QUANTIZATION OF NON-GEOMETRIC FLUX BACKGROUNDS Richard Szabo Heriot–Watt University, Edinburgh Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences Workshop on Nonassociativity in Physics and Related Mathematical Structures Penn State 2014




Richard Szabo

Heriot–Watt University, Edinburgh

Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Workshop on Nonassociativity in Physics

and Related Mathematical Structures

Penn State 2014

May 3, 2014


I Non-geometric fluxes

I Membrane σ-models

I Kontsevich’s deformation quantization

I Seiberg–Witten maps

I Quasi-Hopf cochain twist quantization

Dionysios Mylonas, Peter Schupp, RS

arXiv: 1207.0926 , 1312.1621 , 1402.7306

Non-geometric flux compactification

T 3 with H-flux gives geometric and non-geometric fluxes via T-duality

(Hull ’05; Shelton, Taylor & Wecht ’05)

HabcTa−−−→ f abc

Tb−−−→ Qabc

Tc−−−→ Rabc

I H-flux: H = dB , gerbes on T 3

I Metric flux: dea = − 12 f

abc e

b ∧ ec , twisted torus

Globally MS1

−−→ T 2 degree [H]

I Q-flux: T-folds: stringy transition functions

Locally MT 2

−−−→ S1 , parabolic SL(2,Z) monodromies of T 2

induced by winding numbers p 3 on S1

Non-geometric flux compactification

I Q-flux: Modelled by left-right asymmetric CFTs on freely acting

orbifolds, canonical structure yields closed string noncommutativity

(Lust ’10; Blumenhagen et al. ’11; Condeescu, Florakis & Lust ’12; Andriot et al. ’12):

x i , x jQ = Q ijk p

k , x i , p jQ = 0 = p i , p jQ

I R-flux: Not even locally geometric

T-duality sends Q ijk 7−→ R ijk , p k 7−→ pk :

x i , x jΘ = R ijk pk , x i , pjΘ = δi j , pi , pjΘ = 0

Twisted Poisson structure on T ∗M: Closed string nonassociativity

x i , x j , xkΘ = R ijk

Open strings do not decouple from gravity in R-space

(Ellwood & Hashimoto ’06) , closed/open string duality from asymmetric

twisted sectors (Mylonas, Schupp & RS ’12)

Geometrisation of non-geometry

I Generalised geometry: Non-geometric fluxes through O(d , d)

transforms of sections of C = TM ⊕ T ∗M

(Grange & Schafer-Nameki ’07; Grana et al. ’08; Halmagyi ’09)

I Doubled geometry/field theory: x i −→ (x i , xi ) , ∂i −→ (∂i , ∂i );

implement projection ∂ i = 0 (Andriot et al. ’12)

I Membrane σ-model: Target space doubling M −→ T ∗M,

geometric 3-form R-flux

Membrane =⇒ closed strings with non-geometric flux

+ open string R-twisted Poisson σ-model whose perturbative

quantization gives nonassociative dynamical star-product of fields,

Jacobiator quantizes 3-bracket (Mylonas, Schupp & RS ’12)

Poisson σ-model

I AKSZ σ-models: Action functionals in BV formalism for σ-models

with target space a symplectic Lie n-algebroid E −→ M

(Alexandrov et al. ’95)

I Poisson σ-model: n = 1 , E = T ∗M (Schaller & Strobl ’94)

Most general 2D TFT from AKSZ construction

S(1)AKSZ =


(ξi ∧ dX i +


2Θij(X ) ξi ∧ ξj

)X : Σ2 −→ M, ξ ∈ Ω1(Σ2,X

∗T ∗M), Θ = 12 Θij(x) ∂i ∧ ∂j

I Perturbative expansion =⇒ Kontsevich formality maps

(Kontsevich ’03; Cattaneo & Felder ’00)

On-shell: [Θ,Θ]S = 0 Poisson structure

Courant σ-model

I n = 2 , E = Courant algebroid with

fibre metric hIJ = 〈ψI , ψJ〉 , anchor matrix ρ(ψI ) = PIi (x) ∂i ,

3-form TIJK (x) = [ψI , ψJ , ψK ]E

I Correspond to TFT on 3D membrane worldvolume Σ3

(Hofman & Park ’02; Ikeda ’03; Roytenberg ’07):

S(2)AKSZ =


(φi ∧ dX i +


2hIJ α

I ∧ dαJ − PIi (X )φi ∧ αI


6TIJK (X )αI ∧ αJ ∧ αK

)X : Σ3 −→ M, α ∈ Ω1(Σ3,X

∗E ), φ ∈ Ω2(Σ3,X∗T ∗M)

I Standard Courant algebroid: E = C = TM ⊕T ∗M with natural

frame (ψI ) = (∂i ,dxi ) , dual pairing 〈∂i ,dx j〉 = δi


σ-model for geometric fluxes

I C twisted by H-flux H = 16 Hijk(x)dx i ∧ dx j ∧ dxk with

H-twisted Courant–Dorfman bracket:[(Y1, α1) , (Y2, α2)


:=([Y1,Y2]TM , LY1α2 − LY2α1

− 12 d(α2(Y1)− α1(Y2)

)+ H(Y1,Y2,−)

)and projection ρ : C −→ TM

I Brackets: [∂i , ∂j ]H = Hijk dxk , [∂i , ∂j , ∂k ]H = Hijk

I Topological membrane with (αI ) = (α1, . . . , αd , ξ1, . . . , ξd)

(Park ’01):

S(2)AKSZ =


(φi ∧dX i +αi ∧dξi−φi ∧αi +


6Hijk(X )αi ∧αj ∧αk


H-twisted Poisson σ-model

I When Σ2 := ∂Σ3 6= ∅, add boundary term∫


12 Θij(X ) ξi ∧ ξj

to get boundary/bulk open topological membrane (Hofman & Park ’02)

I Integrate out φi :

S(1)AKSZ =


(ξi ∧ dX i +


2Θij(X ) ξi ∧ ξj




6Hijk(X )dX i ∧ dX j ∧ dX k

I On-shell: [Θ,Θ]S =∧3 Θ](H) H-twisted Poisson structure

(Jacobi identity for bracket violated) (Klimcik & Strobl ’02)

σ-model for non-geometric fluxes

I C twisted by trivector R = 16 R

ijk(x) ∂i ∧ ∂j ∧ ∂k , with

Roytenberg bracket:[(Y1, α1) , (Y2, α2)


:=([Y1,Y2]TM + R(α1, α2,−) ,

LY1α2 − LY2α1 − 12 d(α2(Y1)− α1(Y2)

))I Brackets: [dx i ,dx j ]R = R ijk ∂k , [dx i ,dx j ,dxk ]R = R ijk

I Integrate out φi :

S(2)R =


ξi ∧ dX i +



6R ijk(X ) ξi ∧ ξj ∧ ξk




2g ij(X ) ξi ∧ ∗ξj

I For constant R ijk and g ij , e.o.m. for X i =⇒ ξi = dPi

Generalized Poisson σ-model

I Pure boundary theory, linearize with auxiliary fields ηI :

S(2)R =


(ηI ∧ dX I +


2ΘIJ(X ) ηI ∧ ηJ




2G IJ ηI ∧ ∗ηJ

X = (X 1, . . . ,X d ,P1, . . . ,Pd) ∈ T ∗M , Θ =

(R ijk pk δi j−δi j 0


G IJ =

(g ij 00 0

)Effective target space = phase space

I H-twisted Poisson bivector: Π := [Θ,Θ]S =∧3 Θ](H) ,

with H = dB, B = 16 R

ijk pk dpi ∧ dpj

I Noncommutative/nonassociative phase space:

x I , xJΘ = ΘIJ(x) , x I , xJ , xKΘ := Π(x I , xJ , xK ) =

(R ijk 0

0 0


Path integral quantization

I Suitable functional integrals reproduce Kontsevich’s graphical

expansion for global deformation quantization (Cattaneo & Felder ’00).

Formality maps Un : multivector fields −→ differential operators:

Un(X1, . . . ,Xn) =∑Γ∈Gn

wΓ DΓ(X1, . . . ,Xn)

I Star-product and 3-bracket:

∂I ∂J

f g


∂I ∂J ∂K

f g h


f ? g =∞∑n=0

( i ~)n

n!Un(Θ, . . . ,Θ)(f , g) =: Φ(Θ)(f , g)

[f , g , h]? =∞∑n=0

( i ~)n

n!Un+1(Π,Θ, . . . ,Θ)(f , g , h) =: Φ(Π)(f , g , h)

Formality conditions

I Un define L∞-morphisms relating Schouten brackets to

Gerstenhaber brackets (Kontsevich ’03)

I [Φ(Θ), ?]G = i ~Φ([Θ,Θ]S) quantifies nonassociativity:

(f ? g) ? h − f ? (g ? h) = ~2 i Φ(Π)(f , g , h) = ~

2 i [f , g , h]?

I [Φ(Π), ?]G = i ~Φ([Π,Θ]S) encodes quantum Leibniz rule for

Nambu–Poisson structure f , g , hΠ := Π(df ,dg ,dh):

[f ?g , h, k]?−[f , g ?h, k]?+[f , g , h?k]? = f ?[g , h, k]?+[f , g , h]??k

I Provides means for quantizing Nambu–Poisson structures

Dynamical nonassociativity

I Explicit dynamical nonassociative star-product:

f ? g = f ?p g := ·(e

i ~2 R ijk pk ∂i⊗∂j e

i ~2

(∂i⊗∂ i−∂ i⊗∂i

)(f ⊗ g)

)I Replace dynamical variable p with constant p

=⇒ associative Moyal-type star-product ? := ?p

I 3-bracket:

[f , g , h]? =4 i




4 R ijk ∂i ⊗ ∂j ⊗ ∂k)(f ⊗ g ⊗ h)

) ]p→p

I 2-cyclicity:∫f ? g =

∫g ? f =

∫f g


[f , g , h]? = 0

Seiberg–Witten maps and noncommutative gerbes

I Poisson Θ, quantum Moser lemma ≡ covariantizing map D(Jurco, Schupp & Wess ’00):

B :


B + F :



quant // ?



// ?′

Θ′ = Θ (1 + ~F Θ)−1 , ρ = flow generated by Θ(A,−) ,

D(f ? g) = Df ?′ Dg , Dx =: x + A

I H-twisted Θ: H = dBα , Bβ − Bα = dAαβUntwisted Θα := Θ (1− ~Bα Θ)−1

Θquant−−−→ nonassociative ?

Θα,Θβquant−−−→ associative ?α, ?β related by Dαβ (Aschieri et al. ’10)

Generalised Seiberg–Witten maps for non-geometric fluxes

I Trivial gerbe on T ∗M: α = constant momentum p:

Θp =

(~R ijk pk δi j−δi j 0

), Bp =

(0 00 R ijk (pk − pk)

)Dpp′ : ? −→ ?′ generated by App′ = R ijk pi (pk − p ′k)dpj ;

for p = 0 canonical Moyal star-product ?0

I Dp0 : associative −→ nonassociative can be computed explicitly:

f ? g =[Dpf ?0 Dpg


I Nonassociative generalization of Seiberg–Witten map:

A = ai (x , p)dpi :

I Quantized diffeomorphisms: Θ(A,−) = ai (x , p) ∂i

“nonassociative gravity”I Quantized Nambu–Poisson maps: A = R(a2,−) , a2 ∈ Ω2(M)

higher gauge theory

Hopf cocycle twist quantization

(Majid ’95)

I Drinfel’d twist for a Hopf algebra H(∆,S , ε, ·):

F = F(1) ⊗ F(2) ∈ H ⊗ H

(F ⊗ 1) ∆1F = (1⊗ F ) ∆2F 2-cocycle condition

I Maps H to new Hopf algebra HF (∆F ,SF , ε, ·) with

∆F = F ∆F−1

I Deforms (quantizes) any H-module algebra A to

“braided-commutative” algebra:

f ? g = ·(F−1(f ⊗ g)

)= F−1

(1) f · F−1(2) g

Quasi-Hopf cochain twist quantization

I For an arbitrary 2-cochain twist F , HF is a quasi-Hopf algebra:

∆2 ∆ = φ∆1 ∆φ−1

I Associator φ = φ(1) ⊗ φ(2) ⊗ φ(3) ∈ H⊗3 is a 3-cocycle:

φ = ∂∗F := F23 ∆2 F ∆1 F−1 F−1


I Quantizes A to “quasi-associative” algebra:

(f ? g) ? h = φ(1)f ? (φ(2)g ? φ(3)h)

I Example: g = Lie algebra of symmetries of manifold M,

H = U(g), A = C∞(M) quantized to AF ;

Similarly, Ω•(M) quantized to Ω•F (M), etc.

Twist quantization functor

I Simultaneously deforms all H-covariant constructions as functorial

isomorphism of braided monoidal categories of left modules:

QF : HM −→ HFM

I Associator ≡ associativity isomorphisms

ΦV ,W ,Z : (V ⊗W )⊗ Z −→ V ⊗ (W ⊗ Z ):

ΦV ,W ,Z

((v ⊗ w)⊗ z

)= φ(1)v ⊗ (φ(2)w ⊗ φ(3)z)

I Braiding ≡ commutativity isomorphism

ΨV ,W : V ⊗W −→ W ⊗ V :

ΨV ,W (v ⊗ w) = F−2(1) w ⊗ F−2

(2) v

I AF is commutative and associative in the category HFM

Cochain twist quantization of R-space

(Mylonas, Schupp & RS ’13)

I Nonabelian Lie algebra g of Bopp shifts generated by vector fields:

Pi = ∂i , P i = ∂ i , Mij = pi ∂j − pj ∂i

σij Mij : x i 7−→ x i + σij pj

I Quasi-Hopf deformation of U(g) by cochain twist:

F = exp[− i ~


(14 R

ijk(Pi ⊗Mjk + Mjk ⊗ Pi

)+ Pi ⊗ P i − P i ⊗ Pi

)]I Quantization functor on category of quasi-Hopf module algebras

generates nonassociative algebras through associator

φ = ∂∗F = exp(~2

2 R ijk Pi ⊗ Pj ⊗ Pk


Nonassociative differential calculus

I (Ω•,∧,d) with d equivariant under covariant action of H = U(g)

I Action of H on Ω• given by Lie derivatives Lh:

Mij dxk := LMij (dx

k) = δjk dpi − δi k dpj

I Deformed exterior product ω ∧? η := ∧(F−1(ω ⊗ η)

)noncommutative and nonassociative:

dx I ∧? dxJ = −dxJ ∧? dx I = dx I ∧ dxJ

(dx I ∧? dxJ) ∧? dxK = dx I ∧? (dxJ ∧? dxK )

I Deformed AF -bimodule structure:

x i ? dx j = dx j ? x i + i ~2 R ijk dpk

I Graded 2-cyclicity:∫ω ∧? η = (−1)|ω| |η|

∫η ∧? ω =

∫ω ∧ η

Graded 3-cyclicity:∫

(ω ∧? η) ∧? λ =∫ω ∧? (η ∧? λ)


M Q // M






// M

, π(x , p) = x , sp(x) = (x , p)

I µ(n)p (f1, . . . , fn)(x) := s∗p


(π∗f2?(π∗f3?(· · ·?π∗fn) · · · )

)](x , p)

= ?[

exp( `4




R ijk ∂ai ⊗ ∂bj ⊗ ∂ck)

(f1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ fn)]


(n)p (f1, . . . , fn) =

∫f1 ? · · · ? fn

I For p = 0 gives triproducts induced by closed string vertex operators

(Blumenhagen et al. ’11)

Association relations

f ? (g ? h)φf ,g,h−−−−→ (f ? g) ? h

(f ? g) ? (h ? k)

φf ?g,h,k

((f ? g) ? h

)? k f ?

(g ? (h ? k)

)φf ,g,h?k



(f ? (g ? h)

)? k

φf ,g,h⊗1


f ?((g ? h) ? k

)φf ,g?h,k
