ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is...


Transcript of ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is...

Page 1: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of


Page 2: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

How Block chain -based Geo Sm art Con t ract s Fuel t he IoT

prepared by: yashar m orad i

THE ESA EARTH OBSERVATION Φ-W EEKEO Open Science and Fu t u reEO12—16 N ovem b er 20 18 | E S A—E S R IN | F ra sc a ti (R om e), Ita ly

Page 3: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

g eodat a

Page 4: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

g eodat asatellit es

w eather stat ions

sm art phones


iot sensors

laser scanners

sm art veh icles

fit ness t rackers

data sou

rcesim agery

heatm ap

elevat ion /depth data

poin t cloud

poin ts of in terest

t raffic data

asset locat ion

radar im agery


a ty


Page 5: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

h igh in it ial in fra stru c tu re c osts

u t il izat ion of g eodat a

c om p lic a ted leg a l s itu a tion

tec h n ic a l k n ow -h ow

c om p lia n c e a n d c om p a tib ility

h ig h en t ry barr iers

Page 6: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

cloudeo p lat form

35+indust rialpartners

900+indust rial


cloudeost ore

Page 7: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

cloudeo p lat form

cloudeo store

cloudeo api

cloudeo oos(order orchestration system)

white-label storewhite-label storewhite-label store

IoT devices

cloudeo gpc(geoprocessing cloud)

Page 8: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

cloudeo p lat form

cloudeo store

cloudeo api

cloudeo oos(order orchestration system)

white-label storewhite-label storewhite-label store

IoT devices

cloudeo gpc(geoprocessing cloud)


cbn contract catalog

Page 9: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

eart h observat ion sat ell i t esaccord ing to the Un ion of Concerned Scien t ist s (UCS) satellit e database there w ere 1,980 operat ional satellit es at the end of April 2018, and 684 of these have a m ain purpose of either EO or Earth Science.

• 39% cubesats• 10% m icrosatellit es• 12% sm all satellit es• 30% large satellit es• 9% no size listed

© Copyright Pixalytics Ltd.

Page 10: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

In t ernet of Th ing s• in -situ sensors• w eather stat ions• sm art phones• gps-t rackers• cam eras• fit ness-t rackers• w earab les• sensors• sm art hom e• sm art veh icles• laser scanners• beacons

Page 11: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

In t ernet of Th ing s

These devices are becom ing increasing ly com m on rang ing from autonom ous veh icles to sensors m on itoring indust rial p rocesses, to sm art hom es and sm art cit ies.

IoT is the m erg ing of our eng ineered physical environm ent w ith in form at ion system s to create sm art adapt ive ob jects and environm ents...

"Simply, the Internet of Things is made up of devices – from simple sensors to smartphones and wearables – connected together" M a tth ew E va n s, tec h U K

in th e b roa d est sen se , th e term IoT en c om p a sses everyth in g c on n ec ted to th e in tern et, b u t it is in c rea sin g ly b ein g u sed to d efin e ob jec ts th a t "ta lk" to ea c h oth er.

Page 12: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

source: cisco

Page 13: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

b ig dat a

Page 14: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

dat a-d r iven decision m ak ing

Page 15: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

b lock chainFor developers:a set of p rotocols and encryp t ion tec h n olog ies for sec u rely storin g d a ta on a d ist ribu tedn etw ork .

For business and f inance: a d ist ribu ted ledger a n d th e tec h n olog y u n d erlyin g th e exp losion of new d ig ita l currencies.

For t echnolog ist s:th e d rivin g forc e b eh in d th e next genera t ion of the in ternet .

For ot hers:a tool for ra d ic a lly resh a p in g soc iety a n d ec on om y ta k in g u s in to a m ore decent ra lized w orld .

Page 16: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

b lock chainthe b lockchain is a secu re d ist r ibu t ed da t abase for rec ord in g tra n sa c tion s. m illion s of c om p u ters n etw ork ed to c rea te a d istrib u ted d a ta b a se for rec ord in g a n d a u th en tic a tin g exc h a n g es of va lu e .

w ith th e b loc k c h a in , va lu e of a n y k in d c a n b e exc h a n g ed d irec tly peer t o peer w ith ou t a c en tra lized a u th ority to rec ord a n d va lid a te th e tra n sa c tion .

th is decen t ra lized a p p roa c h w ou ld e lim in a te sing le poin t s of fa ilu re , bot t leneck s a n d p oten tia lly m a k e d a ta a n d tra n sa c tion s m ore secu re .... c rea tin g a m ore resil ien tecosyst em for d evic es to ru n on .

it w ou ld au t om a t e tra n sa c tion s, en a b lin g fu lly au t onom ousservic e system s; red u c e c ost a n d red u c e settlem en t tim e from d a ys to sec on d s

Page 17: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

sm art con t ract

Sm art con t racts are com pu t er code th a t is stored in sid e of a b loc k c h a in w h ic h en c od es c on tra c tu a l a g reem en ts .

Th e a d va n ta g es of sm a rt c on tra c ts is th a t th ey a re fu lly a u tom a ted h a ve su p erior fa u lt tolera n c e a n d t rust lessexec u tion

S m a rt c on tra c ts a re self -execu t ing c on tra c ts w ith th e term s of th e a g reem en t or op era tion d irec tly w ritten in to lin es of c od e w h ic h a re stored a n d exec u ted on th e b loc k c h a in .

Page 18: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

IoT m eet s b lock chainthe b lockchain m odel, cou ld enhance IoT fram ew orks w ith m ore autom ated resource op t im izat ion and innate securit y by p rovid ing :

a d ist ribu ted system of record for sharing data across a netw ork of key stakeholder

em bedded business term s for au tom at ing in teract ions betw een nodes in the system (sm art -con t racts)

consensus and ag reem ent m odels for detect ing bad actors and m it igat ing th reat

hash-based securit y, verificat ion of iden t it y and p rovenance authent icat ion

cost reduct ions: t rusted data sets that can be shared am ong m ult ip le stakeholders elim in a tion of in term ed ia ries , a s w ell a s th e a u tom a tion of tra n sa c tion s a c ross th e va lu e c h a in

Page 19: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

IoT m eet s b lock chain

And w ith no cen t ral system to at tack, th reats like den ial of service at tacks cou ld be inheren t ly deterred at d ifferen t layers in the arch itecture.

W ith such features, a b lockchain -enab led IoT dep loym ent cou ld im prove overall system health and in teg rit y by allow ing devices to reg ister and validate them selves against the netw ork.

Business log ic cou ld execute autom at ically via sm art con t racts.

Real peer to peer com m unicat ion (m ach ine to m ach ine)

Page 20: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

cloudeo’s solu t ion

cloudeosm art

cont racts

cloudeosm art con t ract s

self-execut ing ag reem ents am ong netw ork part icipan ts represented by CEVEN sm art con t racts

c loudeoIoT

geo-eng ine

cloudeoIoT g eo-eng ine

an overarch ing in terface that allow s b illions of devices to request , ob tain , and use geodata


CEVENt ok ens

preferred m ethod of paym ent for all geodata and geoservices

related t ransact ions. cloudeo tokens are fu lly su itab le for

m icropaym ents, and they w ill be t raded on cryp to currency

exchangesc loudeo

st ore

cloudeost ore

one-stop shop for all k inds of geoservices incl. geodata, softw are, IT, and apps (e.g . 90% of relevant satellit e im agery)

Page 21: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

precision farm ing / sm art ag r icu lt u re

Page 22: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

sm art w at er m anag em en t

Page 23: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

ot her use-cases• sm art energy• sm art hom e• sm art city• sm art …• autonom ous driving• fleet p lann ing• sm art d riving• crow dsourced data-collect ion• g round t ru th ing• …

Page 24: ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official contract Smart contracts are computer code that is stored inside of a blockchain which encodes contractual agreem ents. The advantages of

w e b s i t e : c l o u d e o .g r o u ps t o r e : c l o u d e o . s t o r e

Yashar Morad i

Ch ief Technology Officer (CTO)

ym orad [email protected] roup

ht tps://w w w .linked in .com /in /yasharm orad i

@yasharm orad i