iOO - JICA · 2012. 9. 18. · iOO ]ICA is undertaking post-conflict peacebui1 ding and...


Transcript of iOO - JICA · 2012. 9. 18. · iOO ]ICA is undertaking post-conflict peacebui1 ding and...

iOO ]ICA is undertaking post-conflict peacebui1ding and reconstruction globally.



F∞u陪inge符ortson納ereconstruction ofωonomic

infrastructure and human resource development

From 1091, civil war continu凶 lorover 10 years until

the disarmament and c伺 se-lire01 J田 U副y2002.


un町nployrγ暗ntetc., are l'TlaJorねcto陪 01the conllict. Developm朋 lpart同市 町ewo欣ingtoge廿噌runder廿唱

collab町a世vefr副官臥N四1<01廿喝 UnitedNa首ons

Inleg惜 t凶 Pe部 ebuildingof恥einS陪rraL,即時

(lJNIPSIL) 10 help pt'・vent廿暗r民 urrenceol∞nflict.JICA assisled in the reconstruction 01目XlOOITlicar叫

担問alir前田tructurein the me甘opoIit田町ea, including

PD'O¥唐制附y;c1evelopment 01恥aIin骨田飢JCture,agriculture, wat宮町、d陥aI廿lCarein the nor由emstat田


W百:却、dhurr官、r8SOUf四d尉剖ゆment首1CIud町 廿 暗

甘aining01 PUI対応 田町富市.Through廿暗曽eft,四1sJIC泊

W揖温コje10 contnb.此elo廿噌es岨おhm宮市tof四 割 高


.Ropubl・cofS崎 町'ale。帥.τ袖胸、駅。m向抑留同副首tbuittWI由

世田a均等!an白d世田,Japat官蝿00晴 間閣 内t



Achieving peace

through the development of Jordan V剖ley

In July 2006, Ihe Japanese governmenl

proposed an iniliative,“刊1eCorridor lor

Peace and Prosperity" to be realized

through the development 01 Jord印 Valley

in the West Bank. JICA h田 alsobeen

assisting in the development 01 the Jericho

reglon Sln四 2∞5,supporting the Palestine Au白ority'seftorts to enhance its

admlnis甘ativecapacity and gain部。nomic

independ軒間.Animpo巾 ntpart of this is

出eplanned development 01 a pro臼詰Slng

comp胤 lorag問 U加国1pr'剖 ucts,wh帥

糊 11th伺 serve田 abase 1町廿官

d陪tn臥rtionof ag目印加問1pt'oducts. Jap剖

hasb偶 npr開田ting∞n百dencebui細川9

am町、9relevant par世間 bypro由dingspa僧

f町 adialog四国加時nPalestine, Israel and Jordan.


Establishing peace and achieving economic grow泊

In昔、ecivilw宮廿祖t防憤@臥且 in1993 loIlowWlg 廿唱畠S担割問t町、d廿閣府国同開tM噛::t官官

Nda<担ye,a市 3∞.αM日開P悟W腕時期tωIylol凶町WOU'1dedbef,闘世暗闇持臨時of2006.

In the post・civilwar recons北:ructi伺,JねAhas


developrn制 t01 1m間P町tat町1inlrastructure ar叫

陥 althcarepersonr噸, anda除。 ind田匂ning

d卸eIOPt'判明tp陥崎町 ar匝時W首hlargenum協同

。f陪 palrialingrefuge闘面、dintemally displa田 d

m却 le(IOP), thereby end伺 V∞ngto achieve

凶,thcon田 lidationol開制渇面、dpromotion 01 ec伺叫判ICactivllies

Boosting economic growth through

infrastructure development and

advancements in agricul仙re

A1though Ihe 1994 9宙耳障ide旧国idto have

resulted in Ihe d回 ths01 up to one million

people, Rwanda has achieved one of the h相hesteconomic growth則自inthe East

Afr悶 nregion in r,邸側1years as a r田 ultof

vigorous 阿国onstruct同nefforts. JICA has been

providing suppo内Ihroughdevelopment 01

transpo同alionand power-supply infrastructure

to boosl economic growth, and advancements in agriculture, Ihe counlry's key industry, in

addition 10 human resource development lor

reconslruction Ihrough Ihe vocational廿alOlng

of former soldiers, and pove代yreduction

through 山 崎1development.

.Ropubl・C01 Bl,lrundi: The Project 10r Stren自theningCapacities 01 Prince Re自onlCharles Hospital and Public HeD.lth Centers in Bujumbura City for 畑、provement01 Mother 3nd ChildHoalth

There are countless numbers of people suffering due to war,

natural d.isaster, pover守, climate change and the spread of

infectious d.iseases. Many of those who have survived con且ict

then find tllemselves in d.ifficult rucumstances.

]ICA is assisting wi出 and human resource


- C a m b o d園圃

Assisting in the removal of landmines and unexploded ordnance

More than 20 years post-conflict, Cambod陥 isslill

plagued by the issue 01 landmines and unexploded

ordnance. 6,422 villages, accounting for 46% of rural

C町 nbodia,are回 dto be contaminated or potentially

conlaminated by landmin田 andunexploded ordnance, depriving the p田 plea∞ 田sto farming land and

preventing cultivation, in turn causing fc泊 dshortag田.

Since 1909, JICA has been providing出eCambodian

Mine Action C朋 ter(CMAC)w愉 techni伺 la田 Istance

byd陪patchingexpe同s,剖。ngw尚、 met剖detectorsand

伺 uipment1町 removingplants副叫 landmines(s凶 has

t制匂,∞mmunicationdevic田 副 叫 va附田}


DATA.Ol Current si加ationof

conflict-affected countries J .Living c割、d悩。n6


6 1 % LiVIng in pover1y

650,(, No access 10 s:>fe w柑

54% ~崎山町吋…吋

77γ Child剛附加叫蹴間同

.pnma叩 edue:>lion


59v chttdmwttMuta聞出回

o secondilrY educo3tlon

60% M"lnut,illOn '''10

7 0% Infanl mo尚 lily

71v CMldrenwftvem州I -'0 under at ri~ of de,剖h

64QノPr.勾欄Iwom制 un帥悼"'-'0 glVe副rth回 fely

scu<田崎<ó Bank・8輸相帽0・・"""""'"内叫国ft~O' 唱


The issue of landmines and DATA.02

unexploded ordnance


色hili虫堅三仰向制全画面,Assisting in the economic and social

re∞very of P伺 pleaffected by conflict

After more世噛n40ye剖 ち01宙medcons昨t,Columbia has世田 Iat伊 51num除 rofl割、dminevic世阿古 inthew四1<1,町、d廿噛

S部刷、dlatg宙 t附 mbEョr01 IDPs after sud割、req叩 ngsignificanl efforts 10ぬaI

w愉甘噌 re印刷、Itde咽 station.Since 2∞8, JICAhasb曽 na田 istingin improving It噌

1町田ofIDPs; suppαting町、dstepping up ret国 bi枇ationofl割、dmine叩ctims;

supporting ex -comba凶nls'民。∞micar刈s∞ 副『白川egratioo;and providing

∞mpr油 開S問団ref,町P朗 ple

廿au阿国lizedby conflict, all with the t田pe

that the担 victims01 conflict can be

reinteg悶ted民 伺omicallyand s∞ially.

.Columbia: A doct町時habilita.tlngachild剛山剖 injuredleg

.11Iere are 0'桝背 骨∞mil相、旭nc:嗣師僧W明細W蜘

Anti-personn剖 min田 wereh個別Iyu鵠 dIn f句,ooal

confl陀tafter lhe CoId War due 10廿閣rlow COsl of

production. Wo叶dwide,an esllmated 1∞mlllioo landmines have been placed in over 60 countnes

including Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovlna, Angola and Mozambique, and as many as 2 to 5 milhon new landmines町 ere阿 南dlylaid every year. 1I is

estimated that there are over 2,000 people killed or maimed by anti-pe陪 onnelmines every monlh, and a

total 01 250,000 people who have been wounded by mines worldwide.


.!!!!!盟ー..JL..lLJLlJL...!..JL謹灘高scu<国.:Hema::田町aCot可瞳F 田BarはB曲目・臨:BUw・bp叫'"

Becau時間ti-personnelmines a陪 buned町 oundplaces

wherep割耳pleperform胎 ird副抑制揃臨めome,部I100I,hospital, water p恥 e,farming land剖 dfactory,回c.),and

r宙開nthere long after∞nfllct陪 ovet,not伺Iydo Ihey conlinue to pose a thre唱1,they also hlnder va円。us

m市astructuredevelopments, resta同,ngof agncullural

aClivilies, and resettlement of refugees and IDP, b田町刊nga major obstacle in all areas of re∞veryand reconstruction. In some cases, children fall victlm to unexploded ordnance while trying to remove metal components 伽 scrapmeぬl

In conflict-affected a時 as,wh凹 provldingassislance for

inlraslructure development, relugee repalriatlon and

agricult旧t割 activities,consideration must be given 10 lhe prob帽moflandmin田 andunexploded町 dnance.


ハUReconstructing Social and

Hutnan Capital In lhe mmed ale pOS1-Conl cl per od, governmenl-prOv ded soc a serv ces are genera y parl a y or comp ele y

suspended due 10 damaged nlraSlrUclure, delecl ve governmenl po c es resu 1 ng Irom weakened governmenl,

severe lund shorlages and oss 01 expert ze n lhe adm n slral ve organ zal ons lhal ma nla n and manage var ous

lac 1 es and equ pmen1. A lhough 1 s mpOrlanll0 qu ck y respond 10 such mmed ale needs 01 lhe peop e n lhe

reconslruclon per od, 1 s a so necessary 10 demonslrale lang b e ach evemenls 10 lhe pub c, n add 1 on 10

ongo ng ma nlenance efforts and p ans lor lhe lulure

| ~llêJ_.:..4.41.jt4GJ 附l'iIrn川ction 01 social and human ca iぬl

1 Developmenl of basic inlrastructure

2,JDevelopment 01 transport‘power‘and commu'1ication networks

3,1門proveτζサ'1healthcare syste'11

i edL.cation systern c5Food security

We are developing social infrastructure so that people can live in peace and safety.

Kabul o

JICA Afghanlstan 0何loe JICA's Assistance

pro吋ngthe deteriorating urhan environment caused hy the influx of retumees

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

C叩性副 Kabul.Solving critical urban issues

In order 10 so ve lhe cr 1 ca urban ssues and 10 reconslrucl and

deve op lhe cap ta Kabu as a strongho d 01 AIghan slan's susla ned

deve Opmenl and nalona un 1 cat on, JICA ass sled n lormu al ng

“The Sludy lor lhe Deve Opmenl 01 Kabu Metropo lan Area n

AIghan stan". S nce the approva 01 lh s p an by the AIghan

governmenl, JICA has been suppo同ngthe capac ty bu d ng 01 lhe

agency n charge 01 the metropo lan area through lhe "Projecl on

Promolon 01 Kabu MelrOpO tan Area Deve opmenl (2010-2015)"

More spec 1 ca y, a number 01 subprojecls are unde川 aync ud ng:

capac ty bu d ng 01 urban deve opmenl sk s (organ zat on ana ys s,

deve opmenl 01 c ty p ann ng Iramework, execul on 01 p 01 works n

the n 1 a deve Opmenl d str C1S), ma nlenance and deve Opmenl 01

new and ex sl ng Kabu c ty

roads, reg ona and

commun ty deve Opmenl n

Dehsabz and Bar kab

areas surround ng lhe new

c ly, and deve opment 01

Populstion: c.a.30million (a. 01 2008) Area: c.a.652,OOOkn子GNゆ..回ptta):c.a.$410 (as 01 2010)

power, col'lttO ng

response 10 lhe Seplember 11, 2001,

lhe U今S.-ed coa t on nvaded AIghan

Ta ban reg me. One monlh aler, the Bonn agreemenl'

was s gned under the n 1 al ve 01 lhe Un led Nal0nS,

and lhe counlry began Is reconslruct on process

From the ear y slages alter lhe agreemenl, JICA, a ong

w lh the Japanese governmenl, has been nvo ved n

prov d ng ass stance w lh a v ew 10 human secur ly n

such areas as nlraslructure deve Opmenl, agr cu lure

and rura deve Opmenl, as we as address ng lhe bas c

needs 01 the peop e.

※Refl町stothe剖atem町、tofag:re制 閥、tonthep伺 oefulreconstn刷町、

01 Afgh剖 刷出もadoptedin the Bonn. German訴Intemationa!oonference

。Counterparts.inoluding胸 deputy野唱y国 ofKabul. visI悼dJapanfor trQIn山由。studying1i副naNew Town's dsvelopment planning

.Critical urban issues due to rapid

population growth

Am d such c rCumSlanCeS, lhe popu al on 01

AIghan slan began 10 ncrease rap d y. As 01 2010, lhe

popu al on lopped 4 m on, approx male y doub ng

lhal 01 10 years prev ous y, overf ow ng lhe capac ly 01

lhe lowns. I1s popu al on s expeCled 10 lurther

ncrease and reach 6.5 m on n 2025. The ncreased

popu al on s caus ng cr 1 ca urban ssues such as

owered groundwaler eve; waler, a r, and so

po Ul0n; ncreased numbers 01 nlorma se悦ements

lraff c congesl on; and poor san tal on

司三一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一・・=ヨ研司岡山山'-:..U.U同E百.‘司・i.j・同M・同H・M・包1 ・!õl'õ【ザ'l~(.]・E・-回ïlI・・

lhe中r叫ectlor the Development 01 Kabul Me凶阿it町内閣JnAIghanJstan" aims to esta刷泊h曲、exampJeolr匝刀nstructJonlor the whoJe met間 関陶 na陪s.lnJmp悟町官ntlngthJs project. JICA has祖kenm曲 sur時

to ensu陪 theproject叫 Inot resuH In lurther des旬以l凶 tlon,det制oratlon0111川ng∞ndttlonslor th叩 e靖国dyd回 dvantag剖 ,町wld朋 dlsp剖 tlesIn develop町lent.

JICA's Assistance

J l -伽 l¥• Synergistic development of water supply, healthcare, and vocational training ぐ

JICA's Assistance

.Enhancing the capacity of the Government

Under JICA's "Projecl lor Human Resources Deve Opmenl lor Darfur

and lhe Three Prolo∞Areas" (2009-2013), P 01 projeclS are

mp emenled w lh prov nc a govemmenllra n ng, n lhe 1 e ds 01 waler

supp y, hea lhcare, and vocalona lra n ng, n order 10 move the reg on

ou1 01 underdeve Opmenl創ldrebu d lrusl between lhe peop e and

the governmen1. By prov nc a governmenlS tak ng lhe n 1 al ve創ld

prov d ng comprehens ve ass slance n lhese three areas, JICA s a so

a m ng lor synergy _ ;1 belween lhe var ous

le ds.

Through lh s projecl,

there s a grow ng

awareness amongsl

ledera govemmenl


the deve Opmenl needs

n the Darfur reg on, a

s gn 1 canl Slep thal w

be walched w th nleresl

.Reconstruction assistance in the northern region

J ICA has been act ve n lhe no代hemreg on s nce lhe ear y slages 01

lhe cease-I re, prov d ng ass slance d recl y 10 lhe peop e. In lhe

northern reconslruclon ass stance program, JICA has been dea ng

w th lhe 10 ow ng lhree ssues.①Repalr al on 01 IDPs, mprOvemenlS

n soc a serv ces, roads and br dges, and mp emenlal on 01 projecls n

lhe p aces lhey relurn 10.②Commun ty deve Opmenl p ann ng 10

lac lale lhe repalr al on and rese11 emenl 01 IDPs and the deve op-

menl 01 soc a nlraslruclure ( nc ud ng sale waler supp y and pr mary

educalon lac 1 es)③Human Resource Deve Opmenl n oca

governmenls lhal have been weak due 10 lhe twenly-year c v wa仁

JICA w ass sl n lhe deve op-

menl 01 bas c nlraslruclure

(Iransportal on nlraslruclure such

as roads and br dges, and

∞mmun ly nlraslruclure such as

schoo s, hea lhcare lac 1 es and

we S), n add 1 on 10 slrenglhen ng

oca governmenlS' ab t es 10

prov de bas c serv ces 10 lhe

peop e. GTho 8ndgo倒 削uctodby JICA p町制


Area: c.a.l.886 million km2

GNI (per c.pi!a): c.a.$1,220 (a. 01 20ω)

c~凶US of Sudan

.Reconstruction of underdeveloped regions

is the key to peacebuilding

In lhe Darfur reg on where conl cl broke out n 2003, lhe

s lual on rema ns unstab e due 10 ongo ng nsurgency.

After the ndependence 01 Soulh Sudan, n Soulh

Kordolan and B ue N e, wh ch are so-ca ed prOl0CO

areas, conlronlalon s nlens Iy ng, w lh the rebe s

cha eng ng governmenl eg t macy and lreatment 01

lormer so d ers. The surround ng areas have la ed 10

rece ve su pport and deve Opmenl Irom lhe centra

governmenl w lh s gn 1 canl de ays n conslruct on 01

nlraslruclure and prov s on of hea thcare and educalon

serv ces. 1 n order to reso ve conl cl and deter ts

recurrence, t s mperal ve lhal econom c d spar 1 es

among reg ons be reduced.

Kampala 。

Ca同泊1:Kampala Populatl∞: c.a.30.6million (a. 01 20関}

Area: c.a. 236,000 km2

GNI (perc.p岨):c.a.$370旬30120(国}

ons lagging behind in development

Uganda, armed conl cl between governmenl

and lhe m tanl group“Lord's Res slance Army"

has cont nued s nce 1 was lonned n the 1980s. At

respons b e lor lhe abducl on 01 over 25,000

lorc ng lhem to become so d ers, n add t on to

For lh s reason 1 has been descr bed as

been d SrUpled n lhe northern reg on

on 01 governmenl lunct ons

01 lhe h ghesl pove代y

〆V守 固


Srl Jayewardenepufa -一一一一一司、Ko悦e

The Democratic Sociatist ; ¥0 Repubtic o( Sri Lanka i ~CA Srl L~

Capital: Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte Pop凶at1on:c.a.20.2million (目。f割加帥

Are⑤ c.a.65,000km2

GNI(問f伺 pita):c.a.82,290出。120川

l Economic Recovery () /. ~

、J 4Ifi圃d 百Post-conl ct econom c recovery s essent a lor the stab zat on 01 peop e's ves as we as the reg on and nat on as → a who e. Poverty s he ghtened n many post-conl ct countr es and reg ons due to cr pp ed markets, destruct on 01 (TJ

nlrastructure and ncreased unemp oyment. In many cases, power and wea th s vested n the hands 01 the lew, 刃resu t ng n a thr v ng shadow economy

In order to recover econom ca y under such c rcumstances, lundamenta post

lu 1 ed, and ellorts made to stab ze the economy through n:lproved econom c cond t

and job creat on

Attentive support with a focus on cooperation to local govemment

JICA's ・Improvingpeople's lives through public

Assistance -inf~astru;t~re development

Current s

.Moving towards full-scale reconstruction

after the end of armed conflict

S nce 1983, armed ∞nl ct ntens 1 ed n Sr Lanka

between the government lorces and the L berat on T gers

ofTam Eeam (じ円E),wh ch contro ed a pa代olthe

northern and eastem areas 01 the country. The conl ct

brought devastat ng consequences n terms 01 oss 01 le,

ncreased numbers 01 1 DP, destruct on 01 nlrastructure

and pub c lac t es and econom c stagnat on n the

northern and eastem prov nces. It ended n May 20ωwth

the govemment rega n ng contro 01 the ent re area. W th

the suppo同01var ous a d agenc es, the Sr Lankan

govemment has been work ng towards the recovery and

悶 onstructon 01 areas devastated by the conl ct, and

fuιsca e deve opment 01 these areas s now underway.

JICA's Assistance


・・・・・・・r,J正坐主主~]・l'lIIiI里l"dtrd・E・--)く 、 .ρ

of the long-standing conflict







Immed ate y after the end 01 the conl ct, JICA began

reconstruct on 01 pub c lac t es nc ud ng the destroyed water

supp y lac t es and jetty, prov ded ve hood suppo門lorresett ed

IDP, and ass sted oca adm n strators lormu ate deve opment

p ans lor the ent re reg on. Two and a ha 1 years have passed s nce

the end 01 the conl ct, and JICA p ans to mprove the

adm n strat on's capac ty to prov de serv ces, deve op pub c

nlrastructure and prov de techn ca ass stance, n order to

strengthen product on n areas such as 1 sher es and agr cu ture

①Development 01

②Increase 01 e


‘ Increasing confidence in the govemment and stabilizing society through resolving the power shortage problem


Bagdad o

JICA Iraq offl骨

(1胡 )(right)却 しank.avocatIonal troIning

JICA's Assistance ;> ・Improvingpower supply and training power engin鵠 rs '

The Repubtic o( Iraq

Capital: Bagdad Popu旧t1on:c.a 30.7 million (05 01 2008)

A1ea: c.a. 437,000 km2

GNI(阿国同司 c.a.S2,060回 012∞8)

~ Philippines (…I JICA s locus ng on mprov ng Iraq power supp y n response to the

urgent needs 01 the peop e through a comb nat on 01 moda t es

Power stat ons and transm ss on and d str but on substat ons have

been bu t us ng yen oans, and power eng neers have been tra ned

n cooperat on w th ne ghbor ng countr es nc ud ng Jordan, Egypt,

and Syr a to manage a power stat on. JICA's prev ous exper ence n

Syr a's Jandar power stat on tra n ng lac ty, a so bu t us ng grant

a d, has been ut zed n the capac ty bu d ng 01 power eng neers

Deve opment and advancements n operat ona and ma ntenance

capac ty 01 power supp y ng nlrastructure not on y lorms the bas s

01 m d-to ong-term econom c reconstruct on, but a so contr butes

to the stab ty 01 soc ety through mproved adm n strat ve serv ces What are the reasons for Instablllty

In Iraq?

Government lailure to fu lili the people's

energy needs even 8 years alter the end

01 Iraq w町 resu~edin gro糊 ngpublic

dis甘ustand culminated in the summer 01

2010 southern province 1町 g争 scaleriots.

Among other administrative services,

improving power supply陪 particularly

important lor restoring conlidence in the

government and stabilizing

post-conllict society

t.. ノ為

Assistance towards post帽 peaceaccord [lli!UmU剖mm:.... 1JIE-


in the administration .Support for better administrative social services

For mprov ng the soc a serv ces to peop e, JICA has rehab tated

destroyed commun ty lac t es and bu t nlrastructure nc ud ng

schoo s, hosp ta s, hea thcare centers and port lac t es. It a so

extended tra n ng courses to the government 011 c a s. In add t on, n

March 2012 JICA started a new capac ty bu d ng project,‘'Capacty

Bu d ng Project lor Commun ty Deve opment n Conl ct-Allected

Areas 01 M ndanao". It a ms at bu d ng the capac ty 01 the

Bangsamoro Deve opment Agency (BDA) as we as conl dence

bu d ng w th the Ph pp ne government

.Mid-summer temperatures hit 500C!

Power shortage is a matter of life and death.

Three wars and years 01 econom c sanct ons have eft

the econom c and soc a nlrastructure n Iraq ag ng and

decayed s nce 1980's. Power supp y s no except on,

w th on y approx mate y ha 1 (6,000 -7,000MW) 01 the

tota nat ona demand (14,000-15,000MW) supp ed by

the country's power stat ons. It s not unusua lor power

shortages to occur lor over ten hours a day In a country

where summer max mums can reach 50oC, power

supp y s a matter 01 le and death lor the peop e

Whl悟 a詔 Jstance泊r岡 山岡Jnav宙柏tyoffi剖dslnIraq. that In the fi剖dofthe pow軒副P凶YIs partlcularty Important In the swelterJng summer heat,町田nypeople areforc剖 to剖eepoutsJde. Factories often stop operatlng due to power由ortages,h劃nperinggrowth of Jnd,且tries.It doesn't resolve the cωntry's serious unemployment prob回n,酎th匝 AddressJngthe source of同OP恰も

dis∞ntent and advancJng economJc development: these are the foundetlons of a p曲 cefUl町1dsta凶e釦 cJety.o Water faoilities OH町四nrc~sour09 de叫 opmentproject間 前Ing,

Auton町nousRegIon MuslIm Mind副抽。


JICA's Assistance

What isthe伺 useof conflict betl縄開

North and South Sudan?

Disparity between

north and south

North and South Sudan were once colonies

01 Br tain and Egypt. They were united in

1947,b凶 conflictnever ceased due to their

significant pol tical剖 dreligious

differences and目。nomicdisp町 Itl9s,In

addtionto d陪agreementsover oil-rich

areas in the soU1h. North田 dSouth Sudan

時 paratedin 2011, but the situation

remains precarious to date

.South Sudan with a mountain of issues

On Ju y 9, 2011, the Repub c 01 South Sudan separated

Irom the Repub c 01 the Sudan and dec ared ts

ndependence. In 1983, the Se∞nd Sudanese C v War broke out between the Arab c Sudanese government and

non-Arab c nsurgents (Sudan Peop e's L berat on Army,

SPLA)むontnu ng lor over 20 years, unt a

comprehens ve peace agreement was reached n 2005

Dur ng th s per od, deve opment was d srupted n the

southern prov nces 01 Sudan (current y South Sudan)

and a though they have now ach eved ndependence, the

country s st laced w th numerous ssues concern ng

the rebu d ng 01 bas c state lunct ons

l¥ Improving logistics hy developing river ports on the shores of the Nile River

.Rebuilding basic state functions

From the ear y stages, JICA has been nvo ved n the reconstruct on

01 South Sudan conduct ng a 1 e d survey n December 2004 r ght

belore the peace agreement was reached. Under “Ass stance lor

New Nat on Bu d ng" wh ch s one 01 JICA's pr or t es n South

Sudan, JICA he ped n the rebu d ng 01 bas c nlrastructure nc ud ng

ports, roads and br dges that are d rect y re ated to the country's

econom c act v t es. The nlrastructure deve opment 01 the Juba

Rver PO代, sta円edn 2006, a year alter the comprehens ve peace

agreement was reached, has been h gh Y pra sed by the South

Sudan government as a tang b e“peace d v dend"

.Logistics support through the development of


In South Sudan, nstead 01 ord nary roads, there s a

we -deve oped r ver transportat on system that takes advantage 01

the vast wet ands 01 the Wh te N e R ver bas n. A though there are

many rver po代sa ong the Wh te N e R ver that runs the ength 01

the country, ne ther seemed to have the appropr ate lac t es,

equ pment or human resources 01 a modern po門 Inorder to

mprove og st ca eft c ency and d str but on, deve opment 01 r ver

ports became a matter 01 urgency. S nce 2006, JICA has nsta ed a

35m p er as we as a crane at the Juba R ver Port, the ma n po門01

South Sudan. A techn ca ass stance project began n 2011 lor the

PO門'sAdm n strat on, eftect ve y comb n ng nlrastructure and

human resource deve opment. There s a so a p an to extend the

35m-p er to 200m w th Japan's support, n the hope that lurther

mprovements n og st cs can be rea zed n the Juba R ver Port

Belore establ愉 ment01 JRPA, P町lma国 gement剖m附

町唱antmaintalnlng po吋security.However slnce the JRPA was esta刷 出edby the assls回nce01 Japan In 2009, the Idea 01 "admi同stration'回 sbeen Introduced to port m副首g割問nt,with dramatic changes to Juba Port's function and respon剖凶lit下Inorder to Jmprove田 NJceslorpo同users,Japan酷 eexpe巾 nowpro'叫detrai凶ngat JRPA. 1 b副ievethat these e町四Iswill glve rJse to Jmproved port admJnlstratJ町、and加rtheruser sat抱lactJon

‘ 03~ Reconstructing a Functional State Governtnent










that e of conflict

When a govemment la s to peげormts bas c lunct ons and s unab e to reta n the peop e's conl dence, the state be∞mes vu nerab e to

soc a nstab ty and conl ct recurrence. Therelore bu d ng a democrat c system s necessary Irom the ear y stages, w th m d-to

ong-term perspect ves. In countr es and reg ons where govern ng capac ty has been weakened by∞nl ct, a∞mprehens ve approach

s requ red lor recovery, such as ass stance n lormu at ng eg s at on, st陪ngthenng adm n strat ve organ zat ons and deve Op ng hu man

resources. In new state bu d ng, t s mpo口antto promote the peop e's econom c and po t ca pa円cpat on to promote equ tab e soc ety.

Desp te good ntent ons, hasty democrat zat on, depend ng on the country's s tuat on and causes 01 conl ct, cou d ead to destab zat on

and lurther conl ct when a system s lorced on the peop e. Therelore accurate ana ys s and carelu hand ng 01 the s tuat on s requ red

J[ljJ,[指針mlml陀 constructinga functional state government I

①Election SUpport

②Media support

③Legal and judicial development

④Development 01 democratic ad

⑤Development 01 financial institu

JICA is committed to supporting the recovery of

a functional political system for the people, and building the foundations of a fair society.

The Federal DemocratIc Republic of Nepal

Capital: Kalmandu Popu坦tion:c.a.28.8million旬301割)()8)

Ar曲 c.a.140,000刷 2

GNI(p.r copita): c.a.$400 (a. 01 2008)

JICA's Assistance Support program for

the democratization process [C山~刷S of Nepal

.Civil law support

“C v aw" const tutes the foundat on of a democracy. Th s body 01

aw estab shed 150 years ago not on y acks adequate gu de nes for

reso v ng conl cts. t s a so not cons stent w th nternat ona trad ng

aws. To address th s. Nepa ese ega profess ona s and Japanese

experts consu ted lor two years, comp et ng a new c v aw dralt b

n August 2010. S nce January 2011. JICA has been he p ng to

lormu ate a c v aw handbook. Support ng the strengthen ng 01 c v aw s a ong-term comm tment, need ng t me lor the aw to come nto

common pract ce and then add t ona t me for mproved operat on. In

rura areas, tens on has been grow ng between po t ca part es and

res dents over the r nterests dur ng the course of democrat zat on

.A departure from 240 y伺 rsof monarchy

In Nepa , pro-democracy movements erupted n many

parts 01 the country n 1990. overthrow ng the

undemocrat c Panchayat System contro ed by the k ng

In the meant me, the Mao sts who had been 1 ght ng lor

the abo t on 01 the monarchy and the estab shment 01 a

secu ar nat on expanded n number. and the c v war cont nued lor over 10 years. Beh nd th s c v war, there

were d spar t es n soc a serv ces and econom c

deve opment among reg ons. ethn c groups and

as we as the hor zonta d sequ br um nherent n

Nepa ese soc ety Peace agreement was

2006, and the nat on moved away from

monarch ca ru e towards a ledera

Desp te the peop e's h gh expectat

new nat on s lac ng tough cha

.Supporting the training of community mediators

In order to prevent d sputes among res dents Irom deve op ng nto

po t ca or nter・communty conf ct, JICA has been suppo門ngthe

tra n ng 01 commun ty med ators, to enab e v agers to manage commun ty-eve d sputes. So far, over 270 peop e have undergone

tra n ng to acqu re sk s for d spute sett ement, tak ng pa門 n

sten ng act v t es and pract ce med at on sess ons

.Providing unbiased information -media support

In order to prov de unb ased nlormat on to c t zens, ass stance n

"med a capac ty enhancement" s a so underway. It s mportant to

address the recent upsurge n med a that s advocat ng part cu ar

po t ca part es and ethn c groups, and a so prevent the esca at on 01

soc a tens on. JICA s ass st ng n the deve opment of a hea thy

med a n Nepa through rev s on of med a po c es and re ated aws,

as we as support ng the State-run Rad 0 Nepa


former President ofJICA and

former UN High Commissioner for Refugees Message企omSadako Ogata

Since taking office as ]ICA's President in 2003, we have been trying to incorporate the

concept of human security into ]ICA's cooperation projects. ¥Y!e have also been

strengthening our commitment to peace-building and reconstruction in post-conflict

紅 白s,concentrating on the rapid and uninterrupted deployment of humanitarian aid.

Security Enhancetnent 1I secur ty rema ns unstab e after the conl ct has ended, t s a cha enge lor peop e to ead stab e ves or resta代economcact v t es to rebu d the cou ntry. If the armed lorces are powerfu and cont nue to ma nta n po t ca and econom c nl uence by hod ng mpo同antposts n the government or contro ng and a ocat on, or 1 the capac ty 01 c v an po ce s ow, these

y ng prob ems w underm ne the lunct on 01 the pub c nst tut ons respons b e lor the secur ty 01 the popu at on reasons, secur ty enhancement s mpo門ant,as a precond t on lor the rebu d ng 01 peop e's ves, repatr at on and

01 1 DPs and relugees, po t ca and soc a stab ty, as we as reconstruct on, and deve opment


JICA is committed to the鵠 curity

enhancement, social stability, r民 onstructionand development of conflict-a行ect剖 countries.

|璽 rmr…stabilization through training

police and judicial offi悶 rs

OKlnshasa JICA Dem∞ratlc Republlc of the Congo Offlce

During the 1990s, while working on the issues of refugees and internally displaced

persons as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 1 was faced with the problem of

gaps and delays in development assistance between the emergency response phase of

crises and the post-conflict recovery and reconstruction stages.

.Retraining 01 in-service police officers in cooperation with the UN PKO

JICA's Assistance

Democrat;c Republic of the Congo

capit副 KinshasaPopulation: c.a.62.4million (a. 01 2008) AIea: c.a.2.34million k町子GNI(阿曲目ωc.a.8140 (a. 01 2008)

Based on such experiences, ]ICA has been focusing on improving the speed and

flexibility of our activities in rapidly changing post-conflict regions to facilitate a

smooth transition from humanitarian to development aid.

G ven that DRC shares a border w th ten other countr es,

ma nta n ng secur ty s essent a lor the deve opment 01 the reg on nc ud ng the Great Lake reg on, and suppo代lorts securty sector s nd spensab e One 01 JICA's n t at ves n th s secur ty sector s the tra n ng 01 po ce and ega 011 cers. JICA began re-tra n ng act ve nat ona po ce 011 cers n 2004 n cooperat on w th UN PKO (MONUSCO) and has now expanded the areas 01 tra n ng Irom the or 9 na western K nshasa Spec a Prov nce and Bas-Congo Prov nce to eastern Or enta Prov nce and North K vu Prov nce,

thanks to og st ca support Irom the UNDP s nce 2009

What are the causes of

conflict in Democratic Republic

ofthe Congo (ORcl? .Six months basic training is also available

In 2010 JICA started s x-month bas c tra n ng lor new y h red po ce 011 cers Today, th s s the ma n locus,

not on y contr but ng to the tra n ng 01 new po ce 011 cers,

but a so he p ng to ntegrate nsurgents nto the po ce lorce. As many as 20,000 po ce 011 cers have undergone tra n ng n the JICA program ~

so lar

¥Y!ith today's increasing globalization and international interdependence, it is not

possible for ] apan to prosp目 asa separate enむ守.In such an environment, 1 believe we

must be more committed than ever before to supporting the工ebuildingof peace and

DRC. with six times the land町eaolJapan, is laced with many unresolved issues; cu tural d fferences, history, poverty, conllict in the eastern provinces, and a large number 01 relugees. A廿、oughthe country is blessed with

mineral and lorest resources, there are ongoing disputes over their distribution. The problem陪 lurthercomplicated by reg旧oalsecur ty and ethnic issues with no easy

resolution in sight 日 constructionin post-con出ctareas.

To sum up DRC, tt Is "a胞rgecountry WIth no end 01 。on由ictbecause 01 Hs rich natur,剖同時οurc迫。"but there Is still hope訓 ongstthe people "町 peace.Although tt tak田t柄、eto develop human resources, a quaitatlve evaluati町、

同suedby MONUSCO lound tI国tme廿lOdsemploy回 by同 品目Insuppressing a件。t回 ve回 comem町'edemocratlc In問 問ntyea阻 1I伺 Ithat our ac制 t国sare slowiy a出 i制 ngresults even though the steps a用 S町田日

o POlIce offioer troIni時

耳π~'(i百'!'I:朝団冒 IJJN司lÕT'I'可1I1l1!'!'11);{岨・liπE

.Post-independence democratic elections the key to economic stability

After more than 10 years 01 po t ca conlus on and conl ct, the 1 rst democrat c e ect on 10 ow ng the country's ndependence was he d n 2006 w th lu support by the nternat ona commun ty, w th Joseph Kab a e ected as Pres dent S nce then, w th the support 01 the nternat ona commun ty, the country has rega ned soc oeconom c stab ty, and secur ty s a so be ng restored. The second post-conl ct democrat c pres dent a e ect on n 2011 was carr ed out under the n t at ve 01 DRC government w th the support 01 the nternat ona commun ty, and Joseph Kab a was re-e ected as Pres dent


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