Algebraic Braids and Geometric Representation...

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Algebraic Braids and Geometric Representation Theory

Minh-Tâm Quang Trinh

University of Chicago

Plane Curves

The curve C , below, is singular at (0, 0).

y2 = x5.

To picture its solutions over R, graph it. What about over C?

Imagine x = reiθ ∈ C, where r > 0 is very small.

θ runs from 0 to 2π x runs around a circle x5 runs around five times as fast roots y = ±x 5

2 swap five times

∴ The preimage of a small circle around the origin of C is a braidedcircle (on 2 strands) around the singularity of C .


To the left is a picture of C ⊆ C4, projected into R3. To the right isthe braided circle, projected onto the complex x-axis.

Images from:


Above any small circle in the complex x-axis, a plane curve

yn + a1(x)yn−1 + · · ·+ an−1(x)y + an(x) = 0

gives rise to the annular closure of a braid on n strands.

Equivalently, an element of the group Brn up to conjugation.

Q How is the geometry of the curve reflected by the topology of thebraid closure—equivalently, the algebra of the conjugacy class?

A (Newton–Puiseux) Not all conjugacy classes in Brn arise this way.To arise from a plane algebraic curve is a strong constraint.


Consider an abstract singularity (C , 0).

For each ` ≥ 0, there is a variety Hilb`(C , 0) whose points classify`-dimensional quotients of the ring of functions OC,0.

The link of (C , 0) is the embedded 1-manifold

λC,0 = S3 ∩ C ↪→ S3,

where S3 is any small 3-sphere centered at 0. Links that arise this wayare called algebraic links.

Conj (Oblomkov–Shende) The series∑`≥0 q`χ(Hilb`(C , 0)) only

depends on λC,0, or more precisely, its homfly polynomial.∗

Thm (Maulik) The Oblomkov–Shende conjecture is true.∗ Above, χ denotes Euler characteristic.


Ex Let (C , 0) be the singularity of y4 − 2x3y2 − 4x5y + x6 − x7 = 0at the origin. Puiseux expansion shows

OC,0 ' C[[t4, t6 + t7]].

The coefficients of homfly(λC,0) ∈ Z((q))[a±1]:

q−8q−7q−6q−5q−4q−3q−2q−1q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8

a16 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1−a18 1 1 2 2 4 3 5 3 5 3 4 2 2 1 1a20 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 1−a22 1 1 1

The a16 row equals q−8(1− q)∑` q`χ(Hilb`(C , 0)).

Rem In full, Oblomkov–Shende–Maulik incorporate a as well as q.


Maulik’s proof is inductive. Using blowups, he reduces to the caseyn = xm, which Oblomkov–Shende checked combinatorially. Still:

Q What is homfly and why should it appear at all?

A When C takes the form

yn + a1(x)yn−1 + · · ·+ an−1(x)y + an(x) = 0,

both Hilb`(C , 0) and homfly(λC ,0) can be related to the geometricrepresentation theory of GLn. More precisely, its Springer theory.

This viewpoint leads to a new conjecture that is stronger and alsogeneralizes to any reductive algebraic group G.


Springer Fibers

Let G be a complex reductive group with Lie algebra g.

Let B be the flag variety and let W be the Weyl group.

Each element x ∈ g induces a vector field on B, with fixed-point locus

Bx = {B ∈ B : x ∈ Lie(B)}.

For x generic, we have a simply-transitive action W y Bx .

For x nilpotent, W 6y Bx . Yet Springer showed W y H∗(Bx). Let

Sprx(q) =∑i≥0

qiH2i(Bx) ∈ K0(W )[q],

where K0(W ) is the representation ring.


Let G = GL4, so that W = S4. Irr(S4) = {1, φ, χ, εφ, ε}.

A certain Z[q]-linear combination of the Sprx(q):

q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10 q11 q12 q13 q14 q15 q16

1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1φ 1 1 2 2 4 3 5 3 5 3 4 2 2 1 1χ 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 2 1εφ 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 1ε 1 1 1

Compare to the homfly polynomial we saw earlier:

q−8q−7q−6q−5q−4q−3q−2q−1q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8

a16 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1−a18 1 1 2 2 4 3 5 3 5 3 4 2 2 1 1a20 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 1−a22 1 1 1


Let [Brn] be the set of conjugacy classes of Brn. We define a function

ann : [Brn]→ K0(Sn)[[q]].

Thm-Def 1 If β is a positive braid, then

ann(β) = 1|G(Fq)|

∑nilpotent x


where B(β)x is a certain variety over Fq generalizing Bx .

Thm 2 If a link λ ⊆ R3 is the closure of a braid β ∈ Brn, then

(q 12 a−1)|β|−n+1homfly(λ) =


(−a2)i(Λi(φ),ann(β))Sn ,

where |β| is the writhe and φ is the standard irrep Sn y Cn−1.


Sketch of Thm 2 Let R be the vector space of functions B(Fq)→ C.The Hecke algebra of GLn is

Hn = EndGLn(Fq)(R).

Each transposition si = (i, i + 1) ∈ Sn defines a braid βi ∈ Brn and anoperator Ti ∈ Hn. There is a map Brn → H×n that sends βi 7→ Ti .

(Jones–Ocneanu) We can construct homfly via trace functions

trn : Hn → C[q±1](a).

Such traces are C[q±1](a)-linear combinations of irreps of Hn, closelyrelated to irreps of GLn(Fq).

(Kazhdan) We can relate Deligne–Lusztig reps of G(Fq) to Springerreps of its Weyl group W .


Artin Braids

The function ann can be generalized to any other G.

Let t ⊆ g be a Cartan. As a reflection group, W y t.

Let t◦ ⊆ t be the complement of the hyperplanes of reflection. TheArtin braid group is

BrW = π1(t◦/W ).

In this generality, there is a function ann : [BrW ]→ K0(W )[[q]].

Ex If G = GLn, then W = Sn and t = Cn.

∴ t◦/W = Confn(C), the n-point configuration space of C.

∴ BrW = Brn.


Let η = SpecC((x)), an infinitesimal loop.

A plane curve f (x, y) = yn +∑

i ai(x)yn−i = 0 gives rise to a map

η → Confn(C),

sending infinitesimal x to the n-tuple of roots y such that f (x, y) = 0.On profinite π1’s, we have:

Z → [Brn]1 7→ [β]

[β] is roughly the braid conjugacy class from the beginning of the talk.

In general, a : η → t◦/W induces a conjugacy class [βa] ∈ [BrW ].

Artin braids that arise this way, we call algebraic braids.


Affine Springer Fibers

Maps η → t◦/W appear in an “affine” analogue of Springer theory.

The loop group LG is the infinite-dimensional group of maps η → G.The analogue of the flag variety B is a symmetric space

LG y Baff .

Any map a : η → t◦/W lifts to a map η → g.

∴ Vector field on Baff with finite-dimensional fixed-point locus

Baffa ⊆ Baff .

The affine Weyl group W n X∗ acts on H∗(Baffa ).


To recap, a : η → t◦/W defines:

• A conjugacy class [βa] ∈ [BrW ]. ≈ [βa] ∈ [BrW ]• A scheme Baffa .

Q How is the geometry of Baffa reflected by the topology of a, orequivalently, the algebra of [βa]?

Thm 3 dimBaffa only depends on [βa], not on a.

Sketch of Thm 3 Bezrukavnikov showed

dimBaffa = ordx Da − dim t + dim twa

for some divisor Da → SpecC[[x]] and element wa ∈W .

Show that ordx Da = |βa| and that BrW �W sends [βa] 7→ [wa].


As for W y H∗(Baffa ):

Conj If a is elliptic, then Hi(Baffa ) admits a W -equivariant filtrationP≤∗ such that

Spraffa (q) =∑i,j≥0

(−1)iqj grPj Hi(Baffa ) ∈ K0(W )[q]

contains ann(βa) as a large summand.

Rem When G is semisimple, ellipticity means twa = 0.

Rem P≤∗ should arise via Ngô’s homeomorphism relating affineSpringer fibers with Hitchin fibers—that is, from the perverse filtrationof the direct image complex of a Hitchin fibration.

Rem There’s a bivariate version in variables q and t.


For G = SLn, a map a : η → t◦/W defines:

• A plane curve germ Ca → SpecC[[x]].• A conjugacy class [βa] ⊆ [Brn].• A scheme Baffa such that Sn y H∗(Baffa ).

Here, a is elliptic ⇐⇒ Ca is unibranch.

Thm (Maulik–Yun) The filtration P≤∗ is canonical. For elliptic a,∑`≥0

q`χ(Hilb`(Ca, 0)) = 11− q · (1,Spr

affa (q))Sn .

So our conjecture recovers Oblomkov–Shende–Maulik.


Periodic Braids

The simplest case of Oblomkov–Shende is yn = xm. Here, the braidcloses up into the (m,n)-torus link.

For m = n, the braid is called the full twist. It is central in Brn.

For general W , there is an analogous element

π ∈ BrW .

Def β ∈ BrW is periodic of slope mn iff βn = πm.

It is a fractional twist iff β = γm and π = γn for some γ ∈ BrW .

Conj Periodic ⇐⇒ fractional twist. (True for W = Sn.)


It turns out fractional twists are related to rational Cherednik algebras.For all c ∈ C, this is an algebra

Aratc ⊇ C[W ].

It is a deformation of Arat0 ' C[W ] nD(t).

Its rep theory closely resembles that of a semisimple Lie algebra.

Each irrep φ ∈ Irr(W ) gives rise to Aratc -modules

Verma ∆c(φ) � simple Lc(φ).

Each Aratc -module M has a graded character [M ]q ∈ K0(W )(q 1

2 ).

Rep theorists try to express the [Lc(φ)]q in terms of the [∆c(φ)]q.


Thm 4 If β ∈ BrW is a fractional twist of slope mn , then

(q 12 )r−|β|ann(β) =

∑φ∈Irr(W )


for some Dφ(q) ∈ Q[q]. Contains [Lm/n(1)]q with multiplicity one.

If n � 0 in lowest terms, then (q 12 )r−|β|ann(β) = [Lm/n(1)]q.

Rem Recovers theorem of Varagnolo–Vasserot–Etingof on the valuesof c such that Lc(1) is finite-dimensional.

Rem The Dφ(q) are the so-called generic degrees of the unipotentprincipal series of G(Fq).



C× y t◦ induces C× y t◦/W .

a : η → t◦/W is homogeneous of slope mn iff

a(tnx) = tm · a(x)

for all t ∈ C×. In this case, C× y Baffa .

Lem If a is homogeneous of slope mn , then βa ∈ BrW is a fractional

twist of slope mn .

∴ Fractional twists are algebraic braids.

Conj (T–Bapat–Deopurkar–Licata) Nielsen–Thurston classification inBrW , such that algebraic braids are always periodic or reducible.


Assume G is almost-simple and simply-connected.

For homogeneous elliptic a of slope mn , Oblomkov–Yun exhibit

• A finite group Sa y Baffa .• An action Arat

m/n y grP∗ H∗ε=1(Baffa )Sa ,

where H∗ε=1 is a specialization of C×-equivariant cohomology.

Construction uses comparison to a Hitchin fiber for P(n, 1).

Thm (Oblomkov–Yun) Lm/n(1) ↪→ grP∗ H∗ε=1(Baffa )Sa .

For n the Coxeter number of W , this inclusion is an isomorphism.

Cor (T) Infinitely many cases where Spraffa (q)Sa = ann(βa).


Ex Take G = SL2, so that W = S2 and Irr(S2) = {1, ε}.

Nilpotent orbits in sl2: Orbits of 0 = ( 0 00 0 ) and e = ( 0 1

0 0 ).

Have a such that Ca = {y2 = x5} and Baffa ' P2 tP1 (P1 × P1).

Spraffa (q) =∑

i,j≥0 (−1)iqj grPj Hi(Baffa ) = q2[L5/2(1)]q

= (1 + q2 + q4) + (q + q3)ε

ann(βa) = |B(βa)0(Fq)||G(Fq)| Spr0(q) + (q2 − 1) |B(βa)e(Fq)|

|G(Fq)| Spre(q)

= (1 + q2) · (1 + qε) + q4 · 1

Above, B(βa)x = {z ∈ (P1)5 : x · z5 6= z1 6= z2 6= · · · 6= z5}.

P = W in the sense of nonabelian Hodge theory?


Special thanks to Reid Harris and Rachel McEnroe for their feedback onan earlier draft of this talk.

My greatest thanks goes to my mentors, Professor Bao-Châu Ngô andProfessor Victor Ginzburg, for their guidance and support, and to my

parents, for their enormous sacrifices on my behalf.

Thank you for listening.