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  • 1. Nagoya (ABS)

2. - Nagoya (ABS) : (, 1992) 3. World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) 7th Conference of the Parties (2004) 10th Conference of the Parties (2010) Nagoya (ABS) - 4. Nagoya , (, users) (, providers) UNEP 5. / Nagoya 6. Philip Lange/Shutterstock (prior informed consent) (PIC) (mutually agreed terms) (MAT) Nagoya 7. No (legal certainty) (benefit- sharing) (access) Nagoya - 8. Nagoya 9. (traditional knowledge) - 10. 11. Nagoya iStock : . 12. 5.855 913 (15,59%) 23.130 3.956 (17,10%) 3.500 Natura 2000 13. , 1/2/2011 1/2/2012 90 50 92 25 14. ! Thank you for your attention! Christina Baritaki CBD National Focal Point [email protected]