Music and Trance- The case of Candomblé

Μουσική και έκσταση Η πνευματική καταληψία και ο ρόλος της μουσικής στην θρησκευτική παράδοση του Candomblé στη Βραζιλία.

Transcript of Music and Trance- The case of Candomblé


Candombl .

Wafer, Jim, 1991 The Taste of Blood: Spirit Possession in Brazilian Candombl University of Pennsylvania Press

Rouget, Gilbert, 1985 Music and Trance: A Theory of the Relations between Music and Possession The University of Chicago Press

Henry, Clarence Bernard, 2012 Lets make some noise: Ax and the African Roots of Brazilian Popular Music University Press of Mississippi

Crook, Lary, 2009 Focus: Music of Northeast Brazil Routledge

Candombl- ,

, ( Yoruba, Ewe- Fon Bantu) ()

( 16 17 ), 1830 Candombl Bahia, Salvador .

Candombl (naoes), .

Ketu (Yoruba), Gge (Ewe- Fon) Congo-Angola (Bantu)


, terreiros.

terreiros : Candombl. terreiro ,

- : Exus ( - Trickster) Caboclos ( , ..) Orixs ( ) Eguns ( ) Eres ( )

Ax: , Candombl Candombl.


) : Candombl, ax

) : Candombl .

- Candombl


Candombl Candombl

Candombl ax orixs.



, , ax

, . ( , assentamento, .. )

, :

, orixs, .

, ere Candombl , , , , .

( adarum)

Oriki: ( , , )-

: , agogo orix : Yoruba

: T ( + ) , .. (): = . Tempo= 288-576 bpm.


, orixs

, ax



( orixs)


Shekere Adj



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