Οδηγίες εγκατάστασης Ubuntu 10

Τομέας Εκπαιδευτικής Τεχνολογίας  Έργο: Υπ οστήριξη Υπουργείου Παιδείας, Δια Βίου Μάθησης και Θρησκευμάτων σε Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα 2010 Υποέργο 17: «Υποστήριξη Συστημάτων Τεχνικής Στήριξης Σχολικ ών Εργαστηρίων» Πακέτο Εργασίας 1: «Ενίσχυση της λειτου ργίας της κεντρικής υπηρεσίας του Υπουργείου για την Τεχνική Στήριξη των Σ.Ε.Π.Ε.Η.Υ«ΣΕΠΕΗΥ με αμιγώς ΕΛ/ΛΑΚ περιβάλλον: Οδηγός εγκατάστασης του Ubuntu 10.04 LTS/ L TSP σε σχολικά εργαστ ήρια και χρήσης εργαλείων διαχείρισης τάξης» Φεβρουάριος 2011 Σύνταξη: Τ ομέας Ε κπαιδευτι κής Τ εχνολογίας Ερευνητικό Ακαδημαϊκό Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΔΙΑ ΒΙΟΥ ΜΑΘΗΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ


Δημιουργία Σχολικού Εργαστηρίου με τεχνολογία LTSP thin client και fat client και ubuntu Linux (10.04) με αξιοποίηση των sch-scripts για την αυτοματοποίηση της εγκατάστασης και της καθημερινής διαχείρισης της τάξης

Transcript of Οδηγίες εγκατάστασης Ubuntu 10

  • : ,



    1: ......

    / : Ubuntu 10.04 LTS/ LTSP



  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP



    2011 # 2 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    CCPL (Creative Commons Public License) : - - 3.0 .



    , http://ts.sch.gr)


    , http://www.cti.gr/ets)


    , http://www.minedu.gov.gr), (






    2011 # 3 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    1. 7 (quick setup guide).............................................10 2. LTSP thin & fat clients ...................12

    2.1. thin client......................................................................................................12 2.1.1. thin clients...................................................13

    2.2. ubuntu LTSP fat client..................................................................................14 2.3. sch-scripts...............................................................................................15 2.4. ................................................................................16

    2.4.1. ...................................16 2.4.2. .......................................................................................................................17

    3. Ubuntu LTSP .......................19 3.1. ...............................................................................19 3.2. thin client.....................................................20 3.3. fat client.......................................................20 3.4. & Ubuntu .........................................................................................20 3.5. .............................................22

    3.5.1. : Gigabit...................22 3.5.2. : Gigabit..................22

    3.6. Ubuntu thin clients....................................................................................................23 3.7. LTSP ..........................................................................................................................24

    3.7.1. LTSP switch..............................25 3.7.2. LTSP switch ()....................25

    4. ubuntu .........................27 5. Ubuntu..........................................................................32

    5.1. ...................................................32 5.2. ..................................................................33 5.3. ..........................................................33 5.4. ......................................34 5.5. (Alt+F2)............................................................34 5.6. (gksu)..................................35 5.7. (gnome-terminal)............................................................36 5.8. Synaptic.........................................................37 5.9. ..............................................38 5.10. ........................................................................................39 5.11. MS-Windows...................................................39

    2011 # 4 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    5.12. MS-Windows.....................................40 6. ............................................41

    6.1. IP NetworkManager.........................................................41 6.2. ....................................................................43 6.3. ...............43 6.4. sch-scripts....................................................................44 6.5. ...............................................44

    7. LTSP thin fat clients sch-scripts .................................................................................................46

    7.1. Ubuntu server LTSP Server....46 7.1.1. thin clients....................................................47 7.1.2. fat clients......................................................47

    7.2. LTSP .................................................50 7.2.1. lts.conf................................................................................51 7.2.2. ltsp-build-client.conf...........................................................52 7.2.3. dnsmasq.............................................................................56 7.2.4. fat clients................................................57 7.2.5. - fat clients......58

    7.3. ............................................................61 7.3.1. ................................................62

    8. sch-scripts..................................................................................64 8.1. .......................64 8.2. / ..................................................65

    8.2.1. ..................................65 8.2.2. csv.................................................................66 8.2.3. csv.....................................................................66

    8.3. .....................................................................................67 8.4. ......................................................71

    9. ( ) Ubuntu (.list) sch-scripts...........72

    9.1. (http://ts.sch.gr/repo) .........................................................................72 9.2. ubuntu-restricted-extras..................................................................74 9.3. Wine................................................................................................74 9.4. DNS Server.....................................................................................74 9.5. adblock plus....................................................................................74 9.6. Virtual Box.......................................................................................75 9.7. VLC Media Player ..........................................................................76 9.8. KolourPaint.....................................................................................77 9.9. Kturtle .............................................................................................78

    2011 # 5 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    9.10. Scratch..........................................................................................78 9.11. kde-edu.......................................................79 9.12. Gcompris.......................................................................................80 9.13. ktuberling......................................................................................80 9.14. tuxmath.........................................................................................80 9.15. tuxpaint.........................................................................................80 9.16. tuxtype..........................................................................................80

    10. LTSP (thin & fat)..................................................................82 10.1. ROM (PXE)................................................82 10.2. PXE........................................83

    10.2.1. MS-Windows (ltsp-loader)...........................83 10.2.2. Ubuntu (grub-gpxe).....................................84 10.2.3. CD-ROM, Floppy, USB stick...................84

    11. Ubuntu google maps...................................................87 12. .................................................................................................89

    12.1. Squid..................................................89 12.2. Clamav.............................................................................89 12.3. Firefox ........................................................90 12.4. (gconf-editor)................................94 12.5. ..................................................................................................96 12.6. ........................................................97 12.7. ...............................................................97 12.8. .......................................................................98

    13. ......................................................................................................99 13.1. hostnames ..................................99 13.2. IP ..................................................99 13.3. server..............................................100 13.4. .................................................................................................101

    14. .......................................................................................102 15. Windows Ubuntu......................................105 16. .........................................................................107 17. CCPL.......................................................................................109

    2011 # 6 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    1: ..................................................................12 2: Moore .........................................................24 3: Ubuntu switch......................25 4: Ubuntu switch.26 5: .................................................27 6: ext4....................................................................................28 7: .................................................................................29 8: ..............................................31 9: ...................................................................32 10: .............................................33 11: .................................................34 12: Synaptic.......................................................38 13: ubuntu...........................................................................39 14: IP Ubuntu .......................42 15: sch-scripts.........................................................................44 16: sch-scripts: .................45 17: sch-scripts ............................................................46 18: sch-scripts thin clients........................................47 19: sch-scripts fat clients..........................................48 20: sch-scripts fat client....................................48 21: sch-scripts fat clients...........................49 22: sch-scripts LTSP ..........................51 23: sch-scripts .............................................62 24: sch-scripts: ........................64 25: sch-scripts: - .......................................................65 26: sch-scripts ......................................................................................................................68 27: sch-scripts ltsp135 (, mac, ip, cpu, ram, vga)..68 28: sch-scripts ..............................................................................................................69 29: sch-scripts .........................................69 30: sch-scripts .............70 31: sch-scripts .................................................70 32: sch-scripts: ...............................................................71 33: ..............73 34: VirtualBox OSE................................................................................76 35: kolourpaint.....................................................................................77 36: kturtle............................................................................................78 37: scratch...........................................................................................79 38: BIOS: Boot Rom ..................................82 39: BIOS: Lan 1 .................................83 40: ltsp_loader............................................................84 41: gPXE: CD...................................................................................85 42: Ubuntu

    2011 # 7 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    LTSP.....................................................................................................................................87 43: ClamAV ......................................................89 44: ...............................................................................................96

    2011 # 8 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    () - : , 2010. ( ) Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP. scripts Linux ( ). thin & fat clients, , . sch-scripts. Ubuntu (.. , , ) ( http://ts.sch.gr/repo) thin clients, fat clients image . ( ) , ( thin client) ( fat client). MS-Windows ( ):

    Ubuntu MS-Windows ( ).

    MS-Windows ( ) ( )

    MS-Windows ubuntu ( ).

    2011 # 9 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    1. 7 (quick setup guide) Ubuntu LTSP Linux .

    . Ubuntu LTSP, Ubuntu, . 7 1 1,5 sch-scripts.

    1. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download Desktop CD (CD-ROM).

    2. CD-ROM Ubuntu ( 4)


    3. sch-scripts ( 6.3)

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ts.sch.grsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install sch-scripts

    2' ( sch-scripts)

    4. sch-scripts . sch-scripts . ( 6.5)

    18' ( )

    5. sch-scripts thin fat clients ( 7.1)

    22' thin clients 62' fat clients ( fat clients WAN .

    6. sch-scripts ( 8.1 8.2).

    2011 # 10 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP


    7. ( 10)


    thin fat clients . ~ 1 2 !!!. thin clients fat clients. (thin & fat) .

    ADSL 2 Mbps . ( - nipiagogeio, dimotiko, gymnasio, lykeio, tee, dimotiko-extra, gymnasio-extra, lykeio-extra ) 4GBytes ADSL . (updates).

    2011 # 11 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    2. LTSP thin & fat clients

    2.1. thin client ( ) (, , ) . thin clients , (mainframe) (distributed). fat client .

    thin client , (.. ) thin client (.. remote desktop ).

    2011 # 12 / 114


  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    thin client ( ) LTSP. PCs network boot ( ) X11 (X-windows ) . Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04.1.

    2.1.1. thin clients :

    (1 H/Y 10 ) (

    ) ( )


    Ubuntu /) / (, ,

    , ) (

    thin clients ).

    MS-Windows Server / MS-Windows PCs (SAMBA: Network Neighborhood, File/Print Sharing, rdesktop)

    ( MS-Windows rdesktop WINE)

    thin clients /worms LTS (Long Term Support) 5 MS-Windows & Linux &

    ( ubuntu)


    2011 # 13 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    Unix ( )

    thin clients ISA LB, , , ISA . thin clients ( PCI express)

    Single Point Of Failure ( 2 )

    http://ts.sch.gr/repo MS-Windows ( MS-Windows Terminal Server ubuntu )


    2.2. ubuntu LTSP fat client 10.04 Ubuntu 5.2 LTSP thin clients fat clients ( thin clients) ( fat clients) ( thin & fat LTSP clients).

    ( ) fat clients http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ltsp-upstream/ltsp/ltsp-trunk/changes. fat clients ubuntu 10.04+.

    : ltsp fat clients ( fat clients ) , . fat client (network boot), (log-on) ldm/ssh , thin clients, . home directory (/home) fat client sshfs nfs.

    fat clients sch-scripts (. 2.3 sch-scripts).

    RAM fat client fat clients .

    2011 # 14 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    fat client ubuntu 10.04. (. 3.3 fat client)

    2.3. sch-scripts sch-scripts scripts Ubuntu LTSP ( "" , , , & ). sch-scripts .

    10.04 sch-scripts ubuntu 9.04 LTSP python & shell ubuntu .

    10.04 sch-scripts : LTSP

    ubuntu desktop CD LTSP ( proxyDHCP, NFS )

    fat clients (wizard) .

    : , , () , (thin/fat ltsp clients) .





    : , , .

    : ,

    2011 # 15 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    , .

    . ( ).



    sch-scripts sch-devs https://launchpad.net/~sch- devs .

    10.04 sch-scripts / http://ellak.gr/index.php?option=com_openwiki&Itemid=103&id=ellak:sch-scripts.

    2.4. (repositories):


    , .. .

    linux .


    2.4.1. (http://ts.sch.gr) https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ppa.

    https://launchpad.net/ Canonical .

    Launchpad, :

    Ubuntu, LTSP (standalone ).

    , sch-scripts gpxe gpxe-grub.

    Ubuntu, freenx/neatx , scratch , geogebra, nanny

    2011 # 16 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    / , pdfshuffler PDF .

    Ubuntu . LTSP clients, gnome-session thin clients , VLC media player , Ubuntu (dnsmasq, kompozer, sabayon, usermode, libxcb, italc, gtkhtml, chromium-browser ).

    2.4.2. http://ts.sch.gr/repo ' ' , Ubuntu. ( linux ubuntu / debian ) Synaptic ( prism, adobe flash plugin, wine )

    (sources) . sch-scripts.

    debian-based :

    1 ( 2009-2010) (..) .

    2 ( 2010-2011) ' . :

    . GPL (

    ). ..

    2011 # 17 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    http://ts.sch.gr/repo. sch-scripts ( ).

    ' , .


    cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ts.sch.gr-repo-stable.list


    deb http://ts.sch.gr/repo stable main


    deb http://ts.sch.gr/repo stable main non-free

    2011 # 18 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    3. Ubuntu LTSP

    3.1. LTSP . , , . thin clients .

    RAM: 256 MB RAM 192 MB . 10 thin client 2 GB. RAM, 4 GB.

    : , ( dual core) (quad core), , Adobe Flash Player Microsoft Windows Wine Virtualbox.

    : . 20 GB . Serial Ata, Native Command Queueing 16 32MB Cache.

    : , gigabit. , .

    , PCI-e, (bandwidth) PCI bus PCI v2.3 32bit 33/66MHz PCI bus.

    : . , ( Intel drivers).

    3.6 .

    , kernel Linux , .

    2011 # 19 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    , drivers (kernel modules) ( 3.4 & Ubuntu ).

    3.2. thin client LTSP . , RAM, ( nvidia) .

    : 233 MHz 64 MB RAM.

    : 500 MHz CPU 128 MB RAM. BIOS, (PXE).

    3.3. fat client fat client ( RAM) Ubuntu 10.04.

    : 1 GHz 512 MB RAM ( Ubuntu 10.04).

    : 1 GHz 1 GB RAM. BIOS, (PXE).

    ( ) Ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.

    3.4. & Ubuntu thin/fat client Ubuntu :

    http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download Desktop CD CD ( live CD).


    2011 # 20 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    controller , Alt+F2

    gksu gparted

    . , :


    no adaptors present,

    teacher@server:~$ xvinfoX-Video Extension version 2.2screen #0 no adaptors present

    (acceleration) . thin client , , video (> 400Mbps). ' , 100Mbps ( ) network traffic shaping .

    , . , .

    2011 # 21 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    / http://hardware4linux.info/search/ Ubuntu .

    3.5. (640x272 24 fps) divx thin client 50 Mbps (720x576 25 fps) DVD 125 Mbps bandwidth thin client. / thin clients. Fast Ethernet ( 100 Mbps) LTSP thin & fat clients , Gigabit Ethernet ( 1000Mbps), Ubuntu (switch).

    3.5.1. : Gigabit gigabit, gigabit (switch) gigabit . gigabit gigabit 7 25 gigabit (switch) 40 200 , bus , leds . .

    3.5.2. : Gigabit switch gigabit 100 Mbps. server gigabit (gigabit) switch. , clients Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps), , . , 10 clients 100 Mbps, gigabit. , DVD 5 (5x125 Mbps), gigabit , (dropped frames) 100 Mbps.

    gigabit, : ethernet flow control server switch, bandwidth 100 Mbps 1 Gigabit!

    flow control switch, switch , server (driver) ethtool flow control.

    2011 # 22 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    realtek ( ), intel broadcom .


    gymeleou@server:~$ sudo ethtool -a eth0 Pause parameters for eth0: Cannot get device pause settings: Operation not supported

    flow control sch-scripts, driver .

    3.6. Ubuntu thin clients Ubuntu (2007 /) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz (E6400), 2 GB RAM 16 port gigabit nonblocking switch, 10 thin clients Ubuntu 7.04/7.10. 10 , :

    thin client

    OpenOffice.Org 10+Gimp/TuxPaint 10+

    Mozilla Firefox (1 tab) 10Mozilla Firefox (3 tabs) 07 CPU 100%

    YouTube 10GoogleEarth 07 CPU 100%

    Rythmbox 10+Totem (MP3 128-192Kbps) 10+Totem (MPG1, WMV, MP4) 10 CPU & Network 100%

    Totem DVD Video 08 CPU 100%Wine + MS Office 2003 04 CPU 100%

    Wine + Sketchpad 04 CPU 100%Wine + . 03 CPU 100%

    2011 # 23 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    CPU ( thin clients ~10) 2007 Moore (. 2: Moore ), 10 thin clients.

    3.7. LTSP LTSP

    2011 # 24 / 114

    2: Moore

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    . 1 LTSP switch Ubuntu 2 LTSP switch . 2 LTSP switch ().

    , LTSP server.

    3.7.1. LTSP switch switch, LTSP PC . Linux server , switch. LTSP Ubuntu / LTSP, .

    10.04 .

    3: Ubuntu switch

    3.7.2. LTSP switch () PC switch, , , switches. server (, bonding, ).

    2011 # 25 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    (MS-Windows Server & Ubuntu) thin clients ( ) ( ), IP . , (switch ).

    switch, . switch 16 10 15 , ( switches uplink, ) switch ( ).

    2011 # 26 / 114

    4: Ubuntu switch

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    4. ubuntu , :

    http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download Desktop CD .

    CD : CD .iso , burn image ( .iso) .

    network id 10.x.y.0 . x y , helpdesk .

    server Ubuntu CD.

    switch , router.


    1. CD . Enter.

    interface. (system locale ), interface , . Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS

    2011 # 27 / 114


  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    2. 3. .4. ( ).5. , . . 6. 7. , 25 Gb. , . / .

    8. /home swap ( swap partition : ), . .

    2011 # 28 / 114

    6: ext4

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    , , .

    2 primary ext4 partitions Linux, 15 - 50 Gb. : Linux, , backup boot manager, , . Linux: partition backup .

    1 ext4 partition , /home. , logical, , primary .

    1 swap partition 1.5 2 RAM. logical .

    Windows (dual boot), primary ntfs partition Windows,

    ntfs partition

    2011 # 29 / 114


  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    Windows, logical.

    Primary 1 Primary 2 Primary 3Extended partition

    Logical 1 Logical 2 Logical 320%

    40 Gb ntfsWindows


    15%30 Gb ext4

    Ubuntu Lucid(


    15%30 Gb ext4

    Ubuntu Hardy(backup



    50 Gb ntfsWindows


    22%45 Gb ext4Linux /home

    3%5 Gb swap Linux swap

    1: 200 Gb dual boot Linux / Windows

    1 :

    Primary 1 Primary 2 Primary 3 Primary 430%

    60 Gb ntfsWindows 2003

    ( )

    20%40 Gb ext4

    Ubuntu Hardy(backup



    80 Gb ext4Linux /home


    20 Gb ntfs(backup of Windows


    2 :

    Primary 1 Primary 2 Primary 3 Primary 430%

    60 Gb ntfsWindows 2003

    (backup )

    20%40 Gb ext4

    Ubuntu Lucid(


    47%95 Gb ntfs

    Windows \Users(& backup of

    Linux /home?)


    5 Gb swapLinux swap

    2: 200 Gb dual boot Linux / Windows, ... backups

    dual boot MS-Wndows ubuntu.

    9. , Teacher . teacher . . . server. LTSP thin fat clients server . server

    2011 # 30 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    . ' .

    10. . , 10, LTSP (thin & fat).

    2011 # 31 / 114


  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    5. Ubuntu , . " Ubuntu 10.04" : http://ubuntu-manual.org/?lang=el

    Ubuntu .

    5.1. , Ubuntu:


    2011 # 32 / 114


  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    5.2. , . ,



    5.3. Linux : . , , (. 5.8. Synaptic)., , OpenOffice, Adobe flash player, Gimp . .

    2011 # 33 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP


    , .

    , .

    5.4. , , , . Windows , User Account Control (UAC).

    5.5. (Alt+F2) (command line),

    2011 # 34 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    . , Alt+F2. . :

    gedit /usr/lib/firefox-*/defaults/profile/prefs.js

    , firefox . ( / ) :

    . , /usr/lib/firefox-

    3.6.13/defaults/profile/. firefox-3.6.13 ,

    firefox. prefs.js


    ( ).

    ... . ...


    5.6. (gksu) prefs.js , . Linux , /home/user, /tmp. , , (root):

    gksu gedit /usr/lib/firefox-*/defaults/profile/prefs.js

    gksu gedit root. gedit, . gksu, , :

    2011 # 35 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP


    , nautilus , . , .

    5.7. (gnome-terminal) , , , . , . , . , , / - . gnome-terminal, Ctrl+Shift+V. # . :




    , :

    ls -lha


    cd /home


    cd ~

    / . cd , , cd , tab. :

    cd \


    ln -s ~/ " "

    2011 # 36 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    , ( ). :

    rm " "

    gksu sudo, / . . , :

    for f in /home/*/\ do sudo ln -s ~/ "$f/ "done

    . .

    . , .

    , :

    for f in /home/*/\ do sudo rm "$f/ "done

    5.8. Synaptic 5.3. , Linux . , Synaptic Package Manager. , .

    Synaptic , Synaptic.

    tuxmath tuxpaint. Synaptic, . tuxm ( , ), tuxm:

    2011 # 37 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    12: Synaptic quick search . tuxmath. , . () . , tuxpaint , . . , .

    5.9. Ubuntu , ( ), .

    2011 # 38 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    . Synaptic .

    5.10. . , .

    , . , , LDAP, Samba, Firewall, Apache, PHP, Squid, MySQL, FTP, Mail server .

    5.11. MS-Windows Ubuntu Server ( thin clients ) MS-Windows. :

    Ubuntu :

    2011 # 39 / 114

    13: ubuntu

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    1. (remote desktop) MS-Windows MS-Windows Server RDP. (. 13.4. ).

    2. & MS-Windows SAMBA client.

    MS-Windows :1. Ubuntu Server

    VNC ( ) (. 8.4 ).

    2. Ubuntu Server ssh.

    3. & ubuntu SAMBA ( SAMBA Ubuntu).

    5.12. MS-Windows MS-Windows. :

    1. MS-Windows (. 5.11. MS-Windows)

    MS-Windows MS-Windows Server MS-Windows Terminal Services ( Terminal server 120 ).

    2. WINE Ubuntu ( MS-Windows ) (. 9.3. Wine).

    3. MS-Windows MS-Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 (virtual machine) ubuntu . Virtual Box Synaptic Package Manager (. 9.6 Virtual Box) RAM ubuntu ( 2GB) RAM .

    ( Terminal Services MS-Windows MS-Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 rdp ) ( ).

    2011 # 40 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    6. , .

    6.1. IP NetworkManager, , LTSP server IP ( DHCP).

    IPs 10.x.y.0 10.x.y.127. 10.x.y.1 10.x.y.10 & 10.x.y.11 server NAT . Windows server IP 10.x.y.10 10.x.y.11.

    IP ( LTSP thin fat clients) : LTSP server proxy server (. 12.1 Squid), DNS server (. 9.4 DNSServer), print server, samba server (.. Windows clients, file server) .

    Ubuntu DHCP

    , NetworkManager, , :

    IP , NetworkManager . , .

    2011 # 41 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    , eth0: . 2 , MAC , , eth0. IPv4, : , (,, (

    IP Enter

    / DNS, .

    , . , Authenticate.

    Network Manager ., , Auto eth0 Ethernet, .

    2011 # 42 / 114

    14: IP Ubuntu

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    IP NetworkManager server , .

    6.2. CD , . , , .

    - -, - - .

    Run this action now Install.

    , . Log out.

    , System Administration Language Support.


    sch-scripts (. 2.4.1 ).

    . :

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ts.sch.grsudo apt-get update

    2011 # 43 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    6.4. sch-scripts

    sch-scripts ubuntu (. 6.3)

    sch-scripts .

    sudo apt-get install sch-scripts

    sch-scripts .


    , thin clients.

    sch-scripts, , .

    ( # ) ( # )


    2011 # 44 / 114

    15: sch-scripts

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    sch-scripts , .

    GB . (. 7.1.2 fat clients), cache .

    . . .

    2011 # 45 / 114

    16: sch-scripts:

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    7. LTSP thin fat clients sch-scripts

    7.1. Ubuntu server LTSP Server clients (thin fat) .

    1. sch-scripts

    2. (/etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf) .


    2011 # 46 / 114

    17: sch-scripts

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    7.1.1. thin clients , thin clients. .

    thin clients , thin clients . , thin clients .

    fat client thin clients .

    7.1.2. fat clients (

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    2. Ubuntu. :

    Ubuntu: Gnome (). .

    Edubuntu: Gnome .

    Kubuntu: KDE, .

    Xubuntu: XFCE, .

    Lubuntu: LXDE, .

    2011 # 48 / 114

    19: sch-scripts fat clients

    20: sch-scripts fat client

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    3. fat clients. , .

    ( # ) ( # ) , , (. 7.2.5 - fat clients).

    fat clients. thin clients , 6.5, .

    . . .

    4. .

    2011 # 49 / 114

    21: sch-scripts fat clients

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    script /etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf. .

    (>5 GB) , .

    7.2. LTSP LTSP ( LTSP ) .

    1 . 8 sch-scripts

    sch-scripts ( , , , , ltsp-build-client.conf, lts.conf, dnsmasq .

    2011 # 50 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    7.2.1. lts.conf

    1 . , .

    lts.conf . , . thin fat ( fat client thin).


    # lts.conf Ubuntu/LTSP .# /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf.# / .# lts.conf, :# man lts.conf

    # sch-scripts LTSP lts.conf# .# , LDM_DIRECTX False Ubuntu, sch-scripts # /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ltsp/ltsp_config.d/010-sch-client-defaults.

    [Default]# . Alt+Ctrl+F2 .# SCREEN_02=shell# SCREEN_07=ldm

    # fat clients DNS server.# sch-scripts # "$SERVER", LTSP server, nic.sch.gr

    2011 # 51 / 114

    22: sch-scripts LTSP

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    # opendns server. # . , .# DNS_SERVER="${DNS_SERVER}"

    # :# XRANDR_MODE_0=1024x768# XRANDR_RATE_0=85# , # 640x480, .# .# X_HORZSYNC=30.0-88.0 # X_VERTREFRESH=50.0-86.0# (.. xrandr), :# X_MODE_0=1024x768# 16bit thin clients , # Nvidia 24:# X_COLOR_DEPTH=16# X server:# XSERVER=vesa

    # numlock .# numlockx chroot.# X_NUMLOCK=True

    # :# XKBLAYOUT="us,gr" # XKBOPTIONS="grp:alt_shift_toggle,lv3:ralt_switch,grp_led:scroll" # XKBVARIANT=","

    # thin clients.# SOUND=False# usb sticks/cd roms thin clients.# LOCALDEV=False# thin clients.# .# LOCALDEV_DENY_INTERNAL_DISKS=False


    # [Default] , # . # :

    LDM_SSHOPTIONS="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no -o LogLevel=silent"

    # mac address:#[00:50:FC:98:CC:31]# HOSTNAME=client101


    # DNS :#[client103]# LTSP_FATCLIENT=False

    7.2.2. ltsp-build-client.conf

    1 . , .

    2011 # 52 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    ltsp-build-client.conf . thin fat client, , ..

    fat client, (fat thin) lts.conf. , 300 MB RAM fat, thin.


    # =============================================================================# # ltsp-build-client, (chroot)# thin fat clients.# shell.# , # .# =============================================================================

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# chroot, clients. # server, 32bit .# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ARCH=i386

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# clients.# (=), # , clients thin.# , # , # SCH_PACKAGE_LISTS .# clients 64 500 MB RAM, # thin clients.# clients 500 MB RAM, # fat clients.# thin fat clients# LTSP_FATCLIENT=True False lts.conf mac address# client. ' thin clients# 128 RAM, fat chroot # thin chroot 64 MB RAM.## FAT CLIENTS, THIN:# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#FAT_CLIENT_DESKTOPS="ubuntu-desktop"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # fat clients FAT_CLIENT_DESKTOPS .# (ed)ubuntu-desktop # , openoffice firefox, # .# , # # gksu gedit /etc/sch-scripts/koina.list# , # ( , ).# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------PACKAGE_LISTS=" /etc/sch-scripts/koina.list /etc/sch-scripts/dimotiko.list /etc/sch-scripts/gymnasio.list /etc/sch-scripts/lykeio.list"

    # =============================================================================

    2011 # 53 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    # , # .# =============================================================================

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# thin clients,# FAT_CLIENT_DESKTOPS .# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------THIN_CLIENT_PACKAGES=" sch-client ethtool iperf gparted"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # . , # edubuntu-desktop, # , Ubuntu.# , # edubuntu, :# aisleriot, gnome-mahjongg, gnome-sudoku, gnomine# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------BLACKLISTED_PACKAGES=" edubuntu-artwork gnome-icon-theme-gartoon"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# DEBCONF_SEEDS # , # . # debconf preseeding.# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------DEBCONF_SEEDS=" /etc/sch-scripts/debconf.seeds"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# .# , # .# PPA, # ticket http://helpdesk.sch.gr ts.sch.gr/ppa.# VirtualBox Google Chrome # virtualbox-ose chromium-browser. # , EXTRA_MIRROR :# http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian $DIST non-free# http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable mainEXTRA_MIRROR=" http://ts.sch.gr/repo stable main non-free http://ppa.launchpad.net/ts.sch.gr/ppa/ubuntu $DIST main http://packages.medibuntu.org/ $DIST free non-free"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Linux ,# beta testing # .# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# EARLY_MIRROR="http://ppa.launchpad.net/ts.sch.gr/proposed/ubuntu $DIST main"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# , # . .# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------APT_KEYS=" /usr/share/sch-scripts/apt-keys/ts.sch.gr-ppa.asc /usr/share/sch-scripts/apt-keys/ts.sch.gr-repo.asc /usr/share/sch-scripts/apt-keys/medibuntu.asc /usr/share/sch-scripts/apt-keys/virtualbox.asc /usr/share/sch-scripts/apt-keys/google-chrome.asc

    2011 # 54 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP


    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # root clients. .# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ROOTPASS="prompt"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# .deb server.# # Internet, server,# ltsp-build-client.## , server# ltsp-build-client. , synaptic,# apt-get install updates .# , # /var/cache/ltsp/archives, .# ' # server.# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------MOUNT_PACKAGE_DIR="/var/cache/apt/archives"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# .deb # .# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#INSTALL_DEBS_DIR="/home/teacher//Linux/debs"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# .# , # server . , bug Lucid# .# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------LOCALE="el_GR.UTF-8"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# cron , # locate apt. # clients, . , # , # .# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------DISABLE_CRON=True

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# fat clients, /home NFS.# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------test -n "$FAT_CLIENT_DESKTOPS" && NFS_HOME=${NFS_HOME:-/home}

    # =============================================================================# TODO: , .# =============================================================================

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# SCH_PROXY_SERVER server proxy server# clients, Internet.# :# auto squid server.# clients http://server:3128 proxy.# http://server-ip:8ura .# , proxy clients # squid server.# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SCH_PROXY_SERVER=auto

    , .

    2011 # 55 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    7.2.3. dnsmasq dnsmasq proxy DHCP, LTSP server LTSP clients (tftp server boot filename), IP DHCP server (. cisco router). dnsmasq server router DHCP server.

    1 . , .


    # /etc/dnsmasq.d/ltsp.conf dnsmasq # proxy DHCP server LTSP . # proxy DHCP server # (boot filename tftp-server) # IP. , router # DHCP server . # dnsmasq /etc/dnsmasq.conf, # . # .

    # dnsmasq DNS server. # port=0

    # DHCP . log-dhcp

    # tftp server (tftpd-hpa), # dnsmasq # tftp server, : #enable-tftp

    # , dnsmasq tftp server. tftp-root=/var/lib/tftpboot

    # rootpath NFS ( Ubuntu). dhcp-option=17,/opt/ltsp/${CHROOT}

    # (boot filename). tftp-root. dhcp-boot=/ltsp/${CHROOT}/pxelinux.0

    # multicast. dhcp-option=vendor:PXEClient,6,2b

    # servername filename DHCP # (structure) . # DHCP, ipconfig. dhcp-no-override

    # boot # . # PXE gPXE. pxe-prompt=Press F8 for boot menu, 3

    # : x86PC, PC98, IA64_EFI, Alpha, Arc_x86, # Intel_Lean_Client, IA32_EFI, BC_EFI, Xscale_EFI X86-64_EFI # .0 pxelinux, man dnsmasq. pxe-service=X86PC, Boot from network, /ltsp/${CHROOT}/pxelinux

    2011 # 56 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    # 0 : # PXE . pxe-service=X86PC, Boot from local hard disk, 0

    # , # PXE ' . #pxe-service=x86PC, Install windows from RIS server, 1

    # (dhcp-range) dnsmasq # proxy DHCP server, # (boot filename, tftp-server) IP. # subnet . # LTSP server . dhcp-range=${SERVER},proxy

    # dnsmasq DHCP server # ( proxy), # 2 . dhcp-range=,,8h

    # dnsmasq DHCP server, # IP : #dhcp-host=00:20:e0:3b:13:af,${SERVER%.*}.111,client111,infinite

    7.2.4. fat clients /etc/ltsp/koina.list . fat client /etc/ltsp/koina.list ltsp-build-client.conf .# ============================================================================= # . # , # /etc/ltsp/koina.list # /etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf. # =============================================================================

    # . sch-client

    # . language-pack-el language-pack-en

    # GNOME. language-pack-gnome-el language-pack-gnome-en

    # KDE. language-pack-kde-el language-pack-kde-en

    # , . language-support-el language-support-en

    # OpenOffice. openoffice.org-l10n-el

    # Adobe Flash Player, Sun Java, # Microsoft, codecs . ubuntu-restricted-extras

    # wine Windows Linux. # wine-el . wine-el

    2011 # 57 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    # numlock clients. numlockx

    # . htop

    # ethtool clients. ethtool

    # . iperf

    # x11vnc , . x11vnc

    # adblock-plus plugin firefox . xul-ext-adblock-plus

    # chromium-browser google-chrome. # thin clients < 100 MB RAM. chromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra

    # vlc media player # (.. DVD) clients. vlc

    # http://scratch.mit.edu/ . scratch

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # , # . # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # . #googleearth

    # . #stellarium

    # clipart. #openclipart

    # / shoot'em up. #teeworlds

    # / . #frozen-bubble

    # Secret Mario Chronicles. #smc

    # Mario Tux. #supertux

    # Tux. #supertuxkart

    7.2.5. - fat clients dimotiko.list, gymnasio.list lykeio.list . fat client ltsp-build-client.conf

    2011 # 58 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    fat clients .list ( - dimotiko-extra, gymnasio-extra, lykeio-extra, - http://ts.sch.gr/repo).


    # =============================================================================# .# , # /etc/ltsp/dimotiko.list# /etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf.# =============================================================================

    # dimotiko :# dim-anglika-d-e, dim-anglika-st, dim-eikastika-a-st, dim-geografia-e-st,# dim-glossa-a-b, dim-glossa-c-d, dim-glossa-e-st, dim-istoria-c-d,# dim-koinoniki-pol-agogi-e-st, dim-mathimatika-a-b, dim-mathimatika-c-d,# dim-mathimatika-e-st, dim-mousiki-a-st, dim-thriskeftika-c-d,# dim-thriskeftika-e-st.# , , # dimotiko # .dimotiko

    # dimotiko-extra # :# dim-anakalypto-ton-kosmo-mesa-apo-ton-ypologisti,# dim-mathaino-ti-glossa-mou, dim-perivallon-i-prostasia-tou-dasous,# dim-politika-kai-diplomatika-gegonota-tis-neoteris-istorias-mas,# dim-sto-stavrodromi-trion-ipeiron-i-zoi-sti-vyzantini-aftokratoria,# gym-taxinomoume, dim-metro-ypologizo-kai-ektimo-a#dimotiko-extra

    # gcompris .gcompris gcompris-sound-el

    # Tux.tuxmath

    # Tux.tuxtype

    # .tuxpaint

    # Windows.kolourpaint4

    # =============================================================================# .# , # /etc/ltsp/gymnasio.list# /etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf.# =============================================================================

    # gymnasio :# gym-anglika-a-c, gym-anglika-archarioi-a-c, gym-chimeia-b-c,# gym-fysiki-agogi-a-c, gym-fysiki-b-c, gym-gallika-a-c, gym-germanika-a-c,# gym-irodotou-a-b, gym-istoria-a-c, gym-omirika-epi-a-b, gym-pliroforiki-a-c,# gym-thriskeftika-a-c, gym-topiki-istoria-c, gym-viologia-a-c.# , , # gymnasio # .gymnasio

    2011 # 59 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    # gymnasio-extra # :# gym-taxinomoume, gym-metanastes, gym-mykinaikos-politismos,# gym-ekpaideftika-paichnidia, gym-i-exelixi-tis-ellinikis-glossas-a#gymnasio-extra

    # Windows.kolourpaint4

    # Logo.kturtle

    # .audacity

    # , Photoshop.gimp

    # , Illustrator.inkscape

    # IP range # ().# , .# , # . # , # .gym-microworlds-c

    # =============================================================================# # / .# , # /etc/ltsp/lykeio.list# /etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf.# =============================================================================

    # lykeio :# glossa, lyk-taxidi-se-ena-diktyo, lyk-virtual-chemistry-lab# , , # lykeio # .lykeio

    # lykeio-extra # :# lyk-polymesa, lyk-avakio,# lyk-dimosios-kai-idiotikos-vios-stin-archaia-ellada-dimosios-vios,# lyk-dimosios-kai-idiotikos-vios-stin-archaia-ellada-idiotikos-vios#lykeio-extra

    # .audacity

    # , Photoshop.gimp

    # , Illustrator.inkscape

    # video.blender

    # , Frontpage.kompozer

    2011 # 60 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    build fat clients.


    Ubuntu LTSP 1 - thin fat clients (7.1.1 thin clients 7.1.2 fat clients)

    . :

    1. thin fat client ( ) .

    2. fat clients .

    3. fat clients (. 7.2.5 - fatclients 7.3.1 )

    . enter sch-scripts

    . script chroot (apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade).


    2011 # 61 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    , (ltsp-update-kernels, ltsp-update-image) . ( server).



    LTSP .

    sch-scripts . .

    chroot .

    , .

    chroot . chroot . :

    2011 # 62 / 114

    23: sch-scripts

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    apt-get updateapt-get install

    nano vi.

    chroot chroot ( gedit). /opt/ltsp/i386.


    wget http://ts.sch.gr

    server . /opt/ltsp/i386

    2011 # 63 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    8. sch-scripts sch-scripts . sch-scripts. sch-scripts

    ( )

    CSV . thin / fat clients thin / fat clients thin / fat clients


    ( ).


    2011 # 64 / 114

    24: sch-scripts:

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    (. user01-user12 ) .

    {c}: (. a1, a2){i}: {0i}: 0 (. 01, 02, 03)

    8.2. / : /

    8.2.1. :


    2011 # 65 / 114

    25: sch-scripts: -

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    . :

    1. https://register.sch.gr/studentsadmin/, .

    2. .3. ... .4. .5. Ctrl+A , Ctrl+C .6. .7. ,



    8.2.2. csv :

    csv csv,

    csv , .

    csv . ( ) . ( ) .

    csv ( openoffice.org calc). . :

    : ( ) : "


    8.2.3. csv :

    2011 # 66 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    csv .

    ( openoffice.org calc)

    8.3. ubuntu iTalc. :

    ( thin clients )

    iTalc ,


    sch-scripts . :

    sch-scripts . ( thin clients fat clients)


    . thin fat client.


    2011 # 67 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    2011 # 68 / 114

    26: sch-scripts

    27: sch-scripts ltsp135 (, mac, ip, cpu, ram, vga)

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    : . .


    2011 # 69 / 114

    28: sch-scripts

    29: sch-scripts

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP




    2011 # 70 / 114

    30: sch-scripts

    31: sch-scripts

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    8.4. .

    1 Helpdesk (http://helpdesk.sch.gr) .

    IP . .

    / : http //ts.sch.gr/index.php?searchword=++++ %2F&calfrom=&calto y =&ordering=&searchphrase=exact&limit=0&areas[0]=docman&Itemid=102&opt ion=com_search

    2011 # 71 / 114

    32: sch-scripts:

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    9. ( ) Ubuntu (. list) sch-scripts

    . Ubuntu LTSP.

    sch-scripts .

    9.1. (http://ts.sch.g r/repo )

    (sources) . sch-scripts.

    nip-, dim-, gym-, lyk-, tee- .

    . ( , ).

    - ( ). - :

    nipiagogeio dimotiko .. dimotiko-extra gymnasio .. gymnasio-extra lykeio lykeio-extra tee

    : "" -extra 4GB.

    2011 # 72 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    H & sch-scripts. 6.5 7.2.5 - fat clients thin clients fat clients

    2011 # 73 / 114


  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    9.2. ubuntu-restricted-extras MP3 , Microsoft [ Microsoft Windows], Adobe Flash Plugin Firefox, LAME , DVD.

    H & sch-scripts koina.list. 6.5 7.2.4 fat clients thin clients fat clients

    9.3. Wine Wine (http://www.winehq.org/) Microsoft Windows Linux. , Microsoft Office, Photoshop DreamWeaver, Linux.

    Wine wine-el wine . Synaptic.

    wine, wine-el wine-el.

    Wine Windows ~/.wine/drive_c . Windows, Wine . login Wine.

    H & sch-scripts koina.list. 6.5 7.2.4 fat clients thin clients fat clients

    9.4. DNS Server sch-scripts dnsmasq DNS server .

    9.5. adblock plus adblock plus extension firefox . LTSP Adobe Flash Plugin

    2011 # 74 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    CPU, bandwidth . ' , .

    H sch-scripts koina.list. 6.5 7.2.4 fat clients thin clients fat clients

    firefox, server - .

    , http://adblockplus.org/en/faq_install#global.

    9.6. Virtual Box Virtual Box ( MS-Windows) Ubuntu.

    H sch-scripts. 6.5 7.2.4 fat clients thin clients fat clients virtualbox-ose koina.list.

    :1. Virtual Box .2. New3.

    .4. RAM

    .5. .

    next . Dynamically expanding storage . ( windows xp 5gb ).

    6. Finish .

    2011 # 75 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    (power-on) CD-ROM fat-client .

    RAM ubuntu ( 2GB) RAM .

    9.7. VLC Media Player

    H sch-scripts koina.list. 6.5 7.2.4 fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    VLC Media Player , (streaming). , PC Video-DVD VLC, PC .

    2011 # 76 / 114

    34: VirtualBox OSE

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    LTSP CPU, stream ( DVD-ROM), .

    9.8. KolourPaint KolourPaint KDE, Ubuntu Gnome. Ubuntu KDE, .

    ' KolourPaint gpaint Gnome.

    H sch-scripts dimotiko.list. 6.5 7.2.5 - fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    35: kolourpaint

    2011 # 77 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    tuxpaint. . (. 9.12 Gcompris)

    9.9. Kturtle kturtle, ' Logo KDE :

    36: kturtle

    H sch-scripts dimotiko.list. 6.5 7.2.5 - fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    9.10. Scratch, kturtle scratch:

    H sch-scripts koina.list. 6.5 7.2.4 fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    2011 # 78 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    9.11. kde-edu :

    kalgebra: MathML 2 3 kalzium: kanagram: kbruch: khangman: kig: kmplot: kpercentage: () kstars: ktouch: kturtle: Logo kwordquiz: (flash cards) marble: parley: (flash cards)

    2011 # 79 / 114

    37: scratch

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP


    H sch-scripts dimotika.list. 6.5 7.2.5 - fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    9.12. Gcompris Gompris (10) .

    H sch-scripts dimotika.list. 6.5 7.2.5 - fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    9.13. ktuberling ktuberling .

    H sch-scripts dimotika.list. 6.5 7.2.5 - fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    9.14. tuxmath tuxmath

    H sch-scripts dimotika.list. 6.5 7.2.5 - fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    9.15. tuxpaint tuxpaint . .

    H sch-scripts dimotika.list. 6.5 7.2.5 - fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    9.16. tuxtype tuxtype

    2011 # 80 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    H sch-scripts dimotika.list. 6.5 7.2.5 - fat clients thin clients fat clients.

    2011 # 81 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    10. LTSP (thin & fat) LTSP ( ) . BIOS CD-ROM (. ). . PXE Intel diskless clients, , CD . , gPXE, PXE , , CD .

    10.1. ROM (PXE) , BIOS Network boot , .

    3 BIOS: (enable onboard LAN), boot ROM (enable boot ROM), (boot priority).

    2011 # 82 / 114

    38: BIOS: Boot Rom

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    10.2. PXE

    10.2.1. MS-Windows (ltsp-loader) MS-Windows 95, 2000, XP, Vista 7 pxe-boot gPXE ltsp-loader :http://ts.sch.gr/component/docman/doc_download/327-ltsp-loader ltsp-loader.exe gPXE boot manager MS-Windows. , (control panel) MS-Windows.

    LTSP loader boot manager MS-Windows , thin/fat client

    ltsp loader MS-Windows Boot from Network.

    2011 # 83 / 114

    39: BIOS: Lan 1

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    10.2.2. Ubuntu (grub-gpxe) Ubuntu (>= 9.10) gpxe-grub, ( 2.4.1), :

    sudo apt-get install gpxe-grub

    Boot from network boot manager . , :


    10.2.3. CD-ROM, Floppy, USB stick Windows Ubuntu, gPXE , , CD USB stick. gPXE, server gpxe ( 2.4.1), :

    sudo apt-get install gpxe

    2011 # 84 / 114

    40: ltsp_loader

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    , :

    CDROM: /usr/share/gpxe/gpxe.iso : /usr/share/gpxe/gpxe.dsk USB stick: /usr/share/gpxe/gpxe.usb Kernel image: /usr/share/gpxe/gpxe.lkrn

    , gpxe server, http://rom-o-matic.net/. 1.0 gPXE, ROM-o-matic.net for gPXE 1.0.0 .

    1.0.1 gPXE , 1.0.0.

    Choose an output format: , CD, ... Choose a NIC type: all-drivers Get Image.

    http://ipxe.org/ (fork) gPXE, gPXE drivers ' , iPXE.

    1. CD gpxe.iso CD-ROM CD . Ubuntu /usr/share/gpxe/gpxe.iso , .

    2011 # 85 / 114

    41: gPXE: CD

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    2. gpxe.dsk :


    dd if=/usr/share/gpxe/gpxe.dsk of=/dev/fd0

    Windows: RawWrite (freeware) Windows: dd (freeware) Windows: WinImage (shareware)

    3. USB , Ubuntu USB stick :

    dd if=/usr/share/gpxe/gpxe.usb of=/dev/sdX

    sdX USB stick , .. sdc.

    2011 # 86 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    11. Ubuntu google maps Ubuntu LTSP google maps :

    1. http://goo.gl/maps/nOoQ 2. login google mail (

    )3. 4. click

    2011 # 87 / 114

    42: Ubuntu LTSP

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    5. ( , / , ( CPU, RAM), dual-boot Windows Server, (CPU,RAM), , fat clients, (CPU, RAM), , thin clients.


    2011 # 88 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    12. , , , , .

    12.1. Squid Squid (http://www.squid-cache.org/) proxy server, ISA Server Microsoft. , (cache) . , , MSN, IRC .

    squid http://ts.sch.gr/index.php?searchword=++squid&calfrom=&calto=&ordering=&searchphrase=all&limit=0&areas[0]=docman&Itemid=102&option=com_search

    12.2. Clamav Gnu/Linux , , . , USB sticks Windows . Synaptic clamav-daemon clamtk.

    T virus definitions , real time scanning ( mail scanning). , Virus Scanner:

    43: ClamAV

    2011 # 89 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP


    gksu clamtk

    , .

    12.3. Firefox Firefox

    gksu gedit /etc/firefox/pref/user.js

    / :

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Firefox . //// /etc/firefox/pref/user.js. //// - //// . //// lockPref() . //// user_pref() //// . //// firefox.//// /, //// Ubuntu ( 9.04), - //// , : //// http://kb.mozillazine.org/Locking_preferences //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    try {///////////////////////// /////////////////////////

    // Firefox:// 0 = // *1 = // 3 = //lockPref("browser.startup.page", 1);// ://lockPref("browser.startup.homepage", "chrome://ubufox/content/startpage.html");

    // :// [v] //lockPref("browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting", true);// [ ] //lockPref("browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone", false);// (*) - //lockPref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", true);//lockPref("browser.download.dir", "~/ ");//lockPref("browser.download.lastDir", "~/ ");//lockPref("browser.download.folderList", 2);// ( ) //lockPref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", false);

    ////////////////////////// //////////////////////////

    // :// ( ) //lockPref("browser.link.open_external", 2);//lockPref("browser.link.open_newwindow", 2);

    2011 # 90 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    // (*) //lockPref("browser.link.open_external", 3);//lockPref("browser.link.open_newwindow", 3);

    // [v] //lockPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose", true);// [v] Firefox//lockPref("browser.tabs.warnOnOpen", true);// [ ] //lockPref("browser.tabs.autoHide", true);// [ ] //lockPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground", true);

    ///////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////

    // //lockPref("dom.disable_open_during_load", true);// // 1 = // 2 = //lockPref("permissions.default.image", 1);

    // JavaScript//lockPref("javascript.enabled", true);// ...// ...//lockPref("pref.advanced.javascript.disable_button.advanced", true);// [v] //lockPref("dom.disable_window_move_resize", false);// [ ] //lockPref("dom.disable_window_flip", true);// [v] //lockPref("dom.event.contextmenu.enabled", true);// [ ] //lockPref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.status", true);// [ ] //lockPref("dom.disable_window_status_change", true);

    // Java//lockPref("security.enable_java", true);

    // & // ://lockPref("font.name.serif.el", "serif");// ://lockPref("font.size.variable.el", "16");// ,// about:config Firefox.// :// ://lockPref("intl.charset.default", "ISO-8859-7");// //lockPref("intl.accept_languages", "el-gr, el, en-us. en");

    /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////

    // // ~/.mozilla/firefox/user.profile/mimeTypes.rdf// // Firefox, // //lockPref("plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types", "audio/x-ms-wma,application/pdf");

    ////////////////////////// //////////////////////////

    // [v] [90] // "browser.history_expire_days", 0

    2011 # 91 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    //lockPref("browser.history_expire_days", 180);//lockPref("browser.history_expire_days_min", 90);// //lockPref("browser.formfill.enable", true);// // 0 = // 2 = //lockPref("browser.download.manager.retention", 2);

    // [v] cookies // [v] cookies // 0 = // 1 = cookies // 2 = //lockPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0);// ... - //lockPref("pref.privacy.disable_button.cookie_exceptions", false);

    // :// 0 = // 1 = // 2 = Firefox//lockPref("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 0);

    // [ ] Firefox//lockPref("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", false);// ...// [v] //lockPref("privacy.item.history", true);// [v] //lockPref("privacy.item.downloads", true);// [v] //lockPref("privacy.item.formdata", true);// [v] //lockPref("privacy.item.cache", true);// [ ] Cookies//lockPref("privacy.item.cookies", false);// TODO [ ] // [ ] //lockPref("privacy.item.passwords", false);// [v] //lockPref("privacy.item.sessions", true);// //lockPref("privacy.sanitize.promptOnSanitize", true);

    ////////////////////////// //////////////////////////

    // [v] //lockPref("xpinstall.whitelist.required", true);

    // [v] //lockPref("browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled", true);// [v] //lockPref("browser.safebrowsing.enabled", true);

    // [v] //lockPref("signon.rememberSignons", true);// [ ] // //

    // ...//lockPref("pref.privacy.disable_button.view_passwords", true);

    // -> ...// [ ] .//lockPref("security.warn_entering_secure", false);// [v] .//lockPref("security.warn_entering_weak", false);// [ ] .

    2011 # 92 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    //lockPref("security.warn_leaving_secure", false);// [ ] .//lockPref("security.warn_submit_insecure", false);// [v] .//lockPref("security.warn_viewing_mixed", false);

    /////////////////////////////////////////////// -> ///////////////////////////////////////////////

    // [ ] //lockPref("accessibility.browsewithcaret", false);// [ ] //lockPref("accessibility.typeaheadfind", false);// [ ] //lockPref("accessibility.blockautorefresh", false);

    // [ ] //lockPref("general.autoScroll", false);// [ ] //lockPref("general.smoothScroll", true);// [v] // 0 = // 1 = //lockPref("layout.spellcheckDefault", 1);// [ ] Firefox //lockPref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false);

    /////////////////////////////////////////////// -> ///////////////////////////////////////////////

    // Firefox -> ...// // 0 = ( ) // 4 = ( ) // 5 = (*) // 1 = ( ) // 2 = ( ) URL ://lockPref("network.proxy.type", 5);

    // HTTP://lockPref("network.proxy.http", "");// ://lockPref("network.proxy.http_port", 0);// SSL://lockPref("network.proxy.ssl", "");// ://lockPref("network.proxy.ssl_port", 0);// FTP://lockPref("network.proxy.ftp", "");// ://lockPref("network.proxy.ftp_port", 0);// Gopher://lockPref("network.proxy.gopher", "");// ://lockPref("network.proxy.gopher_port", 0);// SOCKS://lockPref("network.proxy.socks", "");// ://lockPref("network.proxy.socks_port", 0);// ( ) Socks v4 (*) Socks v5// 4 = v4// 5 = v5//lockPref("network.proxy.socks_version", 5);// ://lockPref("network.proxy.no_proxies_on", "localhost,");// URL ://lockPref("network.proxy.autoconfig_url", "");

    2011 # 93 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    // [50] MB - Kb//lockPref("browser.cache.disk.capacity", 50000);// [v] ://lockPref("browser.offline-apps.notify", true);

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////// -> //////////////////////////////////////////////////

    // :// [v] Firefox//lockPref("app.update.enabled", true);// [v] //lockPref("extensions.update.enabled", true);// [v] //lockPref("browser.search.update", true);

    // Firefox// ( ) //lockPref("app.update.auto", false);// (*) // [v] // 0 - // 1 - //lockPref("app.update.auto", true);//lockPref("app.update.mode", 1);

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    // [v] SSL 3.0//lockPref("security.enable_ssl3", true);// [v] TLS 1.0//lockPref("security.enable_tls", true);// :// "Select Automatically" = ( ) // "Ask Every Time" = (*) //lockPref("security.default_personal_cert", "Ask Every Time");

    /*// "Know your rights"//lockPref("xxx.legal.rights.seen", "0.0");

    // //lockPref("extensions.update.notifyUser", false);*/}catch(e) { displayError("lockedPref", e);}

    12.4. (gconf-editor) (panels), Linux Windows, . ,

    sudo su student1 -c 'gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel'

    student1 ,

    sudo su student2 -c 'gconftool-2 --type string \

    2011 # 94 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename \ /usr/share/backgrounds/simple-ubuntu.jpg'

    student2 . gnome, . Alt+F2



    gnome Windows .

    , .

    () . :

    gksu gconf-editor

    background. ( ). /desktop/gnome/background .

    2011 # 95 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    . picture_filename, ,


    Enter . , . . , , . , . , synaptic sabayon pessulus, .

    12.5. , . , . .

    , server.

    gnome-screensaver-command -lock

    . .

    2011 # 96 / 114


  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    12.6. , , , :

    , , .

    12.7. :

    sudo rsync -av /home/ /media/anotherpartition/homebackup/

    homebackup, anotherpartition. .

    2011 # 97 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    , , -. DVD, ,

    sudo tar -czvf /tmp/home.tar.gz /home/

    /tmp/home.tar.gz DVD.

    12.8. , (partition) , . gparted, :

    gksu gparted

    . . live CD, desktop edition CD Ubuntu system rescue CD (http://www.sysresccd.org). CD DVD, tar .

    2011 # 98 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    13. , .

    13.1. hostnames (hostname) IP , IP= ltsp135. pc01, pc02 . hostnames, IP.

    IP , hostnames, .

    sch-scripts .

    sch-scripts, , . pc05.

    , MAC .

    lts.conf lts.conf, :



    sch-scripts, server hostnames thin clients, `ping pc05`. fat clients, avahi server , `ping pc05.local`.

    13.2. IP IP DHCP. , , DHCP server router. IP , PXELinux ., MAC address , ( PXE gPXE), , , server

    2011 # 99 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    arp -a

    , ,


    01- Ethernet, -00-1b-24-89-65-d6 MAC address. , :

    DEFAULT vmlinuz ro initrd=initrd.img ip=

    IP IP server, , , DNS , , none DHCP. kernel, acpi=force. ping clients, IP hostnames /etc/hosts.

    13.3. server switch, , Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) Switch ( hub 100 Mbps switch 10 Mbps ), . ' bonding: 1 - 3 , 2 - 4 switch, 200 - 400 Mbps . bonding https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/Trunking. server, IP subnets (..,

    , , switch, , crossover .

    , eth0 Internet, eth1 IP= switch 10 eth2 IP= switch 10 . , /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf /etc/dnsmasq.d/ltsp.conf DHCP server .

    2011 # 100 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    13.4. man pages ( ltsp-build-client):

    yelp man:ltsp-build-client




    ltsp-build-client --extra-help


    sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

    rdesktop clients Windows server redirection clients:

    padsp rdesktop -r sound:local host

    .iso CD:

    dd if=/dev/cdrom of=./CDImage.iso

    .iso :

    sudo mount -o loop cdimage.iso directory


    sudo umount directory

    ssh key (The RSA host key for has changed):

    ssh-keygen -R

    : Alt+Ctrl+PrtSc+REISUB

    2011 # 101 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    14. .

    . ;

    (helpdesk) http://helpdesk.sch.gr/ticketnew_user.php?category_id=5017. sch-scripts, launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sch-scripts., .

    X Windows, login.

    XSERVER=vesa lts.conf .

    sudo gedit /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default

    quiet splash nomodeset. nomodeset kernel KMS (Kernel Mode Switching) driver .

    , debugging;

    sch-scripts, , . root. .

    gparted clients partitions;

    (. ) ' gparted.

    RAM .

    thin clients

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    . partition gparted (. )., SIZE=512 /etc/ltsp/nbdswapd.conf, swap .

    gigabit server switch . flow control;

    server switch gigabit, clients switch 100 Mbps ( clients 100 Mbps switch gigabit), . flow control (. 3.5.2), server 100 Mbps, . sch-scripts flow control server . .

    IP . ;

    : IP server /etc/dnsmasq.d/ltsp.conf.

    (. 7.2.3 dnsmasq). , http://etherboot.anadex.de/,

    gPXE. gPXE .

    1.0 gPXE . DHCP server .

    DHCP ( Windows ) DHCP server router Helpdesk .

    /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default, IPAPPEND 3.

    USB stick CD .

    (users-admin), group fuse.

    thin / fat clients;

    2011 # 103 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    thin/fat "ipconfig: cannot load /tmp/net-eth0.conf" driver . :

    1. sch-scripts ( 7.3 )

    2. :

    ubuntu live cd. lspci -k lsmod

    module (driver) . module atl1c

    . .

    echo atl1c | sudo tee -a /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/initramfs-tools/modulessudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/ update-initramfs -usudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/ /usr/share/ltsp/update-kernelssudo ltsp-update-kernels

    atl1c module

    . https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/AddingModules.

    fat clients atheros login,

    fat clients atheros fat clients, lts.conf:


    2011 # 104 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    15. Windows Ubuntu , Synaptic.

    Microsoft Windows Ubuntu

    Microsoft Word OpenOffice.org Writer OpenOffice.org

    Microsoft Excel OpenOffice.org Calc OpenOffice.org

    Microsoft PowerPoint OpenOffice.org Impress OpenOffice.org

    Microsoft Access OpenOffice.org Base OpenOffice.org Database

    Microsoft Publisher Scribus Scribus

    Microsoft Visio Dia Dia Diagram Editor

    Microsoft Paint KolourPaint KolourPaint

    Microsoft Outlook Evolution Evolution Mail and Calendar

    Microsoft Internet Explorer Firefox Firefox Web Browser

    Microsoft MSN Messenger, ICQ, Mirc Pidgin Pidgin

    Microsoft NetMeeting Ekiga Ekiga

    Microsoft Remote Desktop tsclient

    Microsoft Media Player Totem &

    CyberLink PowerDVD Totem &

    2011 # 105 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint Shop Pro Gimp GIMP Image Editor

    Adobe Premiere Kino & Kino

    Finale Denemo & GNU Denemo

    Cdex, Nero Sound Juicer & Sound Juice CD Extractor

    Nero Burning Rom Brasero Brasero

    Adobe Acrobat Reader Evince

    Winzip, Winrar File Roller

    Windows / Linux:

    http://www.ellak.gr/index.php? option=com_openwiki&Itemid=103&id=ellak:pinakas_2008_2009

    http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software http://www.libervis.com/wiki/index.php?title=Table_of_Equivalent_Software http://www.linuxalt.com/ http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html

    2011 # 106 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    16. LTSP administrator's reference:

    http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/LtspDocumentationUpstream Ubuntu LTSP documentation:

    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP Edubuntu Handbook. ,

    , :http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/

    Ubuntu http://ubuntu-manual.org/?lang=el





    & http://helpdesk.sch.gr

    Linux/LTSP :http://users.sch.gr/alkisg/tosteki/index.php?board=67.0


    Ubuntu :http://ubuntu-gr.org/ http://www.ubuntu-gr.org/webchat

    (IRC) LTSP:irc://irc.freenode.net#ltsp

    Wiki sch-scriptshttp://wiki.ubuntu-gr.org/sch-scripts


    Ubuntu :http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/

    2011 # 107 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP


    documentation wiki Ubuntu:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryDocumentation

    Grub HowTo:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto


    2011 # 108 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP


    H . , .


    . () , , , , , () , ( ), , , . , (), () .

    . , , () , 1() , , , , . , , , . ( ) .

    . , , .

    . : , -, .

    . , .

    ( ) , , , , , .

    . (i) , , , , ,

    2011 # 109 / 114

  • Ubuntu 10.04 / LTSP

    , , , , , , , , , , (ii) (), , , , (iii) ( ) , , , (