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  • Hypertoric varieties and hyperplane arrangements

    Takahiro Nagaoka

    Kyoto Univ.

    June 16, 2018

  • Motivation - Study of the geometry of symplectic variety

    Symplectic variety (Y0, ω) · · ·Very special but interestingeven dim algebraic variety


    Classification and finding new examples

    ⇝ The case of dim ≥ 4 is open.

    Universal (Poisson) deformation and its construction

    ⇝ Its discriminant locus DC is hyperplane arr. with W -action.

    “Good”(= crepant) resolution π : (Y , ω) → (Y0, ω)⇝ construction and counting all crepant resolutions of Y0.⇝ This is related to the structure of DC.

    We will study these problems for hypertoric variety.

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Contents

    Intro - symplectic variety and Poisson deformation

    Hypertoric variety - definition and its universalPoisson deformation

    Application 1 - classification of affine hypertoricvarieties by matroids

    Application 2 - counting good resolutions of affinehypertoric variety by hyperplane arr.

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Intro - symplectic variety and Poisson deformation

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Symplectic variety

    (Y0, ω) : symplectic varietydef⇔ normal alg. var. with holomo. symplectic form ω on (Y0)reg .

    (Y0, ω) : conical symplectic varietydef⇔ affine symplectic variety with “good” C∗-action.


    V⊕V ∗/Γ : Symplectic quotient singularity (Γ ⊂ Sp(V ⊕V ∗))

    ⇝ eg. ADE -type surface singularity (An : zn+1 − xy = 0).

    O : Nilpotent orbit closure in g

    M0(Q, v,w) : (affine) quiver variety

    Y (A, 0) : (affine) hypertoric variety

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Symplectic resolution = crepant resolution

    For symplectic variety (Y0, ω),

    π : (Y , ω) → (Y0, ω) : symplectic resolutiondef⇔ π∗ω extends to a symplectic form ω on whole Y .


    For resolution π : Y → Y0 of sympleccitc variety Y0,

    π : symplectic resolution ⇔ π : crepant, i.e., π∗KY0 = KY

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Poisson variety and Poisson deformation

    (Y , ω) has natural Poisson str. (Y , {−,−}0)(Poisson str. · · · bracket on OY satisfying Leipnitz rule & Jacobi id)

    Poisson deformation

    (Y , {−,−}0) (Y, {−,−}) : Poisson deform. of (Y , {−,−}0)

    0 S


    Definition (UPD (Universal Poisson deformation))

    (Yuniv , {−,−}) → S is the universal Poisson deformation of Y .def⇔ ∀ (infinitesimal) Poisson deformation (X , {−,−}′) → SpecA,

    X ∼= Yuniv ×S SpecA Yuniv

    SpecA S∃!f

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • UPD of conical symplectic variety

    Theorem (Namikawa)

    π : Y → Y0 : proj. sympl. resolution of conical sympl. variety Y0⇒ There exists UPDs Yuniv , Yuniv0 of Y and Y0. Moreover,

    Y Y0

    Yuniv Yuniv0

    0 0

    H2(Y ,C) H2(Y ,C)/W




    ∋ ∋ψ


    , where W is Namikawa-Weyl group W ⊂ GL(H2(Y ,C)).

    Discriminant locusDC:={h∈ H2(Y ,C) |fiber of Yuniv0 ×H2/WH2 →H2 at h is singular}

    ⇝ Hyperplane Arrangement !! i.e., ∃AC s.t. DC =∪


    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Example of discriminant arrangement ACIn general, W ↷AC⊂H2(Y ,C) as reflection w.r.t. some H ∈ AC.

    Example of ACC2/G : ADE -type surface singularity (G ⊂ SL2(C))


    W = WG (usual) Weyl groupAC = Weyl arrangement

    Symn+1(C2/G ) : symplectic quotient singularity


    W = Z/2Z×WGAC = cone over extended Catalan arr. Cat



    := {Hλ,k : ⟨λ,−⟩ = k | λ ∈ ΦG ,−n ≤ k ≤ n} ⊂ h)

    Moreover, DC =∪

    H∈AC H has connection to birational geometryof Y0 (see later).


    Describe the diagram of UPD for hypertoric variety.Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Hypertoric variety - definition and its universal Poissondeformation

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Q. What is hypertoric variety?

    A. algebraic variety with “combinatorial” flavor (like toric variety).

    Combinatorics Geometry

    {hyperplane arrangement HαB} {hypertoric variety Y (A, α)}

    ,where matrices A and B satisfy 0 Zn−d Zn Zd 0B A


    Read off the geometric properties of Y (A, α) from thecombinatorics of associated hyperplane arrangement HαB .

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • What is hypertoric variety?


    Let A = (1 1 1), BT =(1 0 −10 1 −1

    )= ( b1 b2 b3 ).

    For α̃ = (1, 1, 1), set HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i}.

    Takahiro Nagaoka


    Singular pt




    Y(A, 0)

  • What is hypertoric variety?


    Let A = (1 1 1), BT =(1 0 −10 1 −1

    )= ( b1 b2 b3 ).

    For α̃ = (1, 1, 1), set HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i}.

    Takahiro Nagaoka


    Singular pt




    Y(A, 0)

  • What is hypertoric variety?


    Let A = (1 1 1), BT =(1 0 −10 1 −1

    )= ( b1 b2 b3 ).

    For α̃ = (1, 1, 1), set HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i}.

    Takahiro Nagaoka


    Singular pt




    Y(A, 0)


    [0:1:0] [0:0:1]

  • What is hypertoric variety?


    Let A = (1 1 1), BT =(1 0 −10 1 −1

    )= ( b1 b2 b3 ).

    For α̃ = (1, 1, 1), set HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i}.

    Takahiro Nagaoka


    Singular pt




    Y(A, 0)

  • What is hypertoric variety?


    Let A = (1 1 1), BT =(1 0 −10 1 −1

    )= ( b1 b2 b3 ).

    For α̃ = (1, 1, 1), set HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i}.

    Takahiro Nagaoka


    Singular pt




    Y(A, 0)

  • What is hypertoric variety?


    Let A = (1 1 1), BT =(1 0 −10 1 −1

    )= ( b1 b2 b3 ).

    For α̃ = (1, 1, 1), set HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i}.

    Takahiro Nagaoka


    Singular pt




    Y(A, 0)

  • What is hypertoric variety?


    Let A = (1 1 1), BT =(1 0 −10 1 −1

    )= ( b1 b2 b3 ).

    For α̃ = (1, 1, 1), set HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i}.

    Takahiro Nagaoka


    Singular pt




    Y(A, 0)

  • Hypertoric variety

    A ∈ Matm×n(Z) s.t. unimodular matrix, i.e., ∀d × d-minors=0,±1

    Take B as 0 Zn−d Zn N ∼= Zd 0B A exact.

    BT =

    (b1 b2 · · · bn

    )A =

    (a1 a2 · · · an


    TdC ↷ (C2n = Cn⊕Cn, ωC :=n∑


    dzj ∧ dwj), “Hamiltonian action”

    t · (zi ,wi ) := (taizi , t−aiwi )

    ⇝ ∃ moment map µ : C2n → Cd : (z,w) 7→∑n

    j=1 zjwjaj

    Define hypertoric variety as the “quotient µ−1(0)/TdC”.

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Hypertoric variety

    Definition (Hypertoric variety Y (A, α))

    For each parameter α := Aα̃ (α̃ ∈ Zn), the “quotient” space

    Y (A, α) := µ−1(0)α−ss//TdC

    is hypertoric variety. (µ−1(0)α−ss ⊆µ−1(0) is α-semistable set)

    Inclusion µ−1(0)α−ss ⊆ µ−1(0)0−ss = µ−1(0)

    ⇝ projective morphism π : Y (A, α) → Y (A, 0)


    For generic α,

    1 Y (A, α) is 2(n − d) = 2 rankBT dim smooth symplecticvariety.

    2 π : Y (A, α) → Y (A, 0) is (conical) symplectic resolution.

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Example: hypertoric variety associated to graph

    Example (Toric quiver variety)

    G : directed graph, Z|E | AG−−→→ N ⊂ Z|V | : eij 7→ ei − ej,


    0• 2• 4•



    ⇝ AG =

    1 1 1 0 0 0−1 0 0 1 0 00 −1 0 0 1 00 0 −1 0 0 10 0 0 −1 −1 −1

    ⇝ Y (AG , α) : toric quiver variety⇝ dimY (AG , α) = 2(circuit rank of G )

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Example

    Example (A2-type surface singularity)

    A = AG =

    (1 0 −10 1 −1

    ), G =

    •• •

    , BT =(1 1 1


    Y (A, α) S̃A2 : minimal resolution of SA2

    Y (A, 0) SA2 : {u3 − xy = 0} : A2-type singularity



    In general, for G = edge graph of ℓ+ 1-gon,Y (AG , 0) = SAℓ : Aℓ-type surface singularity.

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Description of UPD for hypertoric variety

    We want to determine the UPDs for π : Y (A, α) → Y (A, 0).

    Theorem (Braden-Licata-Proudfoot-Webster, N-.)

    Y (A, α) Y (A, 0)

    X (A, α) X (A, 0)/WB

    0 0

    Cd Cd/WB




    ψ∋ ∋


    Assume BT=

    ℓ1︷ ︸︸ ︷ ℓs︷ ︸︸ ︷(c1 · · · c1 · · · cs · · · cs ), where ck1 ̸= ±ck2 if k1 ̸= k2.

    Description of WB -action and discriminant locus DCWB := Sℓ1 × · · · ×Sℓs ↷ Cd = SpanC(a1, . . . . . . , an).AC={H⊂Cd | codimH = 1 and H is generated by some ai’s}.

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Application 1 - classification of affine hypertoricvarieties Y (A, 0) by matroids

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Classification of Y (A, 0)

    What operation to A preserves the isomorphism calss of Y (A, 0)?


    A ∼ A′ def⇔ A′ is obtained from A by a seq. of the followings:· elementary row operations over Z,· interchanging column vectors, i.e., ai ↔ aj,· multiplying column vector by −1, i.e., ai 7→ −ai.

    A ∼ A′ ⇒Y (A, 0)∼=Y (A′, 0) : Tn−dC -eq. iso as conical sympl. var.

    Theorem (Arbo-Proudfoot, N-.)

    Y (A, 0) ∼= Y (A′, 0) as conical symplectic variety ⇔ A ∼ A′.


    M(A) : regular matroid associated to A whose dual is M(BT ).

    A ∼ A′ ⇔ M(A) ∼= M(A′) ⇔ M(BT ) ∼= M(B ′T ).

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Corollary of Theorem

    By classification theorem, in particular, for toric quiver varieties,

    Y (AG , 0) ∼= Y (AG ′ , 0) ⇔ M(AG ) ∼= M(AG ′).

    Theorem (Whitney’s 2-isomorphism theorem)

    Let G and G ′ be graphs without isolated vertices. Then,M(AG ) ∼= M(AG ′)⇔ G ′ can be transformed into G by a sequence of the followingoperations;

    (i) Vertex identification and vertex cleaving

    (ii) Whitney twist

    • ••

    • •

    (i)∼• •

    • •• •

    .• • •

    • • •(ii)∼

    • • •

    • • •

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • 4-dimensional classification

    We only have to classify M(BT ) of rank = n − d = 12 dimY (A, 0).

    Theorem (N-. Classification of 4-dimensional Y (A, 0))

    Every 4-dimensional Y (A, 0) is isomorphic to one of the followings;

    (i) SAℓ1−1 × SAℓ2−1 .

    (ii) Omin(ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3):=(u1 x1 x3y1 u2 x2y3 y2 u3) ∈ sl3∣∣∣∣∣∣ All 2×2-minors of

    uℓ11 x1 x3y1 uℓ22 x2y3 y2 u


    = 0.

    (i) BT =

    ℓ1︷ ︸︸ ︷ ℓ2︷ ︸︸ ︷(1 · · · 1 0 · · · 0 )0 · · · 0 1 · · · 1

    ⇝ G =

    (ii) BT =

    ℓ1︷ ︸︸ ︷ ℓ2︷ ︸︸ ︷ ℓ3︷ ︸︸ ︷(1 · · · 1 0 · · · 0 1 · · · 1 )0 · · · 0 1 · · · 1 1 · · · 1

    ⇝ G =

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • 6-dimensional classification

    (1) G =

    (2) G =

    (3) G =

    (4) G =

    (5) G =

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Application 2 - counting good resolutions of affinehypertoric variety by hyperplane arr.

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Counting crepant resolutions of Y (A, 0)

    It is important to study “good”(=crepant) resolutions of singularity.


    For “generic”α ∈ Zd , πα : Y (A, α) → Y (A, 0) gives a crepantresolution.

    Conversely, all crepant resolutions are obtained by this form.


    A := {H ⊂ Rd | codimH = 1 and H is generated by some ai’s}.

    α ∈ Zd : generic def⇔ α /∈ D :=∪H∈A


    Question Which α gives you different resolutions?

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Example


    AG =

    1 0 −1 10 1 1 −1−1 −1 0 0

    , G = • • • , BT = (1 −1 1 00 0 1 1


    A = AG ⊂ NR. Recall for α, HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i} ⊂ Rn−d .

    Question: Which chambers give different resolutions ?⇝ Note WB := S2-action on A ⊂ NRAnswer: Chambers in a fundamental domain of WB -action.

    Takahiro Nagaoka



    a2 a3



  • Example


    AG =

    1 0 −1 10 1 1 −1−1 −1 0 0

    , G = • • • , BT = (1 −1 1 00 0 1 1


    A = AG ⊂ NR. Recall for α, HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i} ⊂ Rn−d .

    Question: Which chambers give different resolutions ?⇝ Note WB := S2-action on A ⊂ NRAnswer: Chambers in a fundamental domain of WB -action.

    Takahiro Nagaoka



  • Example


    AG =

    1 0 −1 10 1 1 −1−1 −1 0 0

    , G = • • • , BT = (1 −1 1 00 0 1 1


    A = AG ⊂ NR. Recall for α, HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i} ⊂ Rn−d .

    Question: Which chambers give different resolutions ?⇝ Note WB := S2-action on A ⊂ NRAnswer: Chambers in a fundamental domain of WB -action.

    Takahiro Nagaoka



  • Example


    AG =

    1 0 −1 10 1 1 −1−1 −1 0 0

    , G = • • • , BT = (1 −1 1 00 0 1 1


    A = AG ⊂ NR. Recall for α, HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i} ⊂ Rn−d .

    Question: Which chambers give different resolutions ?⇝ Note WB := S2-action on A ⊂ NRAnswer: Chambers in a fundamental domain of WB -action.

    Takahiro Nagaoka



  • Example


    AG =

    1 0 −1 10 1 1 −1−1 −1 0 0

    , G = • • • , BT = (1 −1 1 00 0 1 1


    A = AG ⊂ NR. Recall for α, HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i} ⊂ Rn−d .

    Question: Which chambers give different resolutions ?⇝ Note WB := S2-action on A ⊂ NRAnswer: Chambers in a fundamental domain of WB -action.

    Takahiro Nagaoka



  • Example


    AG =

    1 0 −1 10 1 1 −1−1 −1 0 0

    , G = • • • , BT = (1 −1 1 00 0 1 1


    A = AG ⊂ NR. Recall for α, HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i} ⊂ Rn−d .

    Question: Which chambers give different resolutions ?⇝ Note WB := S2-action on A ⊂ NRAnswer: Chambers in a fundamental domain of WB -action.

    Takahiro Nagaoka



  • Example


    AG =

    1 0 −1 10 1 1 −1−1 −1 0 0

    , G = • • • , BT = (1 −1 1 00 0 1 1


    A = AG ⊂ NR. Recall for α, HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i} ⊂ Rn−d .

    Question: Which chambers give different resolutions ?⇝ Note WB := S2-action on A ⊂ NRAnswer: Chambers in a fundamental domain of WB -action.

    Takahiro Nagaoka



  • Example


    AG =

    1 0 −1 10 1 1 −1−1 −1 0 0

    , G = • • • , BT = (1 −1 1 00 0 1 1


    A = AG ⊂ NR. Recall for α, HαB := {Hi : ⟨bi,−⟩ = α̃i} ⊂ Rn−d .

    Question: Which chambers give different resolutions ?⇝ Note WB := S2-action on A ⊂ NRAnswer: Chambers in a fundamental domain of WB -action.

    Takahiro Nagaoka



  • Counting crepant resolutions of Y (A, 0)

    Assume BT=

    ℓ1︷ ︸︸ ︷ ℓs︷ ︸︸ ︷(c1 · · · c1 · · · cs · · · cs


    Recall WB :=Sℓ1×· · ·×Sℓs ↷ Rd=SpanR({aj}) as permutationof aj’s.

    Theorem (Namikawa, Braden-Licata-Proudfoot-Webster)

    Each chamber in a fundamental domain of WB -action gives alldifferent crepant resolutions of Y (A, 0).


    The number of crepant resolutions of Y (A, 0) is

    #{chamber of A}#WB

    =|χA(−1)|ℓ1! · · · ℓs !


    where χA(t) is the characteristic polynomial of A.

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Counting crepant resolutions of Omin(ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3)


    For Omin(ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3), the corresponding A is (the essentializationof) Aℓ1,ℓ2,ℓ3 in Rℓ1+ℓ2+ℓ3 :

    Hijk : xi + yj + zk = 0 (1 ≤ i ≤ ℓ1, 1 ≤ j ≤ ℓ2, 1 ≤ k ≤ ℓ3)Hxi1,i2 : xi1 − xi2 = 0 (1 ≤ i1 < i2 ≤ ℓ1)Hyj1,j2 : yj1 − yj2 = 0 (1 ≤ j1 < j2 ≤ ℓ2)Hzk1,k2 : zk1 − zk2 = 0 (1 ≤ k1 < k2 ≤ ℓ3)

    Proposition (Edelman-Reiner)

    χAℓ1,ℓ2,ℓ3 (t) =t2(t − 1)(t − 2) · · · (t − (ℓ1 + ℓ2 − 1)) (ℓ3 = 1)

    t2(t − 1)ℓ1+ℓ2∏i=ℓ1+1

    (t − i)ℓ1+ℓ2−1∏j=ℓ2+1

    (t − j) (ℓ3 = 2)

    Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Counting crepant resolutions of Omin(ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3)


    The number of crepant resolutions of Omin(ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3) is(ℓ1+ℓ2ℓ1

    )(ℓ3 = 1)

    (ℓ1+ℓ2+1ℓ1 )(ℓ1+ℓ2+1


    ℓ1+ℓ2+1(ℓ3 = 2)

    This gives a geometric meaning of Aℓ1,ℓ2,ℓ3 considered by Edelmanand Reiner.


    For ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3 ≥ 3, it is known Aℓ1,ℓ2,ℓ3 is NOT free arrangement.χA3,3,3(t) = t



    Compute the number of chambers of Aℓ1,ℓ2,ℓ3 for ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3 ≥ 3.Takahiro Nagaoka

  • Thank you for listening!!

    Takahiro Nagaoka