Analisis Angkur Dan Base Plate



perhitunga angkur dan base plate baja

Transcript of Analisis Angkur Dan Base Plate

1)STEEL ANCHORA325LAMPIRAN BANALYSIS OF ANCHOR ANDBASE PLATEAllowable bearing strengthontheconcreteFv = 35ksiAllowable tensile stressof anchorboltFt = 58ksiDiameter of boltbolt = 20 mmNumber of boltnbolt = 82)STEEL BASEPLATEBJ-37iel! strength of steelNF" = 2#0 2mm3)LOAD from MAXIMM FORCE !" TO#ER BASE$otalcom%ression attowerbase %eroneleg& = 22'00 kN$otaltension attowerbase %eroneleg$ = (22'00 kN$otalshear forceattowerbase %eroneleg) = 3'#3 kN$)DIMENSIONofBASEPLATE*uter Diameter of base %lateDe+ = ,0'-cm.nnerDiameterof base %late /e+ = #2'- cm$hickness of base%late te+ =20mmAreaof base %late Ae+ = 2#88'03- cm25)CONCRETE&om%ression strength of concrete oncubicN1 2= 22'52mm&om%ression strength of concrete onshiel!e!fc 2= 0'831Nfc = 08'-,53 2mmAllowable bearing strengthof concreteFc 2= 0'353fcFc = -5'3- kgf4cm2%)CALCLATIONALLO#ABLETENSILESTRESS ofANCHORBOLTAreaof boltAbolt = 0'25'3'0#'5bolt2Abolt = 3'0#2 cm2$otalarea of anchorboltA= Abolt'nboltA= 25'03-3 cm2Actualshear stress of anchorbolt)fv 2= AkNfv = 0'06- 3 2cmAllowable tensile stressfor boltsub7ect to combine! tension an!shearFts 2= 0'#Ft 8 0'-3fv Fts = 5-',6 kN4cm2Allowable tensile stressfor boltsub7ect to combine! tension an!shear use!Ftsuse 2= min9Ft : Fts;kNFtsuse = 36'68 3 2cmActualtensile stress of anchorbolt$ft 2= Aft= 0'86 kN4cm2Actualtensile stress for boltsub7ect to combine! tension an! shearfts 2=f vft ength re=uire! ofbase%late?r =Ar?r = #'-28 cm/i!thre=uire! of base%late/r 2= ?r /r = #'8,6 cmActualbearing %ressureF% = & 4 Ae+ F% = 0'00- kN4cm2$hickness re=uire! of base %late . f% tr0 = m30'3330'253 F"$r0 = 0'60 mmA%%lie!u%lift forceattowerbase %eroneleg$$f 2=nbolt$f = 2'80 kN?en!ing moment tributar"to column b" onebolt@ = $f 3 b@= 2'85 kN3 m)ection mo!ulus of base %lateA = b + !24-A = #'# + 00(5 m3$hickness re=uire! of base %late ..tr2 = ,'50 mm&)CONTROL CALCLATIONforANCHORA'E$ensile stresscontrol$ceck 2=B*1Bifft C FtBN*$Botherwise$ceck = B*1B&ombination tension a n!shear control$)ceck 2= B*1B fVFV +ftFtsuse of&A>&E>A$.*Nfor?A)FG>A$F>ength re=uire! of base %late?ceck 2=B*1Bif?r C De+BN*$Botherwise?ceck = B*1B$hickness re=uire! of base %latetceck 2=B*1B iftr0 C te+tr2 C te+BN*$Botherwise tceck = B*1BEm()*m)+" Fine !e%th of embe!ment of anchor bolt 2 9A&. 308: 02'5;/here 2H = 0'2 is coating factorI = 0'3 is lightweight aggregate concrete factor5 = 0'8 is a%%licable factor for 60 !eg hook >!h= --0'33 mm>!h min = ma+ 902+!b : - in;= 2#0 mm>! = -0, mm$ake Fmbe!ment = -20 mm