Convergence of the k-Means Minimization Problem using...

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Convergence of the k-Means MinimizationProblem using Γ-Convergence

Matthew Thorpe∗1, Florian Theil1, Adam M. Johansen1, and Neil Cade2

1University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom2Selex-ES, Luton, LU1 3PG, United Kingdom


The k-means method is an iterative clustering algorithm which associates each observation with one of k clus-ters. It traditionally employs cluster centers in the same space as the observed data. By relaxing this requirement, itis possible to apply the k-means method to infinite dimensional problems, for example multiple target tracking andsmoothing problems in the presence of unknown data association. Via a Γ-convergence argument, the associatedoptimization problem is shown to converge in the sense that both the k-means minimum and minimizers convergein the large data limit to quantities which depend upon the observed data only through its distribution. The theoryis supplemented with two examples to demonstrate the range of problems now accessible by the k-means method.The first example combines a non-parametric smoothing problem with unknown data association. The secondaddresses tracking using sparse data from a network of passive sensors.

1 IntroductionThe k-means algorithm [19] is a technique for assigning each of a collection of observed data to exactly one of kclusters, each of which has a unique center, in such a way that each observation is assigned to the cluster whosecenter is closest to that observation in an appropriate sense.

The k-means method has traditionally been used with limited scope. Its usual application has been in Euclideanspaces which restricts its application to finite dimensional problems. There are relatively few theoretical resultsusing the k-means methodology in infinite dimensions of which [10, 15–17, 25] are the only papers known tothe authors. In the right framework, post-hoc track estimation in multiple target scenarios with unknown dataassociation can be viewed as a clustering problem and therefore accessible to the k-means method. In such problemsone typically has finite-dimensional data, but would wish to estimate infinite dimensional tracks with the addedcomplication of unresolved data association. It is our aim to propose and characterize a framework for the k-meansmethod which can deal with this problem.

A natural question to ask of any clustering technique is whether the estimated clustering stabilizes as more databecomes available. More precisely, we ask whether certain estimates converge, in an appropriate sense, in the largedata limit. In order to answer this question in our particular context we first establish a related optimization problemand make precise the notion of convergence.

Consistency of estimators for ill-posed inverse problems has been well studied, for example [11, 20], but with-out the data association problem. In contrast to standard statistical consistency results, we do not assume that thereexists a structural relationship between the optimization problem and the data-generating process in order to estab-lish convergence to true parameter values in the large data limit; rather, we demonstrate convergence to the solutionof a related limiting problem.

This paper shows the convergence of the minimization problem associated with the k-means method in a frame-work that is general enough to include examples where the cluster centers are not necessarily in the same space asthe data points. In particular we are motivated by the application to infinite dimensional problems. For examplein smoothing problems data are points in Rd and cluster centers are continuous functions into Rd. The k-meansmethod addresses this problem by clustering data points by associating each with one of k curves. For k = 1 theproblem reduces to smoothing and coincides with the limiting problem studied in [13].

Let us now introduce the notation for our variational approach. The k-means method is a strategy for partition-ing a data set Ψn = ξini=1 ⊂ X into k clusters where each cluster has center µj for j = 1, 2, . . . , k. First let us

∗MT was supported by an EPSRC Industrial CASE Award PhD Studentship with SELEX ES Ltd.


consider the special case when µj ∈ X . The data partition is defined by associating each data point with the clustercenter closest to it which is measured by a cost function d : X ×X → [0,∞). Traditionally the k-means methodconsiders Euclidean spaces X = Rd, where typically we choose d(x, y) = |x− y|2 =

∑di=1(xi − yi)2. We define

the energy for a choice of cluster centers given data by

fn : Xk → R fn(µ|Ψn) =1




d(ξi, µj),

where for any k variables, a1, a2, . . . , ak,∧kj=1 aj := mina1, . . . , ak. The optimal choice of µ is that which

minimizes fn(·|Ψn). We defineθn = min

µ∈Xkfn(µ|Ψn) ∈ R.

An associated “limiting problem” can be defined

θ = minµ∈Xk


where we assume, in a sense which will be made precise later, that ξiiid∼ P for some suitable probability, P , and


f∞(µ) =

∫ k∧j=1

d(x, µj)P (dx).

In Section 3 we validate the formulation by first showing that, under regularity conditions and with probability one,the minimum energy converges: θn → θ. And secondly by showing that (up to a subsequence) the minimizersconverge: µn → µ∞ where µn minimizes fn and µ∞ minimizes f∞ (again with probability one).

In a more sophisticated version of the k-means method the requirement that µj ∈ X can be relaxed. Weinstead allow µ = (µ1, µ2, . . . , µk) ∈ Y k for some other Banach space, Y , and define d appropriately. This leadsto interesting statistical questions. When Y is infinite dimensional even establishing whether or not a minimizerexists is non-trivial.

When the cluster center is in a different space to the data bounding the set of minimizers becomes less natural.For example consider the smoothing problem where one wishes to fit a continuous function to a set of data points.The natural choice of cost function is a pointwise distance of the data to the curve. The optimal solution is forthe cluster center to interpolate the data points: in the limit the cluster center may no longer be well defined. Inparticular we cannot hope to have converging sequences of minimizers.

In the smoothing literature this problem is prevented by using a regularization term r : Y k → R. For a costfunction d : X × Y → [0,∞) the energies fn(·|Ψn), f∞(·) : Y k → R are redefined

fn(µ|Ψn) =1




d(ξi, µj) + λnr(µ)

f∞(µ) =

∫ k∧j=1

d(x, µj)P (dx) + λr(µ).

Adding regularization changes the nature of the problem so we commit time in Section 4 to justifying our approach.Particularly we motivate treating λn = λ as a constant independent of n. We are able to repeat the results fromSection 4; namely that the minimum and a subsequence of minimizers still converge.

Early results assumed Y = X were Euclidean spaces and addressed the convergence of minimizers [14, 21]showing that the minimizers converge to the appropriate limit. The motivation for the early work in this area was toshow consistency of the methodology. In particular this requires there to be an underlying ‘truth’. This requires theassumption that there exists a unique minimizer to the limiting energy. These results do not hold when the limitingenergy has more than one minimizer [4]. In this paper we discuss only the convergence of the method and as suchrequire no assumption as to the existence or uniqueness of a minimizer to the limiting problem. Consistency hasbeen strengthened to a central limit theorem in [22] also assuming a unique minimizer to the limiting energy. Otherrates of convergence have been shown in [2, 3, 7, 18].

Still assuming Y = X the convergence of the minimization problem in a reflexive and separable Banach spacehas been proved in [17] and a similar result in metric spaces in [16]. In [15] the existence of a weakly convergingsubsequence was inferred using the results of [17].

In the following section we introduce the notation and preliminary material used in this paper.We then in Section 3 consider convergence in the special case when the cluster centers are in the same space

as the data points, i.e. Y = X . In this case we don’t have an issue with well-posedness as the data has the same


dimension as the cluster centers. For this reason we use the energies defined without regularization. Theorem 3.4shows that the minimum converges, i.e. θn → θ as n → ∞, for almost every sequence of observations and fur-thermore we have a subsequence µnm of minimizers of fnm which weakly converge to some µ∞ which minimizesf∞.

This result is generalized in Section 4 to an arbitrary X and Y . The analogous result to Theorem 3.4 is Theo-rem 4.6. We first motivate the problem and in particular our choice of scaling in the regularization in Section 4.1before proceeding to the results in Section 4.2. The conditions on the cost function d and regularization term r arenon-trivial and so we show an application to the smoothing-data association problem in Section 4.3.

To demonstrate the generality of the results in this paper a range of applications are considered in Section 5.Example 1 is the data association and smoothing problem. We show the minimum converging as the data sizeincreases. We also numerically investigate the use of the k-means energy to determine whether two targets havecrossed tracks. The second example uses measured times of arrival and amplitudes of signals from moving sourcesthat are received across a network of three sensors. The cluster centers are the source trajectories in R2.

2 PreliminariesIn this section we introduce some notation and background theory which will be used in Sections 3 and 4 to establishour convergence results. In these sections we show the existence of optimal cluster centers using the direct method.By imposing conditions such that our energies are weakly lower semi-continuous we can deduce the existenceof minimizers. Further conditions ensure the minimizers are uniformly bounded. The Γ-convergence framework(eg [5]) allows us to establish the convergence of the minimum and also the convergence of minimizers.

We have the following definition of Γ-convergence with respect to weak convergence.

Definition 2.1 (Γ-convergence). A sequence fn : A → R is said to Γ-converge on the domain A to f∞ : A → Rwith respect to weak convergence on A, and we write f∞ = Γ- limn fn, if for all x ∈ A we have

(i) (liminf inequality) for every sequence (xn) weakly converging to x

f∞(x) ≤ lim infn


(ii) (recovery sequence) there exists a sequence (xn) weakly converging to x such that

f∞(x) ≥ lim supn


When it exists the Γ-limit is always weakly lower semi-continuous, and thus admits minimizers. An importantproperty of Γ-convergence is that it implies the convergence of minimizers. In particular, we will make extensiveuse of the following well-known result.

Theorem 2.1 (Convergence of Minimizers). Let fn : A → R be a sequence of functionals on a Banach space(A, ‖ · ‖A) and assume that there exists N > 0 and a weakly compact subset K ⊂ A with

infAfn = inf

Kfn ∀n > N.

If f∞ = Γ- limn fn thenminAf∞ = lim


Furthermore if each fn is weakly lower semi-continuous then for each fn there exists a minimizer xn ∈ K and asubsequence xnm weakly converging to x ∈ K that minimizes f∞.

A proof of the theorem can be found in [5].The problems which we address involve random observations. We assume throughout the existence of a prob-

ability space (Ω,F ,P), rich enough to support a countably infinite sequence of such observations. All randomelements are defined upon this common probability space and all stochastic quantifiers are to be understood asacting with respect to P unless otherwise stated.

3 Convergence when Y = X

We assume we are given data points ξi ∈ X for i = 1, 2, . . . where X is a reflexive and separable Banach spacewith norm ‖ · ‖X and Borel σ-algebra X . These data points realize a sequence of X -measurable random elementson (Ω,F ,P) which will also be denoted, with a slight abuse of notation, ξi.


Suppressing the ξi dependence of fn we define

fn : Xk → R, fn(µ) = Pngµ =1




d(ξi, µj) (1)

f∞ : Xk → R, f∞(µ) = Pgµ =



d(x, µj)P (dx) (2)


gµ(x) =


d(x, µj)

and P is a probability measure on (X,X ) with empirical measure Pn associated with ξ1, . . . , ξn and defined weaklyvia

Pnh =1




for any X -measurable function h : X → R.We assume ξi are iid according to P with P = P ξ−1i which ensures Pn ∗ P . Generalization to the non-iid

case is possible provided Pn ∗ P .We wish to show

θn → θ almost surely as n→∞ (3)


θn = infµ∈Xk


θ = infµ∈Xk


We define ‖ · ‖k : Xk → [0,∞) by

‖µ‖k := maxj‖µj‖X for µ = (µ1, µ2, . . . , µk) ∈ Xk.

The reflexivity of (X, ‖ · ‖X) carries through to (Xk, ‖ · ‖k).To prove that (3) is satisfied we first establish in Theorem 3.2 that f∞

a.s.= Γ- limn fn on Xk. Then we show in

Proposition 3.3 that the minimizers of infµ fn(µ) lie in a bounded set K ⊂ Xk independent of n. We may thenapply Theorem 2.1 to infer (3) and the existence of a weakly converging subsequence of minimizers.

The key assumptions on d and P are given in Assumptions 1. The first assumption can be understood asa ‘closeness’ condition for the space X with respect to d. If we let d(x, y) = 1 for x 6= y and d(x, x) = 0then our cost function d does not carry any information on how far apart two points are. As such we should notexpect to be able to bound our minimizers. We see that this choice of d violates the first assumption. The secondassumption implies that the functionals fn are weakly lower semi-continuous. The third allows us to view d(ξi, y)as a collection of random variables. The fourth assumption implies that we have at least k open balls with positiveprobability and therefore we are not overfitting clusters to data. The fifth assumption is essentially a momentcondition which is used to apply the strong law of large numbers to Pn

∧kj=1 d(·, µj).

Assumptions 1. We have the following assumptions on d : X ×X → [0,∞) and P .

1. There exists continuous, strictly increasing functions m,M : [0,∞)→ [0,∞) such that

m(‖x− y‖X) ≤ d(x, y) ≤M(‖x− y‖X) for all x, y ∈ X

with m(r)→∞ as r →∞ and M(0) = 0.

2. For each x ∈ X we have that d(x, ·) is weakly lower semi-continuous.

3. For each y ∈ X we have that d(·, y) is X -measurable.

4. There exist k unique centers µ†j ∈ X ,j = 1, 2, . . . , k such that for all δ > 0

P (B(µ†j , δ)) > 0 ∀ j = 1, 2, . . . , k

where B(µl, δ) := x ∈ X : ‖µl − x‖X < δ.5. For every ν ∈ X we have that Pd(·, ν) <∞.


We now show that for a particular common choice of cost function, d, Assumptions 1.1 to 1.3 hold.

Remark 3.1. For any p > 0 let d(x, y) = ‖x− y‖pX then d satisfies Assumptions 1.1 to 1.3.

Proof. Taking m(r) = M(r) = rp we trivially get the first assumption. For p = 1 the second assumption followsfrom the Hahn-Banach theorem which implies that if zn z then lim infn→∞ ‖zn‖X ≥ ‖z‖X . Putting thisinequality to the pth power implies that d(x, ·) is weakly lower semi-continuous for all p > 0. The third assumptionholds by the Borel measurability of metrics on complete separable metric spaces.

Before proceeding to the main results of this section, we demonstrate that the lower semi-continuity of d isrequired by considering an example in which d is not weakly lower semi-continuous. Let k = 1 and X = R. Weassume that ξi

iid∼ P = Uniform(−1, 1) for i = 1, 2, . . . , n and define the cost function d : R2 → [0,∞) by

d(x, y) =

|x− y|+ 1 if y ≥ 0|x− y| if y < 0.

The corresponding energy fn : R→ [0,∞) for n data points is

fn(µ) =1



d(ξi, µ).

However the Γ-limit is

f∞(µ) =


d(x, µ)P (dx) =


2 if µ > 01+µ2

2 if µ ≤ 0


d(x, µ)P (dx)


d(x, y) =

|x− y|+ 1 if y > 0|x− y| if y ≤ 0

is the lower semi-continuous envelope of d. Note that the limit one might naıvely expect∫X

d(x, µ)P (dx) =


2 if µ ≥ 01+µ2

2 if µ < 0

does not have a minimizer. However as the example suggests it is possible to drop the weak lower semi-continuitycondition by modifying the Γ-limit by taking the lower semi-continuous envelope of d. We have opted againstthis generalization for three reasons. The first is it is notationally cleaner to have d in the Γ limit which in theform given is intuitively strongly linked to the strong law of large numbers. The second reason is for practicalimplementation we are more interested in situations where the optimal centers exist for finite n. Without weaklower semi-continuity we are not guaranteed this. The third reason is that the applications we have in mind use theunderlying norm as the cost function which is weak lower semi-continuous.

Theorem 3.2. Let (X, ‖ · ‖X) be a reflexive and separable Banach space with Borel σ-algebra, X ; let ξini=1 bea sequence of independent X-valued random elements with common law P . Assume d : X ×X → [0,∞) and Psatisfy the conditions in Assumptions 1. Define fn : Xk → R and f∞ : Xk → R by (1) and (2) respectively. Then

f∞ = Γ- limnfn

for P-almost every sequence of observations ξ1, ξ2, . . ..

Proof. We need to show the liminf inequality and the existence of a recovery sequence. We start by showing theliminf inequality, allowing µn ∈ Xk to denote any sequence which converges weakly to µ ∈ Xk:

0 ≤ lim infn

(fn(µn)− f∞(µ)) .


lim infn

(fn(µn)− f∞(µ)) = lim infn

(Pngµn − Pgµ)

= lim infn

(Pngµn − Pngµ + Pngµ − Pgµ)

≥ lim infn

(Pngµn − Pngµ) + lim infn

(Pngµ − Pgµ) . (4)


By the strong law of large numbers and Assumption 1.5:


(Pngµ − Pgµ) = 0 almost surely

Which shows the second term on the right hand side of (4) is greater than or equal to zero for almost every sequenceof observations and hence almost every sequence Pn.

To show the first term on the right hand side of (4) is also greater than or equal to zero we recall Fatou’slemma with varying measure [24, Chapter 11, Proposition 17]: if we suppose Qn is a sequence of measures on ameasurable space (A,A) and

Qn(U)→ Q(U) ∀U ∈ A

then for non-negative integrable functions hn we have∫A

lim infn→∞

hn dQ ≤ lim infn→∞


hn dQn.

LettingA = X ,A = X , Qn = Pn andQ = P then since, by the strong law of large numbers, Pn(U)→ P (U)almost surely for all U ∈ X we can deduce

lim infn

(Pngµn − Pngµ) = lim infn

∫(gµn(x)− gµ(x))Pn(dx)


lim infn

(gµn(x)− gµ(x))P (dx) a.s..

Since, for each x, we have by Assumption 1.2 that d(x, ·) is weakly lower semi-continuous,

lim infn→∞

d(x, µnj ) ≥ d(x, µj).

By taking the minimum over j we have

lim infn→∞

gµn(x) =


lim infn→∞

d(x, µnj ) ≥k∧j=1

d(x, µj) = gµ(x)

a.s. as required. Therefore we have shown that the liminf inequality holds almost surely.The existence of a recovery sequence is trivial. Let µn = µ ∈ Xk. Then by the strong law of large numbers

lim supn

Pngµn = limnPngµ = Pgµ almost surely.

Now we have established almost sure Γ-convergence we establish the boundedness condition in Proposition 3.3so we can apply Theorem 2.1.

Proposition 3.3. Assuming the conditions of Theorem 3.2, there exists R > 0 such that


fn(µ) = min‖µ‖k≤R

fn(µ) ∀n sufficiently large

almost surely. In particular R is independent of n.

Proof. The structure of the proof is similar to [16, Lemma 2.1]. We argue by contradiction. In particular weargue that if a cluster center is unbounded then in the limit the minimum is achieved over the remaining k − 1cluster centers. We then use Assumption 1.4 to imply that adding an extra cluster center will strictly decrease theminimum, and hence we have a contradiction.

It is easy to show that at least one cluster center is uniformly bounded. We now show that all cluster centers areuniformly bounded. Assume that the cluster centers µn ∈ Xk are almost minimizers, i.e.

fn(µn) ≤ infµ∈Xk

fn(µ) + εn

for some sequence εn > 0 such thatlimn→∞

εn = 0. (5)

Assume that limn→∞

‖µn‖k =∞. There exists ln ∈ 1, . . . , k such that limn→∞

‖µnln‖X =∞. Fix x ∈ X then

d(x, µnln) ≥ m(‖µnln − x‖X)→∞.


Therefore, (5) implies that



d(x, µnj )−∧j 6=ln

d(x, µnj )

= 0.

By Fatou’s lemma with varying measure:

0 ≤ lim infn→∞

∫ k∧j=1

d(x, µnj )−∧j 6=ln

d(x, µnj )

Pn(dx) a.s.

and moreoverlim infn→∞

(fn (µn)− fn

((µnj )j 6=ln

))≥ 0 a.s., (6)

where we interpret fn accordingly. It suffices to demonstrate that

lim infn→∞


fn(µ)− infµ∈Xk−1


)< 0 (7)

for n sufficiently large almost surely. Indeed, if (7) holds, then

lim infn→∞

(fn (µn)− fn

((µnj )j 6=ln

))= limn→∞

(fn (µn)− inf

µ∈Xkfn(µ)︸ ︷︷ ︸


)+ lim inf



fn(µ)− fn((µnj )j 6=ln


<0 a.s. by (5) and (7),

but this contradicts (6).We now establish (7). By Assumption 1.4 there exists k centers µ†j ∈ X and δ1 > 0 such that minj 6=l ‖µ†j −

µ†l ‖X ≥ δ1. Hence for any µ ∈ Xk−1 there exists l ∈ 1, 2, . . . , k such that we have

‖µ†l − µj‖X ≥δ12

for j = 1, 2, . . . , k − 1.

Proceeding with this choice of l then for x ∈ B(µ†l , δ2) (for any δ2 ∈ (0, δ1/2)) we have

‖µj − x‖X ≥δ12− δ2

and therefore d(µj , x) ≥ m( δ12 − δ2) for all j = 1, 2, . . . , k − 1. Also

gl(µ) := minj=1,2,...,k−1

d(x, µj)− d(x, µ†l ) ≥ m(δ12− δ2)−M(δ2). (8)

So for δ2 sufficiently small there exists ε > 0 such that

gl(µ) ≥ ε.

Since the right hand side is independent of µ ∈ Xk−1 then


maxlgl(µ) ≥ ε.

Define the characteristic function

χµ(ξ) =

1 if ‖ξ − µ†l(µ)‖X < δ2

0 otherwise,

where l(µ) is the maximizer in (8). For each realization ξini=1 ⊂ X one obtains


fn(µ) = infµ∈Xk−1





d(ξi, µj)

≥ infµ∈Xk−1





d(ξi, µj) (1− χµ(ξi)) +(d(ξi, µ

†l(µ)) + ε


≥ infµ∈Xk

fn(µ) + ε minl=1,2,...,k

Pn(B(µ†l , δ2)).

Which since Pn(B(µ†l , δ2))→ P (B(µ†l , δ2)) > 0 implies (7).


We now easily prove convergence by application of Theorem 2.1.

Theorem 3.4. Assuming the conditions of Theorem 3.2 and Proposition 3.3 the minimization problem associatedwith the k-means method converges. I.e.


f∞(µ) = limn→∞


fn(µ) almost surely.

Furthermore for any sequence of minimizers µn of fn there exists a weakly converging subsequence µnm µ∞

where µ∞ minimizes f∞.

4 The Case of General YIn the previous section both the data ξi and cluster centers µj took values in a common space, X . We now removethis restriction and let ξi : Ω → X and µj ∈ Y . Typically we may want to use this framework to deal withfinite dimensional data and infinite dimensional cluster centers. This can lead to the variational problem havinguninformative minimizers.

In the previous section the cost function d was assumed to scale with the underlying norm. This is no longerappropriate when d : X × Y → [0,∞). In particular if we consider the smoothing-data association problem thenthe natural choice of d is a pointwise distance which will lead to the optimal cluster centers interpolating datapoints. Hence in any Hs norm with s ≥ 1 the optimal cluster centers “blow up”.

One possible solution would be to weaken the space to L2 and allow this type of behavior. This is undesirablefrom both modeling and mathematical perspectives: If we first consider the modeling point of view then we do notexpect our estimate to perfectly fit the data which is observed in the presence of noise. It is natural that the clustercenters are smoother than the data alone would suggest. It is desirable that the optimal clusters should reflect reality.From the mathematical point of view, restricting ourselves to only very weak spaces gives no hope of obtaining astrongly convergent subsequence.

An alternative approach is, as is common in the smoothing literature, to use a regularization term. This approachis also standard when dealing with ill-posed inverse problems. This changes the nature of the problem and sorequires some justification. In particular the scaling of the regularization with the data is of fundamental importance.In the following section we argue that scaling motivated by a simple Bayesian interpretation of the problem isnot strong enough (unsurprisingly, countable collections of finite dimensional observations do not carry enoughinformation to provide consistency when dealing with infinite dimensional parameters). In the form of a simpleexample we show that the optimal cluster center is unbounded in the large data limit when the regularization goesto zero sufficiently quickly. The natural scaling in this example is for the regularization to vary with the numberof observations as np for p ∈ [− 4

5 , 0]. We consider the case p = 0 in Section 4.2. This type of regularization isunderstood as penalized likelihood estimation [12].

Although it may seem undesirable for the limiting problem to depend upon the regularization it is unavoidablein ill-posed problems such as this one: there is not sufficient information, in even countably infinite collections ofobservations to recover the unknown cluster centers and exploiting known (or expected) regularity in these solutionsprovides one way to combine observations with qualitative prior beliefs about the cluster centers in a principledmanner. There are many precedents for this approach, including [13] in which the consistency of penalized splinesis studied using, what in this paper we call, the Γ-limit. In that paper a fixed regularization was used to definethe limiting problem in order to derive an estimator. Naturally, regularization strong enough to alter the limitingproblem influences the solution and we cannot hope to obtain consistent estimation in this setting, even in settingsin which the cost function can be interpreted as the log likelihood of the data generating process. In the settingof [13], the regularization is finally scaled to zero whereupon under assumptions the estimator converges to thetruth but such a step is not feasible in the more complicated settings considered here.

When more structure is available it may be desirable to further investigate the regularization. For example withk = 1 the non-parametric regression model is equivalent to the white noise model [6] for which optimal scaling ofthe regularization is known [1, 27]. It is the subject of further work to extend these results to k > 1.

With our redefined k-means type problem we can replicate the results of the previous section, and do so inTheorem 4.6. That is, we prove that the k-means method converges where Y is a general separable Banach spaceand in particular need not be equal to X .

This section is split into three subsections. In the first we motivate the regularization term. The second containsthe convergence theory in a general setting. The assumptions required in this subsection are non-trivial to meet soin the third subsection we show an application to a smoothing-data association problem.

4.1 RegularizationIn this section we use a toy k = 1 smoothing problem to motivate an approach to regularization which is adoptedin what follows. We assume that the cluster centers are periodic with equally spaced observations so we may use


a Fourier argument. For arbitrary sequences (an), (bn) and data Ψn = (tj , yj)nj=1 ⊂ [0, 1] × Rd we define thefunctional

fn(µ) = an


|µ(tj)− yj |2 + bn‖∂2µ‖2L2 . (9)

Data are points in space-time and the cluster center is a function µ : [0, 1] → Rd. The regularization is chosen sothat it penalizes the L2 norm of the second derivative. For simplicity, we employ deterministic measurement timestj in the following proposition although this lies outside the formal framework which we consider subsequently.Another simplification we make is to use convergence in expectation rather than almost sure convergence. Thissimplifies our arguments. We stress that this section is the motivation for the problem studied in Section 4.2.

Proposition 4.1. For data Ψn = (tj , yj)nj=1 with tj = jn under the assumption yj = m(tj) + εj for εj iid noise

with finite variance and m ∈ L2. If µ is 1-periodic then infµ fn(µ) defined by (9) stays bounded (in expectation) ifan = O( 1

n ) for any choice of bn.

Proof. The minimizer µn of fn is

µn =

(1 +




where γn = 16π4bnan

and µ, y are the Fourier transforms of µ, y respectively, i.e. for odd n we have

µ(t) =1




µke2πikt for t ∈ [0, 1]

yj =1




yke2πikjn for j = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1.

It follows that the minimum is

E (fn(µn)) =annE

(⟨(1 +



)−1y, y

⟩)≤ an


Ey2j . 2ann(‖m‖2L2 + Var(ε)


Similar expressions can be obtained for the case of even n.

Clearly the natural choice for an is

an =1


which we use from here. We let bn = λnp and therefore γn = 16π4λnp+1. We immediately have fn is boundedfor any choice of p. In our next proposition we show that for p ∈ [− 4

5 , 0] our minimizer is bounded in H2 whilstoutside this window the norm either blows up or the second derivative converges to zero. For simplicity in thecalculations we impose the further condition that m(t) = 0.

Proposition 4.2. In addition to the assumptions of Proposition 4.1 let an = 1n , bn = λnp, εj

iid∼ N(0, σ2) andassume that µn is the minimizer of fn.

1. For n sufficiently large there exists M1 > 0 such that for all p and n the L2 norm is bounded:

E‖µn‖2L2 ≤M1.

2. If p > 0 thenE‖∂2µn‖2L2 → 0 as n→∞.

If we further assume that m(t) = 0, then the following statements are true.

3. For all p ∈ [− 45 , 0] there exists M2 > 0 such that

E‖∂2µn‖2L2 ≤M2.

4. If p < − 45 then

E‖∂2µn‖2L2 →∞ as n→∞.


Proof. The first two statements follow from

E‖µn‖2L2 . 2(‖m‖2L2 + Var(ε)

)E‖∂2µn‖2L2 .



(‖m‖2L2 + Var(ε)

)which are easily shown. Statement 3 is shown after statement 4.

Following the calculation in the proof of Prop. 4.1 it is easily shown that

E‖∂2µn‖2L2 =16π4σ2





(1 + 16π4λnpk4)2=: S(n). (10)

To show S(n)→∞ we will manipulate the Riemann sum approximation of∫ 12

− 12


(1 + 16π4λx4)2dx = C

where 0 < C <∞. We have∫ 12

− 12


(1 + 16π4λx4)2dx = n1+


∫ 12n

−1− p4

− 12n

−1− p4


(1 + 16π4λn4+pw4)2dw where x = n1+


≈ n5p4


− p4



− p4


(1 + 16π4λnpk4)2=: R(n).

Therefore assuming p > −4 we have

S(n) ≥ 16π4σ2



So for 1 + 5p4 < 0 we have S(n)→∞. Since S(n) is monotonic in p then S(n)→∞ for all p < − 4

5 . This showsthat statement 4 is true.

Finally we establish the third statement. If p = − 45 then

S(n) = 16π4σ2R(n) +16π4σ2



152 c−1∑



(1 + 16π4λnpk4)2+


k=bn152 c+1


(1 + 16π4λnpk4)2

≤ 16π4σ2R(n) +


n15 (1 + π4λ)2


The remaining cases p ∈ [− 45 , 0] are a consequence of (10) which implies that p→ E(∂2µ) is non-increasing.

By the Poincare inequality we have shown that if p ≥ − 45 then the H2 norm of our minimizer stays bounded

as n →∞. Our final calculation in this section is to show that the regularization for p ∈ [− 45 , 0] is not too strong.

We have already shown that ‖∂2µn‖L2 is bounded (in expectation) in this case but we wish to make sure that wedon’t have the stronger result that ‖∂2µn‖L2 → 0.

Proposition 4.3. With the assumptions of Proposition 4.1 and an = 1n , bn = λnp with p ∈ [− 4

5 , 0] there exists achoice of m and a constant M > 0 such that if µn is the minimizer of fn then

E‖∂2µn‖2L2 ≥M. (11)

Proof. We only need to prove the proposition for p = 0 (the strongest regularization) and find one m such that (11)is true. Let m(t) = 2 cos(2πt) = e2πit + e−2πit. Then mk = 0 for k 6= ±1 and mk = n for k = ±1. So,

E‖∂2µn‖2L2 =16π4





1 + 16π4λk4E|yk|2






1 + 16π4λk4|mk|2


(1 + 16π4λ)2> 0.


We have shown that the minimizer is bounded for any p ≥ − 45 and ‖∂2µn‖L2 → 0 for p > 0. The case p > 0

is clearly undesirable as we would be restricting ourselves to straight lines. The natural scaling for this problem isin the range p ∈ [− 4

5 , 0]. In the remainder of this paper we consider the case p = 0. This has the advantage that notonly E‖∂2µn‖L2 but also fn(µn) is O(1) as n → ∞. In fact we will show that with this choice of regularizationwe do not need to choose k dependent on the data generating model. The regularization makes the methodologysufficiently robust to have convergence even for poor choices of k.

The disadvantage of this is to potentially increase the bias in the method. Since the k-means is already biasedwe believe the advantages of our approach outweigh the disadvantages. In particular we have in mind applicationswhere only a coarse estimate is needed. For example the k-means method may be used to initialize some otheralgorithm. Another application could be part of a decision making process: in Section 5.1 we show the k-meansmethodology can be used to determine whether two tracks have crossed.

4.2 Convergence For General YLet (X, ‖ · ‖X), (Y, ‖ · ‖Y ) be Banach spaces where X and Y are reflexive and X is separable. We will also assumethat the data points, Ψn = ξini=1 ⊂ X for i = 1, 2, . . . , n are iid random elements with common law P . As inSection 3 it is possible to generalize to the case where the ξi are not iid provided that there exists a measure P suchthat the empirical measure Pn ∗ P for P-almost every sequence of observations. As before µ = (µ1, µ2, . . . , µk)but now the cluster centers µj ∈ Y for each j. The cost function is d : X × Y → [0,∞).

The energy functions associated with the k-means algorithm in this setting are slightly different to those usedpreviously:

gµ : X → R, gµ(x) =


d(x, µj),

fn : Y k → R, fn(µ) = Pngµ + λr(µ), (12)

f∞ : Y k → R, f∞(µ) = Pgµ + λr(µ). (13)

The aim of this section is to show the convergence result:

θn = infµ∈Y k

fn(µ)→ infµ∈Y k

f∞(µ) = θ almost surely as n→∞.

The key assumptions are given in Assumptions 2; they imply that fn is weakly lower semi-continuous andcoercive.

Assumptions 2. We have the following assumptions on d : X × Y → [0,∞) and r : Y k → [0,∞).

1. For every x ∈ X we have that d(x, ·) is weakly lower semi-continuous.

2. For every y ∈ Y we have that d(·, y) is X -measurable.

3. r is weakly lower semi-continuous.

4. r is coercive.

5. For all ν ∈ Y we have that Pd(·, ν) <∞.

We will follow the structure of Section 3. We start by showing that under certain conditions fn Γ-convergesto f∞. We then show that the regularization term guarantees that the minimizers to fn lie in a bounded set. Anapplication of Theorem 2.1 gives the desired convergence result. Since we were able to restrict our analysis to aweakly compact subset of Y we are easily able to deduce the existence of a weakly convergent subsequence.

Similarly to the previous section on the product space Y k we use the norm ‖µ‖k := maxj ‖µj‖Y .

Theorem 4.4. Let (X, ‖ · ‖X) be a separable and reflexive Banach space and (Y, ‖ · ‖Y ) a reflexive Banach space.Assume r : Y k → [0,∞], d : X × Y → [0,∞) and the probability measure P on (X,X ) satisfy the conditions inAssumptions 2. For independent samples ξini=1 from P define Pn to be the empirical measure and fn : Y k → Rand f∞ : Y k → R by (12) and (13) respectively and where λ > 0. Then

f∞ = Γ- limnfn almost surely.

Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 3.2 since r and d(x, ·) are weakly lower semi-continuous byassumption.

Proposition 4.5. Assuming the conditions of Theorem 4.4, there exists R > 0 such that

minµ∈Y k

fn(µ) = min‖µ‖k≤R

fn(µ) < inf‖µ‖k>R

fn(µ) ∀n sufficiently large

almost surely. In particular R is independent of n.


Proof. Pick ν = (ν1, ν1, . . . , ν1) ∈ Y k then observe that fn(ν) <∞ by Assumption 2.5. By coercivity of r thereexists R such that if ‖µ‖k > R then λr(µ) ≥ fn(ν) + 1. Hence fn(µ) ≥ fn(ν) + 1. Any minimizer µn of fn musttherefore satisfy ‖µn‖k ≤ R.

The convergence results now follows by applying Theorem 4.4 and Proposition 4.5 to Theorem 2.1.

Theorem 4.6. Assuming the conditions of Theorem 4.4 and Proposition 4.5 the k-means method converges in thefollowing sense:

minµ∈Y k

f∞(µ) = limn→∞

minµ∈Y k

fn(µ) almost surely.

Furthermore for any sequence of minimizers µn of fn there exists a weakly converging subsequence µnm µ∞

where µ∞ minimizes f∞.

It was not necessary to assume that cluster centers are in the same space. A trivial generalization would alloweach µj ∈ Y (j) with the cost and regularization terms appropriately defined; in this setting Theorem 4.6 holds.

4.3 Application to the Smoothing-Data Association ProblemIn this section we give an application to the smoothing-data association problem and show the assumptions in theprevious section are met. For k = 1 the smoothing problem is the problem of fitting a curve to a data set. For k > 1we couple the smoothing problem with a data association problem. Each data point is associated with an unknownmember of a collection of k curves. Solving the problem involves simultaneously estimating both the data partition(i.e. the association of observations to curves) and the curve which best fits each subset of the data. By treating thecurve of best fit as the cluster center we are able to approach this problem using the k-means methodology. Thedata points are points in space-time whilst cluster centers are functions from time to space.

We let the Euclidean norm on Rd be given by | · |. Let X = R × Rd be the data space. We will subsequentlyassume that the support of P , the common law of our observations, is contained within X = [0, T ] × X ′ whereX ′ ⊂ [−N,N ]d. We define the cluster center space to be Y = H2([0, T ]), the Sobolev space of functions from[0, T ] to Rd. Clearly X is separable and reflexive and Y is reflexive. Since the support of P is contained in([0, T ]× [−N,N ]d)n we may redefine Y to be:

Y = µj ∈ H2([0, T ]) : |µj(t)| ≤ N ∀t ∈ [0, T ]. (14)

The cost function d : X × Y → [0,∞) is defined by

d(ξ, µj) = |y − µj(t)|2 (15)

where µj ∈ Y and ξ = (t, y) ∈ X . We introduce a regularization term that penalizes the second derivative. This isa common choice in the smoothing literature, e.g. [23]. The regularization term r : Y k → [0,∞) is given by

r(µ) =


‖∂2µj‖2L2 . (16)

The k-means energy fn for data points ξi = (ti, yi)ni=1 is therefore written

fn(µ) =1




d(ξi, µj) + λr(µ) =1




|yi − µj(ti)|2 + λ


‖∂2µj‖2L2 . (17)

Which we show will Γ-converge P-almost surely to

f∞(µ) =



d(x, µj)P (dx) + λr(µ) =



|y − µj(t)|2P (dx) + λ


‖∂2µj‖2L2 . (18)

We start with the key result for this section, that is the existence of a weakly converging subsequence of minimizers.Our result relies upon the regularity of Sobolev functions. For our result to be meaningful we require that theminimizer should at least be continuous. In fact every g ∈ H2([0, T ]) is in Cs([0, T ]) for any s < 3

2 . Theregularity in the space allows us to further deduce the existence of a strongly converging subsequence.

Theorem 4.7. LetX = [0, T ]×Rd and define Y by (14). Define d : X×Y → [0,∞) by (15) and r : Y k → [0,∞)by (16). For independent samples ξini=1 from P which has compact support X ⊂ X define Pn to be the empiricalmeasure and fn, f∞ : Y k → R by (17) and (18) respectively.

Then (1) for any sequence of minimizers µn ∈ Y k of P-almost any fn, there exists a weakly converging (in H2)subsequence to some µ∞ ∈ Y k that minimizes f∞ and (2) after potentially passing to a further subsequence theconvergence is uniform (in C0).


To prove the first part of Theorem 4.7 we are required to check that d(x, ·) is weakly lower semi-continuous(Proposition 4.8) and r is weakly lower semi-continuous and coercive (Proposition 4.9). This statement is then astraightforward application of Theorem 4.6. Note that we will have shown the result of Theorem 4.4 holds:f∞ =Γ- limn fn.

In what follows we check that properties hold for any x ∈ X , which should be understood as implying that theyhold for P -almost any x ∈ X; this is sufficient for our purposes as the collection of sequences ξ1, . . . for whichone or more observations lies in the complement of X is P-null and the support of Pn is P-almost surely containedwithin X .

Proposition 4.8. Let X = [0, T ] × [−N,N ]d and define Y by (14). Define d : X × Y → [0,∞) by (15). Thend(x, ·) is weakly lower semi-continuous for any x ∈ X .

Proof. Fix x = (t, y) ∈ X . We are required to show that for sequences µn1 , µ1 ∈ Y if µn1 µ1 then

d(x, µ1) = |y − µ1(t)| ≤ lim infn→∞

|y − µn1 (t)| = lim infn→∞

d(x, µn1 ). (19)

We start by showing that the sequence ‖µn1‖Y is bounded in H2. Each µn1 can be associated with Λn ∈ Y ∗∗ byΛn(ν) = ν(µn1 ) for ν ∈ Y ∗. As µn1 is weakly convergent it is weakly bounded. So,

supn∈N|Λn(ν)| = sup

n∈N|ν(µn1 )| ≤Mν

for some Mν <∞. By the uniform boundedness principle [8]

supn∈N‖Λn‖Y ∗∗ <∞.

And so,supn∈N‖µn1‖Y = sup

n∈N‖Λn‖Y ∗∗ <∞.

Hence there exists M > 0 such that ‖µn1‖Y ≤M . Therefore

|µn1 (r)− µn1 (s)| =∣∣∣∣∫ r


∂µn1 dt∣∣∣∣ ≤ ∫ r


|∂µn1 | dt =

∫ T


I[s,r] |∂µn1 | dt ≤ ‖I[s,r]‖L2 ‖∂µn1‖L2 ≤M√|r − s|.

Since µn1 is uniformly bounded and equi-continuous then by the Arzela–Ascoli theorem there exists a uniformlyconverging subsequence, say µnm1 → ν. By uniqueness of the weak limit µ1 = ν. But this implies that

|y − µn1 (t)| → |y − µ1(t)|,

and thereby (19). Therefore d(x, ·) is weakly lower semi-continuous as required.

Proposition 4.9. Define Y by (14) and r : Y k → [0,∞) by (16). Then r is weakly lower semi-continuous andcoercive.

Proof. We start by showing r is weakly lower semi-continuous. For any weakly converging sequence µn1 µ1 inH2 we have that ∂2µn1 ∂2µ1 weakly in L2. Hence it follows that r is weakly lower semi-continuous.

To show r is coercive let r(µ1) = ‖∂2µ1‖2L2 for µ1 ∈ Y . We will show r is coercive. Let µ1 ∈ Y and notethat since µ1 ∈ C1 the first derivative exists (strongly). Clearly we have ‖µ1‖L2 ≤ N

√T and using a Poincare

inequality ∥∥∥∥∥dµ1

dt− 1


∫ T





≤ C‖∂2µ1‖L2

for some C independent of µ1. Therefore∥∥∥∥dµ1



≤ C‖∂2µ1‖L2 +

∣∣∣∣∣ 1


∫ T




∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ C‖∂2µ1‖L2 +2N


It follows that if ‖µ1‖H2 →∞ then ‖∂2µ1‖L2 →∞, hence r is coercive.

Finally, the existence of a strongly convergent subsequence in Theorem 4.7 follows from the uniform bound-edness (in L∞) and the equi-continuity shown in Proposition 4.8. By the Arzela–Ascoli Theorem there exists auniformly convergent subsequence.


5 Examples

5.1 Example 1: A Smoothing-Data Association ProblemWe use the k-means method to solve a smoothing-data association problem. For each j = 1, 2, . . . , k we takefunctions xj : [0, T ]×R for j = 1, 2, . . . , k as the “true” cluster centers, and for sample times tji for i = 1, 2, . . . nj ,uniformly distributed over [0, T ], we let

yji = xj(tji ) + εji

where εji are iid noise terms.The observations take the form ξi = (ti, yi) for i = 1, 2, . . . , n =

∑kj=1 nj where we have relabeled the

observations to remove the (unobserved) target reference. We model the observations with density (with respect tothe Lebesgue measure)

p((t, y)) =1

TI[0,T ](t)


wjpε(y − xj(t))

on R × R where pε denotes the common density of the εji and wj denotes the probability that an observation isgenerated by trajectory j. We let each cluster center be equally weighted: wj = 1

k . The cluster centers were fixedand in particular did not vary between Monte Carlo trials.

When the noise is bounded this is precisely the problem described in Section 4.2 with d = 1, hence the problemconverges. We use a truncated Gaussian noise term.

In the theoretical analysis of the algorithm we have considered only the minimization problem associated withthe k-means algorithm; of course minimizing complex functionals of the form of fn is itself a challenging problem.Practically, we adopt the usual k-means strategy [19] of iteratively assigning data to the closest of a collection ofk centers and then re-estimating each center by finding the center which minimizes the average regularized cost ofthe observations currently associated with that center. As the energy function is bounded below and monotonicallydecreasing over each step of this algorithm, this iteration converges to a local minimum, but not necessarily to aglobal minimum.

More precisely, in the particular example considered here we employ the following iterative procedure:

1. Initialize ϕ0 arbitrarily.

2. For a given data partition ϕr : 1, 2, . . . , n → 1, 2, . . . , k we independently find the cluster centersµr = (µr1, µ

r2, . . . , µ

rk) where each µrj ∈ H2([0, T ]) by

µrj = argminµj


|yi − µj(ti)|2 + λ‖∂2µj‖2L2 for j = 1, 2, . . . , k.

The above is approximated using cubic splines.

3. Data is repartitioned using the cluster centers µr

ϕr+1(i) = argminj=1,2,...,k

|yi − µrj(ti)|.

4. If ϕr+1 6= ϕr then return to Step 2.

To evaluate the success of the methodology when dealing with a finite sample of n data points we look at howmany iterations are required to reach convergence (defined as an assignment which is unchanged over the course ofan algorithmic iteration), the number of data points correctly associated, the metric

η(n) =1


√√√√ k∑j=1

‖µj − xj‖2L2

and the energyθn = fn(µ)


fn(µ) =1




|yi − µj(ti)|2 + λ


‖∂2µj‖2L2 .

Figure 1 shows the raw data and output of the k-means algorithm for one realization of the model. Monte Carlotrials for increasing numbers of data points, shown in Figure 2, illustrate that as measured by η the performance ofthe k-means method improves with the size of the available data set, as do the proportion of data points correctlyassigned. The minimum energy stabilizes as the size of the data set increases, although the algorithm does take


Figure 1: Smoothed Data Association trajectory results for the k-Means Method.

0 2 4 6 8 10−40






0 2 4 6 8 10−40






The figure on the left shows the raw data with the data generating model. That on the right shows the output ofthe k-means algorithm. The parameters used are: k = 3, T = 10, εji from a N(0, 5) truncated at ±100, λ = 1,x1(t) = −15− 2t+ 0.2t2, x2(t) = 5 + t and x3(t) = 40.

Figure 2: Convergence of the k-means method for 103 Monte Carlo trials.


0 1,500 3,0000


















0 1,500 3,0000








0 1,500 3,00020




θ n

Convergence results for the parameters given in Figure 1. In (a) the dotted line corresponds to the number of iterationstaken for the method to converge and the solid line corresponds to the percentage of data points correctly identified. (b)shows the median value of η(n) (solid), interquartile range (box) and the interval between the 5% and 95% percentiles(whiskers). (c) shows the mean minimum energy θn (solid) and the 10% and 90% quantiles (dashed). The energyassociated with the data generating model is also shown (long dashes). In order to increase the chance of finding aglobal minimum for each Monte Carlo trial ten different initializations were tried and the one that had the smallestenergy on termination was recorded.


more iterations for the method to converge. We also note that the energy of the data generating functions is higherthan the minimum energy.

Since the iterative k-means algorithm described above selects not necessarily global minima of the optimizationproblem, we tested the algorithm on two targets that intersect paths as shown in Figure 3. The data associationhypotheses corresponding to correct and incorrect associations, after the crossing point, correspond to two localminima. The observation window [0, T ] was expanded to investigate the convergence to the correct data associationhypothesis. To enable this to be described in more detail we introduce the crossing and non-crossing energies:

Ec =1


Enc =1


where µc and µnc are the k-means centers for the crossing (correct) and non-crossing (incorrect) solutions. To allowthe association performance to be quantified, we therefore define the relative energy

∆E = Ec − Enc.

Figure 3: Crossing Tracks in the k-Means Method.

0 2 4 6 8 10−50





0 2 4 6 8 10−50





Typical data sets for times up to Tmax with cluster centers, fitted up till T , exhibiting crossing and non-crossingbehaviour. The parameters used are k = 2, Tmin = 9.6 ≤ T ≤ 11 = Tmax, εji

iid∼ N(0, 5), x1(t) = −20 + t2 andx2(t) = 20 + 4t. There are n = 220 data points uniformly distributed over [0, 11] with 110 observations for eachtrack.

Figure 4: Energy Differences in Crossing Tracks in the k-Means Method.

9.8 10 10.2 10.4 10.6 10.8 11−2



















Mean results are shown for data obtained using the parameters given in Figure 3 for times, T , between Tmin and Tmax.The solid line shows the mean ∆E. The dashed line shows the percentage of times we correctly identified the tracksas crossing. Results were obtained by generating data and applying the k-means method until we had 103 estimatesthat crossed tracks and 103 estimates that did not.

The results in Figure 4 show that initially the better solution to the k-means minimization problem is the onethat incorrectly partitions the tracks after the intersection. However, as time is run forward the k-means favors thepartition that correctly associates tracks to targets. This is reflected in both an increase in ∆E and the percentageof outputs that correctly identify the switch. Our results show that the energy difference between the two minimagrows linearly with time. However, when we look which minima the k-means algorithm finds our results suggestthat after time T ≈ 10.4 the probability of finding the correct minima stabilizes at approximately 64%. Of coursethe energy itself correctly identifies the correct minimum for times greater than 9.8.


5.2 Example 2: Passive Electromagnetic Source TrackingIn the previous example the data is simply a linear projection of the trajectories. In contrast, here we considerthe more general case where the measurement X and model Y spaces are very different; being connected by acomplicated mapping that results in a very non-linear cost function d. While the increased complexity of the costfunction does lead to a (linear in data size) increase in computational cost, the problem is equally amenable to ourapproach.

In this example we consider the tracking of targets that periodically emit radio pulses as they travel on a twodimensional surface. These emissions are detected by an array of (three) sensors that characterize the detectedemissions in terms of ‘time of arrival’, ‘signal amplitude’ and the ‘identity of the sensor making the detection’.

Expressed in this way, the problem has a structure which does not fall directly within the framework which thetheoretical results of previous sections covers. In particular, the observations are not independent (we have exactlyone from each target in each measurement interval), they are not identically distributed and they do not admit anempirical measure which is weakly convergent in the large data limit.

This formulation could be refined so that the problem did fall precisely within the framework; but only at theexpense of losing physical clarity. This is not done but as shall be seen below, even in the current formulation,good performance is obtained. This gives some confidence that k-means like strategies in general settings, at leastwhen the qualitatively important features of the problem are close to those considered theoretically, and gives someheuristic justification for the lack of rigor.

Three sensors receive amplitude and time of arrival from each target with periodicity τ . Data at each sensor arepoints in R2 whilst the cluster centers (trajectories) are time parametrized curves in a different R2 space.

In the generating model, for clarity we again index the targets in the observed amplitude and time of arrival.However we again assume that this identity is not observed and this notation is redefined (identities suppressed)when we apply the k-means method.

Let xj(t) ∈ R2 be the position of target j for j = 1, 2, . . . k at time t ∈ [0, T ]. In every time frame of length τeach target emits a signal which is detected at three sensors. The time difference from the start of the time frameto when the target emits this signal is called the time offset. The time offset for each target is a constant which wecall oj for j = 1, 2, . . . , k. Target j therefore emits a signal at times

tj(m) = mτ + oj

for m ∈ N such that tj(m) ≤ T . Note that this is not the time of arrival and we do not observe tj(m).Sensor p at position yp detects this signal some time later and measures the time of arrival tpj (m) ∈ [0, T ] and

amplitude apj (m) ∈ R from target j. The time of arrival is

tpj (m) = mτ + oj +|xj(m)− yp|

c+ εpj (m) = tj(m) +

|xj(m)− yp|c

+ εpj (m)

where c is the speed of the signal and εpj (m) are iid noise terms with variance σ2. The amplitude is

apj (m) = log

|xj(m)− yp|2 + β

)+ δpj (m)

where α and β are constants and δpj (m) are iid noise terms with variance ν2. We assume the parameters α, β, c, σ,τ , ν and yp are known.

To simplify the notation Πqx : R2 → R is the projection of x onto it’s qth coordinate for q = 1, 2. I.e. theposition of target j at time t can be written xj(t) = (Π1xj(t),Π2xj(t)).

In practice we do not know to which target each observation corresponds. We use the k-means method topartition a set ξi = (ti, ai, pi)ni=1 into the k targets. Note the relabeling of indices; ξi = (ti, ai, pi) is the time ofarrival ti, amplitude ai and sensor pi of the ith detection. The cluster centers are in a function-parameter productspace µj = (xj(t), oj) ∈ C0([0, T ];R2)× [0, τ) ⊂ C0([0, T ];R2)×R that estimates the jth target’s trajectory andtime offset. The k-means minimization problem is

µn = argminµ∈(C0×[0,τ))k





d(ξi, µj)

for a choice of cost function d. If we look for cluster centers as straight trajectories then we can restrict ourselvesto functions of the form xj(t) = xj(0) + vjt and consider the cluster centers as finite dimensional objects. Thisallows us to redefine our minimization problem as

µn = argminµ∈(R4×[0,τ))k





d(ξi, µj)


so that now µj = (xj(0), vj , oj) ∈ R2 × R2 × [0, τ). We note that in this finite dimensional formulation it isnot necessary to include a regularization term; a feature already anticipated in the definition of the minimizationproblem.

For µj = (xj , vj , oj) we define the cost function

d((t, a, p), µj) = ((t, a)− ψ(µj , p,m))

(1σ2 00 1



)− ψ(µj , p,m)T

)where m = maxn ∈ N : nτ ≤ t,

ψ(µj , p,m) =

(|xj +mτvj − yp|

c+ oj +mτ, log

|xj +mτvj − yp|2 + β

))and superscript T denotes the transpose.

We initialize the partitions by uniformly randomly choosing ϕ0 : 1, 2, . . . , n → 1, 2, . . . , k. At the rth

iteration the k-means minimization problem is then partitioned into k independent problems

µrj = argminµj


d((ti, ai, pi), µ0j ) for 1 ≤ j ≤ k.

A range of initializations for µj are used to increase the chance of the method converging to a global minimum.For optimal centers conditioned on partition ϕr−1 we can define the partition ϕr to be the optimal partition of

(ti, ai, pi)ni=1 conditioned on centers (µrj) by solving

ϕr : 1, 2, . . . , n → 1, 2, . . . , ki 7→ argmin

j=1,2,...,kd((ti, ai, pi), µ


The method has converged when ϕr = ϕr−1 for some r. Typical simulated data and resulting trajectories areshown in Figure 5.

To illustrate the convergence result achieved above we performed a test on a set of data simulated from the samemodel as in Figure 5. We sample ns observations from (ti, ai, pi)ni=1 and compare our results as ns → n. Letxns(t) = (xns1 (t), . . . , xnsk (t)) be the position output by the k-means method described above using ns data pointsand x(t) = (x1(t), . . . , xk(t)) be the true values of each cluster center. We use the metric

η(ns) =1


√√√√ k∑j=1

‖xnsj − xj‖2L2

to measure how close the estimated position is to the exact position. Note we do not use the estimated time offsetgiven by the first model. The number of iterations required for the method to converge is also recorded. Results areshown in Figure 6.

In this example the data has enough separation that we are always able to recover the true data partition. Wealso see improvement in our estimated cluster centers and convergence of the minimum energy as we increase thesize of the data. Finding global minima is difficult and although we run the k-means method from multiple startingpoints we sometimes only find local minima. For ns

n = 0.3 we see the effect of finding local minima. In thiscase only one Monte Carlo trial produces a bad result, but the error η is so great (around 28 times greater than theaverage) that it can be seen in the mean result shown in Figure 6(c).

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Figure 5: Representative Data and Resulting Tracks for the Passive Tracking Example.

0 200 400 600 800 1,0000











Sensor 1 Time of arrival

−12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12




Sensor 1 Sensor 2

Sensor 3




0 200 400 600 800 1,00012










Sensor 1 Amplitude

0 200 400 600 800 1,00012.2








Sensor 2 Amplitude

0 200 400 600 800 1,0000











Sensor 2 Time of arrival

0 200 400 600 800 1,0000











Sensor 3 Time of arrival

0 200 400 600 800 1,00014









Sensor 3 Amplitude

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Figure 6: Monte Carlo Convergence Results.


0 0.5 12





















0 0.5 10







0 0.5 11.8






θ n

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