Download - 3rd company meeting record ref no 003

Page 1: 3rd company meeting record ref no 003


CEo Υeung Vu Lui Alfred

secretarv Chik Wing Tung siran

Minute-taker Chik、″∶ng Tung siran

Absentee(s) N/A

Leaˇ e earlVLi Ka Fung John(SBA)'Leung Po Ling Pau"ne(sBA)

cost a quantity

ltem Cost($/each) Quantity

MuItitask-bag 5。45 100

VVatch 3.76 250

llVa"et 6.00 100

Pattem(up ti"5/11)

Different ethnic style 2(pic a'pic b) Can be printed

things with Christmas feeI 1(pic c)

κing of KOWloon 1(pic d) Can be printed

graffit∶ 1(p∶ce) Can be printed

Russian Do"s 1(p忆 θ

anirnaI Veins 1(pic g)

Date Time Remark

22/11-25/11Lunch:12.45-ˉ 13.20

After schooI:15.45-16.45Booked

11/12 lnformation DaV To be conⅡ'med

ConⅡ rmed(pic h)

Advice for logo: more Co丨 orfu1、″ith no'Co.'

‘ WⅡ I be used on every product aIso

Page 2: 3rd company meeting record ref no 003

Agenda Minutes

Report the detaⅡ s ofJA Trade Fair 5

Updating the production scheduIes 30

Discuss the marketing strategies (including

the30seconds promotion∶ n JA Trade Fa∶ r)20

Decide the person of marketing rnob"e 15

Discuss the deta"s of pre-sale. 30

CsR 10

Ending ti:η e:11.05am

Record taken by∶

Record checked by:

Υeung Υu Lui AIfred(CEo)

Passing date:2011-11-09

Chik Wing Tung siran(secretaγ )

Tse町m wing Kim(HR Diroctorl