4 .. 5 4 .. 5 4 .. 5 6 7 6 7 6 7 Y 1 s f s f 2 3 2 3 2...

F tests and the Extra Sum of Squares Example: Y = plaster hardness s = sand content f = fibre content Model: Y i = β 0 + β 1 s i + β 2 s 2 i + β 3 f i + β 4 f 2 i + β 5 s i f i + ǫ i In matrix form: Y 1 . . . Y n = 1 s 1 s 2 1 f 1 f 2 1 s 1 f 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 s n s 2 n f n f 2 n s n f n β 0 . . . β 5 Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Transcript of 4 .. 5 4 .. 5 4 .. 5 6 7 6 7 6 7 Y 1 s f s f 2 3 2 3 2...

F tests and the Extra Sum of Squares


Y = plaster hardness

s = sand content

f = fibre content


Yi = β0 + β1si + β2s2i + β3fi + β4f

2i + β5si fi + ǫi

In matrix form: Y1...



1 s1 s21 f1 f 2

1 s1f1...



...1 sn s2

n fn f 2n snfn



Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Hypotheses to test


◮ Do we need the S ∗ F term?

◮ Do we need the F or F 2 terms?

◮ Do we need the S or S2 terms?

To answer these questions we test

◮ Ho : β5 = 0

◮ Ho : β3 = β4 = 0 (or perhaps Ho : β3 = β4 = β5 = 0)

◮ Ho : β1 = β2 = 0

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Technique: we fit a sequence of models:

(a) Original “full” model.

(b) The model with no interactions:

µi = β0 + β1si + β2s2i + β3fi + β4f


(c) The Sand only model:

µi = β0 + β1si + β2s2i

(d) The Fibre only model:

µi = β0 + β3fi + β4f2i

(e) The “Empty” model:µi = β0

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Each model has design matrix which is submatrix of full designmatrix:

Y = [1|X1|X2|X3]







+ ǫ

The design matrices for the models a, b, c, d and e are given by

Xa = X

Xb = [1|X1|X2]

Xc = [1|X1]

Xd = [1|X2]

Xe = [1]

Note that 1 is a column vector of n 1s.

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

F tests

◮ Can compare two models easily if one is a special case of theother.

◮ Example: design matrix of first model is submatrix of secondobtained by selecting subcolumns.

◮ Model (b) is a special case of (a), model (c) is a special caseof (a) or (b) but models (c) and (d) are not comparable.

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Comparing two models: General Theory

◮ Consider matrix X partitioned into pieces X1 and X2.

X = [X1|X2]

◮ The Full Model is

Y = Xβ + ǫ

= [X1|X2]



]+ ǫ

= X1β1 + X2β2 + ǫ

◮ The Reduced model is

Y = X1β1 + ǫ

◮ Difference is term X2β2 which is 0 IF the null hypothesisHo : β2 = 0 is true.

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests


◮ β has p parameters.

◮ βi has pi parameters with p1 + p2 = p.

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Testing Ho : β2 = 0

◮ Fit both full and reduced models; get:

Y = µ̂F + ǫ̂F

= µ̂R + ǫ̂R

◮ Subscript F refers to full model and R to reduced model.

◮ Get decomposition of data vector Y into sum of threeperpendicular vectors:

Y = µ̂R + (µ̂F − µ̂R) + ǫ̂F

◮ I showed

µ̂R ⊥ µ̂F − µ̂R

µ̂R ⊥ ǫ̂F

µ̂F − µ̂R ⊥ ǫ̂F

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Resulting ANOVA table

Source Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom

X1 ||µ̂R ||2 p1

X2|X1 ||µ̂F − µ̂R ||2 p2

Error ||ǫ̂||2 n − p

Total (Unadjusted) ||Y ||2 n

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

F tests again

◮ In this table the notation X2|X1 means X2 adjusted for X1 orX2 after fitting X1.

◮ This table can now be used to test Ho : β2 = 0 by computing

F =MS(X2|X1)

MSE=||µ̂F − µ̂R ||2/p2

||ǫ̂||2/(n − p)

◮ Get P value from Fp2,n−p distribution.

◮ P value usually computed by software.

◮ Do level α test by comparing P to α.

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Another Formula for this F statistic

◮ Recall that||µ̂R ||2 + ||ǫ̂R ||2 = ||Y ||2

and||µ̂R ||2 + ||µ̂F − µ̂R ||2 + ||ǫ̂F ||2 = ||Y ||2

so that||ǫ̂R ||2 = ||ǫ̂F ||2 + ||µ̂F − µ̂R ||2

◮ This makes

F =(ESSR − ESSF )/p2

ESSF/(n − p)


ESSF/(n − p)

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests


1. If the errors are normal then


σ2∼ χ2


2. If the errors are normal and Ho : β2 = 0 is true then


∼ χ2p2

3. ESSF is independent of the Extra SS.

4. SO:ExtraSS/(σ2p2)

ESSF /(σ2(n − p))= F ∼ Fp2,n−p

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Example of the above: Multiple Regression

◮ Hardness, Yi , of plaster measured for each of 9 combinationsof sand content and fibre content.

◮ Sand content si was set at one of 3 levels as was fibre contentfi .

◮ All possible combinations tried, each on two batches ofplaster.

◮ Here is an excerpt of the data:

Sand Fibre Hardness Strength0 0 61 340 0 63 16

15 0 67 3615 0 69 1930 0 65 28


Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Models Fitted

◮ I fit submodels of the following ”Full” model:

Yi = β0 + β1si + β2s2i + β3fi + β4f

2i + β5si fI + ǫi

◮ There are 25 = 32 possible submodels of the full model

◮ Many of these 32 models are not sensible, such as

Yi = β0 + β4f2i + ǫi

orYi = β0 + β5si fi + ǫi

◮ Assume interaction term (β5si fi) is negligible unless each of Sand F have some effect .

◮ Assume that quadratic terms will probably not be presentunless linear terms are present.

◮ This limits the set of potential reasonable models.

◮ Fit each; error sum of squares in following table:

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Fitting various models

Model for µ Error SS Error dfFull 81.264 12

β0 + β1si + β2s2i + β3fi + β4f

2i 82.389 13

β0 + β1si + β2s2i + β3fi 104.167 14

β0 + β1si + β2s2i 169.500 15

β0 + β1si 174.194 16β0 + β1si + β3fi + β4f

2i 87.083 14

β0 + β1fi + β2f2i 189.167 15

β0 + β1fi 210.944 16β0 + β1si + β3fi 108.861 15

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Hypotheses tested

◮ First question: do 2nd degree polynomial terms, that is, thoseinvolving β2, β4 and β5 need to be included?

◮ Compare top line with model containing only β0 + β1si + β3fi .

◮ The extra SS is 108.861-81.264 on 3 degrees of freedomwhich gives a mean square of (108.861-81.264)/3= 9.199.

◮ The MSE is 81.264/12 = 6.772.

◮ Gives an F -statistic of 9.199/6.772=1.358 on 3 numeratorand 12 denominator degrees of freedom.

◮ P-value is 0.30 which is not significant.

◮ So we delete quadratic terms and consider the coefficients ofS and F .

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

A t test and an F test

Q : Are the effects of S and F additive?

A : Test Ho : β5 = 0.

◮ There are two methods to carry out such a test:

1. A t test2. A F test.

Fact : the F test is equivalent to a two sided t test.

◮ The t test uses

t =β̂5 − 0




(XT X )−166

∼ t1,n−6

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

t tests

◮ See Distribution Theory section for linear combinations:

β5 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]︸ ︷︷ ︸xT




and xT (XT X )−1x is the lower right hand corner entry in(XTX )−1, that is, (XTX )−1

66 .

◮ The F test uses

F =(ESSR − ESSF )/1

ESSFULL/(n − 6)∼ F1,n−6 (= t2)

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Testing for Main Effects

The Data

◮ Y = hardness of plaster. n = 18 batches.

◮ S = sand content. Values used 0%, 15% 30%.

◮ F = fibre content. Values used 0%, 25% 50%.

◮ Factorial design with 2 replicates.

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Comparison of Models“Full” model

Yi = β0 + β1si + β2s2i + β3fi + β4f

2i + β5si fI + ǫi

Fitted Models, ESS, df for error

Model for µ ESS Error dfFull 81.264 12β0 + β1si + β2s

2i + β3fi + β4f

2i 82.389 13

β0 + β1si + β2s2i + β3fi 104.167 14

β0 + β1si + β2s2i 169.500 15

β0 + β1si 174.194 16β0 + β1si + β3fi + β4f

2i 87.083 14

β0 + β1fi + β2f2i 189.167 15

β0 + β1fi 210.944 16β0 + β1si + β3fi 108.861 15β0(empty model) 276.278 17

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

Hypothesis tests:

1. Quadratic terms needed? Ho : β2 = β4 = β5 = 0.

◮ Extra SS = 108.861-81.264.◮ F = [(108.861− 81.264)/3]/[81.264/12] = 1.358.◮ Degrees of freedom are 3, 12 so P = 0.30, not significant.

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests

3. Linear terms needed? There are several possible F -tests.

3.1 Compare full model to empty model.

F = (276.278− 81.264)/5/(81.264/12) = 5.76

so P is about .006.3.2 Assume full model is now additive, linear model

β0 + β1si + β3fi .


F = [(276.278− 108.861)/2]/[108.861/15] = 11.53

and P is about 0.0009.3.3 Use estimate of σ2 from full model3.4 But get extra SS from last comparison:

F = [(276.278− 108.861)/2]/[81.264/12] = 12.36 for a Pvalue of 0.001

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests


◮ Both Sand and Fibre influence Hardness.

◮ Linear terms in S and F are adequate.

Richard Lockhart STAT 350: F tests