Part 1: Fuzzy extractor based on universal hashes Part 2: Simplification of Controlled PUF...

Part 1: Fuzzy extractor based on universal hashes Part 2: Simplification of Controlled PUF primitives Dagstuhl, July 6-8, 2009 1
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Transcript of Part 1: Fuzzy extractor based on universal hashes Part 2: Simplification of Controlled PUF...

Part 1:Fuzzy extractor based on universal hashes

Part 2:Simplification of Controlled PUF primitives

Dagstuhl, July 6-8, 20091

Part 1:Fuzzy extractor based on universal hashes

BŠ and Pim Tuyls


Fuzzy Extractor / Helper Data scheme



• Secrecy and uniformity: Δ(WS; WU) ≤ ε. "S given W is almost uniform"

• Error correction: If X' sufficiently close to X, then S'=S.

• Robustness [Boyen et al. 2005]: Detection of active attack against W


Dodis et al. 2003Juels+Wattenberg 1999Linnartz+Tuyls 2003


• privacy preserving biometrics

• anti-counterfeiting ("object biometrics")

• PUF-based key storage

Fuzzy Extractor: Efficiency


What's so special?

• Redundancy data (in W) must not leak info about secret S.

• Make near-uniform S from non-uniform X.

• How to authenticate W when there is no PKI?


• Extract as many reproducible bits from X as possible.

• Low storage requirements.

• Small computational load.



Limited noise

Common class of noise

• Considerable prob. that x' ≠ x.

• Small number of likely x'.




Problematic for error correcting codes

• Most codes work best with low error rate

• Cannot exploit non-uniform error patterns (low entropy of errors)

• Entropy loss.

Universal hash functions

• Not a cryptographic hash

• Main purpose: uniformity

• Light-weight implementation in hardware and software.• Information-theoretic properties.

• Does not rely on unproven security assumptions

• Def: δ-almost universal hash functions Fr. For fixed x and x':

Prob[FR (x) = FR (x ')] ≤ 2−L (1+ δ)

Fr with random r

L bits


Fuzzy Extractor based on universal hash functions

secret key

redundancy forerror correction

MAC key

rp q

Key reconstruction procedure

• Measure x'. Read p', q', r', w', m'.

• Make list L of likely candidates. Must be manageable!

• Find x in L such that Ψp'(x)=w'.

Sort of Slepian-Wolf

• Compute v'=Γq'(x).

• Check if MAC(v'; p'q'r'w')=m'.

• If okay, reconstruct secret s=Φr'(x).

Publicly stored enrolment data: p,q,r,w, m:=MAC(v; pqrw)


p', q', r', w', m'


Robustness: KMS-MAC

Theorem: If

then Δ(PQRWM S; PQRWM U) ≤ ε .



•Ordinary MAC insufficient

•MAC with Key Manipulation Security? [Cramer et al, Eurocrypt 2008]

• Assumes strong attacker. Key Linearity: ΔK = known function of w and modified w'.

•We do not have the linearity property!(Also the case for other types of helper data.)Effect of modifying helper data unknown to attacker.

•KMS-MAC is overkill.

Part 2:

Simplification of Controlled PUF primitives

BŠ and Marc X. MakkesEindhoven University of Technology


Controlled PUFs (CPUFs)

•PUF shielded from the outside world by control layer

•control layer restricts PUF input & output

•more secure than "bare" PUF

Protocols exploiting large number of Challenge-Response Pairs

•Gassend et al 2002, 2007, 2008

•Each user has shared secret (CRP) with CPUF

•Symmetric crypto

•Certified Execution, Proof of Execution, key renewal, ...

•Presented as API code

• Self-referential 'hash blocks'

CPUF protocols


E-Proof generation:

computes a hashover the hash block

Self-referential use of program hashes



• Avoid hashes of control layer code

• Flowchart notation

• Basically the same protocols; minor modifications

• Helper data explicitly visible


Some wise concluding remarks


None of this is rocket science, and the results are far from spectacular ... so I will not complain if you don't put any of this in the schedule.


(...) And we do not need rocket science. By the way, rocket science is very easy, this is a fairy-talethat rocket science is difficult. You buy some explosive powder and some metal container and you put them together.