformation laws close without use of the equations of motion,using only conformal invariance, diffeomorphism invariance, and invariance underchange of frame, there is a simple recipe for trying to find an invariant Lagrangian.Let Z be any conformally invariant and generally covariant functional. ThenJSf = {β, Z} obeys {Q, ¥} = 0, since {Q2, Z} = 0. Unfortunately, with the minimalgravitational multiplet that we are considering, there is no completely satisfactorychoice of Z. One would like to try

Z o = -\d2σ{άeίe)-e«aDaRh φah. (4.10)

Here we meet a difficulty that arose in [18] (and was originally pointed out to meby S. Axelrod). Equation (4.10) is invariant under global conformal transformationsif and only if R has conformal weight k = 1, but in that case the integrand in (4.10)does not transform with any definite weight under local conformal transformations.The integrand in (4.10) has definite conformal weight under local conformaltransformations only if k=— 1, but in that case the conformal weight of theintegrand is — 2 (if we include the det e factor), rather than 0, so (4.10) is not locallyconformally invariant. To save the day, one needs an additional Lorentz scalarfield Φ of conformal weight 2. In the presence of such a field, one can write

Z = -\d2σ (det e) Φ e*aDaRb φab. (4.11)

This leads to the Lagrangian

Se = J d2σ(det e)Φ[_iξhDaφah + \RhDa(DaCh + DbCa - δabDfCf)

- iR\2φ"cDcφab - φbcDaφ"< - ψM*) +•••]• (4.12)

Here '...' refers to terms proportional to DαΦ and {Q, Φ}. To complete the story,one must explain the construction of Φ in terms of suitable elementary degrees offreedom. Not having a particularly good proposal to make, I will not enter intothis here.

4Λ Sigma Models Coupled to Topological Gravity. Now we would like to couplethe sigma model of Sect. 2 to topological gravity. The inconclusive state of thediscussion at the end of the last section will not matter, because we will in fact becoupling the sigma model of Sect. 2 to the minimal e, φ, C multiplet.

First of all, the fermionic transformation laws of Eq. (2.9) need to be modified.In the absence of gravity, we required (δηδε — δεδη) Ψ = 0 for every Ψ. In the presenceof gravity, the desired transformation laws (taking account of the Lorentz quantumnumbers and conformal spin) are

(δηδε - δjjpj = - liηεC'DtpJ + ηεΛ εabpbi - iηεSpl

(δηδE - δzδη)Hι

a = - 2iηεσDaHι

a + ηεΛ εabHbί - iηεSHι

a. (4.13)

440 E. Witten

Clearly, our previous transformation laws will not do. The modified version

δγ} = &CΛdΛu\ δu^iεγj (4.14)

may easily be seen to give the desired closure of the algebra on u and χ. Ourprevious transformation law for p was

<W = Hl

a + ̂ UDJ'jtfp1" - iεΓ'jdPa", (4.15)

and there is no useful way to modify it, since any modification could be absorbedin redefining H. At this point, we may proceed as in Sect. 2. The H transformationlaw is uniquely determined by requiring that the algebra closes on p. This givesan even less promising-looking modification of (2.10):

δH'a = - ~χkχι(Rklit + RklΎJi'if')p'a + ψ' hχkDkJ






- l~εjσdxuk)Dk J'jpV + HCD.pi +l-Λ εabp

hi + \ Sp'β) - iεΓ)kγJpk. (4.16)

Attractive or not, (4.16) can be seen to lead to closure of the algebra.An invariant Lagrangian can now be found just as in Sect. 2. In other words,

S£ = {Q, V}, where now

V = μ2σάste(p' Daui~ip'ίHί

a}. (4.17)

Upon evaluating {Q, V), and eliminating H, one arrives at the generalization of(2.16):

Si = J d2σ άc


Equation (4.18) is automatically invariant under the fermionic symmetry, by virtueof the construction.

Now let us briefly discuss the properties of these models at the quantum level.The discussion will necessarily be provisional, because the proposal (4.12) for thegravitational action was incomplete (because of the lack of specification of Φ).Nevertheless, I believe that the following remarks, in which we will naively ignorethis problem and pretend that Φ = 1, are illuminating and may lead to insightabout how the gravitational multiplet should be treated.

First of all, even in the conformal gauge (and even if we pretend Φ = 1), theaction (4.12) of the purely gravitational multiplet does not become quadratic,because of the RψDφ "Yukawa" couplings. Nevertheless, the purely gravitationalmodel is soluble quantum mechanically, because there are only finitely manyFeynman diagrams contributing to any given correlation function. The reason forthis is that if we define a quantum number UB that is 1 for C, — 1 for R, and zero

Topological Sigma Models 441

for all other fields, then the Yukawa couplings violate UB by — 1 unit, and the restof the Lagrangian is UB conserving. Therefore, any given correlation function witha given UB quantum number receives contributions only from diagrams with adefinite number of RφDφ vertices.

Second, since in these models β 2 — 0 only up to a conformal transformation,these models are consistent only if they are conformally invariant at the quantumlevel. Let us discuss this issue. We will consider only the case in which M is flat(with the standard almost complex structure), so that it is only necessary to computethe central charge c in the Virasoro algebra; we wish to know if this vanishes.

First of all, the anticommuting fields ξ9φ are just like the usual conformalghosts b, c of the bosonic string. Indeed, their kinetic operator is an operator Pmapping vectors to symmetric traceless tensors, with

(Pξ)ab = Daξb + Dbξa-δabDfξf. (4.19)

This is the usual kinetic operator of the b, c system. The ς, φ Gaussian integralgives an effective action detP and contributes — 26 to the Virasoro anomaly,10

this being the usual contribution of the conformal ghosts.As for the bosons R,C, their kinetic operator is P+ P, so the effective action

is det" x (P + P) = det" 2 P, and the contribution to the anomaly is thus + 2.26 = + 52.Finally, in conformal gauge fixing of this system, we will have to introduce the

conformal ghosts b, c, which will contribute —26 to the anomaly. The total is thus— 26 4- 52 — 26 = 0. Therefore, the purely gravitational model is quantum conformal-ly invariant.

Now we consider the "matter" multiplet u, χ, p. Since the Lagrangian requiresan almost complex structure, the basic multiplet includes two real bose fields u1,u2 (or a complex bose field), contributing + 2 to the central charge. The rightmoving components of the basic multiplet are two real fermions, χ of spin 0 andp of spin I . 1 1 It is well known that a pair of fermions ofspin^+y contribute 1 — 12/2

to the conformal anomaly. In the case at hand, j — \, and the contribution is —2.This cancels the contribution -1-2 from the u\ Thus, coupling to the free mattermultiplet preserves the quantum conformal invariance.

Thus, if it is correct to interpret the models discussed in this paper in terms ofan unbroken phase of string theory, we conclude that the restriction to D = 26 orD = 10 holds only in the broken phase, while D is undetermined in the unbrokenphase. Of course, the above reasoning is somewhat naive, because of the difficultythat has been noted in the formulation of (4.12). The challenge is reallyto reformulate the action of the gravitational multiplet to justify the aboveconsiderations.

Finally, let us briefly discuss the BRST invariant vertex operators than can bedefined after coupling to two dimensional gravity. In Sect. 3, we defined, for every

3 0 In units in which a real boson contributes + 11 1 The counting is as follows. In the basic multiplet, the two bosons u\ ι— 1,2 are paired with χι,i= 1,2

and pa\ i = 1,2. Since pa

ι = J^ε^p^, p has two real components of spin ± 1, one of which is right moving

and one left moving. Of the two components of χ\ one is right moving and one is left moving

442 E. Witten

closed differential form A on M, three BRST invariant operators ΘA

{0\ ΘA

{1\ and(9A

{2\ We must re-examine these because of the modified fermionic transformationlaw in (4.15). It can be seen that the ΘA°\ for instance, are no longer BRSTinvariant, and the relation {Q,ΘA

{1)} = —idΘA

{0) is likewise ruined. However, onestill has


{1) = i{Q,ΘA

i2)} (4.20)

despite the correction to (4.15). Therefore, for any closed form A on M,

WA(Σ) = \GA™ {All)Σ

is BRST invariant. So for any choice of closed forms A1,...,Ak9 the correlation


^Π^^)) ( 4 2 2 )are topological invariants.

It may seen that this construction is less powerful than that in Sect. 3, for weseem to be defining fewer invariants. However, one may expect that in manyinteresting situations, the invariants of Sect. 3 will be trivial, but (4.22) non-trivial.For in Sect. 3, we considered an arbitrarily prescribed curve Σ of genus g, andobtained invariants of holomorphic maps φ:Σ-+M. These invariants did notdepend on the complex structure of Σ, so they are zero if by perturbing thatstructure the holomorphic maps of Σ to M disappear. Thus, invariants of Sect. 3are zero unless there is a holomorphic map of the universal curve of genus g intoM — a severe restriction if g>0.12 But in (4.22), since we have coupled to twodimensional gravity, we are integrating over the moduli space of curves, and thuswe are detecting all holomorphic curves of genus g in M. Thus, (4.22) should benon-trivial in many interesting situations. But we leave the investigation of thisfor the future.

5. Coupling to Gauge Fields

In Sect. 2, we formulated a "BRST"-invariant generalization of the nonlinear sigmamodel, for maps X->M, Σ being a Riemann surface and M an almost complexmanifold. Then we generalized the space of maps Σ->M to the space of sectionsof an M-bundle X over Σ


1 (5.1)Σ.

This generalization involved introducing gauge fields of the group diffM ofdiffeomorphisms of M. Those gauge fields—like the metric of Σ—played a purelypassive role in constructing the fermionic symmetry of Eq. (2.16). Indeed, the metric

An example for g = 1 obeying this restriction was given at the end of Sect. 3

Topological Sigma Models 443

and gauge field were regarded as part of the definition of the problem, and wereinvariant under the fermionic symmetry.

In Sect. 5, we generalized the construction of Sect. 2 to include coupling todynamical two dimensional gravity, while preserving the fermionic symmetry. Inthe present section, we will do the analogue of this for gauge fields; we will couplethe model of Sect. 2 to dynamical gauge fields in a BRST-invariant fashion.

In doing so, we will consider what is conceivably not the most general case.We will take the gauge group G to be a compact group of automorphisms of M,leaving fixed a metric gtj and an almost complex structure J ι

; .The G action on M is generated by certain vector fields Vι

a, a=\,...,n{n beingthe dimension of G). The assertion that the V\, for a= l,...,n leave fixed themetric gυ is equivalent to the assertion that they obey the Killing vector equation,

DtVji-DjV^O. (5.2)

A useful consequence of this equation is

AA^ = ̂ Λ (5-3)

The assertion that the almost complex structure is G-invariant means that the Liederivatives <£Va{J) are zero, or concretely that

0 = Vk

aDkJ'j - Jkpk V\ + J\Dj V\. (5.4)

Finally, the statement that the Va generate a G action implies that

ίVa, Vζ\ =UVC, (5.5)


c being the structure constants of G. The symbol [Va, Vb~\, denotes, of course,the commutator of the operators Vj(d/δu'),

\yayvhy=v;d-yj-viΰiV>. (5.6)

The first step in constructing a gauge invariant generalization of the sigmamodel of Eq. (2.16) is to pick a gauge multiplet. Here we may borrow from theresults of [4]. In addition to the gauge field, which is a Lie algebra valued oneform AΛ

a, we introduce an anticommuting one form φΛ

a, and a commuting zeroform φa. The conformal dimension and ghost number of (A, φ, φ) are

Table III. The basic gauge multiplet consists of A, φ, and φ; λ, η, and

χ are needed to write a Lagrangian for those fields











- 2_ γ




444 E. Witten

(1,1,0), and (0,1,2). As in [4], the transformation laws are

δAa = iεφa, δφa = - εDaφ, δφ = 0. (5.7)

One sees

(δηδB-δeδη)Aa= -Da(-2iηεφ),

{δηδε - δεδη)φσ = [ - 2iηεφ, φj,

(δηδε-δhδη)φ = O. (5.8)

The right-hand side of (5.8) is an infinitesimal gauge transformation with gaugeparameter A—— lίηεφ.

To strictly follow the procedure of Sect. 5, we should now write an invariantkinetic energy for (A, φ, φ). This requires introducing additional fields, indicatedin Table III. {A, φ, and φ are analogous to the minimal multiplet e, φ, C of Sect.5; the additional fields needed to write a Lagrangian are the analogues of R, ξ.)We will temporarily postpone this step, and instead consider the coupling to thenonlinear sigma model, that is to the fields u\ χ\ and pj of Sect. 2.

The fermionic transformation laws of Eq. (2.9) for the u, χ, p multiplet mustbe modified, because (2.9) leads to δηδε — δεδη = 0, while in fact, according to (5.8),δηδε — δεδη should be a gauge transformation. So we try

δui = iεχ\ δχi = εφaVa\ (5.9)

A similar modification of the transformation laws are made in Sect. 3, for similarreasons. Equation (5.9) leads as desired to



(<5A - < W = - 2iηεφβ(d,Vj) χ?. (5.10)

Next, we need to determine the transformation laws of p and H. As in Sect. 3,there is no useful way to modify the transformation law of p, which remains

δpj = εHj + l^ΛβφkJ\)tρβl ~ iεΓ)kχjpa

k. (5.11)

Any modification of (5.11) could be absorbed in a redefinition of//. It remains todetermine the transformation law of//. Just as in Sects. 2 and 3, the transformationlaw of// is uniquely determined by insisting that one should get the desired equation

(δηδε - δεδη)pj = - 2iηεφ*idjVM. (5.12)

In this way, we arrive at the formula

δK - -^χkχ ι(Rkl\ + RW i r Ji ; ί J'ΌPL + i^ε^-χ'D^jH^ - ~ ( χ V J ^ I V / K

- fy'V&Djfaβp" + iεφ'iDjV^pί - i8Γ)kχJHl (5.13)

By calculations similar to those required in Sects. 2 and 3, it can be seen that (5.13)does lead to the right formula (just like (5.12), but with H replacing p) for closingthe algebra on H. Having in this way closed the algebra on all fields, it is now

Topological Sigma Models 445

straightforward to find an invariant Lagrangian generalizing (2.16). It is simplyif = {g, V}9 where again

V = μ2σ(PiDaui~ϊP:H


a). (5.14)

Upon evaluating {Q, F} and eliminating f/, one finds this time the invariantgeneralization of (2.16),

+ ψ,aVa



At this point, we would like to couple the "matter" action of Eq. (5.15) to anappropriate action of the gauge multiplet. The obvious idea is to formulate anappropriate version of two dimensional topological Yang-Mills theory (withBRST-like symmetry). After adding appropriate additional fields to the (A, ψ, φ)system, one could indeed find two dimensional gauge actions with BRST-likesymmetry.13 This is, however, not what we will do here. We will go in anotherdirection, which may seem less obvious at first sight.

One of the intriguing ideas in [3] involved the Jones polynomial [6] of knottheory. In fact, the Jones polynomial is mysterious because, though one wouldwish to understand it in three dimensional terms (since it describes a knot inthree-space), no intrinsic three dimensional description of this invariant is known.

Atiyah proposed in [3] that a natural (intrinsically three dimensional) under-standing of the Jones polynomial should be found by relating it to Floer andDonaldson theory. This proposal was accompanied by a whole list of analogiesbetween Floer theory and the Jones polynomial. If this philosophy is valid, onewould ideally like to implement it in the context of a relativistic quantum fieldtheory. The following remarks, aiming toward a way of doing this, can be seen asan attempt to sharpen Atiyah's conjecture.

A knot is an embedding of a circle S in a three manifold YίΛ. Let us thinkphysically— Y is physical three dimensional space and S might be a superstringor cosmic string in Y. When time dependence is included, the knot S should bereplaced by its world sheet, which is a Riemann surface Σ. And Y is replaced byspace-time, which is a four manifold M. Thus, to work relativistically, we shouldstudy not a knot on a three manifold, but a Riemann surface Σ imbedded in asmooth four manifold Z. From this point of view, "knot theory" refers to the casethat Σ is S x R1 and Z is Y x R1, with R1 representing "time" and S a knot inthe three manifold 7. We wish to formulate a relativistic quantum field theorysuitable for studying an embedding φ: Σ - ^ Z 1 5 .

1 3 One way to do this (though it presumably does not give the minimal two dimensional model) is

dimensional reduction of the model of [4] from four to two dimensions1 4 Up to the present, the Jones polynomial has been defined only for Y = S3. If the present discussion

is on the right track, the Jones polynomial generalizes to other Y1 5 We regard the embedding as given and fixed; we will not include dynamical degrees of freedom

representing the map φ:Σ -»Z

446 E. Witten

To do this, we will simply couple a nonlinear sigma model on Σ to a gaugetheory on Z. So we pick a compact gauge group G, and write down a fourdimensional gauge theory on Z with BRST-like symmetry. This requires [4], alongwith the minimal gauge multiplet (A,φ,φ), some additional fields η, λ, χaβ assummarized in Table III. From [4], the Lagrangian is

if G = I Tr UFΛβF*» + iφDJTλ - iηD.r + iD«Φβ-χ'p

The fermionic transformation laws from [4] are

δAa = ίεφa, δφa = — εDaφ, δφ = 0, δη = ^ε[0 ? A],

Note that the first three of these equations coincide with (5.7). Therefore, if wesimply forget about η, λ, χ and restrict the zero form φ and the one forms A andφ to a Riemann surface Σ embedded in Z, we get a collection of fields that transformjust like the two dimensional gauge multiplet.

Now, let M be an almost complex manifold with G symmetry. Introduce fieldsu\ χ\ ρa

ι describing a nonlinear sigma model of maps X->M. This system can bemade gauge invariant as well as BRST-invariant by coupling to A, φ, λ as in (5.15).The combined Lagrangian

CO CP l CO (ζ 1 Q\M ' G yJ.LO)

is then invariant under the transformation described in (5.11) and (5.17). It issuitable for studying topological invariants associated with a four manifold Z andan embedded Riemann surface Σ. By specializing to the case Z=YxRx,Σ = S xR1, (5.18) can be specialized to knot theory.

One can hope to find interesting topological invariants of the pair (Z, Σ) inthe form


with the Θi being non-trivial BRST invariant operators, that is, operators that arenot of the form {Q,Λ } for any A. We will describe briefly what operators of thisform exist, but we will not try here to evaluate their expectation values.

First of all, we have operators that are constructed only from the fourdimensional system (A, φ, φ, η, λ, χ). To construct them, one begins with Wo =

2, and then solves the equations

0 = i{Q9W1}9 dW1=ί{Q,W2}, dW2 = i{Q,W3},

0. (5.20)

The resulting Wk were described in [4]. Equation (5.20) implies that for any kdimensional homology cycle y in Z,

l(y) = \Wk (5.21)

Topological Sigma Models 447

is BRST invariant and (up to a BRST commutator) depends only on the homologyclass of γ. The I(y) are quite non-trivial. In the absence of Σ, correlation functionsof the I(y) are precisely the Donaldson invariants. In the presence of the Σ, thesecorrelation functions may well receive new contributions.

We can also look for non-trivial BRST invariant operators constructed fromthe fields u\ χ\ ρa

ι that are defined only on Σ. Recall that in Sect. 2, we defined anoperator ΘA

{0) for every closed n form A on M:


i0) = Aiil2 Jwk) χV2•••*'". (5-22)

In Sect. 2, 0A

{0) was BRST invariant iϊ dA = 0, and a BRST commutator iϊA = dB.But with the modified transformation laws, it is no longer true that ΘA

0) is BRSTinvariant, even if dA = 0. One finds


{O) = ε-nφaVjiAhi2...inχiγ^. χi». (5.23)

Can the situation by repaired by adding corrections to the definition of ΘA

(O)1 Letus first make a few useful preliminary observations. Let us introduce an operatoria of "contraction with Kfl" defined by saying that if B is an w-form, then ίa(B) isthe (n - 1) form (ia(B)) = nVa Obviously, (5.23) can be written

<50/» = cφaΘίa{A). (5.24)

Now, let 5£a be the Lie derivative with respect to the vector field Va. Theformula for the action of <£a on differential forms is

^a(B) = (dia + iad)B. (5.25)

Therefore, if B is closed, and in addition is Fα-invariant (so J£a(B) = 0), then

d(ia(B)) = 0. (5.26)

Now in (5.22), we may as well suppose that 3?a{A) = 0, since by averaging overthe compact group G, we can take A to be G-invariant without changing itscohomology class. As we are also taking dA = 0, we have according to (5.26),

d{ia(A)) = 0. (5.27)

Now, there may or may not exist an n — 2 form Aa such that

UA) = dAa. (5.28)

If Aa exists, we can try to "improve" the definition of ΘA

(0) to

U A — / i j ί i 2 . . . i n χ χ " χ φ s i a i ι i 2 . . . i n _ 2 χ χ - χ . y j . A y )

Now one computes that the BRST variation of ΘA

{0) is

Aaiii2...^2χ^- χ^\ (5.30)

In a very precise sense, (5.30) represents progress. In (5.23) the error was of(n — l)st — order in χ, but in (5.30) it is of order (n — 3). Continuing in this way,adding additional terms of lower order in χ, one after a finite number of stepseither will succeed in finding a BRST invariant extension of ΘA or will find anobstruction to this.

448 E. Witten

The whole process can be described succinctly as follows. Let ί2*(M) be thede Rham complex of M, graded by dimension in the usual way. Let S*(φa) be apolynomial algebra on the φa, graded by considering them to be of degree two.Let ΩG*(M) = Ω*{M)®S*(φa) (with the grading induced from that of the factors),and let W* be the G-invariant subcomplex of f2G*(M). An element of W* is anelement of ΩG*(M) that is annihilated by

La = ^a+fβb

cφb-^, (5.31)

where fabC:= ~fba a r e the structure constants of G. Note that φaLa = φa^a.

Therefore, W* is annihilated by φa^a,

φa^a-W* = 0. (5.32)

Now, let

D = d + φaίa. (5.33)

D is an operator on ΩG*(M) of degree one. One computes

D2 = φa^a. (5.34)

So, using (5.32), D2 = 0 on W*.

Let B be an element of W* of degree n. Any such B has an expansion

B = B{n) + φaBa

in ~ 2 ) + φaφbBjn " 4 ) + , (5.35)

where, for k = n, n — 2, n — 4,.. . ,B(k) is a k form on M. Let

< ^ ( 0 ) = 0 g & + Φaβ(#*-v + φaφb&(

B°y^ + •••, (5.36)where (as before) for any differential form Λ, β^ (0) = ^!-2... ikzV2---;A The BRSTtransformation law can now be stated very simply. One finds

δΘB<°> = U:ΘDB(°\ (5.37)

Therefore, it is clear what is going on. The operator ΘB

(0] is BRST invariant ifDB = 0, and is a BRST commutator if B = D/l for some /I <~ J47*. The non-trivialBRST-invariant operators that can be constructed this way thus correspond exactlyto the D-cohomology. According to [19,20], this is the G-equivalent cohomologyof M.

Just as in our previous discussion, one can push further, and define operators&B

{1\ ΘB

(2) obeying

dΘB^ = i{QβB^h d^ ( l > = i{β,^ ί 2 ) } . (5.38)

The formulas are similar to the foregoing but a bit more elaborate. Equation (5.38)implies that for any k cycle y on Σ, and any D-cohomology class B,

J(y9B) = $$Bik> (5.39)

is BRST-invariant. Correlation functions

) (5.40)

Topological Sigma Models 449

(with the I(y) as defined in (5.21)) are intriguing invariants of the pair (Z, Σ)y andmay or may not prove to shed light on the Jones polynomial.

Acknowledgements. The present work originated as a result of the influence of M. F. Atiyah, to whom

I am greatly indebted. He anticipated many features of these constructions. I also benefitted from

discussions with P. Kronheimer and S. Axelrod.


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Communicated by A. Jaffe

Received March 7, 1988